SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 11-18/08/2017 /
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Sadržaj Content 7 Žiri / Jury / Nagrade / Awards 8 Počasno Srce Sarajeva: / Honorary Heart of Sarajevo: John Cleese
9 Počasno Srce Sarajeva: / Honorary Heart of Sarajevo: Oliver Stone
10 Takmičarski program – igrani film / Competition Programme – Feature Film
44 Dječiji program / Children's Programme 47 TeenArena 48 Dan ljudskih prava / Human Rights Day 50 Sučavanje s prošlošću / Dealing with the Past 52 Sarajevo Film Festival Partner Presents 54 Pretpremijere / Avant Premiere 55 Specijalne projekcije / Special Screenings 56 CineLink dani filmske industrije /
14 U fokusu / In Focus 16 Takmičarski program – kratki film /
CineLink Industry Days
Competition Programme – Short Film
59 U čast 20 godina Factuma /
18 Takmičarski program – studentski film /
Honoring 20 Years of Factum
Competition Programme – Student Film
60 BiH Film 61 Raspored projekcija / Screening Schedule 65 Box Office 68 John Cleese: Dobitnik Počasnog
22 Takmičarski program – dokumentarni film / Competition Programme – Documentary Film
26 Open Air 28 Kinoscope 34 Shorts 38 Summer Screen 41 Posvećeno / Tribute To Joshua Oppenheimer 43 Posvećeno / Tribute To Oliver Stone
Srca Sarajeva/The Winner of the Honorary Heart of Sarajevo
70 Mlade nade Sarajeva/Sarajevo's Promising Young Artists
74 Goran Bogdan: Moje Sarajevo/My Sarajevo
IMPRESSUM: Izdavač/Publisher: Hanza Media Zagreb / Sarajevo Film Festival; Za izdavača / For Publisher: Dubravka Tomeković Aralica, Mirsad Purivatra; Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor: Altijana Marić Đorđević; Dokumentacija / Documentation: Bakir Milić, Lana Krstić, Asja Krsmanović, Adisa Smajić; Prevod / Translation: Sabina Nikšić; Grafičko oblikovanje i DTP/ Graphic design and DTP: BOOM! Produkcija GLORIA Urednik / Editor: Dora Ivanović; Grafički urednik / Graphic Design: Goran Žunić; Štampa / Prints: Vjesnik d.d., Slavonska avenija 2, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska; Tiraž / Print run: 20.000
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Predsjednik žirija / President of the Jury:
POČASNO SRCE SARAJEVA Nagrada se dodjeljuje u znak priznanja za izuzetan dobrinos filmskoj umjetnosti
HONORARY HEART OF SARAJEVO AWARD Award is given in recognition for the exceptional contribution to the art of film
Takmičarski program – igrani film SRCE SARAJEVA ZA NAJBOLJI IGRANI FILM Novčana nagrada u iznosu od 16.000 € SRCE SARAJEVA ZA NAJBOLJEG REDITELJA Novčanu nagradu, u iznosu od 10.000 €, obezbjeđuje Agnes B. SRCE SARAJEVA ZA NAJBOLJU GLUMICU Novčanu nagradu, u iznosu od 2.500 €, obezbjeđuje Tondach SRCE SARAJEVA ZA NAJBOLJEG GLUMCA Novčanu nagradu, u iznosu od 2.500 €, obezbjeđuje Tondach
Competition Programme – Feature Film HEART OF SARAJEVO FOR THE BEST FEATURE FILM Award in the amount of 16,000 € HEART OF SARAJEVO FOR THE BEST DIRECTOR Award in the amount of 10,000 €, sponsored by Agnes B. HEART OF SARAJEVO FOR THE BEST ACTRESS Award in the amount of 2,500 €, sponsored by Tondach HEART OF SARAJEVO FOR THE BEST ACTOR Award in the amount of 2,500 €, sponsored by Tondach
Reditelj, scenarista, producent, Meksiko / Director, Writer, Producer, Mexico
Umjetnički direktor Edinburgh International Film Festivala, Velika Britanija / Artistic Director of the Edinburgh International Film Festival, UK
Glumac, BiH, Hrvatska / Actor, B&H, Croatia
Direktorica Doha Film Instituta, Katar / Chief Executive Officer of Doha Film Institute, Qatar
Generalni direktor filmskog fonda Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung gmbh (MDM), Njemačka / CEO Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung gmbh (MDM), Germany
