SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 16-24/08/2013 /
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Sadržaj Content 7 Žiri/ Jury / Nagrade/ Awards 9 Film otvaranja / Opening film / Film zatvaranja / Closing film 10 Takmičarski program – igrani film / Competition Programme – Features 13 U fokusu / In Focus 16 Takmičarski program – kratki film / Competition Programme – Shorts 18 Takmičarski program – dokumentarni film / Competition Programme – Documentaries 22 Industry 24 Sarajevo grad filma / Sarajevo City of Film 25 Dan ljudskih prava / Human Rights Day 26 Kinoscope 32 Posvećeno / Tribute To Cristi Puiu 35 Katrin Cartlidge Foundation / Katrin Cartlidge Fondacija 36 Novi tokovi / New Currents
IMPRESSUM: Izdavač / Publisher: Gloria / Sarajevo Film Festival Za izdavača / For Publisher: Dubravka Tomeković Aralica Mirsad Purivatra Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor: Altijana Marić Dokumentacija / Documentation: Emir Pekmez, Nataša Govedarica, Alma Hadžić, Lejla Begić Vuletić, Asja Krsmanović Prevod / Translation: Sabina Nikšić, Una Tanović, Aleksandar Brezar Lektura / Proofreading: Azra Rizvanbegović Grafičko oblikovanje i DTP / Graphic design and DTP: BOOM! Produkcija
40 Open Air 42 Box Office 43 Raspored projekcija / Screening Schedule 46 BiH Flm 48 Dječiji program / Children's Programme 50 TeenArena 52 Laško Summer Nights 54 Sarajevo Film Festival Partner Present 55 Sarajevo Film Festival Guests Present 60 Operacija kino / Operation kino
Gloria Priprema priloga/Publication Team: Matej Dokić, Josip Jurčić, Feđa Kalebić, Marijana Marinović, Vedran Peteh, Kruno Petrinović Grafičko oblikovanje/Graphic Design: Lidija Baučić, Goran Žunić Tisak/Printed by: Vjesnik d.d., Slavonska avenija 2, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska Naklada/Print run: 20.000
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Žiri Jury Nagrade Awards
ŽIRI TAKMIČARSKOG PROGRAMA - igrani film / COMPETITION PROGRAMME JURY feature film Predsjednik žirija / President of the Jury:
Reditelj, BiH / Director B&H Članovi žirija / Jury members:
Uliks Fehmiu
Glumac, Srbija / Actor, Serbia
Christine A. Maier
Direktor fotografije, Njemačka / Director of Photography, Germany
Mirela Oprisor
Glumica, Rumunija / Actress, Romania
Charles Tesson
Umjetnički direktor Critics Week, Francuska / Artistic Director, France ŽIRI TAKMIČARSKOG PROGRAMA - KRATKI FILM / SHORT FILM COMPETITION JURY
Paz Lázaro
Program menadžerica sekcije Panorama Berlinale Film Festivala, Španija, Njemačka / Progamme Manager of Berlinale Film Film Festival Panorama Programme, Spain, Germany
Mladen Miljanović
Umjetnik, BiH / Artist, B&H
Paul Negoescu
Joslyn Barnes
Takmičarski program - igrani film SRCE SARAJEVA ZA NAJBOLJI FILM Novčanu nagradu u iznosu od 16.000 € osigurava Vijeće Evrope SPECIJALNA NAGRADA ŽIRIJA Novčanu nagradu u iznosu od 10.000 € osigurava Agnes B. SRCE SARAJEVA ZA NAJBOLJU GLUMICU Novčana nagrada u iznosu od 2.500 € SRCE SARAJEVA ZA NAJBOLJEG GLUMCA Novčana nagrada u iznosu od 2.500 €
Competition Programme - Feature Film HEART OF SARAJEVO FOR BEST FILM Financial Award, in the amount of 16,000 €, is provided by Council of Europe SPECIAL JURY PRIZE Financial Award, in the amount of 10,000 €, is provided by Agnes B. HEART OF SARAJEVO FOR BEST ACTRESS Financial award in the amount of 2,500 € HEART OF SRAJEVO FOR BEST ACTOR Financial award in the amount of 2,500 €
Takmičarski program - kratki film SRCE SARAJEVA ZA NAJBOLJI FILM Novčana nagrada u iznosu od 2.500€
Competition Programme - Short Film HEART OF SARAJEVO FOR BEST FILM Financial award in the amount of 2,500 €
Takmičarski program - dokumentarni film SRCE SARAJEVA ZA NAJBOLJI FILM Novčanu nagradu u iznosu od 3.000 € osigurava: Savezno ministarstvo vanjskih poslova Švicarske SPECIJALNA NAGRADA ŽIRIJA Novčanu nagradu u iznosu od 2.500 € osigurava Al Jazeera Balkans
Competition Programme - Documentary Film HEART OF SARAJEVO FOR BEST DOCUMENTARY FILM Financial award, in the amount of 3,000 €, is provided by The Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs SPECIAL JURY PRIZE Financial Award, in the amount of 2,500 €, is provided by Al Jazeera Balkans
NOMINACIJA SARAJEVSKOG KANDIDATA ZA EVROPSKU FILMSKU NAGRADU 2013. ZA KRATKI FILM Pobjednik ulazi u konkurenciju za nagradu Evropske filmske akademije (EFA) za najbolji kratki film.
SARAJEVO SHORT FILM NOMINEE FOR THE EUROPEAN FILM AWARDS 2013 The winner also receives a nomination for the European Film Academy (EFA) Best Film Award.
NAGRADA ZA LJUDSKA PRAVA Nagrada za ljudska prava dodjeljuju se za najbolji film iz Takmičarskog programa - dokumentarni film koji obrađuje tematiku ljudskih prava. Nagradu u iznosu od 3.000 € osigurava Savezno ministarstvo vanjskih poslova Švicarske.
HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD Award for the best film of the Competition Programme - Documentary Film dealing with the subject of human rights. Award in the amount of 3,000 € is granted by The Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.
EDN TALENT GRANT EDN Talent Grant je ustanovljen kroz saradnju Sarajevo Film Festivala i Evropske dokumentarističke mreže, u svrhu podrške talentovanim autorima dokumentarnog filma iz regije.
EDN TALENT GRANT EDN Talent Grant has been created as co-operation between the Sarajevo Film Festival and the European Documentary Network with the purpose of supporting promising new documentary filmmakers from the region.
NAGRADA CICAE Međunarodna konfederacija umjetničkih kina (CICAE) nagrađuje film u selekciji Takmičarskog programa - igrani film. Nagrađeni film će dobiti posebnu podršku CICAE kada je u pitanju pomoć kod distribucije, prikazivanja filma i dopiranja do publike, putem mreže od 3.000 kina.
CICAE AWARD The International Confederation of Art Cinemas (CICAE) awards a film from the Competition Programme Features. The awarded film will receive CICAE support in terms of distribution, exhibition and audience outreach, through a network of 3,000 cinemas.
Producentica, SAD / Producer, USA
Vibeke Bryld
Rediteljica, scenaristica, Danska / Director, writer, Denmark
Jasmin Basic
Filmska istoričarska, kustosica, Švicarska / Film historian, Curator, Switzerland ŽIRI EFA / EFA JURY
Hagar Ben-Asher
Rediteljica, scenaristica i glumica, Izrael / Director, Screenwriter, Actress, Israel
Miguel Dias
Direktor i selektor Internacionalnog filmskog festivala Curtas Vila do Conde, Portugal / Director and programmer of Curtas Vila do Conde International Film Festival, Portugal
Leona Paraminski
Glumica, Hrvatska / Actress, Croatia ŽIRI CICAE / CICAE JURY
Balázs Kalmanovits
Budapest Film, Mađarska / Budapest Film, Hungary
Daniel Lavaud
Osnivač kulturnog centra Cinema le Balzac, Francuska / Founder of Cultural centre Cinema le Balzac, France
Tanja Miličić
Voditeljica kina Valli, producentica na Pula Film Festivala, Hrvatska / Head of kino Valli, Producer at Pula Film Festival, Croatia CINEUROPA ŽIRI/ CINEUROPA JURY
Alberto La Monica
Direktor Festival del Cinema Europeo Lecce, Italija / Director of Festival del Cinema Europeo Lecce, Italy
Elisa Cimino
Menadžer projekta Cineuropa, Belgija / Cineuropa Project Manager, Belgium
CINEUROPA NAGRADA Nagradu dodjeljuje Cineuropa portal posvećen europskoj kinematografiji i njenim stvaraocima i to filmu koji, osim što nesporno posjeduje umjetničke kvalitete, također promovira ideje europskog dijaloga i integracije. Vrijednost nagrade iznosi 5.000 €
CINEUROPA AWARD The prize is awarded by the Cineuropa portal, the site dedicated to the European cinema and film professionals, and is given to a film that besides having indisputable artistic qualities also promotes the idea of European dialogue and integration. The value of this award is 5,000 €.
Atlantic Grupa nagrada Novčanu nagradu u iznosu od 2.000 € osigurava Atlantic Grupa
Atlantic Grupa Award Financial award in the amount of 2,000 € provided by Atlantic Grupa.
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 16-24/08/2013 /
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SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 16-24/08/2013 /
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Film otvaranja Opening Film
Film zatvaranja Closing Film
Epizoda u životu berača željeza / An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker
Kutija za užinu / The Lunchbox
India, France, Germany, USA, 2013, Colour, 104 min. Režija / Director: Ritesh Batra Scenarij / Screenplay: Ritesh Batra Uloge / Cast: Irrfan Khan, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Nimrat Kaur, Denzil Smith
Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Slovenia, 2013, Colour, 75 min. Režija / Director: Danis Tanović Scenarij / Screenplay: Danis Tanović Uloge / Cast: Senada Alimanović, Nazif Alimanović
Nazif izdržava porodicu skupljajući staro gvožđe, ali jedva sastavlja kraj sa krajem. Svaki dan skuplja otpadni metal, dok njegova supruga Senada brine o njihovom domu i dvoje djece. Treće dijete je na putu. Nakon dugog radnog dana, Nazif se vraća kući i zatiče Senadu na krevetu, u bolovima. Narednog dana posuđuje automobil kako bi je odvezao u najbliži dom zdravlja. Senadina dijagnoza je spontani pobačaj - petomjesečni fetus koji nosi je mrtav. Stanje je kritično i Senadi je potrebna hitna operacija u gradskoj bolnici. Senada nema zdravstveno osiguranje i bolnica traži od nje da za tretman plati 980 KM - cijelo bogatstvo za skromnog skupljača željeza. Uprkos Nazifovim molbama, Senadu ne žele operirati i ona se mora vratiti kući. Narednih deset dana Nazif i Senada će u pravom smislu riječi iskusiti okrutnost savremenog društva. Nazif barely makes ends meet as an iron picker to support his family. He searches daily for scrap metal while his partner Senada tends to their home and their two young daughters. A third baby is on the way. After a long day’s work, Nazif finds Senada laid up in pain. The following day, he borrows a car to drive her to the nearest clinic. The diagnosis is that Senada has miscarried and is still carrying her dead five-month-old fetus. The condition is critical and Senada needs immediate treatment at a faraway city hospital. Because she does not have a state-issued health insurance card, the hospital requests that Senada pay 980 Bosnian marks (500 euros), a fortune for a modest iron picker. Despite Nazif’s pleas, Senada is denied the crucial surgery and forced to return home to their Roma community in central Bosnia and Herzegovina. For the next ten days, Nazif and Senada will be fully exposed to the callousness of contemporary society.
Domaćica Ila, pripadnica srednje klase, iznova pokušava začiniti svoj brak, ovog puta putem kuhinje. Ona ne zna da je posebni ručak koji je pripremila greškom došao u ruke nesretnog činovnika Saajana, usamljenog čovjeka koji je pred penzijom. Zaintrigirana nedostatkom reakcije svog supruga, Ila sljedećeg dana stavlja malu poruku u kutiju za ručak u nadi da će saznati šta se desilo. Ovo pokreće razmjenu niza poruka u kutiji za ručak između Saajana i Ile, a utjeha od anonimnog komuniciranja sa strancem uskoro prerasta u neočekivano prijateljstvo. Oboje otkrivaju nove aspekte svoje ličnosti i pronalaze podršku jedno u drugom u Mumbaiju, velikom gradu koji tako često ruši nade i snove. Iako se još uvijek nisu ni upoznali, Ila i Saajan se gube u virtualnom odnosu koji bi mogao ugroziti njihove stvarne živote. Middle class housewife Ila is trying once again to add some spice to her marriage, this time through her cooking. Unknowing to her is that the special lunchbox she prepared has been mistakenly delivered to miserable office worker Saajan, a lonely man on the verge of retirement. Curious about the lack of reaction from her husband, Ila puts a little note in the following day’s lunchbox, in the hopes of getting to the bottom of the mystery. This begins a series of lunchbox notes between Saajan and Ila, and the mere comfort of communicating with a stranger anonymously soon evolves into an unexpected friendship. They each discover a new sense of self and find an anchor to hold on to in the big city of Mumbai that so often crushes hopes and dreams. But still strangers physically, Ila and Saajan become lost in a virtual relationship that could jeopardize both their realities.
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Takmičarski program igrani film Selektorica / Programmer: Elma Tataragić
Competition Programme – Features
Romania, 2013, Colour, 88 min. Režija / Director: Doru Nitescu Scenarij / Screenplay: Tudor Voican, Doru Nițescu Uloge / Cast: Rodica Lazăr, Adrian Titieni, Maia Morgenstern, Iulia Lupașcu
U malom selu u podnožju planine živi mladi bračni par, Mariana i Puiu, sa dvoje djece, Carmen i Mirceom. Jednog jutra, majka i desetogodišnja kćerka odlaze u Bukurešt, a njihov konačni cilj je – bolnica. Jedan jedini liječnik, dr.Sitaru, vjeruje da za život Carmen, koja više nije u stanju smijati se, ipak postoji šansa. Boreći se za kćerku, a napustili su je skoro svi kojima je vjerovala, Mariana otkriva da je trudna. Nakon što dr. Sitaru izvede rizičnu operaciju, Carmen se osjeća sve gore. Beznadežna, Mariana napušta bolnicu i žuri da Carmen odvede kući: dok se jedan život gasi, drugi počinje davati znake života. In a small village close to the mountains, Mariana and Puiu are a young family with two children: Carmen and Mircea. One morning, the mother and the ten year-old daughter leave for Bucharest, having a hospital as their destination. One doctor alone, Sitaru, believes that Carmen, who can no longer smile, stands any chances at survival. Struggling for her daughter, abandoned by almost everybody she trusted, Mariana discovers she is pregnant. After dr. Sitaru operates on the little girl, in a risky manner, Carmen begins to feel increasingly worse. Without
any hope, Mariana leaves the hospital and rushes to take Carmen home: while one life ends, another one begins to flicker.
Dan bijega / Runaway Day
Greece, 2013, Black & White, 80 min. Režija / Director: Dimitris Bavellas Scenarij / Screenplay: Dimitris Bavellas Uloge / Cast: Maria Skoula, Makis Papadimitriou, Eva Vogli, Errikos Litsis, Yvonni Maltezou, Christos Stergioglou, Costas Staridas, Yannis Papadopoulos a.o.
Maria i Loukas istovremeno, i bez očiglednog razloga, odlučuju pobjeći od kuće. I jedno i drugo se nose s ličnim problemima: Maria je zaglavila u braku s bogatim Dimitrisem i odgaja njihovo dvoje djece; Lukas je nezaposlen i ima mnoštvo dugova. Oboje bježe od kuće iz ličnih razloga, oboje lutaju modernom Atinom. Svjedoci su niza kontroverznih situacija i upoznaju čudne likove. Osim toga, izgleda da im je neko na tragu: Mariju prate dva policajca, dok Loukasa prati Joseph - čudni stranac odjeven u crno – koji, čini se, očajnički želi nešto od njega. Maria and Loukas decide at the same time and for no apparent reason to respectively run away from their homes. Each of them has to deal with their personal problems: Maria is stuck in a wealthy marriage with Dimitris while raising their two children. Loukas is unemployed and full of debts. Both of them run away from their personal issues, both of them begin wandering in modern day Athens. They come across a series of controversial events and meet with
strange characters. Furthermore, various people seem to be on their track; Maria is followed by two policemen. Loukas is followed by a weird stranger dressed in black, Joseph, who desperately wants something from him.
Sa mamom / With Mom
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Slovenia, 2013, Colour, 80 min. Režija / Director: Faruk Lončarević Scenarij / Screenplay: Faruk Lončarević Uloge / Cast: Marija Pikić, Mira Furlan, Branko Đurić, Sanja Vejnović
U Sarajevu, više od decenije nakon rata, dok se njena socijalistička porodica neizbježno raspada, Berina, mlada umjetnica, pokušava živjeti svoju tek otkrivenu seksualnost i prihvatiti neumoljivu smrt majke. Jasna, dominantna žena, majka, doktorica i stub porodice, ulazi u terminalnu fazu raka dojke s kojim se borila devet godina. Njen muž Mladen ne zna kako se nositi s izvjesnim gubitkom, dok njegova Jasna iščezava iz života. Mlađa kćerka Luna je izrazito povučena i djetinjasta. Međutim, Berina je u potrazi za nadom; ona kopa kroz sjećanja, kroz fotografije sretne porodice srednjeg staleža iz perioda kada je sve bilo sunčano i bijelo u njihovoj kući na moru. In Sarajevo, more than a decade after the war, while her socialist family is falling apart, Berina, a young artist, is trying to live out her just discovered sexuality and, at the same time, accept her mother’s terminal
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Sa mamom / With Mom
Vuk / Wolf
illness. Jasna, a dominating woman, mother, doctor and the pillar of the family, is entering the terminal phase of breast cancer, which she has been fighting against for nine years. Her husband Mladen doesn’t know how to handle the fact that he is losing Jasna. Their younger daughter Luna is extremely introverted and childish. However, Berina is looking for hope; she is digging through her memories, old photos of a happy middle class family from the period when everything was sunny and white in their seaside house.
Austria, 2013, Colour, 75 min. Režija / Director: Katharina Mückstein Scenarij / Screenplay: Selina Gnos, Katharina Mückstein Uloge / Cast: Sophie Stockinger, Nina Proll, Philipp Hochmair, Rita Waszilovics, Eva-Maria Gintsberg
Četrnaestogodišnja Jasmin žudi da bude blizu svoje biološke majke, Eve. Nakon što je njena majka puštena iz zatvora, zajednička ekskurzija na selo postat će prvi test u razvoju odnosa između majke i kćerke. Njih dvije puše, plešu i šetaju skupa -ozračje je obećavajuće. Ali kako to obično biva, otkrit će se da su njihove potrebe i očekivanja dijametralno suprotna. Trenutno ni Eva ni Jasmin ne djeluju kao da su u stanju pomoći jedna drugoj u potrazi za identitetom i podrškom. Fourteen-year-old Jasmin longs to be near her biological mother, Eva. Following her mother’s release from prison, an excursion into the country together becomes a first test for the fledgling
mother-daughter relationship. They smoke, dance and stroll together – the mood is promising. But time and again, it is revealed that their needs and expectations are light years apart. For the moment, neither Eva nor Jasmin seem up to the task of fulfilling each other’s quest for identity and support.
together. Clara would hold Wolf. His mother will hold him and he will close his eyes and he will feel her smell. Finally, all of them here. So close and so far away from each other. Holding Wolf, Clara will think about some other man. Holding the father, the mother will think about her man. Everybody dreaming of somebody else.
Vuk / Wolf
Kada noć padne na Bukurešt, ili metabolizam / When Evening Falls on Bucharest or Metabolism
Romania, 2013, Colour, 77 min. Režija / Director: Bogdan Mustata Scenarij / Screenplay: Bogdan Mustata Uloge / Cast: Mihai Vasilescu, Ada Condeescu, Costel Cascaval
Wolf je zaljubljen u Claru. Ali ona je u vezi s nekoliko drugih muškaraca. Wolfova majka je također u vezi s drugim muškarcem. Ona kaže da je zaljubljena u njega. To boli. Zbog toga Wolf razmišlja o svom mrtvom ocu. On mu nedostaje. Da je on ovdje, sve bi bilo uredu. Oni bi bili zajedno. Clara bi zagrlila Wolfa. Njegova majka bi ga zagrlila, on bi zatvorio oči i osjetio njen miris. Konačno, svi na okupu. Tako blizu, a tako daleko jedni od drugih. Zagrlivši Wolfa, Clara bi razmišljala o nekom drugom muškarcu. Zagrlivši oca, majka bi razmišljala o njenom drugom muškarcu. Svako sanja nekog drugog. Wolf is in love with Clara. But she is with all these other men. Wolf’s mother is with another man too. She says she is in love with him. This hurts. It makes Wolf think about his dead father. He misses him. If he was here everything would be alright. They would be
Romania, 2013, Colour, 93 min. Režija / Director: Corneliu Porumboiu Scenarij / Screenplay: Corneliu Porumboiu Uloge / Cast: Bogdan Dumitrache, Diana Avramut
Tokom snimanja filma, Paul, režiser, upušta se u ljubavnu aferu s Alinom, glumicom u sporednoj ulozi. Sutradan je Alinin posljednji dan na setu. Paul odlučuje da snimi scenu seksa s njom. Ali, jutro će promijeniti sve. Paul se budi, suočava se sa vlastitim sumnjama i mijenja plan: umjesto snimanja scene seksa, obavještava producenta da ga muči čir na želucu... Film i život se postepeno sve više prepliću, dovodeći snimanje do neočekivanog obrata. It's the middle of a film shoot, Paul, the director, is having an affair with Alina, an actress playing a supporting role. The next day is Alina's last day on set. Paul decides to shoot a nude scene with her. But tomorrow is another day. Paul wakes up in the morning, facing his doubts and changes his plans:
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 16-24/08/2013 /
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Soldate Jeannette
U procvatu / In Bloom
instead of shooting the nude scene, he tells the producer that he's suffering from his stomach ulcer... Gradually film and life are getting more and more interwoven, taking the shoot to an unexpected turn.
will never forgive him – and he might have trouble forgiving himself. This is a compelling tale of everyday life in a fractured society, and a world where paranoia, comedy and drama co-exist.
Obrana i zaštita / A Stranger
Soldate Jeannette
Kada je Slavkov dugogodišnji prijatelj Đulaga umro, Slavko osjeća da mora otići na njegovu sahranu. Ali u njegovom rodnom gradu, Mostaru, ova jednostavna društvena obaveza ga može uplesti u brojne probleme: sa susjedima, ali i s lokalnim političkim glavešinama. Međutim, ukoliko ne ode, njegova supruga će misliti da je kukavica, a ožalošćena porodica mu to nikada neće oprostiti – a možda neće moći oprostiti ni sam sebi. Ovaj film je uvjerljiva priča o svakodnevnom životu u poremećenom društvu, u svijetu u kojem se paranoja, komedija i drama odvijaju istovremeno. When Slavko’s old friend Đulaga dies, Slavko feels obliged to go to the funeral. But in his hometown of Mostar, in Bosnia & Herzegovina, this simple social obligation has the potential to get him into all kinds of trouble: with his neighbours or even with local political bigwigs. Yet if he does not go, his wife will think he’s a coward, the grieving family
Fanni je dojadio bogataški život, kojeg želi napustiti i živjeti u šatoru. Anni je dosta svinja i napušta farmera, koji je samo igla u plastu sijena njenih problema. U novonastaloj situaciji, Fanni prihvata rizik, dok Anna bez razmišljanja odlučuje proći glavom kroz zid. Odlučuju se na zajedničku pobunu i tako jedna drugoj utiču na životni put. Razlike ih privuku te sretne tako nastavljaju dalje zajedno, na dalekom putovanju prema ostvarenju svojih snova – prema novostečenoj slobodi. Fanni has had enough of money and leaves to live in a tent. Anna has had enough of pigs and leaves the farmer, one needle in the haystack. Facing their dilemmas,Fanni rolls the dice while Anna does not think twice, she knocks down all the pins. Together they raise their voice and shape each other’s lives. Differences attract each other, and jolly they move on – together on their distinct journeys, where their dreams are set – towards a new found liberty.
Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, Colour, 87 min. Režija / Director: Bobo Jelčić Scenarij / Screenplay: Bobo Jelčić Uloge / Cast: Bogdan Diklić, Nada Đurevska, Ivana Roščić, Izudin Bajrović
Austria, 2013, Colour, 79 min. Režija / Director: Daniel Hoesl Scenarij / Screenplay: Daniel Hoesl Uloge / Cast: Johanna Orsini-Rosenberg, Christina Reichsthaler, Josef Kleindienst, Julia Schranz
Kada noć padne na Bukurešt, ili metabolizam / When Evening Falls on Bucharest or Metabolism
U procvatu / In Bloom
Georgia, 2013, Colour, 102 min. Režija / Director: Nana Ekvtimishvili, Simon Groß Scenarij / Screenplay: Nana Ekvtimishvili Uloge / Cast: Lika Babluani, Mariam Bokeria, Zurab Gogaladze, Data Zakareishvili, Ana Nijaradze
Rane su devedesete u Tbilisiju, glavnom gradu Gruzije, koja je upravo stekla nezavisnost nakon raspada Sovjetskog Saveza. Država se suočava s nasiljem, ratom na obali Crnog mora (u Abhaziji) te fenomenom lične osvete u ime pravde, koja je kao kuga zahvatila društvo. Ali život tek počinje za Eku i Natiu, četrnaestogodišnjakinje i nerazdvojne prijateljice. Iako se već susreću s dominacijom muškaraca, ranim brakom i ljubavnim razočaranjem, za ove dvije djevojke u procvatu život jednostavno ide dalje... Early nineties, in Tbilisi, the capital of the newly independent Georgia after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The country is facing violence, war on the Black Sea coast (Abkhazia) and vigilante justice that plague society. But for Eka and Natia, fourteen years old inseparable friends, life just unfolds. Although they are already dealing with men’s dominance, early marriage and disillusioned love, for these two girls in bloom life just goes on... ceremonija zatvaranja i dodjela nagrada / closing awards ceremony narodno pozorište / national theatre 24.08.2013, 20.00
Obrana i zaštita / A Stranger
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U fokusu In Focus
Čistilište / Somewhere In Between
Selektorica / Programmer: Elma Tataragić
Čistilište / Somewhere In Between Turkey, France, Germany, 2012, Colour, 124 min. Režija / Director: Yeşim Ustaoğlu Scenarij / Screenplay: Yeşim Ustaoğlu Uloge / Cast: Neslihan Atagül, Barış Hacıhan, Özcan Deniz, Nihal Yalçın, Ilgaz Kocatürk, Can Başak, Yasemin Çonka
Lijepa Zehra i zgodni Olgun provode veći dio mladosti radeći u kafeteriji benzinske pumpe kraj udaljene autoceste. Zehra sanja da će je ljubav odvesti daleko, a njenu pažnju privlači stariji vozač kamiona, Mahur. Kako Zehrina žudnja za Mahurom prerasta u tragičnu prvu ljubav, njen buntovni prijatelj Olgun se sve više osjeća za postavljenim. Zehra i Olgun će iskusiti gorkoslatko odrastanje, u kojem će proći kroz patnju, ali i buđenje. Međutim, dok se budu opraštali sa svojom dječijom nevinošću, ljubav i nada će im pomoći da krenu naprijed. Pretty Zehra and handsome Olgun spend most of their young lives working in a service station cafeteria near a lonely highway. Zehra dreams that love will take her away and she becomes fascinated by an older truck driver, Mahur. As Zehra’s desire for Mahur turns into a tragic first love, her rebellious friend Olgun becomes more and more frustrated. Zehra and Olgun will experience a bittersweet rite of passage, leading to both suffering and awakening. But as they say goodbye to their childhood innocence, love and hope will help them to move forward.
Kada te vidjeh / When I Saw You
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, 2012, Colour, 70 min. Režija / Director: Igor Drljača Scenarij / Screenplay: Igor Drljača Uloge / Cast: Goran Slavković, Jasmin Geljo, Edis Livnjak, Minela Jasar, Nebojša Mijatović, Petar Mijatović, Jelena Mijatović, Bogdanka Vujadinović, Milkan Đurović
Miro, imigrant iz bivše Jugoslavije, živi u Torontu. Teško se veže za druge ljude i nigdje ne ostaje predugo. Kada sazna da se njegov predratni prijatelj Dado, koji se vodio kao nestala osoba skoro čitave dvije decenije, sada traži zbog ratnih zločina, klupko njegovog života počinje se odmotavati. Nakon što sazna da Dado još uvijek posjećuje Žljebove, selo na rubu Sarajeva, Miro kreće na put u Bosnu kako bi pronašao svog prijatelja. Miro, an immigrant from the former Yugoslavia, lives in Toronto. He has a hard time relating to others and he never stays in one place for too long. When he finds out that his pre-war friend Dado, who has been missing for almost two decades, is now wanted for war-era crimes, his life starts to unravel. Upon hearing that Dado still visits Žljebovi, a village on the outskirts of Sarajevo, Miro embarks on a trip to Bosnia to find his friend.
Mrtvi i živi / The Dead and the Living
Austria, Poland, Germany, 2012, Colour, 100 min. Režija / Director: Barbara Albert Scenarij / Screenplay: Barbara Albert Uloge / Cast: Anna Fischer, August Zirner, Hans Schuschnig, Daniela Sea, Itay Tiran
Film govori o putovanju 25-ogodišnje Site u mračnu i kompliciranu prošlost njene porodice za vrijeme Drugog svjetskog rata. Ovo putovanje vodi Situ od Berlina do Beča, preko Varšave do Rumunije. MRTVI I ŽIVI je film o gubitku domovine, film o samoot krivanju i identitetu, o odgovornosti i nadi. The film tells the journey of 25-year-old Sita into the dark and loaded past of her family during World War II. The journey leads Sita from Berlin to Vienna, to Warsaw and to Romania. THE DEAD AND THE LIVING is a film about losing your homeland, a film about self discovery and identity, about responsibility and hope.
Moldova, Germany, 2012, Colour, 61 min. Režija / Director: Ana Felicia Scutelnicu Scenarij / Screenplay: Ana Felicia Scutelnicu Uloge / Cast: Anişoara Lisnic, Petru Roşcovan, Nina Răbuş, Valeriu Ţurcanu, Valentin Aga
U malom selu u Moldaviji umire starija žena, a za njom ostaju sin Petru i unuka Anisoara. U skladu s tradicijom, cijelo selo je žali i oprašta se od nje. Nakon bdijenja u olujnoj noći, svi kreću ka groblju. Stariji muškarci nose teški kovčeg preko kamenitih puteljaka do svetog brda. Sunce je visoko na nebu i put izgleda beskrajan, ali tu je vino da utoli žeđ i pjesma da odagna tugu. Tako se u ovom pejzažu rajske ljepote radost miješa s tugom i na kraju život ipak biva iznad smrti. In a small village in the Republic of Moldavia, an old woman dies, leaving her son Petru and her grand
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Raj: Ljubav / Paradise: Love
daughter Anisoara behind. According to their tradition, the whole village mourns and bids farewell. After the death watch during a stormy night they make their way to the cemetary. The old men carry the heavy coffin over stony paths up to the sacred hill. The sun is high and the way seems endless, but against the thirst there is wine and against the grief there is singing. So in this landscape of paradisal beauty, joy mixes with sorrow and in the end, life stands above death.
Raj: Ljubav / Paradise: Love
Austria, France, Germany, 2012, Colour, 120 min. Režija / Director: Ulrich Seidl Scenarij / Screenplay: Ulrich Seidl, Veronika Franz Uloge / Cast: Margarethe Tiesel, Peter Kazungu, Inge Maux
Na plažama Kenije ih zovu „sponzorke”: evropske žene u potrazi za afričkim mladićima koji prodaju ljubav kako bi zaradili za život. Teresa, 50-godišnja Austrijanka, putuje u taj raj za odmor. RAJ: LJUBAV je priča o starijim ženama i mlađim muškarcima, o Evropi i Africi, o iskorištenima koji na kraju iskorištavaju druge. Ovo je prvi film iz trilogije PARADISE Ulricha Seidla, film o tri žene i tri odmora, tri priče o potrazi za srećom u ovim vremenima. On the beaches of Kenya, they are known as "sugar mamas": European women who seek out African boys selling love to earn a living. Teresa, a 50-year-old Austrian woman, travels to this vacation paradise. PARADISE: LOVE tells of older women and young men, of Europe and Africa, and of the exploited, who end up exploiting others. Ulrich Seidl’s film is the first in his PARADISE trilogy about three women, three vacations and three stories of the longing to find happiness today.
Raj: Vjera / Paradise: Faith
Austria, France, Germany, 2012, Colour, 113 min. Režija / Director: Ulrich Seidl
Raj: Vjera / Paradise: Faith
U filmu RAJ: VJERA Ulrich Seidl istražuje šta znači nositi križ na leđima. Za neudatu Annu Mariju u svojim pedesetim, raj predstavlja Isus. Ona posvećuje ljetni odmor misionarskom radu da bi se Austrija vratila na put vrline. Na svom dnevnom hodočašću kroz Beč, ide od vrata do vrata, noseći sa sobom kip Djevice Marije od trideset centimetara. Jednog dana, nakon godina odsustva, njen suprug, musliman iz Egipta u invalidskim kolicima, dolazi kući, a njen život iskače iz kolosijeka. Hvalospjevi i molitve su sada izmiješani sa svađama. RAJ: VJERA nam govori o križnom putu braka i žudnji za ljubavlju. Ovaj film je drugi dio trilogije PARADISE Ulricha Seidla. In PARADISE: FAITH Ulrich Seidl explores what it means to carry the cross. For Anna Maria, a single womanin her 50s, paradise lies with Jesus. She devotes her summer vacation todoing missionary work, so that Austriamay be brought back to the path of virtue. On her daily pilgrimage through Vienna, she goes from door to door,carrying a foot-high statue of the Virgin Mary. One day, when after years of absence, her husband, an EgyptianMuslim confined to a wheelchair, comes home, her life goes off its rails. Hymns and prayers are now joinedby fighting. PARADISE: FAITH recounts the stations of the cross of a marriage and the longing for love. The filmis the second part of Ulrich Seidl‘s PARADISE trilogy.
