SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
SADRŽAJ Content 7 Žiri / Jury / Nagrade / Awards 8 Počasno Srce Sarajeva: Benicio Del Toro / Honorary Heart of Sarajevo: Benicio Del Toro
9 Počasno Srce Sarajeva: Atom Egoyan / Honorary Heart of Sarajevo: Atom Egoyan
11 Film otvaranja / Opening Film / Film zatvaranja / Closing Film
12 Takmičarski program – igrani film / Competition Programme – Feature Film
16 U fokusu / In Focus 18 Takmičarski program – kratki film / Competition Programme – Short Film
20 Takmičarski program – dokumentarni film / Competition Programme – Documentary Film
26 Open Air 28 Kinoscope 34 Shorts 40 Laško Summer Nights 42 Box Office
43 Raspored projekcija / Screening Schedule 46 BiH Film 48 Dječiji program / Children's Programme 50 TeenArena 52 Posvećeno / Tribute To Brillante Mendoza 54 Posvećeno / Tribute To Atom Egoyan 55 Dan ljudskih prava / Human Rights Day 56 Industrija / Industry 58 Sarajevo Film Festival Partner Presents 59 Sarajevo Film Festival Guests Present 61 1995 – 2015. Suočavanje s prošlošću / 1995 – 2015 Dealing With the Past
62 Operacija kino / Operation Kino / Pretpremijere / Avant Premiere
68 Interview: Benicio Del Toro 70 Mladi dolaze / The Young Lions 74 Elma Tataragić: Odabir bez greške / Impeccable Choice
IMPRESSUM: Izdavač/Publisher: Gloria / Sarajevo Film Festival; Za izdavača / For Publisher: Dubravka Tomeković Aralica, Mirsad Purivatra; Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor: Altijana Marić; Dokumentacija/Documentation: Bakir Milić Lamija Ćehajić, Lejla Begić Vuletić, Asja Krsmanović; Prevod/ Translation: Sabina Nikšić, Magdalena Popović, Lektura / Proofreading: Jasna Kovo, Ivan Šunjić Grafičko oblikovanje i DTP/ Graphic design and DTP: BOOM! Produkcija GLORIA Urednik/Editor: Josip Jurčić; Grafički urednik/Graphic Design: Goran Žunić; Štampa/Prints: Vjesnik d.d., Slavonska avenija 2, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska; Tiraž/Print run: 20.000
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Takmičarski program - igrani film SRCE SARAJEVA ZA NAJBOLJI FILM Novčanu nagradu u iznosu od 16.000 € osigurava Vijeće Evrope SPECIJALNA NAGRADA ŽIRIJA Novčanu nagradu u iznosu od 10.000 € osigurava Agnes B. SRCE SARAJEVA ZA NAJBOLJU GLUMICU Novčana nagrada u iznosu od 2.500 € SRCE SARAJEVA ZA NAJBOLJEG GLUMCA Novčana nagrada u iznosu od 2.500 €
Competition Programme - Feature Film HEART OF SARAJEVO FOR BEST FILM Financial Award, in the amount of 16,000 €, is provided by Council of Europe SPECIAL JURY PRIZE Financial Award, in the amount of 10,000 €, is provided by Agnes B. HEART OF SARAJEVO FOR BEST ACTRESS Financial award in the amount of 2,500 € HEART OF SRAJEVO FOR BEST ACTOR Financial award in the amount of 2,500 €
Takmičarski program - kratki film SRCE SARAJEVA ZA NAJBOLJI FILM Novčana nagrada u iznosu od 2.500€
Competition Programme - Short Film HEART OF SARAJEVO FOR BEST FILM Financial award in the amount of 2,500 €
Takmičarski program - dokumentarni film SRCE SARAJEVA ZA NAJBOLJI FILM Novčanu nagradu u iznosu od 3.000 € osigurava: Savezno ministarstvo vanjskih poslova Švicarske SPECIJALNA NAGRADA ŽIRIJA Novčanu nagradu u iznosu od 2.500 € osigurava Al Jazeera Balkans
Competition Programme - Documentary Film HEART OF SARAJEVO FOR BEST DOCUMENTARY FILM Financial award, in the amount of 3,000 €, is provided by The Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs SPECIAL JURY PRIZE Financial Award, in the amount of 2,500 €, is provided by Al Jazeera Balkans
Predsjednik žirija / President of the Jury:
Reditelj, Rumunija / Director, Romania Članovi žirija / Jury members:
Umjetnička direktorica Cartagena International Film Festivala, Kolumbija / Artistic Director of Cartagena International Film Festival, Colombia
Rediteljka, Srbija / Director, Serbia
Producent, Velika Britanija. Irska / Producer, UK, Ireland
Direktorica Evropske filmske akademije, Njemačka / European Film Academy Director, Germany
Rediteljka, filmska montažerka, Velika Britanija / Director, film editor, UK
Direktorica Programa kratkometražnog filma Cannes Film Festivala, Francuska / Head of Cannes Film Festival Short Films, France ŽIRI TAKMIČARSKOG PROGRAMA – DOKUMENTARNI FILM / COMPETITION PROGRAM JURY – DOCUMENTARY FILM
Direktor Media centra Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina / Director of the Media Center Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Reditelj, pisac, Francuska, Brazil / Director, Writer, France, Brasil
Filmska autorica, video umjetnica, Švajcarska / Filmmaker, Videoartist, Switzerland EFA ŽIRI / EFA JURY
Ko-izvršni direktor Filmskog marketa i festivala kratkog filma Clermont-Ferrand, Francuska / Co-Executive Director of the Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival & Market, France
Selektorica i producentica Festivala 25 FPS, Hrvatska / 25 FPS Festival film programmer and producer, Croatia
Reditelj, Izrael / Director, Israel CICAE ŽIRI / CICAE JURY
Generalna menadžerica Cinema Le Studio, Francuska / Cinema Le Studio General Manager, France
Programerka Metropol Düsseldorfer Filmkunstkino GmbH, Njemačka / Metropol Düsseldorfer Filmkunstkino GmbH Programmer, Germany
Programer Sphinx Cinema, Belgija / Sphinx Cinema Programmer, Belgium CINEUROPA ŽIRI / CINEUROPA JURY
Koordinator uredništva – Cineuropa, Španija / Coordinator editorial - Cineuropa, Spain
Direktor Filmskog centra Kosovo, Kosovo* / Director of Kosovo Cinematography Center, Kosovo * * Ovaj naziv, bez prejudiciranja statusa Kosova, u skladu je sa Rezolucijom 1244 i mišljenjem MSP-a o deklaraciji o nezavisnosti Kosova. / This label does not prejudge the status of Kosovo and is in accordance with Resolution 1244 and the opinion of the ICJ on Kosovo's declaration of INDEPENDENCE
NOMINACIJA SARAJEVSKOG KANDIDATA ZA EVROPSKU FILMSKU NAGRADU 2015. ZA KRATKI FILM Pobjednik ulazi u konkurenciju za nagradu Evropske filmske akademije (EFA) za najbolji kratki film.
NAGRADA ZA LJUDSKA PRAVA Nagrada za ljudska prava dodjeljuju se za najbolji film iz Takmičarskog programa - dokumentarni film koji obrađuje tematiku ljudskih prava. Nagradu u iznosu od 3.000 € osigurava Savezno ministarstvo vanjskih poslova Švicarske.
HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD Award for the best film of the Competition Programme - Documentary Film dealing with the subject of human rights. Award in the amount of 3,000 € is granted by The Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.
EDN TALENT GRANT EDN Talent Grant je ustanovljen kroz saradnju Sarajevo Film Festivala i Evropske dokumentarističke mreže, u svrhu podrške talentovanim autorima dokumentarnog filma iz regije.
EDN TALENT GRANT EDN Talent Grant has been created as co-operation between the Sarajevo Film Festival and the European Documentary Network with the purpose of supporting promising new documentary filmmakers from the region.
NAGRADA CICAE Međunarodna konfederacija umjetničkih kina (CICAE) nagrađuje film u selekciji Takmičarskog programa - igrani film. Nagrađeni film će dobiti posebnu podršku CICAE kada je u pitanju pomoć kod distribucije, prikazivanja filma i dopiranja do publike, putem mreže od 3.000 kina. NAGRADA PUBLIKE Partner - HT ERONET CINEUROPA NAGRADA Nagradu dodjeljuje Cineuropa portal posvećen europskoj kinematografiji i njenim stvaraocima i to filmu koji, osim što nesporno posjeduje umjetničke kvalitete, također promovira ideje europskog dijaloga i integracije. Vrijednost nagrade iznosi 5.000 €
SARAJEVO SHORT FILM NOMINEE FOR THE EUROPEAN FILM AWARDS 2015 The winner also receives a nomination for the European Film Academy (EFA) Best Film Award.
CICAE AWARD The International Confederation of Art Cinemas (CICAE) awards a film from the Competition Programme Features. The awarded film will receive CICAE support in terms of distribution, exhibition and audience outreach, through a network of 3,000 cinemas. AUDIENCE AWARD Partner - HT ERONET CINEUROPA AWARD The prize is awarded by the Cineuropa portal, the site dedicated to the European cinema and film professionals, and is given to a film that besides having indisputable artistic qualities also promotes the idea of European dialogue and integration. The value of this award is 5,000 €.
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
BENICIO DEL TORO DOBITNIK POČASNOG SRCA SARAJEVA 21. SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVALA Benicio Del Toro to receive the Honorary Heart of Sarajevo Award at the 21ST edition of the Sarajevo Film Festival Del Toro će predstaviti dramu Fernanda Leóna de Aranoe SAVRŠEN DAN u okviru festivalskog programa Open Air / Del Toro to Present Fernando León de Aranoa’s Drama, A PERFECT DAY, in the Festival’s Open Air Program
Del Toro će sarajevskoj publici predstaviti dramu Fernanda Leóna de Aranoe SAVRŠEN DAN u kojoj je nastupio u glavnoj ulozi. Film je premijerno prikazan u programu Directors’ Fortnight nedavno održanog 68. Filmskog festivala u Kanu. Film će biti prikazan u najvećem festivalskom kinu u okviru Open Air programa gdje će Del Toru pred 3,000 ljubitelja filma biti dodijeljeno Počasno Srce Sarajeva. Slavni glumac će također održati predavanje za učesnike programa Talents Sarajevo, festivalske platforme za povezivanje i obuku novih filmskih talenata iz jugoistočne Evrope i južnog Kavkaza. Od svoga osnivanja 2007. godine, Talents Sarajevo je postao regionalni centar za edukaciju i međusobno upoznavanje perspektivnih filmskih radnika. Del Toro je tokom dosadašnje karijere osvojio mnoštvo nagrada uključujući nagradu Oscar Američke filmske akademije za najboljeg sporednog glumca za ulogu u filmu Stevena Soderbergha PUTEVI DROGE, kao i nominaciju za Oscara za ulogu u filmu Alejadra Gonzalesa Inarritua 21 GRAM. Za ulogu u biografskom filmu o Che Gueveri CHE, na kojem je ponovo udružio snage sa Soderberghom, Del Toro je 2008. osvojio nagradu za najboljeg glumca na Filmskom festivalu u Kanu, a godinu dana kasnije za istu je ulogu nagrađen nagradom Goya u Madridu, Španija. Del Toro uživa naklonost kritike od kada se prvi put pojavio u filmu kao Dario u ostvarenju Johna Glena DOZVOLA ZA UBIJANJE, rame uz rame Timothija Daltona u ulozi Jamesa Bonda. Pored Oscara za najboljeg sporednog glumca za ulogu u filmu PUTEVI DROGE, Del Toro je osvojio i niz drugih značajnih priznanja, uključujući Zlatni globus, Nagradu udruženja filmskih glumaca, BAFTA nagradu, Srebrenog medvjeda Filmskog festival u Berlinu, te priznanja Udruženja filmskih kritičara New Yorka, Nacionalnog udruženja filmskih kritičara i Udruženja filmskih kritičara Čikaga. Del Toro je tokom karijere, na podjednako oduševljenje gledalaca i kritike, surađivao sa brojnim sjajnim rediteljima uključujući Paula Thomasa Andersona, Olivera Stona, Roberta Rodriqueza, Petera Weira, Georga Huanga, Abela Ferraru, Guya Ritchija, Sean Penna, Susanne Bier i Terry Gilliama. Naredni film u kojem ćemo gledati Del Tora je SICARIO Denisa Villeneuvea u kojem su uloge ostvarili Emily Blunt i Josh Brolin, a čija je američka premijera zakazana za 18. septembar 2015.
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Academy Award®-winning actor Benicio Del Toro will receive the Honorary Heart of Sarajevo Award for his extraordinary contribution to the art of film at the 21st edition of Sarajevo Film Festival. Previous recipients of the festival’s most prestigious award include among others Angelina Jolie, Gael Garcia Bernal, Steve Buscemi and acclaimed international award-winning directors Jafar Panahi, Mike Leigh, Béla Tarr and Danis Tanovic. The Heart of Sarajevo Award was designed by French designer and filmmaker, Agnès B, who is also a patron of the festival. Del Toro will present Fernando León de Aranoa’s drama A PERFECT DAY, in which he has a starring role, and which recently premiered in Directors’ Fortnight at the 68th Cannes Film Festival. The film will be screened as a part of the Open Air Program, the festival’s largest screening venue, where Del Toro will also receive the Honorary Heart of Sarajevo in front of an audience of 3,000 film enthusiasts. The acclaimed actor will also hold a master class for the participants of Talents Sarajevo, a networking and training platform for emerging film professionals from Southeast Europe and Southern Caucasus. Since it was founded in 2007, Talents Sarajevo has become the regional hub for meeting and training of aspiring film professionals. Throughout his career, Del Toro has earned critical accolades including winning an Academy Award® for Best Supporting Actor for his role in Steven Soderbergh’s TRAFFIC and an Oscar® nomination for his work in Alejandro Gonzales Inarritu’s 21 GRAMS. Re-teaming with Soderbergh to star in CHE, the biography of Che Guevera, Del Toro’s performance won him the Best Actor award at Cannes in 2008 and again the following year at the Goya Awards in Madrid, Spain. Del Toro made his motion picture debut in John Glen's LICENSE TO KILL opposite Timothy Dalton's James Bond and has earned critical acclaim for his performances ever since. In addition to winning a Best Supporting Oscar® for TRAFFIC, he has also garnered a Golden Globe, a Screen Actors Guild Award, BAFTA Awards, Berlin International Film Festival’s Silver Bear Award as well as recognition from the New York Film Critics Circle, the National Society of Film Critics, and the Chicago Film Critics Association. Loved by audiences and critics alike, Del Toro has worked with such directors as Paul Thomas Anderson, Oliver Stone, Robert Rodriquez, Peter Weir, George Huang, Abel Ferrara, Guy Ritchie, Sean Penn, Susanne Bier, Terry Gilliam. Del Toro can next be seen starring in Denis Villeneuve’s SICARIO opposite Emily Blunt and Josh Brolin, which is scheduled for a September 18th, 2015 release by Lionsgate in the U.S.
Oscarom nagrađenom glumcu Beniciu Del Toru biće uručeno Počasno Srce Sarajeva za izvanredan doprinos filmskoj umjetnosti u okviru 21. Sarajevo Film Festivala. Među ranijim dobitnicima najprestižnije festivalske nagrade su Angelina Jolie, Gael Garcia Bernal, Steve Buscemi, kao i međunarodno proslavljeni, višestruko nagrađivani reditelji Jafar Panahi, Mike Leigh, Béla Tarr i Danis Tanović. Nagradu Počasno Srce Sarajeva dizajnirala je francuska dizajnerica i rediteljka Agnès B, koja je također i pokroviteljica festivala.
POČASNO SRCE SARAJEVA: REDITELJ ATOM EGOYAN Honorary Heart of Sarajevo Award: Director Atom Egoyan
Petnaest igranih filmova i niz drugih projekata Atoma Egoyana osvojilo je brojne nagrade na međunarodnim filmskim festivalima, uključujući Veliku nagradu žirija i Nagradu međunarodnog udruženja filmskih kritičara na Filmskom festivalu u Kanu, dvije nominacije za Oskara, kao i niz drugih priznanja. Sa svojim je filmovima osvojio ukupno 25 Genies nagrada, uključujući i onu za najbolji film, kao i nagradu Sajma knjige u Frankfurtu za najbolju filmsku adaptaciju književnog djela. Brojne retrospektive Egoyanovih radova upriličene su širom svijeta, uključujući i onu u Centru Popidou u Parizu gdje je prikazana njegov cjelokupni opus, kao i u Španskoj filmoteci u Madridu, Muzeju pokretnih slika u New Yorku i Kraljevskoj kinoteci u Briselu.
With fifteen features and related projects, Atom Egoyan has won numerous prizes at international film festivals including the Grand Prix and International Critics Awards from the Cannes Film Festival, two Academy Award® nominations, and numerous other honours. His films have won twenty-five Genies - including three Best Film Awards – and a prize for Best International Film Adaptation from The Frankfurt Book Fair. Egoyan’s films have been presented in numerous retrospectives across the world, including a complete career overview at the Pompidou Centre in Paris, followed by similar events at the Filmoteca Espagnol in Madrid, the Museum of The Moving Image in New York and the Royal Cinematek in Brussels.
Njegov cjelokupni umjetnički opus – uključujući pozorišne i muzičke predstave te umjetničke instalacije - bavi se pitanjima sjećanja, napuštanja poznatog okruženja i uticaja tehnologije i medija na savremeni život.
His body of work – which includes theatre, music, and art installations - delves into issues of memory, displacement, and the impact of technology and media in modern life.
Njegov posljedni igrani film REMEMBER, sa Christopherom Plumerom u glavnoj ulozi, premijerno će biti prikazan u septembru na Filmskom festivalu u Torontu. Egoyanovi umjetnički projekti prezentirani su širom svijeta, uključujući prezentacije na Venecijanskom bijenalu i u Artangel zakladi u Londonu. Njegov STEENBECKETT je uvršten u Artangel kolekciju nastalu u inovativnoj saradnji sa Galerijom Tate. Umjetnička instalacija AURORAS nedavno je prikazana u berlinskom teatru Maxim Gorki u sklopu programa obilježavanja stogodišnjice genocida nad Armencima. Egoyanova adaptacija televizijskog djela Samuela Becketta EH JOE prikazana je u teatru The Gate u Dablinu, gdje je nagrađena priynanjem The Irish Times/ESB za najbolju režiju, a zatim u londonskom teatru West End i na Festivalu Lincoln Centra u New Yorku.
His latest feature, REMEMBER, stars Christopher Plummer and premieres at the Toronto International Film Festival this September. Egoyan’s art projects have been presented around the world including The Venice Biennale and Artangel in London. STEENBECKETT became part of The Artangel Collection, an innovative alliance with the Tate. His installation, AURORAS, was recently on view at the Maxim Gorki Theater in Berlin, in a program commemorating the centennial of the Armenian Genocide. Egoyan’s adaptation of Samuel Beckett’s EH JOE was presented by The Gate Theatre in Dublin, where it won The Irish Times/ESB Award for Best Direction before transferring to London’s West End and The Lincoln Center Festival in New York.
Egoyan je 2012. režirao i savremenu kinesku operu FENG YI TENG za Spoleto Festival u Charlestonu i Festival Lincoln Centra u New Yorku. Opera je izvedena na Luminato festivalu 2013. Nakon toga je sa Kanadskom opernom trupom radio na obradi SALOME Richarda Straussa. Egoyan je 2014. sa Kanadskom opernom kompanijom režirao novu postavku Mozartovog djela COSÌ FAN TUTTE. Njegova nagrađivana produkcija Wagnerovog DIE WALKÜREA izvedena je početkom 2015, a nagrađena je priznanjem Dora Mavor Moore za najbolju režiju. Egoyan je član Akademije za film i umjetnost, Kanadskog i američkog udruženja reditelja, Kanadskog i američkog udruženja književnika, kao i Kanadske kraljevske akademije za umjetnost. Nosilac je Ordena Kanade, a 2015. je dobio nagradu Generalnog guvernera Kanade za dramsku umjetnost.
Egoyan directed the contemporary Chinese opera FENG YI TENG for the 2012 Spoleto Festival in Charleston and the Lincoln Center Festival, New York. It was performed at the Luminato Festival in 2013, following the remount of Richard Strauss’s SALOME with the Canadian Opera Company. Egoyan directed a new production of Mozart’s COSÌ FAN TUTTE for the COC in 2014. His awardwinning production of Wagner’s DIE WALKÜRE was performed in early 2015, earning Egoyan the Dora Mavor Moore Award for Best Direction. Egoyan is a member of The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the Directors Guild of Canada, the Directors Guild of America, the Writers Guild of Canada, the Writers Guild of America, and the Royal Canadian Academy of Art. He is an Officer of the Order of Canada. Egoyan is honoured with a 2015 Governor General’s Performing Arts Award.
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Reditelju Atomu Egoyanu na 21. Sarajevo Film Festivalu biće uručeno Počasno Srce Sarajeva za izvanredan doprinos filmskoj umjetnosti. / Director Atom Egoyan will receive Honorary Heart of Sarajevo at the 21st Sarajevo Film Festival for his extraordinary contribution to the art of film.
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Druga majka / The Second Mother
Fúsi / Virgin Mountain
Nakon što je ostavila svoju kćer da je odgaja rodbina u jednom gradiću u Pernambucou, Val narednih 13 godina provodi radeći kao Fabinhova dadilja u Sao Paulou. Finansijski je stabilna, ali živi sa krivicom što nije odgajala svoju kćer Jessicu. U vrijeme Fabinhovih prijemnih ispita za fakultet, javlja joj se kćer i izgleda da dobija drugu šansu. Jessica također želi da dođe u Sao Paolo na prijemne ispite za fakultet. Puna radosti, ali i bojazni, Val se priprema, uz bezrezervnu podršku svojih poslodavaca, za trenutak o kojem je toliko dugo sanjala - trenutak susreta sa svojom kćeri. Međutim, kada Jessica stigne, ne ponaša se u skladu sa onim što se od nje očekuje i počinje da stvara napetost u kući… After leaving her daughter in a small town in Pernambuco to be raised by relatives, Val spends the next 13 years working as a nanny to Fabinho in São Paulo. She has financial stability but has to live with the guilt of not having raised her daughter Jessica herself. As Fabinho's college entrance exams roll around though, her daughter calls and gives her what seems to be a second chance. Jessica wants to come to São Paulo to take her college entrance exams as well. Filled with joy as well as apprehension, Val gets ready, with the wholehearthed support of her employers, for the moment she has dreamt of for so long - the moment of reunion with her daughter. But when Jessica arrives, she doesn't behave in conformity to what is expected of her and starts to create tension inside the household...
Četrdesettrogodišnji Fúsi prolazi kroz život kao da hoda u snu. Njegov posao radnika zaduženog za prtljage na aerodromu baš ga i ne opterećuje, a nikada nije imao djevojku. Jedina stvar koja ga zaista interesira su bitke iz Drugog svjetskog rata, koje pažljivo rekonstruiše koristeći male makete tenkova i vojnika kod kuće, u majčinom stanu koji je ujedno njegovo sklonište i zatvor. Kad Fúsi primi kupon za plesnu školu, upoznaje Sjöfn, sličnu usamljenu dušu sa dubokim psihičkim ranama. Nenaviknut na interakciju sa drugim ljudima, Fúsi instinktivno odlučuje da preuzme njihove živote u svoje ruke. Barem malo. Ali to je već nešto za ovog diva sa naizgled uskim vidokrugom, ali velikim srcem. 43-year-old Fúsi is sleepwalking through life. His work as an airport baggage handler does not exactly stretch him and he has never had a girlfriend. The only thing that really interests him are World War II battles, which he painstakingly reconstructs using small model tanks and soldiers at home, in his mother’s flat which is both his refuge and his prison. When Fúsi receives a coupon for a dance school, he meets Sjöfn, a similarly lonely soul with deep psychological wounds. Unused to interacting with other people, Fúsi instinctively decides to take both their lives in hand. At least just a little bit. But that is quite something for this giant with a seemingly small horizon but a big heart.
Brazil, 2015, Colour, 114 min. Režija / Director: Anna Muylaert Uloge / Cast: Regina Case, Michel Joelsas, Camila Mardila, Karine Teles, Lourenco Mutarelli
Iceland, Denmark, 2015, Colour, 94 min. Režija / Director: Dagur Kári Uloge / Cast: Gunnar Jónsson, Ilmur Kristjánsdóttir, Sigurjón Kjartansson, Franziska Una Dagsdóttir
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
TAKMIČARSKI PROGRAM - IGRANI FILM Competition Programme – Feature Film Selektorica / Programmer: Elma Tataragić
Čvor / Entanglement
Čvor / Entanglement
Turkey, 2015, Colour, 86 min. Režija / Director: Tunç Davut Uloge / Cast: Muhammet Uzuner, Defne Halman, Baran Șűkrű Babacan
Kao sezonski radnici u šumarstvu, braća Kemal i Cemal su suočeni sa neizvjesnom budućnošću i životom u kući koju su naslijedili od oca smještenoj na obodu jednog sela na zapadu Turske uz obalu Crnoga mora. Sa namjerom da započne novi život, čestita žena Nalân jednoga dana dolazi da živi sa Kemalom i ubrzo se počinje ponašati kao u vlastitoj kući. Iako njeno prisustvo tješi Cemala, koji je potresen nedavnom smrću svoje majke, ono istovremeno produbljuje postojeći jaz između dva brata. Neodlučna da li da ode ili ostane, Nalân postaje sve sklonija Cemalovoj suosjećajnoj prirodi. Zatečeni u toj nerazmrsivo zapletenoj situaciji, troje protagonista sve dublje tonu u vlastiti očaj. U nadi da će se uspjeti pomiriti nakon što ih Nalân napusti, braća nastavljaju živjeti kao dva stranca koja dijele istu kuću. As seasonal forest workers, brothers Kemal and Cemal struggle with an uncertain future, living in a house inherited from their father on the outskirts of a village in the West of Turkey, by the Black Sea. Intending to begin a new life, Nalân, a decent woman, arrives one day with Kemal, and quickly adopts the house as her own. Although her presence soothes Cemal, who feels shaken by his mother’s recent death, it deepens a growing rift between the two brothers. Torn between leaving and staying, Nalân opens herself up to Cemal’s compassionate world. In this inevitably inextricable situation, all three sink into their own despair. Hoping to reconcile
Naša svakodnevna priča / Our Everyday Life
their relationship after Nalân’s departure, the brothers carry on living like two strangers sharing the same house.
Naša svakodnevna priča / Our Everyday Life
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, 2015, Colour, 90 min. Režija / Director: Ines Tanović Uloge / Cast: Uliks Fehmiu, Emir Hadžihafizbegović, Jasna Ornela Bery, Maja Izetbegović, Vedrana Seksan, Nina Violić, Marko Mandić, Boro Stjepanović, Goran Bogdan
Porodica Sušić živi tipičan bosanski život. Otac Muhamed radi u jednoj uspješnoj kompaniji, a majka Marija je učiteljica u penziji. Njihov sin Saša je mladi ratni veteran, a njegova sestra Senada je napustila Sarajevo kao djevojčica sa konvojem za evakuaciju. Saša je tokom rata oženio novinarku Ninu. Godinama kasnije ona ga je napustila i Saša se vratio u roditeljski dom. Muhamed se lakše sporazumijeva sa prijateljima nego sa članovima svoje porodice, a Marija je ta koja porodicu održava na okupu. Jednoga dana Marija susreće svoju bivšu učenicu Lejlu i poziva je kući na ručak. Lejlina kreativnost i spontanost privlače Sašu. On i Lejla se zaljubljuju i jedno u drugom traže utjehu. Istovremeno, Marija otkriva da ima tumor dojke. Senada, koja je trudna, zbog majčine bolesti se vraća u Sarajevo. Kako se problemi gomilaju, Muhamed i Saša se po prvi put počinju zbližavati shvativši da je porodica ono najvažnije u životu, čovjekovo zadnje utočište. Sušić family lives the contemporary Bosnian story. The father Muhamed is employed in a respected company, while the mother Marija is a retired teacher. Their son Saša is a young war veteran. Senada, his sister, left Sarajevo with a convoy, as a
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
young girl. During the war Saša married journalist Nina. Years after, she left him and he came back to live with his parents. Muhamed feels better communicating with his friends than with his family. It is Marija who keeps the family together. She comes across her former pupil Lejla and invites her to their home for a meal. Lejla's creativity and spontaneity attract Saša. The two of them give in to love, seeking comfort in each other. At the same time, Marija learns that she has breast cancer. Unexpectedly, pregnant Senada returns to Sarajevo becuase of her mother’s illness. As problems start mounting, Muhamed and Saša start bonding for the first time, realizing that it is the family that only matters; the last oasis of a man. MEĐUNARODNA PREMIJERA / INTERNATIONAL PREMIERE
Kod tate kući / Back Home
Romania, 2014, Colour, 91 min. Režija / Director: Andrei Cohn Uloge / Cast: Mirela Oprișor, Andi Vasluianu, Alexandru Papadopol
Mladi pisac Robert prolazi kroz teško životno razdoblje kada donosi odluku da se vrati kući u rodno selo, prvi put nakon što mu je tri godine ranije preminula majka. U prethodnih deset godina života svega je par puta posjetio roditelje i tomu se može pripisati i osjetno rezervisan odnos koji Robert ima sa ocem. Kao što to već biva, Robert obnavlja vezu sa dvoje školskih prijatelja: sa svojim nekadašnjim najboljim drugom Petricom, koji je sada oženjen i ima djecu, i sa svojom mladalačkom ljubavlju Paulom. Paula je razvodom okončala nesretan brak i sada radi u lokalnoj prodavaonici. Čini se da je trenutno slobodna... Robert is a young writer passing through a difficult
Kod tate kući / Back Home
Blago / The Treasure
time in his life. He decides to return home into his native village for the first time since his mother passed away three years ago. In more than 10 years, he paid only few visits to his parents and this fact is reflected by the distant relationship Robert has with his father. As it happens, he meets two former classmates: Petrica - his old best friend, now married with children and Paula- his teenage sweetheart. She is divorced after an unhappy marriage and is now working at a local store. She doesn’t seem to be engaged in a relationship…
oppressed. One evening, his neighbour pays him an unexpected visit and shares a secret: there’s treasure buried in his grandparents’ garden, he’s sure of it. If Costi hires a metal detector to help locate it, he’ll give him half of whatever they get. Sceptical at first, Costi can’t resist and eventually agrees. The two accomplices have one weekend to locate the loot. Despite the obstacles, Costi refuses to be discouraged. For his wife and son, he’s a real hero - nothing and no one are going to stop him.
Greece, 2015, Colour, 101 min. Režija / Director: Athina Rachel Tsangari Uloge / Cast: Sakis Rouvas, Vangelis Mourikis, Panos Koronis, Efthymis Papadimitriou
Blago / The Treasure
France, Romania, 2015, Colour, 89 min. Režija / Director: Corneliu Porumboiu Uloge / Cast: Cuzin Toma, Adrian Purcarescu, Corneliu Cozmei, Cristina Toma, Nicodim Toma
Kosti vodi miran život. Noću voli da čita priče svom šestogodišnjem da bi ga uspavao. Njihova omiljena priča je Robin Hud. Kosti sebe doživljava kao heroja – borca protiv nepravde i branitelja potlačenih. Jedne večeri, neočekivano ga posjeti komšija i podijeli s njim jednu tajnu: siguran je da postoji blago koje je zakopano u bakinom i djedovom vrtu. Ukoliko Kosti iznajmi metalni detektor da mu pomogne da utvrde mjesto gdje se nalazi, on će mu dati polovinu od onoga što pronađu. Kosti je u početku skeptičan, ali ne može da odoli i na kraju pristaje. Ova dva saučesnika imaju jedan vikend da pronađu plijen. Uprkos preprekama, Kosti se ne da obeshrabriti. Za suprugu i sina, on je pravi heroj – ništa i niko ga neće zaustaviti. Costi leads a peaceful life. At night he likes to read his 6-year-old son stories, to help him sleep. Their favourite is Robin Hood. Costi sees himself as the hero - righter of wrongs and defender of the
Grupa muškaraca vraća se sa zimskog ribolova na jahti. Nakon što ostanu zarobljeni na brodu negdje u Saronskom zaljevu zbog mehaničkog kvara, vrijeme ubijaju igrajući igru koju su sami izmislili i nazvali Chevalier. Chevalier je zabavna i izuzetno takmičarski nastrojena igra. Niko ne želi otići sa jahte prije nego što osvoji titulu pobjednika. A group of men is returning from a winter fishing trip on a yacht. When a mechanical problem leaves them trapped on their boat, somewhere in the gulf of Saronikos, they kill their time playing a game they devise, called Chevalier. Chevalier is an entertaining and highly competitive game. No one intends to get off the yacht without being crowned its winner.
Turkey, France, Germany, Qatar, 2015, Colour, 94 min. Režija / Director: Deniz Gamze Ergüven Uloge / Cast: Güneș Sensoy, Doğba Doğuslu, Tuğba Sunguroğlu, Elit Ișcan, Ilayda Akdoğan, Nihal Koldaș
Početak je ljeta. U jednom selu na sjeveru Turske, Lale i njene četiri sestre se na povratku kući iz škole
nevino igraju sa dječacima. Navodna pretjerana intimnost njihove igre izaziva skandal sa nesagledivim posljedicama. Porodični dom djevojčica polako se pretvara u zatvor, školu zamjenjuju instrukcije iz kuhanja i domaćinstva, počinju se ugovarati brakovi. Vođene zajedničkom željom za slobodom, pet sestara se suprotstavlja ograničenjima koja su im nametnuta. It’s the beginning of the summer. In a village in the north of Turkey, Lale and her four sisters come home from school, innocently playing with boys. The supposed debauchery of their games causes a scandal with unintended consequences. The family home slowly turns into a prison, classes on housework and cooking replace school, and marriages begin to be arranged.The five sisters, driven by the same desire for freedom, fight back against the limits imposed on them.
Supersvijet / Superworld
Austria, 2015, Colour, 120 min. Režija / Director: Karl Markovics Uloge / Cast: Ulrike Beimpold, Rainer Wöss, Nikolai Gemel, Angelika Strahser, Thomas Mraz, Sibylle Kos
Život Gabi Kovande, udate radnice u supermarketu i tipične predstavnice srednje klase, vrti se oko porodice i posla. Sve do jednoga dana kada se sve mijenja. Odjednom se u njenom životu pojavljuje neko novi, neko koga je i ranije površno poznavala – Bog! SUPERSVIJET je priča o Bogu i o svijetu; svijetu u kojem heroina radi za kasom i Bogu kojega niti vidimo niti čujemo, ali čije prisustvo stalno osjećamo. Glavna glumica Ulrike Beimpold je fantastično i dirljivo odigrala ulogu žene pod božanskim utjecajem, a reditelj Karl Markovics ostaje vjeran realizmu, njegov narativni pristup je često operativan sa kadrovima snimljenim iz ptičije
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Zvizdan / The High Sun
perspektive i upečatljivo postavljenim scenama biblijskih proporcija koje doprinose dojmu Božijeg prisustva. Na kraju krajeva, sve što je dobro stiže odozgo. SUPERSVIJET je nalik malom čudu. Nadčudu. Married supermarket worker Gabi Kovanda’s lower middle class life revolves around her family and her job. Until, after work one day, everything changes. Suddenly, there’s someone new in her life, someone with whom she had already been casually acquainted: God! SUPERWELT is a story about God and the world: a world whose heroine works the till and a God we never see nor hear, but whose presence we feel throughout the film. Lead actress Ulrike Beimpold delivers a remarkable, moving performance as a woman under divine influence. While director Karl Markovics consistently works in a realistic mode, his narrative approach is often operatic, with elaborate bird’s eye shots and strikingly composed images of biblical proportions that make God’s presence manifest. Until, that is, the twilight of the gods descends and the heavens come crashing down on the plot. All good things come from above, after all. SUPERWELT is like a small miracle. A super good one.
Serbia, 2015, Colour, 105 min. Režija / Director: Pavle Vučković Uloge / Cast: Slaven Došlo, Jovana Stojiljković, Miloš Pjevač, Nebojša Milovanović, Tamara Dragičević
Nakon dvije godine izlazaka i flertovanja Jovan odlučuje nastaviti školovanje. Maja, naizgled obična i skromna djevojka, jedna je od cura s kojima se Jovan viđa. Tretira je kao i sve druge djevojke, neobavezno i opušteno. Ali njegov prvi utisak o Maji se mijenja kada otkriva videoklipove iz njenog svakodnevnog života koje ona objavljuje na svome Facebook profilu. Na prvi pogled, stiče se
Supersvijet / Superworld
utisak da klipovi prikazuju sasvim obične situacije iz Majinog svakodnevnog života, ali nakon što se u njih malo dublje zagleda Jovan otkriva tragove Majinih nevjerstava i prevara. Iako zbunjen svojom negativnom reakcijom na klipove, Jovan počinje da sumnja u Majina osjećanja i povrjeđuje je kako bi isprovocirao njene stvarne emocije. Njihova međusobna strast jača. Jovanova ljubomora i posesivnost nestaju samo kada je sjedinjen sa Majom u strastvenom seksu.Ali dok se videoklipovi polako isprepliću sa stvarnim životom, Jovan počinje da se gubi u očajničkom nastojanju da shvati ko je zapravo Maja. After two years of going out and flirting around, Jovan decides to go back to College. Among others girls, Jovan is seeing Maja, seemingly ordinary, modest girl. He treats her casually, no strings attached, like other girls he is dating. But his first impression of Maja shifts when he starts to discover home video clips posted on her Facebook page. At first glance, the clips are just ordinary recordings from Maja's everyday life. However, when Jovan looks closer, he finds hidden clues of Maja's deception and infidelity. While confused about why he feels bothered by it, Jovan becomes unsecure about Maja’s feelings, hurting her inorder to provoke her true emotions. The passion between them grows stronger. His jealousy and possessive impulses disappear only when they are one, joined through passionate sex. But as the video clips gradually merge with reality, Jovan loses himself, desperately trying to understand who Maja really is.