Zamjenica direktora First Hand Films, Švicarska / Deputy Director for First Hand Films, Switzerland
Reditelj i scenarista, BiH, Kanada / Director and Writer, B&H, Canada
Rediteljka, Srbija / Director, Serbia
Program menadžer Berlinale Talents, Njemačka / Programme Manager of Berlinale Talents, Germany ŽIRI TAKMIČARSKOG PROGRAMA – STUDENTSKI FILM / COMPETITION PROGRAMME JURY – STUDENT FILM
Reditelj, montažer, Izrael / Director, Editor, Israel
Takmičarski program – kratki film SRCE SARAJEVA ZA NAJBOLJI KRATKI FILM Novčana nagrada u iznosu od 2.500 € Takmičarski program – studentski film SRCE SARAJEVA ZA NAJBOLJI STUDENTSKI FILM Novčana nagrada u iznosu od 1.000 € obezbjeđuje Vijeće za regionalnu saradnju. Takmičarski program – dokumentarni film SRCE SARAJEVA ZA NAJBOLJI DOKUMENTARNI FILM Novčanu nagradu, u iznosu od 3.000 €, obezbjeđuje Vlada Švicarske NAGRADA ZA LJUDSKA PRAVA Nagrada za ljudska prava dodjeljuje se za najbolji film iz Takmičarskog programa – dokumentarni film koji obrađuje tematiku ljudskih prava. Nagradu u iznosu od 3.000 € osigurava Vlada Švicarske. SPECIJALNA NAGRADA ŽIRIJA Novčanu nagradu, u iznosu od 2.500 €, obezbjeđuje Al Jazeera Balkans
Producent, Francuska / Producer, France
Rediteljka, Makedonija / Director, Macedonia ŽIRI ZA EVROPSKI KRATKI FILM / EUROPEAN SHORT FILM JURY
Rediteljka i scenaristica, Hrvatska / Director and Writer, Croatia
Direktor Tampere Film Festivala, Finska / Director of Tampere Film Festival, Finland
Producentica, BiH / Producer, BiH CICAE ŽIRI / CICAE JURY
Programski menadžer Mestni kino Metropol, Slovenija / Program director of City cinema Metropol, Slovenia
Menadžerica kina PASAKA, Litvanija / Manager of cinema PASAKA, Lithuania
Menadžer kina Babylon, Njemačka / Cinema Manager of Babylon Kino, Germany CINEUROPA ŽIRI / CINEUROPA JURY
Producent i rukovodilac Deska Kreativna Europa BiH za potprogram MEDIA, BiH / Producer and Head of MEDIA sub-programme at CED BH
Festivalski menadžer – Mađarski nacionalni filmski fond, Mađarska / Festival Manager - Hungarian National Film Fund, Hungary
Competition Programme – Short Film HEART OF SARAJEVO FOR THE BEST SHORT FILM Award in the amount of 2,500 € Competition Programme – Student Film HEART OF SARAJEVO FOR THE BEST STUDENT FILM Award in the amount of 1,000 € sponsored by Regional Cooperation Council. Competition Programme – Documentary Film HEART OF SARAJEVO FOR THE BEST DOCUMENTARY FILM Award in the amount of 3,000 €, sponsored by Government of Switzerland. HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD Best film of the Competition Programme Documentary Film dealing with the subject of human rights. Award in the amount of 3,000 €, sponsored by Government of Switzerland. SPECIAL JURY PRIZE Award in the amount of 2,500 €, sponsored by Al Jazeera Balkans AUDIENCE AWARD
PARTNERSKE NAGRADE NOMINACIJA SARAJEVSKOG KANDIDATA ZA EVROPSKU FILMSKU NAGRADU 2017. Pobjednik ulazi u konkurenciju za nagradu Evropske filmske akademije (EFA) za najbolji kratki film. EDN TALENT GRANT EDN Talent Grant je ustanovljen kroz saradnju Sarajevo Film Festivala i Evropske dokumentarističke mreže, u svrhu podrške talentovanim autorima dokumentarnog filma iz regije. CICAE NAGRADA Međunarodna konfederacija umjetničkih kina (CICAE) nagrađuje film u selekciji Takmičarskog programa - igrani film. Nagrađeni film će dobiti posebnu podršku CICAE kada je u pitanju pomoć kod distribucije, prikazivanja filma i dopiranja do publike, putem mreže od 3.000 kina. CINEUROPA NAGRADA Nagradu dodjeljuje Cineuropa portal posvećen europskoj kinematografiji i njenim stvaraocima i to filmu koji, osim što nesporno posjeduje umjetničke kvalitete, također promovira ideje europskog dijaloga i integracije. Vrijednost nagrade iznosi 5.000 €.