Treći film u trilogiji Ulricha Seidla RAJ je priča o Melanie, gojaznoj trinaestogodišnjakinji i njenoj prvoj ljubavi. Dok njena majka Teresa putuje u Keniju (RAJ: LJUBAV), a njena tetka radi kao misionarka za Isusa Krista (RAJ: VJERA), ova tinejdžerka svoj ljetni raspust provodi s ostalim adolescentima u kampu za mršavljenje na selu u Austriji, gdje vladaju striktna pravila. Pored sportskih aktivnosti i savjetovanja nutricionista, tuča jastucima i prvih cigareta, ona se zaljubljuje u direktora kampa, doktora koji je 40 godina stariji od nje. Voli ga bezuvjetno, kako to obično biva s prvom ljubavi, te naivno pokušava da ga zavede. Doktor, svjestan da je ova ljubav nemoguća, suočava se s osjećajem krivnje. Melanie je svoj raj zamislila drugačije. The third film in Ulrich Seidl’s PARADISE trilogy tells the story of Melanie, an overweight 13-year-old, and her first love. While her mother, Teresa, travels to Kenya (PARADISE: LOVE), and her aunt does missionary work for Jesus Christ (PARADISE: FAITH), the teenager spends her summer vacation with other adolescents in a strictly run diet camp in the Austrian countryside. Between sports activities and nutritional counseling, pillow fights and her first cigarettes, she falls in love with the camp director, a doctor 40 years her senior. She loves him with the unconditionality of first love, and tries in total innocence to seduce him. The doctor struggles against the guilt of this love, aware of its impossibility. Melanie had imagined her paradise differently.
Raj: Nada / Paradise: Hope
Vlaga / Mold
Scenarij / Screenplay: Ulrich Seidl, Veronika Franz Uloge / Cast: Maria Hofstätter, Nabil Saleh, Natalija Baranova, René Rupnik
Austria, France, Germany, 2013, Colour, 91 min. Režija / Director: Ulrich Seidl Scenarij / Screenplay: Ulrich Seidl, Veronika Franz Uloge / Cast: Melanie Lenz, Joseph Lorenz, Michael Thomas, Vivian Bartsch, Verena Lehbauer
Mrtvi i živi / The Dead and the Living
Turkey, Germany, 2012, Colour, 94 min. Režija / Director: Ali Aydin Scenarij / Screenplay: Ali Aydin Uloge / Cast: Ercan Kesal, Muhammet Uzuner,Tansu Biçer
Basri je usamljen čovjek koji ostavlja dojam da se
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Raj: Nada / Paradise: Hope
provlači kroz vlastiti život. Posmatra željezničke pruge, hodajući beskrajnim šinama kroz raskošni pejzaž Anadolije. Njegov jedini sin, Sejfi, odveden je u dom prije osamnaest godina, i od tad se nikome nije javio. Nakon smrti žene, Basri se postepeno povukao iz društva. Međutim, u njegovom životu još uvijek postoji nada jer on dvaput mjesečno piše molbe da mu se ponovno dodijeli starateljstvo nad sinom. Basri is a lonely man who seems to be floating in his own life. He watches over the railroads, walking the endless tracks through the abundant landscape of Anatolia. His only son, Seyfi, has been taken into custody 18 years ago and no one has heard from him ever since. After the death of his wife, Basri has slowly isolated himself from society. But there is still hope in his life, as he keeps on writing petitions twice a month to look after his son.
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Vlaga / Mold
work in progress
Kada te vidjeh / When I Saw You Palestine, Jordan, 2012, Colour, 93 min. Režija / Director: Annemarie Jacir Scenarij / Screenplay: Annemarie Jacir Uloge / Cast: Mahmoud Asfa, Ruba Blal, Saleh Bakri
Svijet je prepun promjena: ispunjen ponovo pro buđenom energijom, novim stilovima, muzikom i zaraznim osjećajem nade. U Jordanu se odvija drugačija vrsta promjene dok desetine hiljada izbjeglica prelaze granicu i dolaze iz Palestine. Nakon što je u haosu rata razdvojen od oca, jedanaestogodišnji Tarek i njegova majka Ghaydaa su dio posljednjeg talasa izbjeglica. Smješteni u “privremene” izbjegličke kampove, oni čekaju, kao i generacija prije njih koja je došla 1948. godine. Teško se privikavajući na život u kampu Harir i žudeći da se ponovo vidi s ocem, Tarek traži izlaz i otkriva novu nadu koja se s vremenom pojavi.
Njegov slobodni duh i znatiželjna priroda vode ga do grupe ljudi na putovanju koje će promijeniti njihove živote. The world is alive with change: brimming with reawakened energy, new styles, music and an infectious sense of hope. In Jordan, a different kind of change is underway as tens of thousands of refugees pour across the border from Palestine. Having been separated from his father in the chaos of war, Tarek, 11, and his mother Ghaydaa, are amongst this latest wave of refugees. Placed in »temporary« refugee camps, they wait, like the generation before them who arrived in 1948. With difficulties adjusting to life in Harir camp and a longing to be reunited with his father, Tarek searches a way out, and discovers a new hope emerging with the times. Eventually his free spirit and curious nature lead him to a group of people on a journey that will change their lives.
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Takmičarski program kratki film Selektorica / Programmer: Elma Tataragić
Mi letimo / We're Flying
Macedonia, Germany, 2013, Colour, 17 min Režija / Director: Vuk Mitevski Scenarij / Screenplay: Teona Strugar Mitevska
Alerik, 16-godišnji dječak, sanjar, živi s djedom u zaraćenoj zemlji. Kada starac pogine u bombaškom napadu, Alerika obuzima potreba za osvetom. Tada rat konačno preuzima kontrolu nad njim. Alerik, a moony 16 year-old boy, lives together with his grandfather in a land in state of war. When the old man loses his life on a bomb attack, Alerik is gripped by feelings of revenge. Now the war has finally taken possession of him.
Neko za večeru / Someone for Dinner
Hungary, 2013, Colour, 18 min Režija / Director: Andras György Dési, Gábor Móray Scenarij / Screenplay: András György Dési, Gábor Móray Uloge / Cast: István Znamenák, Illés Nyitrai
Gost stiže u stan muškarca. Obojica su čekali dugo na taj trenutak. Imaju isti cilj, ali različite razloge. Boje se jedan drugog. Drago im je što su se vidjeli. Psihološka borba dvaju muškaraca u malom stanu. A guest arrives at a man’s flat. They have both waited for a long time. They have the same goal, but for different reasons.They are afraid of each other. They are happy to see each other. A mind-game of two men in a small apartment.
Austria, 2013, Colour, 20 min Režija / Director: Ulrike Kofler Scenarij / Screenplay: Ulrike Kofler Uloge / Cast: Magdalena Kronschläger, Nikolaus Hahn, Roman Blumenschein, Barbara Horvath, Klaus Huhle, Maria Urban
Mlada odgajateljica u vrtiću, Angelika, planirala je provesti svoje veče drugačije. Međutim, budući da niko nije došao po četverogodišnjeg Nikolausa, ona ga odvodi svojoj kući. U toku ovog nepredviđenog susreta, oni polako i pažljivo razvijaju prisnost, koja se naglo prekida kada Angelikin momak Benno odluči da je neplanirano posjeti. Zasnovano na kratkoj priči Petera Stamma. Young kindergarten teacher Angelika had planned her evening differently. But when 4-year-old Nikolaus isn’t picked up, she takes him back home with her. In the course of this involuntary encounter, they slowly and gently develop a rapport that is cut short by Angelika’s boyfriend Benno, who pays her an unexpected visit... Based on a short story by Peter Stamm.
Porodične fotografije / Family Pictures
Romania, 2012, Colour, 26 min Režija / Director: Andrei Cohn Scenarij / Screenplay: Andrei Cohn Uloge / Cast: Ileana Puiu, Lucian Ifrim, Ghe. Ifrim, Ioana Flora, Rodica Lazar
Porodične fotografije / Family Pictures
Sin / Son
Ovo je priča o porodičnom okupljanju jednog nedjeljnog popodneva. Nakon toga, oni se više nikada neće naći na okupu. Film govori o kraju pojma porodice. It's the story of a family meeting on a Sunday afternoon. Afterwords, they'll never meet all together again. The movie is about the end of the family concept.
Sin / Son
Croatia, 2012, Colour, 14 min Režija / Director: Ivan Sikavica Scenarij / Screenplay: Ivan Skorin Uloge / Cast: Goran Radaković, Matija Čigir, Veronika Radman, Karlo Klindžić, Katja Crevar, Franjo Vagjon Prec, Dinka Radonić
Može li jedan trening otrijezniti i ponovno povezati sina i oca? Can a training bring a father and his son to their senses and bond them together again? REGIONALNE PREMIJERE / REGIONAL PREMIERES
Cyprus, 2012, Black&White, 22 min Režija / Director: Spiros Charalambous Scenarij / Screenplay: Theo Panayides Uloge / Cast: Spyros Stavrinides, Immy Lysandrou, Mara Constandinou, Marinos Konsolou, Marios Demetriou
Mary je 30-godišnja Filipinka koja radi u jednom selu na Kipru. Brine o gospodinu Michalisu, 85-godišnjaku koji pati od arteroskleroze. Gospodin
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Mi letimo / We're Flying
Michalis prati TV sapunicu u kojoj glavnu ulogu igra Anna. Čini se kao da je postao opsjednut glavnom glumicom tako da insistira da Mary zove Anna. Kada Mary pronađe staru kutiju, dolazi do znakovitog otkrića. Ime Anna gospodinu Michalisu znači jako puno. Mary, a 30-year-old from Philippines, works in a village in Cyprus. She takes care of Mr. Michalis, an 85-year-old man,who suffers from arteriosclerosis. Mr.Michalis watches a soap opera, starring Anna. It seems that he has acquired a sort of obsession with the protagonist, and he insists on calling Mary with the name of "Anna”. When Mary finds an old box, she make a significant discovery.The name "Anna" has a strong meaning for Mr. Michalis.
Čast / Pride
Bulgaria, Germany, 2013, Colour, 30 min Režija / Director: Pavel G. Vesnakov Scenarij / Screenplay: Pavel G. Vesnakov, Vanya Rainova Uloge / Cast: Mihail Mutafov, Alexandar Aleksiev, Ani Bakalova, Svetlana Yancheva, Kaloia R. Pishmanov
Manol – general u penziji i nježni djed – patrijarhalna je osoba čvrstog morala i jakih uvjerenja koje provodi u svom domaćinstvu. Međutim, danas saznaje da je dječak kojeg je odgojio – homoseksualac. Životne odluke njegovih najdražih dovode u pitanje njegove vrijednosti u borbi koju je u startu već izgubio.
Manol - a retired general, a loving grandfather - is a patriarch of firm morals and fixed beliefs, which he has upheld in his household. But on this day he learns that the boy he raised is gay. The life choices of his loved ones challenge his values in a battle he has lost by default.
Orfej / Orpheus
Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, Colour, 4 min Režija / Director: Tina Šmalcelj Scenarij / Screenplay: Tina Šmalcelj Uloge / Cast: Mak Alijević, Iman Bostandžić, Namik Hadžimuratović, Faris Smajić
Lijep je zimski dan. Četvero djece se igra na mostu, ali u igru se uključuje i peti igrač... Snajperista. It’s a beautiful winter day. Four children are playing on the bridge, but a fifth player enters the game... The sniper.
uređena demokratija. Ipak, uskoro se otkriva da su izbore organizirale Zle djevojčice. Film je osvojio nagradu Kristalni medvjed na 63. berlinskom filmskom festivalu. Rabbits live in Rabbitland, a perfect world ordered according to the examples of war zones and ghettos. They have holes instead of brains, and they are happy regardless of what happens. They vote on free and democratic elections once a day, because Rabbitland is an ordered democracy. Nevertheless, it gets disclosed that the elections are organized by the Evil Girls. The film won Crystal Bear at 63. Berlin Film Festival.
Sjena oblaka / Shadow of a Cloud Romania, 2013, Colour, 27 min Režija / Director: Radu Jude Scenarij / Screenplay: Florin Lazarescu, Radu Jude Uloge / Cast: Alexandru Dabija, Serban Pavlu, Mihaela Sirbu
Serbia, 2013, Colour, 7 min Režija / Director: Ana Nedeljković, Nikola Majdak, Jr. Scenarij / Screenplay: Ana Nedeljković Uloge / Cast: Voices: Maša Mileusnić, Natalija Gajić, Vladislava Đorđević
Jednog olujnog ljetnog dana u Bukureštu, svećenik Florin Florescu biva pozvan da moli za jednu ženu na samrti. In a torrid summer day in Bucharest, the priest Florin Florescu is called to a dying woman's side for saying a prayer.
Zečevi žive u Rabbitlandu, savršenom svijetu uređenom u skladu s ratnim zonama i getoima. Umjesto mozga imaju rupu, tako da su sretni šta god da se desi. Glasaju na slobodnim i demokratskim izborima jednom dnevno, jer je Zemlja zečeva
Takmičarski kratki 1 / Competition Shorts 1 Orpheus/ Son / Family Pictures / Shadow of a Cloud / Anna Takmičarski kratki 2 / Competition Shorts 2 Rabbitland / Alerik / Someone for Dinner / We're Flying / Pride
Neko za večeru / Someone for Dinner
Orfej / Orpheus
Čast / Pride
Sjena oblaka / Shadow of a Cloud SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 16-24/08/2013 /
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Takmičarski program dokumentarni film Competition Programme – Documentaries
Bijeg / Escape
Selektorica / Programmer: Rada Šešić SVJETSKE PREMIJERE / WORLD PREMIERES
Autofokus / Autofocus Croatia, 2013, Colour, 28 min. Režija / Director: Boris Poljak
Svakog ljeta, crkva sv. Nikole (12. stoljeće) postaje meta mnogobrojnih turista. Na slikovitom brežuljku s jednim stablom pored, u arkadijski nedirnutom pejzažu, kao da se pretvara u svojevrsnu pozornicu na kojoj se izmjenjuju različiti neobični događaji. Tako naši turisti, nesvjesni blizine kamere, sva kodnevno postaju glumci u predstavi. Every summer, St. Nicholas Church (12th ct.) draws large crowds of tourists. Situated in an untouched Arcadian landscape, on a picturesque hill and next to a lone tree, it is as if the site becomes a stage where various unusual events take place. Thus, the tourists, unaware of the proximity of the camera, become performers in a daily show.
Bijeg / Escape
Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, Colour, 23 min. Režija / Director: Srđan Keča Scenarij / Screenplay: Srđan Keča
Priča govori o trima Romkinjama: jedna napušta roditelje i školu da bi se udala, druga je ostala sama s djevojčicom o kojoj se mora brinuti, dok treća ne može naći izlaz iz života ispunjenog zlostavljanjem i bolešću. A story of three Roma women: one runs away from her parents and school to get married, one is abandoned with a little girl to take care of, and one cannot escape from a life of abuse and illness.
Kišobrani / Screens
Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Colour, 8 min. Režija / Director: Hanna Slak
17 godina nakon genocida u Srebrenici, ljudi se još uvijek jednom godišnje okupljaju da pokopaju svoje voljene. Za neke je to privatna stvar, dok je za druge grupno političko okupljanje. Kišobrani ne samo da štite od jarkog podnevnog sunca već nude i zaštitu od tuđih radoznalih pogleda, a i način su da se suzi vidno polje. Kamere se koriste na sličan način: pomažu da se vidi, ali i da se ne vidi previše
Autofokus / Autofocus
toga, te da se održi distanca. 17 years after the Srebrenica genocide, people still gather once a year to bury their loved ones. For some it is an intimate event, for others a collective political gathering. Screens not only protect against the burning midday sun, but also offer protection against the gaze of others, or a way to narrow one's own field of vision. Cameras are used in a similar way: helping to see, but also helping not to see too much, and to retain the distance.
svaki čovjek. Inspirisan Kantovom mišlju: “Šta mogu znati, šta moram raditi, čemu se mogu nadati? Šta je čovjek?” A narrative documentary about the state of the patient before, during and after heart surgery. This is an atmosphere film that represents an universal condition that could happen to anyone. Inspired by Immanuel Kant’s thought: “What can I know? What ought I do? For what may I hope? What is it to be human?”
Lud za tobom / Crazy about You
Rob / A Slave
Film prati živote pacijenata u ustanovi za osobe s mentalnim poremećajima tokom jedne godine. U hiperrealističkom maniru, film se bavi najintimnijim aspektima njihovih života. Kroz različite situacije – komične, šokantne i tužne – junaci ovog filma otkrivaju svoje svjetove, paralelne s našim, tzv. normalnim. Film je baziran na dramatičnoj ljubavnoj priči Ismeta i Vladane, nekadašnjih ljubavnika koji su još uvijek u tajnoj vezi, uprkos tome što su, u međuvremenu, pronašli nove partnere. The film follows the lives of residents in institution for the mentally disabled for a year. In a hyperrealistic way, the film deals with the most intimate aspects of their lives, and through different situations, comical, shocking and sad, the heroes of the film reveal their different world, parallel to ours, so to speak normal. The story is based mostly on a dramatic love story between Ismet and Vladana, the residents who are ex partners, but still in a secret relatioship, despite being with their present partners.
Almir Ćehajić Batko je zubar, glumac, zabavljač, radijski i TV voditelj... Sve se mijenja u trenutku kada saznaje da će mu dijete umrijeti ukoliko ne bude operirano u nekoj od renomiranih klinika. Posuđuje novac od koga god stigne, traži, moli, kumi... Ipak uspijeva nabaviti novac i djevojčica je operirana. Nažalost, ubrzo umire. Par sati nakon pokopa telefon počinje zvoniti. Sluđen nevjericom da mu u tom trenutku neko traži novac, uzima novac od lihvara kamatara, kako bi njime tim “prijateljima” 'začepio usta'. Tada počinje pakao. Almir Ćehajić, a.k.a. Batko, a dentist, actor, entertainer, radio and TV host, etc. Everything changes the moment he finds out that his daughter will die unless she is operated on in a prestigious clinic. He borrows as much money as he can seeking, begging, pleading... He manages to get the money together and the girl receives the operation. Unfortunately, she passes away soon afterwards. Hours after the funeral, the telephone begins to ring. Incredulous at the fact that someone would ask for money at a time like that, he goes to a loan shark in order to “shut up” his “friends”. That is when his own personal hell begins.
Montenegro, 2013, Colour, 50 min. Režija / Director: Danilo Marunović Scenarij / Screenplay: Danilo Marunović
Pacijent / Patient
Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, Colour, 24 min. Režija / Director: Zdenko Jurilj Scenarij / Screenplay: Zdenko Jurilj
Narativna dokumentarna priča o stanju pacijenta prije, za vrijeme i nakon operacije srca. Film atmosfere koji prikazuje univerzalno stanje u kojem se može naći
Lud za tobom / Crazy about You
Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 45 min. Režija / Director: Pjer Žalica Scenarij / Screenplay: Pjer Žalica
U potrazi za porodicom / Finding Family
Bosnia and Herzegovina, United Kingdom, 2013, Colour, 56 min.
Rob / A Slave
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U potrazi za porodicom / Finding Family
Režija / Director: Chris Leslie, Oggi Tomić Scenarij / Screenplay: Chris Leslie, Oggi Tomić
Rođen u Sarajevu s hidrocefalusom i prognozom da će umrijeti nakon svega par mjeseci, napušten po rođenju - Oggi Tomić nije imao sretan početak života. Uprkos svemu i zahvaljujući ljubaznosti neznanaca, 27 godina kasnije Oggi je zdrav, sretno oženjen i živi u Velikoj Britaniji. Nakon što je djetinjstvo puno patnje proveo u ratu, na ivici gladi i pod neprestanom opasnošću od granata, i baš kada se činilo da mu život kreće pravim tokom, Oggi prima telefonski poziv od svoje davno izgubljene porodice. To je trenutak o kojem svako siroče sanja. Ali stvari nisu baš tako jednostavne. Snažna i duboka priča ispričana u prvom licu, priča o Oggijevom povratku u Bosnu i nevjerovatnom ponovnom susretu s porodicom. Born in Sarajevo, with a hydrocephalus, abandoned at birth and given just months to live, Oggi Tomic did not get the best start in life. However 27 years later, against the odds, and through the kindness of strangers, he is alive, well and happily married in the UK. After a war torn childhood, plagued by near starvation, shelling and continuous suffering it seems like everything is finally falling into place for Oggi until one day he receives a phone call from his long lost family. It’s the moment every orphan waits for. There’s just one thing. A powerful and profound first person narrative that follows Oggi as he heads back to Bosnia for this extraordinary family reunion. MEĐUNARODNE PREMIJERE / INTERNATIONAL PREMIERES
Jugoslavija, kako je ideologija pokretala naše kolektivno tijelo / Yugoslavia, How Ideology Moved Our Collective Body
Serbia, France, Germany, 2013, Colour and B&W, 62 min. Režija / Director: Marta Popivoda Scenarij / Screenplay: Ana Vujanović, Marta Popivoda
Film se bavi izvođenjem ideologije u javnom prostoru, putem masovnih performansa. Autorica je analizirala filmske i videozapise iz poslijeratnog perioda Jugoslavije (1945‒2000), fokusirajući se na
Pacijent / Patient
Kišobrani / Screens
Mama Evropa / Mother Europe
masovne državne izvedbe (omladinske radne akcije, prvomajske parade, proslave Dana mladosti...), kao i na javne proteste. Prolazeći kroz medijske slike, film (re)konstruira postepeno iscrpljivanje komunističke ideologije kroz promjene odnosa između ljudi, ideologije i države. The film deals with the question of how ideology performs itself in public space through mass performances. The author collected and analysed film and video footage from the period of postwar Yugoslavia (1945-2000), focusing on mass state performances (youth work actions, May Day parades, celebrations of Youth Day, etc.) as well as public protests. Going back through the images, the film traces how communist ideology was gradually exhausted through the changing relations between the people, ideology and the state.
Mama Evropa / Mother Europe
Slovenia, Macedonia, Croatia, 2013, Colour and B&W, 90 min. Režija / Director: Petra Seliškar Scenarij / Screenplay: Petra Seliškar, Terra Ferro Seliškar
Intiman dijalog između majke i njene petogodišnje kćerke, Terre. S obzirom da dolazi iz međuprostora, granice koja dijeli bivšu Jugoslaviju od Zapada, Terra odrasta kao građanka svijeta, ali je spoznala granice onog momenta kada je razumjela da je automobil njene porodice njena dnevna soba. Putovanje kroz Južnu Evropu je prilika za Terru da svojim roditeljima predstavi svoje jedinstveno viđenje svijeta. Punk bend, pustinjak gurman, neki ribari i stogodišnji muškarac su likovi u ovom porodičnom filmu o putovanju poput bajke. An intimate conversation between a mother and her 5 year-old daughter Terra. Coming from an in-between place, on the border that divides former Yugoslavia from the Western world, Terra has grown up as a citizen of the world, but got to know borders as soon as she understood that her family car was her living room. A journey through Southern Europe with her family is the occasion for Terra to confront her peculiar vision of the world with her parents. A punk band, a gourmet hermit, some fishermen and a
Jugoslavija, kako je ideologija pokretala naše kolektivno tijelo / Yugoslavia, How Ideology Moved Our Collective Body
hundred years old man are the characters of a family road movie with the taste of a fairy tale.
Tu... Mislim, tamo / here... I mean there
Romania, 2012, Colour, 73 min. Režija / Director: Laura Capatana – Juller Scenarij / Screenplay: Laura Capatana - Juller
Ani i Sanda su dvije djevojčice iz Maramuresha, odrasle sa svojim bakom i djedom. Njihovi roditelji rade u Španiji, kao i mnogi drugi Rumuni. Kada su otišli, njihova zajednička želja djelovala je obećavajuće: novcem koji zarade u Španiji izgradit će kuću u kojoj će čitava porodica biti sretna. Nakon više od deset godina pokazuje se da stvari nisu išle po planu, a da velika kuća tek treba biti dovršena. Ani and Sanda are two girls from Maramuresh who grew up with their grandparents. Their parents are working in Spain, like so many other Romanians. When they left their common project looked promising: with the money earned in Spain they shall build a house in which the whole family will be happy. After more than ten years, things haven’t turned out as planned and the big house is far from being finished.
U braku sa Švicarcem / Married to the Swiss Franc Croatia, 2013, Colour, 55 min. Režija / Director: Arsen Oremović Scenarij / Screenplay: Arsen Oremović
Film o žrtvama kredita u švicarskim francima (CHF) u Hrvatskoj. Nedostatak spoznaje da je u ovakvim slučajevima intervencija države naprosto obavezujuća. Film govori o problemu kroz sudbine žrtava kredita – raspadi porodica, čak i jedan smrtni slučaj zbog pritiska banke, a u medicinskom spisu je zabilježen kao „nasilna smrt“. Film donosi i objašnjenja stručnjaka o finansijskim, pravnim i političkim aspektima problema, te stav banaka, njihovih vođa, političara... A feature documentary about the victims of loans in Swiss Francs (CHF) in Croatia. The problem is a lack
Tu... Mislim, tamo / here... I mean there SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 16-24/08/2013 /
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U braku sa Švicarcem / Married to the Swiss Franc
Anplagd / Unplugged
Ovaj film prati grupu članova Zlatne zore tokom njihove predizborne kampanje u centru Atine. In Greece, a country facing financial and social ruin, the neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn has become the prime outlet for public anger. They were catapulted to 7% of the popular vote in the 2012 election, entering the Greek parliament for the first time. The film follows a group of Golden Dawn members during their pre-election campaign in central Athens.
of understanding that in cases such as this one the state simply must intervene. The film treats the problem through the fates of the victims of the loans—including families falling apart and even the death of one person as a result of pressures from the bank which has been ruled a “violent death” by medical examiners. The film also provides expert commentary on the financial, legal and political aspects of the problem, as well as the position of the banks, their leadership, politicians, etc.
Gangster te voli / Gangster of Love
Croatia, Germany, Romania, 2013, Colour, 80 min. Režija / Director: Nebojša Slijepčević Scenarij / Screenplay: Nebojša Slijepčević, Vanja Jambrović
Anplagd / Unplugged
Serbia, 2013, Colour, 52 min. Režija / Director: Mladen Kovačević Scenarij / Screenplay: Mladen Kovačević
Egzistencijalna alegorija o puhanju u listove, kretanju u prostoru između najprimitivnijih instrumenata i najuniverzalnijeg bijega koji muzika nudi. Upoznajte Josipa, pronalazača amatera, čiji je cilj savladati umjetnost muziciranja listovima, te posljednje svirače na listovima – Veru, nekadašnju privatnu detektivku i Peru, seljaka sveznalicu – koji u jesen života još uvijek posežu za zelenim lišćem. Muzika je rijetko kad ovako neuobičajena. An existential allegory about blowing into leaves, rattling between the most primitive of instruments and the most universal escapism of music. Meet Josip, amateur inventor set out to decode the artistry of leaf-playing, and the last leaf-players – Vera, ex-private detective, and Pera, the know-it-all peasant – in the autumns of their lives, still going for the verdant leaves. Music has rarely been so offbeat.
Čistači / The Cleaners
Greece, 2012, Colour, 37 min. Režija / Director: Konstantinos Georgousis Scenarij / Screenplay: Konstantinos Georgousis
U Grčkoj, državi koja se suočava s finansijskom i društvenom propašću, neonacistička stranka Zlatna zora postaje glavni ispušni ventil za javni bijes. Na opće iznenađenje dobijaju 7% glasova na izborima 2012. godine, te tako prvi put ulaze u grčki parlament.
Gangster te voli / Gangster of Love
Provodadžija Nediljko Babić, poznatiji kao Gangster, pomaže samohranoj majci Bugarki da pronađe novog muža u Hrvatskoj. Međutim, serija komičnih, ali i tragičnih sastanaka otkriva pravu prirodu konzervativnih hrvatskih muškaraca: oni bi radije umrli sami, nego se oženili strankinjom koja već ima dijete. Matchmaker Nediljko Babić, also known as “Gangster,” helps a Bulgarian single mother find a new husband in Croatia. But a series of comically disastrous dates discloses the true nature of conservative Croatian men:they would rather die alone than marry a foreigner with a child.
Ja kada sam bila klinac, bila sam klinka / When I Was a Boy, I Was a Girl Serbia, 2013, Colour, 30 min. Režija / Director: Ivana Todorović
Goca je transvestit u Beogradu, glavnom gradu države u kojoj je organiziranje ili učestvovanje u gay paradi ponosa zabranjeno. Odgaja kćerku koja je, ustvari, njena nećakinja. Iako joj njen osamnaestogodišnji momak stalno krade novac koji ona zarađuje kao prostitutka i time rizikuje živu glavu, Goca ga ipak voli i uspijeva sačuvati svoj pozitivan i otvoren pogled na svijet. Na svoj trideset deveti rođendan odlučuje otvoreno progovoriti o svojoj seksualnosti na sceni, pred publikom. Tako
Moji očevi, moja majka i ja / My Fathers, My Mother & Me
Ja kada sam bila klinac, bila sam klinka / When I Was a Boy, I Was a Girl
im ispriča svoju životnu priču: 'Ja kada sam bila klinac, bila sam klinka'. Tekst je napisala Goca lično, uz pomoć dramaturginje Olge Dimitrijević. Goca is a transvestite in Belgrade, the capital city of a country where organising or participating in a gay pride parade is forbidden. She is raising a daughter who is actually her niece. Although her 18-year-old boyfriend steals the money she risks life and limb to earn as a sex worker, Goca still loves him and manages to retain her sunny, open-minded nature. On her thirty-ninth birthday she decides to celebrate her coming-out on stage in front of a live audience. And so she tells them the story of her life: “When I was a boy, I was a girl." The text in this cabaré was written by Goca herself, and playwright Olga Dimitrijević.
Moja obitelj, moji rođaci / My Kith and Kin Azerbaijan, 2012, Colour, 63 min. Režija / Director: Rodion Ismailov Scenarij / Screenplay: Rodion Ismailov
Lolita u sebi nosi dvije različite kulture jer joj je majka Ruskinja, a otac Azerbejdžanac. Priča o djevojčici koja prvi put u svom životu odlazi u Azerbejdžan kako bi upoznala roditelje svog oca. Lolita is the one who bears two cultures, as her mother is Russian and her father is Azerbaijanian. A lyric and breathtaking story about a girl, who goes to Azerbaijan for the very first time to meet her father’s parents.
Moji očevi, moja majka i ja / My Fathers, My Mother & Me Austria, 2012, Colour, 93. min Režija / Director: Paul-Julien Robert Scenarij / Screenplay: Paul-Julien Robert
Zajedničko vlasništvo, seksualne slobode, raspad nuklearne porodice - ovo su osnovni principi Friedrichshofa, najveće komune u Evropi, koju je osnovao bečki aktivista Otto Mühl početkom sedamdesetih. Režiser Paul Julien Robert, inače rođen u ovoj komuni, kreće na autentično putovanje
Presuda / The Verdict
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u vlastitu prošlost. Prikazujući arhivski materijal, koji je prvi put javno prikazan u ovom filmu, režiser suočava samog sebe i svoju majku sa pitanjem: "Šta je porodica?" Communal property, free sexuality, dissolution of the nuclear family – these were the basic principles of the Friedrichshof, the largest commune in Europe founded by the Viennese Actionist Otto Mühl at the beginning of the 1970s. Director Paul-Julien Robert, who was born into this commune, embarks on a personal journey into his past. Including archive material made public for the first time in this film, the director confronts himself and his mother with the question “What is family?”
Piljar / The Grocer
Greece, 2013, Colour, 81 min. Režija / Director: Dimitris Koutsiabasakos Scenarij / Screenplay: Dimitris Koutsiabasakos
Nikos Anastasiou, putujući piljar, kreće se istom rutom sa svojom suprugom Sophiom od 1980. Jednom sedmično, tokom cijele godine, polazeći iz grada Trikala, obilaze napuštena sela na jugozapadu planina Pindos, udaljena 75 kilometara. Posljednjih par godina im pomažu njihova dva sina, Kostas i Thimios. Ovaj dokumentarac prati njihov put u sva četiri godišnja doba. Nikos Anastasiou, a travelling grocer, has been making the same itinerary with his wife Sophia since 1980. Once a week, all year long, starting from the city of Trikala they visit the abandoned villages of the southwestern Pindos mountains, a 75 kilometer drive. In the past few years, their two sons Kostas and Thimios help them. This documentary follows their trip during the four seasons of the year.
Presuda / The Verdict Croatia, 2013, Colour, 11 min. Režija / Director: Đuro Gavran
Šesnaest godina nakon rata na glavnom zagrebačkom trgu okupilo se nekoliko hiljada ljudi kako bi gledali televizijski prijenos izricanja prvostepene presude hrvatskim generalima. U nizu
Čistači / The Cleaners
Moja obitelj, moji rođaci / My Kith and Kin
krupnih kadrova film prati erupciju emocija izazvanih presudom. Sixteen years after the war, in the main square of Zagreb several thousand people gathered to watch a live broadcast of the verdict to Croatian generals. Through a series of close-ups, the film documents the eruption of emotions caused by the verdict.
Hungary, United Kingdom, Germany, 2013, Black & White, 63 min. Režija / Director: Diana Groó Scenarij / Screenplay: Diana Groó
Životna priča Regine Jonas, prve žene rabina na svijetu, rekonstruirana je na temelju jedne jedine fotografije, uz poseban način korištenja arhivskog materijala. Inspirisana je i knjigom Elise Klapcheck, “Fräulein Rabbiner Jonas – priča o prvoj rabinki”. Nastao je poetičan dokumentarni film o nevjerovatnoj borbi, posvećenosti, vjeri i ljubavi jedne žene. A life story of Regina Jonas, the first female rabbi of the world, was reconstructed from one single photograph in a special manner of using archives. It was also inspired by the original book by Elisa Klapheck: “Fräulein Rabbiner Jonas - The Story of the First Woman Rabbi.” The result is a poetic documentary film about an extraordinary woman’s struggle, devotion, faith, and love.