Saulov sin / Son of Saul
Hungary, 2015, Colour, 107 min. Režija / Director: László Nemes Uloge / Cast: Géza Röhrig, Levente Molnár, Urs Rechn, Christian Harting, Amitai Kedar
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Saulov sin / Son of Saul
Oktobar 1944, Aušvic-Birkenau. Mađar Saul Ausländer je član radnog voda Sonderkommando - grupe jevrejskih zatvorenika izolirane od ostatka logoraša i prisiljene da pomaže nacistima u istrebljenju širokih razmjera. Dok radi u jednom od krematorija, Saul otkriva leš dječaka za koji je ubjeđen da pripada njegovom sinu. Dok članovi voda Sonderkommando planiraju pobunu, Saul na sebe preuzima nemoguć zadatak: da spasi tijelo od plamena, pronađe rabina da izvrši obred pranja pokojnika, te da organizuje adekvatnu sahranu. October 1944, Auschwitz-Birkenau. Saul Ausländer is a Hungarian member of the Sonderkommando, the group of Jewish prisoners isolated from the camp and forced to assist the Nazis in the machinery of large-scale extermination. While working in one of the crematoriums, Saul discovers the corpse of a boy he takes for his son. As the Sonderkommando plans a rebellion, Saul decides to carry out an impossible task: save the child's body from the flames, find a rabbi to recite the mourner’s Kaddish and offer the boy a proper burial.
Zvizdan / The High Sun
Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, 2015, Colour, 123 min. Režija / Director: Dalibor Matanić Uloge / Cast: Tihana Lazović, Goran Marković, Nives Ivanković, Dado Ćosić, Stipe Radoja, Trpimir Jurkić
Zvizdan govori o zabranjenoj ljubavi, o njenoj fragilnosti, ali i o njenoj snazi. Ova filmska priča obuhvaća tri desetljeća, a smještena je u dva susjedna sela čija je povijest opterećena sukobima, netrpeljivošću i netolerancijom. The High Sun is a film about the dangers, but also about the power of forbidden love. The story that spans three decades is set in two neighboring villages burdened by a long history of conflict, tensions and intolerance.
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
U FOKUSU In Focus Selektorica / Programmer: Elma Tataragić Laku noć, mamice / Goodnight Mommy
Romania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, 2015, Black & White, 108 min. Režija / Director: Radu Jude Uloge / Cast: Teodor Corban, Mihai Comănoiu, Alexandru Dabija
Istočna Evropa, godina 1835. Dva muškarca, žandar Costandin i njegov sin, jašu kroz ogoljeli krajolik centralne Vlaške. Tragaju za "robom ciganinom" koji je pobjegao od svoga plemenitog gospodara i sumnja se da je imao aferu sa gospodarevom suprugom. Dok smireni Costandin svaku situaciju komentariše vedrim aforizmom njegov sin dublje promišlja svijet oko sebe. Na putovanju sreću ljude različitih nacionalnosti i uvjerenja: Turke i Ruse, kršćane i jevreje, Rumune i Mađare. Svi oni o drugima gaje predrasude koje se prenose sa koljena na koljeno. Čak i nakon što pronađu 'roba' Garfina, ne nazire se kraj njihove avanture... Eastern Europe, 1835. Two riders cross a barren landscape in the middle of Wallachia. They are the gendarme Costandin and his son. They are searching for a ‘gypsy slave’ who has run away from his nobleman master and is suspected of having an affair with the noble’s wife. Whilst the unflappable Costandin comments on every situation with a cheery aphorism, his son takes a more contemplative view of the world. On their odyssey they encounter people of different nationalities and beliefs: Turks and Russians, Christians and Jews, Romanians and Hungarians. Each harbours prejudices against the others which have been passed down from generation to generation. Even when the ‘slave’ Garfin is found, the adventure is far from over...
Laku noć, mamice / Goodnight Mommy
Austria, 2014, Colour, 99 min. Režija / Directors: Severin Fiala, Veronika Franz Uloge / Cast: Susanne Wuest, Lukas Schwarz, Elias Schwarz
Vrelo ljeto. Seoska kuća na osami između šume i polja kukuruza. Desetogodišnji blizanci čekaju mamu da se vrati kući. Kada mama konačno stigne, glave zamotane zavojima nakon plastične operacije, ništa više nije isto kao prije. Odjednom stroga i suzdržana, majka izoluje porodicu od vanjskoga svijeta. Blizanci počinju da sumnjaju da je ta žena zaista njihova majka i odlučni su da otkriju istinu na bilo koji način, uključujući i povremeno nepoštivanje njenih naređenja. Žena pod zavojima počinje primjenjivati brutalnu silu nad dječacima. Da li će prevršiti mjeru? The heat of the summer. An isolated house in the countryside between woods and corn fields. Tenyear-old twins wait for their mother. When she comes back, with her head wrapped in bandages after plastic surgery, nothing is as it used to be. Stern and distant now, she shuts the family off from the outside world. Starting to doubt that this woman is actually their mother, the twins are determined to find the truth by any means and don't always obey her. The bandaged woman resorts to brute force, pushing the boys - maybe too far?
Lekcija / The Lesson
Bulgaria, Greece, 2014, Colour, 107 min. Režija / Directors: Petar Valchanov, Kristina Grozeva Uloge / Cast: Margita Gosheva, Ivan Burnev, Ivan Savov
Nadežda upozorava svoje učenike da se među njima krije školski lopov. Izjavljuje da će lopovu, kada ga uhvati, “očitati lekciju”. Po povratku kući dočekuje je novi problem: predstavnik suda prijeti joj zapljenom stana. Njen muž nije platio par rata kredita koji je podigao kako bi kupio korišteni transportni kamion sa namjerom da ga popravi i proda. Nadežda posuđuje novac od zelenaša vjerujući da će ga vratiti nakon što kamion bude prodan. Ali vrijeme leti, a kamion se ne može popraviti. Nakon što zelenaš
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Lekcija / The Lesson
zaprijeti da će joj povrijediti dijete ukoliko ne vrati dug, Nadežda u očaju pljačka banku. Ubrzo potom otkriva identitet školskog lopova, ali više ne zna kakvu bi ga lekciju trebala naučiti. Nadezhda warns her students that the school thief is in her sights. She declares that once she catches him she’ll teach him a “good lesson”. On her return home - another problem: an officer of the court threatens her with foreclosure. Her husband has missed several loan repayments for the cargo truck he bought intending to repair and sell it. Nadezhda borrows money from a loan shark expecting to return it on the sale of the truck. But time flies and the truck is beyond repair. When the loan shark threatens to hurt her child, desperate Nadezhda robs a bank to pay back the debt. She then finds out who the school thief is. But now has no idea what kind of lesson to teach him.
Ničije dijete / No One`s Child
Serbia, Croatia, 2014, Colour, 97 min. Režija / Director: Vuk Ršumović Uloge / Cast: Denis Murić, Pavle Čemerikić, Isidora Janković
U proljeće 1988. divlji dječak je pronađen među vukovima u bosanskim planinama. Nasumično ga nazivaju Haris i šalju u sirotište u Beograd gdje o njemu brine staratelj Ilke. Zbližava se sa drugim dječakom Žikom i polako pokazuje znake napretka. Godine 1992., nakon što je postao prilično socijalizovan mladić, lokalne vlasti ga šalju nazad u ratom zahvaćenu Bosnu. Radnja filma "Ničije dete" zasnovana je na istinitoj priči. In the spring of 1988 a wild boy is found living with wolves in the mountains of Bosnia. He is randomly given the name Haris and sent to an orphanage in Belgrade to be taken care of by orphanage worker Ilke. He becomes inseparable with another boy Žika and slowly starts to show signs of progress. In 1992,
Ničije dijete / No One`s Child
after he became quite a socialized young man, local authorities send him back to war-torn Bosnia. The plot of No One’s Child is based on a true story.
Turkey, Germany, 2014, Colour, 97 min. Režija / Director: Kaan Müjdeci Uloge / Cast: Doğan Izci, Muttalip Müjdecii, Okan Avcı
Smješten u sumornom selu u Anadoliji, u istočnoj Turskoj, SIVAS govori o snažnoj vezi između jedanaestogodišnjeg dječaka Aslana i okorjelog borbenog psa Sivasa kojeg je on pronašao u kanalu gdje je ostavljen da umre. Istovremeno, u pozadini filma dominira priča o pripremama za izvedbu školske predstave Snjeguljica i sedam patuljaka. Aslan je razočaran što je uloga princa u predstavi pripala Osmanu, njegovom rivalu u ljubavi i sinu seoskog starješine. Dva dječaka bore se za ljubav seoske „princeze“ Ajše, a u toj borbi Osman ima više uspjeha. Aslan pokušava impresionirati Ajšu sa svojim novopronađenim prijateljem Sivasom. Establishing a bleak Anatolian village in Eastern Turkey as its setting, SIVAS features the story of an eleven year old boy Aslan and a weathered fighting dog Sivas who develop a strong relationship after Aslan finds Sivas wounded in a ditch, left to die. Meanwhile, a school play of the Snow White and the Seven Dwarves dominates the background as Aslan is disappointed in losing the role of the prince to Osman, his rival-in-love and son of the village head. While Osman gets ahead in the two boys’ race to win the hand of Ayşe, the “princess” of the village, Aslan tries to impress her with his new-found friend.
Sprat niže / One Floor Below
Romania, France, Germany, Sweden, 2015, Colour, 93 min. Režija / Director: Radu Muntean Uloge / Cast: Teodor Corban, Iulian Postelnicu, Oxana Moravec
Sprat niže / One Floor Below
Patrascu je vjerovatno u pedesetim godinama života. Tokom prvog sata filma ne znamo mu ni lično ime jer ga čak i supruga Olga samo zove Patrascu. Po prezimenu ga znaju i njegovi klijenti. Jednog petka ujutro, dok se penje uz stepenice do svoga stana, Patrascu iza vrata jednoga stana na drugom spratu čuje muškarca i ženu kako se burno svađaju. Buka iznenada prestaje i iz stana izlazi Vali, njegov komšija sa drugog sprata. Patrascu mu mehanički klimne glavom i penje se do svoga stana. Na povratku sa posla dočekuje ga iznenađujući prizor - komšije i policija okupljeni su oko ulaza u zgradu. Laura, mlada žena sa drugoga sprata, pronađena je mrtva sa tragovima udarca u glavu. Patrascu is probably in his 50s. The first hour of the film we don't know his first name, since even his wife Olga only calls him Patrascu.That's how the clients know him as well. On a Friday morning, as he climbs up the stairs home, Patrascu hears from inside one of the apartments on the second floor a violent conflict between a woman and a man. The noise suddenly stops, and out comes Vali, his neighbor from the second floor. Patrascu gives an automatic nod and walks up the stairs to his apartment. When he comes back from work, he is surprised to see neighbours and police swarming around the building entrance. Laura, the young woman from the second floor, was found dead, following a blow to the head.
Ti mene nosiš / You Carry Me
Croatia, 2015, Colour, 155 min. Režija / Director: Ivona Juka Uloge / Cast: Lana Barić, Vojislav Brajović, Helena Beljan, Goran Hajduković, Nataša Janjić, Juraj Dabić, Nataša Dorčić
Dora je zanemarena djevojčica koja želi postati nogometna menadžerica. Dane provodi proučavajući lik i djelo Zdravka Mamića, nogometnog menadžera u kojem pronalazi uzor, te sadržaje neprimjerene
djetetu: o korupciji, suđenjima i sukobima u nogometnom svijetu. Njen mlađi brat vrijeme provodi gledajući sapunicu na kojoj njihova majka Lidija radi kao šminkerica. U Dorin život se vraća otac koji godinama nije bio kod kuće. Lidija ne podnosi otuđenog muža niti vlastitu djecu. Dora zato u ocu pronalazi ljubav, pažnju i brigu. Ives nema predaha. Danju režira popularnu sapunicu, a navečer se vraća kući i ocu koji ima Alzheimer. Nataša uspješno producira popularnu sapunicu. Trudna je s Marinom, s kojim je povezuje samo zajednički posao. Kroz probleme koje rješava, oslobađa se strahova i ograničenja. Kao u sapunici koja ih povezuje, tri žene bore se za iskupljenje i nove prilike. Dora is a neglected girl who wants to become a football manager. She spends her days studying the personality and work of a man who inspires her football manager Zdravko Mamić, as well as other content unsuitable for a child: on corruption, court trials and clashes in the world of football. Her younger brother spends his time watching a soap opera on which their mother Lidija works as a makeup artist. Dora’s father who has been separated from his family for years re-enters her life. Lidija cannot stand her estranged husband or her children. Thus, Dora finds in her father love, care and attention. Ives has no time to rest. During the day she directs a popular soap opera and at night she returns home to her father who has Alzheimer’s disease. Nataša successfully produces the popular soap opera; she is pregnant with Marin although their job is the only thing the two of them have in common. While solving problems, she relieves herself of her fears and restraints. Just like in the plot of the soap opera that connects them, the three women fight for redemption and a new chance in life.
Ti mene nosiš / You Carry Me SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
TAKMIČARSKI PROGRAM - KRATKI FILM Competition Programme – Short Film Selektorica / Programmer: Elma Tataragić
Biserna obala / A Matter of Will
Biserna obala / A matter of will Montenegro, 2015, Colour, 24 min. Režija / Director: Dušan Kasalica Uloge / Cast: Stefan Bošković, Nikolina Bogdanović
Ljeto je vrelo, a dani su dugi... naročito u kampu za djecu s poremećajem težine. Kamp je smješten u primorskom ruiniranom odmaralištu, daleko od većeg grada, a vodi ga čovjek poznat kao Trener. U atmosferi kasnog ljeta, upoznajemo grupu različitih pojedinaca, sa različitim motivima, željama i interesima - grupu bucmastih dječaka i djevojčica koji sanjaju o čokoladi i svojim simpatijama iz susjedne sobe, predvođenu instruktorom čija se ideologija zasniva na magazinu "Men's Health". Summer is hot and days are long… Especially in a weight loss camp for children. It is located in a seaside resort and is led by a man known as the Instructor. In the late summer atmosphere, we meet a small group of different characters, who have different motives, desires and interests: a group of chubby boys and girls who dream of chocolate and love interests from across the hall and an instructor with his ideology grounded in "Men's Health".
Kalo / Damaged Goods
Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, Colour, 19 min. Režija / Director: Nermin Hamzagić Uloge / Cast: Edin Avdagić, Midhat Hasečić, Adnan Grahić,
Otac / Father
Aleksandar Seksan, Jasna Diklić, Dunja Tatomirović
Tarik živi sam, a radi kao skladištar u jednom supermarketu. Usamljen je i vrijeme ubija u društvu dvojice kolega. U maloj radnji u blizini supermarketa zapošljava se nova radnica. Tariku se ona dopada, pa pod okriljem noći počinje tajno da slika na izlogu radnje, sakriven od radoznalih pogleda društva koje svaku emociju doživljava kao znak slabosti. Tarik lives alone and works in the warehouse of a supermarket. He's lonely and kills time hanging around with two colleagues. New worker comes to the small shop next to the supermarket. Tarik likes her and secretly starts to draw on the glass of the shop, hidden by the night, away from the prying eyes of society in which any kind of emotion is a sign of weakness.
Otac / Father
Georgia, 2015, Colour, 25 min. Režija / Director: Davit Pirtskhalava Uloge / Cast: Sandro Kalandadze, Mamuka Kiladze, Vakho Chachanidze, Zviad Pirtskhalava, Mariam Maglaperidze
Otuđeni otac se nakon dugo vremena neočekivano vraća kući. Glavni lik, devetnaestogodišnji Lado, pokušava od oca dobiti odgovore na pitanja o razlozima njegove dugogodišnje odsutnosti, no otac nema šta da mu kaže i ubrzo odlazi. Iste večeri Lado i njegov mlađi brat proživljavaju avanturu, kroz koju Lado sam pronalazi odgovore na pitanja namijenjena ocu.
Kalo / Damaged Goods
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Long gone father returns home unexpectedly. Main character Lado who is 19 tries to get answers from father about his absence, but father has nothing to respond and leaves rapidly. The same evening Lado and his younger brother have an adventure, where Lado himself answers the questions meant for the father.
Slučajan čin milosrđa / A Random Act of Kindness
Romania, 2015, Colour, 28 min. Režija / Director: Andrei Gruzsniczki Uloge / Cast: Adrian Titieni, Medeea Marinescu, Liliana Ghita
Jedan par pokušava spasiti uličnog psa kojeg je udario auto. Na ovaj su čin ponukani vlastitim shvatanjem dobrote i društvene odgovornosti. Psa vode u kliniku, gdje saznaju da je pretrpio ogromne povrede i nemoguće ga je spasiti. Njih dvoje tako uzimaju učešće u njegovoj eutanaziji, finansijski i emotivno. Na kraju, osjećaju se „kažnjenim“ jer su pokušali učiniti dobro djelo. A couple tries to rescue a stray dog run over by a car. A certain social understanding of what is good, a model of social responsibility that is catching on now tugs at them, and they respond. They take the dog to a clinic. It is too badly hit and cannot be saved. However, the two rescuers come to be involved, both financially and emotionally, in euthanizing the dog. In the end, they feel “punished” for the good deed they tried to do.
Slučajan čin milosrđa / A Random Act of Kindness
Sve je više stvari koje dolaze / With Many Things to Come
Utorak / Tuesday
Sve je više stvari koje dolaze / With Many Things to Come Serbia, 2015, Colour, 22 min. Režija / Director: Jelena Gavrilović Uloge / Cast: Ana Mandić, Draginja Voganjac
Jovana se nedavno odselila iz porodičnog doma i počela živjeti sama. Jednog ljetnog dana odluči da bez najave posjeti roditelje. Zatiče majku utučenu i depresivnu, pa je odluči izvesti na pivo. Jovana has recently moved out of her family home to live alone. On a summer's day, she decides to make a surprise visit to her family. She arrives to find her mother down and depressed, and decides to take her out for a beer.
Turkish border town in exile. He works on a sand quarry to support his family. The only two interesting things in Yusuf's life are the tumbling pigeons and a 15 years old girl, Amina, who doesn't know about him. One day she comes to him asking for his help, which makes him excited but after realizing her intention Yusuf finds himself in a position that gives him unique power. He has to make a decision between using this power wisely and abusing it.
Uloge / Cast: Melis Balaban, Yonca Hiç, Zeki Ocak, Can Karaçaylı, Artun Özsemerciyan, Bașar Sayın
Romania, 2015, Colour, 18 min. Režija / Director: Andrei Crețulescu Uloge / Cast: Rodica Lazăr, Dorian Boguţă, Andi Vasluianu
Jedna djevojka. Jedno auto. Jedna noć. Ništa se ne događa slučajno. One girl. One car. One night. No coincidence.
Prevodilac / The Translator
Yusuf ima 13 godina i živi kao izbjeglica u malom turskom pograničnom gradu. Radi u kamenolomu kako bi finansijski pomogao svoju porodicu. Život mu čine zanimljivim samo uzgoj golubova i petnaestogodišnja Amina koja ne zna ni da on postoji. Jednoga dana Amina moli Yusufa za pomoć i stavlja ga u poziciju jedinstvene moći. Yusuf mora odlučiti da li će tu moć mudro iskoristiti ili će je zloupotrijebiti. Yusuf is a 13 years old refugee who lives in a small
Ricsi ide na put i prijatelji su mu noć prije odlaska organizovali oproštajnu zabavu. U međuvremenu, umjesto Ricsija za put se pakuje njegova majka. Richie's friends have organised a farewell party the night before he needs to go away. Meanwhile instead of him it is his mother who is packing for the trip.
Turkey, 2014, Colour, 23 min. Režija / Director: Emre Kayiș Uloge / Cast: Sherko Ali, Gamze Kaçak, İlke Can
Prevodilac / The Translator
Hungary, 2014, Colour, 15 min. Režija / Director: Gábor Hörcher Uloge / Cast: Richárd Steinbach
Utorak / Tuesday
Turkey, France, 2015, Colour, 11 min. Režija / Director: Ziya Demirel
Uobičajeni školski dan tinejdžerke u Istanbulu i njeni susreti sa tri različita muškarca dok ide u školu, igra košarku i vozi se autobusom na povratku kući. An ordinary school day for a teenage girl in Istanbul and her encounters with three different men as she goes to school, plays basketball and takes a bus on the way home. Bulgaria, 2015, Colour, 30 min. Režija / Director: Pavel Vesnakov Uloge / Cast: Aleksandar Aleksiev, Valeri Yordanov, Yana Titova
Nakon iznenadne smrti svoga oca, Zeus koji je sada glava porodice, mora organizovati pristojnu sahranu. Odluči kontaktirati svoga starijeg polubrata Vassila, bivšeg kriminalca, koji je porodicu napustio prije mnogo godina. Da li će iznenadna smrt oca zbližiti ili zauvijek razdvojiti dva brata? The sudden death of his father urges Zeus, now head of the family, to organize a decent funeral. He decides to contact his older half-brother Vassil, a former criminal, who left the family years ago. Will the unexpected death of their father bring the two brothers together or will it separate them forever? SHORTS 1: DAMAGED GOODS / RICSI / WITH MANY THINGS TO COME / THE TRANSLATOR / ZEUS SHORTS 2: TUESDAY / RAMONA / A MATTER OF WILL / FATHER / A RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS
Ricsi SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
TAKMIČARSKI PROGRAM - DOKUMENTARNI FILM Competition Programme – Documentary Film Selektorica / Programmer: Rada Šešić
Dom / Home
Autorefleksija / Self Reflection
Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, Colour and b&w, 10 min. Režija / Director: Nedim Alikadić
Autor koristi svoje arhivske snimke i fotografije na kojima su prikazani bitni dijelovi njegovog života, a koji su ga učinili čovjekom kakav je danas. Kroz film prikazuje svoje nevino djetinjstvo, ljubav prema svom pozivu, svoje prve susrete sa kamerom i rat koji ga je otjerao od kuće. Rat je od dječaka napravio vojnika, ostavio iza sebe žrtve, žive i mrtve, sjećanja koja tjeraju na suze i ljutnju pa i smijeh, zauvijek definisao poglede na život i umalo uništio njegove snove. The author uses his home movies and photographs taken at significant moments of his life that had shaped him into the man he is today. The film presents his innocent childhood, his love for his profession, his first encounters with camera and his experiences during the war that forced him out of his home. The war turned a boy into a soldier and left victims in its wake - both death and alive - as well as memories that provoke tears and anger, but also laughter. The war also defined his take on life and almost destroyed his dreams.
Dom / Home
Slovenia, 2015, Colour, 82 min. Režija / Director: Metod Pevec
Dom - jedna od najkraćih riječi koje opisuju osjećaj ugode. Dom je središte, svakodnevno utočište, hram sitnih navika. Ovaj se dokumentarac fokusira na dijametralnu suprotnost pozitivnih konotacija te riječi. Nekadašnji radnički dom kraj željezničke pruge samo je po imenu dom. Nakon bankrota građevinske kompanije Vegrad, posljednjeg vlasnika tog objekta, donesena je iracionalna odluka da se sobe i hodnici radničkog doma prodaju. U domu i dalje žive ljudi, mahom građevinski radnici koji iznajmljuju krevete. Žive sa opasne strane gotovo nevidljive granice, između sive ekonomije i nelegalnosti. Bosanski radnici, koji su tokom tri prosperitetne godine izgradili Sloveniju, sada su
Izmaglica Srebrenice / The Fog of Srebrenica
fizički oštećeni ili teško pronalaze posao. Home - one of the shortest words describing the feeling of homeliness. Home is the centre, everyday haven, a temple of small habits. This documentary film focuses on the very opposite of these pleasant connotations. The former home for workers by the railroad track is only called that. As it went bankrupt, its last owner, the Vegrad construction company, irrationally sold out the rooms and floors of this building. The home is still inhabited, mostly by construction workers renting a bed. They live on an almost invisible line, bordering grey economy and illegality at its dangerous side. The Bosnian workers who had built Slovenia in the years of prosperity are now handicapped or difficult to employ.
Izmaglica Srebrenice / The Fog of Srebrenica
Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, Colour and b&w, 60 min. Režija / Director: Samir Mehanović
Jedanaestoga jula svake godine obilježava se godišnjica masakra u Srebrenici, jedinog genocida u Evropi nakon Drugog svjetskog rata. Tokom sedam dana jula 1995, u Srebrenici je ubijeno 8,372 bosanskih muškaraca i dječaka. Iskrene i jednostavne priče koje preživjeli pričaju u IZMAGLICI SREBRENICE navode na ozbiljna i suštinska pitanja o prirodi ljudskog života, ratu i oprostu. July 11th marks the anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre, the only genocide in Europe since WWII. Over seven days of July 1995, 8,372 Bosnian men and boys were killed in and arround Srebrenica. Simple and honest stories of the massacre survivors in THE FOG OF SREBRENICA raise some serious and profound questions about the nature of human existence, war and forgiveness.
Jedan dan u Sarajevu / One Day in Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, Colour, 60 min. Režija / Director: Jasmila Žbanić
Prije stotinu godina u Sarajevu se dogodio atentat čiji uzroci i posljedice još uvijek odjekuju evropskom današnjicom. Dana 28. juna 1914. godine Gavrilo
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Princip pucao je na prestolonasljednika AustroUgarske monarhije Franza Ferdinanda. Atentat je bio povod za Prvi svjetski rat, koji je obilježio početak XX vijeka. Sto godina kasnije u Sarajevu se obilježava ovaj dan. Savremenici mu pripisuju različita tumačenja i u vezi s njim imaju različite emocije. Film JEDAN DAN U SARAJEVU, kroz materijale koji su snimili građani Sarajeva (mobilnim telefonima i malim kamerama), govori o različitim aspektima događaja toga dana, te koristi snimke igranih scena iz filmova o atentatu reditelja iz Austrije, BIH, Velike Britanije i kontrastira im. Causes and consequences of the assassination that happened in Sarajevo a hundred years ago still continue to reverberate in Europe. On June 28, 1914 Gavrilo Princip assassinated the heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire Franz Ferdinand sparking World War I that marked the start of the 20th century. As Sarajevo commemorated the centennial of the assassination, different people had different interpretations of what happened in the city a century ago and different emotions about it. ONE DAY IN SARAJEVO tells about various perspectives of the anniversary in Sarajevo combining and contrasting footage filmed by citizens of Sarajevo (with small cameras and mobile phones) with scenes from feature films about the assassination by directors from Austria, BosniaHerzegovina and the United Kingdom.
Povrjeđivanje / Harm Hungary, 2015, Colour, 52 min. Režija / Director: Dénes Nagy
Povrjeđivanje znači samopovrjeđivanje. Sa brijačem, nožem, komadom stakla. Samopovrjeđivači obično kriju svoje ožiljke od vanjskoga svijeta. Ali ne samo od svijeta uopće već i od bliskih prijatelja i rodbine. POVRJEĐIVANJE uvodi gledaoca u taj svijet misterije i razumijevanja. Film prati svoje emotivno zarobljene protagoniste u procesu kroz koji pokušavaju prevazići vlastite psihološke probleme. Spremni su učiniti korak naprijed kako bi sami sebe bolje razumjeli. Spremni su razotkriti vlastitu prošlost sa
Autorefleksija / Self Reflection
Povrjeđivanje / Harm
Jedan dan u Sarajevu / One Day in Sarajevo
kojom se nisu pomirili rizikujući da u procesu otkriju neke opasne stvari. Harming means self-injuring. With a razor blade, a knife, a shard of glass. Harmers usually hide their scars from the outside world. What they do to themselves is not only kept secret from the world, but also from their close friends and relatives. Harm invites the audience into this world of mystery and understanding. It follows its’ emotionally capturing characters in the process of trying to overcome their psychological problems. They are ready to make a step forward in understanding themselves. They are ready to unfold their unsettled past with the risk of discovering dangerous things on the way.
U potrazi za snom / Chasing a Dream
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia, 2015, Colour, 145 min. Režija / Director: Mladen Mitrović
Udar cunamija u Tokiju povezao je reditelja i autorku muzike za njegov prvi film nakon mnogo godina. Jedna tek završena pjesma i poziv za proslavu godišnjice mature u rodnom gradu, pokrenuće čitav tok događaja koji će reditelja nakon višegodišnje samoizolacije vratiti filmu. U želji da nakon 20 godina krene iz početka on odlučuje da pronađe nekadašnje desetogodišnje glumce iz svog prvog filma, koje je vihor rata odnio iz rodnog grada. Reditelj kreće na put po svijetu u nadi da će tražeći njih istovremeno pronaći i izgubljene djeliće svoje prošlosti. U jednom trenutku, sudbina odlučuje da pomiješa njihove živote i okrene putovanje u suprotnom smjeru dovodeći usput sve aktere do kolektivne katarze. A tsunami strikes Tokyo reuniting after many years a film director and a composer who wrote music for his first film. A just finished song and an invitation to a hometown celebration of graduation anniversary will initiate a series of events that will inspire the director to re-embrace film making after many years of self-imposed isolation. In hope to make a fresh start after 20 years, the director decides to find
U potrazi za snom / Chasing a Dream
members of the cast of his first film who were 10-year-olds at the time of its filming, but who had since been displaced from their hometown by a war. The director begins his journey around the world longing to also find the missing fragments of his past while searching for those children. At one point, destiny brings their lives together and the journey takes a different turn leading all the participants to a collective catharsis. MEĐUNARODNE PREMIJERE / INTERNATIONAL PREMIERES
Kroz moj objektiv / Through My Lens Turkey, 2015, Colour, 62 min. Režija / Director: Nefin Dinç
KROZ MOJ OBJEKTIV je film o turskoj omladini koja se bori da se čuje njihov glas. Tokom jedne godine 72 studenta pokušavaju da snime kratke filmove o demokratiji i ljudskim pravima, dva akutna pitanja u Turskoj. Tokom filma publika vidi njihov mladalački pristup važnim pitanjima u Turskoj i ogromne prepreke koje pred njih stalno postavlja stari poredak. Film je poput vrtloga emocija tokom cijelih sat vremena borbe između starog i novog. THROUGH MY LENS is a film about Turkish youth struggling to make their voices heard. Throughout one year, 72 students try to make short films on democracy and human rights, which are both pressing issues in Turkey. Throughout the film the audience sees their youthful approach to the important issues in Turkey and the huge obstacles the old establishment always creates for them. The film is like a whirlwind of emotions throughout an hour of fight between the old and new.
Rus / Russian
Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, Colour, 60 min. Režija / Directors: Damir Ibrahimović, Eldar Emrić
RUS je priča o čovjeku koji je u potrazi za ljubavlju tokom cijelog svog života i ta ga potraga vodi kroz život pun uzbuđenja i drame na kraju prošlog i početkom novog stoljeća. Od dječaka izloženog psihičkim i fizičkim torturama od strane njegovog
oca, vrlo uspješnog i priznatog člana društva, on postaje narkoman i provalnik, od mladića koji se liječi u klinici za ruske veterane iz afganistanskog rata do ruskog milionera, čovjeka koji odlučuje o ljudskim sudbinama. Posljednjih godina živi u Sarajevu, jedva preživljavajući, što ga dovodi u susret sa pripadnicima sarajevskog podzemlja gdje se zadužuje preko svojih mogućnosti... RUSSIAN tells the story of a man who spent his whole life looking for love. At the end of the last and start of the new century, he has been living a life full of excitement and drama. As a boy he was physically and psychologically abused by his father, a successful and respected member of society. He grew up to become a drug addict and a burglar, a patient in a clinic for Russian veterans of the war in Afghanistan and then a Russian millionaire with power to determine peoples’ fate. Finally, he moved to Sarajevo where he is struggling to make ends meet and therefore gets involved with members of the local criminal underground and borrows much more money than he could possibly repay...
Hungary, 2015, Colour, 85 min. Režija / Director: Tamás Almási
Anti je devetnaestogodišnji Rom koji voli svirati gitaru. Pruži mu se prilika da napusti zapušteno romsko naselje u udaljenom kutku Mađarske kako bi otišao u Snétberger centar za talentovane muzičare u koji je primljen zajedno sa još šezdeset mladih Roma. Dobio je jedinstvenu priliku za bolji život, ali postavlja se pitanje da li će je znati dobro iskoristiti. Da li će biti sposoban da promijeni svoju naizgled zapečaćenu sudbinu? Anti is a 19-year-old Roma boy, who loves to play the guitar. He is presented with the opportunity to break out of a rundown Roma slum in a remote corner of Hungary, and travels to the Snétberger Music Talent Center, where he has been selected for his talent, along with sixty other Roma youths. He now has the chance of a better life. The question is whether he can make the most of this golden opportunity? Does
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Kroz moj objektiv / Through My Lens
Rus / Russian
he possess the ability to change his seemingly predestined life?
Montenegro, 2015, Colour, 22 min. Režija / Director: Vladimir Perović
U vanvremenskom pejzažu, koji liči na početak stvaranja svijeta, usred krša Crne Gore, jedan pastir sa svojim velikim narodom, krdom koza i ovaca, komunicira kao sa ljudima. Dvadesetak različitih povika, urlika, grguta, tepanja, coktanja, mumlanja, šapata, zvižduka i drugih oglašavanja, za ljudsko uho jesu nerazumljiva kakofonija, ali za ove koze i ovce to je znak sporazuma, sistem, jezik, ritmizirana propovijed, melodija kojoj se raduju, koju razumiju i kojoj se povinuju. On je znak srođenosti čovjeka sa podnebljem. Kad se kreće po sivom kršu, kao da igra balet. Stalno po visovima, on kao da i život posmatra iz višeg svijeta. A živi život zemni. On i njegovo stado. In a timeless, rugged Montenegrin landscape apparently unchanged since the dawn of mankind, a shepherd communicates with his large herd of goats and sheep as if animals were human. Some 20 different shouts, screams, gurgles, hums, whispers and other sounds make up a cacophony a human ear cannot decipher, but for goats and sheep it is a language, the means of communication, a rhythmic melody they love, understand and respect. It is a symbol of harmony between men and his surroundings. When the herdsman walks on the rugged terrain, his movements resemble ballet dancing. Always up in the hills, the shepherd seems to be looking at the world from a higher dimension. At the same time he lives a simple, earthly life. Him and his flock.
Lijepo mi je s tobom, znaš / I Like That Super Most the Best Croatia, 2015, Colour, 42 min. Režija / Director: Eva Kraljević
Eva i Mia su sestre. Mia je vesela, otvorena, ima Downov sindrom, ne mari previše za modu i voli ljude. Eva kroz deset godina kamerom bilježi svoja druženja s Mijom kako bi pokušala razumjeti njihov
Lijepo mi je s tobom, znaš / I Like That Super Most the Best
Minorna granica / Minor border
odnos. U tom pokušaju nastaje portret dviju sestara, ispunjen radošću, strahom i željom da se prevaziđe malograđanski ukus koji postavlja granice sestrinske ljubavi. Eva and Mia are sisters. Mia is cheerful, friendly, has Down’s syndrome, doesn’t care much for fashion and likes people. Eva has filmed her interactions with Mija over a period of ten years in an attempt to understand their relationship. Along the way she created a portrait of two sisters, filled with joy, fear and desire to overcome bourgeois taste of the society that limits her sister.
Minorna granica / Minor border Austria, 2015, Colour, 25 min. Režija / Director: Lisbeth Kovacic
Od kada je granica između Austrije i Mađarske postala "šengenska granica", ona kao da je postala beznačajna. Zbog toga se duž nje uklanjaju granični punktovi, uključujući i onaj na "malom graničnom prelazu" u Nickelsdorfu / Hegyeshalomu. Međutim, kulturološka i društvena granica - proistekla iz historijskog nepovjerenja i novih evropskih zakona - opstaje. Dvadeset i pet godina od pada željezne zavjese, granica još uvijek dijeli ljude različitog imovinskog statusa i životnog standarda. Since the border between Austria and Hungary became a "Schengen border" it seems to have lost its meaning. Therefore the border stations, among them the "small border crossing" in Nickelsdorf/ Hegyeshalom are being removed. The border persists culturally and socially, based on historically grown resentments and new European laws. 25 years after the fall of the Iron Curtain, the border still excists as division in income and life standards.