PARTNERS AWARDS SARAJEVO SHORT FILM NOMINEE FOR THE EUROPEAN FILM AWARDS 2017 The winner receives a nomination for the European Film Academy (EFA) Best Short Film Award. EDN TALENT GRANT EDN Talent Grant has been created as co-operation between the Sarajevo Film Festival and the European Documentary Network with the purpose of supporting promising new documentary filmmakers from the region. CICAE AWARD The International Confederation of Art Cinemas (CICAE) awards a film from the Competition Programme - Features. The awarded film will receive CICAE support in terms of distribution, exhibition and audience outreach, through a network of 3,000 cinemas. CINEUROPA PRIZE The prize is awarded by the Cineuropa portal, the site dedicated to the European cinema and film professionals, and is given to a film that besides having indisputable artistic qualities also promotes the idea of European dialogue and integration. The value of this award is 5,000 €.
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POČASNO SRCE SARAJEVA: JOHN CLEESE Honorary Heart of Sarajevo: John Cleese Počasno Srce Sarajeva za izuzetan doprinos filmskoj umjetnosti biće uručeno na 23. Sarajevo Film Festivalu legendarnom komičaru Johnu Cleeseu. Publika Sarajevo Film Festivala će, nakon ceremonije dodjele nagrade, imati priliku da u Open Air programu pogleda nezaboravnu komediju RIBA ZVANA WANDA. World's living legend of comedy John Cleese will receive the Honorary Heart of Sarajevo Award for his extraordinary contribution to the art of film at the 23rd edition of Sarajevo Film Festival. After the award ceremony, Sarajevo Film Festival’s audience will have the opportunity to see legendary comedy A FISH CALLED WANDA within the Open Air Programme. John Cleese je najpoznatiji po svome doprinosu i ulogama u humorističkim serijama LETEĆI CIRKUS MONTYA PYTHONA i FAWLTY TOWERS, te dugometražnim filmovima MONTY PYTHON I SVETI GRAL, BRIANOV ŽIVOT PO MONTY PYTHONU i RIBA ZVANA WANDA. Cleese je, pored rada na komedijama, sa Sir Antonyem Jayem osnovao kompaniju za poslovnu obuku Video Arts koja je u periodu od 20 godina proizvela preko 120 trening videa i postala najveća kompanija te vrste van SAD. Osim toga, Cleese je zajedno sa cijenjenim psihijatrom Dr. Robinom Skynnerom napisao dvije knjige, “Kako preživjeti svoju porodicu” i “Kako preživjeti život”, koje su postale bestseleri, a u kojima su se dotakli psihologije, psihijatrije i njihove primjene u životu. Cleese je gostujući profesor na Univerzitetu Cornell.