Austria, 2012, Colour, 74 min. Režija / Director: Jury Rechinsky
Dokumentarni triptih o skupini djece, beskućnika, koji su uspjeli preživjeti svoje ovisničko djetinjstvo, odrasli i počeli živjeti kao zreli ljudi. To je priča o dječaku koji traži svoju majku i koji je pri tome suočen s nadrealnim, izopačenim društvom u svom rodnom selu, punom mržnje i sadističkog bijesa. To je priča i o trudnoj djevojci koja želi roditi dijete, iako predosjeća da će njegov život biti gori od njenog. Ali sestre je primoravaju na pobačaj. A documentary triptych about a group of homeless kids, who have survived their drug-addicted
Piljar / The Grocer
childhood, grew up and start to live an adult life. It’s a story about a boy facing the surreal, degenerated society of his native village full of hate and sadistic anger while searching for his mother. It’s a story about a pregnant girl who wants to give birth to her child whose childhood probably will be even worse then hers, but her own sisters are forcing her to make an abortion. IZVAN KONKURENCIJE / OUT OF COMPETITION GALA SCREENING
Okupacija, 27. slika / Occupation, the 27th Picture
Czech Republic, Croatia, 2013, Colour and B&W, 71 min. Režija / Director: Pavo Marinković Scenarij / Screenplay: Pavo Marinković
Upoznajemo kontraverznog hrvatskog režisera, Lordana Zafranovića, tokom njegovog dobrovoljnog egzila u Pragu. Njegova životna priča je nekonvencionalni prikaz uspona i padova, otkrivajući ustupke koje je Lordan Zafranović napravio kako bi preživio kao umjetnik za vrijeme komunizma, te sve propuštene prilike i loše proračune koji su doveli do njegove nemogućnosti da se prilagodi u kasnijim godinama života. Da li je karizmatični Zafranović izdajnik naroda ili žrtva historijskih okolnosti, zbog toga što je, kako sam kaže, samo htio biti ono što jeste i snimati filmove? We encounter the controversial Croatian film director Lordan Zafranović in his voluntary exile in Prague. His life story is an unconventional depiction of a rise and fall that reveals compromises made in order to survive artistically during communism, as well as the missed opportunities and miscalculations that led to his inability to adapt in later years. Is the charismatic Zafranović a national traitor or a victim of historical circumstances in which the only thing he wanted to do, in his own words, was to be himself and make films?
Okupacija, 27. slika / Occupation, the 27th Picture SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 16-24/08/2013 /
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Industry U drugoj polovini Sarajevo Film Festivala, fokusirat ćemo se na poslovnu stranu filma. Od 21. avgusta, međunarodna filmska industrija okuplja se u Sarajevu na četiri dana intenzivnih profesionalnih aktivnosti. It is the business of film that is the focus of the second half of the Festival. From the 21st of August the international film industry hits the town for four days of extensive networking and professional diverse activities. CineLink, naš koprodukcijski market predstavlja 18 novih filmskih projekata u fazama razvoja i finansiranja koji najviše obećavaju. Selekcija se tradicionalno fokusira na Jugoistočnu Evropu, odakle i ovoga puta imamo najveći broj filmskih autora i projekata. Također, u saradnji sa Filmskim institutom u Dohi i Arapskim fondom za umjetnost i kulturu predstavit ćemo dva projekta sa Bliskog Istoka.
REGIONALNI FORUM / Regional Forum 22–24 August 2013 / Hotel Evropa
CineLink Work in Progress predstavlja buduće festivalske hitove. Šest novih naslova u postprodukciji biće prikazani odabranim selektorima međunarodnih filmskih festivala i agentima za prodaju prava.
1. dan / Day 1
CineLink također nudi i nagradni fond u vrijednosti preko 160.000 eura u gotovini i uslugama.
CineLink, our co-production market presents 18 most promising feature projects in development and financing stage. The selection has traditionally been focused on Southeast Europe, where most of the filmmakers are coming from this time as well. However, we are partnering with the Doha Film Institute and The Arab Fund for Arts & Culture to present two exciting projects from the Middle East.
CineLink Work in Progress continuously showcases future success stories on the festival circuit. We have six new, exciting titles in post production that will be shown to selected international festival programmers and sales agents. CineLink also offers an awards fund of over 160.000 Euros in cash and services.
Finansiranje filma: Jačanje javnih fondova za koprodukciju u bivšoj Jugoslaviji Film finance: Streamlining the public funding for coproduction in former Yugoslavia
2. dan / Day 2 Kulturna politika: kako povećati uticaj kreativnih industrija na lokalna društva i ekonomije? Cultural policy: How to boost the impact of creative industries on local societies and economies?
3. dan / Day 3 Poslovni modeli: filmska industrija između nove legislative i nove tehnologije Business models: Film industry between new legislations and new technologies
Govornici: / Speakers include:
CineLink ZEMLJA PARTNERI / PARTNER COUNTRY Filmska industrija u fokusu je ponovo Njemačka, koja tradicionalno koproducira veliki broj projekata sa našeg tržišta i regiona. Partnerstvo smo već ostvarili 2005. godine, a u međuvremenu, svjedočili smo mnogim uspješnim rezultatima koji su proizašli iz te saradnje. Od tada se svijet filma radikalno promijenio na toliko načina, stoga smo osjetili potrebu da se ponovo okrenemo saradnji sa pomenutom zemljom. Udruženi sa njemačkom delegacijom, posvetit ćemo se rješavanju novih izazova u evropskoj filmskoj industriji i budućnosti koprodukcije između Njemačke i našeg regiona. Ovog puta, partneri smo sa četiri regionalna fonda: Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein, MFG Filmförderung Baden-Württemberg, Medienboard BerlinBrandenburg i Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung kako bismo predstavili slijedeću generaciju njemačkih producenata. This year we are happy to team up once more with Germany, the country that has been a partner for so many projects that emerged from our market and our region. We have partnered already in 2005, and have in the mean time seen so many successful results stemming from that collaboration. Also, since then the world of cinema has radically changed in so many ways that we felt necessary to turn to Germany once more. Together with the German delegation we will be addressing the new challenges of European film industry and the future of coproduction. This time, we are partnering with 4 regional funds, namely Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein, MFG Filmförderung Baden-Württemberg, Medienboard BerlinBrandenburg and Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung to present the next generation of German producers.
Sanja Ravlić, šef odjela za koprodukciju, Hrvatski audiovizualni centar/ Head of coproductions, Croatian Audiovisual Center Ken Hay, izvršni direktor Edinburg International Film Festival Thomas Hailer, programski menadžer, Međunarodni filmski festival u Berlinu / Programme manager, Berlin International Film Festival Dave Moutray, direktor i predsjednik uprave, Pozorište Cornerhouse & Library / Director & CEO, Cornerhouse & Library Theatre Company Briony Henson, direktor odjela za kinematografiju, British Council / Head of Film, British Council Erik Barnett, Misija Sjedinjenih Američkih Država u Evropskoj Uniji / United States Mission to the European Union Mirsad Purivatra, direktor, Sarajevo Film Festival / Director, Sarajevo Film Festival Chris Marcich, Head of MPA Tomislav Lukičić, EBU kablovska koordinacija / EBU Cable Coordination Toni Beus, APAW Bosna i Hercegovina
Moderator / Moderated by Marko Pavlović, Al Jazeera Balkans
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 16-24/08/2013 /
SFF_022 22
29.7.2013. 19:56
Industry Terrace je novi prostor za biznis i poslovno udruživanje, konceptualno kreiran kao platforma sa pravima i licencama za predstavljanje na festivalu, kao i promociju produkcijskih usluga za region. Što se tiče dokumentaraca, Docu Rough Cut Boutique je odabrao pet projekata iz regije, kojima je pružen trening, savjet eksperata i pristup profesionalcima koji mogu imati ključan uticaj za napredak projekata u njihovoj završnoj fazi. Tokom šest intenzivnih grupnih sesija i desetina pojedinačnih, odabrani timovi i mentori će se fokusirati ka radu na grubim verzijama filmova. Sarajevo grad filma, naša produkcijska šema za realizaciju kratkih mikrobudžetnih filmova mladih filmskih autora koji su učestvovali u prethodnim izdanjima Sarajevo Talent Campusa, kreiran je kao veza između treninga, edukacije i profesionalnog djelovanja u filmskoj industriji. Ove godine, tri nova filma mladih talenata potekla su iz ovog programa. A kada je riječ o kratkim filmovima predstavljenim na festivalu, Minimarket nastavlja sa unaprjeđivanjem njihove međunarodne cirkulacije, te spaja autore filmova sa istaknutim selektorima evropskih filmskih festivala kratkog filma, kao i profesionalcima koji se bave prodajom i distribucijom te vrste filma. The Industry Terrace is the new business, meeting and social space, meant to service business with rights and licenses for the films at the festival, as well as the use of production services in the region. On the documentary side, Docu Rough Cut Boutique selectes five projects from the Region providing them coaching, expert advice and access to decision-makers that can have crucial influence on moving the projects forward in their final stage. During six intensive group sessions and dozen individual ones, the selected teams and mentors focus on fine tuning the rough cuts. Sarajevo City of Film, our production scheme supporting the realisation of short micro-budget films by young filmmakers who have participated in the previous editions of Sarajevo Talent Campus, modelled as a link between training, networking and the film industry. Sarajevo City of Film continuously provided a stepping stone for the entrance to the industry. This year, three new films from exciting new talent came out of its pipeline. As for shorts, Minimarket will continue to enhance their circulation internationally and bring filmmakers together with prominent European short film festival programmers and professionals active in sales and distribution of short films.
Ovogodišnje sedmo izdanje Sarajevo Talent Campusa, pokrenuto u saradnji sa Berlinale Talent Campusom, održava se u okviru teme „Mind the Gap: sudjelujte u filmu“. Ovogodišnja tema se zasniva na pretpostavci da je moderna kinematografija Jugoistočne Evrope ima puno toga za ponuditi. Kvalitetni filmovi privlače još zahtjevniju publiku. Potrebno je zadovoljiti angažovane, znatiželjne i maštovite gledatelje – one koji uživaju u uticaju i pokretačkoj moći slike; one koji se usuđuju da žive u praznim prostorima umjetničke kinematografije i pretvaraju film u stvarna iskustva. STC će se odvijati od 19. do 24. avgusta 2013. 75 mladih glumaca, reditelja, filmskih kritičara, producenata i scenarista u usponu će učestvovati u raznolikom programu predavanja, radionica, prezentacija i diskusija u okviru ovogodišnje teme. This year’s 7th edition of Sarajevo Talent Campus, launched in collaboration with Berlinale Talent Campus, will be held under the theme "Mind the Gap: Engage with Cinema". This year theme draws from the assumption that contemporary Southeast European cinema is a cinema that has a lot to offer. Either surfing the Greek absurdist or slow Romanian wave, or absorbing Bosnian socially shaped cinema, demand has never been greater on the part of the viewer. Many questions are being posed, leaving gaps to be filled in by the audience. There is a dire need for an engaged, curious and imaginative viewer – the one who enjoys being affected and moved by the power of images. The one who dares to inhabit empty spaces of art-house cinema and turns films into actual experiences. STC runs 19 - 24 August 2013. 75 emerging actors, directors, film critics, producers and scriptwriters will take part in the diverse programme of lectures, workshops, presentations, discussions along the lines of the theme.
Predavači: / Speakers include: Dan Fainaru, filmski kritičar / Film Critic Danis Tanović, režiser / Director Danny Glover, glumac / Actor Gyula Gazdag, konsultant scenarija i umjetnički direktor Sundance Filmmakers Lab-a / Script Consultant and Artistic Director Sundance Filmmakers Lab Jean-Michel Frodon, filmski kritičar / Film Critic Jurica Pavičić, filmski kritičar / Film Critic Leon Lučev, glumac / Actor Leos Carax, režiser / Director Phillipe Bober, kreativni producent i prodajni agent / Creative Producer and Sales Agent Pirjo Honkasalo, autor dokumentarnih filmova / Documentary Filmmaker Uliks Fehmiu, glumac / Actor Emir Baigazin, režiser / Director
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 16-24/08/2013 /
SFF_023 23
29.7.2013. 18:04
Godišnji na moru / Holiday at the Seaside
Jutarnje molitve / Morning Prayers
Moja! Moja! Moja sobica! / My! My! My little room!
SARAJEVO GRAD FILMA Sarajevo City of Film Godišnji na moru / Holiday at the Seaside
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania, 2013, Colour, 16 min. Režija / Director: Cristina Groșan Scenarij / Screenplay: Cristina Groșan and Ștefan Statnic Uloge / Cast: Mara Purza, Andreea Vasile, Ștefan Statnic, Andreea Lavinia Onuţă Producenti / Producers: Dóra Nedeczky, Dragana Jovanović, Luka Venturin
Trinaestogodišnja Amalia na dan prije odlaska na more s roditeljima prvi put dobija menstruaciju. Pošto joj je majka previše brižna, a istovremeno uzdržana, Amalia odluči da se sama pobrine za taj “problem”. Nije ni svjesna da će to uskoro postati najmanji od svih njenih problema. Amalia , a girl of thirteen, gets her first period one day before leaving for the seaside with her parents. Having an over-caring but distant mother, she decides to take care of the “issue” by herself. Little does she know that soon, this will be the smallest problem she has.
Jutarnje molitve / Morning Prayers Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Serbia, 2013, Colour, 21 min. Režija / Director: Konstantina Kotzmani, Katarina Stanković
Scenarij / Screenplay: Konstantina Kotzamani, Maša Seničić, Katarina Stanković Uloge / Cast: Ismir Gagula, Hana Pašić, Serafedin Redžepov Producenti / Producers: Dragana Jovanović, Luka Venturin, Dóra Nedeczky
Djevojka i momak upoznaju se u toaletu jednog kluba. Oboje na drogama, besciljno šetaju ulicama Sarajeva. Završavaju u nekom stanu, izvode ludosti i maze se. Sve dok bezbrižnu atmosferu ne prekine prisustvo treće osobe. A boy and a girl meet in club's toilet. High on drugs, they walk the streets of Sarajevo aimlessly. They end up in an apartment, fooling around, making out. Until this careless atmosphere is interrupted by someone else’s presence.
dok mlađi brat i sestra započinju borbu oko njene sobice. Oboje žele iseliti iz velike sobe u kojoj spavaju s roditeljima, te konačno dobiti malo privatnosti. The oldest sister is moving abroad for college, and her younger brother and sister start a battle for her little room. They both want to move out of the big room where they sleep with their parents and finally get some privacy.
Sarajevo grad filma - najbolji film / Sarajevo City of Film Best Film NAGRADA / AWARD
Moja! Moja! Moja sobica! / My! My! My little room!
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, 2013, Colour, 15 min. Režija / Director: Barbara Vekarić Scenarij / Screenplay: Barbara Vekarić Uloge / Cast: Larisa Gagula, Ismir Gagula, Gordana Boban, Izudin Bajrović, Ena Kurtalić, Ravijojla Jovančić - Lešić Producenti/ Producers: Dragana Jovanović, Luka Venturin, Dora Nedeczky
Dodjela nagrade / Award Ceremony: 19.08.2013, 20.30 / Ljetno kino !hej / !hej Open Air Cinema
Najstarija sestra sprema se za studij u inostranstvu
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 16-24/08/2013 /
SFF_024 24
29.7.2013. 18:05
Dan ljudskih prava Human Rights Day Sarajevo Film Festival će, već petu godinu zaredom, biti domaćin Dana ljudskih prava, koji se organizira u saradnji s Ambasadom Švicarske i Saveznim ministarstvom vanjskih poslova Švicarske. Dan ljudskih prava bit će obilježen u ponedjeljak, 19. augusta 2013. godine. Tim povodom, u multiplex kinu Cinema City bit će upriličene projekcije dvaju filmova: THOUGH I KNOW THE RIVER IS DRY, režisera Omara Roberta Hamiltona i INFILTRATORS u režiji Khaleda Jarrara. Nakon projekcije režiseri filmova učestvovat će u razgovoru s publikom. Nakon projekcije filmova, u saradnji s ambasadom Švicarske, bit će također održana i panel diskusija pod nazivom „Do You Remember Palestine?“. Moderatorica panela bit će Sabina Čudić, politologinja. Dan obilježavanja ljudskih prava okončat će se projekcijom filma STOP – OVER, režisera Kaveha Bakhtiaria. Film će biti prikazan u saradnji s International Film Festival & Forum on Human Rights iz Ženeve. Sarajevo Film Festival kroz svoj Takmičarski program – dokumentarni film prikazuje filmove inspirirane različitim aspektima ljudskih prava, te ovim posebnim događajem, obilježavanjem Dana ljudskih prava, Sarajevo Film Festival nastoji dodatno skrenuti pažnju na važnost filma kao značajnog i moćnog medija u promociji ljudskih prava. Filmovi i teme, koje se svake godine biraju za obilježavanje Dana ljudskih prava, pružaju šansu učesnicima panel diskusija, gledaocima i medijima da diskutuju o akutnim problemima pojedinca ili zajednice u današnjem svijetu. Na svečanoj ceremoniji dodjele nagrada Sarajevo Film Festivala bit će dodijeljena i Nagrada za ljudska prava. Ova nagrada dodjeljuje se za najbolji film iz Takmičarskog programa – dokumentarni film, koji obrađuje tematiku ljudskih prava. Nagradu u iznosu od 3000 eura osigurava Savezno ministarstvo vanjskih poslova Švicarske.
For the fifth consecutive year, the Sarajevo Film Festival will host the Human Rights Day organized in cooperation with the Embassy of Sweden and the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. Human Rights Day will be held on Monday, August 19, 2013. On that occasion, two films—THOUGH I KNOW THE RIVER IS DRY directed by Omar Robert Hamilton and Khaled Jarrar’s INFILTRATORS —will be screened at the Cinema City multiplex. After the screenings, the directors will take part in a discussion with the audience. After the screenings, a panel debate entitled “Do You Remember Palestine?” will also be held. The debate organized in cooperation with the Swiss Embassy to Bosnia-Herzegovina will be moderated by political scientist Sabina Čudić. The Human Rights Day will close with the screening of Kaveh Bakhtiari’s STOP-OVER. The film will be screened in cooperation with the Geneva Film Festival and the Human Rights Forum. The Sarajevo Film Festival’s Competition Program - Documentary Film is a showcase for documentaries inspired by various human rights issues, but with its special Human Rights Day, the Festival aims to further emphasize the importance of film as a powerful and significant media for the promotion of human rights. Each year, the films and topics are chosen for the Human Rights Day that inspire panel participants, the audience and the media to focus on and discuss the pressing problems faced by individuals and communities around the world. The Sarajevo Film Festival also presents in its’ final awards ceremony a special Human Rights Award. The award is given to the best film that deals with a human rights issue from the Competition Program – Documentary Film section of the festival. The monetary prize of 3,000 Euros is provided by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.
Infiltratori/ Infiltrators
Iako znam da je sve presušilo / Though I Know the River Is Dry
Usputna stanica / Stop-over
Infiltratori/ Infiltrators
chronicles the daily travails of Palestinians of all backgrounds as they seek routes through, under, around, and over a bewildering matrix of barriers. Following this high stakes “game” of cat and mouse with a handheld video camera, Khaled Jarrar's documentary was the standout success at the 2012 Dubai International Film Festival, winning the Muhr Arab Documentary Prize, the Special Jury Prize, and the International Critics Prize.
trauma of his past and the choice that sent him to America - a choice between a passport for his unborn child and a safe haven for his activist brother.
Palestine, United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, 2012, Colour, 70 min. Režija / Director: Khaled Jarrar
Kontrolni punkt je zatvoren; “Okolo, okolo”, zagalamio je taksista, najavljujući početak još jednog nesigurnog traženja načina kako zaobići prepreke čija je svrha ograničiti kretanje Palestinaca na Zapadnoj obali. INFILTRATORS je instinktivan road movie koji bilježi svakodnevne muke Palestinaca najrazličitijih životnih iskustava u potrazi za načinima prolaska kroz, ispod, oko i preko izluđujuće kompliciranih prepreka. Nakon ove vrlo rizične "igre" mačke i miša snimljene tehnikom kamere iz ruke, dokumentarac Khaleda Jarrara je postigao zapažen uspjeh na Međunarodnom filmskom festivalu u Dubaiju 2012, gdje je osvojio Muhr nagradu za najbolji arapski dokumentarni film, Posebnu nagradu žirija i Nagradu međunarodnih kritičara. The checkpoint is closed: “Detour, detour!” shouts a taxi driver, announcing the beginning of yet another uncertain search for a way around the barriers curtailing Palestinian movement in the West Bank. INFILTRATORS is a visceral “road movie” that
Iako znam da je sve presušilo / Though I Know the River Is Dry
Egypt, Palestine, Qatar, United Kingdom, 2013, Colour, 19 min Režija / Director: Omar Robert Hamilton Scenarij / Screenplay: Omar Robert Hamilton Uloge / Cast: Kais Nashef, Maya Abu Alhayyat, Selwa Nakkara
Priča počinje po njegovom povratku u Palestinu. Na svom putu kroz zemlju, on ponovo proživljava traume iz prošlosti i izbor koji ga je odveo do Amerike – izbor između pasoša za njegovo nerođeno dijete i utočišta za njegovog brata, aktivistu. The strory started when he has returned to Palestine. On his journey through the country he relives the
Usputna stanica / Stop-over Switzerland, France, 2013, Colour, 100 min. Režija / Director: Kaveh Bakhtiari
U Atini Amir, iranski imigrant, ima skroman stan koji je postao tranzitno mjesto za imigrante koji su odlučili napustiti svoju državu. Ali Grčka je samo usputna stanica, jer se svi oni nadaju da će doći do drugih zapadnih država. Svi su zaglavili kod Amira, nadajući se da će nabaviti dokumente, uspostaviti kontakte i naći krijumčara u čije ruke bi mogli prepustiti svoju sudbinu. In Athens, Amir, an Iranian immigrant, has a modest flat which has become a place of transit for migrants have chosen to leave their country. But Greece is only a stop-over, all of them hoping to reach other Western countries. They find themselves stuck at Amir's, hoping for ID documents, contacts and the smuggler to whom they might entrust their destiny. Selected by: FIFDH Geneve
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 16-24/08/2013 /
SFF_025 25
29.7.2013. 18:06
2 jeseni, 3 zime / 2 Autumns, 3 Winters
Čin ubijanja / The Act of Killing
Časovi harmonije / Harmony Lessons
KINOSCOPE 2 jeseni, 3 zime / 2 Autumns, 3 Winters
France, 2013, Colour, 90 min. Režija / Director: Sebastien Betbeder Scenarij / Screenplay: Sébastien Betbeder Uloge / Cast: Vincent Macaigne, Maud Wyler, Bastien Bouillon, Audrey Bastien, Thomas Blanchard
U trideset trećoj godini života, Arman odlučuje da je došlo vrijeme za promjene u njegovom životu. Za početak, jedne subote odluči da ide džogirati u parku. Skrenuvši iza ugla, sudara se sa Amélie. Prvi sastanak je šok; drugi će biti više poput noža u srce. Benjamin je Armanov najbolji drug. Jedne večeri on se srušio i pao u žbunje. Doktori dijagnosticiraju moždani udar. U periodu između dvije jeseni i tri zime, životi Amélie, Armana i Benjamina se prepliću, ispunjeni sastancima, nezgodama, ljubavnim pričama i sjećanjima. At the age of 33, Arman decides it’s time to change his life. To begin, one Saturday he goes jogging in a park. As he turns a corner, he bumps into Amélie. The first meeting is a shock; the second will be like a stab in the heart. Benjamin is Arman’s best friend. One evening he collapses and falls over into a hedgegrow. Doctors diagnose a stroke. Between two autumns and three winters, the lives of Amélie, Arman and Benjamin intermingle and are filled with meetings, accidents, love stories and memories.
Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, 2013, Colour, 113 min. Režija / Director: Alex van Warmerdam
Selektori / Programmers: Mike Goodridge, Alessandro Raja, Mathilde Henrot
Scenarij / Screenplay: Alex van Warmerdam Uloge / Cast: Jan Bijvoet, Hadewich Minis, Jeroen Perceval, Alex van Warmerdam
Borgman je glavni lik u mračnoj, zloslutnoj basni Alexa van Warmerdama. Da li je on san ili demon, izokrenuta alegorija previše stvarnog otjelotvorenja naših strahova? Borgman predstavlja zlokoban dolazak u zatvorene ulice modernih predgrađa. Njegovo prisustvo oslobađa egoizam i izopačenost oko pažljivo izgrađene fasade koju je napravio arogantni bogati par, njihovo troje djece i njihova dadilja. Borgman is the central character in Alex van Warmerdam’s dark, malevolent fable. Is he a dream or a demon, a twisted allegory or an all-too-real embodiment of our fears? BORGMAN is a sinister arrival in the sealed-off streets of modern suburbia. His presence unleashes a crowing gallery of distortion around the careful façade constructed by an arrogant, comfortable couple, their three children and nanny.
Časovi harmonije / Harmony Lessons
filmu, Emir Baigazin opisuje sukob između pojedinca i mehanizma marginalizacije i nasilja. Prikazujući rastuću surovost u domenu javnog života, kroz seriju britkih slika i simboličnih scena iz životinjskog carstva, ova priča govori o dječaku koji se usuđuje uzvratiti udarac. Time se dovodi u situaciju da rizikuje uništiti i samog sebe. During a medical examination, 13-year-old Aslan is humiliated in front of a load of his fellow pupils. The incident unleashes his latent personality disorder. In his first feature-length drama, Emir Baigazin delineates the clash between an individual and the mechanisms of marginalisation and violence. Set against the growing brutalisation of public life, and told in a series of austere tableaux and symbolic scenes from the animal kingdom, the story unfolds of a boy who dares to fight back, and in doing so could well destroy himself.
Čin ubijanja / The Act of Killing
Kazakhstan, Germany, France, 2013, Colour, 110 min. Režija / Director: Emir Baigazin Scenarij / Screenplay: Emir Baigazin Uloge / Cast: Timur Aidarbekov, Aslan Anarbayev, Mukhtar Anadassov, Anelya Adilbekova, Beibitzhan Muslimov
Denmark, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom, Finland, 2012, Colour, 115 min Režija / Director: Joshua Oppenheimer, Christine Cynn, Anonymous Scenarij / Screenplay: Torstein Grude, Nishtha Jain Uloge / Cast: Nils Pagh Andersen, Erik Andersson, Charlotte Munch Bengtsen, Janus Billeskov Jansen
Na ljekarskom pregledu 13-godišnji Aslan je ponižen naočigled velike skupine svojih školskih drugova. Ovaj incident u njemu izaziva latentni poremećaj ličnosti. U svom prvom dugometražnom
Kada je 1965. vojska svrgla vladu Indonezije, Anwar i njegovi prijatelji su se od sitnih kriminalaca, koji su preprodavali kinoulaznice «na crno», preobrazili u vođe odreda smrti. Vojsci su pomogli da u manje
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 16-24/08/2013 /
SFF_026 26
29.7.2013. 18:07
Čuvari kapije / The Gatekeepers
Dodir grijeha / A Touch of Sin
od godinu dana pobije više od milion navodnih komunista, etničkih Kineza i intelektualaca. Kao izvršitelj u jednom od najozloglašenijih odreda smrti u svome gradu, Anwar je vlastitim rukama ubio na stotine ljudi. When the government of Indonesia was overthrown by the military in 1965, Anwar and his friends were promoted from small-time gangsters who sold movie theatre tickets on the black market to death squad leaders. They helped the army kill more than one million alleged communists, ethnic Chinese, and intellectuals in less than a year. As the exe¬cutioner for the most notorious death squad in his city, Anwar himself killed hundreds of people with his own hands.
Čuvari kapije / The Gatekeepers
Israel, France, Germany, Belgium, 2012, Colour and B&W, 101 min. Režija / Director: Dror Moreh
ČUVARI KAPIJE je dokumentarni film o izraelskoj tajnoj službi Shin Bet snimljen 2012, u kojem o službi govori njenih šest preživjelih nekadašnjih direktora. Film je kolaž iscrpnih intervjua, arhivskih snimaka i kompjuterskih animacija koji oslikavaju ulogu Shin Beta u odbrani sigurnosti Izraela još od Šestodnevnog rata pa do danas. Film je 2013. nominiran za Oskara u kategoriji dugometražnog dokumentarnog filma, a osvojio je i niz prestižnih međunarodnih nagrada uključujući nagradu Cinema for Peace. THE GATEKEEPERS is a 2012 documentary that tells the story of the Israeli Shin Bet from the perspective of all six surrving former heads of Israel’s secretive
Jedi, spavaj, umri / Eat Sleep Die
Interval / The Interval
internal security service. The film combines in-depth interviews with archival footage and computer animation to recount the role that the group played in Israel’s security from the Six-Day War to the present. The film was nominated for Best Documentary Feature at the 85th Academy Awards and received several international awards i.e. Cinema for Peace Award.
Dodir grijeha / A Touch of Sin
China, 2013, Colour, 133 min. Režija / Director: Jia Zhang-Ke Scenarij / Screenplay: Jia Zhang-Ke Uloge / Cast: Jiang Wu, Meng Li, Lanshan Luo, Baoqiang Wang
Ljutiti rudar se buni protiv korumpiranih seoskih vođa. Radnik iz dijaspore, koji je došao kući na odmor povodom novogodišnjih praznika, otkriva neograničene mogućnosti koje pruža vatreno oružje. Lijepa recepcionarka u sauni biva gurnuta na rub izdržljivosti nakon što je napada bogati klijent. Mladi fabrički radnik mijenja poslove nastojeći poboljšati svoj život. Četvero ljudi u četiri različite provincije. Ovo je prikaz moderne Kine, ekonomskog giganta kojeg nasilje lagano izjeda. An angry miner revolts against the corruption of his village leaders. A migrant worker at home for the New Year discovers the infinite possibilities a firearm can offer.A pretty receptionist at a sauna is pushed to the limit when a rich client assaults her.A young factory worker goes from job to job trying to improve his lot in life.Four people, four different provinces. A reflection on contemporary China: that of an economic giant slowly being eroded by violence.
Chile, Spain, 2013, Colour, 110 min. Režija / Director: Scenarij / Screenplay: Sebastián Lelio, Gonzalo Maza Uloge / Cast: Paulina García, Sergio Hernández, Diego Fontecilla, Fabiola Zamora
Gloria ima 58 godina i razvedena je. Odlučna da pobijedi godine i usamljenost, Gloria bez ustručavanja uskače u vrtlog zabava za samce u potrazi za instant zadovoljenjem što rezultira nizom razočarenja i osjećajem praznine. Ali onda upoznaje Rodolfa, bivšeg oficira mornarice, prema kojem počinje gajiti romantična osjećanja. Međutim, njihov susret donosi neočekivane izazove i Gloria postepeno biva prisiljena suočiti se s vlastitim mračnim tajnama. Priča se odvija u pozadini aktuelnih političkih zbivanja u Čileu, uključujući i mračne strane proteklih četrdeset godina čileanske historije. Gloria is a 58 year old divorcée. Determined to defy old age and loneliness, é rushes headlong into a whirl of singles’ parties on the hunt for instant gratification – which just leads repeatedly to disappointment and emptiness. But then she meets Rodolfo, an ex-naval officer to whom she feels romantically inclined. However, the encounter presents unexpected challenges and Gloria gradually finds herself being forced to confront her own dark secrets. The story unfolds against the backdrop of current political developments in Chile, incorporating the murky waters of forty years of Chilean history.
Interval / The Interval
Italy, Switzerland, Germany, 2012, Colour, 90 min. Režija / Director: Leonardo di Costanzo Scenarij / Screenplay: Leonardo di Costanzo, Mariangela
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Kongres / The Congress
Plava je najtoplija boja / Blue Is the Warmest Color
Plavooki Ali / Alì Blue Eyes
Barbanente, Maurizio Braucci Uloge / Cast: Francesca Riso, Alessio Gallo, Carmine Paternoster, Salvatore Ruocco
Djevojčica i dječak zaključani su u ogromnoj na puštenoj zgradi u zapuštenom kraju. Ona je zatočenica, a njega je vođa lokalnog klana prisilio da bude njen čuvar. Uprkos mladosti, njih su dvoje prerano odrasli. Veronica se ponaša kao zrela i slobodoumna žena, a Salvatore kao muškarac koji želi sačuvati posao i živjeti mirnim životom. Upravo zbog toga, dvoje mladih ljudi različito reagira na silom nametnuto zatočeništvo u kojem su se zatekli. Među zidovima izoliranog i zastrašujućeg mjesta na kojem borave, Veronica i Salvatore pronalaze način da ožive adolescentske snove i ideje koje su prerano bili prisiljeni zapostaviti. A boy and a girl are locked in an enormous abandoned building in a rundown area. She is a prisoner and the local clan leader has forced him to be her warder. Despite their youth, both of them have grown up too fast. Veronica acts like a mature and open-minded woman whilst Salvatore is like a man who wants to hold on to his job and lead a quiet life. Thus, when faced with the violence of this incarceration, the two young people have different reactions. Between the walls of that isolated and frightening place, Veronica and Salvatore fi nd a way to rekindle those adolescent dreams and ideas put aside too soon.
Jedi, spavaj, umri / Eat Sleep Die Sweden, 2012, Colour, 104 min. Režija / Director: Gabriela Pichler Scenarij / Screenplay: Gabriela Pichler Uloge / Cast: Nermina Lukač, Milan Dragišić, Jonathan Lampinen, Peter Fält
Sebični div / The Selfish Giant
Da li ste ikada razmišljali ko u plastičnu ambalažu pakira svježu salatu koju ste jeli za ručak? Ko su ljudi koji ostaju bez posla u fabrikama, u malim gradovima i zabitima? Jeste li spremni posjetiti „novu” Švedsku? Kada Raša, snažna mlada Šve đanka, muslimanka s Balkana i radnica u fabrici koja „ne daje nikome pardona“, izgubi posao, suočava se s društvenim fenomenom nezapo slenosti. Bez diplome srednje škole, bez posla – ali s čizmama na kojima su još mrlje od blata iz gradića u kojem je odrasla – Raša se zatekne u nesporazumu s društvom i njegovim kontradiktornim mjerilima i očekivanjima. Glumci amateri, koji su prvi put na filmu, glume sve glavne likove u filmu. Ever wondered who packs the fresh plastic-sealed salad you are having for lunch? Who the people losing their factory jobs in dead end small towns would be? Ready for a visit to the "new" Sweden? When the forceful young Muslim Swedish/Balkan "take-no-shit" factory worker Raša loses her job, she faces the system of unemployment. With no high school diploma, no job – but her boots deeply stained with the mud of the small town she grew up in – Raša finds herself on collision course with society and it's contradictable values and expectations. First time amateur actors play all of the main characters in the film.