Nedodirljivi / The Unidentified
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo1, 2015, Colour, 40 min. Režija / Directors: Marija Ristić, Nemanja Babić
U proljeće 1999., NATO je započeo bombardovanje Srbije s namjerom zaustavljanja represije predsjednika Jugoslavije Slobodana Miloševića nad albanskom manjinom na Kosovu. Milošević je istovremeno pokrenuo kampanju protiv civila na Kosovu, u kojoj je ubijeno oko 7,000 i protjerano više
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
od 700,000 kosovskih Albanaca. Od aprila do juna 1999., sela Ljubenić, Ćuška, Pavljan i Zahač potpuno su etnički očišćena - žene, starci i djeca protjerani su u Albaniju, dok su muškarci ubijeni. Neka od tijela su pronađena i u masovnoj grobnici u policijskom centru u Batajnici. Deset godina poslije Srbijansko tužilaštvo je podiglo optužnicu protiv bivših pripadnika paravojnih snaga, takozvanih Šakala. Tokom suđenja utvrđeno je da su optuženi zapravo bili pripadnici Vojske Jugoslavije. Međutim, Tužilaštvo je složenu vojnu operaciju u selima oko Peći, sa učešćem više od 200 policajaca i vojnika, prikazalo kao niz manjih incidenata. Milošević je umro, ali su svi drugi koji su učestvovali u planiranju rata na Kosovu i dalje na slobodi. In the spring of 1999, NATO launched an air campaign against Serbia to halt the repression of Albanian minority in Kosovo by Yugoslav president Slobodan Milošević. At the same time, Milošević launched a campaign against Kosovo civilians in which 7,000 Kosovo Albanians were killed and another 700,000 were driven out of their homes. Between April and June 1999, villages of Ljubenić, Ćuška, Pavljan and Zahač have been completely ethnically cleansed women, children and elderly expelled to Albania and men killed. Bodies of some of the victims were exhumed from a mass grave found at a Serbian police compound in Batajnica. Ten years later, Serbian prosecutors have indicted former members of the Jackals paramilitary unit. During their trial, it was revealed that at time of the Kosovo war they were in fact members of the Yugoslav Army. However, the prosecutors have portrayed what was a complex military operation in the villages around Peć involving over 200 police and army officers as a series of small, unrelated incidents. Milošević is dead, but all the others who took part in the planning for Kosovo war are still free.
Zeleni zidovi, crna hrana / Green Walls, Black Food Macedonia, 2015, Colour and b&w, 17 min. Režija / Director: Sandra Gjorgieva
Kratki dokumentarni film o mizernim uslovima u
Egzotika, erotika itd. / Exotica, Erotica, Etc
Zeleni zidovi, crna hrana / Green Walls, Black Food
Krš / Karst
Nedodirljivi / The Unidentified
Chuck Norris u borbi protiv komunizma / Chuck Norris vs Communism
Flotel Europa
studentskom domu Goce Delčev u Skopju u kojem živi 1.200 studenata. Priča o ovom studentskom domu priča je o svim studentskim domovima u Makedoniji. Zeleni zidovi, crna hrana, hladna voda, zapuštene sobe i toaleti. Sve to je dio svakodnevnice studenata koji nisu rođeni u glavnom gradu, a nemaju novca da iznajme stan. Dugo je godina ova ogromna zgrada nagrađenog arhitektonskog dizajna bila elitni smještaj za studente iz svih krajeva svijeta. Danas je sramotno da u njoj žive studenti. A short documentary about the miserable life and the bad conditions of 1200 students who live in the student dormitory "Goce Delčev" in Skopje. The representation of this horrible dormitory is a representation of all the student dormitories in Macedonia. Green walls, black food, cold water, ruined rooms and toilets. This is an everyday picture of a student who is not from the capital and does not have money to pay for an apartment. A very long time ago this enormous building was an elite acommodation for students all over the world, having won a prize for Best Architecture. Today it is a shame for a student to live there. REGIONALNE PREMIJERE / REGIONAL PREMIERES
Chuck Norris u borbi protiv komunizma / Chuck Norris vs Communism
Communist rule in Romania. Freedom of creative expression is at an all-time low as media and entertainment is heavily policed. The introduction and popularization of the video home system (VHS) in Romania is on the rise — an underground movement that starts off with little more than a whisper. Thousands of Western films smashed through the Iron Curtain opening a window into the free world for those who dared to look. A blackmarket VHS racketeer and a courageous female translator brought the magic of film to the people and sparked a revolution.
perfect spot to build his dream house. He hires an architect and a local stonemason family to accomplish this giant task. While taming this hostile natural environment, they all learn how to work and function together despite obvious cultural differences. Eventually they become like one big family. This film follows the process from its initiation to the completion, in which the beauty of this harsh landscape and its people gradually reveal themselves. BH. PREMIJERE / B&H PREMIERES
Flotel Europa
Serbia, Denmark, 2015, Colour, 71 min. Režija / Director: Vladimir Tomić
Egzotika, erotika itd. / Exotica, Erotica, Etc Greece, France, 2015, Colour, 73 min. Režija / Director: Evangelia Kranioti
Mornari su poput terorista. Pristaju u luke sa bombom zvanom ljubav i bacaju je. Znate šta se onda događa? Bomba eksplodira kada oni odu da se nikada ne vrate, nakon što su slomili srca djevojaka iz komšiluka. Kako čudno... voljeti nekoga ko te plaća.... Sailors are like terrorists. They arrive in ports with a bomb called love and throw it. And do you know what happens? The bomb explodes when they go away and they never come back, breaking the hearts of all the girls in the neighborhood. How strange... To love somebody who pays you...
Romania, Germany, UK, 2015, Colour and b&w, 81 min. Režija / Director: Ilinca Calugareanu
Krš / Karst
Godina je 1985; komunistički diktator Nicolae Ceausescu već dvadeset godina vlada Rumunijom. Sloboda kreativnog izražavanja je na najnižem zabilježenom nivou, a mediji i industrija zabave su pod strogom državnom kontrolom. Uvođenje i popularizacija kućnih videosistema (VHS) u Rumuniji su u porastu nagovještavajući pojavu tajnog pokreta otpora koji se rađa u tišini. Hiljade filmova sa zapada probija se kroz gvozdenu zavjesu otvarajući prozor ka slobodnom svijetu onima koji se usuđuju da ga traže. Ilegalni prodavač VHS kaseta i jedna hrabra prevoditeljica ljudima su donijeli filmsku magiju i potpalili iskru revolucije. The year is 1985, 20 years into Nicolae Ceausescu’s
Italijanski diplomata odlučuje izgraditi svoju kuću iz snova u nepristupačnom, ali zapanjujuće lijepom crnogorskom kršu. Na tom zahtjevnom zadatku angažuje arhitektu i porodicu lokalnih zidara. Dok pripitomljavaju neprijateljsku prirodu, oni će naučiti kako da rade zajedno unatoč očiglednim kulturnim razlikama. Na kraju procesa čini se kao da su postali jedna velika porodica. Film prati cijeli proces od početka do kraja, postepeno razotkrivajući ljepotu surovog crnogorskog kraja i njegovih stanovnika. An Italian diplomat choses an unapproachable yet breathtaking Montenegrin karst landscape as a
Serbia, France, 2015, Colour, 80 min. Režija / Director: Vladimir Todorović
Godine 1992. talas izbjeglica iz ratom zahvaćene Bosne i Hercegovine slijeva se u Dansku. Kako su postojeći izbjeglički kampovi bili dupke puni, Crveni krst je u kopenhaški kanal dovukao ogroman brod po imenu Flotel Europa. Brod je postao privremeni dom za hiljadu ljudi dok su očekivali odluku vlasti o podnesenim zahtjevima za azil. Među njima je bio i dvanaestogodišnji dječak Vladimir koji je iz Sarajeva pobjegao sa majkom i starijim bratom. Njih troje su proveli dvije godine života u privremenosti Flotela Europa. Dvije decenije kasnije Vladimir Tomić nas vodi kroz priču o odrastanju na brodu ispunjenom odjecima rata i drugim stvarima koje čine adolescenciju. Priča o sazrijevanju teče naspram privatnih VHS snimaka koje su načinile izbjeglice dok su dijelile "prostorno-vremenski vakum" Flotela Europa. In 1992 a wave of refugees from the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina reached Denmark. With existing refugee camps completely full, the Red Cross pulled a giant ship into the canals of Copenhagen. The ship, Flotel Europa, became a temporary home for a thousand people waiting for decisions on their asylum applications. Among them was a 12 year old boy, Vladimir, who fled Sarajevo together with his mother and older brother. They spent two years in the limbo of Flotel Europa.Two decades later, Vladimir Tomic takes us on a journey of growing up on this ship filled with echoes of the war — and other things that make up an adolescence. The
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Lutalica / Drifter
Toto i njegove sestre / Toto and His Sisters
where was he when Ricsi needed him the most?
coming-of-age story is juxtaposed with personal VHS archive material shot by refugees who shared the “space-time vacuum” of the Flotel.
Tokom godina / Over the Years Austria, 2015, Colour, 188 min. Režija / Director: Nikolaus Geyrhalter
Kainova djeca / Cain's Children Hungary, France, 2014, Colour, 104 min. Režija / Director: Marcell Gero
Tri muškarca. Svi su u djetinjstvu počinili ubistvo. Čitavu su mladost proveli u najbrutalnijem zatvoru komunističke Mađarske gdje su prvi put i snimljeni. Na uznemirujućim arhivskim snimcima priznaju detalje zločina koje su počinili i govore o svojim planovima za budućnost. Trideset godina kasnije, autor filma kreće u potragu za njima i otkriva prešućene tajne i jednu drugu, njemu do tada nepoznatu Mađarsku. Sudbina, grijeh i zavještanje - viđeni očima Kainove djece. Three men, they all committed murder as children. They passed their entire youth in communist Hungary’s most brutal prison, where they were first filmed. Disturbing archive footage shows them confessing details of their crime, and sharing their plans for the future. Thirty years on, the filmmaker goes out to find them and discovers untold secrets and a Hungary he has never known. Fate, sin, and legacy – seen through the eyes of Cain’s children.
Lutalica / Drifter
Toto i njegove sestre / Toto and His Sisters
Mladi buntovnik Risci živi na ivici propasti. Nevolja je njegovo srednje ime. Ne poštuje pravila i neumorno pravi problem za problemom. Na očaj njegovih roditelja, vožnja bez vozačke dozvole, krađa i bijeg od policije dio su Riscijeve svakodnevnice. Risci ne trpi rutinu i ne mari za očekivanja svoga beskorisnog oca. Na kraju krajeva, gdje je on bio kada ga je Risci najviše trebao? The young rebel, Ricsi, lives his life on the edge. Trouble is his middle name. He is unruly, restlessly scaring up problem after problem. Driving cars without a license, theft and escaping from the cops are all just a part of his daily routine much for his parents' despair. Ricsi won't stand for routines nor the expectations of his deadbeat father. Afterall,
TOTO I NJEGOVE SESTRE nam donosi izvanrednu porodičnu priču o Totou (10) i njegovim sestrama Ani (17) i Andrei (15). Za vrijeme zatvoreništva njihove majke, Toto strastveno uči da pleše, čita i piše, dok njegove sestre pokušavaju da sačuvaju porodicu na okupu u svijetu koji je odavno zaboravio kakva treba da bude nedužnost djetinjstva. Šta se događa kada otkrijemo da možemo dobiti više od života u odnosu na ono što roditelji mogu da ponude? TOTO ŞI SURORILE LUI brings us the astonishing family story of Toto (10), and his sisters, Ana (17) and Andreea (15). During their mother’s imprisonment, Toto passionately learns dancing, reading and writing, while his sisters try to keep the family together in a world that has long forgotten what the
Hungary, Germany, 2014, Colour, 72 min. Režija / Director: Gábor Hörcher
Kainova djeca / Cain's Children
Deset iznenađujućih godina. U zimu 2004. niko ne može reći koliko dugo će opstati stara fabrika tekstila u sjevernoj regiji Waldviertel. Kada fabrika konačno zatvori svoja vrata, za njene nekadašnje uposlenike počinje period radikalnih promjena. Bivši radnici, koji žive na selu, traže novi smisao u životu. Druga radna mjesta, neplaćeni rad, više vremena da se posvete hobijima, pomognu rad lokalne vatrogasne brigade ili da povedu brigu o rođacima. Novi početak i promjene. Život ide dalje. Ten surprising years. In the winter of 2004, no one can tell how long the old textile factory in the northern Waldviertel will still be able to survive. When the factory ultimately shuts its doors, its employees embark upon a time of radical change. The workers, who live in the countryside, seek new directions. Other work, unpaid work, more time to engage in hobbies, to become involved in the local fire department or to care for relatives. New beginnings and changes. Life goes on.
Romania, 2014, Colour, 93 min. Režija / Director: Alexander Nanau
Tokom godina / Over the Years
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
innocence of childhood should be. What happens when we discover that we can get more from life than our parents have to offer ?
U mraku / In the Dark Serbia, 2014, Colour, 60 min. Režija / Director: Goran Stanković
Dvadesetdvogodišnji Davor želi drugačiji život. Želi napustiti Lubnicu, mali rudarski grad u Srbiji u kojem je proveo čitav život. Naprosto se želi spakovati i otići negdje drugo, negdje gdje može biti stranac. Da radi u rudniku kao njegov otac? Nema šanse, to nije nikakva ambicija. Na žalost, mogućnosti zaposlenja u siromašnoj regiji u kojoj živi su ograničene i jedina opcija koja mu se nudi jeste da uprkos svemu uroni u taj tamni svijet. Ravnodušno prihvata rutinu radne sedmice, a utjehu nalazi u snovima o zanimljivijem životu. Kamera ostaje uz rudare, fokusira se na njihove emocije i razmišljanja. Davor i njegov otac pred kamerom otvoreno govore o svojim sumnjama, ponosu i strahovima vezanim za svoj opasni posao. Twenty-two-year-old Davor wants something different. To leave the small mining town of Lubnica in Serbia, where he has lived his whole life – to just pack up and go somewhere else, to a place where he can be a stranger. Work in the coal mine like his father? No way, that’s no ambition in life. Unfortunately, his career options are limited in this poor region, and the only one left open to him is to descend into that dark world after all. He resignedly drifts through the workweek, taking comfort in his dreams of a more interesting life. The camera stays close to the mineworkers, focusing in on their emotions and contemplations. Davor and his father talk openly to the camera about their doubts, pride and fear carrying out the hazardous work.
* Ovaj naziv, bez prejudiciranja statusa Kosova, u skladu je sa Rezolucijom 1244 i mišljenjem MSP-a o deklaraciji o nezavisnosti Kosova. / This label does not prejudge the status of Kosovo and is in accordance with Resolution 1244 and the opinion of the ICJ on Kosovo's declaration of INDEPENDENCE
U mraku / In the Dark
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Hronični / Chronic
OPEN AIR Dheepan
France, 2015, Colour, 109 min. Režija / Director: Jacques Audiard Uloge / Cast: Jesuthasan Antonythasan, Kalieaswari Srinivasan, Claudine Vinasithamby, Vincent Rottiers, Marc Zinga
Nerazuman čovjek / Irrational Man
Dheepan je tamilski borac za slobodu, tigar. Građanski rat u Šri Lanci primiče se kraju i poraz je blizu. Dheepan odlučuje da bježi, vodeći sa sobom dvije nepoznate osobe – jednu ženu i jednu djevojčicu – u nadi da će lakše dobiti azil u Evropi. Nakon dolaska u Pariz, „porodica“ se seli iz jednog privremenog doma u drugi dok Dheepan ne nađe posao kao domar jednog zapuštenog stambenog bloka u predgrađu. On radi da bi izgradio novi život i pravi dom za svoju „ženu“ i „kćerku“, ali svakodnevno nasilje sa kojim se suočava brzo ga primorava da ponovo oživi svoje ratničke instinkte kako bi zaštitio osobe za koje se nada da će postati njegova prava porodica. Dheepan is a Tamil freedom fighter, a Tiger. In Sri Lanka, the Civil War is reaching its end, and the defeat is near. Dheepan decides to flee, taking with him two strangers - a woman and a little girl - hoping that they will make it easier for him to claim asylum in Europe. Arriving in Paris, the 'family' moves from one temporary home to another until Dheepan finds work as the caretaker of a run-down housing block in the suburbs. He works to build a new life and a real home for his 'wife' and his 'daughter', but the daily violence he confronts quickly forces him to reconnect with his warrior instincts to protect the persons he hopes will become his true family.
Hronični / Chronic
Mexico, France, 2015, Colour, 92 min. Režija / Director: Michel Franco Uloge / Cast: Tim Roth, Sarah Sutherland, Robin Bartlett, Rachel Pickup, Michael Cristofer, David Dastmalchian, Bitsie Tulloch, Nailea Norvind
Savršen dan / A Perfect Day
David je medicinski brat koji radi sa smrtno bolesnim pacijentima. Uspješan i posvećen svom zanimanju, razvija jake i čak bliske veze sa svakim pacijentom o kojem brine. Ali, van posla, David je bezuspješan, nespretan i povučen. Jasno je da mu je potreban svaki njegov pacijent jednako koliko i on njima. David is a nurse who works with terminally ill patients. Efficient and dedicated to his profession, he develops strong and even intimate relationships with each person he cares for. But outside of his work David is ineffectual, awkward, and reserved. It is clear that he needs each patient as much as they need him.
Nerazuman čovjek / Irrational Man
USA, 2015, Colour, 96 min. Režija / Director: Woody Allen Uloge / Cast: Jamie Blackley, Joaquin Phoenix, Parker Posey, Emma Stone
Takva su pravila / These are the Rules
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Profesor filozofije Abe dotaknuo je dno emotivnog života, ne može da pronađe smisao ili radost u životu. Nakon što dobije mjesto fakultetskog predavača u jednom gradiću, Abe se uskoro spetlja sa dvije žene: Ritom, usamljenom profesoricom koja želi da je spasi od nesretnog braka i Jill, najboljom studenticom koja postaje i njegov najbliži prijatelj. I dok Jill voli svog momka Roya, neodoljivi su joj Abeova izmučena umjetnička ličnost i egzotična prošlost. Ipak, kad pokuša da njihov odnos pretvori u romantičnu vezu, on je odbije. Čista slučajnost promijeni sve kada razgovor jednog neznanca, koji slučajno čuju, privuče Abea i Jill. Abe u potpunosti može da ponovo prigrli život kada napravi konačan izbor. Ali njegova odluka pokreće čitav niz događaja koji će zauvijek uticati na njega, Jill i Ritu.
Tigrovi / Tigers
Ricki / Ricki and the Flash
Philosophy professor Abe is at rock bottom emotionally, unable to find any meaning or joy in life. Soon after arriving to teach at a small town college, Abe gets involved with two women: Rita, a lonely professor who wants him to rescue her from her unhappy marriage; and Jill, his best student, who becomes his closest friend. While Jill loves her boyfriend Roy, she finds Abe’s tortured, artistic personality and exotic past irresistible.Still, when she tries to make their relationship a romantic one, he rebuffs her. Pure chance changes everything when Abe and Jill overhear a stranger’s conversation and become drawn in. Once Abe makes a profound choice, he is able to embrace life to the fullest again. But his decision sets off a chain of events that will affect him, Jill and Rita forever.
A group of aid workers tries to remove a cadaver from a well in an armed conflict zone. The body was thrown into the well to contaminate the water and cut the water supply to the local population. But circumstances soon turn a simple task into an impossible mission. The workers cross the frenzied war landscape like guinea pigs in a maze, and there might be no way out. A war inside another war, in which the only enemy could be irrationality. The crisis they’re trying to solve is humanitarian, but they’re only human. Humor, drama, tenderness, routine, danger, hope: it all fits into a perfect day. This film’s only genre is life itself. Like a Russian doll, it’s a drama inside a comedy, inside a road movie, inside a war movie.
Ricki / Ricki and the Flash
Croatia, France, Serbia, Macedonia, 2014, Colour, 78 min. Režija / Director: Ognjen Sviličić Uloge / Cast: Ljubomir Bandović, Emir Hadžihafizbegović, Goran Bogdan, Mira Banjac, Stjepan Perić, Jasna Žalica
USA, 2015, Colour, 101 min. Režija / Director: Jonathan Demme Uloge / Cast: Meryl Streep, Mamie Gummer, Sebastian Stan, Kevin Kline, Rick Springfield
Trostruka dobitnica prestižne nagrade Oskar Meryl Streep ove godine pojavljuje se u potpuno novoj ulozi – glumi rok pjevačicu i gitaristicu u najnovijem filmskom uratku reditelja Jonathana Demmea (dobitnik Oskara za film KAD JAGANJCI UTIHNU) i scenaristice Diablo Cody (dobitnica Oscara za film JUNO) – RICKI AND THE FLASH. U filmu ispunjenom muzikom i nastupima uživo, Streep glumi muzičarku Ricki – rok heroinu koja se odrekla svega kako bi ostvarila svoj san o rokerskoj slavi, ali koja se sada vraća kući kako bi pokušala ispraviti svoje odnose sa obitelji. Uz Streep, u ostalim ulogama pojavljuju se Rick Springfield i Kevin Kline. A three-time Academy Award winner Meryl Streep this year takes on a whole new role - a hard-rocking singer and guitarist in the latest film by director Jonathan Demme (Oscar-winner for THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS) and screenwriter Diablo Cody (Oscar-winner for JUNO) – RICKI AND THE FLASH. In a film loaded with music and live performance, Streep stars as Ricki, a rock guitar heroine who gave up everything for her dream of rock-and-roll stardom, but is now returning home to make things right with her family. In this movie Streep stars opposite Rick Springfield and Kevin Kline.
Savršen dan / A Perfect Day
Spain, 2015, Colour, 105 min. Režija / Director: Fernando León de Aranoa Uloge / Cast: Benicio Del Toro, Tim Robbins, Olga Kurylenko, Mélanie Thierry, Feđa Štukan, Eldar Residović, Sergi López
Grupa humanitarnih radnika pokušava da ukloni leš iz bunara u zoni oružanog sukoba. Leš je bačen u bunar da zagadi vodu i da se prekine snabdijevanje lokalnog stanovništva vodom. Ali okolnosti uskoro pretvaraju jednostavan zadatak u nemoguću misiju. Radnici prolaze kroz pomahnitali ratni pejzaž kao pokusni kunići u labirintu, iz kojeg možda nema izlaza. Rat unutar drugog rata, u kojem bi jedini neprijatelj mogao biti nerazumnost. Kriza koju pokušavaju da riješe je humanitarna, ali oni su samo ljudi. Humor, drama, nježnost, rutina, opasnost, nada: sve to se uklapa u savršen dan. Jedini žanr ovog filma je sam život. Poput ruske lutke babuške, drama je to unutar komedije, unutar filma ceste, unutar ratnog filma.
Takva su pravila / These are the Rules
Ivo i Maja žive mirnim životom u sumornom predgrađu Zagreba. Jedne noći njihovog sina jedinca Tomicu nasilnički napadne drugi tinejdžer, pretuče ga i ostavi teško povrijeđenog. Ruši se njihov svijet lažne sigurnosti. Dok prolaze kroz nepodnošljivu muku, primorani su da preispitaju svoje živote i dovedu u pitanje sve u šta su vjerovali. Ivo and Maja live a quiet life in a dull suburb of Zagreb. One night their only son Tomica is violently attacked on the street by another teenager, beaten and left severely injured. Their world of false security collapses. As they go through an unbearable ordeal, they are forced to re-examine their lives and question everything they believed in.
Tigrovi / Tigers
India, France, United Kingdom, 2014, Colour, 90 min. Režija / Director: Danis Tanović Uloge / Cast: Emraan Hashmi, Geetanjali, Khalid Abdalla, Adil Hussain, Satyadeep Misra
Gledajući ga kako se muči da proda nemarkirane domaće farmaceutske proizvode, supruga ubjeđuje Ajana da pokuša da dobije posao za prestižnu multinacionalnu kompaniju - Lasta Foods, poznatu po svojim formulama za bebe. Na njegovo čuđenje, i uprkos tome što nije završio fakultet, dobija posao. Ajan ozbiljno shvata Lastinu obuku o pristupu borbenog tigra i on uskoro postaje jedan od najboljih prodavača, a njegov život bolji. Faiz, jedan od Ajanovoih novih prijatelja doktora, odlazi u Karači da izučava pitanja javnog zdravstva. Nekoliko godina kasnije vraća se kao drugi čovjek. On dovlači Ajana u sobu dječije hitne pomoći. Bebe umiru, a doktor za sve optužuje Ajana. Seeing him struggle to sell unbranded local pharmaceuticals, Ayan's wife persuades him to try for a job with a prestigious multinational - Lasta Foods, known for their infant formulas. To his amazement, and despite his lack of a college diploma, he's hired. Ayan takes Lasta's fighting tiger attitude training to heart and soon he's the star salesman and his life is better. Faiz, one of Ayan's new doctor friends, goes off to Karachi to study public health issues. When he returns a couple of years later, he's a changed man. He hauls Ayan into a children's emergency room. Babies are dying and the doctor says it's all Ayan's fault.
Gledate filmove programa Open Air? / Are you watching films from the Open Air programme?
Uz interesantne priče umjetnika iz svijeta filma, uživajte u opuštenoj atmosferi programa „Kafa sa...“ Svaki dan na Festivalskom trgu od 11 do 12 sati imat ćete priliku upoznati ekipu filma prikazanog prethodne noći. / Enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of the “Coffee with…” programme and interesting stories by artists from the world of film. Every day from 11:00 to 12:00, you will have an opportunity to meet the cast and crew of the film screened the previous night. ULAZ SLOBODAN / FREE ADMISSION uz festivalsku akreditaciju ili ulaznicu od prethodne noći / with Festival accreditation or last night’s ticket SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Apokalipsa jakuza / Yakuza Apocalypse
B-film: požuda i zvuci Zapadnog Berlina 1979-1989 / B-Movie: Lust & Sound in West-Berlin 1979-1989
45 godina / 45 Years
Djevojka se sama vraća kući noću / A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night
KINOSCOPE 45 godina / 45 Years
United Kingdom, 2015, Colour, 93 min. Režija / Director: Andrew Haigh Uloge / Cast: Charlotte Rampling, Tom Courtenay, Geraldine James, Dolly Wells, David Sibley, Sam Alexander, Richard Cunningham, Rufus Wright, Hannah Chalmers
Kate je usred priprema za četrdeset petu godišnjicu braka kada njen suprug Geoff iznenada prima vijest koja će ga vratiti u prošlost. Prije pedeset godina, njegova tadašnja djevojka doživjela je fatalnu nesreću u švicarskim Alpama. Njeno tijelo je konačno pronađeno, zamrznuto u ledu i vremenu. Kate i Geoff su podjednako šokirani, ali nisu spremni da jedno sa drugim podijele vlastitu nesigurnost. On se još dublje povlači u osamljeni svijet uspomena dok se Kate bori da pragmatizmom uguši narastajuću ljubomoru i anksioznost. Ona se mora fokusirati na organizaciju zabave za godišnjicu braka. Stvari su naizgled iste kao i uvijek, ali kamera oprezno bilježi kako dobro uigrana koegzistencija ispada iz tračnica. Kate is in the middle of preparations for her 45th wedding anniversary when her husband Geoff suddenly receives news which pulls him back into the past. Fifty years ago his then girlfriend had a fatal accident in the Swiss Alps. Now, finally, her body has been found, frozen in ice and time. Kate and Geoff are both shocked but are unable to share their insecurity with each other. He retreats ever more into a distant world of memories whilst Kate endeavours to suppress her burgeoning jealousy and anxiety with pragmatism. She needs to concentrate on taking care of the arrangements for the party. Outwardly, everything is business as usual. But the camera cautiously registers how a well-tuned coexistence is going out of kilter.
Selektori / Programmers: Mike Goodridge, Alessandro Raja, Mathilde Henrot
Apokalipsa jakuza / Yakuza Apocalypse
newfound abilities, Kageyama’s desire to avenge the murder of boss Kamiura sets him on a course for a violent confrontation with the foreign syndicate’s mysterious and seemingly unstoppable leader!
U okrutnom podzemnom svijetu jakuza, nema veće legende od šefa Kamijure. Glasine kruže da je nepobjediv, a istina je da je šef jakuza zapravo vampir ! U Kamijurinoj bandi njegov je najodaniji pomoćnik Kagejama. Međutim, ostali u bandi omalovažavaju i ismijavaju Kagejamu. Jednog dana, ubice koje znaju tajnu šefa Kamijure stižu iz inostranstva i postavljaju mu ultimatum: da se vrati u međunarodni sindikat koji je napustio prije mnogo godina ili da umre. Kamijura odbija i u žestokoj borbi sa majstorom borilačkih vještina Kojenom biva rastrgan. Kamijura svojim umirućim dahom ujede Kagejamu i tako prenese svoje vampirske moći na bezazlenog jakuzu. Kako postaje svjestan svojih novonastalih sposobnosti, Kagejama, u želji za osvetom za ubistvo šefa Kamijure, kreće u nasilno suočavanje sa misterioznim i naizgled nezaustavljivim vođom stranog sindikata. In the ruthless underground world of the yakuza, no one is more legendary than boss Kamiura. Rumored to be invincible, the truth is he is a vampire - a bloodsucking yakuza vampire boss! Among Kamiura’s gang is Kageyama, his most loyal underling. However, the others in the gang view Kageyama with disdain and ridicule him. One day, assassins aware of boss Kamiura’s secret arrive from abroad and deliver him an ultimatum: Return to the international syndicate he left years ago, or die. Kamiura refuses and is torn limb from limb during a fierce battle with martial arts expert Kyoken.” With his dying breath, Kamiura bites Kageyama, passing on his vampire powers to the unsuspecting yakuza. As he begins to awaken to his
B-film: požuda i zvuci Zapadnog Berlina 1979-1989 / B-Movie: Lust & Sound in West-Berlin 1979-1989
Japan, 2015, Colour, 115 min. Režija / Director: Takashi Miike Uloge / Cast: Hayato Ichihara, Yayan Ruhian, Riri Furanki
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Germany, 2015, Colour and b&w, 92 min. Režija / Director: Jörg A. Hoppe, Klaus Maeck, Heiko Lange Uloge / Cast: Blixa Bargeld, Gudrun Gut, Annette Humpe, Mark Reeder
B-FILM je dokumentarac o muzici, umjetnosti i haosu u Zapadnom Berlinu osamdesetih godina prošloga vijeka: zidom ograđen grad u gradu postao je kreativni kotao sub i pop kulture. Umjetnici, pripadnici različitih komuna i hedonisti uživali su u nekonvencionalnom berlinskom životnom stilu. Očaran njemačkom elektronskom muzikom, mančesterski muzičar Mark Reeder napušta legendarnu muzičku scenu predvođenu Joy Divisionom kako bi živio u Zapadnom Berlinu... B-MOVIE is a documentary about music, art and chaos in the West-Berlin of the 1980s: the walled-in city which became the creative melting pot for the sub and pop culture. Artists, communards and hedonists enjoyed Berlin's unconventional lifestyle. Mark Reeder, a musician from Manchester, fascinated by German electronic music, leaves Joy Division's legendary music scene to come to West Berlin...
Djevojka se sama vraća kući noću / A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night USA, 2014, Black & White, 101 min. Režija / Director: Ana Lily Amirpour Uloge / Cast: Sheila Vand, Arash Marandi, Marshall Manesh
Čudne se stvari dešavaju u Lošem gradu. Iranski grad koji prostitutke, narkomani, svodnici i druge
Feniks / Phoenix
Fidelio: Alisino putovanje / Fidelio, Alice's Journey
posrnule duše zovu domom smrdi na smrt i beznađe, usamljeni vampir uhodi najneukusnije stanovnike. Ali kada momak upozna djevojku, počinje da buja neobična ljubavna priča. Debitantski film Ane Lilly Amirpour, prvi iranski vampirski vestern, odiše čistom radošću šunda. Radosna mješavina žanrova, arhetipova i ikonografije, snažno inspirisana širokim spektrom utjecaja od špageti vesterna, stripova i horor filmova do iranskog novog talasa. Prozračni, anamorfni, crnobijeli vizuelni identitet ovog filma i umjetnički razrađene scene kao da su mješavina tinjajuće tenzije Sergia Leonea i čudnog nadrealizma Davida Lyncha. Strange things are afoot in Bad City. The Iranian ghost town, home to prostitutes, junkies, pimps and other sordid souls, is a place that reeks of death and hopelessness, where a lonely vampire is stalking the towns most unsavoury inhabitants. But when boy meets girl, an unusual love story begins to blossom. The first Iranian Vampire Western, Ana Lily Amirpour's debut feature basks in the sheer pleasure of pulp. A joyful mash-up genre, archetype, and iconography, its prolific influences span spaghetti westerns, graphic novels, horror films, and the Iranian New Wave. Its airy, anamorphic, black-andwhite aesthetic and artfully drawn-out scenes combine the simmering tension of Sergio Leone with the weird surrealism of David Lynch.
Feniks / Phoenix
Germany, Poland, 2014, Colour, 98 min. Režija / Director: Christian Petzold Uloge / Cast: Nina Hoss, Ronald Zehrfeld, Nina Kunzendorf, Trystan Puetter, Michael Maertens, Imogen Kogge
Juni je 1945. godine. Teško ranjena i uništena lica, Nelly se vraća u svoj rodni grad Berlin nakon što je preživjela zatočeništvo u Aušvicu. Prati je Lene, uposlenica Jevrejske agencije i prijateljica iz predratnih dana. Nakon što se jedva oporavila od operacije lica, Nelly ignoriše Lenina upozorenja i
Izvan prirode / Out of Nature
Jastog / The Lobster
kreće u potragu za svojim suprugom Johnnijem, ljubavlju svoga života koji ju je dugo vremena štitio od nacističkog progona odbivši da raskine njihov brak. Članovi Nelline porodice su ubijeni u Holokaustu. Johhny je ubijeđen da je i Nelly mrtva. Nakon što ga ona konačno pronalazi, Johnny je svjestan samo njene uznemirujuće 'sličnosti' sa njegovom suprugom i ne može vjerovati da je to stvarno ona. June, 1945. Badly injured, her face destroyed, Auschwitz survivor Nelly returns to her hometown, Berlin. She’s accompanied by Lene, a Jewish Agency employee and Nelly’s friend from pre-war days.Having barely recovered from facial surgery, Nelly ignores Lene’s warnings and sets out to find her husband, Johnny – the love of her life who, by refusing to abandon their marriage, protected her from Nazi persecution for so long. Nelly’s family has been murdered in the Holocaust. Johnny is convinced that his wife, too, is dead. When Nelly finally tracks him down, he recognizes nothing but an unnerving resemblance and doesn’t believe it could really be her.
Fidelio: Alisino putovanje / Fidelio, Alice's Journey
France, 2014, Colour, 95 min Režija / Director: Lucie Borleteau Uloge / Cast: Ariane Labed, Melvil Poupaud, Anders Danielsen Lie, Pascal Tagnati, Jean-Louis Coulloc'h
Alice je tridesetogodišnja mornarka, zaljubljena je, ali neudata. Dok je partner Felix čeka na kopnu, ona isplovljava kao drugi mehaničar na Fideliju, starom teretnom brodu. Na brodu otkriva ne samo da mijenja nedavno preminulog mehaničara, već i to da je kapetan broda niko drugi nego njena prva velika ljubav - Gael. U svojoj kabini Alice pronalazi dnevnik bivšeg mehaničara i čitajući njegov sadržaj - opis tehničkih problema, seksualnih osvajanja i ljubavnih patnji - uviđa da je u njemu dobrim dijelom opisano i njeno vlastito putovanje. I dok brod posjećuje razne luke, Alice se bavi životom na
brodu sa muškom posadom i svojim ćudljivim romantičnim osjećajima, pokušavajući ostati na pravom putu. Alice is a 30 year-old sailor, in love but unmarried. While her companion Félix waits for her ashore, she sets off as second mechanic on the Fidelio, an old freighter. On board, she discovers not only that she replaces a recently deceased mechanic, but also that the Captain is none other than her first great love, Gael. In her cabin Alice comes across the diary of the former mechanic, and by reading its content –accounts of technical problems, sexual conquests and lovelorn emotions – she finds, oddly, that they echo her own journey. As the ship calls on various ports, Alice deals with life aboard with an all-male crew and the swings of her romantic feelings, while trying to stay on the course.
Izvan prirode / Out of Nature
Norway, 2014, Colour, 80 min. Režija / Director: Ole Giæver, Marte Vold Uloge / Cast: Ole Giæver, Marte Magnusdotter Solem, Sivert Giæver Solem, Rebekka Nystabakk, Ellen Birgitte Winther
Putovanje unutar Martinove glave i u divljoj prirodi van nje. Martin je sam na planinarenju i čujemo sve njegove nesputane misli i brutalno iskrene komentare o samom sebi i ljudima koji ga okružuju. Ispunjen mislima i fantazijama, u rasponu od trivijalnih i infantilnih do egzistencijalnih i dubokih, IZVAN PRIRODE je iskren i smiješan portret mladog muškarca koji ne želi da se uklapa u kalupe. Journey inside Martin’s head and out into the wild nature. Martin is alone on a hiking trip in the mountains and we hear all of hisuncensored thoughts and brutally honest observations about himself and the people around him. With thoughts and fantasies ranging from the trivial and infantile to theexistential and profound, OUT OF NATURE is an honest and funny portrait of a young man wanting to break the mold.
