27thSFF Festival Daily #1

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Fest ival Daily Petak / Friday / 13. August 2021.

Dobr odo?li n a 27. Sar ajevo Film Fest ival Welcome to the 27th Sarajevo Film Festival

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27. Sarajevo Film Fest ival ot varaju dva bh. film a Svjetskim premijerama dva bosanskohercegova?ka filma u petak, 13. augusta bit ?e otvoren 27. Sarajevo Film Festival: filmom Danisa Tanovi?a DESET U POLA i omnibusom PISMA S KRAJEVA SVIJETA filmskog kolektiva Bistrik7, me?unarodne grupe reditelja prve generacije na sarajevskoj film.factory kultnog reditelja Béle Tarra. Oba filma su netom zavr?ena i autori su u?inili sve da bi bili ekskluzivno prikazani pred festivalskom publikom. Radnja Tanovi?evog filma odvija se u pandemijom pogo?enom Sarajevu i prati dvojicu ?evabd?ija, prijatelja i antipoda koji se sukobljavaju oko kvalitete ?evapa u njihovim radnjama, zapravo preispituju?i ?ivotne odluke i prihvataju?i neminovne promjene. Film ?e na otvaranju Festivala biti prikazan u Narodnom pozori?tu, u Ljetnom kinu Coca-Cola, u Ljetnom kinu ?Safet Zajko?, u Dje?ijoj ku?i Novo Sarajevo, u kinu na Ilid?i te na dvije nove festivalske lokacije: u Cineplexxu Sarajevo gdje ?e biti prikazan u nekoliko sala i u Ljetnom kinu Stari grad (plato preko puta Vije?nice). Svjetskom premijerom ovog filma po?inju i projekcije

Sarajevo Film Festivala u Mostaru ? u Ljetnom kinu Cineplexx Plaza Mostar. Film se prikazuje u sklopu Open Air programa Sarajevo Film Festivala. Nastao je u okviru projekta Sarajevo grad filma za globalne ekrane (SCF GS) Obala Art Centra i Turske dr?avne radio-televizije (TRT), sa fokusom na reditelje iz Jugoisto?ne Evrope ?iji filmovi su prethodno prikazani i nagra?eni na Sarajevo Film Festivalu, i uz podr?ku BH Telecoma. Omnibus PISMA S KRAJEVA SVIJETA svjetsku premijeru ?e imati u Ljetnom kinu Vatrogasac, u sklopu programa Specijalne projekcije. Omnibus je me?unarodna hronika prvih dana zaklju?avanja uslijed Covid-19 u 14 privatnih ku?nih filmova. Djelo je filmskog kolektiva Bistrik7, 13 me?unarodnih autora ujedinjenih iskustvom prve generacije diplomiranih studenata na film.factory Béle Tarra u Sarajevu. Reditelji su Ghazi Alqudcy, Graeme Cole, Gonzalo Escobar Mora, Grant Gulczynski, Marta Hernaiz Pidal, Namsuk Kim, Bianca Lucas, Stefan Male?evi?, Patrick Marshall, Aleksandra Niemczyk, Pilar Palomero, Emma Rozanski i Gustavo Vega.

Opening Film s of t he 27t h Sarajevo Film Fest ival The world premieres of Danis Tanovi?'s new feature film and omnibus produced by Béla Tarr will open the 27th Sarajevo Film Festival on Friday, August 13. Oscar® winning director Danis Tanovi?'s film NOT SO FRIENDLY NEIGHBOURHOOD AFFAIR and the omnibus film LETTERS FROM THE ENDS OF THE WORLD by the film collective Bistrik7, an international group of first-generation directors at the Sarajevo film.factory of the iconic director Béla Tarr will open this year 's edition of Sarajevo Film Festival. Both films have just been completed and the authors have done their best for them to be shown exclusively in front of the festival audience. Danis Tanovi?'s film will be screened at several festival locations at the opening of the Festival, and will be shown as part of the Open Air program of the Sarajevo Film Festival. It was created within the Sarajevo

City of Global Screen Film (SCF GS) project by Obala Art Centar and Turkish State Radio and Television (TRT), with a focus on directors from Southeast Europe whose films were previously screened and awarded at the Sarajevo Film Festival, and with the support of BH Telecom. Omnibus film LETTERS FROM THE ENDS OF THE WORLD will have its world premiere at the opening of the Sarajevo Film Festival as part of the Special Screening program. This omnibus film is an international chronicle of the first days of lockdown due to Covid-19 of 14 private home movies. It is the work of the film collective Bistrik7, 13 international authors united by the experience of the first generation of graduates at film.factory of Béla Tarr in Sarajevo. The directors are Ghazi Alqudcy, Graeme Cole, Gonzalo Escobar Mora, Grant Gulczynski, Marta Hernaiz Pidal, Namsuk Kim, Bianca Lucas, Stefan Male?evi?, Patrick Marshall, Aleksandra Niemczyk, Pilar Palomero, Emma Rozanski and Gustavo Vega.

Gledajt e film ove 27. Sarajevo Film Fest ivala i online! Za sve one koji nisu u Sarajevu u vrijeme odr?avanja 27. Sarajevo Film Festivala ili ?e filmove gledati u ku?noj atmosferi, Sarajevo Film Festival omogu?io je ve?inu filmova iz svog programa i za online gledanje. Na online platformi: ondemand.kinomeetingpoint.ba, od 13. do 29. augusta, publika na svom ure?aju, samostalno ili u dru?tvu, ima priliku u?ivati u najnovijim filmovima iz doma?e, regionalne i svjetske produkcije i na taj na?in osjetiti dio festivalske atmosfere. Vi?e od 200 filmova iz 65 zemalja ?e biti dostupno online na podru?ju Bosne i Hercegovine, Srbije, Hrvatske, Crne Gore, Sjeverne Makedonije, Slovenije i Kosova. Dostupnost filmova u zemlji iz koje pristupate platformi provjerite na sff.ba ili na ondemand.kinomeetingpoint.ba. Filmovi ?e na online platformi ondemand.kinomeetingpoint.ba biti dostupni za gledanje pola sata nakon

po?etka projekcije u kinu. TeenArena i Dje?iji program Sarajevo Film Festivala ove su godine dostupni isklju?ivo putem online platforme. Dostupnost filmova u zemlji iz koje pristupate platformi provjerite na sff.ba ili na ondemand.kinomeetingpoint.ba. Na online platformi ondemand.kinomeetingpoint.ba imate priliku pretplatiti se na kompletan program koji onda imate na raspolaganju 7 dana, ali i mogu?nost izbora pojedina?nih naslova i paketa filmova. Sadr?aj VOD platforme ondemand.kinomeetingpoint.ba ?e biti dostupan za gledanje na datumima nazna?enim na svakom pojedina?nom filmu. Dostupnost filmova u zemlji iz koje pristupate platformi provjerite na sff.ba ili na ondemand.kinomeetingpoint.ba.

You can also wat ch film s of t he 27t h Sarajevo Film Fest ival online! For all those who are not in Sarajevo for the 27th Sarajevo Film Festival or prefer to watch films from the comfort of their home, Sarajevo Film Festival also provides the most of films from its programme for watching online. The platform will be available at ondemand.kinomeetingpoint.ba from 13th to 29th August and the audiences can use their devices to enjoy, alone or with company, the latest domestic, regional and world film productions and get a feel for at least some of the festival atmosphere. More than 200 films from 65 countries will be available online on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Slovenia and Kosovo. To check which films are available on the platform when accessed from your country, visit sff.ba or

ondemand.kinomeetingpoint.ba. Films will become available on the online platform ondemand.kinomeetingpoint.ba half an hour after the projection starts in the cinema. Sarajevo Film Festival?s TeenArena and Children?s Programme will only be available on the online platform this year. Visit the online platform ondemand.kinomeetingpoint.ba to subscribe to the entire programme which you will then have full access to for 7 days or to select individual titles and/or film packages. The contents of the VOD platform ondemand.kinomeetingpoint.ba will be accessible for viewing on the dates stated for each individual film. Please check films available to watch in your country at sff.ba or at ondemand.kinomeetingpoint.ba.