Kongres / The Congress
Israel, Germany, Poland, Luxembourg, France, Belgium, 2013, Colour, 122 min. Režija / Director: Ari Folman Scenarij / Screenplay: Ari Folman Uloge / Cast: Robin Wright, Harvey Keitel, Jon Hamm, Paul Giamatti, Kodi Smit-McPhee
Robin Wright, koja u filmu glumi samu sebe, dobija ponudu od velikog filmskog studija da proda svoj filmski identitet: bit će numerički skenirana i uzorkovana tako da njen alias može biti korišten – bez ograničenja – u svim holivudskim filmovima, čak i onim najkomercijalnijim, u kojima je ranije odbijala nastupiti. Zauzvrat dobija gomilu novca i, što je još važnije, studio pristaje da njen digitalizirani lik u svim budućim filmovima ostane zauvijek mlad. Ugovor ostaje na snazi 20 godina. KONGRES prati Robin po isteku ugovora i njen povratak u svijet fantastičkog filma budućnosti. Robin Wright, playing the role of herself, gets an offer from a major studio to sell her cinematic identity: she'll be numerically scanned and sampled so that her alias can be used with no restrictions in all kinds of Hollywood films - even the most commercial ones that she previously refused. In exchange she receives loads of money, but more importantly, the studio agrees to keep her digitalized character forever young - for all eternity - in all of their films. The contract is valid for 20 years. The Congress follows Robin as she makes her comeback after the contract expires, straight into the world of future fantasy cinema.
Plava je najtoplija boja / Blue Is the Warmest Color
France, 2013, Colour, 179 min. Režija / Director: Abdellatif Kechiche Scenarij / Screenplay: Abdellatif Kechiche i Ghalya Lacroix Uloge / Cast: Léa Seydoux, Adèle Exarchopoulos
Petnaestogodišnja Adele to ne dovodi u pitanje: djevojke izlaze sa momcima. Njen život se zauvijek
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Short Term 12
Zaustavi udare srca / Stop the Pounding Hearta
promijeni kada upozna Emmu, djevojku plave kose, koja će joj otkriti požudu, postaće i žena i odrasla osoba. Na očigled drugih, Adele raste, traži se, gubi se, i pronalazi se... At 15, Adele doesn’t question it: girls go out with boys. Her life is changed forever when she meets Emma, a young woman with blue hair, who will allow her to discover desire, to assert herself as a woman and as an adult. In front of others, Adele grows, seeks herself, loses herself, finds herself...
Plavooki Ali / Alì Blue Eyes
Italy, 2012, Colour, 94 min. Režija / Director: Claudio Giovannesi Scenarij / Screenplay: Claudio Giovannesi, Filippo Gravino Uloge / Cast: Nader Sarhan, Stefano Rabatti, Brigitte Apruzzesi, Marian Valenti Adrian, Cesare Hosny Sarhan, Fatima Mouhaseb
Prvi igrani film Claudija Giovannesija je očaravajuća priča o odrastanju koja prati sedam dana u životu problematičnog šesnaestogodišnjaka Nadera, imigranta koji je spreman na sve kako bi se uklopio u životni stil italijanskih tinejdžera uprkos pritisku porodice da ostane vjeran svojim egipatskim i muslimanskim korijenima. Glumačka izvedba naturščika, od kojih većina igra uloge veoma slične vlastitom životu, doprinijela je da ovaj film bude izvanredan primjer italijanskog neorealizma. Giovannesi je za ovaj film nagrađen Specijalnom nagradom žirija na Filmskom festivalu u Rimu. Claudio Giovannesi’s first dramatic feature is an engrossing coming-of-age story following one week in the life of sixteen-year-old troublemaker Nader, an immigrant teenager who stops at nothing to fit in to Italian youth culture despite his family’s insistence
that he respect his Egyptian and Muslim roots. The performances from the non-professional cast, most of whom are playing close versions of themselves, contribute to the work as being a stunning example of Italian Neorealism. Giovannesi won a special jury prize at the Rome Film Festival for this film.
Sebični div / The Selfish Giant
United Kingdom, 2013, Colour, 90 min. Režija / Director: Clio Barnard Scenarij / Screenplay: Clio Barnard Uloge / Cast: Conner Chapman, Shaun Thomas, Sean Gilder, Lorraine Ashbourne, Steve Evets, Siobhan Finneran
SEBIČNI DIV je moderna priča o trinaestogodišnjem Arboru i njegovom najboljem prijatelju Swiftyju. Iz bačeni iz škole i autsajderi u vlastitom naselju, dva dječaka upoznaju Kittena, trgovca starim željezom iz neposredne blizine – Sebičnog diva. Počinju skupljati staro željezo za njega uz pomoć konjske zaprege. Swi fty ima prirodnu sklonost ka konjima, dok se Arbor počinje ponašati kao Kitten u pokušaju da ga zadivi i zaradi novac. Ipak, Kittenu je draži Swifty, zbog čega se Arbor osjeća povrijeđenim i zapostavljenim, što dovodi do razdora među dječacima. THE SELFISH GIANT is a contemporary fable about 13 year old Arbor and his best friend Swifty. Excluded from school and outsiders in their own neighbourhood, the two boys meet Kitten, a local scrapdealer – the Selfish Giant. They begin collecting scrap metal for him using a horse and cart. Swifty has a natural gift with horses while Arbor emulates Kitten – keen to impress him and make some money. However, Kitten favours Swifty, leaving Arbor feeling hurt and excluded, driving a wedge between the boys.
Short Term 12
USA, 2013, Colour, 96 min. Režija / Director: Destin Cretton Scenarij / Screenplay: Destin Daniel Cretton Uloge / Cast: Brie Larson, John Gallagher Jr., Kaitlyn Dever, Rami Malek, Keith Stanfield, Kevin Hernandez
Grace je dvadesetogodišnja supervizorka u Short Term 12, ustanovi za smještaj tinejdžera sklonih problematičnom ponašanju. Ona jako voli svoj posao i sjajno se brine o djeci, iako se bori sa vlastitom problematičnom prošlošću. Kada Jayden, talentirani, buntovni tinejdžer dođe u ustanovu, Grace otkriva da više nije u stanju ignorisati vlastite probleme iz djetinjstva, što narušava i inače krhku ravnotežu između njenog života i posla. Grace is a 20-something supervisor at Short Term 12, a foster-care facility for at-risk teenagers. She is passionate about her work and takes great care of the kids, though she struggles with her own troubled past. When Jayden, a gifted, restless, teenager arrives at the facility, Grace finds herself no longer able to ignore the difficulties of her own childhood - and it puts the delicate balance of her life and work at risk.
Stranac s jezera / Stranger by the Lake
France, 2013, Colour, 97 min. Režija / Director: Alain Guiraudie Scenarij / Screenplay: Alain Guiraudie Uloge / Cast: Pierre Deladonchamps, Christophe Paou
Ljeto. Mjesto za zavođenje muškaraca, skriveno na obali jezera. Franck se zaljubljuje u Michela, zgodnog, moćnog i smrtno opasnog muškarca. Franck je svega svjestan, ali uprkos tome želi izraziti svoju strast. Summertime. A cruising spot for men, tucked away on
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Stranac s jezera / Stranger by the Lake
the shores of a lake. Franck falls in love with Michel. An attractive, potent and lethally dangerous man. Franck knows this, but wants to live out his passion anyway.
Argentina, France, Spain, Norway, 2013, Colour, 93 min. Režija / Director: Lucía Puenzo Scenarij / Screenplay: Lucía Puenzo Uloge / Cast: Florencia Bado, Alex Brendemühl, Alan Daicz
Patagonija, 1960. Ljekar Nijemac upoznaje ar gentinsku porodicu i pridružuje im se na putovanju dugom, napuštenom cestom prema gradiću Bariloche gdje Eva, Enzo i njihovo troje djece otvaraju motel kraj jezera Nahuel Huapi. Nesvjesni njegovog istinskog identiteta, oni primaju doktora kao prvog gosta svoga motela. Ovaj karizmatični čovjek ih postepeno osvaja i ostaju očarani njegovim uglađenim manirima, obrazovanjem i bogatstvom sve dok ne otkriju da žive s jednim od najvećih zločinaca svih vremena. Patagonia, 1960. A German physician meets an
Argentinean family and follows them on the long desert road to Bariloche where Eva, Enzo and their three children are going to open a lodging house by the Nahuel Huapi lake. Unaware of his true identity, they accept him as their first guest. They are all gradually won over by this charismatic man, by his elegant manners, his scientific knowledge and his money - until they discover they are living with one of the biggest criminals of all times.
Zaustavi udare srca / Stop the Pounding Heart USA, Italy, Belgium, 2013, Colour, 100 min. Režija / Director: Roberto Minervini Scenarij / Screenplay: Roberto Minervini Uloge / Cast: Sara Carlson, Colby Trichell
Kao i njene sestre, Sara je učena da bude pobožna, poslušna prema muškarcima, te da svoju emotivnu i fizičku čistoću sačuva do braka. Nakon što upoznaje Colbya, mladog rodeo jahača amatera,
Sara zapada u krizu i počinje preispitivati svoj način života, jedini koji je do tada poznavala. ZAUSTAVI UDARE SRCA je fascinantan portret moderne Amerike i izoliranih zajednica rasutih širom te zemlje. Film istražuje pitanja adolescencije, porodičnih i društvenih vrijednosti, rodnih uloga i religije u ruralnim krajevima američkog juga. Like her sisters, Sara is taught to be a devout woman, subservient to men while keeping her emotional and physical purity intact until marriage. When Sara meets Colby, a young amateur bull rider, she is thrown into crisis, questioning the only way of life she has ever known. In a stunning portrayal of con temporary America and the insular communities that dot its landscape, Stop the Pounding Heart is an exploration of adolescence, family and social values, gender roles, and religion in the rural American South.
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Posvećeno / Tribute to Cristi Puiu Cristi Puiu
Romania, France, Switzerland, Germany, 2010, Colour, 181 min. Režija / Director: Cristi Puiu Scenarij / Screenplay: Cristi Puiu Uloge / Cast: Gelu Colceag, Catrinel Dumitrescu, Luminita Gheorghiu, Gheorghe Ifrim, Valentin Popescu, Ileana Puiu, Cristi Puiu, Valeria Seciu, Clara Voda
Kuhinja u stanu: muž i žena tiho razgovaraju o Crvenkapici, pazeći da ne probude djevojčicu koja spava u susjednoj sobi. Pustoš na rubu grada: iza napuštenih prikolica čovjek u tišini posmatra ono što bi trebalo predstavljati porodicu. Isti grad, isti čovjek: vožnja kroz grad s dvije ručno rađene udarne igle za lovačku pušku. Čovjek ima 42 godine, zove se Viorel. Pritisnut mračnim mislima, vozi kroz grad na odredište poznato samo njemu. An apartment kitchen: a man and a woman discuss Little Red Riding Hood, their voices hushed, mindful of waking the little girl sleeping in the next room. A wasteland on the city’s outskirts: behind a line of abandoned trailers, the man silently watches what seems to be a family. The same city, the same man: driving through traffic with two hand-made firing pins for a hunting rifle. The man is 42 years old, his name Viorel. Troubled by obscure thoughts, he drives across the city to a destination known only to him.
Cigarete i kafa / Cigarettes and Coffee
Romania, 2003, Colour, 13 min. Režija / Director: Cristi Puiu Scenarij / Screenplay: Cristi Puiu Uloge / Cast: Victor Rebengiuc, Mimi Branescu, Mihai Bratila
Stariji muškarac ulazi u restoran u Bukureštu. Sjeda za sto za kojim mladić, koji izgleda kao da bi mogao biti uspješan poslovni čovjek, već jede desert. Razgovaraju o mogućem radnom mjestu za starijeg čovjeka koji je već dvije godine nezaposlen. Ovih dana, međutim, na razgovor za posao nije dobro doći praznih ruku. Čak i ako vas intervjuira vlastiti sin. An old man enters a restaurant in Bucharest. He takes a seat at a table where a younger man who looks like he could be a successful businessman is already eating dessert.Their conversation revolves around a job opening for the older man, who has been out of work for two years. However, if you want work these days, it’s no good coming empty handed. Even if it’s your son whose doing the employing.
Lova i još ponešto / Stuff and Dough
Romania, 2001, Colour, 90 min. Režija / Director: Cristi Puiu Scenarij / Screenplay: Razvan Radulescu, Cristi Puiu Uloge / Cast: Alexandru Papadopol, Dragos Bucur, Ioana
Flora, Luminita Heorghiu, Razvan Vasilescu, Costica Draganescu, Petre Pletosu
Mladić po imenu Ovidiu živi s roditeljima i ostarjelom bakom u Constanti, prodavajući grickalice i sokove s kioska improviziranog u njihovom stanu u prizemlju. Želja mu je da kupi štand i osamostali se, ali nema novca za to. Lokalni moćnik nudi mu jednostavan i dobro plaćen posao: sve što treba uraditi jeste da se odveze u Bukurešt i dostavi torbu na određenu adresu. U torbi su, navodno, lijekovi. Ovidiu odmah kreće na put i sa sobom vodi par prijatelja. Međutim, uskoro im postaje jasno da bezbrižan put u glavni grad ima svoju cijenu. Naime, putem ih prati crveni kamion čiji im vozač očigledno ne misli dobro. Ali tek na povratku kući, Ovidiu shvata da se umiješao u nešto puno ozbiljnije i da je prekasno za povlačenje. A young man named Ovidiu lives with his parents and aged grandmother in Constanta, selling snacks and drinks from a window in their ground floor flat. Although he’d like to buy a stand and be on his own, he doesn’t have enough money. A local ‘boss’ offers him a simple and well-paid job: all he has to do is drive to Bucharest and deliver a bag to a certain address. The packages he’s carrying allegedly contain medicine. Ovidiu immediately sets out, taking along a couple of friends. Soon enough it’s clear that the carefree trip to the capital won’t come off without a hitch: they are
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Lova i još ponešto / Stuff and Dough
followed by a red truck driven by men who assuredly don’t have their best interests at heart. But only during the return trip home does the young man realise that he’s become mixed up in something way over his head – and that it’s too late to back out.
Prije doručka / Before Breakfast Romania, Switzerland, 1995, Colour, 22 min. Režija / Director: Cristi Puiu Scenarij / Screenplay: Cristi Puiu
BEFORE BREAKFAST je prvi igrani film Cristija Puiua, snimljen 1995. Film prati par čija se veza raspada dok njih dvoje proživljava propast. BEFORE BREAKFAST is the first Cristi Puiu’s fiction film, filmed in 1995. The story follows the characters of a broken couple as they live a story of disaster.
Smrt gospodina Lazarescua / The Death of Mr. Lazarescu
Romania, 2005, Colour, 153 min. Režija / Director: Cristi Puiu Scenarij / Screenplay: Cristi Puiu, Razvan Radulescu Uloge / Cast: Ion Fiscuteanu, Luminta Gheorghiu, Gabriel Spahiu, Doru Ana
Te noći, boraveći u kući sam, gospodin Lazarescu se ne osjeća dobro. Hitna pomoć napokon stiže i vodi ga na nesvakidašnje i dugo putovanje. Ustano vljavaju mu različite oprečne dijagnoze, a liječenje se stalno odgađa. Doktori ostaju opušteni i
Cigarete i kafa / Cigarettes and Coffee
Smrt gospodina Lazarescua / The Death of Mr. Lazarescu
svojeglavi, dok gospodin Lazarescu tone sve dublje u bukureštansku noć. At home alone one night Mr. Lazarescu feels unwell. An ambulance finally arrives that takes him on an incongruous odyssey. Various contradictory dia gnoses are pronounced and treatment is incessantly delayed. The doctors remain cool and obstinate while Mr. Lazarescu descends deeper into the Bucharest night.
Tri vježbe interpretacije / Three Exercises of Interpretation
France, 2012, Colour, 157 min. Režija / Director: Cristi Puiu Scenarij / Screenplay: Cristi Puiu Uloge / Cast: Ludivine Anbérrée, Marion Bottollier, Ugo Broussot, Anne-Marie Charles, Anne Courpron, Perrine Guffroy, Hillary Keegin, Nathalie Meunier, Barnabé Perrotey, Jean-Benoit Poirier, Diana Sakalauskaite, Patrick Vaillant
Ova trilogija (sastavljena od filmova Mačka je na stolici, Miš je pod stolo m i Majmun je na grani) nastala je u okviru radionice u francuskom umjetničkom studiju Chantiers Nomades. Puiua je inspirirao tekst “Tri razgovora”, remek djelo ruskog filozofa Vladimira Solovyova iz 19. stoljeća. Traktat s podnaslovom “O ratu, moralu i religiji” je integralni dio rafinirane studije karaktera. Dio Puiuovog smirenog filmskog izraza jeste stalno stavljanje težišta na glumce. U Mački, Anne-Marie i njena kći
Ludivine na ručku ugoste stare prijatelje Dianu i Bernabéa. U Mišu, akademik Ugo izvodi svog prijatelja iz djetinjstva, vojnika Jean-Benoîta, na ručak s Patrickom i njegovom suprugom Marion. U Majmunu, prijateljice Hillary, Perrine, Anne i Nathalie razgovaraju uz ručak. Teme svih razgovora su život, prijateljstvo, rat i vjera. Tri se grupe sastaju uvečer u iskričavoj sceni u kojoj imaju seansu. This trilogy (consisting of the films The Cat is On the Chair, The Mouse is Under the Table and The Monkey is On the Branch) is the result of a workshop at the French artists’ studio Chantiers Nomades. Puiu was inspired by Three Conversations, the masterpiece by 19th-century Russian philosopher Vladimir Solovyov. The treatise, subtitled 'About War, Morality and Religion', is embedded in refined character studies. In his subdued cinematography, Puiu always puts the acting first. In The Cat... Anne-Marie and her daughter Ludivine receive their old friends Diana and Bernabé for lunch. In The Mouse… the academic Ugo takes his childhood friend Jean-Benoit, a soldier, out to lunch with Patrick and his wife Marion. In The Monkey... we see the girlfriends Hillary, Perrine, Anne and Nathalie talk as they have lunch. All discuss life, friendship, war and faith. In the evening, all the groups meet in a light-footed scene in which they hold a séance.
Tri vježbe interpretacije / Three Exercises of Interpretation SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 16-24/08/2013 /
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Katrin Cartlidge Foundation 2013 Motivirana Katrininim inspirativnim likom i djelom, namjera Fondacije je da novim talentima, perspektivama i stavovima pruži priliku da se vide i čuju. Posljednjih devet godina, Fondacija je iz kruga Katrininih brojnih prijatelja i kolega birala kustosa, koji bi odabrao dobitnika godišnje stipendije. Dobitnik je uvijek novi filmski glas čiji rad, na neki način, utjelovljuje Katrinin integritet duha i predanost nezavisnom filmu. Zahvalni smo na velikodušnosti i vizijama kustosa koji su pridonijeli dosadašnjem radu Fondacije: glumcima Charlotte Rampling, Emily Watson, Jeremyju Ironsu i Stellanu Skarsgårdu, režiserima Mikeu Leighu, Simonu McBurneyu i Danisu Tanoviću, kao i Johnu Lyonsu, Annie Nocenti i fotografu Juergenu Telleru. Ovogodišnji dobitnik nagrade će biti predstavljen 22. augusta na posebnoj gala manifestaciji u !hej kinu Open Air. Motivated by Katrin’s inspiring presence, the Foundation’s work is to give new voices, new perspectives and visions a chance to be seen and heard. For the last nine years the Foundation has appointed a curator, selected from Katrin’s eclectic and extensive friends and colleagues, who in turn chooses a recipient for the annual bursary. The recipient is a new cinematic voice whose work, in some way, embodies Katrin’s integrity of spirit and commitment to independent film. We are grateful for the generosity and vision of our curators to date; The actors Charlotte Rampling, Emily Watson, Jeremy Irons and Stellan Skarsgard, directors Mike Leigh, Simon McBurney and Danis Tanovic, as well as John Lyons, Annie Nocenti and photographer Juergen Teller. This years Award recipient will be presented on August 22nd at !hej Open Air Cinema gala event.
Dyana Gaye dobitnica nagrade Katrin Cartlidge Fondacije 2013. / Katrin Cartlidge Foundation Award Recipient 2013
Dyana Gaye je rođena u Parizu 1975. godine, a zvanje magistrice filma stekla je na Univerzitetu VIII - SaintDenis u Parizu. Gaye je 1999. osvojila Louis Lumière Villa Medicis Hors les murs, stipendiju za svoj scenarij UNE FEMME POUR SOULEYMANE, za koji je, također, nagrađena na više međunarodnih festivala. U međuvremenu, Gaye je nekoliko godina radila kao urednica programa pri Agenciji za distribuciju nezavisnog filma ACID. Gaye je 2004. godine napravila J’AI DEUX AMOURS, jedan od 15 kratkih filmova u sklopu omnibusa pod zajedničkim naslovom PARIS, LA MÉTISSE . Njen posljednji kratki film, DEWENETI, je osvojio više nagrada, a nominiran je i za nagradu Cesar u kategoriji kratkog filma 2008. Dyana Gaye was born in Paris in 1975, and graduated from the University of Paris VIII - Saint-Denis with a Master of Film Studies. In 1999, she won the Scholarship Louis Lumière - Villa Medicis Hors les murs for her screenplay UNE FEMME POUR SOULEYMANE and which will obtain numerous awards at international festivals. Meanwhile, Dyana Gaye worked as a programmer to ACID (Agency for the Independent Film Distribution) for several years. In 2004, she realized J’AI DEUX AMOURS that is part of a series of 15 short films titled PARIS, LA MÉTISSE. Her latest short film, DEWENETI has received numerous awards and was nominated for the Ceasar for short film in 2008.
Senegal, France, 2006, Colour, 15 min. Režija / Director: Dyana Gaye Scenarij / Screenplay: Rémi Mazet Uloge / Cast: Abbase Ba, Omar Seck, Nianga Diop
Iako živi kao prosjak na ulicama Dakara, mladi učač Kur’ana Ousman osmijehom nagrađuje prolaznike koji mu ukažu milost i spuste novčić u njegovu posudu za prošnju. Zahvalan za milostinju koju dobija, Ousman jednoga dana odluči napisati pismo Djedu Božićnjaku kako bi ga zamolio da vrati dobročinstvo njegovim dobročiniteljima. Ali dječaku koji ne zna pisati ni čitati takvu je odluku lakše donijeti nego ostvariti. DEWENETI (što na jeziku wolof znači sretni praznici) je nagrađivani film koji slavi sposobnost osjećanja i iskazivanja zahvalnosti. Despite being a beggar on the streets of Dakar, the young koranic student Ousmane still has a smile to spare for the passersby who take pity on the little boy with his begging bowl. Grateful for the generosity he encounters, he one day decides to write a letter to Father Christmas to ask him for help to give back to his benefactors. This is easier said than done however for a boy who does not know how to read and write. DEWENETI (Season’s Greetings in Wolof) is an awardwinning short film that celebrates the ability to express and feel gratitude.
Danny Glover, kustos Fondacije 2013. / Curator of Foundation 2013
Danny Glover kustos Katrin Cartlidge Fondacije 2013. / Curator of Katrin Cartlidge Foundation 2013 Sarajevo Film Festival s velikim zadovoljstvom objavljuje da je ovogodišnji kustos Katrin Cartlidge Fondacije – Danny Glover. Eminentni glumac, producent i humanitarac, pridružit će nam se u Sarajevu, gdje će predstaviti ovogodišnjeg dobitnika nagrade Fondacije Katrin Cartlidge. Danny Glover se pojavljuje na teatarskim pozornicama i malim i velikim ekranima već više od 25 godina. Kao glumac igra u blockbusterima poput LETHAL WEAPON, sve do malih, nezavisnih filmova, od kojih je neke i sam producirao. Posljednjih godina je igrao u brojnim filmovima, od odlično prihvaćenog DREAMGIRLS, režisera Billa Condona, do futurističke priče 2012, režisera Rolanda Emmericha. Uz to, Glover je i veoma popularan javni govornik čija se obraćanja i dirljivi govori mogu čuti u koledžima, na sindikalnim skupovima i poslovnim konferencijama. Glover je veoma cijenjen i zbog svog aktivizma i dobrotvornog rada, posebno kroz programe koji zagovaraju ekonomsku sigurnost, pružanje zdravstvene njege i obrazovanje u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama i Africi. Sarajevo Film Festival has great pleasure to announce that Danny Glover is curating the Katrin Cartlidge Foundation Award for 2013. The prominent actor producer and humanitarian will join us in Sarajevo to present this year’s Katrin Cartlidge Foundation Award Winner.Danny Glover has been a commanding presence on screen, stage and television for more than 25 years. As an actor, his film credits range from the blockbuster LETHAL WEAPON franchise to smaller independent features, some of which Glover also produced. In recent years he has starred in an array of motion pictures including the critically-acclaimed DREAMGIRLS directed by Bill Condon and in the futuristic 2012 for director Roland Emmerich. In addition to his film work, Glover is highly sought after as a public speaker, delivering inspiring addresses and moving performances in such diverse venues as college campuses, union rallies and business conventions.Glover has gained respect for his wide-reaching community activism and philanthropic efforts, with a particular emphasis on advocacy for economic justice and access to health care and education programs in the United States and Africa.
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 16-24/08/2013 /
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29.7.2013. 18:11
Novi tokovi New Currents
Selektori / Programmers: Philippe Bober, Vanja Kaluđerčić
Novi tokovi igrani New Currents Features Heli
Mexico, France, Germany, Netherlands, 2013, Colour, 105 min. Režija / Director: Amat Escalante Scenarij / Screenplay: Amat Escalante, Gabriel Reyes Uloge / Cast: Armando Espitia, Linda Gonzalez, Juan Eduardo Palacios, Andrea Vergara
Estela je dvanaestogodišnja djevojčica koja se upravo ludo zaljubila u mladog policijskog pitomca koji želi pobjeći s njom kako bi se vjenčali. Dok ona pokušava ostvariti svoj san, njena porodica se suočava s nasiljem koje uništava ovu regiju. Estela is a 12 year old girl who has just fallen crazy in love with a young police cadet who wants to run away with her and get married. Trying to achieve this dream, her family will have to live the violence that is devastating the region.
After interrupting his law studies, young intellectual Fabian decides to stop merely philosophizing – he longs to put his ideological concepts into practice. But his attempt at a revolutionary liberation from established norms, institutions, and history leads him to murder a local loan shark. He escapes justice, however, when a man is convicted of the crime and sent to jail, leaving his wife alone and in need. Offering a uniquely compelling perspective on the lives of its three protagonists, Norte presents an open commentary on the contemporary social and ideological situation in the Philippines.
Proljetni odmor / Spring Breakers
Norte, kraj historije / Norte, the End of History
USA, 2012, Colour, 94 min. Režija / Director: Harmony Korine Scenarij / Screenplay: Harmony Korine Uloge / Cast: Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Benson
Nakon što je prekinuo studij prava, mladi intelektualac Fabian odlučuje da je krajnje vrijeme da prestane samo filozofirati, te da svoja ideološka uvjerenja počne provoditi u praksu. Ali njegov ga pokušaj oslobađanja od uvriježenih društvenih i historijskih normi i institucija dovodi do ubistva lokalnog zelenaša. Fabian, međutim, izbjegava pravdu kada nevinog muškarca osude za taj zločin i pošalju u zatvor. Žena ubijenog muškarca ostaje sama i u neimaštini. Film pruža autentičnan uvid u život triju glavnih protagonista i predstavlja javni komentar trenutnog društvenog i ideološkog stanja na Filipinima.
Četiri privlačne srednjoškolke odlučuju opljačkati fast food kiosk kako bi finansirale svoj proljetni odmor. Ali to je samo početak... Nakon noći ispunjene ludom zabavom, djevojke zaustavlja po licijska patrola i hapsi ih zbog sumnje na zloupo trebu narkotika. Djevojke se pojavljuju pred su dijom mamurne i odjevene samo u bikinije kada Alien, zloglasni lokalni kriminalac, iznenada plaća kauciju za njih. Alien ih uzima pod svoje i vodi ih na najluđi proljetni odmor koji su ikad doživjele. Four sexy college girls plan to fund their spring break getaway by burglarizing a fast food shack. But that’s only the beginning… During a night of partying, the girls hit a roadblock when they are arrested on drug charges. Hungover and clad only in bikinis, the girls appear before a judge but are
Philippines, 2013, Colour, 250 min. Režija / Director: Lav Diaz Scenarij / Screenplay: Rody Vera, Lav Diaz Uloge / Cast: Sid Lucero, Angeli Bayani, Archie Alemania
Proljetni odmor / Spring Breakers
bailed out unexpectedly by Alien, an infamous local thug who takes them under his wing and leads them on the wildest Spring Break trip in history.
Roland Hassel
Sweden, 2012, 35 mm, Colour, 74 min. Režija / Director: Måns Månsson Scenarij / Screenplay: Måns Månsson Uloge / Cast: Lars-Erik Berenett, Sven Anér,Göran Lambertz
Umirovljeni policijski detektiv Roland Hassel (Lars - Erik Berenett, koji je osamdesetih godina prošlog vijeka igrao Hassela na televiziji) odlučan je riješiti slučaj ubistva švedskog premijera Olofa Palmea iz 1986. godine. Međutim, bez pristupa policijskoj arhivi, najviše što može učiniti jeste da prisustvuje nevještoj rekonstrukciji atentata u povodu dva deset pete godišnjice ubistva. Odlučivši se za televizijski stil osamdesetih i obilje fantastičnog mračnog humora, Måns Månsson je uspio na praviti intrigantan prvijenac. Retired police detective Roland Hassel (Lars-Erik Berenett, who played Hassel on TV in the 1980s) is determined to solve the 1986 assassination of Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme. Without access to police files, however, the best he can manage is to attend an inept re-enactment on the 25th anniversary of the murder... Shot to look like 80s TV and employing deliciously deadpan humour, this is an intriguing first feature from director Måns Månsson.
Roland Hassel
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 16-24/08/2013 /
SFF_036 36
29.7.2013. 18:14
Norte, kraj historije /Norte, the End of History
Lampa na buter od jaka / La lampe au beurre de yak
Novi tokovi kratki New Currents Shorts Lampa na buter od jaka / La lampe au beurre de yak China, 2013, Colour, 23 min. Režija / Director: HU Wei Scenarij / Screenplay: HU Wei Uloge / Cast: Genden Punstock
Mladi, putujući fotograf i njegov asistent predlažu tibetanskim nomadima da ih fotografiraju. Kroz svoje fotografije fotograf će sa svakim od nomada uspostaviti jedinstvenu vezu. A young itinerant photographer and his assistant suggest to Tibetan nomads to take their picture. Through these shots, the photographer will weave unique links with each of the various villagers.
Ljudska gomila / The Mass of Men United Kingdom, 2012, Colour, 16 min. Režija / Director: Gabriel Gauchet Scenarij / Screenplay: Gabriel Gauchet, Rungano Nyoni Uloge / Cast: Peter Faulkne, Jane McDowell
Nezaposleni pedesetpetogodišnjak Richard stiže na sastanak u službi za zapošljavanje kasneći tri minute. Uvjetovana ograničenjima sistema u kojem radi, savjetnica za zapošljavanje ga kažnjava zbog kašnjenja. Kako ne bi zapao u još dublje siromaštvo, Richard je prisiljen poduzeti očajničke mjere. Richard, an unemployed 55-year-old, arrives 3 minutes late for his appointment at a job centre. An advisor, stifled by the limits of the system she works in, has no choice but to penalise him for his tardiness. To avoid plunging further into destitution, Richard takes desperate measures.
Mislim ti čudan / I Fink U Freeky South Africa, 2012, Colour and B&W, 4 min. Režija / Director: Roger Ballen
I FINK U FREEKY, muzički video koji je režirao Roger Ballen, a koji je u aprilu 2013. predstavljen u galeriji
Misterija / Mystery
Mouche u Los Angelesu, dio je nagrađivanog svijeta viralne videosenzacije “I Fink U Freeky” Rogera Ballena i Die Antwoorda. I FINK U FREEKY, a music video clip directed by Roger Ballen, is a part of the award winning viral video sensation “I Fink U Freeky” world of Roger Ballen and Die Antwoord, which was presented at Mouche Gallery, Los Angeles in April 2013.
Misterija / Mystery
Spain, 2013, Colour, 12 min. Režija / Director: Chema Garcia Ibarra Scenarij / Screenplay: Chema García Ibarra Uloge / Cast: Angelita López, Asun Quinto, Josefa Sempere
Kažu da, ako prisloniš uho na njegov vrat, možeš čuti Blaženu Djevicu kako govori. Majka, otac i sin. Njih troje je sve bliže krizi u kojoj je razumijevanje samo jedan od načina da izbjegnu slušati jedni druge. Kao u tradiciji španjolskog slikarstva à la Velázquez, slika pokazuje više no što oči vide. They say that if you put your ear to the back of his neck, you can hear the Virgin speak. Mother, father and son. The trio is heading for a crisis in which understanding is only one way of not listening to each other. As in the tradition of Spanish painting à la Velázquez, there is more to the image than meets the eye.
Nebeski prostor / Celestial Space Thailand, 2012, Colour, 28 min. Režija / Director: Ukrit Sa-Nguanhai Scenarij / Screenplay: Uloge / Cast: Somboon Srimaduea, Ruk Tardpiboon
Priča o noćima Raka i Noi, ljubavnika i građevinskih radnika koji slobodno žive uz neko tipično gradilište. Sve se čini uobičajenim. Međutim, njihove prve bračne noći Rak iz nekog razloga ne može voditi ljubav sa Noi i čini se kao da su oboje zaglavili u mraku noći.
A story of the night time of Rak and Noi. They are construction worker lovers who live freely in a typical construction camp site somewhere. Everything seems to be normal. However, in their wedding night, Rak couldn't perform a usual sexual intercourse with Noi for some reasons and it looks like both of them are stuck in the darkness of night.
Priča za Modlinove / A Story for the Modlins
Spain, 2012, Colour, 26 min. Režija / Director: Sergio Oksman Scenarij / Screenplay: Carlos Muguiro, Emilio Tomé, Sergio Oksman
Nakon pojavljivanja u filmu Romana Polanskog ROSEMARINA BEBA, Elmer Modlin s porodicom bježi u daleku zemlju gdje se na trideset godina zatvaraju u mračan stan. After appearing in the film Rosemary's Baby, by Roman Polanski, Elmer Modlin ran away with his family to a distant land, where they shut themselves inside a dark apartment for thirty years.