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Na udaru vjetra / In the Crosswind
Predstava o predstavama: stoljeće vodvilja, cirkusa i karnevala / The Show of Shows: 100 Years of Vaudeville, Circuses and Carnivals
Projekt stoljeća / The Project of the Century
Putovanje / Viaje
Jastog / The Lobster
Ireland, United Kingdom, Greece, France, Netherlands, 2015, Colour, 118 min. Režija / Director: Yorgos Lanthimos Uloge / Cast: Colin Farrell, Jessica Barden, Rachel Weisz, Olivia Colman, Ashley Jensen, Ariane Labed, Angeliki Papoulia, John C. Reilly, Léa Seydoux, Michael Smiley
Ljubavna priča smještena u blisku budućnost kada će se slobodni pojedinci u skladu sa pravilima Grada hapsiti i prebacivati u Hotel. Tamo će biti prisiljeni da u 45 dana pronađu srodnu dušu. Ukoliko u tome ne uspiju, biće pretvoreni u životinju po vlastitom izboru i pušteni u Šumu. Iako se to protivi pravilima, očajni Muškarac iz Hotela bježi u Šumu gdje žive Usamljenici i zaljubljuje se. A love story set in the near future where single people, according to the rules of The City, are arrested and transferred to The Hotel. There they are obliged to find a matching mate in 45 days. If they fail, they are transformed into an animal of their choosing and released into The Woods. A desperate Man escapes from The Hotel to The Woods where The Loners live and falls in love, although it is against their rules.
Predstava o predstavama: stoljeće vodvilja, cirkusa i karnevala / The Show of Shows: 100 Years of Vaudeville, Circuses and Carnivals
Na udaru vjetra / In the Crosswind
Iceland, United Kingdom, 2015, Colour and b&w, 72 min. Režija / Director: Benedikt Erlingsson
14. juni 1941; desetine hiljada ljudi u Estoniji, Latviji i Litvaniji bez upozorenja je istjerano iz svojih domova. Muškarci bez suđenja završavaju u zatvoreničkim logorima, a žene i djeca se deportuju u Sibir. Cilj ove nevjerovatne operacije, izvršene po naredbi sovjetskog vođe Josifa Staljina, bio je da se baltičke zemlje očiste od domicilnog stanovništva. Erna, sretno udata majka male djevojčice, deportovana je u Sibir. Dok se u nehumanim uslovima bori protiv gladi i poniženja, njena duša traži i pronalazi utjehu u pismima koje šalje svome mužu zatvorenom u logoru. Ipak, tokom godina
Navali narode, navali narode na nezaboravno iskustvo! Ovo je film o putujućim cirkuskim izvođačima, kabare nastupima, vodvilju i i sajamskim atrakcijama. U ovom filmu zabilježeni su rijetki i nikad ranije viđeni snimci sajmišta, cirkuske zabave, prikazivanje nakaza, različiti nastupi, dvoranska i primorska zabava iz 19. i 20. Vidjećemo rane nastupe koji su oduševili svijet i kućne filmove najvećih cirkuskih porodica. Reditelj Benedikt Erlingsson vraća nas u vrijeme kad su najčudnije, najspretnije i zapanjujuće predstave putovale svijetom. Roll up, roll up for an unforgettable experience! This film tells the story of itinerant circus performers, cabaret acts and vaudeville and fairground attractions. In this film, rarities and never-before
Estonia, 2014, Black & White, 87 min, Režija / Director: Martti Helde Uloge / Cast: Laura Peterson, Mirt Preegel, Tarmo Song, Ingrid Isotamm, Einar Hillep
provedenih u Sibiru, Erna nije izgubila samo svoju mladost već i nešto znatno dragocjenije. June 14th, 1941. Without warning tens of thousands of people in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were removed from their homes. Without any sort of trial men faced being sent to prison camps and women and children were deported to Siberia. The aim of this extraordinary operation – carried out on the orders of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin – was to purge the Baltic countries of their native inhabitants. Erna, happily married and mother of a young daughter, is sent to Siberia. For her, time takes on another dimension. Fighting starvation and humiliation in inhuman conditions, her soul seeks and finds freedom in the letters she sends to her husband who has been sentenced to prison camp. Even so, the years in Siberia rob Erna of something much more precious than just her youth.
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
seen footage of fairgrounds, circus entertainment, freak shows, variety performances, music hall and seaside entertainment are chronicled from the 19th and 20th century. We will see early shows that wowed the world and home movies of some of the greatest circus families. Director Benedikt Erlingsson takes us back to the days when the most outlandish, skillful and breathtaking acts traveled the world.
Projekt stoljeća / The Project of the Century
Argentina, Cuba, Germany, Switzerland, 2015, Colour and b&w, 100 min. Režija / Director: Carlos Quintela Uloge / Cast: Mario Balmaseda, Mario Guerra, Leonardo Gascon
Izgradnja prve nuklearne elektrane u karipskom pojasu, poznate pod imenom Elektro-nuklearni grad, bila je grandiozni sovjetsko-kubanski projekt započet osamdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća. Nakon propasti SSSR-a projekt je u potpunosti obustavljen. Dvadeset godina kasnije, projekt koji je u vrijeme pokretanja prozvan projektom stoljeća, i dalje nije završen. Ostaci nedovršene nuklearne elektrane dio su života stanovnika područja oko nje, takozvanog Elektro-nuklearnog grada. Dok se na TV ekranima u Elektro-nuklearnom gradu emituje paljenje olimpijskog plamena, tri usamljena muškarca prate pojavljivanje kubanske delegacije na Olimpijskim igrama u Londonu. The Electro-Nuclear City formed part of the grand Soviet-Cuban undertaking in the 1980's to build the Caribbean's first nuclear power plant. With the collapse of the USSR, the project came to a complete halt. Twenty years have now passed and the Project of the Century, as it was called in its moment, remains unfinished. The remnants of the power plant colour the lives of the inhabitants of the ENC. As the television sets of the ENC glow with the image of the Olympic flame, three solitary men watch the Cuban delegation's arrival at the London Olympic Games.
Ruski djetlić / The Russian Woodpecker
Putovanje / Viaje
Costa Rica, 2015, Black & White, 71 min. Režija / Director: Paz Fábrega Uloge / Cast: Kattia González, Fernando Bolaños
Pedro (30) i Lucijana (29) upoznaju se na žurci i na kraju provedu noć zajedno. Sljedećeg dana on treba da krene na put u Rincón de la Vieja, vulkansko područje u Kostarici, gdje radi na svom naučnom projektu. S obzirom da ona uskoro odlazi na putovanje u inostranstvo, možda se neće više nikada vidjeti, osim ako ona ne krene s njim za vikend. PUTOVANJE je film o prvom zajedničkom vikendu. Dvoje stranaca usred ničega, pred kojima je još jedan dan koji će provesti zajedno. Nekada se jedan vikend može činiti kao više od par dana. Pedro (30) and Luciana (29) meet at a party and end up spending the night together. The next day, he has to make a trip up to Rincón de la Vieja, a volcano area in Costa Rica, where he is working on his scientific thesis project. Since she's leaving on a trip abroad soon, they may never see each other again… unless she goes along with him for the weekend. VIAJE is about this first weekend together. Two strangers in the middle of nowhere, with one more day ahead of them to spend together. Sometimes, one weekend can feel like more than a couple of days.
Ruski djetlić / The Russian Woodpecker
Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA, 2015, Colour, 82 min. Režija / Director: Chad Gracia Uloge / Cast: Fedor Alexandrovich, Vladimir Komarov
Fedor Alexandrović je radioaktivan čovjek. Imao je četiri godine kada je 1986. izložen toksičnim zračenjima nakon havarije u Černobilu i kada je bio prisiljen napustiti svoj dom. Sada ima 33 godine, radi kao umjetnik u Ukrajini, ima radioaktivni stroncij u kostima i samo jednu opsesiju - da otkrije zašto se zapravo desila katastrofa koja je promijenila njegov svijet. Da li su sovjetske vlasti otkrile cijelu istinu ili su sakrili neke činjenice? I najznačajnije od
Ubijanje vremena: između dva fronta / Killing Time
svih pitanja, kakve je sve to imalo veze sa ogromnom, misterioznom čeličnom piramidom udaljenom svega par kilometara od mjesta nesreće, a koja sada lagano trune. Piramida je zapravo impozantno hladnoratovsko oružje poznato pod imenom Duga i nadimkom "ruski djetlić" koje emituje kuckave radiosignale. Fedor Alexandrovich is a radioactive man. He was four years old in 1986, when he was exposed to the toxic effects of the Chernobyl nuclear meltdown and forced to leave his home. Now 33, he is an artist in Ukraine, with radioactive strontium in his bones and a singular obsession with the earth-changing catastrophe - why did it actually happen? Was there more to the story than the Soviet government let on? And, most importantly, what did this all have to do with the giant, mysterious steel pyramid now rotting away 2 miles from the disaster site: a hulking Cold War weapon known as the Duga and nicknamed "the Russian Woodpecker" for the strange, constant clicking radio frequencies that it emits?
Iran, 2015, Colour, 82 min. Režija / Director: Jafar Panahi Uloge / Cast: Jafar Panahi
Žuti taksi vozi se živim i šarenim ulicama Teherana. U njega ulaze različiti putnici, svaki iskreno izražava svoje stavove dok razgovaraju sa vozačem koji nije niko drugi nego režiser Jafar Panahi. Njegova kamera, postavljena na šoferšajbu njegovog mobilnog filmskog studija, snima duh iranskog društva kroz ovu komičnu i dramatičnu vožnju... A yellow cab is driving through the vibrant and colourful streets of Tehran. Very diverse passengers enter the taxi, each candidly expressing their views while being interviewed by the driver who is no one else but the director Jafar Panahi himself. His camera placed on the dashboard of his mobile film studio captures the spirit of Iranian society through this comedic and dramatic drive…
Israel, 2015, Black & White, 120 min. Režija / Director: Avishai Sivan Uloge / Cast: Aharon Traitel, Khalifa Natour, Riki Blich, Omri Fuhrer, Dani Kedem, Shani Ben Haim
Haim-Aaron je bistar, ultrakonzervativan jevrejski teolog koji živi u Jerusalemu. Njegovi talenti i duhovna posvećenost predmet su opšte zavisti. Jedne noći, nakon samonametnutog posta, HaimAaron kolabira i gubi svijest. Doktori ga proglašavaju mrtvim, ali njegov otac nastavlja sa pokušajima da ga oživi i Haim-Aaron se, suprotno svim očekivanjima, vraća u život. Haim-Aaron se nakon nesreće uzaludno trudi da oživi vlastiti interes za duhovni nauk. Teško se nosi sa neočekivanim buđenjem svoga tijela iz vječitog sna i vjeruje da ga Bog stavlja na kušnju. Počinje da se pita da li da skrene sa propisanog puta i potraži novi način da pobudi svoja vjerska osjećanja… Haim-Aaron is a bright, ultra-orthodox religious scholar living in Jerusalem. His talents and devotion are envied by all. One evening, following a selfimposed fast, Haim-Aaron collapses and loses consciousness. The paramedics announce his death, but his father takes over resuscitation efforts and, beyond all expectations, Haim-Aaron comes back to life. After the accident, try as he might, Haim-Aaron remains apathetic to his studies. He feels overwhelmed by a sudden awakening of his body and suspects this is God testing him. He wonders if he should stray from the prescribed path and find a way to rekindle his faith...
Ubijanje vremena: između dva fronta / Killing Time France, Belgium, 2015, Colour, 88 min. Režija / Director: Lydie Wisshaupt-Claudel
Duboko u stjenovitoj kalifornijskoj pustinji nalazi se vojni gradić Twentynine Palms. Iznikao uz veliku vojnu bazu američkih marinaca, gradić tokom cijele godine dočekuje trupe na povratku iz Iraka i
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Vatre u ravnici / Fires on the Plain
Afganistana. Bilo da su na dopustu ili već ponovo na pripremama, ovi mladići sa svojom braćom po oružju ili sa članovima svojih porodica ubijaju vrijeme u okruženju koje ih neprekidno podsjeća na ratnu zonu iz koje su se netom vratili. Banalnost njihovog svakodnevnog života pokazuje koliko će se ovim muškarcima biti teško navići na svoj stari život koji će im se zauvijek činiti tuđim i stranim. Deep in the rocky Californian desert lies a small military town named Twentynine Palms. Neighbouring a large marine corps base, it welcomes troops coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan all year around. On leave or already back to training, these young man kill time by themselves, among brothers in arms or with their family, in a surrounding constantly reminding them of the warzone they just left behind. The banality of everyday life shows how difficult it will be for these men to reclaim a life that will seem forever foreign.
Vatre u ravnici / Fires on the Plain Japan, 2014, Colour, 87 min. Režija / Director: Shinya Tsukamoto Uloge / Cast: Shinya Tsukamoto, Lily Franky, Tatsuya Nakamura, Yusaku Mori, Yuko Nakamura
Pred kraj Drugog svjetskog rata japanska okupaciona vojska na Filipinima ubrzano gubi prevlast, istovremeno suočena sa lokalnim pokretom otpora i američkom vojnom ofanzivom. Par posljednjih preživjelih japanskih vojnika prelazi u stanje svijesti u kojem nema prijatelja, neprijatelja ili Boga. In the final stages of WWII, the Japanese occupation army in the Philippines is rapidly losing ground, facing local resistance combined with an American offensive. The final few Japanese survivors, almost
Zelena soba / Green Room
wiped out, have now crossed over the threshold into a realm where there are no friends, enemies or God.
Zagrljaj zmije / Embrace of the Serpent
Columbia, Venezuela, Argentina, 2015, Colour and b&w, 125 min. Režija / Director: Ciro Guerra Uloge / Cast: Jan Bijvoet, Brionne Davis, Nilbio Torres Antonio Bolivar, Yauenkü Migue
Moćni amazonski vrač Karamakate, posljednji preživjeli iz svog naroda, živi u dobrovoljnoj izolaciji duboko u džungli. Decenije samoće pretvorile su ga u chullachaqui, praznu ljušturu čovjeka lišenog uspomena i osjećaja. Njegov prazan život uzdrman je dolaskom Evana, američkog etnobotaničara u potrazi za Yakrunom, moćnom svetom biljkom sposobnom da poučava kako sanjati. Zajedno kreću na putovanje u srcu Amazona u kojem su isprepleteni prošlost, sadašnjost i budućnost, a gdje će Karamakate polako početi da vraća svoje izgubljene uspomene. Karamakate, a powerful Amazonian shaman, last survivor of his people, dwells deep in the jungle, in voluntary isolation. Decades of solitude have turned him into a chullachaqui, an empty shell of a human, devoid of memories and emotion. His hollow life is shaken with the arrival of Evan, an American ethnobotanist in search of the Yakruna, a powerful sacred plant, capable of teaching how to dream. Together they embark on a journey into the heart of the Amazon in which past, present and future are intertwined, and in which Karamakate will slowly begin to regain his lost memories.
Zagrljaj zmije / Embrace of the Serpent
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Zelena soba / Green Room
USA, 2015, Colour, 94 min. Režija / Director: Jeremy Saulnier Uloge / Cast: Anton Yelchin, Alia Shawkat, Joe Cole, Callum Turner, Mark Webber, Eric Edelstein, Macon Blair
Članovi punk-rock benda The Ain't Rights, koje je napustila sreća, na brzinu pristaju da održe koncert u klubu uz ivicu ceste negdje u zabitima Oregona i na sebe neočekivano navlače bijes nasilne rasističke, bjelačke bande. Nakon što završe nastup u bezimenom skinhed klubu, članovi benda slučajno nabasaju na jezivu scenu ubistva i postaju meta okrutnog vlasnika kluba i njegovih snagatora odlučnih da eliminišu svjedoke zločina. Znatno malobrojniji i slabije naoružani, preplašeni se muzičari zabarikadiraju iza scene kako bi kupili vrijeme potrebno za organizaciju pokušaja bijega. Nakon što do zuba naoružana milicija izvodi smrtonosan napad na klub, preživjeli sakupljaju snagu za posljednji pokušaj spasa iznenadivši svoje protivnike neočekivanom domišljatošću i hrabrošću. Down-on-their-luck punk rockers The Ain't Rights agree to a last-minute gig in a backwoods Oregon roadhouse only to find themselves caught in the crosshairs of a violent white-supremacist gang. After finishing their set in the no-name skinhead club, the band members stumble upon a grisly murder scene and are targeted by a ruthless club owner and his henchmen, determined to eliminate all witnesses. Hopelessly outmanned and outgunned, the terrified musicians barricade themselves backstage to buy time for an escape attempt. As a heavily armed militia mounts a deadly assault, the survivors pull together in a last-ditch effort, surprising their opponents with unexpected ingenuity and courage.
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Arhitektura / Architecture
Ferdinand Knapp
Čežnja za daljinom / Fernweh
Kamenčići na tvom pragu / Pebbles at Your Door
Među nama / Among Us
Vrana / The Crow
Selektorica / Programmer: Vanja Kaluđerčić
EUROPEAN SHORTS Arhitektura / Architecture
Germany, 2015, Colour, 15 min. Režija / Director: Ulu Braun Uloge / Cast: Joachim Stargard, John-Patrick Morarescu
U početku bijaše cigla, koja je letjela kroz prostor. Proletjevši pored nebodera u jednom gradu u Aziji, nastavlja se nanovo pojavljivati tokom cijelog filma o gradnji i uništenju. Cigla na ciglu - kuda to na kraju vodi? In the beginning there was a brick, which flew through space. It flew past skyscrapers in a city in Asia and keeps reappearing in this film about construction and destruction. Brick by brick, where will that ultimately lead?
Čežnja za daljinom / Fernweh
Netherlands, 2014, Colour, 14 min. Režija / Director: Ena Sendijarević Uloge / Cast: Shona Smit, Sidney Staalsmid, Bien de Moor
Mlada djevojka istražuje nepoznati svijet svoje hraniteljske porodice i oprezno pokušava da u novom mjestu stvori svoj dom. Međutim, čini se da ona žudi za nečim drugim. A young girl explores the unknown world of her new foster family and cautiously tries to make this new place her home. However, she seems to keep longing for something else.
Ferdinand Knapp
France, Italy, 2014, Black & White, 15 min. Režija / Director: Andrea Baldini Uloge / Cast: Dominique Pinon, Phiippe Du Janerand
Ferdinand Knapp je istaknuti glumac francuskog pozorišta kojeg svi obožavaju. Dok se priprema za novu predstavu, tekst uloge počinje da se muti između njegove ličnosti i ličnosti zlobnog lika kojeg glumi. Njegov dvojnik pretvara njegovu stvarnost u noćnu moru i primorava ga da počini nepopravljivo djelo… Ferdinand Knapp is the pre-eminent actor of French theatre, revered by all. In preparing for a new play, the lines between his character’s malevolent personality and his own begin to blur. His double warps his reality into a nightmare and compels him to commit an irredeemable act...
Kamenčići na tvom pragu / Pebbles at Your Door Denmark, 2015, Colour, 19 min. Režija / Director: Vibeke Bryld
Žena iz sjevernokorejske elite se suočava sa realnošću njenog nekada djetinjstva i sa nemogućim zadatkom da zacijeli život čije su niti pokidane od samog rođenja. A woman from the North Korean elite faces the reality of her once-beloved childhood paradise and the impossible task of healing a life that has been torn from birth.
Među nama / Among Us
netherlands, 2015, Black & White, 28 min. Režija / Director: Guido Hendrikx
Tri samosvjesna, visokoobrazovana pedofila pružaju šokantan uvid u svoja iskustva. Kako se nositi sa seksualnom orjentacijom koju i društvo u kojem živite i vi sami smatrate morbidnom? Three self-conscious, highly educated paedophiles give a shocking insight into their experiences. How do you cope with a sexual orientation that's considered morbid by society and yourself?
Ocijeni me / Rate Me
UK, 2015, Colour, b&w, 17 min. Režija / Director: Fyzal Boulifa Uloge / Cast: Zehra Zorba, Leo Hatton, James Pierce
Portret tinejdžerke Coco koja radi kao eskort djevojka. A portrait of teenage escort Coco.
Vodene kozice / Chickenpox
Italy, 2015, Colour, 14 min. Režija / Director: Fulvio Risuleo Uloge / Cast: Giordana Morandini, Edoardo Pesce
Vodene kozice nisu ništa ozbiljno kada ste mladi. Međutim, za odrasle mogu biti vrlo opasne. Kada Mama to sazna, počne se brinuti sa svog sina Carla, koji ih još uvijek nije prebolovao. Pošto brzo raste, nešto mora biti učinjeno. Ona mora pronaći način da ga ''zarazi''. No da li se i Tata slaže ? Chickenpox is a very small thing if you're young. But
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
if you're a grown-up it can be very dangerous. When Mommy finds out, she starts worrying about Carlo, her son, who still isn't sick. He's growing fast, something must soon be done. She needs to find a way to ''make him'' sick. But does Daddy agree ?
Vrana / The Crow
Poland, 2014, Black & White, 8 min. Režija / Director: Przemyslaw Chrobak
Ovaj film je kaleidoskop ljudskog ponašanja uzrokovanog neobičnim događajem na jednom od varšavskih imanja. The film is a kaleidoscope of human behavior to the unusual event on one of Warsaw's estates.
Zakon primirja / Lawes of the Marches Great Britain, 2015, Colour, 16 min. Režija / Director: Katie Davies
Film prikazuje drevnu tradiciju zajedničke konjaničke manifestacije Common Ridings koja se svake godine održava na granici između Engleske i Škotske. THE LAWES OF THE MARCHES documents the ancient border tradition of the Common Ridings all along the border of England and Scotland.
Zubi / Teeth
UK, Hungary, USA, 2015, Colour, 6 min. Režija / Director: Daniel Gray, Tom Brown Uloge / Cast: Richard E Grant
Stvari koje se zapuste često se izgube zauvijek. Alegorijska priča o životu čovjeka zabilježena kroz gubitak zuba. Things that are neglected are often lost forever. An allegorical tale of a man's life chronicled through the loss of his teeth. EUROPEAN SHORTS 1: FERNWEH / PEBBLES AT YOUR DOOR /FERDINAND KNAPP / LAWES OF THE MARCHES / ARCHITECTURE EUROPEAN SHORTS 2: TEETH / CHICKENPOX / THE CROW / RATE ME / AMONG US
Zubi / Teeth
Zakon primirja / Lawes of the Marches
Kokoška / The Chicken
Vodene kozice / Chickenpox
Ocijeni me / Rate Me
CARTE BLANCHE: Sundance Film Festival Kokoška / The Chicken
Germany, Croatia, 2014, Colour, 15 min. Režija / Director: Una Gunjak Uloge / Cast: Iman Alibalić, Esma Alić, Mirela Lambić
Selma dobija živu kokošku kao poklon za šesti rođendan. Kad shvati da će životinja biti ubijena da bi se nahranila porodica, odlučuje da je spasi i pusti na slobodu, nesvjesna velike opasnosti do koje će dovesti takav postupak. Sarajevo, 1993. As a present for her 6th birthday, Selma gets a live chicken. When she realises the animal is going to be killed to feed the family, she decides to save it and set it free, unaware of the high stakes such action will lead to. Sarajevo, 1993.
Mlada samohrana majka pokušava uskladiti svoj nekadašnji bezbrižni život sa svojim novim životom mlade majke. Kriza nastupa tokom jednog specifičnog popodnevnog odmora kada Bridgette u posjetu poziva starog prijatelja. A young single mother struggles to balance her old life of freedom with her new one as mom. It all comes to a head during one particular nap-time when Bridgette invites an old friend over for a visit.
Sa navršenih 86 godina, Joy Johnson je 2013. postala najstarija žena koja je ikada trčala na njujorškom gradskom maratonu. Ovo je priča jedne inspirativne sportistkinje koja neuobičajeno strastveno pristupa svome sportu i životu uopšte. At 86, Joy Johnson was the oldest woman to run the 2013 New York City Marathon. The story of an inspiring athlete with an uncommon passion for her sport, and for life.
Svijet sutrašnjice / World of Tomorrow
Subota / Saturday
UK, 2014, Colour, 15 min. Režija / Director: Mike Forshaw Uloge / Cast: Harrison Vaughan, Elizabeth Berrington
USA, 2015, Colour, 17 min. Režija / Director: Don Hertzfeldt Uloge / Cast: Julia Pott, Winona Mae
mulignan(s) /moo.lin.yan(s)/ 1. Italo-američki žargonski izraz za crnca. Porijeklo vodi od italijanske riječi za “patlidžan”. Pogledati i pod: moolie. Izvor: Urbani riječnik i manje-više svaki ikada snimljen mafijaški film. mulignan(s) /moo.lin.yan(s)/ n. 1. Italian-American slang for a black man. Derived from Italian dialect word for "eggplant." See also: moolie. Source: Urban Dictionary and pretty much every mob movie ever.
15. april 1989: jedna fudbalska utakmica zauvijek mijenja Liamov život kao i grad Liverpul…ovaj igrani film govori o iskustvu jedne porodice iz Merseysidea u Engleskoj sa katastrofom na Hilsborough stadionu u kojoj je 96 navijača Liverpula izgubilo život... April 15, 1989: A soccer match changes Liam's life and the city of Liverpool forever… This fictional account relates how the Hillsborough Stadium disaster—which claimed the lives of 96 Liverpool supporters—unfolded for a family in Merseyside, England.
Mala djevojčica kreće na zbunjujuće putovanje kroz daleku budućnost. A little girl is taken on a mind-bending tour of the distant future.
Svaki dan / Every Day
USA, 2014, Colour, 5 min. Režija / Director: Shaka King Uloge / Cast: Shaka King, Cavalier, Jerard Anderson
USA, 2014, Colour, 9 min. Režija / Director: Frankie Shaw
Uloge / Cast: Thomas Middleditch, Luna Dukic, Frankie Shaw
USA, 2014, Colour, 12 min. Režija / Director: Gabe Spitzer
Svaki dan / Every Day
Uzmi me / Take Me
Canada, 2014, Colour, 10 min. Režija / Directors: Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette, André Turpin Uloge / Cast: Maxime D. Pomerleau, Alexandre Vallerand
Bolničar zaposlen u centru za osobe sa invaliditetom biva prisiljen da preispita vlastite principe nakon što dobije zahtijev za jednu posebnu uslugu. A nurse working at a center for the disabled is confronted by his principles when he’s asked to accomplish a particular task.
Subota / Saturday SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Filmski zvuk / Film Sound
Milion milja dalje / A Million Miles Away
Nevjerovatne priče mlade ženske ekipe. poglavlje I: Paučice / EExceptional Tales From a Young Female Team. Chapter 1: Arachnids
Uzmi me / Take Me
Oklop / Carapace
Grace pod vodom / Grace Under Water
CARTE BLANCHE: Clermont-Ferrand Filmski zvuk / Film Sound
enigmatic stepdaughter Grace when an unexpected challenge arises from the depths of a warm, dreamy afternoon at the local pool.
Roberto Michelino je izumitelj muzičkih instrumenata koji se kreće kroz grad okružen zvukovima koje sam proizvodi. Vizuelna i zvučna kompozicija filma poziva gledaoca da se prepusti hipnotičkom i kinestetičnom iskustvu. Film u kojem gledaoci vide zvuk i slušaju slike. Roberto Michelino is an inventor of musical instruments who goes through the city surrounded by the sounds he creates himself. The visual and sound compositions invite the audience to immerse in a hypnotic and kinesthetic experience. A film in which one sees the sound and listens to the images.
Milion milja dalje / A Million Miles Away
Brazil, 2014, Colour, 9 min. Režija / Directors: Alexandre Moura, Cesar Gananian Uloge / Cast: Roberto Michelino
Grace pod vodom / Grace Under Water
Australia, 2014, Colour, 8 min. Režija / Director: Anthony Lawrence
Lou je na pragu da izgubi hladni rat koji vodi sa svojom tvrdoglavom i enigmatičnom posvojenom kćerkom Grace kada se iz dubina toplog, sanjivog poslijepodneva na lokalnom bazenu izdigne novi izazov. Lou is losing the cold war with her stubborn and
USA, 2014, Colour, 28 min. Režija / Director: Jennifer Reeder Uloge / Cast: Kelsey Ashby-Middleton, Jennifer Estlin
Prepuštanje melanholiji je strategija preživljavanja na američkom srednjem zapadu: odrasla žena (dirigentica) na granici propasti i čopor mladih djevojaka (hor) istovremeno doživljavanju nadprirodno iskustvo odrastanja. Melancholy as a survival strategy in the American Mid-West: an adult woman (the conductor) on the edge of failing and a pack of teenage girls (the choir) simultaneously experience a supernatural version of coming-of-age.
Nevjerovatne priče mlade ženske ekipe. poglavlje I: Paučice / Exceptional Tales From a Young Female Team. Chapter 1: Arachnids Argentina, Venezuela, 2015, Colour, 10 min. Režija / Director: Tom Espinoza
Uloge / Cast: Sofía Girotto, Mora Escolá
Arachnids je sinhronizovani plivački tim sastavljen od pet tinejdžerki. Nova članica tima, Nina, jednoga dana otkriva mračnu vezu između svojih drugarica i gnijezda tarantula. Arachnids is a synchronized swimming team made up of five teenagers girls. One day, Nina, the new team member, discovers a dark connection between her companions and a nest of tarantulas.
Oklop / Carapace
France, 2014, Colour, 16 min. Režija / Director: Flora Molinié Uloge / Cast: Juliette Lamboley, Laurent Delbecque
Lili je zaljubljena, ali ne može voditi ljubav i ni sama ne zna zašto je to tako. Leo u potpunosti suosjeća sa njom, ali Lili je frustrirana, očajna i prije svega prestrašena da njihova veza neće moći potrajati ukoliko se nešto ne promijeni. Tako počinje njena borba da povrati kontrolu nad svojim tijelom i svojom sudbinom. Lili is in love, but can't make love. She has no idea why. Leo is full of empathy, but Lili is frustrated, desperate, and above all scared that their relationship can't last like this. Thus begins her quest to take charge of her body, her destiny.
CINEFONDATION CANNES: Winners 2015 Erkinov povratak / The Return of Erkin Russia, 2015, Colour, 28 min. Režija / Director: Maria Guskova
Erkin izlazi iz zatvora i želi da se vrati svom starom životu. Ali, sve se promijenilo i ne zna da li može živjeti kao slobodan čovjek. Erkin gets out of prison and wants to return to his former life. But everything has changed and he does not know if he can live as a free man.
Izgubljene kraljice / Lost Queens Chile, 2015, Colour, 28 min. Režija / Director: Ignacio Juricic Uloge / Cast: Andrew Bargsted, Catalina Vásquez Cristi
Rodrigo (18), koji radi u klubu kao homoseksualac u ženskoj odjeći, uhapšen je tokom policijske racije koju je prenijela televizija, 2006. godine. Vraća se kući u strahu da će ga porodica vidjeti na vijestima.
Dok se svi spremaju za zabavu, on planira da bježi sa svojim parom, frizerom i prijateljem porodice. In 1996, Rodrigo (18) is arrested by the police in a televised raid on the club where he works as a drag queen. He goes back home, fearful that his family will see him on the news. While they are all getting ready for a party, he plans to run away with his couple, a hairdresser and friend of the family.
USA, 2015, Colour, 11 min. Režija / Director: Pippa Bianco
Petnaestogodišnja djevočica se vraća u školu nakon što je neko objavio njen video snimak eksplicitnog sadržaja. A 15-year-old girl returns to school after someone shares an explicit video of her.
Victor XX
Spain, 2015, Colour, 21 min.
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Režija / Director: Ian Garrido
Victor voli eksperimentisati sa svojim spolom. Ne zna da li se osjeća kao muškarac ili žena. Živi u malom primorskom mjestu u Almeriji, sa majkom Mari Angeles i djevojkom Rahmom. Nakon što dođe u grad, zaštićen anonimnošću, on otkriva sebe. Ali tajne ne traju vječno i Victor će se morati suočiti sa majkom i djevojkom kako bi se zauzeo za stvarnu sliku koju vidi u ogledalu. Victor likes to experiment with his gender. He doesn?t know if he feels like a boy or a girl. He lives in a small seaside village in Almeria, with his mother Mari Angeles and his girlfriend Rahma. Once in the town, protected by anonymity, he discovers himself. But secrets do not last forever and Victor will have to face his mother and girlfriend in order to stand up for the real image reflected in his mirror.
Svijet sutrašnjice / World of Tomorrow
Erkinov povratak / The Return of Erkin
Izgubljene kraljice / Lost Queens
Victor XX
Brodolom / Shipwreck
SHORT MATTERS! European Film Academy Short Film Nominees 2014 Brodolom / Shipwreck
Netherlands, Italy, 2014, Colour, 15 min. Režija / Director: Morgan Knibbe
3. oktobra 2013. brod sa 500 izbjeglica iz Eritreje potonuo je u blizini obale italijanskog otoka Lampedusa. Više od 360 osoba se utopilo. Dok se stotine mrtvačkih kovčega utovara na vojni brod, u luci nastaje haos. On 3 October 2013, a boat carrying 500 Eritrean refugees sunk off the coast of the Italian island Lampedusa. More than 360 people drowned. Chaos breaks loose at the harbour, whilst hundreds of coffins are being loaded onto a military ship.
Georgia, 2013, Colour, 15 min. Režija / Director: Mariam Khatchvani Uloge / Cast: Nutsi Khaptani, Katie Lortkipanidze, Vakhtang Chachanidze, Datuna Guledani
Svaneti je najviši planinski predio u Gruziji. Selo Ushuguli, visokim snjegovima izolovano od ostatka svijeta, najviše je naseljeno mjesto u Evropi. Jedna je žena prekršila stroga gorštačka pravila i protiv želje roditelja se udala iz ljubavi. Ali kada njen voljeni suprug umre, prisiljena je da se uda za prvog muškarca koji je zaprosi. Svaneti is the highest mountainous part of Georgia. Isolated by heavy snowfalls stands the Ushguli village, the highest settlement in Europe. A woman breaks the strict laws of the mountains and marries for love against her family’s will. But when her beloved husband dies, she is forced to marry the first man who proposes to her.
Dolina kitova / Whale Valley
Denmark, Iceland, 2013, Colour, 15 min. Režija / Directors: Gudmundur Arnar Gudmundsson Uloge / Cast: Ágúst Örn B. Wigum, Einar Jóhann Valsson
Ovo je film o čistoj ljubavi između dva brata koja sa roditeljima žive na udaljenom islandskom fjordu. Mlađi brat, dječak, svjedoči trenutku između života ili smrti starijeg brata, što pokreće mogućnost za veliku tragediju ili pak prekretnicu za bolja vremena u njihovim životima. The film shows a pure love story between two brothers who live in a remote Icelandic fjord with
their parents. When the younger brother, a little boy, witnesses a life or death moment involving his big brother it sets in motion the possibility of either a great tragedy or a turning point to better times in both of their lives.
of the world possessed by evil. The same piece of land is shown multiple times in different scenes. The repetition is painful and pessimistic and the world, trapped in a vicious cycle of evil, is unable to break free.
Hitni pozivi / Emergency Calls
Mali cementni blok razbarušene kose koja sadrži more / Little Block of Cement With Dishevelled Hair Containing the Sea
Finland, 2013, Colour, 15 min. Režija / Directors: Hannes Vartiainen, Pekka Veikkolainen Uloge / Cast: Juha Hippi, Lauri Hynninen, Eeva Putro
Ljudska bića imaju krhku i kratkotrajnu mogućnost da iskuse život i svemir koji ih okružuje. Suočeni sa preovlađujućom tamom, samo jedni u drugima možemo naći podršku i utjehu. Ovaj je film zasnovan na stvarnim hitnim pozivima i radio komunikaciji. Being human is a fragile and fleeting opportunity to experience life and the universe around us. In the face of overwhelming darkness all we can do is to rely on and find solace in one another. This film is based on authentic emergency calls and radio traffic.
Kokoška / The Chicken
Germany, Croatia, 2014, Colour, 15 min. Režija / Director: Una Gunjak Uloge / Cast: Iman Alibalić, Esma Alić, Mirela Lambić
Selma dobija živu kokošku kao poklon za šesti rođendan. Kad shvati da će životinja biti ubijena da bi se nahranila porodica, odlučuje da je spasi i pusti na slobodu, nesvjesna velike opasnosti do koje će dovesti takav postupak. Sarajevo, 1993. As a present for her 6th birthday, Selma gets a live chicken. When she realises the animal is going to be killed to feed the family, she decides to save it and set it free, unaware of the high stakes such action will lead to. Sarajevo, 1993.
Ljeto 2014 / Summer 2014 Poland, 2014, Black & White, 12 min. Režija / Director: Wojciech Sobczyk
Pesimističan osvrt na ljudsku sudbinu, univerzalna priča o svijetu u kojem vlada zlo. Isti se komad zemlje prikazuje više puta u različitim scenama. Ponavljanje je bolno i pesimistično, a svijet je zarobljen u okrutnom krugu zla iz kojeg ne može da se otrgne. A pessimistic view of the human fate, a universal tale
Spain, Ecuador, 2013, Black & White, 16 min. Režija / Director: Jorge López Navarrete Uloge / Cast: Kinara, Tomi
Pas i kobila zajedno kreću na put. Sa svakim korakom koji pređu razlike među njima postaju sve vidljivije. Uprkos tome, duboko međusobno razumijevanje koje postižu sa protokom vremena ukazuje na mogućnost da zajedno iskuse jedan blještav trenutak. A dog and a mare embark on a voyage together. With every step they take, the differences between them become inevitably clearer yet the profound mutual understanding they develop over time shows the potential to suddenly produce a luminous moment between the two.