Magija Sarajevo Film Fest ivala je post ala dio m ene Intervju sa voditeljem sve?anosti otvaranja 27. Sarajevo Film Festivala, glumcem Dinom Bajrovi?em

27. Sarajevo Film Festival bit ?e otvoren u petak, 13. augusta, ceremonijom u Narodnom pozori?tu Sarajevo. ?ast da vodi sve?anost otvaranja ovogodi?njeg izdanja Sarajevo Film Festivala dodijeljena je mladom bosanskohercegova?kom glumcu Dini Bajrovi?u. Dino Bajrovi? je ro?en u Sarajevu 1995. godine. Na Akademiji scenskih umjetnosti u Sarajevu diplomirao je 2020. Njegovo prvo filmsko iskustvo bilo je u kratkometra?nom filmu MAJKINO ZLATO reditelja Irfana Avdi?a, u kojem je igrao glavnu ulogu. Film je dobio Nagradu za najbolji bh. studentski film na Sarajevo Film Festivalu 2018. godine. Prvu profesionalnu glavnu ulogu imao je u filmu SIN rediteljice Ines Tanovi?, koji je otvorio 25. Sarajevo Film Festival. Do sada njegov posljednji film bio je QUO VADIS, AIDA? rediteljice Jasmile ?bani?, u kojem je igrao jednu od glavnih uloga. Igrao je i u

pozori?noj predstavi ?To nikad nigdje nije bilo? reditelja Dine Mustafi?a. Trenutno je na pripravni?kom sta?u u Narodnom pozori?tu Sarajevo. Sarajevo Film Festival s velikim zadovoljstvom ulogu doma?ina otvaranja svake godine prepu?ta uspje?nim bosanskohercegova?kim filmskim umjetnicima mla?e generacije, sa ?eljom da otkriva, podr?ava i promovi?e regionalne mlade filmske profesionalce. U prethodnim izdanjima Sarajevo Film Festivala uloga doma?ina sve?ane ceremonije otvaranja bila je povjerena glumicama Amili Terzimehi?, Zani Marjanovi?, Vanesi Glo?o, Aleni D?ebo, Mariji Piki? i Belmi Salkuni?, te glumcima Albanu Ukaju, Erminu Bravi, Borisu Leru, Adnanu Haskovi?u, Fe?i ?tukanu i Igoru Skvarici. U intervjuu za Festivalski bilten Bajrovi?

govori o Sarajevo Film Festivalu, svojim ulogama i o?ekivanjima. Kak av je osje?aj bit i u u lozi dom a?in a cer em on ije ot var an ja 27. Sar ajevo Film Fest ivala? Nevjerovatan, zahvalan sam na prilici, ali osje?am i veliku odgovornost. Kak ve su bile r eakcije n a vijest da st e u pr avo Vi glu m ac k oji je ove godin e dobio t aj zadat ak ? Kada sam dobio poziv da vodim sve?anost otvaranja Sarajevo Film Festivala bio sam zate?en, jer nisam o?ekivao da ?e mi pripasti ovako bitna uloga. Sada sam zbog toga presretan i kako se vrijeme ceremonije bli?i uzbu?enje sve vi?e raste. Ka?et e da je Sar ajevo Film Fest ival odavn o dio Vas. Kak o? Jo? od malih nogu sje?am se posebne energije kojom grad za?ivi tokom festivala. Sarajevo Film Festival je bio jedini period u godini kada sam zajedno sa svojim drugovima odlazio iz kvarta u kojem smo odrastali u grad, upravo iz razloga da bi bolje do?ivjeli to i osjetili ?aroliju festivala. Ta magija je postala dio mene i nisam mogao ni sanjati da ?u ba? ja biti taj kojem ?e pripasti ?ast otvaranja. Posljedn ja f ilm sk a u loga bila je u f ilm u ?Qu o Vadis, Aida?? Jasm ile ?ban i?. ?t o je bilo n ajt e?e u t om zadat k u , pr ipr em aju ?i se i igr aju ?i t u u logu ?

Cjelokupno snimanje je bilo te?ko, jer kao i svaki gluma?ki zadatak iziskuje emotivni upliv, pogotovo kada je u pitanju ovako osjetljiva tema. S druge strane, olak?avaju?a okolnost je bila ?to sam imao konstantnu podr?ku svojih partnera i ?to smo osje?ali kolektivnu sigurnost u radu zahvaljuju?i Jasmili i jasnosti vizije koju je ona imala u radu na projektu. Po ?em u pam t it e sn im an je f ilm a? Te?ko je to definisati, ali sa svakog snimanja nosim jedno posebno i divno iskustvo. Veselit e li se ovogodi?n jem izdan ju Fest ivala, k ak va su o?ek ivan ja? Veselim se svakom izdanju Sarajevo Film Festivala jer je to zaista poseban doga?aj i neuporediv sa bilo kojim drugim u na?em gradu. Ovogodi?nje izdanje ?e za mene biti posebno, jer sam dobio ?ast da vodim ceremoniju otvaranja i zatvaranja i to je jedna veoma odgovorna uloga i izazov kojem se radujem. O?ekujem veliku posje?enost i sjajnu atmosferu tokom cijelog festivala iz razloga ?to je pro?li zbog pandemije bio u online izdanju, a sad je sve spremno da Sarajevo zasija ja?e nego ikad. Razgovar ala An dr ijan a Copf

The m agic of t he Sarajevo Film Fest ival has becom e a part of m e Interview with Dino Bajrovi?, host of the 27th Sarajevo Film Festival Opening Ceremony The 27th Sarajevo Film Festival will formally open on Friday, 13 August, with the ceremony that will take place at the National Theatre in Sarajevo. The honour of hosting the Sarajevo Film Festival opening ceremony this year belongs to the young BiH actor Dino Bajrovi?.

film that opened the 25th Sarajevo Film Festival. His latest film was QUO VADIS, AIDA? by director Jasmila ?bani?, where he played one of the lead roles. He also performed in theatre, in Dino Mustafi??s play ?It never happened anywhere?. He is currently doing his apprenticeship at the National Theatre in Sarajevo.

Dino Bajrovi? was born in 1995 in Sarajevo. He graduated from the Sarajevo Academy of Performing Arts in 2020. His first experience with film was the short film PRECIOUS, directed by Irfan Avdi?, where he played the lead role. The film received an award for best BiH student film at the Sarajevo Film Festival in 2018. His first professional main role was in Ines Tanovi??s SON, the

Sarajevo Film Festival gains great pleasure each year from giving the hosting role to one of the successful BiH film artists from the younger generations, with the desire to discover, support and promote young film professionals from the region. In the previous editions of the Sarajevo Film Festival the hosting role was given to actresses Amila Terzimehic, Zana

Marjanovic, Vanesa Glodjo, Alena Dzebo, Marija Pikic and Belma Salkunic, and to actors Alban Ukaj, Ermin Bravo, Boris Ler, Adnan Haskovic, Fedja Stukan and Igor Skvarica. In the interview for Festival Daily, Bajrovi? talks about the Sarajevo Film Festival, his roles and expectations. Wh at ?s it like t o be h ost of t h e open in g cer em on y of t h e 27t h Sar ajevo Film Fest ival? Incredible, I am grateful for the opportunity, but I also feel great responsibility. Wh at w er e t h e r eact ion s t o t h e n ew s t h at t h is year you w ill be t h e act or t ask ed w it h t h is r ole? When I received the invitation to host the Sarajevo Film Festival opening ceremony I was taken aback, because I never expected to get such an important role. Now I?m delighted and the closer we are to the actual ceremony my excitement grows bigger. You say t h at Sar ajevo Film Fest ival h as been a par t of you f or a lon g t im e. How ? Since I was little I remember that special energy that permeates city life during the festival. Sarajevo Film Festival was the only time of the year when my friends and I left the neighbourhood where we grew up and ventured to town just to better experience and feel that festival magic. This magic became a part of me and I couldn?t even dream that I would have the honour of hosting the opening ceremony.

You r last f ilm r ole w as in Qu o Vadis, Aida? by Jasm ila ?ban i?. Wh at w as t h e h ar dest par t of pr epar in g f or an d playin g t h at r ole? The entire shooting was difficult because, like any other acting role, it required emotional engagement, especially considering the sensitivity of the topic. On the other hand, what made it easier was that I had constant support from my partners and that we collectively felt safe in our work thanks to Jasmila and the clarity of her vision for this project. Wh at w ill st ay w it h you f r om t h e sh oot in g of t h e f ilm ? It?s hard to define, but each shooting is a special and wonderful experience. Ar e you look in g f or w ar d t o t h is year ?s edit ion of t h e f est ival, w h at ar e you r expect at ion s? I look forward to each edition of the Sarajevo Film Festival because it?s a really special event that can?t be compared to anything else in our city. This year ?s edition will certainly be special for me because I have the honour of hosting the opening and closing ceremonies, and this is a very important role and a challenge that I?m looking forward to. I expect many visitors and a great atmosphere during the whole festival because the last one was online due to the pandemic and now everything is set to make Sarajevo shine brighter than ever. An dr ijan a Copf

Naj fot ka 27. Sarajevo Film Fest ivala Sarajevo Film Festival i UniCredit Bank, koja je novi glavni sponzor Festivala, pripremili su zanimljivu i vrijednu nagradnu igru NAJ FOTKA. Na jednostavan na?in u?estvovati mogu svi koji svoje fotoaparate, telefone, tablete i druge ure?aje rado koriste kako bi od zaborava sa?uvali zanimljive trenutke. UniCredit Bank ?e autora/autoricu najbolje fotografije nagraditi FUJI INSTAX SQUARE SQ1 fotoaparatom. Ono ?ta trebate u?initi jeste zabilje?iti najljep?i trenutak 27. Sarajevo Film Festivala. Mo?e to biti

sve?ani trenutak sa Crvenog tepiha ili trenutak festivalske atmosfere sa neke druge festivalske lokacije tokom osam festivalskih dana. Zato pripremite svoje kamere i ?aljite nam fotografije na n ajf ot k a@sf f .ba u periodu od 13. do 20. augusta, a ako ste korisnik Instagrama, objavite ih na ovoj dru?tvenoj mre?i uz obavezne hashtagove: #n ajf ot k aSFF i #27t h SFF. Fotografije koje se na?u u u?em izbor za nagradu, zajedno sa podacima autora/autorice, bi?e objavljene u posljednjem broju Biltena Sarajevo Film Festivala.