John Cleese is best known for his involvement in MONTY PYTHON’S FLYING CIRCUS, FAWLTY TOWERS, MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL, MONTY PYTHON’S LIFE OF BRIAN, and A FISH CALLED WANDA. In addition to his comedic activities, he was a co-founder with Sir Antony Jay of Video Arts, a management and sales training video company. Over a period of 20 years, Video Arts made over 120 training videos, and it was the largest firm of its kind outside the United States. John Cleese was also a co-author, with the eminent psychiatrist Dr. Robin Skynner of two books ‘Families And How To Survive Them’, and ’Life And How To Survive It’. These books, which explored psychology, psychiatry, and their application to the wider world, both became best sellers. Currently he is Provost’s Professor at Cornell University.
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POČASNO SRCE SARAJEVA: OLIVER STONE Honorary Heart of Sarajevo: Oliver Stone Sarajevo Film Festival će imati čast da u programu Posvećeno ugosti istaknutog reditelja Olivera Stonea, kojem će u okviru 23. izdanja Festivala biti uručena nagrada Počasno Srce Sarajeva za izuzetan doprinos filmskoj umjetnosti. Sarajevo Film Festival is honored to pay tribute to the preeminent filmmaker Oliver Stone, who will also receive Honorary Heart of Sarajevo Award for his extraordinary contribution to the art of film at the 23rd edition of the Festival. Višestruki dobitnik nagrade Oscar Američke filmske akademije, Oliver Stone je napisao i režirao preko 20 dugometražnih igranih filmova, a njegov opus uključuje neke od najuticajnijih, kultnih naslova koji su obilježili protekle decenije. Stone je u nekim od svojih filmova u potpunosti odbacio konvencije mitskog žanra, a u tom se kontekstu prvenstveno pominje VOD SMRTI (1986.), inače prvi film iz njegovog vijetnamskog triptiha, te filmovi ROĐEN 4. JULA (1989.), JFK (1991.), ROĐENI UBOJICE (1994.), NIXON (1995.), kao i satirični filmski portret bivšeg američkog predsjednika Georga W. Busha W (2008.) i dokudrama o životu američkog zviždača Edwarda Snowdena SNOWDEN (2016.). Njegovi su filmovi često osvajali pažnju brojne, međunarodne publike i imali su značajan kulturni uticaj. Među takvim filmovima se ističu oštra filmska kritika američkog angažmana u Centralnoj Americi SALVADOR (1985.), kritički prikaz američkog korporativnog kapitalizma WALL STREET (1987.), istinita priča o dvije od samo 20 osoba koje su preživjele teroristički napad u New Yorku 11. septembra 2001. WORLD TRADE CENTER, te poetski omaž šezdesetim godinama prošloga vijeka i ekstatičnoj muzici Jima Morrisona THE DOORS (1991.). Između ostalog je i autor filmova SAMO IGRA (1999.), neobičnog zapisa o stanju sporta u Americi; epske historijske drame ALEKSANDAR VELIKI (2004.) i ALEKSANDAR VELIKI - THE ULTIMATE CUT (2014.); te WALL STREET: NOVAC NIKAD NE SPAVA (2010.), realističnog drugog filma o finansijskom slomu 2008. i životu Gordona Gekka po odsluženju zatvorske kazne. Stoneova serija filmova na temu kriminala pored filma ROĐENI UBOJICE, uključuje i naslove POGREŠNO SKRETANJE (1997.) i DIVLJACI (2012.). Njegovi su mu scenariji za filmove drugih reditelja dali uvid u svu kompleksnost vlastitih ideja. Publika je PONOĆNI EKSPRES (1979.) dočekala sa oduševljenjem koje je samo dodatno poraslo nakon filma LICE S OŽILJKOM (1983.). Napisao je scenarije i za filmove GODINA ZMAJA (1985.) i KONAN BARBARIN (1982.). Stone je producirao ili koproducirao desetine naslova, uključujući filmove NAROD PROTIV LARRYA FLYNTA (1996.), KLUB SRETNIH ŽENA (1993.) i PREOKRET SUDBINE (1990.). Autor je i više dokumentaraca, uključujući tri filma o Fidelu Castru COMANDANTE (2003.); TRAŽEĆI FIDELA (2004.) i CASTRO ZIMI (2012.); i jedan film o ogromnim društenim promjenama u Južnoj Americi, JUŽNO OD GRANICE (2009.), u kojem je značajna pažnja posvećena Hugi Chavezu i šestorici drugih južnoameričkih predsjednika. Također je snimio i film o izraelsko-palestinskim odnosima, PERSONA NON RATA (2003.). Stone