Nestali šal / The Missing Scarf Ireland, 2013, Colour, 7 min. Režija / Director: Eoin Duffy Uloge / Cast: George Takei
Vjeverica Albert otkriva nešto zapanjujuće… prazno mjesto gdje je nekada stajao njegov omiljeni šal. Odlazi u šumu gdje uviđa da se svako bavi vlastitim brigama... Albert the Squirrel makes a startling discovery... an empty space where once his favourite scarf lay. He heads off into the forest only to find everyone else is preoccupied with worries of their own...
Ostalo je još_života / Still Got Lives_
Germany, 2013, Colour, 23 min. Režija / Director: Jan-Gerrit Seyler Uloge / Cast: Bazon Rosengarth, Swantje Kohlhof
Marco i Lisa se vole. U virtualnom svijetu rame uz rame bore se protiv strašnih čudovišta, ali Lisa u
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Mali cementni blok razbarušene kose koja sadrži more / Little Block of Cement With Dishevelled Hair Containing the Sea
stvarnom životu odbija da upozna Marca. Kada Lisa jednog dana prestane igrati kompjutersku igru, Marko odluči da je potraži. Tek tada otkriva pravu strahotu. Marco and Lisa are in love. Online, they fight side by side against dreadful monsters. However, Lisa refuses to meet Marco in real life. When one day she stops showing up for the game, Marco decides to go searching for her. He finds a new world. And learns real dread.
Ponos / Pride
Bulgaria, 2013, Colour, 30 min. Režija / Director: Pavel G. Vesnakov Uloge / Cast: Aleksandar Aleksiev, Ani Bakalova
Manol je general u penziji i brižni djed strogih patrijarhalnih nazora i zacementiranih vrijednosti čije poštivanje očekuje od članova svoga domaćinstva. Jednoga dana Manol saznaje da je dječak kojeg je odgojio homoseksualac. Životni izbori osoba koje Manol voli sukobljavaju se sa njegovim vlastitim vrijednostima u bitci iz koje će Manol neizbježno izaći kao gubitnik. Manol, a retired general and a loving grandfather is a patriarch of firm morals and fixed beliefs, which he has upheld in his household. But on this day he learns that the boy he raised is gay. The life choices of his loved ones challenge his values in a battle he has lost by default.
Šira slika / The Bigger Picture
Hitni pozivi / Emergency Calls
Svakodnevni hljeb / Daily Bread
Nestali šal / The Missing Scarf
Ponos / Pride
Svakodnevni hljeb / Daily Bread Israel, 2014, Colour, 20 min. Režija / Director: Idan Hube Uloge / Cast: Adam Shmidt
Jonathan voli čokoladu. Jednoga dana ukrade posljednji preostali komad čokolade iz tegle. Nakon što ga maćeha uhvati na djelu, a braća ga odbace, Jonathan odluči pobjeći od kuće. Kada počne da pada noć, hladnoća i glad ga mame da se vrati kući. Ali ga sebi sve više privlači treptaj svjetla u mraku... Jonathan loves chocolate. One day he steals the last remaining chocolate in the jar. When his stepmother catches him and his brothers ostracize him, he decides to run away. Night falls and the cold and the hunger beckon him to return home. But a glimmer of light in the darkness draws him nearer...
Portugal, Sri Lanka, Denmark, 2014, Colour, 24 min. Režija / Director: Gabriel Abrantes Uloge / Cast: Natxo Checa, Jani Zhao
Luis Vaz de Camões, najslavniji portugalski renesansni pjesnik, prolazi kroz kreativnu krizu dok piše svoje remek-djelo Os Lusiadas. Putuje od kakofonije indijske džungle do granica raja i pakla gdje se suočava sa svojim fantazijama: slavom i besmrtnošću. Luis Vaz de Camões, the greatest Portuguese renaissance poet, struggles creatively as he writes
Majmunski ljubavni eksperimenti / Monkey Love Experiments
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
his masterpiece Os Lusiadas. He travels from the cacophony of the Indic jungles to the frontier of Heaven and Hell, where he is confronted by his fantasy: fame and immortality.
Zid / Wall
Hungary, 2013, Colour, 11 min. Režija / Director: Simon Szabó Uloge / Cast: Sándor Tóth
Laci je šesnaestogodišnji romski dječak koji živi od povremenih poslova. Jednog ga dana, zajedno sa malom grupom radnika, pokupe na ulici za jedan građevinski posao. Mora raditi na završetku zida koji okružuje niz stambenih zgrada. Na kraju se od njega traži da završi posao. Po prvi put gleda preko zida, gdje se za njega krije neobično otkriće. Laci is a 16-year old gypsy boy, who lives doing casual jobs. One day, he gets picked up from the streets along with a small group of workers for a construction job. He has to participate in the completion of a wall that surrounds a series of tenement buildings. In the end, Laci is asked to complete the work. He now takes his first look beyond the wall, which holds an unusual revelation for him. PART 1: EMERGENCY CALLS / LITTLE BLOCK OF CEMENT WITH DISHEVELLED HAIR CONTAINING THE SEA / TAPROBANA / THE MISSING SCARF / THE CHICKEN PART 2: SHIPWRECK / WALL / DINOLA / DAILY BREAD / SUMMER 2014 PART 3: WHALE VALLEY / STILL GOT LIVES / PRIDE
Tri brata / Three Brothers
Ljeto 2014 / Summer 2014
Ostalo je još_života / Still Got Lives_
Zid / Wall
Dolina kitova / Whale Valley
Emocionalni prekidač / Emotional Fusebox
EE BAFTA Short Film Nominees 2015 Boogaloo i Graham / Boogaloo and Graham UK, 2014, Colour, 14 min. Režija / Director: Michael Lennox
Sedamdesetih godina prošloga vijeka dva mlada dječaka u Belfastu otkrivaju životne istine uz pomoć svojih ljubimica kokoši. In 1970's Belfast two young boys discover the facts of life with the help of their pet chickens.
Emocionalni prekidač / Emotional Fusebox UK, 2014, Colour, 14 min. Režija / Director: Rachel Tunnard
Ana vodi samotnjački život u baštenskoj kućici svoje majke. Tu želi ostati, ali majka ima drugačije planove. Anna lives a hermit’s life in her Mum’s garden shed. She wants to stay there but her Mum has other plans.
Karmanova linija / The Karman Line
Jedan se tinejdžer konačno mora pomiriti sa istinom o samom sebi. A teenage boxer must finally come to terms with his true colours.
Majmunski ljubavni eksperimenti / Monkey Love Experiments
UK, 2014, Colour, 8 min. Režija / Director: Daisy Jacobs
Jedna majka obolijeva od neobične bolesti uslijed
Šira slika / The Bigger Picture
Inspirisan ljubavlju, zabludjeli majmun vjeruje da mu je suđeno da ode na mjesec. Inspired by love, a misguided monkey believes he is destined for the moon.
Inovativni animirani likovi u prirodnoj veličini pričaju upečatljivu crnohumornu priču o brizi za ostarjelog roditelja. Innovative life-size animated characters tell the stark and darkly humorous tale of caring for an elderly parent.
Moj tata / My Dad
Tri brata / Three Brothers
Očev utjecaj počinje da mijenja svijet jednog mladića. A Dad's influence begins to take hold on a young boy's world.
Nakon što ih otac napušta kako bi otišao u Pakistan, Hamid je prisiljen da se brine o svojoj mlađoj braći. Film je inspirisan stvarnim događajima. Hamid struggles to care for his younger brothers when their father abandons them for Pakistan. A story inspired by true events.
UK, 2014, Colour, 9 min. Režija / Director: Will Anderson, Ainslie Henderson
UK, 2014, Colour, 6 min. Režija / Director: Marcus Armitage
UK, 2014, Colour, 17 min. Režija / Director: Aleem Khan
Šamar / Slap
UK, 2014, Colour, 24 min. Režija / Director: Oscar Sharp
Šamar / Slap
koje se postepeno podiže u zrak dok se članovi njene porodice bore da s tim otkrićem izađu na kraj. A mother contracts an unusual condition that causes her to rise gradually into the air, as her family struggle to cope.
UK, 2014, Colour, 25 min. Režija / Director: Nick Rowland
Karmanova linija / The Karman Line
Moj tata / My Dad
Boogaloo i Graham / Boogaloo and Graham SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
USA, United Kingdom, 2015, Colour and b&w, 128 min. Režija / Director: Asif Kapadia Uloge / Cast: Amy Winehouse, Yasiin Bey, Mark Ronson, Pete Doherty, Mitch Winehouse, Pete Doherty, Tony Bennett
Amy Winehouse, talenat koji se rađa jednom u generaciji, odmah je privukla svjetsku pažnju. Istinska jazz umjetnica u pravom smislu riječi pisala je i pjevala iz srca te pomoću svog muzičkog talenta analizirala vlastite probleme. U kombinaciji sirove iskrenosti i vrhunskog talenta nastale su jedinstvene i obožavane pjesme modernog vremena. Tragično, neumorna medijska pažnja u kombinaciji sa Amynim problematičnim vezama, globalni uspjeh i opasan način života doveli su do njene propasti. Kao društvo, slavili smo njen ogromni uspjeh, ali smo bili brzi u osudi njenih nedostataka kada nam je to odgovaralo. Iako je u početku predstavljao spas, talenat koji ju je krasio vremenom je postao okidač za njen slom. A once-in-a-generation talent, Amy Winehouse instantly captured the world's attention. A pure jazz artist in the most authentic sense - she wrote and sung from the heart using her musical gifts to analyse her own problems. The combination of her raw honesty and supreme talent resulted in some of the most unique and adored songs of modern era. Tragically, relentless media attention coupled with Amy’s troubled relationships, her global success and precarious lifestyle saw her life fall apart. As a society, we celebrated her huge successes but were quick to judge her failings when it suited us. The talent that was initially her salvation eventually became the trigger for her disintegration.
USA, Germany, United Kingdom, 2014, Colour, 114 min. Režija / Director: Laura Poitras Uloge / Cast: Edward Snowden, Glen Greenwald, Julian Assange, Laura Poitras, Barack Obama
CITIZENFOUR gledateljima omogućava pristup hongkonškom susretu filmske autorice Laure Poitras i novinara Glenna Greenwalda sa Edwardom Snowdenom, a tokom kojeg im je on predao povjerljive dokumente o masovnom kršenju prava na privatnost od strane američke Nacionalne sigurnosne agencije, NSA. Kada ju je Snowden kontaktirao u januaru 2013. godine koristeći se pseudonimom CITIZENFOUR, Poitras je već dvije
godine radila na filmu o nadzoru komunikacija. Snowden je odlučio da stupi u kontakt sa Poitras jer je znao da je ona dugo vremena bila pod nadzorom vlade i da nije dozvolila da je to zaplaši. Kada joj je Snowden otkrio da je bivši visokopozicionirani obavještajni analitičar voljan da razotkrije masovni nezakoniti nadzor američkih građana od strane NSAa, Poitras ga je ubijedila da joj dozvoli snimiti njihov susret. CITIZENFOUR vas uvodi u prostoriju u kojoj su Poitras, Greenwald i Snowden bili prisiljeni donositi brze odluke koje će utjecati na njihove živote i živote njima bliskih ljudi u nastojanju da prežive medijsku buru koja je bjesnila napolju. CITIZENFOUR vam neće samo prikazati kakvu opasnost predstavlja narušavanje prava na privatnost od strane vlade, već će vas natjerati i da je osjetite. Nakon što pogledate film zauvijek ćete drugačije gledati na vaš telefon, e-mail, kreditnu karticu, web pretraživač ili online profil. CITIZENFOUR gives audiences access to filmmaker Laura Poitras and journalist Glenn Greenwald’s encounters with Edward Snowden in Hong Kong, as he hands over classified documents providing evidence of mass illegal invasions of privacy by the National Security Agency (NSA). Poitras had already been working on a film about surveillance for two years when Snowden contacted her, using the name “CITIZENFOUR,” in January 2013. He reached out to her because he knew she had long been a target of government surveillance and had refused to be intimidated. When Snowden revealed he was a high-level analyst driven to expose the massive surveillance of Americans by the NSA, Poitras persuaded him to let her film. CITIZENFOUR places you in the room with Poitras, Greenwald, and Snowden as they attempt to manage the media storm raging outside, forced to make quick decisions that will impact their lives and all of those around them. CITIZENFOUR not only shows you the dangers of governmental surveillance—it makes you feel them. After seeing the film, you will never think the same way about your phone, email, credit card, web browser, or profile, ever again.
Cobain: Montaža pakla / Cobain: Montage of Heck
USA, 2015, Colour, 132 min. Režija / Director: Brett Morgen Uloge / Cast: Kurt Cobain, Wendy O’Connor, Don Cobain,
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Jenny Cobain, Kimberly Cobain, Tracy Marander, Krist Novoselic, Courtney Love
Mladi Kurt je odrastao u Aberdeenu, država Washington. Bio je sretno, šarmantno dijete čiji je zapanjujući kreativni potencijal bio očigledan od rane dobi: slikao je, pravio muziku i pisao. Ovaj dokumentarni film, prvi koji je odobrila njegova porodica, priča njegovu priču - od početaka do nevjerovatnog uspjeha kao pjevača grupe Nirvana. Film opisuje njegov pad, nesigurnosti, drogu, depresiju i prerani kraj. Uz fotografije iz njegovog djetinjstva, koje su po prvi put stavljene na raspolaganje za ovaj film, kao i prethodno nepoznate arhivske snimke, razgovore sa roditeljima, rodbinom i prijateljima, onima koji su kasnije postali njegovi muzički savremenici i udovicom Courtney Love, Brett Morgen je napravio intiman prikaz života i umjetnosti ovog legendarnog pjevača koji se rijetko otvarao medijima. Young Kurt grew up in Aberdeen, Washington. A happy, winning child, his astonishing creative potential is evident from an early age: he paints, makes music, and writes. This documentary, the first to be authorised by his family, tells his story – from his beginnings to his unbelievable success as Nirvana’s lead singer. The film also describes his fall, his insecurities, the drugs, his depression and his untimely end. Making use of photographs from his childhood that were made available for the first time for this film, as well as previously unknown archive footage, interviews with his parents, relatives and friends, those who later became his musical contemporaries, and his widow Courtney Love, Brett Morgen composes an intense, intimate portrait of the life and art of this legendary singer who rarely opened up to the media.
Čopor / The Wolfpack USA, 2015, Colour, 84 min. Režija / Director: Crystal Moselle
Uloge / Cast: Bhagavan Angulo, Govinda Angulo, Jagadisa Angulo, Krsna Angulo,Mukunda Angulo, Narayana Angulo ČOPOR je dokumentarni film o braći Angulo koji kompletno djetinjstvo provode u stanu na Manhattanu, potpuno izolirani od društva, učeći o svijetu isključivo putem filmova koje gledaju. Cijelo djetinjstvo braća provode izvodeći scene iz svojih omiljenih filmova, koristeći pritom materijale koji su im dostupni isključivo u stanu, bez prijatelja i
Čopor / The Wolfpack
Cobain: Montaža pakla / Cobain: Montage of Heck
živeći od socijalne pomoći, a svoju znatiželju, kreativnost i maštu zadovoljavaju isključivo gledanjem filmova koji im pomažu da pobjegnu od stvarnosti ispunjenom izolacijom i usamljenošću. Međutim, sve se u potpunosti mijenja kada jedan od njih odluči pobjeći iz stana, a zatim i ostala braća požele izaći u svijet i prilagoditi se društvu o kojem su dotad učili samo preko televizijskog ekrana. ČOPOR je istinski primjer snage kojom filmovi mijenjaju svijet i spašavaju živote. The six Angulo brothers have spent their entire lives locked away from society in an apartment on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Nicknamed THE WOLFPACK they're all exceedingly bright, are home schooled, have no acquaintances outside their family and have practically never left their home. All they know of the outside world is gleaned from the films they watch obsessively and recreate meticulously, using elaborate homemade props and costumes. For years this has served as a productive creative outlet and a way to stave off loneliness - but after one of the brothers escapes the apartment (wearing a Michael Meyers mask for protection), the power dynamics in the house are transformed, and all the boys begin to dream of venturing out. THE WOLFPACK is a true example of the power of movies to transform and save lives.
Jedna njemačka mladost / A German Youth
France, Switzerland, Germany, 2015, Colour and b&w, 93 min. Režija / Director: Jean-Gabriel Périot
Mlada demokratija Zapadne Njemačke 1960-ih stidi se svoje nacističke prošlosti i uvučena je u ulogu imperijalističke i kapitalističke predstraže koja se suočava sa svojim komunističkim dvojnikom. Poslijeratna generacija, u direktnom sukobu sa
Jedna njemačka mladost / A German Youth
Paco de Lucía: Potraga / Paco de Lucía: A Journey
očevima, pokušava pronaći svoje mjesto. Studentski pokret je eksplodirao 1966. godine. Pas de deux između studenata i vlade se pogoršao i radikalizirao učesnike u postepenoj eskalaciji nasilja i odmazdi. Ova uzavrela omladina iznjedrila je novinarku Ulrike Meinhof, režisera Holgera Meinsa, studente Andreasa Baadera i Gudrun Ensslin, te advokata Horsta Mahlera. Kad se studentski pokret srušio krajem 1968. godine, ostali su izolirani u svom radikalizmu i očajnički su tražili načine za nastavak revolucionarne borbe... In the 1960s, the young democracy of West Germany was embarrassed by its Nazi past, and ingrown in its role as imperialist and capitalist outpost faced by its communist double. The postwar generation, in direct conflict with their fathers, was trying to find its place. The student movement exploded in 1966. The pas de deux between students and the government deteriorated, and radicalized those involved in a gradual escalation of violence and reprisals. From this seething youth emerged the journalist Ulrike Meinhof, filmmaker Holger Meins, students Andreas Baader and Gudrun Ensslin, as well as the lawyer Horst Mahler. When the student movement collapsed at the end of ’68, they remained isolated in their radicalism, and desperately sought ways to continue the revolutionary struggle...
Paco de Lucía: Potraga / Paco de Lucía: A Journey
Spain, 2014, Colour, 92 min. Režija / Director: Curro Sánchez Uloge / Cast: Paco de Lucia, Pepe de Lucia, Alberto Gavira, Ricardo Modrego, Alejandro Sanz, Carlos Santana
prikazom “rutine umjetnika”, ali se razvija kao putovanje u njegovu prošlost, uspomene i glavne događaje koji su doveli do toga da revolucionizira flamenco. Usponi i padovi tokom jednog simboličnog dana na turneji, od zore pa sve do trenutka kada Paco i njegovi muzičari sviraju završnicu koncerta, daju okvir priči o jednom od najznačajnijih muzičara 20. vijeka. Ovo nije samo fizičko putovanje, ovo je putovanje duboko u Pacovu dušu: sjećanja i stvari koje mu smetaju i koje ga uznemiravaju, koje ga zanimaju ili koje ga nasmijavaju. Vraćanjem u prošlost uz Paca kao jedinog pripovjedača, pratimo ga hronološki od djetinjstva do posljednjih dana na Majorci gdje je napravio zadnje izmjene na albumu koji je posthumno objavljen. In june 2012, guitar player Paco de Lucía embarks on an 11-day-tour throughout Europe. What begins as a part of his ''artistic routine'', will become a journey into his past, his memory and the key elements that have led him to revolutionize Flamenco. The highs and lows during one symbolic day of the tour, from the dawn until the moment when Paco and his musicians play the closing theme of the concert, function as a framework of the story of one of the most important musicians of the twentieth century. It is not just a physical accompaniment, it is a voyage deep into Paco's soul: his memories, things that bother and upset him, things that interest him or the ones that make him laugh his heart out. Through flashbacks and with Paco as a sole narrator, we follow him chronologically from his childhood until his final days in Mallorca, where he made final adjustments for his posthumous album.
Gitarista Paco de Lucia kreće na jedanaestodnevnu turneju po Evropi u junu 2012. Film počinje SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Box Office Informacije / For more information:, BOX OFFICE LOKACIJE / BOX OFFICE LOCATIONS
Glavni Box Office / Main Box Office, BKC - Bosanski kulturni centar, Branilaca Sarajeva 24 Meeting Point, Hamdije Kreševljakovića 13 Kino Novi Grad / Novi Grad Cinema, Bulevar Meše Selimovića 97 Multipleks Cinema City, Trg djece Sarajeva RADNO VRIJEME / OPENING HOURS / 5- 13 AUGUST Glavni Box Office / Main Box Office - svaki dan / every day: 11:00 - 19:00 RADNO VRIJEME / OPENING HOURS / 14 - 22 AUGUST Glavni Box Office / Main Box Office – svaki dan / every day: 09:00 - 22:00 Meeting Point – svaki dan / every day: 11:00 - 23:00 Kino Novi Grad / Novi Grad Cinema – svaki dan / every day: 10:00 - 12:00 / 19:00 - 21:00 Multiplex Cinema City – svaki dan / every day: 11:00 - 22:00
Narodno pozorište / National Theatre: otvaranje / opening night - 15.00 KM, ceremonija dodjele nagrada / award ceremony - 20.00 KM, ostale projekcije / other screenings - 5.00 KM, 8.00 KM Ljetno kino HT Eronet/ HT Eronet Open Air Cinema: otvaranje/ opening night - 15.00 KM, zatvaranje / closing night - 12.00 KM, ostale projekcije / other screenings - 8.00 KM Meeting Point Cinema: 5.00 KM, 6.00 KM Multiplex Cinema City: 4.00 KM, 5.00 KM, 6.00 KM Laško Summer Nights: sve projekcije / all screenings - 6.00 KM Kino Novi Grad / Novi Grad Cinema: 2.00 KM, 5.00 KM PDV je uračunat u cijenu ulaznice / VAT included in all the prices
SMS rezervacija ulaznica je moguća samo za korisnike ERONET mreže; SMS rezervacija ulaznica za filmove počinje u ponedjeljak, 3. augusta 2015. godine u 13:00 sati i traje do četvrtka, 13. augusta 2015. do 18:00 sati; Rezervacija ulaznica se obavlja slanjem SMS poruke koja sadrži KOD projekcije i broj ulaznica (npr: 010#2) na broj 063 888 05; Jednom SMS porukom možete rezervisati najviše dvije ulaznice za projekcije otvaranja i zatvaranja Festivala, te najviše četiri ulaznice za sve ostale projekcije; Cijena jedne SMS poruke iznosi 1.00 KM+PDV; Rezervisane ulaznice možete preuzeti u Glavnom Box Office-u od 5. augusta 2015. godine od 11:00 sati; Rezervisane ulaznice možete preuzeti najkasnije jedan dan prije projekcije za koju ste rezervisali ulaznice do 12:00 sati;
Tickets may be booked via SMS by ERONET mobile users only SMS booking starts on (Monday) August 3, 2015 at 13:00 and will continue until (Thursday) August 13, 2015 at 18:00 (closing time) Tickets may be booked by sending and SMS containing the CODE of the screening and the number of tickets (e.g.: 010#2) to the following number: 063 888 05 One SMS message may book no more than two tickets for the opening and the closing night of the Festival and no more than four tickets for all other screenings SMS message is charged at the rate of 1.00 KM+VAT Once booked, the tickets may be collected from the Main Box Office starting from August 5, 2015 at 11:00 Tickets may be collected no later than 12:00 noon one day prior to the screening date
Individual tickets will be available starting from August 5, 2015 at 11:00 The maximum number of tickets to be purchased per screening is four (4) Tickets may be paid in cash at all the sales points: MasterCard and VISA payment is available at the Main Box Office only Tickets may be paid in the national currency only (Convertible Mark – KM/BAM)
Slobodna prodaja pojedinačnih ulaznica počinje 05. augusta 2015. godine u 11:00 sati; Maksimalan broj ulaznica koje je moguće kupiti za jednu projekciju je četiri (4); Plaćanje ulaznica se može izvršiti gotovinom na svim prodajnim mjestima, a u glavnom Box Office-u je plaćanje moguće izvršiti i putem Master Card i VISA ; Plaćanje ulaznica moguće je samo u domaćoj valuti - Konvertibilnim Markama (KM);
ON-LINE PRODAJA On-line prodaja je moguća putem zvanične web stranice Sarajevo Film Festivala; On-line prodaja ulaznica počinje 05. augusta 2015. godine; Maksimalan broj ulaznica koje je moguće kupiti za jednu projekciju je četiri (4); Plaćanje se može izvršiti MasterCard i VISA putem e-pay sistema Raiffeisen Bank BH;
POMJERANJE PROJEKCIJA U SLUČAJU KIŠE U slučaju kiše, kada to organizator Festivala zvanično objavi (putem zvanične web stranice, društvenih mreža) projekcije iz otvorenih kina se premještaju u zatvorena kina. Ukoliko je objavljeno da se projekcije premještaju u zatvorena kina prije početka projekcija, termin projekcije ostaje isti, a ukoliko kiša padne u toku projekcije, projekcija se nastavlja u zatvorenom kinu 30 minuta nakon objave o premještanju projekcije. Ljetno kino HT Eronet se premješta u KSC Skenderija; Laško Summer Nights se premješta u Multiplex Cinema City;
ON-LINE TICKET SALES Tickets will be available on-line only via the official SFF web site - On-line ticket sales open on August 5, 2015 The maximum number of tickets to be purchased per screening is four (4) MasterCard and VISA payment is available via the Raiffeisen Bank BH e-pay system
SCREENING SCHEDULE CHANGES IN CASE OF RAIN In case of rain, the Festival organiser will make an official announcement (via the official web page and social networks) on relocation of screenings from outdoor to indoor cinemas. If such an announcement is made prior to the screening, the scheduled screening time remains the same. In case of rain during the screening, the screening will then continue in a designated indoor cinema 30 minutes following the relocation announcement. HT Eronet Open Air Cinema moves to KSC Skenderija; Laško Summer Nights moves to Multiplex Cinema City;
BOX OFFICE PRAVILNIK / BOX OFFICE RULES - Ulazak na projekciju moguć je samo sa ulaznicom (uključujući i djecu bez obzira na starosnu dob) za određenu projekciju; - Svi posjetioci moraju zauzeti svoja mjesta najkasnije 5 minuta prije početka zvaničnog programa; - Ulazak u kino nije moguć nakon početka zvaničnog programa; - U slučaju kašnjenja na projekciju ne možemo vam garantovati slobodno sjedeće mjesto (povrat novca i/ili zamjena ulaznica nije moguća); - Za sve projekcije, sjedišta nisu numerisana; - Za vrijeme projekcije zabranjeno je korištenje uređaja za snimanje slike i zvuka (kamera, fotoaparat i mobilni uređaji); - U slučaju korištenja video opreme festivalsko osoblje ima pravo odstraniti osobu koja koristi prethodno spomenutu opremu; - Ulaz kućnim ljubimcima nije dozvoljen; - Kupovinom ulaznica, saglasni ste da možete biti fotografisani i snimljeni bez novčane naknade; - Sve ulaznice su izdate prema pravilima i propisima zvaničnih festivalskih lokacija i organizatora festivala;
- Pregled posjetioca i njihovih stvari biće obavljen zbog njihove lične sigurnosti; - Na zvanične festivalske lokacije zabranjeno je unošenje boca, limenki i predmeta koji mogu ugroziti sigurnost posjetioca; - Filmovi prikazani na Festivalu mogu sadržavati eksplicitne scene seksa ili nasilja, te se prije kupovine ulaznice preporučuje pregled sadržaja filma na našem web sajtu, programu ili linkovima postavljenim na društvenim mrežama; - Organizator festivala ne odgovara za izgubljene ili ukradene stvari; - Falsifikovanje i krivotvorenje ulaznica je strogo zabranjeno; POVRAT NOVCA Povrat novca za kupljenu ulaznicu ili zamjena za ulaznicu neke druge projekcije u istom novčanom iznosu mogući su u roku od 24 sata od predviđenog termina projekcije i to: - U slučaju kada organizator javno objavi otkazivanje predviđene projekcije; - Kada početak projekcije kasni duže od 30 minuta bez prethodne najave o pomjeranju početka projekcije i u tom slučaju potrebno je obratiti se osoblju Festivala;
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
- Admission is possible only by presenting a ticket for the given screening (this includes children irrespective of age); - All the visitors must take their seats no later than 5 minutes before the opening of the official programme; - No members of the audience will be admitted after the official opening of the programme; - In case of late arrival, no seat can be guaranteed (refund and/or replacement tickets are not available); - Seats are not numbered for any screening; - No audio or video recording devices (cameras or mobile devices) may be used during any screening); - In case of any attempt to use such devices, the Festival staff shall be entitled to remove the user from the screening; - Pets are not allowed: - By purchasing the ticket you accept that you may be photographed or recorded by a camera with no financial compensation; - All the tickets are issued pursuant to rules and regulations of official Festival venues and Festival organisers; - In the interest of personal safety of our visitors, there will be security checks at entry points;
- No bottles, cans or other items that may in any way harm or affect personal safety of the audience may be brought into any official Festival location; - Films screened at the Festival may include scenes of sex or violence; it is therefore recommended to examine the content of the film at our web site, official programme and links available via social networks prior to any ticket purchase; - The Festival organisers shall not be liable for lost or stolen property; - Any attempt to forge or otherwise alter tickets is against the law; REFUND Refunds for tickets purchased or replacement tickets for other screenings to the same amount already paid are available no later than 24 hours prior to the original screening schedule, as follows: - If the Festival organisers have made an official announcement about a screening cancellation - If the screening is delayed by more than 30 minutes with no prior announcement of a delay or a relocation of the screening; in such cases, the audience is kindly requested to contact Festival staff
Subota/ Saturday, 15.08.2015.
Nedjelja/ Sunday, 16.08.2015.