Po?asno Srce Sarajeva i program ?Posve?eno? Wim u Wendersu 27. Sarajevo Film Festival ?e odati po?ast reditelju Wimu Wendersu u znak priznanja za izuzetan doprinos filmskoj umjetnosti. Cijenjenom reditelju ?e biti uru?ena nagrada Po?asno Srce Sarajeva, dok ?e u sklopu programa ?Posve?eno? (Tribute to) biti prikazana retrospektiva njegovih odabranih filmova. ?Presretni smo ?to mo?emo odati priznanje jednoj od centralnih li?nosti svjetske kinematografije. Svojim radom u oblasti vizuelnih umjetnosti, kao izvanredan filmski autor i fotograf, Wim Wenders publici uvijek donosi nezaboravne pri?e i emocije?, rekao je direktor Festivala Mirsad Purivatra. Wenders ?e odr?ati Masterclass, a Festival ?e organizirati i posebnu projekciju novorestaurirane verzije njegovog filma HOTEL OD MILION DOLARA, koji je 2000. godine osvojio Srebrnog medvjeda na Berlinskom festivalu. Wenders se vra?a Sarajevo Film Festivalu deset godina nakon svoje prve posjete: 2011. godine predstavio je svoje

revolucionarno 3D filmsko ostvarenje PINA, dugometra?ni dokumentarni oma? legendarnoj koreografkinji Pini Bausch (1940-2009), nominiran za Oskara. Iste godine, Wenders je na 17. Sarajevo Film Festivalu (2011) odr?ao predavanja u?esnicima programa Talents Sarajevo, edukativnog programa koji Sarajevo Film Festival organizira u saradnji sa Berlinale Talents i Me?unarodnim filmskim festivalom u Berlinu. Wenders je me?unarodno priznanje stekao tokom sedamdesetih kao jedan od pionira novog njema?kog filma i smatra se jednim od najva?nijih autora u historiji kinematografije. Proboj na internacionalnu scenu ostvario je filmom PRIJATELJ IZ AMERIKE (1977) i od tada kontinuirano radi u Evropi i SAD-u kao i Latinskoj Americi, Aziji i Australiji. Dobitnik je mnogobrojnih nagrada na festivalima ?irom svijeta, izme?u ostalih: Zlatne palme i nagrade Britanske akademije filmskih umjetnosti za PARIS, TEXAS (1984), nagrade za najboljeg reditelja u Cannesu za KRILA

?ELJE (1987), Zlatnog lava u Veneciji za STANJE STVARI (1982) i Srebrnog medvjeda za HOTEL OD MILION DOLARA (2000) na Me?unarodnom filmskom festivalu u Berlinu. Njegovi dokumentarni filmovi BUENA VISTA SOCIAL CLUB (1999), PINA (2011) i SO ZEMLJE (2014) su svi redom nominirani za Oskara. Pored mnogih nagra?enih dugometra?nih filmova, njegov rad u svojstvu scenariste, reditelja, producenta, fotografa i autora tako?e obuhvata mno?tvo inovativnih dokumentarnih filmova, me?unarodnih izlo?bi fotografija i brojne monografije, filmske knjige i prozne tekstove. Godine 2020. njegova najnovija 3D instalacija ?Dvije ili tri stvari koje znam o Edwardu Hopperu? premijerno je prikazana u okviru Edward Hopper izlo?be u Fondaciji Beyeler. Na jesen 2012. godine Wim Wenders je sa suprugom Donatom osnovao Fondaciju Wim Wenders u Düsseldorfu. Neprofitna fondacija je stvorila okvir koji objedinjuje kinematografsko, fotografsko, umjetni?ko i literarno ?ivotno djelo Wima Wendersa u njegovoj rodnoj zemlji i u?inila ga trajno dostupnim ?iroj javnosti kroz digitalnu restauraciju i konzervaciju, te kroz saradnju s mnogim organizacijama ?irom svijeta koje rade na tome da ovo djelo u?ine dostupnim. Neprofitna fondacija paralelno s tim podr?ava mlade talente u oblasti inovativne narativne kinematografije, posebno kroz stipendiju Wim Wenders koju dodjeljuje Film-und Medienstiftung NRW i promovi?e filmsko obrazovanje. Za slu?benu stranicu Wima Wendersa kliknite ovdje. *** Ran iji dobit n ici n agr ade Po?asn o Sr ce Sar ajeva su :

Michel Franco (2020), Mads Mikkelsen (2020), Tim Roth (2019), Isabelle Huppert (2019), Alejandro González Iñárritu (2019), Pawe?Pawlikowski (2019), Nijaz Hastor (2018), Nuri Bilge Ceylan (2018), Oliver Stone (2017), John Cleese (2017), Wolfgang Amadeus Brülhart (2016), Stephen Frears (2016), Robert De Niro (Lifetime Achievement Award, 2016), Benicio Del Toro (2015), Atom Egoyan (2015), Agnès B. (2015), Danis Tanovi? (2014), Gael García Bernal (2014), Béla Tarr (2013), Roberto Olla (2013), Branko Lustig (2012), Emil Tedeschi (2011), Jafar Panahi (2011), Angelina Jolie (2011), Dieter Kosslick (2010), Manfred Schmidt (2009), Cat Villiers (2008), Steve Buscemi (2007), Mike Leigh (2006), Gavrilo Grahovac (2006), Marco Müller (2005). *** Gost i pr ogr am a ?Posve?en o? Sar ajevo Film Fest ivala pr et h odn ih godin a bili su : Michel Franco (2020), Pawel Pawlikowski (2019), Nuri Bilge Ceylan (2018), Joshua Oppenheimer, Oliver Stone (2017), Amat Escalante (2016), Brillante Mendoza, Atom Egoyan (2015), Michael Winterbottom (2014), Cristi Puiu (2013), Todd Solondz (2012), Lucrecia Martel (2011), Bruno Dumont (2010), Jia Zhang-ke (2009), Todd Haynes (2008), Tsai Ming-Liang, Ulrich Seidl (2007), Abel Ferrara, Béla Tarr (2006), Alexander Payne (2005), Du?an Makavejev, Gaspar Noé (2004), Peter Mullan (2003), Stephen Frears (2002), Mike Leigh (2001), Steve Buscemi (2000).

Honorary Heart of Sarajevo Award and ?Tribut e t o? Program m e dedicat ed t o Wim Wenders The 27th Sarajevo Film Festival will pay tribute to director Wim Wenders and honour him in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the art of film. The acclaimed director will be presented with the Honorary Heart of Sarajevo Award and honoured with a retrospective of his selected works in the Festival?s ?Tribute to? Programme. ?We are delighted to honour one of the central figures of modern cinema. With his work in the field of visual arts as an exceptional filmmaker and photographer, Wim Wenders continues to give the audience unforgettable stories and emotions?, said Festival Director Mirsad Purivatra. Wenders will hold a Masterclass, and the Festival will also organize a special screening of the newly restored version of his film THE MILLION DOLLAR HOTEL, winner of the Silver Bear award at the Berlin Film Festival (2000).

Wenders will be returning to Sarajevo Film Festival ten years after his first visit: in 2011 he presented a revolutionary 3D film achievement PINA, feature-length documentary homage to a legendary choreographer Pina Bausch (1940 ? 2009), nominated for an Oscar. The same year, at the 17th edition of the Sarajevo Film Festival (2011) Wenders gave lectures to participants of Talents Sarajevo, education programme organised by Sarajevo Film Festival in cooperation with Berlinale Talents and International Film Festival in Berlin. Wenders came to international prominence as one of the pioneers of the New German Cinema during the 1970?s and is considered to be one of the most important figures in the history of film. His international breakthrough came with THE AMERICAN FRIEND (1977). Since then Wenders has continued to work both in

Europe and the USA as well as in Latin America, Asia and Australia and has been honored with countless awards at festivals around the world, including: the Golden Palm and the British Film Academy Award for PARIS, TEXAS (1984); the Director ?s Prize in Cannes for WINGS OF DESIRE (1987); the Golden Lion in Venice for THE STATE OF THINGS (1982); and the Silver Bear for THE MILLION DOLLAR HOTEL (2000) at the Berlin International Film Festival. His documentary films BUENA VISTA SOCIAL CLUB (1999), PINA (2011), and THE SALT OF THE EARTH (2014) have all been nominated for an Oscar. In addition to his many prize-winning feature films, his work as a scriptwriter, director, producer, photographer and author also encompasses an abundance of innovative documentary films, international photo exhibitions and numerous monographs, film books and prose. In 2020 his newest 3D installation ??Two Or Three Things I Know About Edward Hopper ??premiered as part of the exhibition Edward Hopper at the Fondation Beyeler. In the fall of 2012, together with his wife Donata, Wim Wenders established the Wim Wenders Foundation in Düsseldorf. The non-profit foundation developed a framework that brings together the cinematic, photographic, artistic and literary life work of Wim Wenders in his native country, making it permanently accessible to the general public worldwide through its digital restoration and preservation, and though the collaboration with many organsations worldwide working on making this work available. At the same time, the non-profit foundation supports young talents in the field of innovative narrative cinema through the Wim Wenders? scholarship of the Film-und Medienstiftung NRW and promotes film education.