Prije pomračenja / Before Passing Poland, 2012, Black & White, 16 min. Režija / Director: Bianca Lucas Scenarij / Screenplay: Bianca Lucas Uloge / Cast: Natalia Powada, Sylwana Skarżyńska-Rutledge
U zabačenom poljskom selu oštri zimski zrak ispunjava napetost. Radnja se odvija dan uoči pomračenja mjeseca - astronomskog fenomena koji, izgleda, brine samo desetogodišnju Mariju. Lokalna porodica bavi se banalnim svakodnevnim aktivnostima, ali mala Maria se trudi razumjeti predstojeći gubitak. Dok je zaleđena šuma vuče sebi, Maria traži društvo devedesetogodišnjeg otpadnika… Kako će Maria zaštititi ono što će
Priča za Modlinove / A Story for the Modlins
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 16-24/08/2013 /
SFF_037 37
29.7.2013. 18:14
Šestodnevni maraton / Six Day Run
Vadiona / The Fix
Nebeski prostor / Celestial Space
zauvijek pojesti mrak? Deep in Poland's countryside, the brisk winter air thickens with tension. It is the day before the 'Lunar Passing'- a cosmic phenomenon that seems only to worry 10-year old Maria. A local family turns their attention to the banalities of everyday routine, but little Maria tries to make sense of her impending loss. As the frozen forest summons her in, she seeks out the company of a 90 year-old outcast... How will Maria safeguard what is about to pass forever?
sedamdesetih godina devetnaestog stoljeća, a djelimično je utemeljen na biblijskoj Knjizi Postanka (1:1-2:3). Tokom ovog sportskog događaja, 35 učesnika iz različitih zemalja trči u krug po betoniranoj stazi u parku, dugoj jednu milju (1,6 km). A film about one of the most extreme individual endurance sports dating back to the 1870s is loosely based on the Genesis creation narrative in the Bible (Genesis 1:1-2:3). During the event, 35 runners from different countries run laps around a one-mile paved loop in a park.
Šestodnevni maraton / Six Day Run
Vadiona / The Fix
Finland, 2013, Colour, 15 min. Režija / Director: Mika Taanila
Film o jednom od najekstremnijih i fizički najzahtjevnijih individualnih sportova koji datira iz
USA, 2012, Colour, 18 min. Režija / Director: Ante Novaković Scenarij / Screenplay: Ante Novaković, Kresh Novaković Uloge / Cast: Armand Assante, Kresh Novaković
Nakon što razočaraju svog kriminalnog vođu iz druge
dimenzije, dva sitna kriminalca i cjeloživotna prijatelja otkrit će da je iskupljenje udaljeno za dužinu metka. Nesposobni da izvrše zadatak koji se činio jednostavnim, dobivaju priliku za oprost u formi pisane poruke - iskupljenje, ali po koju cijenu? Redemption is a bullet away as two middling underworld associates and life-long friends quickly come to realize after failing their otherworldly crime figurehead. Not being able to accomplish what was seemingly easy, they're offered clemency in the form of a note, redemption, but at what price? novi tokovi kratki 1 / new currents Shorts 1 The Fix / A Story for the Modlins / The Mass of Men / La lampe au beurre de yak / I Fink U Freeky novi tokovi kratki 1 / new currents Shorts 1 Before Passing / Six Day Run / Mystery / Celestial Space
New Zealand, 2011, Colour, 14 min. Režija / Director: Stephen Kang Scenarij / Screenplay: Stephen Kang Uloge / Cast: Hanna Lee, Gary Young, Tuyet Nguyen, Yip Yi Hoa
BLUE je svojevremeno radio kao čupava maskota dječijeg TV programa, ali sada je konobar u azijskom restoranu i bori se da sačuva posao. Dok poslužuje hranu, uvijek je nasmijan. Neki ga ljudi prepoznaju iz ranijih vremena, ali uglavnom su ga zaboravili. Jednoga dana stiže loša vijest. BLUE used to work as a fluffy TV mascot on a children’s program but now he is a waiter in an Asian restaurant trying keep his job. He always keeps a
smiley face on as he serves food. Some people recognise him from the old days but most people have forgotten him. One day bad news arrives.
Doppelgänger / Doppelganger
Brazil, 2012, Colour, 26 min. Režija / Director: Juliana Rojas Scenarij / Screenplay: Juliana Rojas Uloge / Cast: Sabrina Greve, Gilda Nomacce, Majeca Angelucci
Silvia je mlada učiteljica u osnovnoj školi. Jednog dana Silvijin čas biva prekinut kada njeni učenici s druge strane ulice uoče njenu dvojnicu. Silvija pokušava ignorirati ukazanje, ali se ovaj čudnovati događaj počinje uvlačiti u njenu svakodnevnicu i
Prije pomračenja / Before Passing
mijenjati njenu ličnost. Silvia is a young teacher at an elementary school. One day, her class is interrupted when the students notice her double walking on the other side of the street. Silvia tries to ignore the apparition, but this strange event begins to permeate her daily life and transform her personality.
Nedjelje / Sundays
Belgium, 2011, Colour, 16 min. Režija / Director: Valéry Rosier Scenarij / Screenplay: Valéry Rosier Uloge / Cast: Germaine Dervaux, André Caron, André Lefèbvre
Nedjelje ili kako se ljudska vrsta nosi s protokom
Mislim ti čudan / I Fink U Freeky
Ljudska gomila / The Mass of Men SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 16-24/08/2013 /
SFF_038 38
29.7.2013. 18:14
Divlji Haggis / Wild Haggis
vremena. Slobodno vrijeme koje po svaku cijenu želimo ispuniti. Vrijeme koje gledamo kako prolijeće, dok se smijemo ili dosađujemo. Sundays or how Mankind faces the passage of time. That free time we are trying to fill at all costs. That same time we look at passing by, with laughter or boredom.
Porodična večera / Family Dinner
Sweden, 2012, Colour, 15 min. Režija / Director: Stefan Constantinescu Scenarij / Screenplay: Stefan Constantinescu, Xandra Popescu Uloge / Cast: Fanny Risberg, Michael Jansson, Fanny Garanger
U stanu porodice Christiansson dešavaju se čudne stvari. Dok otac i kći pripremaju večeru, majka je u kadi i preko mobilnog telefona s nekim razmjenjuje
Nedjelje / Sundays
Pjesma svih stvorenja / Canticle of All Creatures
lascivne poruke. Čak i kada joj na telefonu iscuri baterija, ona se ne može natjerati da prestane. In the apartment of the Christiansson family, strange things are going on. While father and daughter are preparing dinner, in the bathtub, mother is exchanging kinky messages on her mobile phone. Even when her phone is out of battery, she cannot bring herself to stop.
To nije kaubojski film / It's Not a Cowboy Movie
France, 2012, Colour, 12 min. Režija / Director: Benjamin Parent Scenarij / Screenplay: Benjamin Parent, Joris Morio Uloge / Cast: Malivaï Yakou, Finnegan Oldfield, Leïla Choukri
Na televiziji su prethodne noći emitirali BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN. Vincent je gledao film i pod snažnim je utiskom. Koristi školski odmor kako bi prijatelju iz razreda Moussi na dirljiv i naivan način prepričao film. Jessica, koju je film također dirnuo, u ženskom toaletu bombardira prijateljicu Nadiju čudnim pitanjima o njenom ocu homoseksualcu. Brokeback Mountain was aired on TV last night. Vincent watched it and has been completely shattered. He takes advantage of the recess to describe the film in a touching and naïve way to his classmate, Moussa. In the girls bathroom, Jessica also deeply moved by the film, bombards her best friend Nadia with awkward questions about her gay father.
CARTE BLANCHE: VILA DO CONDE Divlji Haggis / Wild Haggis Portugal, France, 2013, Colour, 20 min. Režija / Director: João Nicolau Scenarij / Screenplay: João Nicolau Uloge / Cast: Ana Sofia Ribeiro, Isabel Portugal
Desetogodišnji dječak se u ljetnom kampu suočava sa životnim izazovima. Nije lako kada te ignorira djevojčica koja ti se sviđa ili kad posmatraš adolescentske propalice dok uništavaju tvoju spavaonicu. Srećom, Divlji Haggis je odlučan da ostane daleko od njihovih očiju, skriven u šumi. A ten year-old boy faces up to the struggles of life in a summer camp. It’s not easy to be ignored by the girl of his heart or seeing his dormitory vandalised by adolescent thugs. Fortunately, in the forest, the Wild Haggis insists on remaining out of sight.
Porodična večera / Family Dinner
Doppelgänger / Doppelganger
Portugal, 2013, Colour, 33 min. Režija / Director: João Pedro Rodrigues, João Rui Guerra da Mata Scenarij / Screenplay: João Pedro Rodrigues, João Rui Guerra da Mata Uloge / Cast: Anne Pham, Fernando Vhou
Varziela, Vila do Conde, najveći kineski kvart u Portugalu. Muškarac sa šeširom i nestala žena. Cipela s visokom potpeticom, plava perika i kineska haljina. Sukob Istočnog vjetra i Crvenog zmaja, ključne pozicije postavljene kao u vrhunskoj igri mahjonga. Varziela, Vila do Conde, the biggest Chinatown in Portugal. A man wearing a hat and a missing woman. A high-heeled shoe, a blond wig and a Chinese dress. The confrontation between the East Wind and the Red Dragon; the cardinal points switched as in an ultimate Mahjong game.
Pjesma svih stvorenja / Canticle of All Creatures
Portugal, 2006, Colour, 24 min. Režija / Director: Miguel Gomes Scenarij / Screenplay: Miguel Gomes Uloge / Cast: João Nicolau, Mariana Ricardo, Paolo Manera
Assisi 2005: trubadur šeta ulicama rodnoga grada Svetog Franje Asiškog svirajući i pjevajući “Pjesmu brata Sunca” ili “Pjesmu stvorenja”, koju je spjevao Sv. Franjo. Šume Umbrije, 1212: Tokom jedne propovijedi pticama, Sv. Franjo iznenada pada u nesvijest. Assisi 2005: a troubadour walks the streets of St. Francis of Assisi hometown,singing and playing the Song of Brother Sun or Song of the Creatures, written by St. Francis. Woods of Umbria, 1212: during one preaching to the birds, St. Francis suddenly faints.
To nije kaubojski film / It's Not a Cowboy Movie
Mahjong SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 16-24/08/2013 /
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Open Air Blancanieves
Spain, France, Belgium, 2012, Black & White, 104 min. Režija / Director: Pablo Berger Scenarij / Screenplay: Pablo Berger Uloge / Cast: Maribel Verdú, Daniel Giménez Cacho, Ángela Molina
Krugovi / Circles
U Španiji dvadesetih godina prošlog stoljeća, poznati matador Antonio Villalta sprema se ući u arenu, dok ga njegova trudna supruga, čedna Carmen de Triana, gleda u iščekivanju. Nakon što njen suprug nastrada, Carmen se počinje porađati, što uvodi seriju tragičnih događaja koji će imati dugotrajne posljedice na ovu porodicu. Inspiriran pričom braće Grimm, Pablo Berger nudi gotičku, crno-bijelu interpretaciju mita o Snjeguljici. Tiha melodrama s likom izrazitog zlikovca, skupinom poduzetnih patuljaka, snalažljivom junakinjom i raskošnim produkcijskim dizajnom, BLANCANIEVES nudi čulno putovanje u mitsku i filmsku prošlost. BLANCANIEVES se također može pohvaliti i izuzetno originalnom muzikom, koju je napisao Alfonso de Vilallonga (čiji prethodni radovi uključuju TRANSIBERIAN Brada Andersona i MY LIFE WITHOUT ME Isabel Coixet), a pritom ova maštovita obrada klasične bajke donosi dio duha Tima Burtona u romantične pejzaže južne Španije. In 1920s Spain, renowned matador Antonio Villalta prepares to go into the ring while his pregnant wife, the saintly Carmen de Triana, watches in anticipation. As her husband suffers a goring, Carmen goes into childbirth, unleashing a series of tragic events that have long-lasting consequences for the family. Taking its inspiration from the Brothers’ Grimm story, Pablo Berger offers a gothic, black-and-white treatment of the myth of Snow White. A silent melodrama with a suitably malevolent villain, a chorus of enterprising dwarfs, a resourceful heroine and sumptuous production design, BLANCANIEVES offers a sensory journey into a mythical and cinematic past. Boasting an outstanding original score by Alfonso de Vilallonga (whose previous soundtracks include Brad Anderson’s Transiberian and Isabel Coixet’s My Life Without Me), this imaginative refashioning of a classic fairytale brings something of the spirit of Tim Burton to the romantic landscape of Southern Spain.
Blue Jasmine
USA, 2013, Colour, 98 min. Režija / Director: Woody Allen Scenarij / Screenplay: Woody Allen Uloge / Cast: Cate Blanchett, Alec Baldwin, Louis C.K., Sally Hawkins, Bobby Cannavale
Nakon što se sve u njenom životu počinje raspadati, uključujući i njen brak s bogatim poslovnim čovjekom Halom (Alec Baldwin), elegantna ljubimica društvene scene New Yorka, Jasmin (Cate Blanchett), seli se u skromni stan svoje sester Ginger (Sally Hawkins) u San Franciscu kako bi ponovo pokušala “stati na noge”. After everything in her life falls to pieces, including her marriage to wealthy businessman Hal (Alec Baldwin), elegant New York socialite Jasmine (Cate Blanchett) moves into her sister Ginger’s (Sally Hawkins) modest apartment in San Francisco to try to pull herself back together again.
Krugovi / Circles
Serbia, Germany, France, Slovenia, Croatia, 2012, Colour, 112 min. Režija / Director: Srdan Golubović Scenarij / Screenplay: Srđan Koljević, Melina Pota Koljević Uloge / Cast: Leon Lučev, Nebojša Glogovac, Nikola Rakočević, Aleksandar Berček, Hristina Popović, Boris Isaković, Vuk Kostić
Prije ponoći / Before Midnight
Bosna 1993. godine. U jeku rata u Bosni, srpski vojnik Marko svjedoči brutalnom napadu trojice svojih suboraca na Harisa, muslimanskog civila. Marko reagira i spašava Harisa, ali ga bijesni vojnici prebijaju na smrt. Godina je 2008. Rat je završen, ali ratne
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Princ Avalanche / Prince Avalanche
rane još nisu zacijelile. Markov otac obnavlja crkvu. Pomoć mu nudi sin jednog od Markovih ubica i on je oklijeva prihvatiti. Markov prijatelj, poznati beogradski hirurg, suočava se s užasnim izborom kada treba operirati jednog od triju vojnika koji je na ivici smrti. Haris sada živi u Njemačkoj i ima jedinstvenu priliku da se oduži svom spasiocu. Bosnia – 1993. In the midst of the Bosnian war, Marko a Serbian soldier witnesses the brutal aggression of Haris, a Muslim civilian, by three fellow soldiers. Marko interferes and saves Haris, but is beaten to death by the infuriated soldiers. 2008. The war is over but the wounds of the conflict are still open. Marko's father is rebuilding a church, he is offered help by one of Marko's killers' son and hesitates about accepting it. Marko's friend, a renowned surgeon in Belgrade, faces terrible choices when told to operate on one of the three soldiers on the verge of death. As for Haris, he now lives in Germany and is faced with a unique opportunity to repay his debt to his savior.
Palestine, 2013, Colour, 97 min. Režija / Director: Hany Abu-Assad Scenarij / Screenplay: Hany Abu-Assad Uloge / Cast: Adam Bakri, Samer Bishara, Ehab Hourani, Leem Lubani, Waleed Zuaiter
Omar je navikao izbjegavati svjetlosne rakete dok preskače granični bedem kako bi posjetio svoju tajnu ljubav Nadiju. Ali jednostavna ljubav i jednostavan rat su nepoznanica u okupiranoj Palestini. S druge strane zida, osjetljivi mladi pekar Omar postaje borac za slobodu prisiljen na teške odluke o životu i muškosti. Kada je Omar uhvaćen nakon smrtonosnog čina otpora, prisiljen je na igru mačke i miša s vojnom policijom. Sumnje i izdaja ugrožavaju povjerenje koje gaji prema svojim saučesnicima i prijateljima iz djetinjstva, Nadijinom militantnom braćom Amjadom i Tarekom. Omarove emocije ubrzo postaju podjednako podijeljene kao Palestina. Ali uskoro postaje jasno da sve što čini, čini iz ljubavi prema Nadiji. Omar is accustomed to dodging surveillance bullets to cross the separation wall to visit his secret love Nadia. But occupied Palestine knows neither simple love nor clear-cut war. On the other side of the wall, the sensitive young baker Omar becomes a freedom fighter who must face painful choices about life and manhood. When Omar is captured after a deadly act of resistance, he falls into a cat-and-mouse game with the military police. Suspicion and betrayal jeopardize his longtime trust with accomplices and childhood friends Amjad and Tarek, Nadia’s militant brother. Omar’s feelings quickly become as torn apart as the Palestinian landscape. But it’s soon evident that everything he does is for his love of Nadia.
Prije ponoći / Before Midnight
USA, 2013, Colour, 109 min. Režija / Director: Richard Linklater Scenarij / Screenplay: Richard Linklater, Julie Delpy, Ethan Hawke Uloge / Cast: Ethan Hawke, Julie Delpy, Xenia Kalogeropoulou, Ariane Labed, Athina Rachel Tsangari, Seamus Davey-Fitzpatrick
Iskrenošću su osvojili naša srca 1995. u filmu PRIJE ZORE. Isti magični utisak ostavili su i u filmu PRIJE SUMRAKA. Sada nas Richard Linklater, u željno očekivanom nastavku priče o Jessi i Celine, koji bi mogao biti kraj savršene trilogije, vodi u period devet godina nakon posljednjeg susreta ovog zlosretnog para. Duhoviti, iskreni dijalozi, glatko ukomponirani s osobenim dugim
Blue Jasmine
kadrovima karakteriziraju priču o još jednom raskršću na kojem se našla nestabilna, pa ipak strastvena veza ovoga dvojca. Uporedo sa Jesse i Celine, sazrijevale su i bliskost i iskrenost među njima. Prisnost, životni usponi i padovi, pa i sam protok vremena, dodaju rafiniranost i novi lirski kvalitet posljednjem od njihovih susreta. Film se na opušten i inteligentan način dotiče bitnih i manje bitnih životnih tema, a izazovi veze o kojoj govori prikazani su uz dozu briljantne iskrenosti, iskričavosti i humora. In 1995, they won our hearts with the honesty of Before Sunrise. In 2004, that resonant magic was revisited in Before Sunset. Now, in the eagerly anticipated third chapter in the star-crossed tale of Jesse and Celine, Richard Linklater fastforwards to nine years after the last meeting in what just may be the ending to the perfect trilogy. Witty heartfelt dialogue seamlessly mixes with signature long takes to bring this couple to yet another crossroads in a twisting but passionate relationship. As Jesse and Celine have matured, so has their bond and candor, as familiarity, life’s ups and downs and time itself add refinement and a fresh lyrical quality to this most recent encounter. The film casually and intelligently touches on matters big and small while the challenges of this relationship are spun with brilliant honesty, wit and humor.
Princ Avalanche / Prince Avalanche
USA, 2013, Colour, 94 min. Režija / Director: David Gordon Green Scenarij / Screenplay: David Gordon Green, Hafsteinn Gunnar Sigurðsson (original story) Uloge / Cast: Paul Rudd, Emile Hirsch, Lance Legault, Joyce Payne, Gina Grande
Alvin i Lance ljeto 1988. provode u opustošenoj, požarom poharanoj šumi na monotonom zadatku ponovnog iscrtavanja saobraćajne signalizacije na beskonačno dugoj ruralnoj cesti. Lance se teško nosi sa samačkim životom u divljini, daleko od djevojaka i zabava, za razliku od ozbiljnog Alvina koji piše strastvena pisma svojoj djevojci, inače Lancovoj starijoj sestri. Kada god ima slobodnog vremena, Alvin zalazi još dublje u pustu šumu u potrazi za duhovima i uništenim kućama. Dok tumaraju šumom u malom vozilu, on i Lance se svađaju, raspravljaju i mire. Tokom cijelog dugog, napornog ljeta upoznaju samo jednog čovjeka – misterioznog kamiondžiju koji ih opskrbljuje domaćom rakijom, a zatim nestaje jednako naglo kao što se i pojavio. U ovom remakeu filma EITHER WAY islandskog autora Hafsteinna Gunnara Sigurðssona, režiser David Gordon Green uspio je ispričati priču koja je dijelom jezgrovita komedija, a dijelom filozofski road movie, kao i vratiti se poetičnom vizualnom izrazu, karakterističnom za njegove rane, nezavisne filmove. Alvin and Lance spend the summer of 1988 in a deserted, fire-damaged forest, their monotonous task to repaint the markings on an endless country road. Lance finds it hard to cope with their isolation in the wilderness far away from parties and girls – as opposed to serious Alvin who writes passionate letters from afar to his girlfriend, Lance’s elder sister. Whenever he has time off, Alvin enjoys heading still further into the desolate forest on the hunt for ghosts and derelict houses. He and Lance meander through the woods in a little vehicle, argue, fight, and make up. Throughout the long, oppressive summer they only meet one other person – a mysterious lorry driver who plies them with homemade booze and then disappears as suddenly as he appeared. In this remake of the Icelandic film Either Way by Hafsteinn Gunnar Sigurðsson, director David Gordon Green has succeeded in creating a piece that is part laconic comedy, part philosophical road movie and exudes the visual poetry of his own early independent films.
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• SMS rezervacija ulaznica moguća je samo za korisnike ERONET-a; • SMS rezervacija ulaznica za filmove počinje u srijedu, 31. jula 2013. godine u 14:00 sati i traje do četvrtak, 15. augusta 2013. do 18:00 sati; • Rezervacija ulaznica se obavlja slanjem SMS poruke koja sadrži KOD projekcije i broj ulaznica (npr: 010#2) na broj 063 888 05; • Jednom SMS porukom možete rezervirati najviše dvije ulaznice za projekcije otvaranja i zatvaranja Festivala, te najviše četiri ulaznice za sve ostale projekcije; • Cijena jedne SMS poruke iznosi 1.00KM+PDV; • Rezervirane ulaznice možete preuzeti u Glavnom Box Office-u, Bosanski kulturni centar, Branilaca Sarajeva 24, od subote 3. augusta 2013. od 11:00 sati. NAPOMENA: Rezervirane ulaznice možete preuzeti najkasnije jedan dan prije projekcije za koju ste rezervirali ulaznice do 12:00 sati.
SMS ticket bookings available to ERONET users only; SMS ticket bookings for films opens on Wednesday, 31st July 2013, at 14:00 and will be available until Thursday, 15 August 2013, at 18:00; Ticket can be booked by sending an SMS message containing the CODE of the screening and the number of tickets (e.g.: 010#2) to the following number: 063 888 05; A single SMS message may book no more than two tickets per screening for the opening and the closing of the Festival, and no more than four tickets for all other screenings; The price of a single SMS message is 1.00KM+VAT; Once booked, the tickets may be collected from the Main Box Office, Bosnian Cultural Centre, Branilaca Sarajeva 24, starting from Saturday, 3 August 2013, at 11.00. NOTE: Once booked, the tickets may be collected no later than 12:00 on the day BEFORE the screening for which the booking was made.
Prodaja pojedinačnih ulaznica za sve programe 19. Sarajevo Film Festivala počinje u nedjelju, 4. augusta 2013. u 11:00 sati u Glavnom Box Office-u. Cijene ulaznica*: • Ljetno kino !hej: otvaranje - 15,00 KM, zatvaranje - 12.00 KM, ostale projekcije - 8.00 KM • Ljetno kino Vatrogasac: 6.00 KM • Kino Meeting Point: 5.00 KM i 6.00 KM • Narodno pozorište: otvaranje - 15.00 KM, ostale projekcije - 5.00 KM i 8.00 KM • Dvorana Općine Novi Grad: 2.00 KM i 3,00 KM • Ljetno kino Novi Grad: 5.00 KM • Multipleks Cinema City: 4.00 KM, 5.00 KM i 6.00 KM • Laško Summer Nights: 5,00 KM *PDV je uračunat u cijenu ulaznice
Individual ticket sales for all the programmes of the 19th Sarajevo Film Festival start on Sunday, 4 August 2013, at 11:00 at the Main Box Office. Ticket prices *: !hej Open Air Cinema: opening - 15.00 KM, closing – 12.00 KM other screenings - 8.00 KM Vatrogasac Open Air Cinema: 6.00 KM Meeting Point Cinema: 5.00 KM and 6.00 KM National Theatre: opening - 15.00 KM; other screenings - 5.00 KM and 8.00 KM Novi Grad Municipality Hall: 2.00 KM and 3.00 KM Novi Grad Open Air Cinema: 5.00 KM Multiplex Cinema City: 4.00 KM, 5.00 KM and 6.00 KM Laško Summer Nights: 5,00 KM *VAT included in all the prices
Tokom Sarajevo Film Festivala (16-24. augusta 2013.) ulaznice će se prodavati na sljedećim prodajnim mjestima: • Glavni Box Office, Bosanski kulturni centar, Branilaca Sarajeva 24 svaki dan od 9:00 do 22:30 sati (do početka Festivala od 11:00 do 20:00 sati) • Meeting Point, Hamdije Kreševljakovića 13 svaki dan od 11:00 do 21:00 sati • Dvorana Općine Novi Grad, Bulevar Meše Selimovića 97 svaki dan od 11:00 do 12:00 sati • Multipleks Cinema City, Trg djece Sarajeva svaki dan od 11:00 do 21:15 sati
During the Sarajevo Film Festival (16 – 24 August 2013) tickets will also be available at the following locations: Main Box Office, Bosanski kulturni centar, Branilaca Sarajeva 24 every day from 9:00 until 22:30 (until the opening of the Festival, from 11:00 until 20:00) Meeting Point, Hamdije Kreševljakovića 13 every day from 11:00 until 21:00 Novi Grad Municipal Hall, Bulevar Meše Selimovića 97 every day from 11:00 until 12:00 Multiplex Cinema City, Trg djece Sarajeva every day from 11:00 until 21:15
Bosanski kulturni centar, Branilaca Sarajeva 24, Informacije / For more information:,
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Subota/ Saturday, 17.08.2013.
Nedjelja/ Sunday, 18.08.2013.
Narodno pozorište / National Theatre 20.30 Open Air 121
Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 11.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 221
Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 9.30 U fokusu / In Focus 321
Danis Tanović, 75 min, Bosnian
Bobo Jelčić, 87 min, Bosnian, Croatian 16.00 U fokusu / In Focus 222
Ulrich Seidl, 120 min, English, German, Swahili 11.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 322
Ali Aydin, 94 min, Turkish 20.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 223
Doru Nitescu, 88 min, Romanian 14.00 U fokusu / In Focus 323
Bobo Jelčić, 87 min, Bosnian, Croatian
Ulrich Seidl, 113 min, Arabic, German 16.00 U fokusu / In Focus 324
Ljetno kino !hej / !hej Open Air Cinema 21.00 Open Air 111
Danis Tanović, 75 min, Bosnian
Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 13.00 Kinoscope 231
Ulrich Seidl, 91 min, German 20.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 325
Doru Nitescu, 88 min, Romanian
Jia Zhang-Ke, 133 min, Mandarin 16.00 Novi tokovi igrani/ New Currents Features 232
Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 12.00 Kinoscope 331
Lav Diaz, 250 min, Filipino
Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City 12.00 Sarajevo Film Festival Guests Present 281
Dror Moreh, 101 min, English, Hebrew 18.00 Novi tokovi igrani/ New Currents Features 332
Agnieszka Holland, 240 min, Czech 15.00 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries GALA SCREENING / OUT OF COMPETITION 251
Harmony Korine, 94 min, English
Pavo Marinković, 71 min, Croatian, Czech, Serbian 16.00 BH Film 261
Kenan Musić, 47 min, Bosnian 20.30 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 252 AUTOFOCUS, Boris Poljak, 28 min, Croatian
Chris Leslie, Oggi Tomic, 56, Bosnian, English 21.15 BH Film 291
Ismar Mujezinović, 115 min, Bosnian
Ljetno kino !hej / !hej Open Air Cinema 20.30 Open Air 211 BLANCANIEVES
Pablo Berger, 104 min, English
Ljetno kino Vatrogasac / Open Air Cinema Vatrogasac 21.00 Kinoscope 241 BORGMAN
Alex van Warmerdam, 113, Dutch
Laško Summer Nights 21.15 Laško Summer Nights 2A1
Mike Lerner, Maxim Pozdorovkin, 88 min, Russian
Jia Zhang-Ke, 133 min, Mandarin 17.30 Sarajevo Film Festival Guests Present 382 ODUMIRANJE / WITHERING, Miloš Pušić, 109 min, Serbian 18.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 352
Klay Hall, 92 min, sinhronizovano 19.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 393 Klay Hall, 92 min, sinhronizovano 20.30 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 353 PRESUDA / THE VERDICT, Đuro Gavran, 11 min, Croatian
Danis Tanović, 75 min, Bosnian
Dvorana Općine Novi Grad/ Novi Grad Municipal Hall 12.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 2C1 ŠTRUMPFOVI 2 / THE SMURFS 2
MIT O BOSNI I HERCEGOVINI V.1 / MYTH OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA V.1, Saša Peševski, 42 min, Bosnian 12.00 Sarajevo Film Festival Guests Present 381 BAFTA 2013 SHORT FILM NOMINEES AND THE WINNER 14.15 Kinoscope 391 BORGMAN, Alex van Warmerdam, 113, Dutch 15.00 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 351 BIJEG / ESCAPE, Srđan Keča, 23 min, Bosnian JUGOSLAVIJA, KAKO JE IDEOLOGIJA POKRETALA NAŠE KOLEKTIVNO TIJELO / YUGOSLAVIA, HOW IDEOLOGY MOVED OUR COLLECTIVE BODY, Marta Popivoda, 62 min, Serbian, English 16.00 BH Film 362 DOKUMENTARNI 1 / DOCUMENTARIES 1 16.45 Kinoscope 392 DODIR GRIJEHA / A TOUCH OF SIN
Ljetno kino Novi Grad / Novi Grad Open Air Cinema 20.45 Open Air 2B1
Raja Gosnell, 105 min, sinhronizovano
Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City 12.00 BH Film 361
Nebojša Slijepčević, 80 min, Croatian, German 20.45 Novi tokovi igrani / New Currents Features 383 HELI, Amat Escalante, 105 min, Spanish 21.15 BH Film 394
Ljetno kino !hej / !hej Open Air Cinema 20.30 Open Air 311 PRINC AVALANCHE / PRINCE AVALANCHE
David Gordon Green, 94 min, English
Ljetno kino Vatrogasac / Open Air Cinema Vatrogasac 21.00 Kinoscope 341 KONGRES / THE CONGRESS
Ari Folman, 122 min, English
Laško Summer Nights 21.15 Laško Summer Nights 3A1
Bryan Little, 88 min, English
Ljetno kino Novi Grad / Novi Grad Open Air Cinema 20.45 Open Air 3B1 BLANCANIEVES
Pablo Berger, 104 min, English
Dvorana Općine Novi Grad/ Novi Grad Municipal Hall 12.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 3C1 ŠTRUMPFOVI 2 / THE SMURFS 2
Raja Gosnell, 105 min, sinhronizovano
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RASPORED PROJEKCIJA/ SCREENING SCHEDULE Ponedjeljak/ Monday, 19.08.2013. Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 11.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 421
Corneliu Porumboiu, 93 min, Romanian 16.00 U fokusu / In Focus WORK-IN-PROGRESS-SPECIAL 422
Annemarie Jacir, 93 min, Arabic 20.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 423
Corneliu Porumboiu, 93 min, Romanian
Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 12.00 Kinoscope 431 SEBIČNI DIV / THE SELFISH GIANT
Clio Barnard, 90 min, English 15.00 Posvećeno / Tribute To Cristi Puiu 432
Cristi Puiu, 90 min, Romanian 18.00 Novi tokovi kratki / New Currents Shorts 433
Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City 12.00 BH Film 461 PRIME TIME PREDSTAVLJA / PRIME TIME PRESENTS 11.00 Human Rights Day 481 IAKO ZNAM DA JE SVE PRESUŠILO / THOUGH I KNOW THE RIVER IS DRY Omar Robert Hamilton, 19 min, Arabic
Khaled Jarrar, 70 min, Arabic 14.15 Kinoscope 491
KONGRES / THE CONGRESS, Ari Folman, 122 min, English
15.00 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 451
ČISTAČI / THE CLEANERS, Konstantinos Georgousis, 37 min, Greek LUD ZA TOBOM / CRAZY ABOUT YOU
Danilo Marunović, 50 min, Montenegrin 16.00 BH Film 462
16.45 Kinoscope 492
Dror Moreh, 101 min, English, Hebrew 17.30 Human Rights Day 482
Kaveh Bakhtiari, 100 min, French, Persian 18.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 452
Jan Rahbek, 80 min, sinhronizovano 19.00 TeenArena 493 CRNA PTICA / BLACKBIRD, Jason Buxton, 103 min, English 20.30 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 453 KIŠOBRANI / SCREENS, Hanna Slak, 8 min, Bosnian, English MAMA EUROPA / MOTHER EUROPE, Petra Seliškar, 90 min, Slovenian 20.45 Novi tokovi igrani / New Currents Features 483
Harmony Korine, 94 min, English 21.15 BH Film 494 KRIVINA , Igor Drljača, 70 min, Bosnian
Ljetno kino !hej / !hej Open Air Cinema 20.30 Sarajevo grad filma / Sarajevo City of Film 411
Srijeda/ Wednesday, 21.08.2013.
Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 11.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 521
Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 9.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 621
Daniel Hoesl, 79 min, German 16.00 U fokusu / In Focus 522
11.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 622
Yeşim Ustaoğlu, 124 min, Turkish 20.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 523
Daniel Hoesl, 79 min, German
Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 12.00 Kinoscope 531
TALEA, Katharina Mückstein, 75 min, German
SA MAMOM / WITH MOM, Faruk Lončarević, 80 min, Bosnian
16.00 U fokusu / In Focus 623
KRIVINA, Igor Drljača, 70 min, Bosnian
20.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 624 TALEA, Katharina Mückstein, 75 min, German
22.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 625
SA MAMOM / WITH MOM, Faruk Lončarević, 80 min, Bosnian
Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 12.00 Kinoscope 631
Roberto Minervini, 100 min, English 15.00 Posvećeno / Tribute To Cristi Puiu 632 AURORA, Cristi Puiu, 181 min, Romanian 18.00 Novi tokovi kratki / New Currents Shorts 633
Joshua Oppenheimer, Christine Cynn, Anonymous, 115 min, English, Indonesian 15.00 Posvećeno / Tribute To Cristi Puiu 532 Cristi Puiu, 153 min, Romanian 18.00 Novi tokovi kratki / New Currents Shorts 533
Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City 12.00 BH Film 561
SAMO JEDAN LET: PRIČA ZLATNOG LEPTIRA / A SINGLE FLIGHT: GOLDEN BUTTERFLY STORY1, Ibrahim Jakić, 70 min, Bosnian 12.00 Sarajevo Film Festival Guests Present 581 NAJBOLJE OD KOCKICA / BEST OF CHECKERS 14.15 Kinoscope 591 2 JESENI, 3 ZIME / 2 AUTUMNS, 3 WINTERS Sebastien Betbeder, 90 min, French 15.00 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 551
Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City 12.00 BH Film 661 STUDENTSKI FILMOVI 1/ STUDENT FILMS 1
12.00 Sarajevo Film Festival Partner Presents - Doha Film Institute 681 SVETINJA / SANCTITY, Ahd, 37 min, Arabic SVIJET KOJI NIJE NAŠ / A WORLD NOT OURS
Mahdi Fleifel, 93 min, Arabic, English 14.15 Kinoscope 691
Gabriela Pichler, 104 min, Montenegrin, Serbian, Swedish 15.00 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 651 JA KADA SAM BILA KLINAC, BILA SAM KLINKA / WHEN I WAS A SICKFUCKPEOPLE, Jury Rechinsky, 74 min, Russian BOY, I WAS A GIRL, Ivana Todorović, 30 min, Serbian 15.00 Operacija Kino / Operation Kino 682 REGINA, Diana Groó, 63 min, English, Hungarian SAKRIJTE SVOJA NASMIJANA LICA / HIDE YOUR SMILING FACES 15.00 Operacija Kino / Operation Kino 582 Daniel Patrick Carbone, 81 min, English THE BAMBI MOLESTERS: A NIGHT IN ZAGREB 16.00 BH Film 662 M. A. Littler, 90 min, No Dialogue STUDENTSKI FILMOVI 2 / STUDENT FILMS 2 16.00 BH Film 562 16.45 Kinoscope 692 NEPOKRET / NON-MOVEMENT, Enes Zlatar, 46 min, Bosnian ČIN UBIJANJA / THE ACT OF KILLING 16.45 Kinoscope 592 Joshua Oppenheimer, Christine Cynn, Anonymous, 115 min, English, Indonesian SEBIČNI DIV / THE SELFISH GIANT 17.30 Sarajevo Film Festival Guests Present 683 Clio Barnard, 90 min, English MAŠINA KOJA ČINI DA SVE NESTAJE / THE MACHINE WHICH 17.30 Sarajevo Film Festival Guests Present 583 MAKES EVERYTHING DISAPPEAR, Tinatin Gurchiani, 97 min, Georgian ADRIA BLUES, Miroslav Mandić, 91 min, Bosnian, Slovenian 18.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 652 18.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 552 NONO, CIK-CAK DJEČAK / NONO, THE ZIGZAG KID DJEČIJI KRATKI / CHILDREN'S SHORTS Vincent Bal, 95 min, Dutch, English, French 19.00 TeenArena 593 19.00 TeenArena 693 TEENARENA KRATKI / SHORTS TI I JA ZAUVIJEK / YOU & ME FOREVER, Kaspar Munk, 82 min, Danish 20.30 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 553 20.30 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 653 ANPLAGD / UNPLUGGED, Mladen Kovačević, 52 min, Serbian PACIJENT / PATIENT, Zdenko Jurilj, 24 min, Croatian ROB / A SLAVE, Pjer Žalica, 45 min, Bosnian U BRAKU SA ŠVICARCEM / MARRIED TO THE SWISS FRANC Arsen Oremović, 55 min, Croatian 20.45 Novi tokovi kratki / New Currents Shorts 584 20.45 Novi tokovi kratki / New Currents Shorts 684 CARTE BLANCHE: VILA DO CONDE CARTE BLANCHE - SEMAINE DE LA CRITIQUE, CANNES 21.15 BH Film 594 21.15 BH Film 694 OBRANA I ZAŠTITA / A STRANGER EPIZODA U ŽIVOTU BERAČA ŽELJEZA / Bobo Jelčić, 87 min, Bosnian, Croatian
Ljetno kino !hej / !hej Open Air Cinema 20.30Sarajevo grad filma / Sarajevo City of Film 511
Danis Tanović, 75 min, Bosnian
Open Air
Ljetno kino !hej / !hej Open Air Cinema 20.30 Sarajevo grad filma / Sarajevo City of Film 611
Richard Linklater, 109 min, English, French, Greek
Open Air
Open Air
Srdan Golubović, 112 min, German, Serbian
Ljetno kino Vatrogasac / Open Air Cinema Vatrogasac 21.00 Kinoscope 441
Ljetno kino Vatrogasac / Open Air Cinema Vatrogasac 21.00 Kinoscope 541
Ljetno kino Vatrogasac / Open Air Cinema Vatrogasac 21.00 Kinoscope 641
Laško Summer Nights 21.15 Laško Summer Nights 5A1
Laško Summer Nights 21.15 Laško Summer Nights 6A1
Lisa Barros D'Sa, Glenn Leyburn, 103 min, English
Ljetno kino Novi Grad / Novi Grad Open Air Cinema 20.45 Sarajevo Film Festival Guests Present 6B1
Ljetno kino Novi Grad / Novi Grad Open Air Cinema 20.45 Open Air 4B1
Sebastien Betbeder, 90 min, French
Laško Summer Nights 21.15 Laško Summer Nights 4A1 Sophie Huber, 77 min, English
David Gordon Green, 94 min, English
Dvorana Općine Novi Grad/ Novi Grad Municipal Hall 12.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 4C1 AVIONI / PLANES, Klay Hall, 92 min, sinhronizovano
Utorak/ Tuesday,20.08.2013.
Gabriela Pichler, 104 min, Montenegrin, Serbian, Swedish
Ljetno kino Novi Grad / Novi Grad Open Air Cinema 20.45 Open Air 5B1 Srdan Golubović, 112 min, German, Serbian
Dvorana Općine Novi Grad/ Novi Grad Municipal Hall 12.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 5C1
SHORT TERM 12, Destin Cretton, 96 min, English ¡CUATRO! , Tim Wheeler, 75 min, English
ADRIA BLUES, Miroslav Mandić, 91 min, Bosnian, Slovenian
Dvorana Općine Novi Grad/ Novi Grad Municipal Hall 12.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 6C1 DJEČIJI KRATKI / CHILDREN'S SHORTS
Jan Rahbek, 80 min, sinhronizovano
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 16-24/08/2013 /
SFF_044 44
29.7.2013. 18:16
Petak/ Friday, 23.08.2013.
Subota/ Saturday, 24.08.2013.
Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 9.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 721
Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 11.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 821
Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 20.00
11.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 722
Bogdan Mustata, 77 min, Romanian 14.00 Takmičarski kratki/ Competition Shorts 822
Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 12.00 Kinoscope 931
U PROCVATU / IN BLOOM, Nana Ekvtimishvili, Simon Groß, 102 min, Georgian VUK / WOLF DAN BIJEGA / RUNAWAY DAY, Dimitris Bavellas, 80 min, Greek
14.00 Takmičarski kratki/ Competition Shorts 723
16.00 U fokusu / In Focus 823
Alain Guiraudie, 97 min, French 18.00 Novi tokovi igrani / New Currents Features 932
Ana Felicia Scutelnicu, 61 min, Romanian 20.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 824
Barbara Albert, 100 min, German, English VUK / WOLF 20.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 725 U PROCVATU / IN BLOOM, Nana Ekvtimishvili, Simon Groß, 102 min, Georgian Bogdan Mustata, 77 min, Romanian Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 22.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 726 DAN BIJEGA / RUNAWAY DAY, Dimitris Bavellas, 80 min, Greek 12.00 Kinoscope 831
Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 12.00 Kinoscope 731
INTERVAL / THE INTERVAL, Leonardo di Costanzo, 90 min, Italian
15.00 Posvećeno / Tribute To Cristi Puiu 732
Cristi Puiu, 13 min, Romanian
Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City 10.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 791
OBRANA I ZAŠTITA / A STRANGER, Bobo Jelčić, 87 min, Bosnian, Croatian
Cristi Puiu, 157 min, French 18.00 Novi tokovi igrani / New Currents Features 833
Hala Lotfy, 96 min, Arabic 12.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 792 CARMEN, Doru Nitescu, 88 min, Romanian 14.15 Kinoscope 793 SHORT TERM 12, Destin Cretton, 96 min, English 15.00 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 751
Laura Capatana – Juller, 73 min, Romanian 15.00 Operacija Kino / Operation Kino 782 ONI TIHI / SILENT ONES, Ricky Rijneke, 97 min, Hungarian 16.00 BH Film 762
16.45 Kinoscope 794
Roberto Minervini, 100 min, English 17.30 Sarajevo Film Festival Guests Present 783
Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City 10.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 891
14.15 Kinoscope 993
Bogdan Mustata, 77 min, Romanian 15.00 Operacija Kino / Operation Kino 982
ADRIA BLUES, Miroslav Mandić, 91 min, Bosnian, Slovenian DEWENETI, Dyana Gaye, 15 min, Wolof
Open Air
BLUE JASMINE, Woody Allen, 98 min. English
Ljetno kino Vatrogasac / Open Air Cinema Vatrogasac 21.00 Kinoscope 741 PLAVOOKI ALI / ALÌ BLUE EYES, Claudio Giovannesi, 94 min, Italian
Laško Summer Nights 21.15 Laško Summer Nights 7A1
JUTARNJA ZVIJEZDA / MORNING STAR, Sophie Blondy, 100, French
Rodion Ismailov, 63 min, Azerbaijan, Russian 15.00 Operacija Kino / Operation Kino 882 VILLEGAS, Gonzalo Tobal, 98 min, Spanish 16.00 BH Film 862
16.45 Kinoscope 994
Abdellatif Kechiche, 179 min, French 18.00 TeenArena 954
TEENACTION KRATKI / SHORT MIT O BOSNI I HERCEGOVINI V.2 / MYTH OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA V.2, Saša Peševski, 33 min, Bosnian 20.45 Novi tokovi igrani / New Currents Features 983 ROLAND HASSEL Måns Månsson, 74 min, Swedish
Ljetno kino !hej / !hej Open Air Cinema 21.00 Sarajevo grad filma / Sarajevo City of Film 911
KRATKI / SHORTS 16.45 Kinoscope 894 INTERVAL / THE INTERVAL, Leonardo di Costanzo, 90 min, Italian 17.30 Sarajevo Film Festival Guests Present 883 DRŽAVNA IMOVINA / NATION ESTATE
Open Air
Ritesh Batra, 104 min, Hindi, English
Ljetno kino Vatrogasac / Open Air Cinema Vatrogasac 21.00 Kinoscope 941
Larissa Sansour, 9 min, Arabic, English
Ljetno kino !hej / !hej Open Air Cinema 20.30 Katrin Cartlidge Fondacija / Katrin Cartlidge Foundation 711
OPERACIJA KINO KRATKI / OPERATION KINO SHORTS 12.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 892 SOLDATE JEANNETTE, Daniel Hoesl, 79 min, German 14.15 Kinoscope 893 PLAVOOKI ALI / ALÌ BLUE EYES, Claudio Giovannesi, 94 min, Italian 15.00 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 851 MOJA OBITELJ, MOJI ROĐACI / MY KITH AND KIN
Andrew Veluz Resurreccion, 113 min, Swchweizerdeutsch 20.30 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 853
Emir Baigazin, 110, Kazakh, Russian 15.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 953
Wolfgang Groos, 97 min, German 19.00 TeenArena 895
21.15 BH Film 796
SA MAMOM / WITH MOM, Faruk Lončarević, 80 min, Bosnian
Gracia Querejeta, 96 min, Spanish 20.30 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 753 PILJAR / THE GROCER, Dimitris Koutsiabasakos, 81 min, Greek 20.45 Novi tokovi kratki / New Currents Shorts 784
Måns Månsson, 74 min, Swedish
Hinde Boujemaa, 74 min, Arabic 18.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 852
Dražen Žarković, 88 min, Croatian 19.00 TeenArena 795
Nana Ekvtimishvili, Simon Groß, 102 min, Georgian 12.00 Sarajevo grad filma / Sarajevo City of Film 981
12.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 992
Draško Đurović, 96 min, Montenegrin 18.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 752
TALEA, Katharina Mückstein, 75 min, German
12.00 Operacija Kino / Operation Kino 881
10.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 991 12.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 952
12.00 Sarajevo Film Festival Guests Present 781 Mazen Khaled, 16 min, No Dialogue
DAN BIJEGA / RUNAWAY DAY, Dimitris Bavellas, 80 min, Greek
Abdellatif Kechiche, 179 min, French 15.00 Posvećeno / Tribute To Cristi Puiu 832
Corneliu Porumboiu, 93 min, Romanian 12.00 BH Film 861
Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City 10.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 951
12.00 BH Film 761
Amat Escalante, 105 min, Spanish
Lucía Puenzo, 93 min, German, Hebrew, Spanish
Laško Summer Nights 21.15 Laško Summer Nights 9A1
Jeanie Finlay, 88 min, English
MOJI OČEVI, MOJA MAJKA I JA /MY FATHERS, MY MOTHER & ME, Paul-Julien Robert, 93, German 20.45 Novi tokovi kratki / New Currents Shorts 884 NOVI TOKOVI KRATKI 2 / NEW CURRENTS SHORTS 2 21.15 BH Film 896 SA MAMOM / WITH MOM, Faruk Lončarević, 80 min, Bosnian
Ljetno kino Novi Grad / Novi Grad Open Air Cinema 20.45 Open Air 9B1 BLUE JASMINE, Woody Allen, 98 min. English
Dvorana Općine Novi Grad/ Novi Grad Municipal Hall 12.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 9C1 SESTRE VAMPIRICE / VAMPIRE SISTERS
Wolfgang Groos, 97 min, German
Ljetno kino !hej / !hej Open Air Cinema 20.30 Kratki / Short 811
VADIONA / THE FIX, Ante Novaković, 18 min, English
GLORIA, Sebastián Lelio, 110 min, Spanish, English
Ljetno kino Vatrogasac / Open Air Cinema Vatrogasac 21.00 Kinoscope 841 ČASOVI HARMONIJE / HARMONY LESSONS
Emir Baigazin, 110, Kazakh, Russian
Laško Summer Nights 21.15 Laško Summer Nights 8A1
Jim Jarmusch, 123 min, English
Ljetno kino Novi Grad / Novi Grad Open Air Cinema 20.45 Open Air 7B1 PRIJE PONOĆI / BEFORE MIDNIGHT
Richard Linklater, 109 min, English, French, Greek
Dvorana Općine Novi Grad/ Novi Grad Municipal Hall 12.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 7C1 NONO, CIK-CAK DJEČAK / NONO, THE ZIGZAG KID
Vincent Bal, 95 min, Dutch, English, French
Ljetno kino Novi Grad / Novi Grad Open Air Cinema 20.45 Open Air 8B1 OMAR, Hany Abu-Assad, 97 min, Arabic
Dvorana Općine Novi Grad/ Novi Grad Municipal Hall 12.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 8C1 ZAGONETNI DJEČAK / THE MYSTERIOUS BOY
Dražen Žarković, 88 min, Croatian
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 16-24/08/2013 /
SFF_045 45
29.7.2013. 18:16
Pjer Žalica, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 45 min.
Ismar Mujezinović, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 115 min.
Danis Tanović, Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Slovenia, 2013, 75 min.
Kenan Musić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 47 min.
Gorčin Zec, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 15 min. STUDENTSKI FILMOVI 3 / STUDENT FILMS 3
Anja Kavić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2012, 6 min. MAT, Igor Tešić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2012, 11 min.
Dajan Javorac, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2012, 14 min.
Faruk Lončarević, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Slovenia, 2013, 80 min.
Tina Šmalcelj, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 4 min.
Una Kreso, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 14 min.
Miroslav Mandić, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 91 min.
Mirjana Đan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 19 min.
Petar Bilbija, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2012, 35 min.
Amela Ćuhara, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 20 min.
Goran Kapetanović, Sweden / Rwanda, 2012, 15 min.
Admir Švrakić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 7 min.
Dario Đuraković, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 4 min.
Almir Đikoli, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 8 min.
Admir Švrakić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 7 min.
Nidal Magrabi, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 10 min.
Dragan Majkić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 6 min.
Elvedin Zorlak, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 15 min.
Ines Tanović, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2012, 30 min.
Hari Šečić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2012, 14 min.
Faris Bajrić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 12 min.
Damir Mujagić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2012, 15 min.
Redžinald Šimek, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 12 min.
Nedžad Begović, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 26 min.
Benjamin Dizdarević, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 15 min.
Igor Drljača, Canada, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2012, 70 min. Bobo Jelčić, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 83 min.
Enes Zlatar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 46 min.
Nedžad Begović, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 26 min.
Šejla Kamerić, Mark Cousins , Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 14 min.
Neven Samardžić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2012, 15 min. STUDENTSKI FILMOVI 2 / STUDENT FILMS 2
Srđan Šipka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 9 min.
Jasmin Gluhić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 12 min.
Nisvet Hrustić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 21 min.
Jaglika Jovanović, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 11 min.
Katarina Tubonjić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 40 min. DOKUMENTARNI FILM 4/ DOCUMENTARY FILM 4
Zdenko Jurilj, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 24 min.
Ž v m t
Faris Lukovac, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 17 min.
Mladen Marijanović, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2012, 20 min.
Dragan Vranjković, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 5 min.
Chris Leslie, Oggi Tomic, United Kingdom, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 56 min.
Ado Hasanović, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 20 min.
Saša Peševski, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 42 min.
Ibrahim Jakić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 70 min.
Mirna Dizdarević, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 13 min.
Dajan Javorac, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 14 min.
S o n z
S A B T + F +
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 16-24/08/2013 /
SFF_046 46
29.7.2013. 20:17
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Pozovite nas na broj telefona 1303 i u najkraćem roku ćemo izvršiti procjenu ugroženosti objekta i naći najisplativiji individualni sistem zaštite. SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 16-24/08/2013 / 47
SFF_047 47
29.7.2013. 18:16
Baka / Grandmother
Avioni / Planes
Sestre vampirice / Vampire Sisters
Dječiji program
Children's Programme Avioni / Planes
USA, 2013, Colour, 92 min. Režija / Director: Klay Hall Scenarij / Screenplay: Jeffrey M. Howard Glasovi / Voices: Val Kilmer, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Teri Hatcher
Iz svijeta koji nam je predstavio AUTOMOBILE stižu nam Disneyjevi AVIONI, akcijsko-avanturistička 3D animirana komedija u kojoj upoznajemo Dustyja, avion koji sanja da će jednoga dana postati veliki zračni trkač. Ali Dusty zapravo nije napravljen za utrke, a uz to se i boji visina. Zato se obraća iskusnom pilotu koji će mu pomoći da se kvalificira za zahtjevno prvenstvo na kojem će izazvati aktuelnog šampiona avioutrka. Dok se Dusty pokušava vinuti do neslućenih visina, njegova hrabrost će biti stavljena na veliko iskušenje, a čarobni će svijet mašte dobiti prostora da razmaše svoja krila. From above the world of CARS comes Disney’s PLANES, an action-packed 3D animated comedy adventure featuring Dusty (voice of Dane Cook), a plane with dreams of competing as a high-flying air racer. But Dusty’s not exactly built for racing - and he happens to be afraid of heights. So he turns to a seasoned naval aviator who helps Dusty qualify to take on the defending champ of the race circuit. Dusty’s courage is put to the ultimate test as he aims to reach heights he never dreamed possible, giving a spellbound world the inspiration to soar.
Baka / Grandmother
Columbia, 2012, Colour, 9 min. Režija / Director: Carlos Eduardo Smith Róvira Scenarij / Screenplay: Carlos Eduardo Smith, Libia Stella Gómez
Sedmogodišnja djevojčica iz grada provodi vikend na selu u kući svoje bake. Užasava je bakina naborana koža i zamišlja baku kao veliko čvornato drvo. Kako bi se zbližila s bakom, djevojčica će morati prevladati svoj strah. A 7 year old city girl spends a weekend at her grandmother´s place in the countryside. She´s terrified of her wrinkled skin and imagines her as a big knotty tree. The little girl will have to overcome her fear in order to get closer to her.
Krofna / Donut
Germany, 2012, Colour, 2 min.
Štrumpfovi 2 / The Smurfs 2
Režija / Director: Seoyeun Lee Scenarij / Screenplay: Seoyeun Lee
U Krofnogradu se dogodila strašna nesreća. Jedna od filovanih krofni je povrijeđena. Ona je postala krofna s rupom u sredini. Povrijeđena krofna i ostali stanovnici Krofnograda ne znaju kako da se nose s novonastalom situacijom. Ovoj krofni se svi smiju i izbjegavaju je. Jedino rješenje je spakovati se i otići. In Donuttown an awful accident happens. One of the filled donuts gets hurt. Now he is a ring donut. He and also the other inhabitants can't handle the new situation. They avoid him and laugh about him. The only way out is to up and leave.
Mali debeli rakun / The Little Raccoon
Croatia, 2013, Colour, 25 min. Režija / Director: Barbara Vekarić Scenarij / Screenplay: Barbara Vekarić Uloge / Cast: Gracija Filipović, Nikša Butijer, Angela Bulum,
S radnjom smještenom u Dubrovnik 1991. godine, film MALI DEBELI RAKUN je priča o ratu i bombama iz perspektive osmogodišnje Lili, djevojčice koja se sprema za bijeg sa svojom trudnom majkom i oprašta se od voljenog oca koji ostaje u gradu. Set in 1991 in wartime Dubrovnik, THE LITTLE RACCOON shows the perspective of 8-years-old Lily as the bombs begin to fall. She prepares to evacuate from her hometown with her pregnant mother, leaving her beloved father behind.
Mali plavi dječak s bijelom ovcom / The Little Blond Boy With a White Sheep France, 2013, Colour, 8 min. Režija / Director: Eloi Henriod Scenarij / Screenplay: Eloi Henriod
Vrijeme je za školu. Tokom kontrolnog iz pisanja, Pierre u mislima bježi iz sive školske zgrade prisjećajući se sretnih praznika provedenih sa svojom ovcom. It's school time again. During a writing test, Pierre escapes his grey school by recalling the happy memories of his holidays spent with his sheep.
Marko Makako / Marco Macaco
Denmark, 2012, Colour, 80 min. Režija / Director: Jan Rahbek Scenarij / Screenplay: Jan Rahbek, Thomas Borch Nielsen Uloge / Cast: Toke Lars Bjarke, Mille Lehfeldt, Jess Ingerslev
Marko Makako je obični policajac na plaži, ali uglavnom mašta o tome da postane poznati detektiv i rješava teške zločine. Pokušava i osvojiti srce lijepe Lulu. Jednog dana, na Markovo ostrvo stiže Karlo i postaje njegov suparnik. Karlo na Markovoj plaži gradi veliki kasino u obliku majmuna i Lulu je fascinirana. Ljubomorni Marko počinje istraživati Karla i otkriva da on planira osvojiti cijelo ostrvo. Marco Macaco is an ordinary beach policeman, but he spends most of his time dreaming of becoming a famous detective and solving serious crimes. He is also trying to win the heart of beautiful LULU. One day, Carlo arrives in the island and becomes Marco's rival. Carlo is building a huge monkey-shaped casino right on Marco's beach and impresses Lulu. Driven by jealousy, Marco begins to investigate Carlo and discovers his plan to conquer the whole island.
Mesne ćufte i strašna viljuška / Meatballs and Fork Beast Sweden, 2012, Colour, 5 min. Režija / Director: Johan Hagelbäck Scenarij / Screenplay: Johan Hagelbäck
Jako je dobro biti jak. Ali biti mali, hrabar i spasiti svoje prijatelje vjerovatno je još bolje. Being strong is really good. But being small, brave and saving your friends is probably even better.
Mit o Bosni i Hercegovini v. 2 / The Myth of Bosnia and Herzegovina v. 2 Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, Colour, 33 min. Režija / Director: Saša Peševski Uloge / Cast: Faris Malokas, Lena Marković, Kajsa Zinhasović
MIT O BOSNI I HERCEGOVINI je priča o djeci, polaznicima Radionice kreativnosti i mašte „Mali Magacin Kabare“, koja, kroz razgovore i intervjue sa starijim generacijama iz svoje okoline, traga za istinom o Bosni i Hercegovini i njenoj historiji. Nezadovoljna ponuđenim odgovorima, djeca
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 16-24/08/2013 /
SFF_048 48
29.7.2013. 18:17
Krofna / Donut
Mali debeli rakun / The Little Raccoon
Mit o Bosni i Hercegovini v. 2 / The Myth of Bosnia and Herzegovina v. 2
Marko Makako / Marco Macaco
Nono, cik-cak dječak / Nono, the Zigzag Kid
Zagonetni dječak / The Mysterious Boy
pokreću vlastitu istragu. MYTH OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA is a story about children who participate in the creative workshop Mali Magacin Kabare and are looking for the truth about Bosnia and Herzegovina and it's history through mutual discussions and interviews with elders around them. Dissatisfied with the answers they are getting, kids launch their own investigation.
Nono, cik-cak dječak / Nono, the Zigzag Kid
Netherlands, Belgium, 2012, Colour, 95 min, Dutch, English, French Režija / Director: Vincent Bal Scenarij / Screenplay: Vincent Bal, Jon Gilbert, David Grossman Uloge / Cast: Isabella Rossellini, Camille De Pazzis
Nono želi biti poput svog oca, najboljeg detektiva na svijetu, ali stalno upada u nevolje. Dva dana prije njegove Bar micve, Nonu šalju kod ujaka Sjmoela koji bi ga trebao „smiriti“. Tokom vožnje vozom, Nono dobija posljednju šansu da se dokaže. Zajedno s vrhunskim provalnikom Felixom Glickom, starim poznanikom svoga oca, zaustavlja voz i ulazi u svijet prerušavanja, potjera, francuskih šansona i Zohare – misteriozne žene čije će mu tajne zauvijek promijeniti život. Nono wants to be like his father - the best police inspector in the world - but he constantly gets in trouble. Two days before his Bar Mitzvah, he is sent away to his uncle Sjmoel, who is supposed to get him back on track. However, during the train ride Nono gets one last chance to prove himself... Together with master-burglar Felix Glick - an old acquaintance of his father - he stops the train and enters a world of disguises, chases, French chansons and Zohara, a mysterious woman whose secrets will change Nono's life forever.
Sestre vampirice / Vampire Sisters Germany, 2012, Colour, 97 min. Režija / Director: Wolfgang Groos Scenarij / Screenplay: Ursula Gruber Uloge / Cast: Marta Martin, Laura Antonia Roge
Jednog lijepog sunčanog dana, kamion za selidbe zaustavlja se u mirnoj ulici grada Bindburga. Iz kamiona izlaze četiri čudne osobe: otac, majka i dvije dvanaestogodišnje djevojčice. To su gospodin i gospođa Tepes, i njihove dvije kćeri. Majka je ljudsko biće, otac je vampir, a djevojčice ne samo da su poluvampirice već su i blizanke. Nakon što su dvanaest godina živjeli u Transilvaniji, odlučili su se preseliti u Njemačku kako bi usrećili majku. Djevojčice se moraju navikavati na uobičajeni ljudski život: tokom dana idu u školu zaštićene sunčanim naočalama i debelim slojem kreme za sunčanje. Najgore je to što nemaju prijatelja i što stalno moraju biti na oprezu da se ne odaju. It is a lovely summer’s day, when a furniture van stops along a quiet street in the town of Bindburg. Four strange figures clamber out: father, mother and two 12-year-old girls. It is Mr. and Mrs. Tepes with their two daughters. Mother is a human-being, father is a vampire, and the girls are not only halfvampires but also twins. Having lived for twelve years in Transylvania, they have now moved to Germany to please their mother. The girls have to start getting used to everyday human life: going to school during the day, wearing sunglasses, putting on thick layers of sun-protection cream. But worst of all, they have no friends and always have to be careful not to betray themselves. No one may find out that they are vampires.
Štrumpfovi 2 / The Smurfs 2
USA, 2013, Colour, 105 min. Režija / Director: Raja Gosnell Scenarij / Screenplay: J. David Stem, David N. Weiss, Jay Scherick, David Ronn, Karey Kirkpatrick Glasovi / Voices: Jonathan Winters, Fred Armisen, Katy Perry
Zli čarobnjak Gargamel stvara par zločestih štrumpfolikih stvorenja nazvanih Vragolani, u nadi da će uz njihovu pomoć osvojiti svemoguću, magičnu srž štrumpfosti. Nakon što otkrije da mu u tome može pomoći samo pravi Štrumpf, a da samo Štrumpfeta poznaje tajnu čaroliju koja Vragolane može pretvoriti u prave Štrumpfove, Gargamel
otima Štrumpfetu i odvodi je u Pariz gdje je već zadobio divljenje miliona ljudi koji ga smatraju najvećim čarobnjakom na svijetu. Papa Štrumpf, Trapavi, Mrgud i Licko moraju se vratiti u svijet ljudskih bića i pronaći svoje ljudske prijatelje Patricka i Grace Winslow kako bi je spasili. The evil wizard Gargamel creates a couple of mischievous Smurf-like creatures called the Naughties that he hopes will let him harness the all-powerful, magical Smurf-essence. But when he discovers that only a real Smurf can give him what he wants, and only a secret spell that Smurfette knows can turn the Naughties into real Smurfs, Gargamel kidnaps Smurfette and brings her to Paris, where he has been winning the adoration of millions as the world's greatest sorcerer. It's up to Papa, Clumsy, Grouchy, and Vanity to return to our world, reunite with their human friends Patrick and Grace Winslow, and rescue her!
Zagonetni dječak / The Mysterious Boy
Croatia, 2013, Colour, 88 min. Režija / Director: Dražen Žarković Scenarij / Screenplay: Hana Jušić Uloge / Cast: Antonio Parač, Karlo Maloča, Toma Budanko
ZAGONETNI DJEČAK je priča o domišljatom i spretnom četrnaestogodišnjaku Koku koji, uz pomoć prijatelja, rješava još jednu misteriju. Kokov prijatelj Tomo nedavno se doselio u grad i čežne za pustolovinama. Njihovu pažnju privlači novi učenik koji se neobično ponaša. Zajedno s Marijanom, prijateljicom iz razreda, korak po korak razotkrit će njegovu dobro čuvanu tajnu. Koko – a resourceful and skillful 14-year-old boy – solves another mystery with the help of his friends. Koko’s friend Tomo recently moved into the town and now he carves adventure. Koko’s and Tomo’s attention is drawn by a new boy in school who is acting strange. Together with their homeroom friend Marijana they gradually disclose the boy’s well-guarded secret. dječiji kratki / Children'sShorts The Little Blond Boy With a White Sheep / Grandmother / The Little Raccoon / Meatballs and Fork Beast / Donut
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TeenArena 15 godina + jedan dan / 15 Years + 1 Day 15 godina + jedan dan / 15 Years + 1 Day
Plesni okršaj “Film”/ Dance Off "The Movie"
Spain, 2013, Colour, 96 min. Režija / Director: Gracia Querejeta Scenarij / Screenplay: Gracia Querejeta, Antonio Mercero Santos Uloge / Cast: Tito Valverde, Maribel Verdú, Aaron Piper
Film je priča o odnosu između problematičnog tinejdžera Jona i njegovog djeda Maxa, penzionisanog vojnog lica koji živi u jednom od sela smještenih duž Costa de la Luz u Andaluziji. Nakon što je Jon izbačen iz škole, majka odluči poslati ga Maxu u nadi da će mu djed održati životnu lekciju. Međutim, to neće biti tako lako. I unuk i djed će biti prisiljeni da se suoče s vlastitim strahovima i ograničenjima. The film depicts the relationship between Jon, a troubled teenager and his grandfather Max, a retired military man who lives in a village on the Costa de la Luz. After Jon is expelled from school, his mother decides to send him away with Max to teach him a lesson. Both characters will have to confront their fears and limitations.
Auschwithz u mojim mislima / Auschwitz On My Mind
Israel, Poland, United Kingdom, 2012, Colour, 16 min. Režija / Director: Assaf Machnes Scenarij / Screenplay: Assaf Machnes Uloge / Cast: Yoav Rottman, Inbal Erez, Myrav Osofsky
Crna ptica / Blackbird
Ti i ja zauvijek / You & Me Forever
Mladi Izraelac Roy, u okviru školske ekskurzije, obilazi koncentracione logore i spomenike u Poljskoj. Ali sjećanje na Holokaust za njega nije jedini cilj putovanja. Royu se sviđa djevojka iz razreda, Vered. Priča o njegovim pokušajima da osvoji Veredinu naklonost neprekidno prelazi iz tragičnog u zabavno, i obrnuto, u rascjepu između opsjednutosti prošloću društva u kojem živi i opsjednutošću seksom njegovih prijatelja. Roy, a young Israeli teenager, visits Poland on a school trip between death camps and memorials. However, for Roy, Holocaust remembrance is not the only purpose of the Journey; he fancies Vered, girl from his class. Torn between his society’s obsession with its past and his friends’ obsession with sex, Roy’s attempts to win Vered’s affection create an ambiguous story constantly shifting from the tragic to the entertaining.
Crna ptica / Blackbird
Canada, 2012, Colour, 103 min. Režija / Director: Jason Buxton Uloge / Cast: Connor Jessup, Alexia Fast, Michael Buie
Ručak / Eating Lunch
BLACKBIRD je film o problematičnom tinejdžeru Seanu Randallu koji je lažno optužen da je u školi planirao izvesti masakr sličan onom počinjenom u školi Columbine. Sve počinje kada Sean i popularna djevojka Deanna Roy uspostavljaju neuobičajeno prijateljstvo. Deannin momak se osjeća jako ugrožen vezom između nje i Seana, što rezultira žestokim konfliktom. U nadi da će se na taj način zaštititi, Sean na internetu objavljuje prijetnju smrću i ubrzo zatim biva uhapšen. Može se spasiti jedino ako Deanni i ostatku zajednice dokaže svoju nevinost i
tako se riješi stečene loše reputacije. BLACKBIRD is a film about a troubled teen, Sean Randall, who is falsely accused of planning a Columbine shooting scenario. It all begins when an unlikely bond forms between Sean and a preppy teenage girl named Deanna Roy. Deanna’s boyfriend is deeply threatened by Sean and Deanna’s friendship, resulting in a violent confrontation. Seeking to protect himself, Sean issues a death threat online, and is swiftly arrested. Sean’s only hope is to overcome his dark image, and prove his innocence to Deanna and to his community.