Narodno pozorište / National Theatre 20.30 Open Air 121
Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 11.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 221
Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 11.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 321
Anna Muylaert, 114 min, Portugese
Dalibor Matanić, 123 min, Croatian 16.00 U fokusu / In Focus 222
Tunç Davut, 86 min, Turkish 13.00 Pretpremijere/ Avant Premiere 322
Vuk Ršumović, 97 min, Serbian 20.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 223
Stole Popov, 165 min, English, French, Macedonian, Turkish 16.00 U fokusu / In Focus 323
Dalibor Matanić, 123 min, Croatian
Radu Jude,108 min, Romanian, Turkish 20.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 324
Ljetno kino HT Eronet / HT Eronet Open Air Cinema 21.00 Open Air 111 DRUGA MAJKA / THE SECOND MOTHER
Anna Muylaert, 114 min, Portugese
Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 12.00 Kinoscope 231 TAXI
Tunç Davut, 86 min, Turkish
Jafar Panahi, 82 min, Persian 15.00 Posvećeno / Tribute To Brillante Mendoza 232
Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 12.00 Kinoscope 331
Brillante Mendoza, 97 min, Filipino, Tagalog 21.00 Kinoscope 233
Andrew Haigh, 93 min, English 15.00 Posvećeno / Tribute To Brillante Mendoza 332
Yorgos Lanthimos, 118 min, English 23.30 Kinoscope - Midnight 234
Brillante Mendoza, 105 min, Filipino, Tagalog 18.00 Shorts 333
Jeremy Saulnier, 94 min, English
21.00 Kinoscope 334
Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City 12.30 BH Film 281 ČETVRTAK / THURSDAY
Šejla Kamerić, 44 min, Bosnian 15.00 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 241
Paz Fábrega, 71 min, Spanish 23.30 Kinoscope - Midnight 335
Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City 11.00 1995 - 2015. Suočavanje s prošlošću / 1995 - 2015 Dealing With the Past371
Kasper Vedsmand, Georg Larsen, 58 min, Croatian, Danish, English, Serbian
Nedim Lončarević, 50 min, Bosnian, Dutch, English, French 12.00 Shorts 361
Alexander Nanau, 93 min, Romanian 16.15 Kinoscope 261
Ole Giæver, Marte Vold, 80 min, Norwegian 16.45 BH Film 282 Ivana Horvat, Adrian Hopffgarten, 90 min, English 20.30 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 242
12.30 BH Film 381
LIJEPO MI JE S TOBOM, ZNAŠ / I LIKE THAT SUPER MOST THE BEST HEROJI BITKE ZA RANJENIKE / HEROES OF THE BATTLE FOR WOUNDED, Aleksandar Reljić, 55 min, Bosnian JEDAN DAN U SARAJEVU / ONE DAY IN SARAJEVO 14.00 Kinoscope 362 Jasmila Žbanić, 60 min, Bosnian, English JASTOG / THE LOBSTER 21.00 BH Film 271 Yorgos Lanthimos, 118 min, English SABINA K. 15.00 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 341 Cristóbal Krusen, 124 min, Bosnian KRŠ / KARST Eva Kraljević, 42 min, Croatian
Ljetno kino HT Eronet / HT Eronet Open Air Cinema 20.30 Open Air 211
Vladimir Todorović, 80 min, Serbia 16.15 Kinoscope 363
Jacques Audiard, 109 min, English, French, Tamil
Jafar Panahi, 82 min, Persian 16.45 BH Film 382
Laško Summer Nights 21.15 Laško Summer Nights 291
Asif Kapadia, 128 min, English
Edu Marin, Olivier Algora, 63 min, Bosnian, Spanish 17.30 1995 - 2015. Suočavanje s prošlošću / 1995 - 2015 Dealing With the Past 372
Kino Novi Grad/ Novi Grad Cinema 20.45 Open Air 2A1
David Holbrooke, 104 min, English 18.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 342
Anna Muylaert, 114 min, Portugese
Robert Connolly, 96 min, English 18.15 Kinoscope - Midnight 364
Jeremy Saulnier, 94 min, English 19.00 TeenArena 383
Sanna Lenken, 95 min, English, Swedish 20.30 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 343
Nikolaus Geyrhalter, 188 min, German 21.00 BH Film 373
Renato Tonković, Marijo Vukadin, Robert Bubalo, 92 min, Bosnian
Ljetno kino HT Eronet / HT Eronet Open Air Cinema 20.30 Open Air 311 TAKVA SU PRAVILA / THESE ARE THE RULES
Ognjen Sviličić, 78 min, Croatian
Laško Summer Nights 21.15 Laško Summer Nights 391 CITIZENFOUR
Laura Poitras, 114 min, English, German, Portugese
Kino Novi Grad/ Novi Grad Cinema 12.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 3A1
Roger Allers, Tomm Moore, Joan Gratz, Nina Paley, Bill Plympton, Paul Brizzi, Gaetan Brizzi, Michal Socha, Joann Sfar, Mohammed Saeed Harib, 84 min, English 20.45 Open Air 3A2
Jacques Audiard, 109 min, English, French, Tamil SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
RASPORED PROJEKCIJA / SCREENING SCHEDULE Ponedjeljak/ Monday, 17.08.2015. Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 11.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 421
Utorak/ Tuesday,18.08.2015. Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 11.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 521
Srijeda/ Wednesday, 19.08.2015. Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 9.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 621
Corneliu Porumboiu, 89 min, Romanian 16.00 U fokusu / In Focus 422
Deniz Gamze Ergüven, 94 min, Turkish 16.00 U fokusu / In Focus 522
László Nemes, 107 min, German, Hungarian, Polish, Russian, Yiddish 11.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 622
Radu Muntean, 93 min, Romanian 20.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 423
Petar Valchanov, Kristina Grozeva, 107 min, Bulgarian 20.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 523
Ines Tanović, 90 min, Bosnian 16.00 U fokusu / In Focus 623
Corneliu Porumboiu, 89 min, Romanian 22.30 Pretpremijere/ Avant Premiere 424
Deniz Gamze Ergüven, 94 min, Turkish 22.30 Pretpremijere/ Avant Premiere 524
Ivona Juka, 155 min, Croatian 20.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 624
Nenad Đurić, 105 min, Bosnian
Stevan Filipović, 95 min, Serbian
Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 12.00 Kinoscope 431
Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 12.00 Kinoscope 531
László Nemes, 107 min, German, Hungarian, Polish, Russian, Yiddish 22.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 625
Lucie Borleteau, 95 min, English, French, Norwegian, Romanian, Tagalog 15.00 Posvećeno / Tribute To Brillante Mendoza 432
Chad Gracia, 82 min, English, Russian 15.00 Posvećeno / Tribute To Brillante Mendoza 532
Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 12.00 Kinoscope 631
Brillante Mendoza, 94 min, Filipino, Tagalog 18.00 Shorts 433
Brillante Mendoza, 110 min, Filipino, Tagalog 18.00 Shorts 533
Carlos Quintela, 100 min, Spanish 15.00 Posvećeno / Tribute To Atom Egoyan 632
21.00 Kinoscope 434
21.00 Kinoscope 534
Atom Egoyan, 103 min, English, Hebrew 18.00 Shorts 633
Jörg A. Hoppe, Klaus Maeck, Heiko Lange, 92 min, English 23.30 Posvećeno / Tribute To Brillante Mendoza 435
Brillante Mendoza, 102 min, Filipino, Tagalog
Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City 12.00 Operacija kino / Operation Kino 461
ZAGREB FILM FESTIVAL - NAJBOLJE OD KOCKICA - KRATKI / BEST OF CHECKERS - SHORTS 12.30 BH Film 481 DOKUMENTARNI 1 / DOCUMENTARIES 1 14.00 Kinoscope 462 PUTOVANJE / VIAJE Paz Fábrega, 71 min, Spanish 15.00 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 441
Christian Petzold, 98 min, English, German
Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City 11.00 Human Rights Day 571
Ines Tanović, 90 min, Bosnian
21.00 Kinoscope 634
Ciro Guerra,125 min, Catalan, German, Latin, Portugese, Spanish
12.00 Sarajevo Film Festival Guests Present - Morelia Film Festival 671
Morgan Knibbe, 74 min, Arabic, Bengali, Farsi, Greek, Italian, Tigrigna, Wolof 12.00 Operacija kino / Operation Kino 561
Francesco Clerici, 77 min, Italian 15.00 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 541
Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City 12.00 Shorts 661
Rigoberto Perezcano, 80 min, Spanish 12.30 BH Film 681
14.00 Kinoscope 662 FENIKS / PHOENIX
Marija Ristić, Nemanja Babić, 40 min, Albanian, English, Serbian
Christian Petzold, 98 min, English, German 15.00 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 641
Gábor Hörcher,72 min, Hungarian 16.15 Kinoscope 563
Evangelia Kranioti, 73 min, Greek, Spanish
Samir Mehanović, 60 min, Bosnian Nefin Dinç, 62 min, Turkish 16.15 Kinoscope 463
Lucie Borleteau, 95 min, English, French, Norwegian, Romanian, Tagalog 16.45 BH Film 682
18.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 442
Goran Dujaković, 63 min, Serbian 18.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 542
Jannik Hastrup, Flemming Quist Møller, 76 min, Danish 18.15 Kinoscope - Midnight 464
Ana Lily Amirpour, 101 min, Farsi 19.00 TeenArena 483
20.30 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 443
Goran Stanković, 60 min, Serbian 16.15 Kinoscope 663
Jörg A. Hoppe, Klaus Maeck, Heiko Lange, 92 min, English 16.45 BH Film 582
Andrew Haigh, 93 min, English 16.45 BH Film 482
Gabriele Salvatores, 100 min, Italian 19.00 TeenArena 583
18.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 642 DJEČIJI KRATKI / CHILDREN'S SHORT
19.00 TeenArena 683
Boris Petković, 77 min, Slovenian 20.30 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 643
Nedim Alikadić, 10 min, Bosnian
Andrey Zaytsev, 106 min, Russian 20.30 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 543 Mladen Mitrović, 145 min, Bosnian, Croatian, English, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Swedish, Turkish 21.00 BH Film 572
EOHA, Vladimir Perović, 22 min, No Dialogue CHUCK NORRIS U BORBI PROTIV KOMUNIZMA / JEDAN DAN U SARAJEVU / ONE DAY IN SARAJEVO CHUCK NORRIS VS COMMUNISM, Ilinca Calugareanu, 81 min, Romanian Jasmila Žbanić, 60 min, Bosnian, English 21.00 BH Film 471 Ljetno kino HT Eronet / HT Eronet Open Air Cinema STUPICA NEVIDLJIVOG DJETETA / INVISIBLE CHILD'S TRAP Šemsudin Gegić, 90 min, Bosnian 20.30 Open Air 511 RICKI / RICKI AND THE FLASH Ljetno kino HT Eronet / HT Eronet Open Air Cinema Jonathan Demme, 101 min., English 20.30 Open Air 411 Laško Summer Nights NERAZUMAN ČOVJEK / IRRATIONAL MAN Woody Allen, 96 min, English 21.15 Laško Summer Nights 591 COBAIN: MONTAŽA PAKLA / COBAIN: MONTAGE OF HECK Laško Summer Nights Brett Morgen, 132 min., English 21.15 Laško Summer Nights 491 Kino Novi Grad/ Novi Grad Cinema PACO DE LUCÍA: POTRAGA / PACO DE LUCÍA: A JOURNEY Curro Sánchez, 92 min, Spanish 12.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 5A1 MINI I KOMARCI / MINI AND THE MOZZIES Kino Novi Grad/ Novi Grad Cinema Jannik Hastrup, Flemming Quist Møller, 76 min, Danish 12.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 4A1 20.45 Open Air 5A2 AVIONI OD PAPIRA / PAPER PLANES NERAZUMAN ČOVJEK / IRRATIONAL MAN Robert Connolly, 96 min, English Woody Allen, 96 min, English 20.45 Open Air 4A2 TAKVA SU PRAVILA / THESE ARE THE RULES
Ognjen Sviličić, 78 min, Croatian
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Metod Pevec, 82 min, Bosnian, Slovenian 21.00 BH Film 672
Nenad Đurić, 105 min, Bosnian
Ljetno kino HT Eronet / HT Eronet Open Air Cinema 20.30 Open Air 611 HRONIČNI / CHRONIC
Michel Franco, 92 min, English
Laško Summer Nights 21.15 Laško Summer Nights 691 ČOPOR / THE WOLFPACK
Crystal Moselle, 84 min, English
Kino Novi Grad/ Novi Grad Cinema 12.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 6A1 NEVIDLJIVI DJEČAK / THE INVISIBLE BOY
Gabriele Salvatores, 100 min, Italian 20.45 Open Air 6A2
Jonathan Demme, 101 min., English
RASPORED PROJEKCIJA / SCREENING SCHEDULE Četvrtak/ Thursday, 20.08.2015. Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 9.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 721
Petak/ Friday, 21.08.2015. Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 9.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 821
Subota/ Saturday, 22.08.2015. Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 20.00 921
Karl Markovics, 120 min, German 11.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 722
11.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 822 CHEVALIER, Athina Rachel Tsangari, 101 min, Greek
Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 12.00 Kinoscope 931
Pavle Vučković, 97 min, Serbian 14.00 Takmičarski kratki/ Competition Shorts 723
Ole Giæver, Marte Vold, 80 min, Norwegian 21.00 Kinoscope 932
16.00 U fokusu / In Focus 724
KOD TATE KUĆI / BACK HOME, Andrei Cohn, 91 min, Romanian
14.00 Takmičarski kratki/ Competition Shorts 823
Severin Fiala, Veronika Franz, 99 min, German 20.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 825 KOD TATE KUĆI / BACK HOME, Andrei Cohn, 91 min, Romanian 22.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 826 CHEVALIER, Athina Rachel Tsangari, 101 min, Greek
Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 12.00 Kinoscope 831
Kaan Mujdeci, 97 min, Turkish 20.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 725 Karl Markovics, 120 min, German 22.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 726 Pavle Vučković, 97 min, Serbian
Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 12.00 Kinoscope 731
Lydie Wisshaupt-Claudel, 88 min, English 15.00 Posvećeno / Tribute To Atom Egoyan 732
Atom Egoyan, 115 min, Armenian, English, French, German, Turkish 18.00 Shorts 733
21.00 Kinoscope 734
Martti Helde, 87 min, Estonian
Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City 12.00 Shorts 761
SHORT MATTERS! -EFA SHORT FILM NOMINEES 2014 / PART 3 12.00 Sarajevo Film Festival Partner Presents - Doha Film Institute 771 TALASI '98 / WAVES '98, Ely Dagher, 15 min, Arabic VUK / WOLF, Naji Abu Nowar, 100 min, Arabic, English 12.15 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 741 ZVIZDAN / THE HIGH SUN Dalibor Matanić, 123 min, Croatian 12.30 BH Film 781
14.00 Kinoscope 762
Ciro Guerra,125 min, Catalan, German, Latin, Portugese, Spanish 15.00 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 742
Vladimir Tomić, 71 min, Bosnian 18.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 942
Roger Allers, Tomm Moore, Joan Gratz, Nina Paley, Bill Plympton, Paul Brizzi, Gaetan Brizzi, Michal Socha, Joann Sfar, Mohammed Saeed Harib, 84 min, English 18.15 Kinoscope - Midnight 964
Tala Hadid, 93 min, Arabic, French 12.15 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 841
Lisbeth Kovacic, 25 min, Farsi, German, Hungarian, Pushto
Tamás Almási, 85 min, Hungarian 21.00 BH Film 774
Ines Tanović, 90 min, Bosnian
Ljetno kino HT Eronet / HT Eronet Open Air Cinema 20.30 Open Air 711 SAVRŠEN DAN / A PERFECT DAY
Fernando León de Aranoa, 105 min, Bosnian, English, French, Spanish
Laško Summer Nights 21.15 Laško Summer Nights 791
Jean-Gabriel Périot, 93 min, French, German
Kino Novi Grad/ Novi Grad Cinema 12.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 7A1 DJEČIJI KRATKI / CHILDREN'S SHORT Open Air 7A2 HRONIČNI / CHRONIC
Michel Franco, 92 min, English
21.00 BH Film 972 RUS / RUSSIAN
Damir Ibrahimović, Eldar Emrić, 60 min, Bosnian
Dagur Kári, 94 min, Icelandic
Laško Summer Nights 21.15 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 991
18.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 843
Dominik Hartl, 95 min, German 20.30 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 744
Takashi Miike, 115 min., Japanese 19.00 TeenArena 984
László Nemes, 107 min, German, Hungarian, Polish, Russian, Yiddish 12.30 BH Film 882 KRATKI / SHORTS 14.00 Kinoscope 862 NA UDARU VJETRA / IN THE CROSSWIND, Martti Helde, 87 min, Estonian 14.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 883 BLAGO/ THE TREASURE, Corneliu Porumboiu, 89 min, Romanian 15.00 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 842
Lydie Wisshaupt-Claudel, 88 min, English 16.45 BH Film 884 DOKUMENTARNI 4 / DOCUMENTARIES 4 17.30 Sarajevo Film Festival Guests Present - FILM FACTORY 873
Tomm Moore, 93 min, English, Irish, Scottish Gaelic 19.00 TeenArena 783
12.00 Sarajevo Film Festival Partner Presents - Doha Film Institute 871
Carlos Quintela, 100 min, Spanish 16.45 BH Film 782
18.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 743
Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City 10.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 981
Shinya Tsukamoto, 87 min, Japanese 16.45 BH Film 983
Ines Tanović, 90 min, Bosnian 16.15 Kinoscope 863
17.30 Sarajevo Film Festival Guests Present - FILM FACTORY 773
Benedikt Erlingsson, 72 min, No Dialogue
Tunç Davut, 86 min, Turkish 16.15 Kinoscope 763
12.00 Takmičarski kratki/ Competition Shorts 861
Sandra Gjorgieva, 17 min, Macedonian FLOTEL EUROPA, Vladimir Tomić, 71 min, Bosnian 15.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 872
Karl Markovics, 120 min, German VATRE U RAVNICI / FIRES ON THE PLAIN, Shinya Tsukamoto, 87 min, Japanese 12.00 Takmičarski kratki/ Competition Shorts 961 TAKMIČARSKI KRATKI 2 / COMPETITION SHORTS 2 15.00 Posvećeno / Tribute To Atom Egoyan 832 SLATKA BUDUĆNOST / THE SWEET HEREAFTER, Atom Egoyan, 112 min, English 12.15 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 941 PANAMA 18.00 Shorts 833 Pavle Vučković, 97 min, Serbian CINEFONDATION CANNES: WINNERS 2015 14.00 Kinoscope 962 21.00 Kinoscope 834 TIKKUN, Avishai Sivan, 120 min, Hebrew, Yiddish TIKKUN, Avishai Sivan, 120 min, Hebrew, Yiddish 14.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 982 23.30 Kinoscope - Midnight 835 APOKALIPSA JAKUZA / YAKUZA APOCALYPSE, Takashi Miike, 115 min., Japanese KOD TATE KUĆI / BACK HOME, Andrei Cohn, 91 min, Romanian 15.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 971 Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City CHEVALIER, Athina Rachel Tsangari, 101 min, Greek 10.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 881 16.15 Kinoscope 963 MUSTANG, Deniz Gamze Ergüven, 94 min, Turkish
Marcell Gerö, 104 min, Hungarian 15.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 772
Ljetno kino HT Eronet / HT Eronet Open Air Cinema 21.00 Open Air 911 FÚSI / VIRGIN MOUNTAIN
Jasmila Žbanić, 60 min, Bosnian, English
Kino Novi Grad/ Novi Grad Cinema 12.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 9A1
ANTBOY: OSVETA CRVENE FURIJE / ANTBOY 2: REVENGE OF THE RED FURY, Ask Hasselbalch, 84 min, Danish, English 18.15 Kinoscope 864 RUSKI DJETLIĆ / THE RUSSIAN WOODPECKER Chad Gracia, 82 min, English, Russian 19.00 TeenArena 885 PRINC / PRINCE, Sam de Jong, 78 min. Dutch 20.30 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 844 POVRJEĐIVANJE / HARM, Dénes Nagy, 52 min, Hungarian RUS / RUSSIAN, Damir Ibrahimović, Eldar Emrić, 60 min, Bosnian 20.30 Operacija kino / Operation Kino 865
Ask Hasselbalch, 84 min, Danish, English 20.45 Open Air 9A2
Danis Tanović, 90 min, English, German, Hindi
Maria Ripoll, 95 min, Catalan, English 21.00 BH Film 874 SOUL TRAIN, Nermin Hamzagić, 85 min, Bosnian
Ljetno kino HT Eronet / HT Eronet Open Air Cinema 20.30 Open Air 811 TIGROVI / TIGERS, Danis Tanović, 90 min, English, German, Hindi
Laško Summer Nights 21.15Kinoscope 891
Jörg A. Hoppe, Klaus Maeck, Heiko Lange, 92 min, English
Kino Novi Grad/ Novi Grad Cinema 12.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 8A1
PJESMA MORA / SONG OF THE SEA, Tomm Moore, 93 min, English, Irish, Scottish Gaelic Open Air 8A2 SAVRŠEN DAN / A PERFECT DAY
Fernando León de Aranoa, 105 min, Bosnian, English, French, Spanish
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Nenad Đurić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 105 min.
Lida Lidija Hrgić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 15 min.
Miroslav Mandić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 25 min.
UZDAH ŽIVOTA SREBRENICA / BREATH OF LIFE SREBRENICA, Ado Hasanović, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 3 min. ADIL, Rijad Gvozden, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 26 min. IZMAGLICA SREBRENICE / THE FOG OF SREBRENICA
Ines Tanović, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Croatia, 2015, 89 min.
Cristóbal Krusen, Bosnia and Herzegovina, USA, 2014, 124 min.
IMPERATIV, Jelena Ilić Todorović, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 7 min. IZ DANA U DAN / DAY BY DAY
Dragan Daničić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 7 min.
Samir Mehanović, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 60 min.
Emin Hajrić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 10 min.
Ivana Horvat, Adrian Hopffgarten, USA, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 90 min.
Saša Karanović, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 10 min.
Aleksandar Čečavac, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 10 min. PANTA REI, Katarina Živanović, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 12 min.
Nedim Alikadić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 10 min
Aleksandar Reljić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, 2015, 55 min.
Marko Šipka, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, 2015, 29 min.
Edu Marin, Olivier Algora, Spain, 2015, 63 min.
Zdenko Jurilj, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2014, 60 min.
VEJDA: ZAČARANI SVIJET VILA / VEJDA: ENCHANTED WORLD OF FAIRIES, Julia Klier, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 20 min.
Renato Tonković, Marijo Vukadin, Robert Bubalo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austria, Croatia, 2015, 92 min.
MARGARET, Lamia Šabić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 7 min. LJEPOTICA I OSMJEH / BEAUTY AND HER SMILE
STUPICA NEVIDLJIVOG DJETETA / AN INVISIBLE CHILD'S TRAP, Šemsudin Gegić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 90 min. SARAJEVO 1914
Mirza Skenderagić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 34 min.
Igor Đurović, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2014, 6 min., NO WORDS, Anja Kavić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 9 min. NORA, Amina Huseinčehajić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 10 min. OBILIĆI, Ana Stanarević, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 11 min. BALKON / BALCONY, Ilda Bisić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, min. WOYZECK, Adi Selimović, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 12 min. BIĆE ŠTA BUDE, Esma Sarić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 12 min.
Šejla Kamerić, Anocha Suwichakornpong, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 44 min.
Anja Kavić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 7 min.
Bojan Josić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 25 min.
Goran Dujaković, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 63 min.
Jasmila Žbanić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austria, 2015, 60 min.
Vladimir Tomić, Denmark, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 71 min.
Damir Ibrahimović, Eldar Emrić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 80 min.
Mélanie Rappo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 10 min. RAZMAK, Aleksandra Niemczyk, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2014, 10 min.
Nermin Hamzagić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 85 min.
Sabrina Begović Ćorić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 24 min.
Zoran Ćatić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 1 min. KAFA / COFFEE, Aid Bešić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 8 min. ONE WAY TICKET, Dino Šehić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 10 min.
Branko Lazić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 52 min.
Duško Mazalica, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, 2015, 24 min.
Lea Triboulet, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2014, 20 min. ELEANOR, Petr Makaj, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 22 min. CENTAUR, Aleksandra Niemczyk, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2014, 42 min.
Martin Kleinmichel, Ivan Ramadan, Anastasia Tasić, Tatiana Moshkova, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Estonia, Germany, Russia, Serbia, 2015, 12 min.
Ivo Čolak, Zdenko Jurilj, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 15 min.
Fernando Nogari, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2014, 12 min.
Gonzalo Escobar Mora, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 18 min. OLUJA, Gustavo Vega, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 13 min. BALADA, Anton Petersen, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2014, 63 min.
Mladen Đukić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, 2015, 13 min.
Nermin Hamzagić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 17 min.
Nejra Latić Hulusić, Bosnia and Hezegovina, 2015, 12 min. Azra Hodžić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2014, 20 min.
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Student Hostel Bjelave, Bardakčije 1 Hotel Mod, Hamdije Kreševljakovića 48
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
24. Hotel R, Skenderija 4 25. Hotel Bristol, Fra Filipa Lastrića 2 26. Studentski dom Kruh sv. Ante, Zagrebačka 18 27. Hotel Hecco, Medrese 1 28. Hotel Corner, Telali 19 29. Hotel Cosmopolit, Radićeva 15 30. Hotel Radon Plaza, Džemala Bijedića 185
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Antboy: Osveta crvene furije / Antboy 2: Revenge of the Red Fury
Avioni od papira / Paper Planes
Giovanni i balet na vodi / Giovanni and the Waterballet
Ja i moj Moulton / Me and My Moulton
Igramo se priče - Cvrčak i Mrav / Let’s Play a Story - The Grasshopper and the Ant
Mini i komarci / Mini and the Mozzies
DJEČIJI PROGRAM Children's Programme Antboy: Osveta crvene furije / Antboy 2: Revenge of the Red Fury Denmark, Germany, 2014, Colour, 84 min. Režija / Director: Ask Hasselbalch Uloge / Cast: Oscar Dietz, Samuel Ting Graf, Amalie Kruse Jensen, Astrid Juncher-Benzon, Boris Aljinovic
Dječak Mravac popularaniji je nego ikad. Njegov suparnik Albert Gæmelkrå, zvani Buha, poražen je i sada provodi dane u samici na Institutu Dragsborg. Pelle je upravo napunio trinaest godina i uživa u životu superheroja. Pelleova drugarica Ida u idealnom svijetu bila bi njegova djevojka. Međutim, stvarni svijet je komplikovan i sada Pelle ima neočekivanog suparnika u borbi za Idinu ljubav: novi se dječak u školi, koji je na svoj način opasniji protivnik nego što je Buha ikada bio, ozbiljno namjerio da mu glatko preotme Idu... Antboy is more popular than ever. His nemesis, Albert Gæmelkrå, aka The Flea, is defeated and now spends his days in a padded cell at the Dragsborg institute. Just turned 13, Pelle is enjoying life as a superhero. In an ideal world, Pelle’s pal Ida would be his girlfriend. But the real world is complicated and now Pelle has an unexpected rival for Ida’s affections: a new boy in school who, in his own way, is a more formidable foe than The Flea ever was, a smooth operator who is fully intent on luring Ida away from him...
Avioni od papira / Paper Planes
Australia, 2015, Colour, 96 min Režija / Director: Robert Connolly Uloge / Cast: Sam Worthington, Ed Oxenbould, Deborah Mailman, Ena Imai, Nicholas Bakopoulos-Cooke
AVIONI OD PAPIRA porodični je film o strasti za letenjem mladog australijskog dječaka i njegovom putovanju na takmičenje na svjetskom prventstvu aviona od papira u Japanu. Jedanaestogodišnji Dylan upoznaje japanskog juniorskog prvaka Kimija na državnom prventstvu aviona od papira u Sydneyu u Australiji. Između njih se razvija bliska veza i jedan drugom su izazov u kreiranju aviona kakav dosad nije viđen.
PAPER PLANES is a family film that tells the story of a young Australian boy’s passion for flight and his journey to compete in the world paper plane championships in Japan. Eleven-year-old Dylan meets the junior Japanese champion Kimi in the national paper plane championships in Sydney, Australia. They develop a close bond, challenging each other to create a plane that has never been seen before.
osobine i zaplet se neočekivano mijenja. It's bed time and Mother reads to her son Toma a story about a Grasshopper and an Ant. The characters in the book come to life and take us to the magical animated world of the fable. However, Toma is not happy of the way the story unfolds and decides to tell his own version in which the characters get new traits and the story takes an unexpected turn.
Giovanni i balet na vodi / Giovanni and the Waterballet
Ja i moj Moulton / Me and My Moulton
Desetogodišnji Giovanni sanja o učešću na holandskom prvenstvu u sinhronizovanom plivanju. Pošto se njegova disciplina tradicionalno smatra ženskom, Giovanni baš ne uživa apsolutnu podršku. Ali on slijedi svoju viziju, a prijateljica Kim ga podržava. Kada su sami, njih dvoje razgovaraju o budućnosti. Da li će Giovanni iskoristiti Kiminu podršku i uspjeti se kvalifikovati za prvenstvo? Ten-year old Giovanni has a dream to compete in the Dutch Synchronized Swimming Championships. Because his chosen field is viewed as typically one for girls, not everybody is as understanding as they could be. But Giovanni runs his own race and Kim, his (girl)friend supports him. When they are alone they chat about the future. Will Kim’s support help Giovanni make it to the Championships?
Animirana osobna priča, o djevojčici koje od svojih roditelja na poklon želi bicikl no dobije nešto sasvim drugačije, koja ukazuje na različite stvarnosti u kojima žive djeca I odrasli. A personal animated story about a girl which wishes for a bicycle from her parents, but gets something completely different, showing the different reality in which children and grown ups live in.
Netherlands, 2014, Colour, 17 min. Režija / Director: Astrid Bussink
Igramo se priče - Cvrčak i Mrav / Let’s Play a Story The Grasshopper and the Ant Croatia, 2015, Colour, 7 min. Režija / Director: Marina Andree Škop Uloge / Cast: Dijana Vidušin, Roko Duplančić
Vrijeme je za krevet i majka svome sinu Tomi čita priču o cvrčku i mravu. Likovi iz priče ožive i vode nas u svoj magični animirani svijet. Međutim, Toma nije zadovoljan razvojem priče i odluči ispričati svoju verziju u kojoj likovi poprimaju drugačije
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Canada, Norway, 2014, Colour, 14 min. Režija / Director: Torill Kove
Kravata / The Tie
Belgium, 2014, Colour, 9 min. Režija / Director: An Vrombaut
Na pustoj planeti luta mala žirafa koju ignorišu više žirafe. Mala žirafa zatim sreće žirafu koja ima vrlo dugačak vrat i koja nosi vrlo dugačku kravatu. Mala žirafa se popne uz kravatu I dvije žirafe se igraju zajedno. Odjednom se pojavi zlobni oblak i pocijepa kravatu na dva dijela… On a barren planet roams a small giraffe who is ignored by the taller giraffes. Then the small giraffe meets a giraffe with a very long neck, wearing a very long tie. He climbs up the tie and the two giraffes play together. But suddenly, a malicious cloud appears and tears the tie in two...
Mini i komarci / Mini and the Mozzies
Denmark, 2014, Colour, 76 min. Režija / Directors: Flemming Quist Møller, Jannik Hastrup
Zec i jelen / Rabbit and Deer
Ptičica i list / The Little Bird and the Leaf
Nevidljivi dječak / The Invisible Boy
Minijaturna buba Mini se pojavljuje u cirkusu buha, zajedno sa Egonom i Dagmarom. Djevojka buha Miranda kinji Minija i prevari ga da se upetlja u Dagmarin ples tako da ona padne i ugane nogu. Duboko postiđen, Mini bježi i pridružuje se bandi pljačkaša. Bandu predvodi buba Basse, koji naređuje Miniju da provali u zalihe pčelinjeg meda. Ali, uhvate ga bube vojnici i osude ga na doživotni prisilni rad. On se svidi bubama princezama i one ga usvoje kao svog kućnog ljubimca, dok ne pobjegne i ne potraži sklonište među pljačkašima... The minibeetle Mini appears in a flea circus together with Egon and Dagmar. The flea-girl Miranda bullies Mini and tricks him into interfering in Dagmar’s line dancing so she falls and sprains her foot. Deeply ashamed, Mini runs away and joins a gang of robbers. The gang is led by the Beetle called Basse, who orders Mini to break into the honey bee stock. But the bee-soldiers catch him, and he is sentenced to life-long hard labour. The bee- Princesses find him cute and adopt him as their pet until he flees and asks for sanctuary among the robbers...
Nevidljivi dječak / The Invisible Boy
Italy, France, 2014, Colour, 100 min. Režija / Director: Gabriele Salvatores Uloge / Cast: Ludovico Girardello, Valeria Golino, Fabrizio Bentivoglio, Kseniya Rappoport, Noa Zatta
Michele ima trinaest godina, stidljiv je, nepopularan među djecom u školi i zaljubljen u Stellu. Nakon što odjene specijalni kostim za zabavu povodom Noći vještica, otkriva da je nevidljiv. Michele is thirteen year old, shy, unpopular at school, and in love with Stella. After wearing a costume for a Halloween party, he finds out that he's invisible.
Pjesma mora / Song of the Sea
Ireland, Denmark, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, 2014, Colour, 93 min. Režija / Director: Tomm Moore Uloge / Cast: David Rawle, Brendan Gleeson, Fionnula Flanagan, Lisa Hannigan, Lucy O’Connell, Jon Kenny
Zasnovan na irskoj legendi o Selkijima, PJESMA MORA je film o Saorise, posljednjem djetetu-tuljanu
Ptičica i vjeverica / The Little Bird and the Squirrel
Pjesma mora / Song of the Sea
Zračna pošta / Air-Mail
Prorok Khalila Gibrana / Khalil Gibran's The Prophet
i njenom bratu Benu, koji kreću na epsko putovanje da spase svijet čarolije i otkriju tajne svoje prošlosti. Dok ih progoni vještica sova Macha i mnoštvo starih i mitskih bića, Saoirse i Ben utrkuju se s vremenom da probude Saoirsine moći i da spriječe da duhovni svijet zauvijek nestane. Based on the Irish legend of the Selkies, SONG OF THE SEA tells the story of the last seal-child, Saoirse, and her brother Ben, who go on an epic journey to save the world of magic and discover the secrets of their past. Pursued by the owl witch Macha and a host of ancient and mythical creatures, Saoirse and Ben race against time to awaken Saoirse’s powers and keep the spirit world from disappearing forever.
Prorok Khalila Gibrana / Khalil Gibran's The Prophet
USA, France, Canada, Lebanon, Qatar, 2014, Colour, 84 min. Režija / Directors: Roger Allers, Tomm Moore, Joan Gratz, Nina Paley, Bill Plympton, Paul Brizzi, Gaetan Brizzi, Michal Socha, Joann Sfar, Mohammed Saeed Harib Uloge / Cast: Quvenzhané Wallis, Salma Hayek-Pinault, Liam Neeson, Alfred Molina, Frank Langella
Na izmišljenom otoku Orphalese, nestašna, osmogodišnja djevojčica, Almitra, upoznaje Mustafu, političkog zatvorenika u kućnom pritvoru. Iz ovog slučajnog susreta rađa se nevjerovatno prijateljstvo. Ali, tog kobnog dana kad se upoznaju, Mustafu vlasti obavještavaju da ga konačno puštaju, a stražari ga odmah prate do broda koji će ga vratiti u njegovu zemlju. Usput Mustafa dijeli svoju mudrost i pjesme sa ljudima otoka Orphalese, dok ga Almitra krišom prati. Kad shvati da su vlasti pripremile vrlo mračno iznenađenje za Mustafu, ona mora učiniti sve što može da mu pomogne. On the fictional island of Orphalese, a mischievous, eight-year-old girl, Almitra, meets Mustafa, a political prisoner under house arrest. From this chance encounter, an unlikely friendship is born. But on this fateful day that they meet, Mustafa is told by the authorities that he is finally being released—and guards immediately escort him towards the ship that will take him back to his own country. Along the way, Mustafa shares his wisdom and poems with the
people of Orphalese, while Almitra secretly follows him. When she realizes that the authorities have a very dark surprise in store for Mustafa, she must do everything she can to help him.
Ptičica i list / The Little Bird and the Leaf Switzerland, 2012, Colour, 4 min. Režija / Director: Lena von Döhren
Zima je. Na vrhu grane visi jedan usamljeni list. Crna ptičica prilazi da zalije list, ali list otpada. Vjetar ga podiže i pleše sa njim kroz snijegom prekrivenu šumu. It’s winter. At the end of a branch hangs a single leaf. A little black bird comes along to water the leaf, but it falls off. The wind lifts the leaf and dances with it through the snowy wood.
Ptičica i vjeverica / The Little Bird and the Squirrel Switzerland, 2014, Colour, 5 min. Režija / Director: Lena von Döhren
Jesen je. Na kraju duge grane visi posljednji preostali šareni list. Crna ptičica bi ga htjela zaliti, ali vjeverica joj ukrade vodu i počinje skakutati sa njom sa drveta na drvo. Ptičica prati drsku kradjivicu kada joj se prišunja vatreno crvena lisica. It is autumn. There is one last colourful leaf hanging at the end of a long branch. The little black bird would like to water it, but the squirrel snatches away the watering can and begins hopping with it from tree to tree. The little bird follows the cheeky thief but then the fiery red fox comes stalking.
Zračna pošta / Air-Mail Switzerland, 2015, Colour, 6 min. Režija / Director: Isabelle Favez
Djevojka se zaljubljuje u boksera kojega nema šanse da upozna, ali ptice pismonoše će zauvijek promijeniti njenu sudbinu. Da li će poruke u zraku dovesti do ostvarenja njenih snova? A girl falls in love with a boxer she can never hope to meet, but the letter-birds will change her destiny forever.Will the messages in the air make her dreams come true ?
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Okretište / Turnaround
Russia, 2015, Colour, 106 min. Režija / Director: Andrey Zaytsev Uloge / Cast: Gleb Kalyuzhny, Ulyana Vaskovich, Olga Ozollapinya, Alexey Filimonov, Dmitry Barinov
Priča o prvoj ljubavi dvoje četrnaestogodišnjaka u predgrađu velikog grada. Priča o modernom Romeu i Juliji koja se odvija na društvenim mrežama i na ulici koji nameću svoja pravila neprihvatljiva za mlade ljubavnike. Kako bi bili zajedno junaci filma moraju prevazići mnoge prepreke. Među njihovim školama vlada netrpeljivost, a njihov komšiluk i njihova zajednica od samoga početka njihovu ljubav doživljavaju kao čin izdaje. A story of first love between two fourteen-year-olds that happened in a big city suburb. A story of modern Romeo and Juliet lived out in social networks and in the streets imposing the rules that lovers refuse to follow. To be together the main characters have to overcome many obstacles. There is bad blood between their schools and from the very beginning this love is a betrayal of their neighborhood and their community.
Sweden, 2014, Colour, 15 min. Režija / Director: Anja Lind Uloge / Cast: Sigrid Johnson, Joel Schmidt, Jenny Jernberg, Annie Fasth
Brat male Agnes deset je godina stariji od nje. Kad otkrije da on ima djevojku, Agnes zapravo ne razumije šta to njoj znači. Ona stvarno voli svog brata. Važniji joj je od dosadne mame koja provodi vrijeme čitajući. Kad prvi put dovede djevojku kući, Agnes je skeptična… Little Agnes’ brother is ten years older than her. When he announces that he has a girlfriend, Agnes does not really understand what this means to her. She really loves her brother. He is more important to her than her boring mother who spends her time reading. When he brings home his girlfriend for the first time, Agnes is sceptical...
France, United Kingdom, 2015, Colour, 14 min. Režija / Director: Ben Adler Uloge / Cast: Conner Chapman, Stuart McQuarrie, Ben Batt
Otac vodi sina na fudbal u Pariz, ali šta se dogodi kad im se auto pokvari i prihvate da se voze u autobusu punom engleskih navijača? A father takes his son to football in Paris but what happens when their car breaks down and they accept a ride from a coach full of traveling England supporters?
Moja mršava sestra / My Skinny Sister
Sweden, Germany, 2015, Colour, 95 min. Režija / Director: Sanna Lenken Uloge / Cast: Rebecka Josephson, Amy Deasismont, Annika Hallin, Henrik Norlén, Maxim Mehmet Moja mršava sestra / My Skinny Sister
Stella je djevojka koja samo što nije ušla u uzbudljivi i zastrašujući svijet adolescencije. Živi u sjeni starije sestre Katje, talentovane i lijepe umjetničke
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
klizačice koja djeluje kao miljenica roditelja. Stella se trudi da oponaša svoju sestru kako bi zadobila više pažnje. Dok pažljivo posmatra svoju sestru, Stella shvata da nešto nije u redu. Katja krije poremećaj u ishrani koji je preuzeo kontrolu nad njenim životom i primorava ju da čuva tajnu. Stella je uvučena u začarani krug manipulacije i laži... Stella is a girl just about to enter the exciting and scary world of adolescence. She lives in the shadow of her older sister Katja, a talented and beautiful figure-skater who her parents seem to adore. Stella is trying hard to imitate her sisters behavior to get more attention. While watching her sister close, Stella realizes something is wrong. Katja is hiding an eating disorder which has taken over her life. Stella is forced by Katja to keep it a secret, and is dragged into a vicious circle of manipulation and lies...
Austria, 2015, Colour, 17 min. Režija / Director: Chris Raiber Uloge / Cast: Antonella Lenauer, Steffen Höld, Gudrun Tielsch, Ann Birgit Höller, Peter Glonek, Max Mayer
Auto vozi kroz snijeg. Iza volana je Nelly. Ona ima 13 godina. Nelly želi ići kući. Od cilja je razdvajaju tri pitanja, dva ključa, vodena skakaonica i užurbano srce. A car drives through the snow. Behind the wheel is Nelly. She is thirteen years old. Nelly wants to go home. Separating her from her goal are three questions, two keys, a diving tower and a racing heart.
Okretište / Turnaround
Finland, 2015, Colour, 9 min. Režija / Director: Aino Suni Uloge / Cast: Alina Räkköläinen, Tomi Alatalo
Dvanaestogodišnjakinja Sini ima simpatiju na internetu i on predlaže sastanak. Ona se iskrada sa zabave svojih roditelja da bi se sastala s njim na okretištu. Tamo je čeka tridesetogodišnji muškarac Henri. Sini slaže koliko ima godina i nakratko se osjeća kao da je u snu: dok sjedi do Henrija, dok se voze kroz komšiluk. Kad Henri parkira vozilo na šumskom putu, ona shvata da se od nje očekuje da ispuni neizgovoreno obećanje. Twelve-year-old girl Sini has an internet-crush, who proposes a date. She ducks out of her parents’ party to meet him at a turnaround. There a thirty-year-old man, Henri, is waiting. Sini lies about her age and for a brief moment Sini feels like she is living her dream: sitting next to Henri, driving through the neighbourhood. When Henri parks the car on a forest road, she realizes she is expected to redeem an unspoken promise.
Piknik / Picnic
Croatia, 2015, Colour, 13 min. Režija / Director: Jure Pavlović Uloge / Cast: Emir Mušić, Aleksandar Seksan, Senad Alihodžić
Najprometniji dio dana u Sarajevu. Emir (15) u društvu socijalnog radnika putuje na Igman kako bi proveo vikend sa svojim ocem Safetom koji tamo služi kaznu u zatvoru poluotvorenog tipa. Zbog
Piknik / Picnic
Ritam ljubavi / The Beat of Love
Princ / Prince
Prelijepa djevojka / Beautiful Girl
Uz mene / Next To Me
saobraćajne gužve kasne... Sarajevo, rush hour. Emir (15), accompanied by a social worker, is on his way to meet his father Safet for a weekend picnic at Igman, a semi-open penitentiary. Due to the heavy traffic they are late...