je u skorije vrijeme snimio mounumentalnu, dvanaestosatnu TV seriju NEISPRIČANA ISTORIJA SJEDINJENIH AMERIČKIH DRŽAVA (Showtime, 2012.) o uvriježenoj, trijumfalističkoj interpretaciji američke istorije i četverodijelni razgovor sa ruskim predsjednikom, INTERVJU SA PUTINOM (Showtime, 2017.). Rođen je 15. septembra 1946. u New Yorku, a 1965. je napisao „San jednog djeteta“, autobiografski roman o vlastitoj mladosti, objavljen u izdanju St.Martin's Pressa 1997. Služio je američku vojsku i kao pripadnik pješadije se 1967. i 1968. borio u Vjetnamu za što je odlikovan Bronzanom zvijezdom i Purpurnim srcem sa hrastovim lišćem. Po povratku iz Vijetnama je nastavio studij na Filmskoj školi
Univerziteta u New Yorku gdje je diplomirao 1971. Radio je na poslovima održavanja palube na brodovima američke trgovačke mornarice, te kao vozač taksija u New Yorku, reklamni prodavač, asistent produkcije i kurir. Academy Award winning Oliver Stone has written and directed over 20 fulllength feature films, among them some of the most influential and iconic films of the last decades. Some have been at deep odds with conventional myth— films such as PLATOON (1986) the first of three Vietnam films; BORN ON THE FOURTH OF JULY (1989); JFK (1991); NATURAL BORN KILLERS (1994); NIXON (1995); W. (2008), a satirical view of former U.S. President, George W. Bush; and SNOWDEN (2016), which follows American whistleblower Edward Snowden’s story. Stone’s films have often reached wide, international audiences and have had significant cultural impact. These include SALVADOR (1985), deeply critical of the U.S. Government’s involvement in Central America; WALL STREET (1987), an exposé of America’s new capitalism; WORLD TRADE CENTER (2006), a true story of 2 (of only 20) 9/11 survivors; and THE DOORS (1991), a poetic look at the 1960s and Jim Morrison’s ecstatic music.His other films include ANY GIVEN SUNDAY (1999), an unconventional view of the world of American sports; an epic historical drama ALEXANDER (2004), and ALEXANDER - THE ULTIMATE CUT (2014); and WALL STREET: MONEY NEVER SLEEPS (2010) a realistic sequel about the 2008 financial crash and Gordon Gekko’s fate after prison. In a series of crime-related films, Stone has, in addition to NATURAL BORN KILLERS, made U TURN (1997) and SAVAGES (2012), both dark in tone and humor. His written screenplays, though not directed, gave him an early taste of the difficulty of his ideas. An uproar greeted MIDNIGHT EXPRESS (1979) which only grew with SCARFACE (1983). He also wrote YEAR OF THE DRAGON (1985) and CONAN THE BARBERIAN (1982). He has produced or co-produced a dozen films including THE PEOPLE VS. LARRY FLYNT (1996), JOY LUCK CLUB (1993), and REVERSAL OF FORTUNE (1990). His documentaries include three on Fidel Castro (COMANDANTE (2003); LOOKING FOR FIDEL (2004); and CASTRO IN WINTER (2012); one on South America, SOUTH OF THE BORDER (2009), prominently featuring Hugo Chavez and six other Presidents in a continent undergoing huge social changes. He also made PERSONA NON GRATA (2003) on IsraelPalestine relations. His latest works include THE UNTOLD HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES (Showtime, 2012), a monumental 12-hour interrogation of the conventional, triumphalist narrative of U.S. History, and THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS (Showtime, 2017), a four-part conversation with the Russian President. Stone was born September 15, 1946 in New York City. He wrote in 1965 “A Child Night’s Dream” about his youth, and it was published in 1997 by St. Martin’s Press. He served in the U.S. Army Infantry in Vietnam in 1967-68, and received the Bronze Star for Valor and the Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster. After returning from Vietnam, he completed his undergraduate studies at New York University Film School in 1971. He worked as a wiper in the Merchant Marine, and in New York as a taxi driver, advertising salesman, production assistant, and messenger. SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 11-18/08/2017 /