For Wim Wenders' official website please click here. *** Pr eviou s Recipien t s of t h e Hon or ar y Hear t of Sar ajevo Aw ar d in clu de: Michel Franco (2020), Mads Mikkelsen (2020), Tim Roth (2019), Isabelle Huppert (2019), Alejandro González Iñárritu (2019), Pawe?Pawlikowski (2019), Nijaz Hastor (2018), Nuri Bilge Ceylan (2018), Oliver Stone (2017), John Cleese (2017), Wolfgang Amadeus Brülhart (2016), Stephen Frears (2016), Robert De Niro (Lifetime Achievement Award, 2016), Benicio Del Toro (2015), Atom Egoyan (2015), Agnès B. (2015), Danis Tanovi? (2014), Gael García Bernal (2014), Béla Tarr (2013), Roberto Olla (2013), Branko Lustig (2012), Emil Tedeschi (2011), Jafar Panahi (2011), Angelina Jolie (2011), Dieter Kosslick (2010), Manfred Schmidt (2009), Cat Villiers (2008), Steve Buscemi (2007), Mike Leigh (2006), Gavrilo Grahovac (2006), Marco Müller (2005). *** Pr eviou s Hon ou r ees of t h e Sar ajevo Film Fest ival?s ?Tr ibu t e t o? Pr ogr am m e in clu de: Michel Franco (2020), Pawel Pawlikowski (2019), Nuri Bilge Ceylan (2018), Joshua Oppenheimer, Oliver Stone (2017), Amat Escalante (2016), Brillante Mendoza, Atom Egoyan (2015), Michael Winterbottom (2014), Cristi Puiu (2013), Todd Solondz (2012), Lucrecia Martel (2011), Bruno Dumont (2010), Jia Zhang-ke (2009), Todd Haynes (2008), Tsai Ming-Liang, Ulrich Seidl (2007), Abel Ferrara, Béla Tarr (2006), Alexander Payne (2005), Du?an Makavejev, Gaspar Noé (2004), Peter Mullan (2003), Stephen Frears (2002), Mike Leigh (2001), Steve Buscemi (2000).

Nagrade 27. Sarajevo Film Fest ivala PO?ASNO SRCE SARA JEVA Nagrada se dodjeljuje u znak priznanja za izuzetan doprinos filmskoj umjetnosti. Takmi?arski program ? igrani film SRCE SARA JEVA ZA NA JBOLJI IGRANI FILM Nov?anu nagradu u iznosu od 16.000 ? sufinansira Turisti?ka zajednica Kantona Sarajevo. SRCE SARA JEVA ZA NA JBOLJEG REDITELJA / REDITELJICU Nov?anu nagradu u iznosu od 10.000 ? obezbje?uje Agnes B. SRCE SARA JEVA ZA NA JBOLJU GLUM ICU Nov?ana nagrada u iznosu od 2.500 ?. SRCE SARA JEVA ZA NA JBOLJEG GLUM CA Nov?ana nagrada u iznosu od 2.500 ?. Takmi?arski program ? dokumentarni film SRCE SARA JEVA ZA NA JBOLJI DOKUM ENTARNI FILM Nov?anu nagradu u iznosu od 3.000 ? obezbje?uje Vlada ?vicarske. NAGRADA ZA LJUDSKA PRAVA Nagrada za ljudska prava dodjeljuje se za najbolji film iz Takmi?arskog programa ? dokumentarni film koji obra?uje tematiku ljudskih prava. Nagradu u iznosu od 3.000 ? obezbje?uje Kraljevina Nizozemska. SPECIJALNA NAGRADA ?IRIJA Nov?ana nagrada u iznosu od 2.500 ?. Takmi?arski program ? kratki film SRCE SARA JEVA ZA NA JBOLJI KRATKI FILM Kvalifikacioni film za prijavu za nagradu Oscar®.

Nov?anu nagradu u iznosu od 2.500 ? obezbje?uje Podravka. Takmi?arski program ? studentski film SRCE SARA JEVA ZA NA JBOLJI STUDENTSKI FILM Nov?anu nagradu u iznosu od 1.000 ? obezbje?uje Vije?e za regionalnu saradnju. SRCE SARA JEVA ZA TV SERIJE NAGRADA PUBLIKE PARTNERSKE NAGRADE SPECIJALNA NAGRADA ZA PROM ICANJE RODNE RAVNOPRAVNOSTI Nov?anu nagradu u iznosu od 7.500 ? obezbje?uje MasterCard®. NOM INACIJA ZA KANDIDATURU ZA NAGRADU EVROPSKE FILM SKE AKADEM IJE U KATEGORIJI NA JBOLJI KRATKI FILM Pobjednik ulazi u konkureciju za kandidaturu za nagradu Evropske filmske akademije (EFA) u kategoriji Najbolji kratki film. CICAE NAGRADA Me?unarodna konfederacija umjetni?kih kina (CICAE) nagra?uje film u selekciji Takmi?arskog programa - igrani film. Nagra?eni film ?e dobiti posebnu podr?ku CICAE kada je u pitanju pomo? kod distribucije, prikazivanja filma i dopiranja do publike, putem mre?e od 3.000 kina. CINEUROPA NAGRADA Nagradu dodjeljuje Cineuropa portal posve?en europskoj kinematografiji i njenim stvaraocima i to filmu koji, osim ?to nesporno posjeduje umjetni?ke kvalitete, tako?er promovira ideje europskog dijaloga i integracije. Vrijednost nagrade iznosi 5.000 ?.

27t h Sarajevo Film Fest ival Awards HONORARY HEART OF SARA JEVO AWARD

Award in the amount of 2,500 ?, sponsored by Podravka.

Given in recognition of an exceptional contribution to the art of film.

Competition Programme ? Student Film

Competition Programme ? Feature Film


HEART OF SARA JEVO FOR THE BEST FEATURE FILM Award in the amount of 16,000 ?, co-sponsored by the Tourism Association of Canton Sarajevo. HEART OF SARA JEVO FOR THE BEST DIRECTOR Award in the amount of 10,000 ?, sponsored by Agnes B. HEART OF SARA JEVO FOR THE BEST ACTRESS Award in the amount of 2,500 ?. HEART OF SARA JEVO FOR THE BEST ACTOR Award in the amount of 2,500 ?. Competition Programme ? Documentary Film

Award in the amount of 1,000 ?, sponsored by the Regional Cooperation Council. HEART OF SARA JEVO FOR TV SERIES AUDIENCE AWARD PARTNERS' AWARDS SPECIAL AWARD FOR PROM OTING GENDER EQUALITY Award in the amount of 7,000 ? sponsored by MasterCard®. SARA JEVO SHORT FILM NOM INEE FOR CANDIDACY FOR THE EUROPEAN FILM AWARDS


The winner receives a nomination candidacy for the European Film Academy (EFA) Best Short Film Award.

Award in the amount of 3,000 ?, sponsored by the Government of Switzerland.


Best film of the Competition Programme Documentary Film dealing with the subject of human rights. Award in the amount of 3,000 ?, sponsored by the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

The International Confederation of Art Cinemas (CICAE) awards a film from the Competition Programme ? Feature Film. The winning film receives CICAE support in terms of distribution, exhibition, and audience outreach, throughout a network of 3,000 cinemas.



Award in the amount of 2,500 ?.

Awarded by the Cineuropa portal, the site dedicated to European cinema and film professionals, the Cineuropa Prize is awarded to a film that, besides having indisputable artistic qualities, promotes the idea of European dialogue and integration. The value of this award is 5,000 ?.


Competition Programme ? Short Film HEART OF SARA JEVO FOR THE BEST SHORT FILM Academy Award® qualifying.