Dobra noć / Good Night
United Kingdom, 2012, Colour, 24 min. Režija / Director: Muriel d'Ansembourg Scenarij / Screenplay: Muriel d’Ansembourg Uloge / Cast: Anna Hogarth, Rosie Day, Jay Taylor
GOOD NIGHT je intiman portret dviju tinejdžerki čija probuđena seksualnost, tokom jednog tajnog noćnog izlaska, počinje ugrožavati njihovu dječiju naivnost. Dok muškarcima koje susreću šalju pomiješane signale, granica između naivne igre i opasnog zavođenja počinje da blijedi. GOOD NIGHT is an intimate portrait of two teenage girls on a secret night out where their childhood innocence is threatened by an awakening sexuality. Giving mixed signals to the men they meet, the boundaries between innocent play and dangerous seduction begin to blur.
Ručak / Eating Lunch
Sweden, 2013, Colour, 13 min. Režija / Director: Sanna Lenken Scenarij / Screenplay: Sanna Lenken Uloge / Cast: Elina Sandberg, Julia Sporre, Hanna Frelin
Petnaestogodišnja Klara i još četiri dječaka i djevojčice istih godina ručaju pod nadzorom medicinskih sestara u centru za liječenje prehrambenih poremećaja. Imaju samo 30 minuta da završe sa jelom. 15-year-old Klara and four girls and boys of the same age are to eat lunch under the supervision of nurses at a centre for eating disorders. They have just 30 minutes to eat up.
Na plaži / On the Beach
Switzerland, 2012, Colour, 15 min. Režija / Director: Marie-Elsa Sgualdo Scenarij / Screenplay: Marie-Elsa Sgualdo Uloge / Cast: Joelle Nussbaum, Alessio Balossi
Emancipacija petnaestogodišnje Sare tokom ljetnjeg odmora. The emancipation of 15-year-old Sara during summer holidays.
Plesni okršaj “Film”/ Dance Off "The Movie"
Switzerland, 2011, Colour, 113 min Režija / Director: Andrew Veluz Resurreccion Scenarij / Screenplay: Andrew Veluz Resurreccion Uloge / Cast: Sabrina Götti, Andre Silva, Nadja Wildi
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Dobra noć / Good Night
Auschwithz u mojim mislima / Auschwitz On My Mind
To je trenutak o kojem svi sanjaju. Sara je taj trenutak iskusila na plesnom takmičenju DanceOff. Pametna i simpatična Sara je sa svoje dvije sestre rasla u porodici u kojoj su naučene da u životu nema ničeg bitnijeg od putovanja i dobrog obrazovanja. Ipak, u dubini svoje duše, Sara je uvijek voljela ples, a njena velika strast je ulični ples. Sara jedne večeri u noćnom klubu upoznaje Nica de Marca, vođu plesne grupe ID8. Njeni prioriteti se ubrzo mijenjaju, te u svijetu plesa nalazi nove prijatelje i nove vrijednosti. Everyone dreams of this one moment. For Sara this moment happened at DanceOff. The smart and funny young woman and her two sisters come from a respectable family where she learnt that traveling and a good education are the most important things in life. However deep down Sara always loved dancing, she has real passion for Street Dance. Sara bumps one evening in a dance club into Nico de Marco, the leader of the ID8 dance group. Many of her priorities change quickly and Sara finds in the world of dance new strength and new friends.
Na plaži / On the Beach
Ti i ja zauvijek / You & Me Forever Denmark, 2012, Colour, 82 min. Režija / Director: Kaspar Munk Scenarij / Screenplay: Kaspar Munk, Jannik Tai Mosholt Uloge / Cast: Julie Andersen, Frederikke Dahl Hansen
Laura i Kristina oduvijek su bile najbolje prijateljice. Jednoga dana upoznaju tajanstvenu i fascinantnu Mariju, i njihovo prijateljstvo biva dovedeno u iskušenje. U Laurinim očima, poznanstvo s Marijom mijenja svijet za koji je mislila da ga odlično poznaje. Priča o prijateljima i neprijateljima, ranjivosti i neobuzdanosti, ljubavi i seksu. Laura and Christine are best friends. They have been best friends forever. One day they meet the mysterious and fascinating Maria, and their friendship is put to the test. For Laura it is a meeting that changes the world she thought she knew so well. A story about friends and enemies, vulnerability and wildness, love and sex.
Žene kitovi / Whaled Women
Žene kitovi / Whaled Women
Scenarij / Screenplay: Andreas Jakobsson, Ewa Einhorn, Jeuno Je Kim Uloge / Cast: Anna Blomberg, Inga Cristina Campos
SchlopSchlop i KK dvije su iritantne žene koje rade pri Odjelu za razvoj u Krabstadtu, gradiću smještenom u nedefinisanom dijelu Arktika, u koji sve nordijske zemlje šalju svoje nepoželjne građane. Jednog dana, čudna stvorenja nasuču se na obale Karbstadta, a SchlopSchlop i KK dobivaju zadatak da riješe problem. SchlopSchlop and KK are two annoying women who work at the Department of Development in Krabstadt, a small town located in an undefined arctic region where all the Nordic countries send their undesirables. One day, strange creatures become stranded on its shores. SchlopSchlop and KK are assigned to deal with the situation. teenarena kratki / Shorts Whaled Women / On the Beach / Good Night / Auschwitz On My Mind / Eating Lunch
Sweden, 2013, Colour, 9 min. Režija / Director: Ewa Einhorn, Jeuno Je Kim
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Afrički ritam / The African Cypher
Dobre vibracije / Good Vibrations
Harry Dean Stanton: dijelom fikcija / Harry Dean Stanton: Partly Fiction
Samo su ljubavnici preživjeli / Only Lovers Left Alive
Laško Summer Nights Afrički ritam / The African Cypher South Africa, 2012, Colour, 88 min. Režija / Director: Bryan Little
Ovaj nagrađivani dokumentarac pruža uvid u izuzetne stilove uličnog plesa širom Južne Afrike, udubljujući se u filozofiju plesne kreacije. Prikaz je to fizičke prirode plesa, čuda tijela koje lebdi u prostoru, premeće se, vrti i klizi kao da želi poroditi novo sredstvo ličnog izražaja. Bryan Little jaše na valu energije jedinstvenih i raznolikih plesnih stilova od isiPantsula i sBhujwa do Krumpa i B-Boya. Kriminal i siromaštvo dio su njihove teške stvarnosti u predgrađima, ali plesači predstavljeni u ovom filmu objašnjavaju kako im je umjetnost obogatila živote i otvorila nove puteve, te kako vraćaju dug toj umjetnosti radeći s mladima kao mentori i učitelji plesa, razbijajući krug nasilja i ulijevajući nadu. A survey of the extraordinary street dance styles across South Africa, this award-winning documentary drills deeper into the philosophy of the dancer's creation. This is the physicality of the dance; the awe of a body flowing through space, flipping, spinning, and snaking as if giving birth to a new means of self-expression. Bryan Little harnesses the energy of the unique and diverse performance styles of isiPantsula and sBhujwa to Krump and B-boy. Crime and poverty may be a challenging reality in township life, but the dancers featured describe how their art has enriched their lives with new avenues, and pay it forward by engaging with youth through mentorship and dance training that breaks the cycle of crime and offers hope.
USA, 2012, Colour, 75 min. Režija / Director: Tim Wheeler
U dokumentarnom filmu ¡Cuatro! pratimo grupu Green Day tokom rada na demo snimcima, probama i prilikom snimanja materijala za njihovu album trilogiju ¡Uno! ¡Dos! ¡Tré!. Film prikazuje kreativni proces izrade nekih od numera, kao što su "Missing You", "Nightlife" i "Lady Cobra", te otkriva koliko je vremena i napora bend uložio u ova tri albuma. Posebno - koliko su se dobro zabavljali radeći na njima. ¡Cuatro! is a documentary that follows Green Day around during their demoing, rehearsing, and re cording of material for their ¡Uno! ¡Dos! ¡Tré! trilogy of albums. The film shows the creative process of some tracks, such as "Missing You," “Nightlife," and "Lady Cobra," and shows how much time and effort the band put into the albums. Specifically how much fun they had doing it.
Dobre vibracije / Good Vibrations United Kingdom, Ireland, 2012, Colour, 103 min. Režija / Director: Lisa Barros D'Sa, Glenn Leyburn Scenarij / Screenplay: Colin Carberry, Glenn Patterson Uloge / Cast: Richard Dormer, Jodie Whittaker, Adrian Dunbar, Liam Cunningham, Karl Johnson i Dylan Moran
Terri Hooley je radikal, buntovnik i ljubitelj muzike iz sredine sedamdesetih godina prošlog vijeka kada sukob poznat pod nazivom “Troubles” paralizira njegov grad, Belfast. Dok svi njegovi prijatelji zauzimaju strane i uzimaju oružje, Terri na pola milje najžešće bombardiranog prostora u Evropi otvara dućan s pločama i daje mu naziv “Dobre vibracije”. Podstičući mlade muzičare na akciju, Terri neočekivano postaje vođa šarolike grupe omladinaca i pankera koji se pridružuju njegovoj misiji da stvore novu zajednicu, alternativni Ulster, kako bi vratili život u svoj grad.
Terri Hooley is a radical, rebel and music-lover in 1970s Belfast when the bloody conflict known as the Troubles shuts down his city. As all his friends take sides and take up arms, Terri opens a record shop on the most bombed half-mile in Europe and calls it Good Vibrations. Galvanising the young musicians into action, he becomes the unlikely leader of a motley band of kids and punks who join him in his mission to create a new community, an alternative Ulster, to bring his city back to life.
Harry Dean Stanton: dijelom fikcija / Harry Dean Stanton: Partly Fiction USA, 2012, Colour, 77 min. Režija / Director: Sophie Huber Scenarij / Screenplay: Sophie Huber
Glumačka ikona u intimnim trenucima, s isječcima iz nekih od njegovih 250 filmova i njegovim srceparajućim izvedbama američke folk muzike. U kombiniranoj crno-bijeloj i kolor tehnici snimio ga je Seamusa McGarvey. Film preispituje glumčevo zagonetno poimanje vlastitog života i njegov neiskorišteni muzički talenat, te uključuje scene s Davidom Lynchom, Wimom Wendersom, Samom Shepardom, Krisom Kristoffersonom i Debbie Harry. An iconic actor in his intimate moments, with film clips from some of his 250 films and his own heartbreaking renditions of American folk songs. Lensed in colour and b/w by Seamus McGarvey, the film explores the actor’s enigmatic outlook on his life, his unexploited talents as a musician, and includes scenes with David Lynch, Wim Wenders, Sam Shepard, Kris Kristofferson and Debbie Harry.
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Pussy Riot: punk molitva / Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer
Pussy Riot: punk molitva / Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer
Russia, United Kingdom, 2013, Colour, 88 min, Russian Režija / Director: Mike Lerner, Maxim Pozdorovkin
U zimu 2011, nakon kontroverznih izbora, Vladimir Putin ponovo je postavljen za predsjednika Rusije. Stotine hiljada ruskih građana izašlo je na proteste širom zemlje osporavajući legitimitet njegove vladavine. Među njima je bila i grupa radikalnih mladih feministica i punk rokerica, poznatijih kao Pussy Riot. Lica sakrivenih maskama u boji, odjevene u helanke i ljetne haljine, ušetale su u najpoznatiji pravoslavni hram u Moskvi i usudile se da otpjevaju “Sveta Marijo, otjeraj Putina!”. Postale su žrtve “fingiranog” suđenja. Britanski filmski stvaralac Mike Lerner i ruski autor Maxim Pozdorovkin udružili su snage kako bi napravili film o malom činu pobune koji je privukao pažnju cijele nacije i prerastao u međunarodnu aferu o kršenju ljudskih prava. In the winter of 2011, after a controversial election, Vladimir Putin was reinstalled as president of Russia. In response, hundreds of thousands of citizens rose up all over the country to challenge the legitimacy of Putin’s rule. Among them were a group of young, radical-feminist punk rockers, better known as Pussy Riot. Wearing colored balaclavas, tights, and summer dresses, they entered Moscow’s most venerated cathedral and dared to sing “Mother Mary, Banish Putin!” Now they have become victims of a “show” trial. British filmmaker Mike Lerner and Russian Maxim Pozdorovkin collaborate to chronicle the way one small act of protest captured a nation’s attention and grew to become an international story of human-rights abuse.
Samo su ljubavnici preživjeli / Only Lovers Left Alive
United Kingdom, Germany, France, Cyprus, USA, 2013,
Velika hip-hop prevara / The Great Hip Hop Hoax
Slom slomljenog kruga / The Broken Circle Breakdown
Colour, 123 min. Režija / Director: Jim Jarmusch Scenarij / Screenplay: Jim Jarmusch Uloge / Cast: Tom Hiddleston, Tilda Swinton, Mia Wasikowska, John Hurt
U romantičnom i zapuštenom okruženju Detroita i Tangiera, underground muzičar, teško deprimiran stanjem ljudskog roda, ponovo se ujedinjuje sa svojom izdržljivom i enigmatičnom ljubavnicom. Njihova neslavna ljubav izdržala je već nekoliko stoljeća, ali će je divlja i nedokazna mlađa sestra ljubavnice uskoro dovesti u iskušenje. Mogu li ovo dvoje mudrih, ali krhkih autsajdera nastaviti život dok se moderni svijet oko njih urušava? Set against the romantic desolation of Detroit and Tangier, an underground musician, deeply depressed by the direction of human activities, reunites with his resilient and enigmatic lover. Their love story has already endured several centuries at least, but their debauched idyll is soon disrupted by her wild and uncontrollable younger sister. Can these wise but fragile outsiders continue to survive as the modern world collapses around them?
Slom slomljenog kruga / The Broken Circle Breakdown
Belgium, 2012, Colour, 110 min. Režija / Director: Felix Van Groeningen Scenarij / Screenplay: Carl Joos, Felix van Groeningen Uloge / Cast: Veerle Baetens, Johan Heldenbergh
Elise i Didier su proveli sedam strastvenih godina zajedno. Kada se njihova mala kći suoči s teškom bolešću, kroz glavu im prolaze sve prekretnice u njihovoj intenzivnoj i dirljivoj vezi. Prisjećaju se zaljubljivanja na prvi pogled, međusobnog udvaranja i strasti, kako ih je zbližio zajednički bluegrass bend, dana kada su se odlučili na brak, neplanirane trudnoće i, konačno, radosti roditeljstva nakon rođenja njihove prelijepe Maybell. Kompletan krug
sreće ovog vrlo nekonvencionalnog para… Ali kada stres i tuga Maybellinog tretmana počinju uzimati danak, Didier i Elise počinju reagirati na sasvim različite načine. Elise and Didier have been together for seven passionate years. When their little girl Maybelle must face a serious illness, all the turning points in their intense and moving relationship seem to flash by. They remember their love at first sight, courtship and passion,coming closer through their bluegrass music band, braving marriage, unexpected pregnancy and eventually the joy of parenthood after the birth of beautiful Maybelle. A complete circle of happiness for this very unconventional couple… But as the stress and sorrow of Maybelle’s treatment takes its toll, Didier and Elise begin to respond in different ways.
Velika hip-hop prevara / The Great Hip Hop Hoax United Kingdom, 2013, Colour, 88 min. Režija / Director: Jeanie Finlay
Kalifornijski hip-hop duo Silibil n' Brains trebao je postati velika zvijezda. Međutim, niko nije znao da su oni zapravo studenti iz Škotske s lažnim ame ričkim akcentom i lažnim identitetom. VELIKA HIPHOP PREVARA je film o istini, lažima i zaostavštini dvojca koji je lagao o svemu u očajničkoj potrazi za slavom. Priču o američkom snu su ispričali ljudi koji nikada nisu bili u Americi. Californian hip-hop duo Silibil n' Brains were going to be massive. What no-one knew was the pair were really students from Scotland, with fake American accents and made up identities. The Great Hip Hop Hoax is a film about truth, lies and the legacy of faking everything in the desperate pursuit of fame. The American dream, told by people who'd never even been to America.
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Sarajevo Film Festival Partner Presents Doha Film Institute Doha institut za film (DFI) je nezavisna i neprofitna kulturna institucija osnovana 2010. Institut pomaže razvoju lokalne filmske zajednice unapređenjem stručnog znanja, njegovanjem ljubavi prema filmu i doprinosom razvoju samoodrživih kreativnih industrija u Kataru. Aktivnosti Instituta uključuju finansiranje i produkciju lokalnih, regionalnih i međunarodnih filmova, obrazovnih programa, prikazivanje filmova, te organizaciju Filmskog festivala za mlade Ajyal i Filmskog festivala Qumra. Primarno usmjeren na kulturu, razvoj zajednice, obrazovanje i zabavu, Institut služi kao centar filmske industrije u Dohi, kao i regionalni i svjetski filmski centar za resurse. DFI je predan viziji Katara da se do 2030. ostvari kao ekonomija zasnovana na znanju. Doha Film Institute (DFI) is an independent, not-for-profit cultural organisation established in 2010. It organically supports the growth of the local film community by enhancing industry knowledge, cultivating film appreciation and contributing to the development of sustainable creative industries in Qatar. DFI’s platforms include funding and production of local, regional and international films, educational programmes, film screenings, the Ajyal Film Festival for the Young and the Qumra Film Festival. With culture, community, education and entertainment at its foundation, DFI serves as an all-encompassing film hub in Doha, as well as a resource for the region and the rest of the world. DFI is committed to supporting Qatar’s 2030 vision for the development of a knowledge-based economy.
Svetinja / Sanctity
Svetinja / Sanctity
France, Saudi Arabia, 2013, Colour, 37 min. Režija / Director: Ahd Uloge / Cast: Ahd, Mohammed Baker, Mohammed Osman
Saudijska Arabija. Mlada trudnica Areej iznenada ostaje udovica. U skladu s tradicijom, pošto je Areej siroče, porodica njenog preminulog supruga trebala bi je izdržavati. Ali Abdullah, njen djever, ne mari za to. Abdullahu je brat dugovao novac i on zahtijeva od Areej da otplati dug zaprijetivši da će joj, u suprotnom, oduzeti kuću. Areej pokušava pronaći posao, ali to je u Saudijskoj Arabiji težak zadatak za siromašnu ženu kao što je ona. Stvari se mijenjaju kada Areej upoznaje Alija, mladog beskućnika iz Jemena. Saudi Arabia. Areej, a pregnant young woman, becomes suddenly a widow. Since she’s an orphan and according to the tradition she should be supported financially by her in-laws. But Adbullah, her brother in law, doesn’t care. His brother owed him money and he asks Areej to repay the debt in question, otherwise he will take her house. Areej tries to get a job but in Saudi Arabia, for a poor woman like her, it’s tough, until she bumps into Ali, a young homeless yemeni. Curated by Doha Film Institute
Svijet koji nije naš / A World Not Ours Lebanon, United Kingdom, Denmark, 2012, Colour, 93 min. Režija / Director: Mahdi Fleifel Scenarij / Screenplay: Mahdi Fleifel
SVIJET KOJI NIJE NAŠ je intiman i duhovit portret triju generacija jedne porodice u izbjegličkom kampu Ain el-Helweh, u južnom Libanu. Zasnovan na
Svijet koji nije naš / A World Not Ours
obilju privatnih snimaka, porodičnih arhiva i historijskog videomaterijala, film je nježna i prosvjetljujuća studija pitanja pripadnosti, prijateljstva i porodice. Uradak koji su preko dvadeset godina snimali pripadnici više generacija iste porodice – SVIJET KOJI NIJE NAŠ je više od običnog porodičnog portreta. To je pokušaj da se sačuva ono što se počelo zaboravljati, da se označi ono što ne bi trebalo nestati iz kolektivnog sjećanja. Film, također, govori o Fleifelovom dugogodišnjem prijatelju Abu Eyadu. Dva muškarca dijele strast prema palestinskoj politici, melanholičnu muziku i fudbal. Tokom svjetskog prvenstva u fudbalu, Palestinci utakmice gledaju na televiziji u dućanu sa sportskom opremom. Tokom par sedmica postaju Brazilci, Nijemci ili Italijani. Ali dok Fleifel može doći u kamp i otići iz njega kad god poželi, Abu Eyadu preostaje samo odluka da pobjegne. A World Not Ours is an intimate, humorous, portrait of three generations of exile in the refugee camp of Ain el-Helweh, in southern Lebanon. Based on a wealth of personal recordings, family archives, and historical footage, the film is a sensitive and illuminating study of belonging, friendship, and family. Filmed over more than 20 years by multiple generations of the same family, A World Not Ours is more than just a family portrait; it is an attempt to record what is being forgotten, and mark what should not be erased from collective memory. The film also tells the story of Mahdi Fleifel”s long-time friend Abu Eyad. The two men share a passion for Palestinian politics, melancholic music and football. During the football world cup, the Palestinians watch the matches on a TV in a sports shop. For a few weeks, they become Brazilians, Germans or Italians. But whereas Fleifel may enter and leave the camp as he pleases, Abu Eyad is left only with his decision to escape. Curated by Doha Film Institute
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Sarajevo Film Festival Guests Present The Arab Fund for Arts and Culture Državna imovina / Nation Estate Denmark, Palestine, 2012, Colour, 9 min. Režija / Director: Larissa Sansour Scenarij / Screenplay: Søren Lind Uloge / Cast: Larissa Sansour, Leila Sansour, Maxim Sansour
DRŽAVNA IMOVINA je devetominutni naučno fantastični film koji nudi klinički distopičan, pa ipak duhovit, pristup pat poziciji na Bliskom istoku. Film propituje vertikalno rješenje problema palestinske državnosti: u jedan kolosalan neboder se nastanila cjelokupna palestinska populacija i sada konačno živi na visokoj nozi. Nation Estate is a 9-minute sci-fi short offering a clinically dystopian, yet humorous approach to the deadlock in the Middle East. The film explores a vertical solution to Palestinian statehood: one colossal skyscraper housing the entire Palestinian population – now finally living the high life.
I bi bolje sutra / It Was Better Tomorrow Tunisia, 2012, Colour, 74 min. Režija / Director: Hinde Boujemaa
I BI BOLJE SUTRA prati Tunižanku Aidu koja – dok u njenoj zemlji ključa revolucija – mora ponovo izgraditi svoj život želeći ostaviti prošlost iza sebe. Aida provodi vrijeme u selidbama iz jednog siromašnog kvarta u drugi. Vođena željom da za sebe i svoju djecu osigura krov nad glavom, Aida se ne osvrće na historijske događaje koji se odvijaju oko nje. Njen jedini cilj je pronaći izlaz iz teške situacije i uvjerena je da je revolucija blagoslov. I BI BOLJE SUTRA prati netipično putovanje ove odlučne i hrabre žene u najžešćem periodu revolucije u njenoj zemlji. Through the hubbub of a revolution, “It was better tomorrow” follows Aida, a Tunisian woman who has to rebuild her entire life and who does not wish to look backwards. She spends her time moving from one poor neighborhood to another. Driven by the will to find a roof over her head and for her children, she takes no notice of the historical events taking place around her. Her only goal is to find a way out and she is convinced that the revolution is a blessing. “It was better tomorrow” shows the atypical journey of this brazen and bold woman in the intense interval of a country’s revolution.
Istina u toku dana / Coming Forth By Day
Egypt, United Arab Emirates, 2012, Colour, 96 min. Režija / Director: Hala Lotfy Scenarij / Screenplay: Hala Lotfy Uloge / Cast: Donia Maher, Salma Al-Naggar, Ahmad Lutfi
Usjedjelica u kasnim tridesetim živi s majkom, medicinskom sestrom, i ocem, koji je nakon
moždanog udara uglavnom nesvjestan svijeta oko sebe. Nije zaposlena; ostaje kod kuće kako bi se brinula o ocu. Porodična dinamika se lagano razotkriva kroz niz svakodnevnih situacija. Hranjenje i kupanje apatičnog oca, tenzije između majke i kćerke, neugodna posjeta rođaka. Neodlučni pokušaj kćerke da se uključi u život koji bi za nju bio naizgled prikladniji dovodi do katastrofalnih posljedica... Oni koji su u potpunosti vladali svojim tijelom ne mogu biti pokorni. A šta je s onima kojih to nikada nije bilo tako? Mogu li preživjeti usamljeničko ropstvo i impotentno prihvatanje stvari koje ne mogu ni promijeniti niti prigrliti? Ovo je priča o svakodnevnici dviju žena koje se brinu o svom bolesnom muškarcu. A spinster in her mid thirties lives with her mum, a nurse, and her father who is mostly unaware of the world after a stroke. She doesnt work; she stays home to take care of her father. Through minute actions the family dynamic slowly unravels. Feeding and cleaning of the apathic father, frustrations between the daughter and mother, an awkward visit of a relative. A hesitant attempt of the daughter to engage with a life that might be more her own, seems to lead to a disastrous outcome... Those who have fully enjoyed their bodies cannot be submissive. And those who never have? Can they survive the slavery of solitude and impotent acceptance of what they can’t change or embrace? This is the everyday story of two women taking care of their sick man.
Državna imovina / Nation Estate
I bi bolje sutra / It Was Better Tomorrow
Veoma opasan muškarac / A Very Dangerous Man
Lebanon, 2012, Colour, 16 min. Režija / Director: Mazen Khaled Scenarij / Screenplay: Mazen Khaled Uloge / Cast: Kassem Hatoum, Faraj Aoun, Salim Mourad, Christine Fawaz, Joseph Aoun, Lara Saba
Beirut, ljeto 2012: život se odvija onoliko normalno koliko je u tom gradu moguće. Ali nešto ključa ispod površine. Dok ljudi žive svoje normalne živote, u ulicama živopisnog predgrađa Hamra traje potjera za jednim mladićem. U međuvremenu, sumnjiva torba glatko prelazi iz ruke u ruku i kreće ka nepoznatom odredištu u prepunom kafiću. Beirut, summer, 2012: Life here seems as normal as this city can provide. Something is bubbling underneath, though. As people go about their normal lives, a young man gets chased around the streets of the eclectic Hamra district. Meanwhile, a suspicious-looking bag easily changes hands, and heads to an unknown destination around a busy cafe.
Istina u toku dana / Coming Forth By Day
Veoma opasan muškarac / A Very Dangerous Man SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 16-24/08/2013 /
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Sarajevo Film Festival Guests Present Nominacije i pobjednik za program kratkometražnog filma BAFTA 2013: Partnerski program British Councila / BAFTA 2013 Short Film Nominees and the Winner: A British Council touring programme Dobra noć / Good Night
Režija / Director: Johnny Barrington Scenarij / Screenplay: Johnny Barrington Kostimografija / Costume Design: Anna Robbins Uloge / Cast: Jean-Marc Chautems, Eileen Dunwoodie, Gísli Örn Garðarsson
United Kingdom, 2012, Colour, 24 min. Režija / Director: Muriel d'Ansembourg Scenarij / Screenplay: Muriel d’Ansembourg Uloge / Cast: Anna Hogarth, Rosie Day, Jay Taylor, Dave McRae, Michael Stevenson
GOOD NIGHT je intiman portret dviju tinejdžerki čija probuđena seksualnost, tokom jednog tajnog noćnog izlaska, počinje ugrožavati njihovu dječiju naivnost. Dok muškarcima koje susreću šalju pomiješane signale, granica između naivne igre i opasnog zavođenja počinje da blijedi. GOOD NIGHT is an intimate portrait of two teenage girls on a secret night out where their childhood innocence is threatened by an awakening sexuality. Giving mixed signals to the men they meet, the boundaries between innocent play and dangerous seduction begin to blur.
Dobro sam, hvala / I'm Fine Thanks Ireland, United Kingdom, 2011, Colour, 5 min. Režija / Director: Eamonn O'Neill Scenarij / Screenplay: Eamonn O'Neill Glasovi / Voices: Paul Thomas, Joseph Tate, Simon Roberts
Jesi dobro? Are you ok?
Graja / Tumult
United Kingdom, 2012, Colour, 13 min.
Okrvavljen i ranjen, vođa plemena nordijskih ratnika na korak je do smrti i sprema se predati vlast svome sinu kada se vojska posebne vrste... obrušava na njih. Bloodied and wounded, a tribe of Norse warriors’ chief is near death and about to hand over power to his son when an army of a completely different kind… descends upon them.
Kako je nastao Longbird / The Making of Longbird
United Kingdom, 2011, Colour, 16 min. Režija / Director: Will Anderson Scenarij / Screenplay: Will Anderson, Ainslie Henderson
Pogled “iza scene” na animatora / filmadžiju u trenutku kada se muči s likom iz svog filma. A ‘behind-the-scenes’ look at an Animator / Filmmaker as he struggles with his character.
Na putu da padnem / Here to Fall Ireland, United Kingdom, 2012, Colour, 6 min. Režija / Director: Kris Kelly Scenarij / Screenplay: Kris Kelly
Nakon što primi poziv od svoga oca, djevojka
započinje frenetično putovanje kroz haotični svijet. When a girl receives a call from her father she is set on a frantic journey through a chaotic world.
Problem Voorman / The Voorman Problem
United Kingdom, 2011, Colour, 13 min. Režija / Director: Mark Gill Scenarij / Screenplay: Mark Gill Uloge / Cast: Martin Freeman, Tom Hollander, Simon Griffiths
Psihijatar biva upućen u zatvor kako bi pregledao zatvorenika koji pati od neobičnog poremećaja vjeruje da je Bog. A psychiatrist is sent to a prison to examine an inmate with a peculiar affliction – he believes he is a god.
Prokletstvo / The Curse
United Kingdom, Morocco, 2012, Colour, 16 min. Režija / Director: Fyzal Boulifa Scenarij / Screenplay: Fyzal Boulifa Uloge / Cast: Ibtissam Zabara
Fatine je otišla daleko od sela da se nađe sa starijim ljubavnikom. Međutim, kada je uhvati jedan dječak, sve što želi je da se vrati kući. Fatine has ventured far from the village to meet her older lover. When she is caught by a small boy, all she wants to do is go home.
Prokletstvo / The Curse
Dobro sam, hvala / I'm Fine Thanks
Problem Voorman / The Voorman Problem
Graja / Tumult
Na putu da padnem / Here to Fall
Kako je nastao Longbird / The Making of Longbird
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Gruzijski Nacionalni Filmski Centar / Georgian National Film Centre Mašina koja čini da sve nestaje / The Machine Which Makes Everything Disappear
Mašina koja čini da sve nestaje / The Machine Which Makes Everything Disappear
Georgia, Germany, 2012, Colour, 97 min. Režija / Director: Tinatin Gurchiani
Filmska režiserka oglašava audiciju za ljude starosti od 15 do 23 godine. Potraga je vodi na različita mjesta – u sela i gradove. Mnogi se javljaju na oglas: neki žele nastupiti u filmu, drugi su spremni podijeliti vlastite intimne priče ili traže ohrabrenje da realiziraju svoje najvažnije odluke. Film govori o tome kako život može biti lijep, ali i težak – kada sanjate da postanete heroj. Protagonisti ovoga filma žive i sanjaju o tom junaštvu, bilo da bježe od stvarnosti ili se s njom suočavaju otvorenih očiju. A film director announces a casting for 15-23-year old youths. This search brings her to different locations: villages and cities. Here are many people who answer the call: some are interested in becoming part of a film, others are ready to share their sentimental stories or seek the strength to carry out their major resolutions. A film about how beautiful life can be and how difficult when you dream of being a hero. The protagonists of this film live and dream this heroism, whether they run from reality orface it head-on.
As pik - loša sudbina / Ace of Spades - Bad Destiny
Filmski Festival Herceg Novi – Montenegro Film Festival As pik - loša sudbina / Ace of Spades - Bad Destiny
Montenegro, 2012, Colour, 96 min. Režija / Director: Draško Đurović Scenarij / Screenplay: Obrad Nenezić Uloge / Cast: Branimir Popović, Peđa Bjelac, Michael Madsen, Momčilo Otašević, Jelena Simić
Jugoslavija se raspala. Beli, pripadnik paravojnih formacija u ratu tokom devedesetih godina, bježi u Italiju s mlađim bratom Kentom. Ali Kenta susreće Sanju, izbjeglicu iz Sarajeva, a ratni drugovi traže Beloga. Može li se pobjeći od devedesetih? Yugoslavia fell apart. Beli, who was a paramilitary soldier during the 1990s war, escapes to Italy with his younger brother Kent. But Kent meets Sanja, a refugee from Sarajevo, and war buddies are looking for Beli. Is it possible to escape the 1990s?
Dadilja / Babysitter
Zagreb Film Festival – Najbolje od kockica / Best of Checkers Dadilja / Babysitter
Croatia, 2012, Colour, 24 min. Režija / Director: Ivan Sikavica Scenarij / Screenplay: Ivan Sikavica, Ivan Skorin Uloge / Cast: Matija Čigir, Dag Vajdić, Bernard Tomić, Ivan Pašalić
Čiks misli da je uvijek bolje biti na nekom drugom mjestu od onoga na kojem trenutno jeste. Čiks thinks that life is always better somewhere else, other than where he is.
Croatia, 2011, Colour, 15 min. Režija / Director: Tin Žanić Scenarij / Screenplay: Tin Žanić Uloge / Cast: Kristijan Jaić, Tibor Knežević, Filip Lozić
Svako ima svoje navike. Čini se da je Mihova navika neprestano ponavljanje svega. Miha vrijeme provodi s Edom. Oni nisu prijatelji, samo imaju zajedničke interese. Nakon današnjeg dana više neće imati ništa zajedničko. Everyone has their habits. It seems that Miha’s habit is constant repetition. Miha spends his time with Edo. They are not friends, they just have the same interests. After today they will have nothing in common.
Onda vidim Tanju / Then I See Tanja Croatia, 2010, 34 min.
Režija / Director: Juraj Lerotić Scenarij / Screenplay: Juraj Lerotić Uloge / Cast: Marin Radman, Ena Mašić, Niko Gamulin - Vilogorac
Šesnaestogodišnji Željko konačno mora preuzeti inicijativu i upoznati Tanju, te mora pronaći novac da svojoj bolesnoj majci kupi periku. Pravu periku, od prirodne kose. Ako to uspije, možda sve opet krene nabolje.... Željko (16) must finally take initiative and meet Tanja and he must find money to buy a wig for his sick mother. A real one, made of natural hair. If he manages to do that, things could get better again...