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Buđenje dana / Daybreak
MEDA ili ne tako sjajna strana stvari / MEDA or The Not So Bright Side of Things
TAKMIČARSKI PROGRAM - IGRANI FILM Competition Programme – Feature Film Selektorica / Programmer: Elma Tataragić
Uloge / Cast: Şerban Pavlu, Adrian Titieni, Florin Zamfirescu, Costel Caşcaval, Ion Sapdaru
Buđenje dana / Daybreak
Doru, drvosječa čija je supruga nedavno preminula, ima još jedan problem. Kao da smrt supruge nije bila dovoljna, Doru u sirotište mora vratiti djevojčicu Medu kojoj je njegova supruga bila surogat majka prethodnih osam godina. Doru bi teoretski mogao usvojiti Medu, ali papirologija koja je za to potrebna je skupa, a on živi u području gdje se novac legalno može zaraditi jedino ukoliko radiš kao drvosječa ili uzgajaš krave. Nakon što je na sve moguće načine pokušao osigurati da Meda ostane s njim, Doru shvata da će možda morati izaći van okvira zakona kako bi ostvario svoj cilj. Doru is a lumberjack whose wife has recently died. As if his loss was not bad enough, he now faces another problem: he must send little Meda, a girl for whom his wife had been a maternal assistant for eight years, to the orphanage. There is a possibility that Doru can adopt Meda, but the paperwork is expensive, and he lives in a region where cutting wood and rearing cows are the only legal means of earning money. After trying everything in order to keep Meda, Doru realises he may have to step onto the wrong side of the law in order to succeed.
Albania, Greece, 2017, Colour, 85 min. Režija / Director: Gentian Koçi Uloge / Cast: Ornela Kapetani, Suzana Prifti, Kasem Hoxha
Leta je u teškoj finansijskoj situaciji i već nekoliko mjeseci nije platitla stanarinu. Nakon što ona i njen jednogodišnji sin bivaju izbačeni iz stana u kojem žive, useljavaju se kod Sophie, nepokretne starice čija je kći Letu upravo angažovala kao majčinu njegovateljicu. Ako želi zadržati posao i krov nad glavom, Leta po svaku cijenu mora održati Sophie na životu. Leta is in a difficult economic situation, and has not been able to pay the rent for several months. When she and her one-year-old son are thrown out of their apartment, they move in with Sophie, an immobile elderly woman whose daughter has recently employed Leta as a caretaker. In order to keep her job and their new roof, Leta has to keep Sophie alive at any cost.
MEDA ili ne tako sjajna strana stvari / MEDA or The Not So Bright Side of Things Romania, 2017, Colour, 82 min. Režija / Director: Emanuel Pârvu
Zrno / Grain
Zrno / Grain
Turkey, Germany, France, Sweden, Qatar, 2017, Black & White, 127 min. Režija / Director: Semih Kaplanoğlu Uloge / Cast: Jean-Marc Barr, Ermin Bravo, Grigoriy Dobrygin, Cristina Flutur
Professor Erol Erin, stručnjak za genetiku sjemenja, živi u nedefinisanoj bliskoj budućnosti, u gradu koji magnetni zidovi štite od imigranata raznih profila. Iz nepoznatog razloga, poljoprivredni zasadi u gradu zapali su u genetsku krizu. Na sastanku u sjedištu korporacije Novus Vita, Erol saznaje za kolegu genetičara Cemila Akmana koji je napisao rad o cikličnim krizama koje pogađaju genetički modificirana sjemena. Kako bi ga potražio, Erol kreće na put. Put koji će ga natjerati da preispita sva svoja prethodna znanja i stavove. In an undefined near future, Professor Erol Erin, a seed geneticist, lives in a city protected from multi-ethnic immigrants by magnetic walls. For unknown reasons, the city’s agricultural plantations have been hit by a genetic crisis. In a meeting at the headquarters of Novus Vita, the corporation that employs him, Erol hears about Cemil Akman, a fellow geneticist who wrote a thesis about the recurrent crises affecting
Pravci / Directions
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Sofijin sin / Son of Sofia
genetically modified seeds. Erol sets out on a journey to find him – a journey that will change everything Erol knew.