Sarajevo Film Fest ival predst avlja Specijalnu nagradu za prom icanje rodne ravnopravnost i Obziromda se u okviruprograma SarajevoFilmFestivalasvakegodine prika?eoko230 filmova,Festival posebnupa?njuposve?ujedebitantskim filmovimaautorica.Madasu ostale nagradekojese dodjeljujuna Sarajevo FilmFestivalupovezanes odre?enim programimakoji pokrivajuregiju Jugoisto?neEvrope* ,Specijalnanagrada za promicanjerodneravnopravnostije otvorenai za filmovei rediteljiceizvan takmi?arskihsekcija,odnosnoi iz drugih programai sa drugihteritorija,pod uslovomda se radio reditelji?inom prvomdugometra?nom filmu.U konkurencijuulazefilmoviiz sljede?ih selekcija:Takmi?arskiprogram? igrani film,Takmi?arskiprogram? dokumentarnifilm,U fokusu, Suo?avanjes pro?lo??ui Kinoscope.

Ova nagradanastavakje aktivnostikojim SarajevoFilm Festivaldaje doprinos uspostavijednakopravnosti ?enau filmskoj industriji:2018.godine,na svom 24. izdanju, SarajevoFilm Festivalbio je potpisnikpovelje 5050X2020za ravnopravnostspolovau filmskojindustriji,a zboganga?manana polju borbeza jednakostspolovau filmskoj industriji,pro?leje godineFestivalbio doma?inpetenagradeAudentiaza najbolju rediteljicu,koju je utemeljiloVije?eEvropei njezinfond Eurimagess ciljem promovisanja ravnopravnostispolovau evropskojfilmskoj industriji. Ove godin eu Tak m i?ar skompr ogr am u? igr an if ilm ,od 10 f ilm ova8 su r e?ir ale ?en e,a u Tak m i?ar skompr ogr am u? dok u m en t ar nfiilm ,od 16 f ilm ova6 su r e?ir ale?en e. O dobitnicinagradeodlu?ivat?e tro?lani?iri, a nagrada?e biti dodijeljenana zvani?noj ceremonijidodjelenagradaSarajevoFilm

Festivala.Nagradnifond iznosi7500eura,a sponzornagradeje Mastercard. FILM OVIU KONKURENCIJIZA SPECIJALNU NAGRADUZA PROM ICANJE RODNE RAVNOPRAVNOSTI 1. STVARIVRIJEDNE?ALJENJA/ A LEGJOBB DOLGOKONB? GNIKELL,CristinaGrosan, (Ma?arska,2021,84 min.)/ Takmi?arski program? igranifilm 2. BEBIA,JEDINA?E?NJAMOJEDU?E/ BEBIA, À MONSEULDÉSIR,Juja Dobrachkous, (Gruzija,VelikaBritanija,2020,113 min.)/ Takmi?arskiprogram? igranifilm 3. KELTI,MilicaTomovi?(Srbija,2021,106 min.)/ Takmi?arskiprogram? igranifilm 4. TRA?E?IVENERU/ NËKËRKIMTËVENERËS, NorikaSefa (Kosovo,2020,111 min.)/ Takmi?arskiprogram? igranifilm 5. MJESEC,66 PITANJA/ SELENE66 QUESTIONS,JacquelineLentzou(Gr?ka, Francuska,2021,108 min.)/ Takmi?arski program? igranifilm 6. MURINA,AntonetaAlamatKusijanovi? (Hrvatska,Brazil,SjedinjeneAmeri?ke Dr?ave,Slovenija,2021,92 min.)/ Takmi?arskiprogram? igranifilm 7. BRDONA KOJEMRI?ULAVICE/ LA COLLINEOÙ RUGISSENTLESLIONESS,Luàna Bajrami(Kosovo,Francuska,2021,83 min.)/ Takmi?arskiprogram? igranifilm 8. POMIRENJE/ ODPU??ANJE,MarijaZidar (Slovenija,Srbija,CrnaGora,Kosovo,), 2021, 82 min.)/ Takmi?arskiprogram? dokumentarnifilm 9. KO?NICA/ ZGJOI(rediteljica:Blerta Basholli,Kosovo,?vicarska,Sjeverna Makedonija,Albanija,2021,84 min.)/ U fokusu 10. EL PLANETA,AmaliaUlman(Sjedinjene Ameri?keDr?ave,?panija,2021,82 min.)/ Kinoscope 11. IGRALI?TE/ PLAYGROUND,LauraWandel (Belgija,2021,72 min.)/ Kinoscope

12. SUPERIORNO/ SUPERIOR,Erin Vassilopoulos(SjedinjeneAmeri?keDr?ave, 2021,99 min.)/ Kinoscope 13. CENZOR/ CENSOR,PranoBailey-Bond (VelikaBritanija,2021,84 min.)/ Kinoscope Ove godine,SarajevoFilm Festivali Mastercardpokre?ui razgovorna panelu What WomenWant:Quotesand Reality(??ta ?ene?ele ? stopeuklju?enostii realnost?)o tomekako gledatisvijet iz drugeperspektive i poticatirodnuravnopravnost.Panel?e biti mogu?epratitionline16. augustau terminu od 15:00- 16:00,u sklopuCineLinkTalks, konferencijskog programaSarajevoFilm Festivala. PanelmoderiraAmraBak?i??amo, producentica,a u paneluu?estvujuAida Begi?,redateljicaiz BiH,AntonetaAlamat Kusijanovi?,redateljicaiz Hrvatske,Bianca Oana,producenticai scenaristicaiz Rumunije i AgustinaChiarino,producenticaiz Urugvaja. Panelmo?etepratitina ovom LINKU. SPECIJALNANAGRADAZA PROM ICANJE RODNERAVNOPRAVNOSTI ? ?IRI TeresaCavina(festivalskaselektoricai kustosica),OgnjenGlavoni?(re?iser)i Lorna Tee (producenticai festivalskakustosica)?iri su Specijalnenagradeza promicanjerodne ravnopravnosti27. SarajevoFilm Festivala. * Albanija,Armenija,Austrija,Azerbejd?an,Bosnai Hercegovina,Bugarska,Hrvatska,Kipar,Gr?ka,Gruzija, Ma?arska,Kosovo* ,SjevernaMakedonija,Malta, Moldavija,Crna Gora,Rumunija,Srbija,Slovenija, Turska * Thislabeldoesnot prejudgethestatusof Kosovoand isin accordancewithResolution1244andtheopinion of theICJon Kosovo'sdeclarationof independence

Int roducing Sarajevo Film Fest ival?s Special Award for Prom ot ing Gender Equalit y To promotegenderequalityin the European film industry,in 2021the SarajevoFilm Festivalis introducinga new regularaward: SPECIALAWARDFORPROMOTINGGENDER EQUALITY,sponsoredby MASTERCARD. Giventhe size and scopeof the SarajevoFilm Festivalprogramme,whichshowcases around230 filmseach year,we want to put the spotlighton femalefilmmakers? debuts. Althoughother SarajevoFilm Festivalawards are linkedto specificcompetition programmescoveringthe regionof SoutheastEurope* ,filmsand directors eligiblefor the SPECIALAWARDFOR PROMOTINGGENDEREQUALITYare not limitedto Competitionstrandsand include other programmesand territoriesas well, providedthat the film is the director ?sfirst featurefilm.The selectionwill crosssections and genres(both fictionand documentary featurefilmsare eligible).Filmscomingfrom followingstrandsare eligible:Competition Programme? FeatureFilm,Competition Programme? DocumentaryFilm,In Focus, Dealingwith the Past and Kinoscope. Thisawardis a continuationof the activities by whichSarajevoFilm festivalcontributesto

the establishmentof equalityin the film industry:The SarajevoFilm Festivalis a signatoryof the 5050X2020GenderParity Pledgewhichadvocatesequalpossibilities for womenin film industry.The pledgewas signedat the 24th SarajevoFilm Festivalin 2018.Becauseof its longterm advocacyfor genderparityand diversityin the film industry,the SarajevoFilm Festivalhad the privilegeto host last year ?sfifth Audentia awardceremonyfor the best femaledirector, foundedby Councilof Europe?sEurimages fund to promotegenderequalityin the Europeanfilm industry. Moreover,in this year ?sCompetition Programme? FeatureFilm,out of 10 films, eight havebeen directedby women.In CompetitionProgramme? Documentary Film out of 16 films,6 havebeen directedby women. A separatethree-memberjury will screenall eligiblefilmsand the awardwill be presented at the officialSarajevoFilm FestivalAward Ceremony.The awardpool is set to 7500 euros.The awardis sponsoredby Mastercard.


