Freelancing Assignment 2 This time around I felt a bit more comfortable with the website because I had already added all my personal info the time before so all I needed to do was log in. As I was scrolling through the Elance website there were many job postings that I was totally unqualified for and that made me discouraged. I get totally discouraged with data entry and website development that I felt I wasn’t qualified but then I found one. The job that I enquired about was labeled as High Quality Business Card Design. When I was perusing hairdressing I took a couple weeks designing the best business card I could create so I felt excited about this job.
The fallowing is my pitch to the author‌ Hello there! My name is Sarah; I am a senior at Cal Baptist and am looking for a fun project that I can use not only for an assignment but to also utilize my creative design gift. Making business cards is something I perfected and they are something that I always critique when I see them. It would be my pleasure to help develop the perfect card for you. You may contact me from my Elance account info.
Thank you for your time, Sarah! This time around I felt confident in my approach and am looking forward to hearing back from the author. If I could make 20$ off of this it would be a win win.