2 minute read


Make time to cultivate your relationships and be intentional about who you spend your time with because having close social ties is protective for our health.

Look After Your Energy


The basic lifestyle foundations like eating healthy food, moving every day and getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night are fundamental to our wellbeing. When we are able to focus on doing the basics at least 80% of the time (we are not looking for perfection), this provides a powerful buffer against stress and burnout.

It also helps you to sustain your wellbeing throughout the year by increasing your energy levels, boosting brain function and improving mood and mental health.

Set Boundaries

An inability to say NO to others can be one of the contributors to burnout and increased stress. Putting in place healthy boundaries can be uncomfortable at first, however if we don’t establish healthy boundaries with ourselves and others this will increase stress and overwhelm. Boundaries allow you to have a better balance around work, life and self which is more sustainable.

A tip to help with boundaries is to not say yes to a request straight away, give yourself space before you respond to really think about whether you have the capacity or time to do the task. Once you have evaluated where you're at, you can decide if you say yes or a polite no. Remember it is ok to prioritise your health and self-care as not only does this benefit you but it has a ripple effect on the people around you.

Practice Gratitude

When you are feeling stressed, it is easy to focus all your attention on the negatives. Practising gratitude and focusing on the good things in your life can give your mind a break from stress, anxiety and overwhelm and help boost your mood and shift your perspective. Essentially where you focus your attention grows, so hunt for the good in your day, focus on what went well and practice gratitude.

Start with small changes that you can start to implement into your day. This could be as simple as committing to moving every day, setting time to meet your friends on the weekend or getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night. Preventing burnout takes effort, but in the long run, your health and mental wellbeing and your business will benefit from it.

If you feel you are experiencing burnout, reach out to those closest to you for support and make sure you check in with your GP if you have any physical or mental health concerns.

Amanda Balcombe –Still Wellness

Amanda is an accredited Health and Mental Wellness coach with a special interest in burnout prevention, stress management and mental wellbeing based in Tamworth, NSW. A former award-winning Financial Adviser she experienced burnout in 2021 and it became her mission to heal not just herself but use her passion for health and connection to support other high achieving women regain their energy, confidence and enthusiasm for life.

Amanda uses the latest evidence-based lifestyle medicine, accompanied by coaching techniques to empower her clients to find balance and vitality in the midst of their fast-paced lives.

Away from work, Amanda enjoys playing tennis, daily meditation, travel and family dinners with her husband and two adult children.

Keep In Touch With Amanda

Web: stillwellness.au hello@stillwellness.au


Amanda Balcombe

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