11. PLAYGROUND,LauraWandel(Belgium, 2021,72 min.)/ Kinoscope

1.?THINGSWORTHWEEPINGFOR/ A LEGJOBBDOLGOKONB? GNIKELL,Cristina Grosan(Hungary,2021,84 min)/ CompetitionProgramme? FeatureFilm

12. SUPERIOR,Erin Vassilopoulos(United States,2021,99 min.)/ Kinoscope

2.?BEBIA,À MONSEULDÉSIR,Juja Dobrachkous(Georgia,UnitedKingdom, 2020,113 min.)/ CompetitionProgramme? FeatureFilm 3.?CELTS/ KELTI,MilicaTomovi?(Serbia,2021, 106 min.)/ CompetitionProgramme? FeatureFilm 4.?LOOKINGFORVENERA/ NËKËRKIMTË VENERËS,NorikaSefa (Kosovo,2020,111 min.)/ CompetitionProgramme? Feature Film 5.?M OON,66 QUESTIONS/ SELENE66 QUESTIONS,JacquelineLentzou(Greece, France,2021,108 min.) / Competition Programme? FeatureFilm 6.?M URINA,AntonetaAlamatKusijanovi? (Croatia,Brazil,UnitedStates,Slovenia,2021, 92 min.)/ CompetitionProgramme? Feature Film 7.?THEHILLWHERELIONESSESROAR/ LA COLLINEOÙ RUGISSENTLESLIONESS,Luàna Bajrami(Kosovo,France,2021,83 min.)/ CompetitionProgramme? FeatureFilm 8. RECONCILIATION / ODPU??ANJE,Marija Zidar (Slovenia,Serbia,Montenegro,Kosovo, 2021,82 min.)/ CompetitionProgramme? DocumentaryFilm 9. HIVE? / ZGJOI,BlertaBasholli(Kosovo, Switzerland,NorthMacedonia,Albania,2021, 84 min.)/ In Focus 10. EL PLANETE,AmaliaUlman(United States,Spain,2021,82 min.)/ Kinoscope

13. CENSOR,PranoBailey-Bond(United Kingdom,2021,84 min.)/ Kinoscope Thisyear,SarajevoFilm Festivaland Mastercardare launchingWhat Women Want:Quotasand Realitypaneldiscussions on seeingthe worldfrom a different perspectiveand promotionof gender equality.The panelcan be watchedonlineon 16 Augustfrom 15:00to 16:00has part of CineLinkTalks,the SarajevoFilm Festival conferenceprogramme. Discussionswill be moderatedby producer AmraBak?i??amoand the panelwill include AidaBegi?,directorfrom BiH,Antoneta AlamatKusijanovi?,directorfrom Croatia, BiancaOana,producerand scriptwriterfrom Romaniaand AgustinaChiarino,producer from Uruguay. Watchthe paneldiscussionat this LINK. SPECIALAWARDFORPROMOTINGGENDER EQUALITY? JURY Festivalprogrammerand curatorTeresa Cavina,directorOgnjenGlavoni?and film producerand festivalcuratorLornaTee will serveon the SarajevoFilm FestivalJury ? SpecialAwardfor PromotingGenderEquality at 27th SarajevoFilm Festival. * Albania,Armenia,Austria,Azerbaijan,Bosniaand Herzegovina,Bulgaria,Croatia,Cyprus,Greece, Georgia,Hungary,Kosovo* ,NorthMacedonia,Malta, Moldova,Montenegro,Romania,Serbia,Slovenia, Turkey * Thislabeldoesnot prejudgethe statusof Kosovo and is in accordancewith Resolution1244and the opinionof the ICJon Kosovo'sdeclarationof independence

Suo?avanje s pro?lo??u U ovom jedinstvenom historijskom trenutku, kada se ?ini da je svijetu kakvog smo poznavali do?ao kraj, potraga za istinom i provjeravanje ?injenica va?niji su nego ikada ranije. Ali napetosti svijeta koji smo ostavili iza sebe lagano ?e se preliti u novi svjetski poredak i ponovo buknuti. Ako smo tokom protekle godine i?ta nau?ili, onda je to spoznaja da se na?i ?iv oti mogu u trenu okrenuti naopa?ke. Program ?Suo?avanje s pro?lo??u? od svojih po?etaka ima jasnu misiju: pokrenuti iskren dijalog o nedavnoj pro?losti na?eg regiona, kao preduslov za rje?avanje problema proisteklih iz ratova u biv?oj Jugoslaviji, koji jo? uvijek optere?uju na?a dru?tva. Tokom proteklih ?est godina podijelili smo mno?tvo emotivno razornih, ali inspirativnih pri?a iz svih dijelova svijeta.

Ove godine u programu su uo?ljive dvije tendencije. Fokus prve je na traganju za istinom kori?tenjem konvencionalnih i nekonvencionalnih metoda. U njoj ?e biti prikazani filmovi poznatog danskog autora Madsa Brüggera koji je me?unarodnu slavu stekao zahvaljuju?i svom neobi?nom pristupu filmskim temama i likovima. Rije? je o novinaru i filmskom stvaraocu koji traga za istinom i pomjera granice kako bi razotkrio korupciju i kr?enje ljudskih prava u zemljama u kojima je istra?iva?ko novinarstvo misaona imenica. Da li ste se ikada zapitali kako funkcioni?e krijum?arenje dijamantima u Africi? Otisnite se na putovanje s Madsom i u filmu AMBASADOR posmatrajte kako nabavlja diplomatski paso? i postaje liberijski konzul u Centralnoj Afri?koj Republici da bi prona?ao odgovor na to pitanje. U filmu NERIJE?ENI SLU?AJHAMMARSKJÖLD Mads istra?uje misterioznu pogibiju drugog Generalnog sekretara Ujedinjenih nacija, za koju ka?e da je ?ili najve?a svjetska misterija ili najgluplja svjetska teorija zavjere?. Nadam se da ?ete biti fascinirani kada pogledate njegov posljednji film,

dokumentarni ?pijunski triler KRTICA, kojim nas stavlja in media res trenutka u kojem se ?etrdeset?etverogodi?nji Danijel infiltrira u Sjevernu Koreju i zbli?i s predstavnicima njenog tajnovitog vladaju?eg re?ima, te nam omogu?i da nau?imo sve ?to se mo?e znati o ?vercu oru?jem. Mads svojim filmovima motivi?e publiku da se pita gdje je granica izme?u umjetnosti i novinarstva i da li se neeti?ni postupci mogu opravdati ako nam poma?u da razotkrijemo ?ve?u istinu?. Koja je na?a uloga, kao posmatra?a, i kako je mogu?a tolika nejednakost u svijetu, za koji smatramo da je na? i u kojem se osje?amo na svome. Ako ?elite saznati vi?e o radu Madsa Brüggera, on ?e odr?ati i online Masterclass predavanje u okviru programa CineLink Talks Sarajevo Film Festivala. U ime potrage za istinom bit ?e prikazan i film reditelja Gordana Mati?a o atentatu na jugoslovenskog kralja Aleksandra I u kojem autor, kroz detaljnu rekonstrukciju su?enja atentatorima predstavlja iz novog ugla historijske li?nosti i raspolo?ive ?injenice o tom doga?aju. Drugi dio programa usredsre?uje se na nerazrije?ene konflikte i njihov dugoro?ni utjecaj na dru?tvo. Zbog teku?e globalne pandemije, ti su konflikti stavljeni u drugi plan, a zajednice koje su izlo?ene konfliktima su u ve?oj opasnosti da budu zaboravljene. Filmovi u ovom dijelu programa u centar pa?nje stavljaju istrajnost dru?tvenih zajednica, a njihovim prikazivanjem u Sarajevu ?elimo pokrenuti vi?e nego potreban dijalog. NI NA NEBU NI NA ZEMLJI, prekrasni film rediteljice Najwe Najjar, proputovanje je kroz Palestinu i Izrael koje ne razotkriva samo tajne filmskih protagonista ve? i tajne o nastanku dr?ave Izrael. AHMADOV GLAS je omnibus od sedam kratkih filmova o Arapima koji rade u Izraelu, a inspirisan je

prvom takvom kolekcijom li?nih svjedo?anstava JA SAM AHMAD iz 1966. godine. Idejni autor i kurator filma je Renen Schorr, filmski stvaralac i osniva? ?kole za film i televiziju Sam Spiegel u Tel Avivu, koji je okupio svoje sada?nje i biv?e studente sa zadatkom da snime kratke filmove o ?Ahmadima? u dana?njem Izraelu. Ovaj film u Sarajevu ?e imati svoju me?unarodnu premijeru. Program ?emo zatvoriti svjetskom premijerom filma rediteljice Maysoon Pachachi NA?A RIJEKA...NA?E NEBO, a koji nam omogu?ava da svijet pogledamo iz perspektive obi?nih stanovnika Bagdada u o?ekivanju skorog sukoba. Film je portret ljudskog ?ivota u stanju stalne nesigurnosti. U saradnji s Fondacijom WARM i programom Fondacije Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Dialogue South East Europe, u sklopu programa Suo?avanje s pro?lo??u bit ?e postavljena i izlo?ba ?Palestina, i obe?ana zemlja?. Izlo?ba ?e u periodu od 14. do 20. augusta biti svakodnevno otvorena za javnost od 12:00 do 20:00 ?asova. Program Suo?avanje s pro?lo??u ugostit ?e i 25 mladih iz zemalja Zapadnog Balkana u sklopu projekta ?O?ima mladih ljudi?. Kao polaznici ovog programa pratit ?e seriju panel-diskusija, i debata o mirovnom aktivizmu i mjerama za pomirenje. Projekat ?O?ima mladih ljudi? organizujemo u saradnji s Regionalnim uredom za saradnju mladih, forumZDF-om i USAID-ovim projektom PRO-Budu?nost. M a?a M ar kovi?, menad?erica programa Suo?avanje s pro?lo??u Pr ogr am Su o?avan je s pr o?lo??u odr ?ava se u z podr ?k u Fon dacije Fr ieder ich Eber t St if t u n g Dialogu e Sou t h east Eu r ope.

