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Docu Rough Cut Boutique is an intensive five-day programme focused on documentary films from Southeast Europe that are in production or post-production. The five selected projects are offered tutorials, expert individual and group feedback sessions, closed screenings and one-onone meetings on request.
Mentors: Noemi Schory (Israel), independent producer and director | Carol Dysinger (USA), documentary filmmaker and professor | Thomas Ernst (Hungary), freelance film editor and author | Catherine Le Clef (France), head of CAT&Docs World Sales | Cecilia Lidin (Denmark), film commissioner for documentaries at the Danish Film Institute | Hanka Kastelicová (Czech Republic/Hungary), executive producer of documentaries for HBO Europe | Ivana Pauerová Milošević (Czech Republic), dramaturge, script editor and documentary director Heads of Docu Rough Cut Boutique and moderators of all sessions: Rada Šešić (Netherlands/Bosnia and Herzegovina), filmmaker, festival selector, critic, lecturer and curator | Martichka Bozhilova (Bulgaria), producer at AGITPROP and founder and director of the Balkan Documentary Center
Director: Rati Oneli Producers: Jim Stark, Dea Kulumbegashvili City of the Sun is a surreal vision of a post-apocalyptic ghost town and its inhabitants. The lives, dreams and destinies of the characters unfold amid the grand ruins of once“glorious” Soviet architectural achievements in the semiabandoned mining town of Chiatura.

Directors: Marija Ratković Vidaković, Dinka Radonić Producer: Marija Ratković Vidaković Production Company: Croatian Film Association Yugoslavia constituted the value system of a whole society, but also that of the individual within that society. Where is that individual today? This is the journey of a family controlled by an idea that has not existed for more than 25 years – but they live as though nothing has changed. At the same time the film is about the maturation process, and the forming of one's own identity, unencumbered by family taboos.

Romania, Germany
Director: Marius Iacob Producers: Irina Malcea, Christian Popp Production Company: Manekino Film, Docdays Productions Baile Herculane (Hercules' Bath), one of the oldest spa resorts in Europe where a century ago kings slipped their bodies into the healing waters, has become a labyrinth where lowermiddle-class people get lost in the search for well-being. Mitica, Gelu and Relu, three self-made masseurs, serve as guides through this “low-cost” European Garden of Eden.


Director: Balazs Simonyi Producers: Laszlo Jozsa, Balazs Simonyi Production Company: Speak Easy Project Co-Producers: HBO Europe, Anemon Productions A few hundred ambitious people from across the world gather every year in Greece to relive a legend. They run from Athens to Sparta, in an ultra-distance race called the Spartathlon: 246 km within 36 hours. It is hard to qualify, even harder to finish. This is not a sport film, but rather a collection of personal stories. The subjects voluntarily choose suffering to cure their problems.
Director/Producer: Reyan Tuvi This is a journey of solidarity that starts in a small border village, with the hope of the war to end and of reaching a city in Syria. While the villagers hope for the liberation of the city, their relatives and friends are fighting for their land and identity. The possibility of the liberation of this city, with the hope of a better world, makes this struggle more significant.