Prelijepa djevojka / Beautiful Girl
Austria, 2015, Colour, 95 min. Režija / Director: Dominik Hartl Uloge / Cast: Jana McKinnon, Marlon Boess, Giacomo Pilotti
Petnaestogodišnja Charlotte misli da je odnos između njenih roditelja savršen. Utoliko njihov razvod na nju djeluje još više iznenađujuće, što predstavlja njenu prvu životnu lekciju o tome koliko bolna ljubav može biti. Charlotte mora da se preseli i da ide u novu školu. Tamo upoznaje dva dječaka, Sulzera i Carla, koji su najbolji prijatelji. Sulzer je površni ženskaroš kojeg djevojke obožavaju, a Carlo je njegova potpuna suprotnost. Njih troje nakon sudbonosnog susreta postaju nerazdvojni prijatelji. Međutim, ostaje pitanje da li se u prijateljstvu ove trojke krije ljubav... Fifteen-year-old Charlotte thinks her parents' relationship is perfect. It's all the more surprising for her when they get separated. Her parents' separation is her first lesson in life on how painful love can be. Charlotte has to move and go to a new school. Here she meets two boys, Sulzer and Carlo, who are best friends. While Sulzer is a shallow lady's man adored by girls, Carlo is his exact opposite. Their fateful meeting makes three inseparable friends out of them. But the question remains if love isn't hiding in the friendship of this trio...
Princ / Prince
Netherlands, 2015, Colour, 78 min. Režija / Director: Sam de Jong Uloge / Cast: Ayoub Elasri, Jorik Scholten, Achraf Meziani, Oussama Addi, Elsie de Brauw, Sigrid ten Napel
PRINC je priča o Ayoubu, sramežljivom i mršavom sedamnaestogodišnjaku koji brzo odrasta na granici
kriminalnog podzemlja u velikom gradu i koji je potpuno lud za Laurom, ljepoticom iz komšiluka. Nažalost, Laura je već sa najopakijim dečkom u gradu. Ayoub se hrabro bori da osvoji Laurino srce, ali prije nego što bude princ, mora naučiti da bude čovjek. Prince is the story of Ayoub – a shy, lanky 17-year-old boy growing up fast on the cusp of the criminal underworld of the big city, and completely crazy about neighbourhood beauty Laura. Unfortunately, Laura’s already with the baddest boy in town. Valiantly, Ayoub fights to win Laura’s heart, but before he can be a prince he has to learn to be a man.
Ritam ljubavi / The Beat of Love
Slovenia, 2015, Colour, 77 min. Režija / Director: Boris Petković Uloge / Cast: Judita Franković, Jernej Gašperin, Zlatan Čordić - Zlatko, Jožica Avbelj
Bruno, Leon i Zoki su mladići koji žive u Ljubljani i koji sve slobodno vrijeme troše na rimovanje i crtanje grafita. Bruno honorarno radi kao maser i vrlo je popularan kod mušterija. Jedne noći na zabavi upoznaje Ninu, mladu studenticu violine, te među njima odmah zaiskri ljubav. To traje do trenutka kada Nina uhvati Brunu u teškoj situaciji s njenom majkom Kristinom. Da bi dokazao svoju ljubav prema Nini, Bruno mora zaboraviti ko je i odakle dolazi, te svojom kreativnošću otkriti jedan potpuno novi svijet. Bruno, Leon and Zoki are young men living in Ljubljana, spending all their free time in inventing rhymes and drawing graffiti. Bruno has a part-time job as a masseur and is very popular among customers. One night at a party he meets Nina, a young violin student, and love sparks immediately. It lasts unti the moment when Nina catches Bruno in a difficult situation with her mother Kristina. In order to prove his love for Nina, Bruno has to forget who he is and where he comes from, and to discover a whole new world with his own creativity...
Uz mene / Next To Me
Croatia, 2014, Colour, 14 min. Režija / Director: Marta Prus Uloge / Cast: Kinga Malaniuk, Tomasz Kot
Dvanaestogodišnju djevojčicu na povratku iz prodavnice na uglu uznemiravaju dvije starije djevojčice. Počinju da je prate kroz naselje. Na kraju se pojavljuje otac mlađe djevojčice. Želi ih naučiti lekciju, ali prevršit će mjeru. Film je parabola o kompleksnosti ljudske prirode - dotiče se pitanja izvora zla i agresivnosti. Koliko dobro poznajemo one koji su nam najbliži? A twelve year old girl who’s leaving a corner food shop is bothered by two girls, older than her. They start to follow her around the apartment blocks. At the end the father of the younger girl appears. Wanting to teach them a lesson he crosses the borders though. The film is the parable of the complex human nature – it touches upon the source of evil and aggression. Do we know those who are most close to us? TeeNAReNA KRATKI FILMovI / ShoRTS: AGNES; AUTOBUS; NELLY; OKRETIŠTE / TURNAROUND; PIKNIK / PICNIC; UZ MENE / NEXT TO ME TeeNACTIoN FILMovI / FILMS: A LUNAR ADVENTURE - Zahid Lagumdžić / ALEJA KESTENOVA - Semin Škodrić-Novalić / HOLDING HANDS - Lamija Lagumdžija / JA MISLIO ON LOPOV Selmin Delić / KLacKaLica života - Lamija Nović, Nejra Kravić, Boško Krljaš / LIVING NIGHTMARES Amer Prevljak / MUŠKO DOBA - Sanja Milović, Emina Đapo / Novi počEtaK Sa poZoriŠtEM - Darko Dragić, Siniša radusinović / RICORDO - ana Milijević / SIJALICA - Benjamin Konjicija / TEST OF TIME - Robert Buzuk / THIS IS IT - Sara ristić / ZA OCJENU VIŠE amar Komić
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
POSVEĆENO / TRIBUTE TO Brillante Mendoza
Brillante Mendoza
Baka / Grandmother
France, Philippines, 2009, Colour, 110 min. Režija / Director: Brillante Mendoza Uloge / Cast: Anita Linda, Rustica Carpio, Tanya Gomez, Jhong Hilario, Ketchup Eusebio
Otimač mobilnog telefona ubio je unuka bake Sepe. Osim što je očajna zbog neočekivanog nasilja, ona mora da snosi teret organizovanja sahrane. Porodica je siromašna i nema dovoljno novca za mrtvački sanduk i za zakonito gonjenje osumnjičenog ubice. Ali starica je spremna čak i da traži kredit od banke kako bi osigurala pristojnu sahranu i pravdu za svog voljenog unuka. Baka Puring odlučna je da unuka Matea izbavi iz zatvora, iako je optužen da je besmisleno ubio unuka bake Sepe. Ali, siromašna starica nema novca za kauciju. Svaki put kad posjeti unuka u zatvoru da mu donese pristojan obrok, srce joj se slama kad vidi da trati život iza rešetaka. Dvije bake se moraju suočiti na prvom suđenju. Obje su slabašne i siromašne, a svaka je odlučna da učini sve što je potrebno za svoga unuka. Budućnost slučaja zavisi od ljubavi dviju baka… Lola Sepa's grandson has been killed by a cell phone snatcher. Despite being devastated by the sudden violence, she must bear the burden of making the funeralarrangements. She and her family are poor, and there is not enough money for the coffin nor the legal pursuit against the suspected murderer. But the elderly womanis ready to even seek a bank loan to assure both a proper burial and justice for her beloved grandson. Lola Puring is committed to getting her grandson Mateo out of jail,although he has been accused of senselessly murdering Lola
Sepa's grandson. But the poor aged woman doesn't have the bail money. Each time she visits her grandson in prison to bring him proper meals, it breaks her heart to see him wasting his life behind bars. At the first court hearing, the two grandmothers must face one another. Both frail and poor, each is determined to do everything necessary for her grandson. The future of the case is dependent on grandmotherly love...
Servis / Service
Iskasapljena / Butchered: The Execution of P.
France, Philippines, 2008, Colour, 94 min. Režija / Director: Brillante Mendoza Uloge / Cast: Gina Pareño, Jaclyn Jose, Julio Diaz, Coco Martin, Kristofer King, Dan Alvaro, Mercedes Cabral
Peping će danas sretno oženiti mladu majku njihove novorođene bebe. Kao siromašni student policijske akademije i ne pomišlja na to da odbije priliku da zaradi novac. Već naviknut na zaradu sa strane kroz sitno krijumčarenje droge, Peping naivno prihvata ponudu korumpiranog prijatelja za dobro plaćeni posao. Uskoro upada u iscrpljujuće putovanje u tamu dok učestvuje u otmici i mučenje lijepe prostitutke. Prestravljen i bespomoćan tokom cjelonoćne mučne operacije kojom upravlja psihotični ubica, Peping je primoran da se preispita da li je i on sam ubica... Today Peping will happily marry the young mother of their newborn baby. For a poor police academy student, there is no question of turning down an opportunity to make money. Already accustomed to side profits from a smalltime drug ring, Peping
Porodica Pineda vodi zapušteno kino u jednom gradu u provinciji u kojem se prikazuju po dva stara erotska filma za cijenu jednog. Žena i glava porodice Nanay Flor, njena kćerka Nayda, zet Lando i usvojena kćerka Jewel smjenjuju se na šalteru za prodaju karata i u kantini. Njeni nećaci Alan i Ronald su slikar reklamnih postera, odnosno kino-operater. Nanay Flor je podnijela slučaj dvoženstva protiv svog otuđenog muža i prisustvuje suđenju danas kada će, nakon nekoliko godina, konačno biti donesena presuda. Priča se razvija u ovom kontekstu. I dok ostali članovi obavljaju svoje svakidašnje aktivnosti, gledamo kako pate i kako se nose sa grijesima i porocima drugih – u odnosima, ekonomiji i seksu. Zaokupljeni svojim ličnim demonima, članovi porodice su nesmotreni i ne vide da se u kinu dešava druga vrsta posla između „servis” dječaka (muških prostitutki) i mušterija homoseksualaca. The Pineda family operates a run-down movie house in a city in the province which shows dated
France, Philippines, 2009, Colour, 105 min. Režija / Director: Brillante Mendoza Uloge / Cast: Coco Martin, Julio Diaz , Mercedes Cabral, Maria Isabel Lopez, John Regala, Jhong Hilario
Baka / Grandmother
naively accepts a well-paid job offer from a corrupt friend. Peping soon falls into an intense voyage into darkness as he experiences the kidnapping and torture of a beautiful prostitute. Horrified and helpless during the nightmarish all-night operation directed by a psychotic killer, Peping is forced to search within if he is a killer himself...
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Zamka / Trap
sexy double-feature films. The matriarch Nanay Flor, her daughter Nayda, son-in-law Lando and adopted daughter Jewel take turns manning the ticket booth and the canteen. Her nephews Alan and Ronald are the billboard painter and projectionist respectively. Nanay Flor had filed a bigamy case against her estranged husband and is attending the court hearing today when, after a number of years, the decision will be finally handed down. It is within this context that the story unfolds. As the rest of the members go about their daily activities, we get a glimpse of how they suffer and deal with each other’s sins and vices-relational, economic or sexual. Preoccupied with their personal demons, the family is unmindful that inside the movie theater, another kind of business is going on between the “serbis” boys (male prostitutes) and the gay patrons.
Zamka / Trap
Philippines, 2015, Colour, 97 min. Režija / Director: Brillante Mendoza Uloge / Cast: Nora Aunor, Julio Diaz, Aaron Rivera, Rome Mallari, Shine Santos, Lou Veloso, Ruby Ruiz
Nakon velikog tajfuna Haijan, koji je grad Tacloban na Filipinima ostavio u strašnom stanju, isprepliću se Bebethin, Larryjev i Erwinov život. Bebeth traži ostatke svoje troje djece u nadi da će pronaći podudarnost DNK među onima koji su sahranjeni u masovnoj grobnici. Larry, koji je izgubio ženu, tješi se pridruživanjem grupi pobožnih katolika koji nose krst prirodne veličine po gradu. Erwin i njegov stariji brat pokušavaju da sakriju od svoje male sestre istinu o smrti roditelja. Kao da tuga za gubitkom
Servis / Service
Iskasapljena / Butchered: The Execution of P.
voljenih nije dovoljna, niz događaja nastavlja da iskušava njihovu izdržljivost zajedno sa ostalim ljudima koji čekaju da vrijeme obriše te spore, odvratne suze. After the Supertyphoon Haiyan, which changed the city of Tacloban in the Philippines into its horrendous state, the lives of Bebeth, Larry and Erwin intertwine. Bebeth searches for the remains of three of her children with the hope of finding a match among the DNA records of those buried at the mass grave. Larry, who lost his wife, consoles himself by joining a group of devout Catholics carrying a life size cross around the city. Erwin and his elder brother try to hide the truth about their parents’ death from their little sister. As if grieving from the loss of their loved ones was not enough, a series of events continue to test their endurance along with the rest of the people, waiting for a time to wipe those slow repugnant tears.
Zaposjednutost / Possession
Philippines, 2013, Colour, 102 min. Režija / Director: Brillante Mendoza Uloge / Cast: Meryll Soriano, Baron Geisler, Dennis Trillo
Sa konkurentskim Filipinskim televizijskim kanalom PBC (Philippine Broadcasting Channel) koji osvaja najveći dio TV publike, Televizijskoj mreži Sarimanok (Sarimanok Broadcasting Network - SBN) je potrebno čudo da bi opstala u konkurenciji. SNB-ova ekipa vijesti u tom vremenu ludila i straha zaključuje da bi dokumentovanje stvarne duhovne zaposjednutosti moglo biti njihova jedina nada. Međutim, čini se da im čudo izmiče. Posjećuju
daleka mjesta, škole, provincijska područja, religiozne grupe i vjerske iscjelitelje samo da bi snimili slučaj masovne zaposjednutosti. Da stvar bude gora, kamerman konkurentske mreže PBC jedini je uspio da snimi pojedinačni slučaj demonske zaposjednutosti srednjoškolske nastavnice Ruby. Da bi ispunili svoj zadatak upuštaju se u dogovor koji je mnogo strašniji od potresne scene paranormalne zaposjednutosti. Da bi došli do potrebnog snimka, kupuju neiskorištene snimke Rubyinog slučaja. Stvarnost egzorcizma počinju da shvataju sa rastućim efektom u kojem se odražava politički sistem koji upravlja TV mrežom. With the rival station Philippine Broadcasting Channel (PBC) eating up the TV audiences' major share, Sarimanok Broadcasting Network (SBN) needs a miracle to stay alive in the competition. In these mad and fearful times, SBN's news team finds that documenting an actual spiritual possession would be their only hope. However, the miracle seems to evade them. They go to distant places, schools, provincial areas, religious groups, and faith healers, just to cover the case of mass possession. Worse, a cameraman of the rival network PBC, is the one who was able to capture the isolated case of demonic possession that involved a high school teacher Ruby. To fulfill their task, they enter into a deal that is more profoundly horrifying than the harrowing scene of paranormal possession. To acquire the needed footage, they buy the outtakes of the Ruby possession case. An exorcising reality dawns on them with a spiralling effect that mirrors the political system governing the TV network.
Zaposjednutost / Possession SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
France, Canada, 2002, Colour, 115 min. Režija / Director: Atom Egoyan Uloge / Cast: Simon Abkarian, Charles Aznavour, Christopher Plummer, Arsinée Khanjian, David Alpay
Umjetnik slika potret svoje majke. Reditelj snima film o svom životu. Adolescent prelazi državnu granicu. Mlada žena želi da razumije kako je nestao njen otac. Predavačica koristi istoriju kako bi zaboravila vlastitu prošlost. Glumac glumi negativca ne razmatrajući posljedice. Jedna priča povezuje sve njih: priča o Armeniji. An artist paints his mother's portrait. A director makes the film of his life. An adolescent crosses a border. A young woman wants to understand how her father vanished. A lecturer uses History to forget her own past. An actor plays a villain without considering the consequences. A single story binds them all: the story of Armenia.
Egzotika / Exotica
Canada, 1994, Colour, 103 min. Režija / Director: Atom Egoyan Uloge / Cast: Don McKeller, Mia Kirshner, Arsinée Khanjian, Elias Koteas, Bruce Greenwood, David Hemblen
Eric i Christina rade u noćnom klubu poznatom kao Exotica. Dijele zajedničku složenu prošlost od prije mnogo godina. Francis, danju poreski inspektor, a noću gost u klubu Exotica, nada se da će u klubu ispuniti prazninu koju je u njegovom životu ostavila odsutna porodica. Zoe, trudna vlasnica i poslovođa Exotice, upravlja klubom kao što upravlja svojim životom – naređivački i bezosjećajno. Thomas, vlasnik prodavnice za kućne ljubimce, opčinjen je egzotičnim životinjama i egzotičnim ljudima. Eric and Christina both work at the night club known as Exotica. They share a complex history that dates back many years. Francis, tax auditor by day, and Exotica patron by night, relies on the club to fill the emptiness left in his life by his absent family. Zoe, the pregnant owner and operator of Exotica, runs the club as she runs her life- marshalled and emotionless. Thomas, the pet shop owner, is infatuated with exotic animals and exotic people.
Egzotika / Exotica
Slatka budućnost / The Sweet Hereafter
Canada, 1997, Colour, 112 min. Režija / Director: Atom Egoyan Uloge / Cast: Ian Holm, Caerthan Banks, Sarah Polley, Tom McCamus, Gabrielle Rose, Arsinée Khanjian
Slatka budućnost / The Sweet Hereafter
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SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Mala planinska zajednica u Kanadi očajna je nakon što u nesreći školskog autobusa pogine više od desetak djece. Advokat iz velikog grada dolazi da pomogne porodicama preživjelih i poginulih da pripreme zajedničku tužbu, ali čini se da njegov trud samo još više razdvaja građane. U isto vrijeme, tinejdžer koji je preživio nesreću mora da se nosi sa gubitkom nevinosti koju je donijela druga vrsta štete. A small mountain community in Canada is devastated when a school bus accident leaves more than a dozen of its children dead. A big-city lawyer arrives to help the survivors' and victims' families prepare a class-action suit, but his efforts only seem to push the townspeople further apart. At the same time, one teenage survivor of the accident has to reckon with the loss of innocence brought about by a different kind of damage.
DAN LJUDSKIH PRAVA Human Rights Day U saradnji sa Ambasadom Švicarske u BiH i Saveznim ministarstvom vanjskih poslova Švicarske, već sedmu godinu zaredom Sarajevo Film Festival će biti domaćin Dana ljudskih prava. U okviru obilježavanja Dana ljudskih prava, koje će biti upriličeno u utorak 18. avgusta 2015. godine, Sarajevo Film Festival će organizirati poseban program u sklopu kojeg će u Multiplexu Cinema City biti prikazan film THOSE WHO FEEL THE FIRE BURNING Morgana Knibbea i održana panel diskusija. SRUŠIMO OGRADE tema je ovogodišnjeg panela Dana ljudskih prava. Imajući u vidu situaciju na Bliskom istoku i jednu od najvećih humanitarnih kriza nakon Drugog svjetskog rata, hiljade imigranata nastoji se domoći Evrope i zatražiti azil jer su njihova osnovna ljudska prava u zemljama iz kojih dolaze ugrožena. Iako se još uvijek čekaju konačni rezultati o migracionim trendovima za 2014. godinu, podaci iz proteklih godina pokazuju veliki rast u broju imigranata koji pokušavaju dobiti azil u zemaljama Evropske unije. Većina onih koji uspiju doći do EU molbu za azil predaje u Njemačkoj, Švedskoj, Italiji, Francuskoj i Velikoj Britaniji. Što se pak porijekla azilanata tiče, većinom se radi o osobama iz Sirije, Eritreje i Afganistana. Migracija je velika i unutar same Evrope, gdje građani iz zemalja „Zapadnog Balkana“ koje nisu dio Evropske unije ili pak južnih djelova Evropske unije (Grčka, Španjolska, Portugal) odlaze prema zemljama središnje i sjeverne Evrope u nadi da će sebi i svojoj obitelji omogućiti bolje uvjete života. Skoro 65% svih smrtnih slučajeva, odnosno 3,279 osoba, na granici EU se dešava zbog potopljenih brodova koji prevoze ilegalne imigrante. Porast ilegalnih imigranata je trend koji se nastavlja, a u posljednjim mjesecima 2014. godine zabilježen je problem prelaska građana Kosova na teritoriju EU na srpskomađarskoj granici. Pitanje rješavanja imigrantske krize jedno je od najvećih s kojim se Evropa danas suočava, no zajedničkog rješenja nema. No, kako smo došli do toga? Da li je dugotrajna ekonomska kriza doprinijela strahu „od drugih i drugačijih“? Gdje je nestala solidarnost i nazire li se rješenje krize samo su neka od pitanja na koja ćemo pokušati naći odgovor na ovogodišnjem panelu Dana ljudskih prava Sarajevo Film Festivala. Sarajevo Film Festival i kroz svoj Takmičarski program - dokumentarni film prikazuje filmove inspirisane različitim aspektima ljudskih prava, a obilježavanjem ovog značajnog dana nastoji se dodatno skrenuti pažnja na važnost filma kao bitnog i moćnog medija u promociji ljudskih prava. Filmovi i teme koji se svake godine biraju za obilježavanje Dana ljudskih prava pružaju učesnicima panel diskusija, publici i medijima priliku da razgovaraju o akutnim problemima pojedinaca ili zajednica u današnjem svijetu. Na svečanoj ceremoniji dodjele nagrada Sarajevo Film Festivala biće uručena i Nagrada za ljudska prava koja se dodjeljuje filmu iz Takmičarskog programa – dokumentarni film koji na najbolji način obrađuje tematiku ljudskih prava. Nagradu u iznosu od 3.000 eura osigurava Savezno ministarstvo vanjskih poslova Švicarske. In cooperation with the Embassy of Switzerland and the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, the Sarajevo Film Festival will host the Human Rights Day for the seventh year in a row. As part of the activities marking the Human Rights Day, which will be held on Tuesday, 18 August 2015, the Sarajevo Film Festival will organize a special programme, including a screening of the film THOSE WHO FEEL THE FIRE BURNING, by Morgan Knibbe.and a panel at the Multiplex Cinema City. The topic for this year’s Human Rights Panel is TAKE DOWN THE FENCES. Because of the situation in the Middle East described as one of the greatest humanitarian crisis since World War II, thousands of migrants are trying to reach Europe and seek asylum there because they are deprived of the basic human rights in their home countries. Although precise data on immigration trends for 2014 are still unavailable, information from previous years indicates that there is a huge rise in the number of migrants seeking asylum in the countries of the European Union. Majority of migrants who reach the EU apply for asylum in Germany, Sweden, Italy, France and the United Kingdom. Most of the asylum seekers come from Syria, Eritrea and Afghanistan. Migration within Europe is also significant, with citizens of the non EU-member countries of “West Balkans” and southern EU-member
countries (Greece, Spain, Portugal) moving to the countries of central and northern Europe in hope to secure better living conditions for themselves and their families. Estimates show that some 65 percent or 3,279 of migrants who died at EU borders died when ships the human smugglers transported them in sank in the Mediterranean. The number of illegal immigrants continues to grow. In the final months of 2014 a growing number of Kosovo citizens have also been registered crossing into the EU at the border between Serbia and Hungary. The immigration crisis is one of the greatest problems faced by Europe today, but is there a common solution for it? How have we reached this point? Has the longterm economic crisis contributed to the growing fear of “others and those who are different”? Has the sense of solidarity disappeared and is the end of the crisis in sight? These are just some of the questions we will try to answer at this year’s panel debate organized within the Human Rights Day of the Sarajevo Film Festival. The Competition Programme – Documentary Film of the Sarajevo Film Festival showcases films inspired by various aspects of human rights and by marking this special day we aim to further emphasise the importance of film as a significant and powerful media for the promotion of human rights. The films and topics chosen each year for marking the Human Rights Day provide an opportunity for panel participants, the audience and the media to discuss pressing problems currently faced by individuals or communities in the world. Also, the Human Rights Prize will be awarded at the official awards ceremony of the Sarajevo Film Festival for film in the Competition Programme – Documentary Film that best deals with human rights. The prize of 3.000 Euros is provided by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.
Oni koji osjećaju da vatra gori / Those Who Feel the Fire Burning
Oni koji osjećaju da vatra gori / Those Who Feel the Fire Burning Netherlands, Greece, Italy, 2014, Colour, 74 min. Režija / Director: Morgan Knibbe
Dok grupa izbjeglica pokušava da brodom uđe ilegalno u Evropu, iznenada dolazi oluja i nastaje pakao kada jedan starac s broda padne u more. Njegova percepcija se premješta u drugu dimenziju: mračno, halucinantno mjesto. Nošena misterioznom snagom i očajničkom potragom za svojim voljenim, njegova duša prolazi pored svakidašnje stvarnosti mnogih izbjeglica brodolomaca na granici navodnog raja, Evrope. Starčeva duša posmatra ljude na ulici koje tjeraju kao pse, prati ilegalnog radnika i majku narkomanku i uvlači se u pretrpana izbjeglička skloništa. Lutajući kroz ovaj limb, starac dovodi u pitanje smisao svog postojanja. As a group of refugees tries to enter Europe illegally by boat, a storm suddenly appears and all hell breaks loose when an old man falls overboard. His perception shifts into another dimension: a dark, hallucinatory place. Driven by a mysterious power and desperately in search of his loved ones, his soul passes by the everyday reality of many castaway refugees at the border of the alleged paradise, Europe. The old man's spirit observes people on the street being chased away like dogs, follows an illegal worker and a drug-addicted mother and slips inside crowded refugee shelters. Wandering through this limbo, the old man questions the meaning of his existence. SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
U drugom dijelu Sarajevo Film Festivala, fokus je na poslovnoj strani filma i filmske produkcije, sa posebnim naglaskom na usmjeravanje međunarodne pažnje na filmsku industriju jugoistočne Evrope. Predstavnici međunarodne filmske industrije sada se već tradicionalno okupljaju u Sarajevu kako bi tokom četiri dana prisustvovali sastancima, konferencijama, prezentacijama projekata i aktivnom umrežavanju. The business of film is the focus of the second half of the Sarajevo Film Festival and putting the Southeast Europe’s film industry in the international focus is what its all about. This is when, for over a decade now, the international film industry hits the town for four days of meetings, conferences, showcases and extensive networking. U okviru CineLink koprodukcijskog marketa predstavljaju se najperspektivniji regionalni dugometražni igrani projekti u fazi razvoja ili prikupljanja sredstava. Odabir projekata tradicionalno je bio ograničen na jugoistočnu Evropu, ali se već nekoliko godina u obzir uzimaju i projekti iz regije Kavkaza. Također ćemo predstaviti i gostujuće projekte odabrane u saradnji sa Filmskim institutom u Dohi.
CineLink Work in Progress kontinuirano predstavlja buduće hitove festivalske scene. Ograničen broj potpuno novih i uzbudljivih naslova u fazi postprodukcije predstavlja se određenom broju ciljano pozvanih međunarodnih selektora. Ovaj je program otvoren i za projekte iz centralne Azije i sjevernoafričkih i bliskoistočnih mediteranskih zemalja. U okviru programa Docu Rough Cut Boutique, autorima pet uzbudljivih dokumentarnih projekata u sigurnom se okruženju obezbjeđuju vrhunski trening, ciljani sastanci sa vodećim profesionalcima i ključnim predstavnicima međunarodne dokumentarističke scene. Naši programi fokusirani na filmsku industriju raspolažu nagradnim fondom u gotovini i uslugama ukupne vrijednosti veće od 150.000 eura. Prethodno podržani projekti mahom su ostvarili zapažen međunarodni uspjeh, uključujući filmove AKO MI SE ZVIŽDI, ZVIŽDIM Florina Serbana (Velika nagrada žirija/ Srebreni medvjed i nagrada Alfred Bauer na Berlinalu 2010.),POSLJEDNJA AMBULANTNA KOLA SOFIJE ILiana Meteva (nagrada France 4 Visionary programa Sedmica kritike Filmskog festivala u Kanu 2012.), MEM Alija Aydina (nagrada Lavovi budućnosti u Veneciji 2012.), LEKCIJE IZ HARMONIJE Emira Baigazina (Srebreni medvjed na Berlinalu 2013.), BIJELA SJENA Noaz Deshe (Lavovi budućnosti, Venecija 2013.), JANJE Kutluğ Atamana (nagrada CICAE Art Cinema programa Panorama Filmskog festivala u Berlinu 2014.) i SAULOV SIN Laszla Nemesa (Velika nagrada Fimskog festivala u Kanu 2015.).
Industry terasa i Avant-premijere Traileri
služi kao savršeno mjesto za spajanje regionalnih filmskih distributera i prikazivača sa agentima za međunarodnu prodaju prava, a producente sa kompanijama koje nude postprodukcijske usluge, te rental i servisnim kompanijama, dok su aktivnosti Minimarketa fokusirane na poslovne projekte sa kratkim filmovima prikazanim na Festivalu.
Regionalni forum
je vodeća godišnja konferencija predstavnika regionalne filmske industrije koja se bavi ključnim pitanjima i dogovarima budućih poslovnih politika. Ove godine se u okviru Foruma organizuju dvije zasebne konferencije: konferencija visokog nivoa “Žene u evropskoj filmskoj industriji današnjice: pol je bitan. Možemo li bolje?”, organizovana u sklopu bh. predsjedavanja Vijećem Evrope i “Evropski filmski forum”, putujuća konferencija inicirana od strane Evropske komisije, a koja će se tokom 2015. održati u okviru filmskih festivala u Berlinu, Kanu, Sarajevu, Veneciji, Talinu i Londonu.
Sarajevo grad filma je fond Sarajevo Film Festivala za podršku produkciji kratkih, mikrobudžetnih filmova mladih autora iz zemalja naše regije koji su učestvovali u prethodnim izdanjima Sarajevo Talent Campusa. U periodu od 2008. do 2013. godine, Fond je investrao 700.000 eura – od čega pola u gotovini, a pola u uslugama – u 25 kratkih filmova nastalih u tehničkoj i umjetničkoj saradnji preko 300 reditelja, scenarista, producenata, glumaca, direktora fotografije, montažera i kompozitora iz 12 zemalja jugoistočne Evrope. Ova je šema podrške interno revidirana početkom 2013. godine i preusmjerena na podršku dugometražnim igranim filmovima i od tada je podržala dva igrana omnibusa: Mostovi Sarajeva i Kvintet. Fond Sarajevo grad filma raspolaže budžetom od oko 500.000 eura za 2015. i 2016. godinu. Fond je uspostavljen zahvaljujući velikodušnim finansijskim injekcijama od Atlantik grupe i od potprograma Creative Europe MEDIA programa za podršku međunarodnim koprodukcijskim fondovima, kao i uz vlastita ulaganja Sarajevo Film Festivala. Fond nudi dva programa podrške: međunarodnu koprodukcijsku šemu i P&A šemu podrške. Cilj oba programa je otvaranje novih, vanevropskih tržišta za filmske autore iz jugoistočne Evrope. Fond prijave prima neprekidno u periodu od februara 2015. do oktobra 2016.
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
REGIONALNI FORUM / Regional Forum 14 August 2015 Gradska vijećnica / Sarajevo City Hall Žene u evropskoj filmskoj industriji današnjice: pol je bitan? Možemo li bolje? / Women in today’s European film industry: gender matters. Can we do better? Neki od govornika su: / Speakers include: Anna Serner, CEO, Swedish Film Institute Isabel Castro, Deputy Director, Eurimages Sanja Ravlić, Croatian Audiovisual Center
20–21 August 2014 / Hotel Evropa European Film Forum 20 August, 11:00 – 13:00 Kino prikazivaštvo: prilike i izazovi u jugostočnoj Evropi / Cinema exhibition sector: opportunities and challenges in Southeast Europe 22 August, 11:00 – 13:00 Javno finasiranje koprodukcija: bolja prekogranična saradnja digitalnom dobu koje granice briše / Public funding for coproductions: cooperating better across the borders in the borderless digital world Neki od govornika su: / Speakers include: Christof Papousek, CFO, CinePlexx Claudia Droc, Europa Cinemas Hrvoje Laurenta, Kino Europa Mina Đukić, Kino Zvezda Jan Runge, CEO, UNIC Izabela Kiszka-Hoflik, Polish Film Institute Imena dodatnih govornika će uskoro biti objavljena! / More speakers to be announced soon!
Glavni partner Fonda Sarajevo grad filma Partner of the Sarajevo City of Film Fond
CineLink Co-Production Market presents the most promising regional feature projects in development and financing stages. The selection has traditionally been focused on Southeast Europe but is since a few years also open for projects from the Caucasus region. In addition, guest projects are presented in partnership with the Doha Film Institute. CineLink Work in Progress continuously showcases future success stories on the festival circuit. Limited number of brand new exciting titles in post-production stage is shown to specifically invited international decision-makers. This section is also open to projects from Central Asia and the North African and Middle Eastern countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. At the Docu Rough Cut Boutique, 5 thrilling documentary projects are provided with highquality training in a safe environment, bespoke meetings with top professionals and presentations to key decision makers from the documentary film arena. Our industry focused programmes offer award funds totalling more than 150.000 Euros in cash and services and boosts an impressive track record with previous projects going on to major international recognition - IF I WANT TO WHISTLE I WHISTLE by Florin Serban (Jury Grand Prix Silver Bear and Alfred Bauer Prize, Berlinale 2010), Sofia’s LAST AMBULANCE by Ilian Metev (France 4 Visionary Award, Critics Week, Cannes Film Festival, 2012), MOLD by Ali Aydın (Lion of the Future, Venice 2012), Harmony LESSONS by Emir Baigazin (Silver Bear, Berlinale 2013), WHITE SHADOW by Noaz Deshe (Lion of the Future, Venice 2013), THE LAMB by Kutluğ Ataman (CICAE Art Cinema Award, Berlin Panorama 2014), SON OF SAUL by Laszlo Nemes (Grand Prix, Cannes Film Festival 2015) just to name a few more recent films. Industry Terrace and Avant-premiers Trailers events bring together regional distributors and exhibitors with international sales agents, as well as producers with service offering business, while Minimarket’s activities focus on business with the short films presented at the festival. Regional Forum is the major annual conference for the film industry in the region, tackling the key issues and setting up future policy trends. This year it hosts two distinct conferences: “Women in today’s European film industry: gender matters. Can we do better?” a high level conference organised in the framework of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s chairmanship of the Council of Europe and the “European Film Forum” a touring conference initiated by the European Commission to be held across 2015 in Berlin, Cannes, Sarajevo, Venice, Talin and London film festivals. Sarajevo City of Film Fund has been Sarajevo Film Festival's production support scheme for realisation of short micro-budget films, by young filmmakers, from different countries in our region, who have participated in the previous editions of Sarajevo Talent Campus. Over the 2008 – 2013 period, it has invested 350 000 euro in cash and a matching amount in kind services, in 25 short films done in technical and artistic cooperation of over 300 directors, scriptwriters, producers, actors, cinematographers, editors and composers, from 12 different countries in Southeast Europe. At the start of 2013, the scheme has undergone an internal review and was stirred towards support to feature films since when it supported two feature omnibus films: Bridges of Sarajevo and A Quintet. Sarajevo City of Film Fund has a budget of approximately 500.000 Euro for the 2015-2016 period. It has been put in place thanks to generous financial contributions from Atlantik Grupa, Creative Europe MEDIA sub-programmes support to international coproduction funds and an own investment from the Sarajevo Film Festival. It has two support schemes. 1.) International co-production scheme and 2.) P&A support scheme, both focused on opening new markets for Southeast European filmmakers outside of geographical Europe. Submissions are open year-round from February 2015 till October 2016.
Ovogodišnje deveto izdanje programa Talents Sarajevo, koji je pokrenut u saradnji sa programom Berlinale Talents, održava se na temu: / This year’s 9th edition of Talents Sarajevo, launched in collaboration with Berlinale Talents, will be held under the theme: Wonder Matters Deveto izdanje programa Talents Sarajevo pomoći će filmašima da se prisjete svojih profesionalnih početaka i prvobitne posvećenosti filmu, ali će tematizirati njihove interese u trenutnim poduhvatima. Poticanje razvoja radnje, pronalaženje savršenog ugla snimanja i nedostajućeg kadra, odabir tačne rečenice u scenariju, nastojanje da se gluma učini autentičnom i čudesnom, inovativnost u produkciji – sve ovo dio je našeg programa u 2015. Talents Sarajevo se održava od 15. do 20. augusta 2015. 71 perspektivni glumac, reditelj, filmski kritičar, producent, scenarist i direktor fotografije učestvovat će u raznolikom programu predavanja, višednevnih radionica, prezentacija i diskusija na zadatu temu. The 9th edition of Talents Sarajevo will help filmmakers recall the origin of their cinematic curiosity and engagement, but will also tackle their curiosity in current undertakings. Encouragement in furthering a plot, finding a perfect angle and a missing frame, choosing an accurate line, making acting genuine and wondrous, being innovative in production endeavors is on our agenda for 2015. Talents Sarajevo runs 15 - 20 August 2015 71 emerging actors, directors, film critics, producers, screenwriters and cinematographers will take part in the diverse programme of master classes, multiple-day hands-on trainings, presentations and discussions along the lines of the theme.
