Portfolio Sarah Thiel

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Hello! My name is Sarah Thiel. Thank you very much for taking interest in my portfolio. After my graduation in Architecture, Urbanism & Building Sciences at TU Delft in June 2016, I started working as a volunteer architect in Namibia, to help develop the modular concept of MOME housing with architect Roel Rutgers to improve the living conditions in the local informal settlements. During my studies I developed skills in architectural research, -conceptualization and -design. I like to find architectural solutions for urban problems and I am especially interested in finding new ways of living, working and being in the rapidly changing and growing cities of today. During my masters I broadened my experience by doing an exchange semester at the University of Sao Paulo (USP), Brazil. As an architecture student, I learned here how to deal with the differences in building method, climate, culture and priorities on another continent.

By doing an internship at Broekbakema I learned how to work within a team of architects, building regulations and detailing.


I am socially involved and the aim of this selection of works is to show my constant thrive to create better living conditions for everyone through architectural design.


Sarah Thiel 05/06/1992, Haarlem, The Netherlands Rochussenstraat 27c 3015EA, Rotterdam +31 634712278 sarahthiel@live.nl


09/2004 - 05/2010 VWO Praedinius Gymnasium, Groningen 09/2010 - 01/2014 Bsc. of Science, Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft

BIM-Pilot certificate Minor urbanism in delta cities

02/2014 - 06/2016 Msc. of Science, Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft Msc 1: Dwelling Studio Amsterdam


01/2015-06/2015 internship, Broekbakema architects, Rotterdam -extension Corlaer College Nijkerk -concept development OCE headquarters, Venlo -BREEAM Research

07/2015-09/2015 private commission conceptual design, house renovation, Haarlem 10/2015-09/2016 studentassistent Education and Student affairs Faculty of Architecture TU Delft -an assisting and participating role in the improvement and evaluation of the Msc. curriculum. -research on student workload


internship, MOME-housing, Windhoek, Namibia

-modular, low cost quality housing for informal settlements -house renovation, Bloemendaal

01-2017 - today trainee, Stichting Portaal

Msc 2: Exchange semester Universidade de Sao Paulo Msc 3/4: Graduation year, complex projects


autodesk revit autodesk autocad adobe photoshop adobe indesign adobe illustrator google sketchup rhino + grasshopper MS office

12/2011-06/2012 organization of a festival for 1000 students, D.S.R. Proteus Eretes, Delft decor and advertisement design 09/2012-06/2013 yearbook committee, D.S.R. Proteus-Eretes, Delft chief acquisition and layout 01/2013-08/2013 introduction week committee, D.S.R. Proteus-Eretes, Delft chief external relations and promotion material 08/2015-11/2015 organization study trip US-Mexico Border responsible for contacting universities in


the US and Mexico and arrange a program for 16 students


graduation project , complex projects ciudad juarez, 2016, grade: 8.5


Ciudad Juarez / El Paso is a twin city, located on the Mexican-US border. It is situated in the middle of the Chihuahua desert and is the starting point of the natural Rio Grande Border. This specific location deals with very specific issues. There is water scarcity, drug smuggling, human traffickers, long commuting lines to cross the border for daily work and migration. Because Ciudad Juarez is home to many people who came from other parts of Mexico and Central America, it is no ones native city. People feel on transit in Juarez and not at home. Although there is a recent history of violence present in Juarez, I saw the quality of the city (compared to it’s American counterpart) in the liveliness on the street, the interaction and the informality, that I had seen before in Brazil. To unite the people of different origins in a city where they feel stranded, I tried to come up with a design solution that is familiar for everybody from the continent, yet serves the local purpose: The outcome is a dwelling concept, combined with a practical construction and catering school. Catering, to learn from each others similar habits and sell food to the local citizens and construction, to learn a building method people are familiar with but which is standardized and optimalized. The project is situated in the city center of Juarez and makes use of the irrigation canal for agriculture on site and re-uses the abandoned bullring as a sports stadium for the school.


graduation project // Border Studio, Complex Projects, TU Delft // august 2015 - june 2016 // tutors: Stefan de Koning, Suzanne Groenewold


library, auditorium and study spaces 2012


The form of the annex of the faculty of Architecture extends the structure of the existing faculty building and connects two wings. The new buildings consists out of two tube shaped volumes: one on the ground flour with functions accessible for all TU delft students, such as a library and exhibition space. On top and perpendicular to this ground floor volume there is a second volume with functions specifically for architecture students with an auditorium and student work spaces. At the crossing of the two volumes, a big staircase is created to connect the two parts of the building. In the void of the staircase, the chair-collection of the TU-Delft is hung on cables, to give it a prominent place in the new building. The bookshelves of the library are constructed in the exterior walls and form a pattern with the window openings in the facade. A metal mesh is wrapped around the facade to create a smooth exterior look.