Dealing wit h t he Past In these unprecedented times, when it seems that the world we used to know might not exist in the future, truth-seeking and fact-checking are more important than ever. But the anxieties of the world we have left behind will trickle into the new order and be triggered again. If we have learnt anything over the past year, I daresay it is that our personal lives can be turned upside-down in a matter of moments. The Sarajevo Film Festival?s Dealing with the Past programme has had a clear mission since its beginnings: to conduct honest dialogue about our region?s recent past as a prerequisite to resolving the problems of the present that stem from the Yugoslav Wars ? problems that continue to strain our societies. Over the last six years, we have shared many deeply inspiring, if gut-wrenching, stories from our own region

and around the world. This year ?s programme is divided in two sections, one of which concentrates on seeking truth by using both conventional and unconventional methods. This part of the programme is marked by films by the renowned Danish filmmaker Mads Brugger, who has become internationally renowned for his unorthodox approach towards the topics and characters in his films. He is a journalist and filmmaker who seeks out truth and pushes boundaries to expose corruption and human-rights violations in countries where investigative journalism does not exist. Ever wondered how diamond smuggling is conducted in Africa? Accompany Brugger on a journey on which he acquires a diplomatic passport and masquerades as the Liberian consul to the Central African Republic to show us the murky world of blood diamonds in his film THE AMBASSADOR. In COLD CASE HAMMARSKJÖLD, Brugger investigates the mysterious death of the UN's second secretary-general. In his own words, the filmmaker describes the case as ?either the

world's biggest mystery or the world's most idiotic conspiracy theory.? And I have no doubt viewers will be in awe after watching Bruggers?s most recent film, the docu/spy thriller THE MOLE: UNDERCOVER IN NORTH KOREA, in which we are placed in media res when a 44-year-old Dane infiltrates the world?s most secretive regime to learn all about the weapons trade. Brugger pushes viewers to question where and what the boundaries are between art and journalism, and to consider whether unethical practices should be used to expose larger truths. What is our role as spectator? How can we address the fact that the world that we know and are comfortable in often veils the inequality that surrounds us? To explore Brugger ?s work further, the Sarajevo Film Festival?s CineLink Talks programme offers a live, online master class led by the director. In alignment with its look at the truth-seeking process, DEALING WITH THE PAST also presents a new take on the 1934 assassination of Aleksandar I of Yugoslavia, as Serbian director Gordan Mati? minutely reconstructs the assassins? trail, shedding light on historical figures and facts available to date. The second section of the programme focusses on the conflicts that have yet to be resolved and their long-lasting impact on the communities affected by them. In many cases, the issue of confronting the current global pandemic has tended to eclipse ongoing fights for human rights, so that embattled communities are at great risk of being forgotten. These films bring the remarkable resilience of impacted communities to the forefront; by presenting these films in Sarajevo, we seek to begin and continue much-needed dialogue. Najwa Najjar ?s BETWEEN HEAVEN AND EARTH, a beautiful road movie that wends its way through Palestine, reveals

secrets not only about film?s central characters but also the creation of the State of Israel. THE VOICE OF AHMAD is an anthology of seven short films about Arabs working in Israel, revolving around 1966?s film I AM AHMAD. The omnibus film was created and curated by Renen Schorr, a filmmaker and the former Head and founder of the Sam Spiegel Film and Television School in Tel Aviv, who brought together his current and former students to shoot different segments featuring the ?Ahmeds? of today?s Israel. This film will have an international premiere in Sarajevo. The programme closes with the world premiere of Maysoon Pachachi?s OUR RIVER? OUR SKY, which provides perspective on ordinary people in Baghdad as they await conflict ? a portrait of lives lived in constant uncertainty. Dealing with the Past also presents the exhibition ?A Palestine, and a Promised Land,? in collaboration with the WARM Foundation and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. The exhibition is open to the public every day from 14 to 20 August between 12:00 and 20:00. As well, we welcome twenty-five young people from the Western Balkans as part of the In Youth Eyes programme, which offers a series of panels, closed discussions and debates centred on peace activism and reconciliation practices. In Youth Eyes is organised in collaboration with the Regional Youth Cooperation Office, forumZFD and USAID project PRO-Budu?nost. M a?a M ar k ovi?, Pr ogr am m e M an ager , Dealin g w it h t h e Past Th e Dealin g w it h t h e Past pr ogr am m e is su ppor t ed by t h e Fr iedr ich Eber t St if t u n g.

BOX OFFICE BOX OFFICE LOKACIJE Glavni Box Office (Bosanski kulturni centar), Branilaca Sarajeva 24 Kino Meeting Point, Hamdije Kre?evljakovi?a 13 Cineplexx Sarajevo, Zmaja od Bosna 4 Dje?ija ku?a Novo Sarajevo, Grbavi?ka bb Ljetno kino Centar "Safet Zajko" MMC - Kino Ilid?a, Hrasni?ka cesta 8 Cineplexx Plaza Mostar (Tr?ni centar Plaza), Bi??e polje bb, Mostar RADNO VRIJEM E 13 - 20 AUGUST Glavni Box Office - svaki dan: 09:00 - 22:00 Kino Meeting Point - svaki dan: 11:00 - 23:00 Cineplexx Sarajevo - svaki dan: 08:45 - 22:00 Dje?ija ku?a Novo Sarajevo - svaki dan: sat vremena prije po?etka projekcije Ljetno kino Centar "Safet Zajko"- svaki dan: sat vremena prije po?etka projekcije MMC - Kino Ilid?a - svaki dan: sat vremena prije po?etka projekcije Cineplexx Plaza Mostar - svaki dan: 14:00 - 22:00 CIJENE ULAZNICA Ljetno kino Coca-Cola: Otvaranje - 20.00 KM, ostale projekcije - 12.50 KM Kino Meeting Point: 6.50 KM, 7.50 KM, 10.00 KM Narodno pozori?te: Otvaranje - 15.00 KM, Ceremonija dodjele nagrada - 20.00 KM, ostale projekcije - 6.50 KM, 7.50 KM, 9.00 KM, 10.00 KM Ljetno kino Stari Grad: Otvaranje - 20.00 KM, ostale projekcije - 10.00 KM Cineplexx Sarajevo: 7.00 KM, 8.00 KM Summer Screen: 9.00 KM Dje?ija ku?a Novo Sarajevo: 5.00 KM Ljetno kino Centar "Safet Zajko": 5.00 KM MMC - Kino Ilid?a: 5.00 KM Ljetno kino Cineplexx Plaza Mostar: 7.00 KM

- Ulazak na projekciju mogu? je samo sa ulaznicom (uklju?uju?i i djecu bez obzira na starosnu dob) - Svi posjetioci moraju zauzeti svoja mjesta najkasnije 5 minuta prije po?etka zvani?nog programa - Ulazak u kino nije mogu? nakon po?etka zvani?nog programa - U slu?aju ka?njenja na projekciju ne mo?emo vam garantovati slobodno sjede?e mjesto (povrat novca i/ili zamjena ulaznica nije mogu?a) - Sjedi?ta nisu numerisana za sve projekcije

Ukoliko kupite Va?e ulaznice on-line, e-ulaznice ?e biti poslane putem e-maila u roku od nekoliko minuta od kupovine. Svaka e-ulaznica sadr?i jedinstveni kod koji ?e omogu?iti pristup projekcijama. Dovoljno je pokazati dobiveni prilog mail-a ili od?tampanu e-ulaznicu prilikom ulaska na projekciju. Napom en a: Ukoliko je napravljena kopija ili duplikat ulaznice, samo prvi primjerak koji se predo?i na ulazu bit ?e va?e?i. Svi ostali bi?e odbijeni. Kako bi se osiguralo da dobijete e-mail koji sadr?i Va?e ulaznice, pobrinite se da imate e-mail adresu no-reply@sff.ba dodanu na svoj popis odobrenih e-mail adresa u spam filteru. PRODA JA ULAZNICA - Slobodna prodaja pojedina?nih ulaznica po?inje 6. augusta 2021. godine u 10:00 sati; - Maksimalan broj ulaznica koje je mogu?e kupiti za jednu projekciju je ?etiri (4); - Pla?anje ulaznica se mo?e izvr?iti gotovinom, te putem MasterCard ili VISA kartice; - Pla?anje ulaznica mogu?e je samo u doma?oj valuti - konvertibilnim markama (KM); POM JERANJE PROJEKCIJA U SLU?A JU KI?E U slu?aju ki?e, kada organizator Festivala zvani?no objavi (putem zvani?ne web stranice, dru?tvenih mre?a) projekcije iz otvorenih kina se premje?taju u zatvorena kina. Ukoliko je objavljeno da se projekcije premje?taju u zatvorena kina prije po?etka projekcija, termin projekcije ostaje isti, a ukoliko ki?a padne u toku projekcije, projekcija se nastavlja u zatvorenom kinu 30 minuta nakon objave o premje?tanju projekcije. - Ljetno kino Coca-Cola se premje?ta u KSC Skenderija; - Ljetno kino Stari Grad se premje?ta u Pozori?te mladih; - Summer Screen se premje?ta u Cineplexx Sarajevo - Ljetno kino Cineplexx Plaza Mostar se premje?ta u kino sale Cineplexx Plaza Mostar U slu?aju ki?e projekcije iz Ljetnog kina "Safet Zajko" ?e se prikazivati idu?i dan u Kinu Novi Grad kroz dva termina (17:30 i 20:30).