Među ekspertima su: / Experts include: Gabriele Brunnenmeyer, Benicio del Toro, Jan Försstrom, Gyula Gazdag, Lucile Hadžihalilović, Olivia Hetreed, Mirjana Karanović, Fred Kelemen, Steve Matthews, Brillante Mendoza, László Nemes, Jurica Pavičić, Simon Perry, Ewa Puszczynska, Antony Root, Katriel Schory, Selina Ukwuoma, Theo van de Sande, Giovanni Vimercati
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL PARTNER Presents DOHA FILM INSTITUTE Doha institut za film je nezavisna, neprofitna kulturna institucija osnovana 2010. Institut pomaže razvoj lokalne filmske zajednice kroz unapređenje stručnog znanja, njegovanje ljubavi prema filmu i doprinos razvoju samoodržive kreativne filmske industrije u Kataru. Aktivnosti instituta uključuju finansiranje i produkciju lokalnih, regionalnih i međunarodnih filmova, obrazovnih programa i filmskih projekcija, kao i organizovanje Filmskog festivala mladih Ajyal i Qumra film festivala. Institut se u svome radu fokusira na kulturu, razvoj lokalnih zajednica i obrazovanje, a trajno je posvećen ostvarenju vizije Katara da se do 2030. godine nametne kao ekonomija utemeljena na znanju. Doha Film Institute is an independent, not-for-profit cultural organisation established in 2010. It supports the growth of the local film community by enhancing knowledge, cultivating film appreciation and contributing to the development of sustainable creative industries in Qatar. The Institute’s platforms include funding and production of local, regional and international films, educational programmes, film screenings, the Ajyal Youth Film Festival and Qumra. With culture, community, education and entertainment at its foundation, the Institute is committed to supporting Qatar’s 2030 vision for the development of a knowledge-based economy.
Talasi '98 / Waves '98
Uzani ram ponoći / The Narrow Frame of Midnight
Talasi '98 / Waves '98
Lebanon, Qatar, 2015, Colour, 15 min. Režija / Director: Ely Dagher
Razočaran vlastitim životom u predgrađima Bejruta, Omar osjeća kako uzalud troši svoje tinejdžerske godine. Tokom uobičajene školske pauze za ručak otkriva nešto lijepo i čudno što se ističe u sivom krajoliku. Zahvaljujući ogromnom otkriću odlazi u grad i otvara se za jedan potpuno novi svijet… Disillusioned with his life in the suburbs of Beirut, Omar feels his teenage years are being wasted away. On his usual lunch break atop his school building, he spots something strange and beautiful sticking out from the grey landscape. This giant discovery draws him into the city and opens his mind to a whole new world...
Uzani ram ponoći / The Narrow Frame of Midnight
Morocco, United Kingdom, USA, Qatar, France, 2014, Colour, 93 min. Režija / Director: Tala Hadid Uloge / Cast: Khalid Abdalla, Marie-Josee Croze
Siroče Aiča našla se sama u šumama srednjeg Maroka. Uzeta i prodata iz svoje kuće u brdima planine Atlas, Aiča je prepuštena na milost i nemilost Abase, sitnog kriminalca i njegove kontradiktorne djevojke Nadie. Uskoro im se ukrste putevi sa Zakarijem, marokansko-iračkim piscem, koji je napustio sve, uključujući i strastvenu vezu sa učiteljicom Džudit, da bi nastavio potragu za svojim nestalim bratom. A young orphan, Aicha, is found alone in the forests of central Morocco. Taken and sold from her home in the hills of the Atlas mountains, Aicha finds herself at the mercy of Abbas, a petty criminal, and his conflicted girlfriend, Nadia. They soon cross paths with Zacaria, a Moroccan-Iraqi writer, who has left everything behind- including a passionate relationship with a teacher, Judith- to follow in the path of and search for his missing brother.
Vuk / Wolf
Jordan, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, 2014, Colour, 100 min. Režija / Director: Naji Abu Nowar Uloge / Cast: Jacir Eid Al-Hwietat, Hussein Salameh Al-Sweilhiyeen
Godina je 1916, mladi Theeb i njegov stariji brat Hussein žive u malom beduinskom kampu u regiji Hejaz u Arabijskoj pustinji. Napajaju kamile, uče da pucaju iz puške i druže se. Istovremeno, u Evropi bjesni Prvi svjetski rat, Osmansko carstvo se raspada, a pobuna Arapa uskoro će zauvijek promijeniti život na Arapskom poluostrvu. Kada u kamp stiže misteriozni britanski vojnik u potrazi za Theebovim i Husseinovim ocem, pokojnim šejkom, Husseina beduinski kodeks gostoljubivosti obavezuje da usliši njegov zahtjev i odvede ga do prastarog izvora na putu za Meku. In 1916, in a small Bedouin encampment in the Hejaz region of the Arabian desert, young Theeb and his elder brother Hussein go about their daily lives, watering the camels, learning to shoot rifles and horsing about with each other. Meanwhile, the First World War is consuming Europe, the Ottoman Empire is disintegrating, and the Arab Revolt is about to change life on the Arabian peninsula forever. When a mysterious British soldier arrives at the camp in search of the boys’ father, a late sheikh, Hussein is obliged by the Bedouin code of hospitality to honour the man’s request to be taken to an ancient well situated on the route to Mecca.
Qatar, 2014, Colour, 7 min. Režija / Director: Yousef Al Moadhadi
Mladić je opsjednut svojim mobilnim telefonom. Zabrinut što će mu je baterija gotovo prazna, zapada u razne nevolje zbog svoje omiljene spravice. A young man is obsessed with his mobile phone.
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Vuk / Wolf
Worried because his battery is running low, he gets into all kinds of trouble because of his beloved gadget.
Hindin san / Hind’s Dream
Qatar, 2014, Colour, 9 min. Režija / Director: Suzannah Mirghani Uloge / Cast: Asli Altinisik, Athanasios Sardellis
Hind je mlada beduinka koja provodi sedmice sama u šatoru dok je njen muž u lovu. U zamršenom pejzažu sna i stvarnosti, ona prepričava čudan san o tome kako je lutala sama po pustinji, srela starog proroka i ugledala grad Doha u budućnosti. Hind is a bedouin girl who spends weeks alone in the tent as her husband hunts. In a tangled landscape of dream and reality, she recounts a strange dream about wandering alone in the desert, meeting an old oracle, and glimpsing a future Doha city.
Konobar / T Boy
Qatar, 2014, Colour, 7 min. Režija / Directors: Maryam Al Sahli, Zakie Khan Uloge / Cast: Zakie Khan, Osama Zboun
Sam, dječak koji poslužuje čaj u firmi za informacijske tehnologije, imao je vjere kad je odlučio da napusti svoj rodni gradić u Indiji i došao da radi u Zalivu. Otkrio je da zgrabiti priliku ne znači i da je to dobra prilika. Sam, a tea boy in an information technology firm, took a leap of faith when he decided to leave his little hometown in India and come to work in the Gulf. He finds out that grabbing an opportunity does not necessarily mean it is a good one.
Voda / dRAIN
Qatar, 2014, Colour, 2 min. Režija / Director: Papanapattu Ganesh Uloge / Cast: Gyan, Dom
Ovo je film o očuvanju vode. Glavni lik pozitivno djeluje na gledaoca pokazujući kako mali ali realni napori mogu napraviti razliku. The film is about water conservation. The protagonist makes a positive impact on the viewer by showing how small yet real efforts can make a difference.
Mexico, 2014, Colour, 80 min. Režija / Director: Rigoberto Perezcano Uloge / Cast: Luis Alberti, Juan Carlos Medellín
Mabel, uspješna transseksualna pjevačica koja nastupa u noćnim klubovima, vraća se u svoj rodni grad u Meksiku kako bi istražila ubistvo svoje najbolje prijateljice Daniele. U nedostatku pravog traga i usljed manjka informacija o Danielinoj smrti, Mabel je prisiljena sve dublje kopati po prijateljičinoj prošlosti. U procesu traganja, sa nelagodom otkriva u kojoj se mjeri njen odgoj i prošlost preklapaju sa onima njene ubijene prijateljice. Kako bi u potpunosti shvatila šta se dogodilo Danieli, Mabel mora prigrliti svijet koji je očajnički nastojala ostaviti iza sebe. Potentna mješavina nostalgije i strepnje, CARMIN TROPICAL pažljivo razotkriva
fascinantnu i narastajuće zlokobnu misteriju koja nas stavlja pred pitanje da li je moguće pobjeći od vlastite sudbine. Successful trans nightclub singer Mabel returns to her hometown in Mexico to investigate the murder of her best friend Daniela. With no leads and little insight into Daniela's death, Mabel digs deeper into her friend's past, realizing how her own upbringing and past life overlap unnervingly with that of her murdered friend. In order to fully comprehend what happened to Daniela, Mabel must embrace a world she desperately tried to leave behind. Directed with a potent mixture of nostalgia and dread, CARMIN TROPICAL carefully unveils a fascinating and increasingly sinister mystery that questions whether or not we can escape our own fate.
Besprijekoran / Consummate
Carmin Tropical
Kvota / Quota
Prazno gnijezdo / Empty Nest
Ruda / Aragane
FILM FACTORY Besprijekoran / Consummate
Kvota / Quota
BESPRIJEKORAN je slobodna adapracija nezavršenog djela Franza Kafke ''Pripreme za vjenčanjena selu''. Prebacujući perspektivu, sa protagonista teksta iz ranog dvadesetog stoljeća - heteroseksualnog Nijemca koji se sprema za vjenčanje sa svojom zaručnicom, na onu savremenog Bosanca homoseksualca koji se nalazi u istoj situaciji. Film je ispričan u dva dijela kombinujući arhivske snimke i živu radnju. CONSUMMATE is a loose adaptation of Franz Kafka's unfinished work ''Wedding Preparations in the Country''. Shifting perspective from the text's early twentieth century protagonist, a heterosexual German off to marry his fiancée, to that of a contemporary homosexual Bosnian in the same circumstance. The film is told in two parts mixing montaged archive footage and live action.
Grupa mladih uličnih buntovnika rođenih tokom rata u Bosni sanjaju o pristojnom životu...međutim sve vrijeme su na ulici, upadajući u iskušenja... Born during the Bosnian war, a gang of young street rebels of Sarajevo dreams to live a decent life... but they're always out on the street, slowly falling into temptation...
Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, Colour, b&w, 23 min. Režija / Director: Grant Gulczynski Uloge / Cast: Adi Hrustemović, Sabina Mrgan
Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, Colour, 68 min. Režija / Director: Namsuk Kim Uloge / Cast: Emir Lačević, Haris Pijuk, Faruk Gedžeri
Prazno gnijezdo / Empty Nest
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mexico, 2015, Colour, 30 min. Režija / Director: Marta Hernaiz Pidal
Nakon što saznaje da njen sin neće provesti svoj rođendan sa njom, Nadia nastavlja svoj monotoni život. Dok skuplja prljaveu odjeću, pere, objeduje ili pije kafu sa komšijama, Nadia osjeća duboku prazninu; svoju usamljenost.
After receiving the news that her son won't spend his birthday with her, Nadia continues her monotonous life. Picking up dirty clothes, washing, eating or having coffee with her neighbours, Nadia feels a deep emptiness; the loneliness of her life.
Ruda / Aragane
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Japan, 2015, Colour, 71 min. Režija / Director: Oda Kaori
Rudari u bosanskom rudniku. Kamera tiho posmatra rudare koji neumorno rade okruženi neprestanom bukom i treperavim svjetlom lampi. Rediteljičina pažnja potpuno je usmjerena na njih. Miners in a Bosnian coal mine. The camera silently watches over the miners working tirelessly amidst endless noise and the flickering light of lanterns. The director follows the miners with her undivided attention.
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
1995-2015. SUOČAVANJE S PROŠLOŠĆU 1995-2015 Dealing With the Past „Proglašenje nezavisnosti Slovenije od Republike Jugoslavije 1991. godine označio je početak raspada bivše Jugoslavije. Za njom su uslijedile Hrvatska i Bosna i Hercegovina (BiH). Sukob između Slovenije i Jugoslovenske narodne armije trajao je samo 10 dana, ali brutalni ratovi su se vodili u Hrvatskoj i BiH (započeli su 1991., odnosno 1992. godine) sve do 1995.godine. Sukob na Kosovu je trajao od 1998. do 1999. godine. Sukobi su uključivali rasprostranjene napade na civile, protjerivanje stanovništva, sistemsko silovanje i koncentracione logore. Većina masakara se dogodila u BiH, Hrvatskoj i na Kosovu. Tokom sukoba u regiji oko 140.000 ljudi je poginulo, a skoro 4.000.000 ljudi je raseljeno.” Izvor: ICTJ (Međunarodni centar za tranzicijsku pravdu) Imajući u vidu obilježavanje 20. godišnjice od masakra u Srebrenici, 20 godina od operacije „Oluja” i Dejtonskog sporazuma, Sarajevo Film Festival priprema poseban program za ovu godinu sa kojim se osvrćemo na zvjerstva počinjena tokom balkanskih ratova 1990-ih godina i odajemo počast žrtvama. Program će se održati 16. augusta, a biće prikazana tri filma koja se bave regijom bivše Jugoslavije.
Diplomata / The Diplomat
Diplomata / The Diplomat
USA, 2015, Colour, 104 min. Režija / Director: David Holbrooke Uloge / Cast: Richard Holbrooke, Diane Sawyer, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Al Gore, Henry Kissinger, Christiane Amanpour, Madeleine Albright, John Kerry, Kofi Annan, Bakir Izetbegović
Sa svojim dobro potkovanim i prosvjetljujućim dokumentarcem DIPLOMATA, David Holbrook pokušava ispuniti naizgled nemoguć zadatak: oslikati zaostavštinu svoga impozantnog oca, ambasadora Richarda Holbrooka, putujući širom planete u nastojanju da pruži pogled iznutra na američku spoljnu politiku. Holbrookova karijera je obuhvatila pedeset godina američke spoljne politike. Dokumentarac nas vodi iza scene u svijet visoke diplomatije u kojem se u brojnim zemljama, uključujući VIjetnam, BiH, Afganistan i Kosovo, pokreće mir i završavaju ratovi. Kroz intervjue sa impresivnim brojem svjetskih lidera, David pokušava da pomiri Holbrookov privatni i profesionalni imidž, kreirajući nježan portret očinstva, ambicije i moći potrebne da se promijeni tok stvari u raznim krajevima svijeta. With the insightful and revealing documentary THE DIPLOMAT, David Holbrooke attempts the seemingly insurmountable: capturing the legacy of his largerthan life father, Ambassador Richard Holbrooke, while traveling across the globe to reveal an inside view of U.S. foreign policy. Holbrooke’s career
"Slovenia’s declaration of independence from the Republic of Yugoslavia in 1991 marked the start of the dismantling of the former Yugoslavia. Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) followed suit. The fighting between Slovenia and the Yugoslav People’s Army lasted only 10 days, but the brutal wars fought in Croatia and BiH (begun in 1991 and 1992 respectively) dragged on until 1995. Fighting in Kosovo lasted from 1998 to 1999. The conflicts included widespread attacks against civilians, population expulsions, systematic rape and the use of concentration camps. Most of the massacres occurred in BiH, Croatia and Kosovo. About 140,000 people were killed in the region during the conflicts, and almost 4 million others were displaced." Source: ICTJ (The International Center for Transitional Justice) This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre, the Operation Storm, and the signing of the Dayton peace agreement. Sarajevo Film Festival has created a special program for its 21st edition to reflect on the atrocities of the Balkan wars in the 1990s and pay tribute to the victims. The program is scheduled to take place on August 16, where 3 films will be screened, all dealing with the region of former Yugoslavia.
Glasovi Srebrenice / The Voices of Srebrenica
Masakr u Dvoru / The Dvor Massacre
spanned fifty years of American foreign policy. The documentary takes us behind the scenes of high stakes diplomacy where peace is waged and wars are ended, including in Vietnam, Bosnia, Kosovo and Afghanistan. Interviewing an impressive array of world leaders, David grapples with Holbrooke’s public versus private personas, creating a sensitive portrait of fatherhood, ambition and the force required to affect change throughout the world.
Glasovi Srebrenice / The Voices of Srebrenica France, 2015, Colour, 50 min. Režija / Director: Nedim Lončarević
Intimna i dirljiva priča o preživjelima iz Srebrenice, problematizira razloge očiglednog ignoriranja međunarodne zajednice koje je na kraju dovelo do onoga što je danas priznato kao čin genocida. An intimate and moving tale of the survivors of Srebrenica, bringing into question the reasons behind the apparent negligence of the international community that has lead to what is today recognised as an act of genocide.
Masakr u Dvoru / The Dvor Massacre
Denmark, 2015, Colour, 58 min. Režija / Directors: Kasper Vedsmand, Georg Larsen
Nekoliko minuta prije nego što je devet osoba s invaliditetom ubijeno u napuštenoj školi 8. avgusta
1995. godine, danski oficir je trebao donijeti presudnu odluku: da izda naredbu da se interveniše ili ne. Komandir Jørgen Kold odlučio je da ne izda naredbu za stupanje u akciju protiv neidentifikovanog muškarca koji je ušao u školu u blizini danskog vojnog kampa. Devet osoba s invaliditetom, Srba i Hrvata, ubijeni su jedno po jedno dok je 200 danskih vojnika ostalo nepomično u svom kampu. MASAKR U DVORU prati bivšeg komandira i njegov povratak na Balkan gdje se suočava sa onima koji su učestvovali, sa ožalošćenima i sa svojom fatalnom odlukom koja muči njegovu savjest posljednjih dvadeset godina. Minutes before nine disabled people were executed in an abandoned school on August 8, 1995, it was up to one Danish officer to make the crucial decision: to give orders to intervene or not. Company Commander Jørgen Kold opted to not give an order to take action against the unidentified men who had entered the school, which was located adjacent to the Danish encampment. The nine disabled people, both Serbians and Croatians, were executed one by one while the 200 Danish soldiers remained immobile inside their camp. The Massacre in Dvor follows former company commander and his trip back to the Balkans to confront those involved, the bereaved, and his fatal decision that has plagued his conscience for the last twenty years.
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Šake / Hands
Polufinale / Semifinals
Potezi ruke / Hand Gestures
Tlo pod nogama / On Shaky Ground
Tragovi sandalovine / Traces of Sandalwood
Dan Marjana / Marjan Hill Day
OPERACIJA KINO Operation Kino Potezi ruke / Hand Gestures
Italy, 2015, Colour and b&w, 77 min. Režija / Director: Francesco Clerici Uloge / Cast: Andreas Boccone, Nicolae Ciortan, Mario Conti
Film prati nastanak jedne od slavnih skulptura Vitalija Velascoa, od izrade modela u vosku do njenog izlijevanja u bronzi u umjetničkoj livnici Battaglia u Milanu. Posmatramo rad grupe vještih zanatlija u ovoj staroj livnici i otkriva tradicionalne tehnike izrade bronzane skulpture. Da bi se napravila skulptura u bronzi danas, poduzimaju se koraci jednaki kao i u šestom stoljeću prije nove ere. The film follows the process of creating one of Velasco Vitali’s famous sculptures, from wax to glazed bronze, at Fonderia Artistica Battaglia (Battaglia Artistic Foundry), in Milan. It observes the work of a group of skilled artisans in this old foundry and reveals the ancient traditions of bronze sculpture making. Even today, in order to create a sculpture in bronze, the same steps are taken as in the sixth century BC.
Tragovi sandalovine / Traces of Sandalwood
Spain, India, France, 2014, Colour, 95 min. Režija / Director: Maria Ripoll Uloge / Cast: Nandita Das, Aina Clotet, Naby Dakhli
Unatoč slavi i bogatstvu koje posjeduje, uspješna bombajska glumica Mina ne može da zaboravi svoju mlađu sestru Situ od koje je, nakon smrti njihove majke, bila prinudno razdvojena u djetinjstvu. Trideset godina poslije saznaje da je Sita živa i zdrava, te da je nastanjena u Barceloni. Međutim, Sitini posvojitelji uspjeli su izbrisati sve tragove njene prošlosti. Sada se zove Paula, radi kao biologinja i uopće se ne sjeća svoje prošlosti u Indiji niti Mine. Suočena sa šokantnim otkrićem istine o svojoj prošlosti, Paula kreće na dugo putovanje samootkrivanja, čemu doprinosi i svježa romansa sa zgodnim indijskim imigrantom Prakashom. Despite her fame and fortune, Mina, a successful Indian actress in Mumbai, can’t forget her little sister Sita, from whom she was forced to separate in childhood after their mother’s death. Thirty years later she will finally find out that Sita is alive and well
in Barcelona. However, Sita’s adoptive parents have erased all traces of her past. She is now called Paula, works as a biologist and has no recollection of her Indian background, let alone of Mina. Faced with the shocking truths of her past, Paula begins a long journey of self-discovery, aided along the way by her budding romance with the handsome Indian immigrant Prakash.
Croatia, 2014, Colour, 23 min. Režija / Director: Tin Žanić Uloge / Cast: Matija Ferlin, Vjenceslav Kapural, Roberta Milevoj
MANJAČA je film o mladiću koji prvi put odlučuje uzeti svoj život u svoje ruke. Pokušavajući se oduprijeti starim navikama, useljava se kod svoga djeda. MANJAČA is a film about a young man who decides for the first time to gain control of his own life. Trying to resist his old habits, he moves to his grandfather's place.
Polufinale / Semifinals
Croatia, 2014, Colour,17 min. Režija / Director: Tomislav Šoban Uloge / Cast: Svebor Kamenski Bačun, Kristian Bonačić
Uz Svebora, na juniorskom prvenstvu Hrvatske u mačevanju prvi put će nastupiti i njegov mlađi brat Kristian. Dok je Kristian neopterećen rezultatom, Svebor ima visoka očekivanja. For the first time, Kristian will join his older brother Svebor in Croatian Juniors' Fencing Championship. While Kristian merely wants to participate, Svebor has great expectations.
Šake / Hands
Croatia, 2014, Colour, 30 min. Režija / Director: Jasna Nanut Uloge / Cast: Dado Ćosić, Goran Bogdan, Vedran Živolić
Nakon kratke i intenzivne veze, Mišel ostaje sam. Zbunjen i razočaran, počinje tražiti ljubav, ali na krivim mjestima... After a short and intense relationship, Marko suddenly leaves Mišel, without any explanation.
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Broken and lost, Mišel is depressed for a while and then decides that a new love is what will help him recover…. However, he looks for it in wrong places…
Tlo pod nogama / On Shaky Ground
Croatia, 2014, Colour, 29 min. Režija / Director: Sonja Tarokić Uloge / Cast: Tamara Šoletić, Stojan Matavulj, Roko Sikavica
TLO POD NOGAMA prikaz je jedne obitelji čija se bliskost i opuštenost počinje raspadati nakon što otac zapadne u ozbiljnu depresiju zbog određenih financijskih poteza koje je dotad tajio. ON SHAKY GROUND is about a family that starts falling apart after the father becomes a victim of the depression resulting from some clandestine financial decisions of his.
Ana Trg / Ana the Square Croatia, 2015, Colour, 25 min. Režija / Director: Jelena Novaković
Ana svakog dana već 40 godina dolazi pred crkvu prodavati religijske kalendare i krunice. Njena konkurencija je Zorka koja s Anom živi u neobičnoj simbiozi — obje međusobno spuštaju cijene i tako zadržavaju kupce. Iako u neprestanom sukobu ne mogu jedna bez druge. For the past 40 years, Ana has been selling religious calendars in front of a church. Zorka is her only competition and they simultaneously lower their prices. They exist in a state of perpetual conflict but they cannot function without each other.
Dan Marjana / Marjan Hill Day Croatia, 2014, Colour, 9 min. Režija / Director: Igor Jelinović Uloge /Actors: Ana Ledenko, Josip Lukić
Dan Marjana posljednji je dan u tjednu u kojem se obilježava proslava Svetog Duje, zaštitnika Splita. Na taj dan, Ana i Josip, baš kao većina njihovih sugrađana, odlučili su protegnuti noge i prošetati Marjanom. Marjan Hill Day is the last day of one week long
Medo mali / Teddy Bear
Do balčaka / To the Hilt
celebration of Saint Duje, the protector of Split. On that day, Ana and Josip, as most of their co-citizens, decided to stretch their legs along Marjan seaside promenade.
Lako pokojnima / The Dead Have It Easy
Croatia, 2015, Colour, 20 min. Režija / Director: Matea Šarić Uloge / Actors: Siniša Popović, Jakov Bilić, Anđelko Babačić
Ive zarađuje čisteći i ukrašavajući grobove pokojnika čije obitelji i potomci žive u inozemstvu. Grobove uređuje, međutim, samo kada zna da će obitelj doći. Sve se zakomplicira kad se na groblju nađe član obitelji pokojnice kojeg Ive tad nije očekivao... Ive makes a living by cleaning and decorating the
Lako pokojnima / The Dead Have It Easy
Hiljadarka / Thousand
Medo mali / Teddy Bear
Ana Trg / Ana the Square
graves of those whose families are living abroad. But he cleans them only when he knows that their families are coming. Things get complicated when the grandson of a deceased woman suddenly comes to the cemetery without Ive's knowledge.
Medo mali / Teddy Bear
Croatia, 2015, Colour, 20 min. Režija / Director: Igor Jelinović Uloge / Actors: Josip Lukić, Bruna Bebić, Mia Anočić-Valentić
Tedo Mali živi s mamom. Kao svaka mama, i njegova je zabrinuta za njega. Smišlja način kako da mu pomogne. Teddy Bear lives with his Mum. As every mum, his Mum worries. She's trying to figure out how to help him.
Croatia, 2014, Colour, 3 min. Režija / Director: Ivan Šušnjar Uloge / Actors: Ana Dragičević, Ana Franulić, Ruža Bertičević
Na otoku Braču, u Supetru, svako popodne vruće ljetne sezone ispunjeno je rutinom umirovljenih žena. Čakula i tombola njihove su glavne zanimacije, a žene koje je igraju prikazuju njenu čar i ritualnost u ovom filmu. On the island of Brač, in a small town called Supetar, hot summer afternoons are a perfect time for talking and playing the raffle. The women who love to play the raffle are used to portray its charm and rhythm.
PRETPREMIJERE Avant Premiere Do balčaka / To the Hilt
Uloge / Cast: Branislav Trifunović, Aida Bukva, Moamer Kasumović, Goran Kostić, Vanesa Glođo, Siniša Udovičić
Makedonija, mala zemlja u srcu Balkana, je petsto godina pod turskim jarmom. Radnja se odvija u krvavom postrevolucionarnom periodu nakon 1903. godine, tačnije u prvoj deceniji 20. vijeka. "Do balčaka" je ljubavni četverokut između okrutnog, ali romantičnog buntovnika, nemilosrdnog naturalizovanog turskog službenika, obrazovanog sina bogatog oca i lucidne, razmažene, ali avangardne Evropljanke koja želi da svu trojicu vrti oko malog prsta. Macedonia, a small country in the heart of the Balkans, has been under Ottoman yoke for 500 years. The action takes place in the bloody postrevolutionary period after 1903, more precisely in the first decade of the 20th century. TO THE HILT is a love quadrangle between a cruel though romantic rebel, a merciless naturalized Turkish officer, an educated wealthy father’s son and a lucid, spoiled but avant-garde European woman who wants to have three of them wrapped around her little finger.
Bosna, 1955. Atif Kurtović, sin penzionisanog rudara, prvi put silazi u rudarsku jamu kada mu saopštavaju vijest da je odabran za lice koje će ukrasiti najvrijedniju novčanicu u državi. Niko ne zna kako su baš njega odabrali. Atif odlazi u Beograd, upoznaje Tita, a kada se vraća u svoje malo rudarsko mjesto, dobija posao kakav zaslužuje. Atif se zaljubljuje u lokalnu prostitutku, prelijepu, ali posrnulu mladu ženu, koju svi zovu Hiljadarka po cijeni koju je odredila za pružanje svojih usluga. Uživajući u svojim privilegijama, Atif napušta posao i odaje se porocima. Atif i Hiljadarka padaju u nemilost društva. Da li će Titova iznenadna posjeta rudniku još jednom promijeniti Atifov život? Bosnia, 1955. Atif Kurtović, son of a retired miner, goes down the mining pit for the first time when he gets the news that he has been chosen for the face of the most valuable banknote in the country. Nobody knows why he has been chosen. Atif goes to Belgrade, he meets Tito, and when he returns to his little town, he gets a job he deserves. Atif falls in love with a local prostitute, a beautiful but troubled young woman, whom everyone calls "Thousand" by the price she demands for services. Enjoying his privileges, Atif quits his job and turns to vices. Atif and Thousand are rejected from society. Will Tito’s sudden visit to the mine once again change Atif’s life?
Macedonia, 2014, Colour, 165 min. Režija / Director: Stole Popov Uloge / Cast: Inti Sraj, Sasko Kocev, Martin Jordanoski, Toni Mihajlovski, Iskra Veterova, Senko Velinov, Miki Manojlovic, Nikola Kojo, Nikola Ristanovski
Hiljadarka / Thousand
bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, Colour, 105 min. Režija / Director: Nenad Đurić
Pored mene / Next to Me
Serbia, 2015, Colour, 95 min. Režija / Director: Stevan Filipović Uloge / Cast: Hristina Popović, Mirjana Karanović, Dragan Mićanović, Nikola Glišić, Milica Majkić, Matea Milosavljević
Olja je gimnazijska profesorica istorije, mlada, puna entuzijazma, i zainteresovana za alternativne metode edukacije. Živi u braku sa slikarom Uglješom, čija je posljednja izložba izazvala burne reakcije u javnosti. Grupa huligana upravo tu izložbu vidi kao povod da je napadne. Snimak napada kače na internet. Narednog dana, Olja otkriva da je to uradio neko od njenih učenika. Oduzima im mobilne telefone, zaprijeti odlaskom u policiju ako sami ne prijave krivce, i u afektu odlučuje da ih zaključa u školskoj zgradi dok to ne urade. Olja is a high school history teacher, young, enthusiastic and interested in alternative methods of education. She is married to painter Uglješa, whose last exhibition provoked strong reactions in the public. A group of hooligans sees the exhibition as a pretext to attack it. They post a video of the attack on the Internet. The next day, Olja discovers that some of her students did it. She takes away their mobile phones, threatens to go to police if they themselves don't report who it was, and in the heat of the moment she decided to lock them in the school building until they do so.
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Nema problema u Sarajevu No Problems In Sarajevo Oscarom nagrađeni portorikanski glumac na festivalu će predstaviti film ‘Savršeni dan’, u kojem glumi humanitarnog djelatnika u ratom zahvaćenoj Bosni i Hercegovini, ali i primiti počasno Srce Sarajeva za doprinos filmskoj umjetnosti
Academy Awardwinning Puerto Rican actor will present the movie ‘The Perfect Day’ at the festival, in which he plays a humanitarian worker in a war-torn Bosnia and Herzegovina, and he will also receive an honorary Heart of Sarajevo for his contributions to film arts Text: Josip Jurčić
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
3 (1). U filmu ‘Savršeni dan’ glumi čovjeka koji jednostavno želi pomoći. (2). Za ulogu u filmu ‘Traffic’ nagrađen je Oscarom. (3). Kao revolucionar Che Guevara u epskom filmu ‘Che’ Stevena Sodebergha. (4). Prošle godine kao zloglasni diler droge Pablo Escobar u filmu ‘Escobar: Pakleni raj’ 4
(1). In ‘A Perfect Day’ he is playing a man who just wants to help. (2). He won the Academy award for his role in ‘Traffic’. (3). As Che Guevara in epic ‘Che’ directed by Steven Sodebergh. (4). As a notorious drug lord Pablo Escobar in ‘Paradise Lost’
In what way is the role in the ”Perfect Day” different from the other characters that you have played? - There has been a lot of films about cops and robbers, soldiers and warriors, but you will rarely see the story of a humanitarian workers. And that attracted me. I wanted to know what motivates them to risk their lives to help complete strangers, but also how do they manage to stay normal after seeing so much pain and suffering. I prepared for the role by speaking with some of the humanitarian workers who have been to numerous battlefields and by exploring the details of the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina and other wars as well. After all that do you understand what drives humanitarian workers? - A psychiatrist would probably give a better answer than the actor, but they seem to be primarily driven by sympathy with the victims. They really want to help. What do you now think of your beginnings? - I do not watch my movies and I don’t like to look back. But by chance I recently saw “License to Kill”, a James Bond film in which I played. God, I was so skinny. I looked like a baby. Then I realized that so many films recorded my growing up and changing. I can divide my life by the roles that I have played, and when I meet people that I have worked in 1992 or 1993, I feel like I have just met a member of my family. It is weird. Do you plan to direct a film? - That’s what I really wante. I wrote some stuff, but I am still looking for the right material. I want to have the movie in my head, know everythin and not have to look it up in the script. The best directors I worked with know everything from the first to the last second in their movies. How many Bosnian words have you learned on the set of “The Perfect Day”? - As much as I needed, so that means not many. I liked to say ”no problem”. It is easy to pronounce and it sounds good, there is no better combination.
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Foto: Rex features/Guliver (4)
Po čemu je lik u “Savršenom danu” drugačiji od ostalih koje ste glumili? - Puno je filmova snimljeno o policajcima i lopovima, vojnicima i ostalim ratnicima, no rijetko ćete vidjeti priču o humanitarnim djelatnicima. I to me privuklo. Zanimalo me što ih potiče da riskiraju svoje živote za potpune neznance, ali i kako uspijevaju ostati normalni uz toliko boli koju vide. Pripremao sam se za ulogu razgovarajući s nekim od humanitarnih djelatnika koji su prošli brojna ratišta te istražujući detalje o ratu u Bosni i Hercegovini, ali i drugim suvremenim ratnim sukobima. Nakon tolikih priprema, jeste li shvatili što pokreće humanitarne djelatnike? - Psihijatar bi vam vjerojatno dao bolji odgovor od glumca, no čini mi se da ih prvenstveno pokreće suosjećanje sa žrtvama. Oni doista žele pomoći. Kako danas gledate na svoje glumačke početke? - Ne gledam svoje filmove i zapravo se ne volim osvrtati. No slučajno sam nedavno vidio “Dozvolu za ubijanje”, film o Jamesu Bondu u kojem sam glumio. Bože, tako sam bio mršav. Izgledao sam kao beba. Tada sam shvatio koliko su filmovi zabilježili moje odrastanje. Danas životna razdoblja dijelim prema ulogama koje sam snimio, a kada na festivalima sretnem ljude s kojima sam radio 1992. ili 1993. osjećam se kao da sam nakon dugo vremena sreo člana obitelji. Čudno je to. Hoćete li jednog dana stati iza kamere? - To bih doista htio. Napisao sam neke stvari, ali još tražim pravi materijal. Želim imati film u svojoj glavi, istoga trenutka znati sve što se događa, a ne da moram tražiti po scenariju. Najbolji redatelji s kojima sam radio znaju svoj film od prve do posljednje sekunde. Koliko ste bosanskih riječi naučili na snimanju filma “Savršeni dan”? - Onoliko koliko mi je bilo potrebno, dakle - malo. Najviše mi se svidjelo govoriti “nema problema”. Lako se izgovara i dobro zvuči, nema bolje kombinacije.
Balazs Bodolai
Generacija 2014. Generation of 2014 Izložba portreta u Glorijinom paviljonu posvećena je mladim glumcima, polaznicima 8. Sarajevo Talent Campusa na 20. SFF-u
Exhibition of portraits in Gloria’s pavilion is dedicated to young actors, attendees of the 8th Sarajevo Talent Campus at the 20th SFF
Photo by Vedran Peteh
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Dina Mušanović
Katarina Strahinić HRVATSKA/ CROATIA
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Emoke Pal
Rijad Gvozden
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Matija Živković
Blaž Setnikar
Iskra Jirsak
Maja Šuša
Odabir bez greške Impeccable Choice Selektorica natjecateljskog programa, jedna od osnivačica SFF-a, tijekom godine najviše treba mir kako bi pogledala sve filmove iz regije, a kad počne festival, uživa u druženju s gostima
Selector of the Competition program, one of the founders of the SFF, before the festival needs peace to see all the films from the region, so when the festival begins she enjoys having fun with the guests
PRVI DAN FESTIVALA… Ne znam gdje sam od uzbuđenja i posla.
FIRST DAY OF THE FESTIVAL... I feel completely lost because of all the excitement and things to be done.
KADA SE ŽELIM OPUSTITI... Odem u Meeting Point.
WHEN I WANT TO RELAX... I go to The Meeting Point.
ZA CRVENI ĆILIM ODABIREM... Ono u čemu se u tom trenutku osjećam fantastično.
FOR THE RED CARPET... I choose something that I feel fantastic in at that moment. MY FAVORITE FESTIVAL MOMENT... Opening of the Open air cinema in the yard of Metalac in 1996.
MOJ NAJDRAŽI FESTIVALSKI TRENUTAK… Otvaranje Otvorenog kina u dvorištu Metalca 1996.
DURING THE FESTIVAL I CAN NOT DO WITHOUT... Cell phone and good cheer.
NA FESTIVALU NE MOGU BEZ… Mobitela i dobrog raspoloženja.
FILM KOJI MOGU POGLEDATI 100 PUTA… “Lice s ožiljkom”.
U TORBICI UVIJEK IMAM… Ma nema šta nemam! Pravi sam Sport Billy. 74
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
Foto: Matej Dokić
WHAT I ALWAYS HAVE IN MY PURSE... I have everything! Like a regular Sport Billy.
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 14-22/08/2015 /