Public Building Bsc. 4 studio // april 2012 - june 2012 // with: Astrid Potemans, Suzanne Peet, Shelly Verhoeven & Rozemarijn de Vries // grade: 8.0


dwelling, studio amsterdam, 2014


Amsterdam is lacking affordable housing for single households. In the first quarter of the studio research was done into this target group and possibly affordable areas in Amsterdam This project is situated in Sloterdijk, an unsuccesful office park, with many empty spaces and vacant buildings. Today, few people want to live there because there are almost no facilities yet, but the area has great opportunity, since it's highly connected to the city of Amsterdam , and other Dutch cities, because of the proximity of the intercity train station. Since the area of Sloterdijk is huge and without any human scale and the lack of popularity, the strategy was to first urbanize only one street that can serve as a catalyst for the entire area. Therefore I created a very wide and slim -only 2,5 m- temporary building on an empty field along the street so that the least amount of dwellings and the highest feeling of urbanization on street level. The units from the 2d to 6th floor are 26m2 with a balcony of 6 m2. And there's a variety of duplex and single floor apartments. Due to the perpendicular floor plan configuration, a clear distinction between living and sleeping area can be made, so it feels like a house and not like a regular student box.

Larger apartments for the growing target group of students that need an office for their start-up are situated on the ground floor. These are duplex apartments of 40 m2 and have a workspace and kitchen on the ground floor, and a living and sleeping area on the first floor.

plan groundfloor


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Msc. 1 Studio Amsterdam, Dwelling, TU Delft // february 2014 - june 2014 // tutors: Jacob van Rijs, Olv Klijn & Pepijn Bakker // grade: 8.0




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floodzone Sao Miguel Paulista, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2015, grade: 9.0



The fluvial park is located in Sao Miguel Paulista, one of the many expanding suburbs in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The wetland is now occupied by temporary dwellers and doesn’t provide any protection to the water. To connect two existing neighbourhood better and to provide public amenities an elevated promenade, inspired by the Dutch dikes, is designed. A museum, a sports center, a theatre and a library are created along this promenade. There will also be space reserved for elevated, flood-proof housing. The two main water reservoirs to control the wetland are connected to the river ‘Lajeado’ and to a network of canals that allows the surplus of rainwater on the roads and squares to enter the reservoir.





B sportscenter

C theatre

Msc. 2, FAU-USP // oktober 2014 - december 2014 // tutor: Alexandre Delijaicov // grade: 9.0

A museum

D library


modular affordable housing Windhoek, Namibia, 2016


The informal settlements in Windhoek are rapidly growing. Inhabitants have no right to stay on vacant land and are forced to move when the city develops and land is sold. Currently, they mostly live in low quality steel shacks. Mome Housing provides an improved house, that is able to expand and be relocated when needed, due to it’s modular system of insulated fiberglass components. The houses can be connected to an existing water and powernet, but when this is not available, it is also possible to provide solar electricity and heating and to install a dry toilet.

Any imaginable configuration of the elements is possible, so the house can be adjusted according to the needs of a family


sustainable resources

sanitary options

exterior wall - w01

exterior wall - w02

possible configurations enviroloo (drytoilet)

flush toilet

exterior wall - w03

exterior wall - w04

exterior wall - w05

exterior wall - w06

interior wall - w07

interior wall - w08

interior wall - w09

affordable modular housing // oktober 2015 - december 2016 // MOME housing (Roel Rutgers)

roof - r01


Photography, painting & drawing



Besides my interest in architecture, spatial design and urban development, I like to draw and illustrate in my freetime using non-digital techniques. This has always been a passion of mine throughout my entire life. I mostly make use of ink and watercolour, but I am also experienced in other techniques like oil, acryllic and charcoal.


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