Terarij / Terrarium
Croatia, 2012, 25 min. Režija / Director: Hana Jušić Scenarij / Screenplay: Hana Jušić, Sonja Tarokić Uloge / Cast: Tena Cingel, Tibor Knežević, Lena Politeo
Onda vidim Tanju / Then I See Tanja
Tina i njen bratić Maks ne mogu okusiti bakinu lošu juhu, ubija ih ljetna žega i stravična dosada. Oboje bi da su negdje drugdje, s nekim drugim ljudima, no nažalost imaju samo jedno drugo. Tina and her cousin Max cannot stand their Grandma's bad soup, scorching summer heat and utmost boredom any more. Both of them wish they were somewhere else, with some other people. Unfortunately, they only have each other. Terarij / Terrarium SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 16-24/08/2013 /
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Odumiranje / Withering
Sarajevo Film Festival Guests Present
Adria Blues
Continental Film Adria Blues
Slovenia, 2013, Colour, 91 min. Režija / Director: Miroslav Mandić Scenarij / Screenplay: Miroslav Mandić Uloge / Cast: Senad Bašić, Mojca Funkl, Peter Musevski, Maja Taraniš
Toni Riff je bivši roker koji je doselio u Sloveniju za vrijeme rata u Bosni i oženio svoju obožavateljku, Soniu. On već dvije decenije ne radi, oslanjajući se na suprugu koja ih izdržava. Sonia zarađuje za život kao radnica u servisu za telefonski seks, što Tonija nervira i dovodi ga do ljubomornih ispada. Jedan od njenih redovnih klijenata, vlasnik hotela po imenu Max, nudi joj da organizira koncert za bivšu zvijezdu. Nakon dolaska u hotel, šokiran najavom koncerta, Toni se sakriva u sobu koja je nazvana po njemu. Sonia ga moli da nastupi, vjerujući da je koncert jedini izlaz iz njegove depresije. Toni Riff is an ex-rocker who moved to Slovenia during the war in Bosnia and married his fan Sonia. He has been inactive for the past two decades, relying on his wife to support them. To Toni's annoyance and fits of jealousy, Sonia earns a living as a phone-sex operator. One of her regular clients, a hotel owner Max, offers to organize a concert for the former star. Upon arrival to the hotel, shocked by the concert announcement, Toni hides in a room called after him. Sonia begs him to play, believing a concert is the only way out of his depression.
MCF MegaCom Film Odumiranje / Withering
Serbia, Switzerland, 2013, Colour, 109 min. Režija / Director: Miloš Pušić Scenarij / Screenplay: Dušan Spasojević Uloge / Cast: Branislav Trifunović, Boris Isaković, Dara Džokić, Jasna Djuričić, Milica Janevska, Emir Hadžihafizbegović
Nakon godina provedenih u Beogradu, gdje je naporno radio za malo novca, Janko se vraća kući, u svoje zabačeno selo. Namjerava prodati zemlju i odseliti u Švicarsku u nadi da će se tamo konačno izvući iz finansijskih problema. Njegova usamljena majka Milica (50) se nadala da će se Janko u selo vratiti sa ženom i tu zasnovati porodicu. Spremna je na sve kako bi ga navela da promijeni odluku. Milici u tome pomaže Strahinja, usamljeni stanovnik napuštenog sela, idealista pun života i snage. Ali Janko ne odustaje od svoga nauma. Preduzet će sve kako bi osigurao svoju budućnost - čak i prodati očev grob. Janko comes home to his godforsaken village after several years of living in Belgrade, where he worked hard for little money. Janko's intention is to sell his land and go to work in Switzerland, believing that he would finally get out of financial problems. His
Gorući žbun / Burning Bush
lonely mother Milica (50) has been hoping that Janko would be back with a wife and have a family there. She will do everything to make him change his mind. Strahinja, a lonely inhabitant of the deserted village, and an idealist, but a man full of strength and the will to live is helping Milica. But, Janko will not give up on his plan. He is willing to do anything to secure his future - even to sell his fathers grave.
HBO Europe predstavlja / presents Gorući žbun / Burning Bush
Czech Republic, 2013, Colour, 240 min. Režija / Director: Agnieszka Holland Scenarij / Screenplay: Štepán Hulík Uloge / Cast: Tatiana Pauhofová, Ivan Trojan, Martin Huba, Vojtech Kotek, Jaroslava Pokorná
Čehoslovačka, 1969: Jan Palach se spaljuje u centru Praga u znak protesta protiv sovjetske okupacije svoje zemlje. Ovaj student, koji će ubrzo postati slavan, u svom oproštajnom pismu tvrdi da će drugi mladi ljudi pratiti njegov primjer ukoliko se okupacija ubrzo ne okonča. Dok se studentskom zajednicom širi nemir, vlada Palachov čin pokušava prikazati kao nesretan slučaj. Oplakujući sina, Palachova majka odbija pomiriti se s tim, te angažira posvećenog advokata Dagmara Burešová kako bi skinula ljagu s imena svog sina. Ova trodijelna serija napravljena za HBO bavi se tim značajnim trenutkom čehoslovačke historije i događajima vezanim za Praško proljeće. U saradnji sa snimateljem Martinom Štrba, Holland je napravila vizualno i filmski privlačnu seriju koja se bavi univerzalnim temama borbe za slobodu, samožrtvovanja i pravde. Produkcijski je svaki, pa i najsitniji detalj ove priče zasnovane na stvarnim događajima – apsolutno savršen. Czechoslovakia, 1969: in the middle of Prague, Jan Palach sets fire to himself. It is Palach’s alarming protest against the Soviet occupation of his country. In his farewell letter, the student who would soon be famous promises that other young people will follow his action if the occupation does not end quickly. While unrest soon stirs within the student community, the government tries to suggest Palach’s deed was an accident. Palach’s mourning mother refuses to accept that and involves the committed lawyer Dagmar Burešová to clear her son’s name. This three-part series for HBO focuses on that important moment in the history of the country and on events surrounding the Prague Spring. Together with cameraman Martin Štrba, Holland presents a visually attractive and cinematographic series with universal themes such as the fight for freedom, self -sacrifice and justice. The production design of this story based on true events is perfect right down to the last detail.
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Jutarnja zvijezda / Morning Star
Oni tihi / Silent Ones
OPERACIJA KINO / Operation Kino The Bambi Molesters: A Night in Zagreb Croatia, 2012, Colour, 90 min, No Dialogue Režija / Director: M. A. Littler
Početkom 2011. The Bambi Molesters su se otisnuli na mini turneju diljem Hrvatske i Slovenije, u sklopu koje im je zagrebačka pozornica Teatra &TD poslužila kao platforma na kojoj će snimiti svoj prvi live album, ali i prvi koncertni film sniman u HD rezoluciji. To snažno jedrenje kroz sedamnaest godina uspješne karijere, The Bambi Molesters i režiser M.A. Littler iz Slowboat Filmsa pretočili su u DVD/2CD izdanje objedinjeno pod nazivom „A Night in Zagreb“. Odlično posložene snimke u režiji Littlera, gledaoca će, u nešto manje od dva sata, prenijeti u energičan, precizno uigran i savršeno odigran muzički film noir u kojem žive entuzijasti The Bambi Molesters. Early in 2011, The Bambi Molesters embarked on a mini-tour of Croatia and Slovenia. They used the performance on the stage of &TD Theater in Zagreb to make recordings for their first live album and a concert film in HD. In cooperation with director M.A.Litter of Slowboat Films, they turned the recorded material – a powerful glide through their successful 17-year-long career - into a DVD/2CD pack under the name “A Night in Zagreb”. Perfectly sequenced under Litter’s direction, the recorded material turned into a vibrant, precise and perfectly performed film noir.
Iščezli u plavo / Vanished Into Blue Turkey, 2012, Black & White, 12 min. Režija / Director: Abdurrahman Öner Scenarij / Screenplay: Meryem Yavuz
Stara, sjenovita soba posmatrana s praga. U sobi se nalazi stari kauč, trpezarijski sto, TV aparat, stara
peć i, odmah uz nju, ogledalo. Na TV je upravo na programu emisija koji pomaže usamljenim ženama da pronađu muškarca. Prikazuje žene koje govore kako bi se voljele udati, a zatim prati razgovore o udaji i djeci. Jedna žena priprema večeru za muža. Mrtvačku tišinu sobe prekidaju samo zvuci s televizora. Cijeli film, snimljen u jednom kadru, nudi izrazito pristrasan odgovor na decenijama staro pitanje bračne netrpeljivosti. It is an old shady room seen from the room's threshold. There is and old couch, a dining table, a TV set, an old stove, and a mirror right next to it. Tv is broadcasting a matchmaking program for women. The program shows the speeches of women who want to marry and there are dialogues about marriage and children. A woman prepares dinner for her husband. The room is dead silent with the exception of TV. The camera turns with a non stop motion through the room. It is a single shot film where the final resolution to decades of marital hostility is solved with extreme prejudice.
A small circus and its company find themselves in the dunes near the North Sea. It is a brooding place and there is not enough audience. Angele, the dancer lives with Elliot, the clown who is haunted by his own Conscience. Heroy, the circus ringmaster is a cruel and schizophrenic person. However, he is not insensitive to the dancer’s charms. Heroy asks Zephyr, the magician and Zohra the gypsy to help him win the heart of Angele. Will Angele’s heart be won by this secret plot between Zephyr and Heroy?
Jutarnja zvijezda / Morning Star
Let / The Flight
France, 2012, Colour, 100 min. Režija / Director: Sophie Blondy Scenarij / Screenplay: Philippe Benkemoun, Sophie Blondy Uloge / Cast: Denis Lavant, Iggy Pop, Tchéky Karyo
Trupa malog cirkusa zatječe se među pješčanim dinama u blizini Sjevernog mora. To je tužno mjesto i nema dovoljno publike. Plesačica Angele živi s klaunom Eliotom kojeg progoni vlastita savjest. Vođa cirkusa Heroy je okrutan i šizofren muškarac. Međutim, ni on nije neosjetljiv na šarm plesačice. Heroy moli mađioničara Zephyra i ciganku Zohru da mu pomognu osvojiti Angelino srce. Da li će Angelino srce biti osvojeno u ovoj tajnoj zavjeri Zephyra i Heroya?
Let / The Flight
Kružni tok / Roundabout
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, 2012, Colour, 18 min. Režija / Director: Orsi Nagypál Scenarij / Screenplay: Elizampetta Ilia - Georgiadou, Orsi Nagypál Uloge / Cast: Leon Lučev, Adnan Beširović, Irina Dobnik
Suočen s krizom srednjih godina i propalim brakom, muškarac se zaljubljuje u ženski glas sa svoga GPS-a. While struggling with midlife crisis and a wrecked marriage, a man falls in love with the female voice in his GPS.
Bulgaria, 2013, Colour, 3 min. Režija / Director: Desislav Angelov
Ovo je priča o pilotu koji odbacuje vlastitu stvarnost i granicu između prohujale mladosti i zrelog doba. Prestaje brinuti o životu u ime svoje najveće strasti. Let od djetinje igre do njegovog vječnog sna. A story of a pilot, renouncing his own reality and the boundary between a former youth and a ripe old age. The disregard of life in the name of his greatest passion. A flight from a child's game to his eternal dream.
Oni tihi / Silent Ones
Netherlands, Hungary, 2013, Colour, 97 min. Režija / Director: Ricky Rijneke
Kružni tok / Roundabout
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Sakrijte svoja nasmijana lica / Hide Your Smiling Faces
Scenarij / Screenplay: Ricky Rijneke Uloge / Cast: Fatih Dervisoglu, Roland Rába, Orsolya Tóth
Csilla, mlada žena iz istočne Evrope, i njen mali brat Isti putuju zajedno bez jasnog cilja, u potrazi za boljim životom. Csilla se jednog dana budi usred nedođije, u autu uništenom u sudaru, ne znajući gdje joj je brat. Isti je nestao bez traga. Uznemirena i usamljena, ne izgovorivši ni riječi, Csilla se ukrcava na teretni brod na putu za zapadnu Evropu. Kako bi ispunila obećanje koje je dala bratu, napušta svoju zemlju i svoju prošlost putujući ka tužnom i samotnom životu. Ali svijet koji ostavlja iza sebe nije spreman da je tako lako pusti. Tokom plovidbe se ispostavlja da je Gábor, samozvani biznismen koji je Csillu uvjerio da radi za njega na brodu, zapravo grubijan i pijanica. Kada je on napada i oduzima joj posljednju uspomenu na Istija, Csilla potpuno gubi kontrolu nad vlastitim životom. Plovidba se pretvara u nadrealno putovanje po tankoj crti između života i smrti. The young Eastern European woman Csilla and her little brother Isti are travelling together without a clear destination, looking for a better life. One day Csilla wakes up inside a crashed car, in the middle of nowhere, not knowing where her brother Isti is. He is vanished without a trace. Upset and alone, without saying a word, Csilla leaves aboard a cargo ship heading to Western Europe. She flees her country and her past to a cold and lonely life to keep a promise she made to him. But the world she's left behind won't let her go that easily. At sea Gábor, a self-proclaimed business man who convinced her to work for him on the ship, turns out to be a brute and a drunk. When Gábor assaults her and takes her last souvenir of Isti, Csilla loses grip on her life completely. The journey turns into a surreal trip on the fragile edge of life and death.
Sakrijte svoja nasmijana lica / Hide Your Smiling Faces USA, 2013, Colour, 81 min.
Iščezli u plavo / Vanished Into Blue
Režija / Director: Daniel Patrick Carbone Scenarij / Screenplay: Daniel Patrick Carbone Uloge / Cast: Ryan Jones, Nathan Varnson, Colm O'Leary, Thomas Cruz, Christina Starbuck, Chris Kies
HIDE YOUR SMILING FACES slikovito opisuje život dva mlada brata u trenutku kada naglo sazrijevaju uslijed misteriozne smrti njihovog druga. Događaj uzburka njihov mali grad uznemirujući braću i njihove prijatelje na način koji ne mogu u potpunosti razumjeti. U svjetlu tragičnog događaja, nekada uobičajene interakcije poprimaju sumoran ton navodeći četrnaestogodišnjeg Erica i devetogodišnjeg Tommija da se povuku u svoje divlje okruženje. Dok se braća naglas suočavaju s pitanjima o smrtnosti, istovremeno i jedan i drugi sami sa sobom vode tihe debate koje ih dovode do naizgled nepremostivih moralnih visina. HIDE YOUR SMILING FACES pruža iskren, cjelovit uvid u osjetljivi mladalački duh, kao i u ožiljke koje mnogima ostavljaju nerazjašnjeni događaji iz prošlosti. HIDE YOUR SMILING FACES vividly depicts the young lives of two brothers as they abruptly come of age through the experience of a friend’s mysterious death. The event ripples under the surface of their town, unsettling the brothers and their friends in a way that they can’t fully understand. Once familiar interactions begin to take on a macabre tone in light of the tragic accident, leading Eric, 14, and Tommy, 9, to retreat into their wild surroundings. As the two brothers vocally face the questions they have about mortality, they simultaneously hold their own silent debates within their minds that build into seemingly insurmountable moral peaks. Hide Your Smiling Faces is a true, headlong glimpse into the raw spirit of youth, as well as the calluses that one often develops as a result of an unfiltered past.
Sjena oblaka / Shadow of a Cloud
Romania, 2013, Colour, 27 min. Režija / Director: Radu Jude
The Bambi Molesters: A Night in Zagreb
Scenarij / Screenplay: Florin Lazarescu, Radu Jude Uloge / Cast: Alexandru Dabija, Serban Pavlu, Mihaela Sirbu
Jednog olujnog ljetnog dana u Bukureštu, svećenik Florin Florescu biva pozvan da moli za jednu ženu na samrti. In a torrid summer day in Bucharest, the priest Florin Florescu is called to a dying woman's side for saying a prayer.
Argentina, Netherlands, France, 2012, Colour, 98 min. Režija / Director: Gonzalo Tobal Scenarij / Screenplay: Gonzalo Tobal Uloge / Cast: Esteban Lamothe, Esteban Bigliardi,
Nakon što se dugo nisu vidjeli, Esteban i Pipa, dva rođaka, zajedno se voze na sahranu svog djeda u Villegasu, malom gradiću u unutrašnjosti Argentine u kojem su odrasli. Povratak u grad njihovog djetinjstva brzo se pretvara u intenzivno emotivno putovanje, obilježeno ponovnim susretima, ozračjem prošlosti i kraja jednog perioda. After a long time without seeing each other, two cousins, Esteban and Pipa, have to drive together to their grand-father’s funeral in Villegas, small inland town where they grew up together. This coming back soon turns into an intense emotional journey, punctuated by the reunions, the weight of the past and the end of an era.
Punk Cinema 2012/2013 SAN O POBJEDI / DREAM ABOUT WINNING, Mirza Dervišević POVRATAK KUĆI / COMING HOME, Sara Ristić, MOJ OBOJENI PUT / MY COLOR PATH, Bojan Josić, Camille Secaud i Barclay Martin PK/12/SA, Dražen Grujić PREUZIMANJE FACEBOOKA / FACEBOOK TAKEOVER, Malik Kurt i Almin Vranac 4, Tina Balta, Arnel Sarkinovič i Iris Bevanda.
Sjena oblaka / Shadow of a Cloud SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 16-24/08/2013 /
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29.7.2013. 18:22
pažljivo brinemo za pisanu riječ.
Otkada je izmišljeno pisanje, razvijamo načine da napišemo i očuvamo naše pisane riječi. Danas, pišemo više nego ikad, stvaramo i primamo hiljade dokumenata svaki mjesec. Praćenje, podnošenje, distribucija, formatiranje i pristup tim dokumentima je ključna zadaća jer je protok tih dokumenata osnovni pokretač današnjeg poslovanja. Prepoznavajući važnost i vrijednost vaših dokumenata kreiramo rješenja i sisteme kako bi osigurali da su uvijek na pravom mjestu.
Za više informacija posjetite: XENON FORTE d.o.o. SARAJEVO – KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe B.V. –
KYOCERA Document Solutions Inc. –
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29.7.2013. 18:22
Godina za pam
2 Britanski oskarovac Jeremy Irons sa svojim domaćinom Mirsadom Purivatrom (1). Nagrada za životno djelo hrvatskom oskarovcu Branku Lustigu (2). Glumica Marija Pikić nagrađena je za ulogu u filmu ‘Djeca’ (3) British Oscar winner Jeremy Irons with host Mirsad Purivatra (1). Croatian Oscar winner Branko Lustig with his lifetime achievement award (2). Actress Marija Pikić was awarded for her role in film ‘Children of Sarajevo’ (3) 3
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29.7.2013. 18:24
amćenje A Year to Remember
Na crvenom ćilimu 18. SFF-a najviše se pljeskalo oskarovcima Jeremyju Ironsu i Branku Lustigu te glumici Victoriji Abril i nogometnoj legendi Ericu Cantoni Oscar winners Jeremy Irons and Branko Lustig, actress Victoria Abril and soccer legend Eric Cantona got the biggest applause on the red carpet at the 18th SFF SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 16-24/08/2013 /
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Snimili: Vedran Peteh i Matej Dokić
3 4
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Na 18. Sarajevo Film Festivalu prikazano je više od dvjesto filmova iz 50 zemalja, od toga 10 svjetskih i 20 međunarodnih premijera. Premda su filmovi i zvijezde festivala u središtu pozornosti, ne manjka ni lude zabave, pa se u gradu na Miljacki dobro jede, pije, pjeva i pleše do zore. Zbog toga slavni gosti na crveni ćilim ispred Narodnog pozorišta nerijetko dolaze neispavani i umorni, ali sretni, prisjećajući se s osmijehom na licu dobrog provoda i događaja od protekle noći.
Španjolska glumica Victoria Abril (1). Glumica Angelina Jolie održala je predavanje na Talent Campusu (2). Nogometaš Edin Džeko s partnericom Amrom Silajdžić (3). Nogometne legende: Eric Cantona, Carlos Caszely i Predrag Pašić (4). Hrvatske glumice Jagoda Kumrić, Doris Pinčić i Ornela Vištica (5). Članovi žirija: Eva Diederix, Kornel Mundruczo, Ada Condeescu, Igor Martinovic i Frederic Boyer (6). Sarajevska redateljica Aida Begić (7). Beogradski glumac Uliks Fehmiu sa suprugom Snežanom Bogdanović (8). Američki redatelj Benh Zeitlin (9)
29.7.2013. 18:25
6 More than two hundred movies from fifty countries, including ten world and twenty international premieres, has been shown at the 18. Sarajevo Film Festival. Although the films and film stars are at the centre of attention, there is also a wild fun. Town on Miljacka river is known for good food and plenty of places one can drink, sing and dance till dawn. That is the reason many famous guests are often arriving tired and exhausted to the red carpet in front of the National Theatre but remembering the fun they had the night before with smiles on their faces. 7
Spanish actress Victoria Abril (1). American actress Angelina Jolie, special guest of Sarajevo Talent Campus (2). Football player Edin Džeko with his partner Amra Silajdžić (3). Football legends: Eric Cantona, Carlos Caszely and Predrag Pašić (4). Croatian actresses Jagoda Kumrić, Doris Pinčić and Ornela Vištica (5). Jury members: Eva Diederix, Kornel Mundruczo, Ada Condeescu, Igor Martinović and Frederic Boyer (6). Sarajevo director Aida Begić (7). Belgrade actor Uliks Fehmiu with his wife Snežana Bogdanović (8). American director Benham Zeitlin (9) 8
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Orlando Petriceanu (32) Rumunjska
Ena Kurtalić (24) BiH
Iulia Valentina Verdes (26) Rumunjska
Neki su već prošetali crvenim tepihom u društvu glumačkih zvijezda na najvećim festivalima, a drugi tek čekaju pravu priliku. No svi s jednakom strašću i predanošću pristupaju filmskoj umjetnosti i glumi. Mladim glumcima iz regije koji su lani sudjelovali na 6. Sarajevo Talent Campusu, ciklusu predavanja, vježbi i radionica s uglednim voditeljima na 18. Sarajevo Film Festivalu, posvećena je izložba portreta u Glorijinom paviljonu na Festivalskom trgu, koje je majstorski snimio Glorijin fotograf Vedran Peteh.
Verica Nikolić (29), Srbija
Generacija 2012. Generation of 2012
Stane Tomazin (23) Slovenija
Snimio Vedran Peteh
Make up & Hair by L’ORÉAL
Amila Terzimehić (25) BiH
Katia Goulioni (33) Grčka
Igor Skvarica (27), BiH
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Ismir Gagula (15) BiH
Marta Cerovečki (33) Hrvatska
Hermina Eva Fatyol (31) Mađarska Kire Gjorevski (31) Makedonija
Irina Bucescu (23) Rumunjska
Some have already walked down the red carpet with film stars at glamorous festivals, while others are still waiting for their chance. But they all share the same passion and dedicated approach to the art of film and acting. An exhibition of portraits, taken by photographer Vedran Peteh, in Gloria’s pavilion at the Festival Square, is dedicated to the young actors from the region who participated in the 6th Sarajevo Talent Campus, series of lectures, exercises and workshops with prominent film workers at the 18th Sarajevo Film Festival. Sanja Milardović (26) Hrvatska
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29.7.2013. 18:27
Povratak u Sarajevo Return to Sarajev
Zvijezda komedije ‘Prince Avalanche’, koju će predstaviti na SFF-u, u Sarajevu je prvi put bio preklani, kad je s Penelope Cruz snimao film ‘Venuto al mondo’ Star of the comedy ‘Prince Avalnche’, that will be promoted at SFF, first visited Sarajevo two years ago, when he was filming ‘Venuto al mondo’ with Penelope Cruz 70
Američki glumac Emile Hirsch (28) presretan je što se nakon dvije godine vraća u glavni grad BiH kao zvijezda 19. Sarajevo Film Festivala. Ovaj put dolazi s ekipom komedije “Prince Avalanche”, u ulozi cestara koji provodi ljeto radeći u američkoj provinciji. A redatelj filma David Gordon Green već je ovjenčan berlinskim Srebrnim medvjedom za režiju. Premda je Emile Hirsch u glumačkom svijetu od desete godine, pozornost publike i kritike privukao je tek 2005. kad mu je redatelj Sean Penn dodijelio glavnu ulogu Alexandra Superskitnice u drami “U divljini”, a nakon toga ostvario je zapažene role u filmovima “Ubojiti Joe”, “Milk”, “Speed Racer”, “Djevojka iz susjedstva”...
U Hrvatskoj i BiH preklani je, pak, sa slavnom španjolskom glumicom Penelope Cruz snimio dramu “Venuto al mondo”. - Odlično smo se proveli na Korčuli i u Sarajevu, a Penelope je, kad je bolje upoznate, nevjerojatno duhovita i draga osoba, uvijek spremna za šalu i smijeh kaže Emile Hirsch, koji se nakon snimanja najbolje opušta s kistom u ruci. Slika portrete, krajolike i apstraktne motive, a svoje radove predstavio je na nekoliko skupnih izložbi u rodnom Los Angelesu. - Dosad nisam prodao nijednu sliku, niti mi je to imalo važno - smije se. Pohranjene su u mom stanu i darujem ih prijateljima kojima se svide. (Josip Jurčić)
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29.7.2013. 18:28
S redateljem Seanom Pennom, koji mu je dodijelio glavnu ulogu u filmu ‘U divljini’ (1). S partnericom Holliday Grainger u TV serijalu ‘Bonnie i Clayde: traže se živi ili mrtvi’ (2). U komediji ‘Prince Avalanche’ partner mu je Paul Rudd (3). S kolegicom Penelope Cruz na Korčuli i u Sarajevu snimao je dramu 2 ‘Venuto al mondo’ (4)
American actor Emile Hirsch (28) is overjoyed to return to the capitol of BiH after two years, this time as the star of the 19th Sarajevo Film Festival. With the rest of the crew, he will promote ‘Prince Avalanche’, a comedy that got it’s director David Gordon Green a Silver Bear award at Berlinale. Hirsch is playing a road worker who is spending summer with his sister’s girlfriend in a remote part of America. Although he has been acting since he was ten, Hirsch did not attract the audience attention and critical acclaim until 2005, when Sean Penn gave him a lead role of Alexander Supertramp in ‘Into the Wild’. After that, he achieved significant roles in ‘Killer Joe’, ‘Milk’, ‘Speed Racer’
and ‘The Girl Next Door’... In 2011 he acted alongside celebrated Spanish actress Penelope Cruz in ‘Venuto al mondo’. - We had good times in Korčula and in Sarajevo. When you get to know her, Penelope is unbelievebly funny and nice person, always ready for a joke and a laugh - says Hirsch. The actor is often relaxing with a paintbrush in his hand. He paints portraits, abstracts and landscapes, and his works has been shown in a group exhibition in his hometown of Los Angeles. - I haven’t sold a single picture so far, but I don’t care - he says with a smile. I keep them in my appartment and I give them to my friends if they like them. (Josip Jurčić)
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Foto: Profimedia (1) i Sipa/CROPIX (1)
With director Sean Penn, who gave him a lead role in ‘Into the Wild’ (1). Holliday Grainger is his partner in tv series ‘Bonnie and Clyde: Dead and Alive’ (2). In ‘Prince Avalanche’ with Paul Rudd (3). With Penelope Cruz in ‘Venuto al mondo’, that was shot in Sarajevo and on the island Korčula (4)
29.7.2013. 18:28
Charlie Sheen Kate Moss Hugh Jackman Yoko Ono Rene Lacoste Diane von Furstenberg Vladimir Kličko Robbie Williams Joe POSEBNO U Capa PRODAJI Cocker Heidi Klum MarkIZDANJE Wahlberg Robert Bruce Lee princ Charles Brad Pitt Catherine Deneuve Robert De Niro Rihanna Mick Jagger Roger Waters Liliane Bettencourt Leonard Cohen Will Smith Vivien Leigh Charlie Sheen Kate Moss Hugh Jackman CIJENA Yoko Ono Rene Lacoste Diane von Furstenberg Vladimir 3,50 KMKličko Robbie Williams Joe Cocker Heidi Klum Mark Wahlberg Robert Capa Bruce Lee princ Charles Brad Pitt Catherine Deneuve Robert De Niro Rihanna Mick Jagger Roger Waters Liliane Bettencourt Leonard Cohen Will Smith Vivien Leigh Charlie Sheen Kate Moss Hugh Jackman Yoko Ono Rene Lacoste Diane von Furstenberg Vladimir Kličko Robbie Williams Joe Cocker Heidi Klum Mark Wahlberg Robert Capa Bruce Lee princ Charles Brad Pitt Catherine Deneuve Robert De Niro Rihanna Mick Jagger Roger Waters Liliane Bettencourt Leonard Cohen Will Smith Vivien Leigh Charlie Sheen Kate Moss Hugh Jackman Yoko Ono Rene Lacoste Diane von Furstenberg Vladimir Kličko Robbie Williams Joe Cocker Heidi Klum Mark Wahlberg Robert Capa Bruce Lee princ Charles Brad Pitt Catherine Deneuve Robert De Niro Rihanna Mick Jagger Roger Waters Liliane Bettencourt Leonard Cohen Will Smith Vivien Leigh Charlie Sheen Kate Moss Hugh Jackman Yoko Ono Rene Lacoste Diane von Furstenberg Vladimir Kličko Robbie Williams Joe Cocker Heidi Klum Mark Wahlberg Robert Capa Bruce Lee princ Charles Brad Pitt Catherine Deneuve Robert De Niro Rihanna Mick iJagger Roger Velike ljubavi, životne drame, usponi padovi Waters Liliane Bettencourt Cohen Will Smith Vivien zvijezda iz svijetaLeonard filma, glazbe, mode, Leigh Charlie Sheen Kate Moss Hugh Jackman Yoko Ono Rene književnosti, biznisa i sporta - u luksuznom Lacoste Diane von Furstenberg Vladimir Kličko Robbie Williams naWahlberg 180 stranica Joe Cocker Heidi izdanju Klum Mark Robert Capa Bruce Lee princ Charles Brad Pitt Catherine Deneuve Robert De Niro SFF_072 72
29.7.2013. 19:07
Mjesto susreta Meeting Place Glorijin paviljon otvoren je svima, a u ugodnoj atmosferi ondje možete susresti i mnoge festivalske zvijezde
Gloria pavilion is open to everyone and in a pleasant atmosphere there, you can meet many stars of the festival
Snimio Matej Dokić
Bosanskohercegovačka glumica Marija Pikić (1). Pjevač Tony Cetinski (2). Splitska glumica Marija Škaričić jedina je dobitnica dva Srca Sarajeva (3). Zagrebački dizajner Saša Šekoranja te Ana Petričić Gojanović i Ranko Vučinić iz agencije Priredba (4). Splitska pjevačica Jelena Rozga (5) BiH actress Marija Pikić (1). Pop singer Tony Cetinski (2). Marija Škaričić, Split actress, only winner of two awards Heart of Sarajevo (3). Zagreb designer Saša Šekoranja with Ana Petričić Gojanović and Ranko Vučinić from agency PRiredba (4). Split singer Jelena Rozga (5) SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL /16-24/08/2013 /
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29.7.2013. 18:29
Ljubimica Sarajeva Sweetheart of Sarajevo
Rumunjska glumica Ada Condeescu (25) na Sarajevo Film Festival prvi je put stigla 2010., s filmom ‘Ako mi se fućka, fućkam’, i od tada se svake godine vraća na crveni ćilim. U službenoj konkurenciji 19. SFF-a predstavit će film ‘Vuk’ redatelja Bogdana Mustata. U SARAJEVU SAM PRVO PRIMIJETILA... divne ljude! NAJRADIJE JEDEM... u prekrasnom restoranu na brdu iznad grada, gdje sam kušala najslasniju janjetinu na ražnju i uživala u najljepšem pogledu u zoru. KAD SE ŽELIM OPUSTITI... svejedno jesam li u društvu ili sama, svratim na terasu hotela Evropa i naručim bosansku kafu. JEDINO U SARAJEVU... mogu pronaći prave ćevape. Jela sam ih posvuda, ali na Baščaršiji su posebni. NAJDRAŽI TRENUTAK... kad je član žirija pročitao moje ime i dodijelio mi nagradu Srce Sarajeva za najbolju glumicu za ulogu u filmu ‘Loverboy’. SRCE SARAJEVA... držim u svojoj djevojačkoj sobi u maminom stanu. MOJ NAJDRAŽI FILM... trenutačno je ‘Taksist’. NA CRVENOM ĆILIMU 2013. ODJENUT ĆU... neka to bude iznenađenje! (Josip Jurčić) 74
Romanian actress, winner of the Heart of Sarajevo award in 2011, was a member of the jury at the SFF in 2012, and this year she made the film ‘Love Island’ with the Sarajevo directress Jasmila Žbanić Romanian actress Ada Condeescu (25) first came to the Sarajevo Film Festival in 2010, with the film ‘ If I Want to Whistle, I Whistle ’, and since then, she returned to the red carpet year after year. This year she is presenting the film ‘Wolf’, directed by Bogdan Mustata, that will be shown in the official competition of the 19th SFF. IN SARAJEVO I FIRST NOTICED... wonderful people! I PREFER TO DINE... in a beautiful restaurant on the hill above the city, where I tasted the most delicious lamb on a spit and enjoyed the beautiful view at sunrise. WHEN I WANT TO RELAX... it doesn’t matter if I am alone or with company, I stop by the terrace of the hotel Evropa and order Bosnian coffee. ONLY IN SARAJEVO... I can find the real ćevap. I ate them everywhere, but they are really special at Baščaršija. MY FAVOURITE MOMENT... when a member of the jury read my name and gave me a Heart of Sarajevo Award for Best Actress for my role in ‘Loverboy’. HEART OF SARAJEVO... I keep it in my old room in my mother’s appartment. MY FAVOURITE FILM... ‘Taxi Driver’ at the moment. ON THE RED CARPET THIS YEAR I WILL WEAR... let it be surprise! (Josip Jurčić)
Snimio Vedran Peteh
Rumunjska glumica, koja je 2011. osvojila nagradu Srce Sarajeva, lani je bila članica žirija, a ove je godine s redateljicom Jasmilom Žbanić snimila film ‘Otok ljubavi’
SFF_074 74
29.7.2013. 20:21
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 16-24/08/2013 /
SFF_075 75
29.7.2013. 18:30
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 16-24/08/2013 /
SFF_076 76
29.7.2013. 18:30