PDV je ura?unat u cijenu ulaznice.


ON-LINE (e-u lazn ica) - On-line prodaja je mogu?a putem zvani?ne web stranice Sarajevo Film Festivala; - On-line prodaja ulaznica po?inje 4. augusta 2021. godine u 15:00; - Maksimalan broj ulaznica koje je mogu?e kupiti za jednu projekciju je ?etiri (4); - Pla?anje se mo?e izvr?iti MasterCard i VISA putem e-pay sistema UniCredit Bank;

- Za vrijeme projekcije zabranjeno je kori?tenje ure?aja za snimanje slike i zvuka (kamera, fotoaparat i mobilni ure?aji) - U slu?aju kori?tenja video opreme festivalsko osoblje ima pravo odstraniti osobu koja koristi prethodno spomenutu opremu - Ulaz ku?nim ljubimcima nije dozvoljen - Kupovinom ulaznica, saglasni ste da mo?ete biti fotografisani i snimljeni bez nov?ane naknade - Pregled posjetioca i njihovih stvari bi?e obavljen zbog njihove li?ne sigurnosti - Na zvani?ne festivalske lokacije zabranjeno je

uno?enje boca, limenki i predmeta koji mogu ugroziti sigurnost posjetioca - Filmovi prikazani na Festivalu mogu sadr?avati eksplicitne scene seksa ili nasilja, te se prije kupovine ulaznice preporu?uje pregled sadr?aja filma na festivalskom web sajtu (www.sff.ba), programu ili linkovima postavljenim na dru?tvenim mre?ama - Organizator Festivala ne odgovara za izgubljene ili ukradene stvari - Falsifikovanje i krivotvorenje ulaznica je strogo zabranjeno - Sve ulaznice su izdate prema pravilima i propisima zvani?nih festivalskih lokacija i organizatora Festivala

POVRAT NOVCA Povrat novca za kupljenu ulaznicu ili zamjena za ulaznicu neke druge projekcije u istom nov?anom iznosu mogu?i su u roku od 24 sata od predvi?enog termina projekcije i to:

- U slu?aju kada organizator javno objavi otkazivanje predvi?ene projekcije - Kada po?etak projekcije kasni du?e od 30 minuta bez prethodne najave o pomjeranju po?etka projekcije i u tom slu?aju potrebno je obratiti se osoblju Festivala

BOX OFFICE BOX OFFICE LOCATIONS Main Box Office (Bosanski kulturni centar), Branilaca Sarajeva 24 Meeting Point Cinema, Hamdije Kre?evljakovi?a 13 Cineplexx Sarajevo, Zmaja od Bosna 4 Children House Novo Sarajevo, Grbavi?ka bb Open Air Cinema at "Safet Zajko" Center MMC - Ilid?a Cinema, Hrasni?ka cesta 8 Cineplexx Plaza Mostar (Shopping mall Plaza), Bi??e polje bb, Mostar

ON-LINE TICKET SALES (e-t icket ) - Tickets will be available on-line only via the official SFF web site - On-line ticket sales open on August 3, 2021 at 15:00 - The maximum number of tickets to be purchased per screening is four (4) - MasterCard and VISA payment is available via the UniCredit Bank e-pay system If you buy your tickets online, tickets will be sent via e-mail within a few minutes of your purchase. Each e-ticket contains a unique code that will allow access to the screening. Just show your e-mail attachment or printed e-tickets at the venue entrance. Be aware, if copies or duplicates of tickets are made, only the first reaching the entry point will be valid while others will be rejected.

OPENING HOURS / 13-20 AUGUST Main Box Office - every day: 09:00 - 22:00 Meeting Point Cinema - every day: 11:00 - 23:00 Cineplexx Sarajevo - every day: 08:45 - 22:00 Children House Novo Sarajevo - every day: one hour ahead of the screening Open Air Cinema at "Safet Zajko" Center - every day: one hour ahead of the screening MMC - Ilid?a Cinema - every day: one hour ahead of the screening Cineplexx Plaza Mostar - every day: 14:00 - 22:00

To ensure that you receive the e-mail containing your tickets, please be sure that you have no-reply@sff.ba added to your approved spam filter list.

TICKET PRICES Coca-Cola Open Air Cinema: Opening night - 20.00 KM, other screenings - 12.50 KM Meeting Point Cinema: 6.50 KM, 7.50 KM, 10.00 KM National Theatre: Opening night - 15.00 KM, Award ceremony - 20.00 KM, other screenings - 6.50 KM, 7.50 KM, 9.00 KM, 10.00 KM Open Air Cinema Stari Grad: Opening night - 20.00 KM, other screenings - 10.00 KM Cineplexx Sarajevo: 7.00 KM, 8.00 KM Summer Screen: 9.00 KM Children House Novo Sarajevo: 5.00 KM Open Air Cinema at "Safet Zajko" Center: 5.00 KM MMC - Ilid?a Cinema: 5.00 KM Open Air Cinema Cineplexx Plaza Mostar: 7.00 KM

SCREENING SCHEDULE CHANGES IN CASE OF RAIN In case of rain, the Festival organiser will make an official announcement (via the official web page and social networks) on relocation of screenings from outdoor to indoor cinemas. If such an announcement is made prior to the screening, the scheduled screening time remains the same. In case of rain during the screening, the screening will then continue in a designated indoor cinema 30 minutes following the relocation announcement.

TICKET SALES - Individual tickets will be available starting from August 6, 2021 at 10:00 - The maximum number of tickets to be purchased per screening is four (4) - Tickets may be paid in cash, MasterCard or VISA card - Tickets may be paid in the national currency only (Convertible Mark ? KM/BAM)

- Coca-Cola Open Air Cinema moves to KSC Skenderija; - Open Air Cinema Stari Grad moves to Sarajevo Youth Theatre; - Summer Screen moves to Cineplexx Sarajevo - Ljetno kino Cineplexx Plaza Mostar moves to cinema hall Cineplexx Plaza Mostar In case of rain, the screenings from the Open Air Cinema "Safet Zajko" will be shown the next day in Kino Novi Grad through two terms (17:30 and 20:30).

VAT included in all the prices.


- Admission is possible only by presenting a ticket for the given screening (this includes children irrespective of age); - All the visitors must take their seats at least 5 minutes before the opening of the official programme; - No members of the audience will be admitted after the official opening of the programme; - In case of late arrival, no seat can be guaranteed (refund and/or replacement tickets are not available); - Seats are not numbered for any screening; - No audio or video recording

devices (cameras or mobile devices) can be used during any screening; - In case of any attempt to use such devices, the Festival staff shall be entitled to remove the user from the screening; - Pets are not allowed; - By purchasing the ticket you accept that you may be photographed or recorded by a camera with no financial compensation; - All the tickets are issued pursuant to rules and regulations of official Festival venues and Festival organisers; - In the interest of personal safety of our visitors, there will be security checks at entry points;

- No bottles, cans or other items that may in any way harm or affect personal safety of the audience may be brought into any official Festival location; - Films screened at the Festival may include scenes of sex or violence; it is therefore recommended to examine the content of the film at our web site (www.sff.ba), official programme and links available via social networks prior to any ticket purchase; - The Festival organisers shall not be liable for lost or stolen property; - Any attempt to forge or otherwise alter tickets is against the law.

REFUND Refunds for tickets purchased or replacement tickets for other screenings to the same amount already paid are available no later than 24 hours prior to the original screening schedule, as follows:

- If the Festival organisers have made an official announcement about a screening cancellation - If the screening is delayed by more than 30 minutes with no prior announcement of a delay or a relocation of the screening; in such cases, the audience is kindly requested to contact Festival staff

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