Pravci / Directions
Bulgaria, Germany, Macedonia, 2017, Colour, 103 min. Režija / Director: Stephan Komandarev Uloge / Cast: Vasil Vasilev-Zueka, Ivan Barnev, Assen Blatechki, Irini Zhambonas, Vasil Banov, Troyan Gogov, Dobrin Dosev, Guerassim Guerguiev, Dimitar Banenkin, Stephan Denolyubov
Vlasnik malog preduzeća, koji uporedo vozi taksi da bi zaradio za život, na sastanku sa bankarom saznaje da se iznos mita koji mora platiti da bi dobio kredit udvostručio. Članovi etičkog komiteta, koji je razmatrao njegovu žalbu zbog iznude, žele svoj dio kolača. On gubi živce i ubija bankara, a zatim puca u sebe. Incident pokreće diskusiju u otvorenom programu državnog radija o rastućem građanskom očaju. U međuvremenu, pet taksista sa svojim mušterijama voze se kroz noć, svi u nadi da će pronaći put u svjetliju budućnost. At a meeting with his banker, a small business owner – who drives a cab to make ends meet – discovers the bribe he will have to pay to get a loan has doubled. The ethics board that reviewed his complaint about extortion now wants its share of the action. At his wit's end, the man shoots the banker and then himself. The incident sparks national debate on talk radio about how despair has taken over civil society. Meanwhile, five taxi drivers and their passengers move through the night, each hoping to find a brighter way forward.
Taoci / Hostages
Strašna majka / Scary Mother
Sofijin sin / Son of Sofia
Greece, France, Bulgaria, 2016, Colour, 111 min. Režija / Director: Elina Psykou Uloge / Cast: Victor Khomut, Valery Tscheplanowa, Thanassis Papageorgiou, Artemios Havalits, Areti Seintaridou, Ivonni Maltezou, Maria Filini
Atina 2004. Olimpijske igre se vraćaju u svoju postojbinu, a desetogodišnji Misha napušta Rusiju kako bi otišao svojoj majci, Sofiji. Sofija mu već pri prvom susretu saopštava da kao njegovateljica radi za starijeg grčkog gospodina Nikosa s kojim će ona i Misha živjeti. Nakon što od Sofije sazna da su ona i gospodin Nikos zapravo vjenčani, Misha se osjeća izdanim i bježi od kuće u očajničkom pokušaju da privuče pozornost. Tokom bijega, Misha otkriva jedan za njega sasvim nepoznat svijet. Athens, 2004. The Olympic Games return to their country of origin, and ten-year-old Misha leaves Russia to reunite with his mother, Sofia. She immediately announces they will be living with Mr. Nikos, an older Greek gentleman, whom Sofia has been hired to care for. When Sofia reveals the two of them are married, Misha feels betrayed, and runs away in a desperate plea for attention that introduces him to a whole new world.
Strašna majka / Scary Mother
Georgia, Estonia, 2017, Colour, 103 min. Režija / Director: Ana Urushadze Uloge / Cast: Nata Murvanidze, Dimitri Tatishvili, Ramaz Ioseliani, Avtandil Makharadze
Pedesetogodišnja domaćica Manana prisiljena je napraviti izbor između porodičnog života i svoje strasti – pisanja – koju je godinama potiskivala.
Odlučuje prigrliti svoju strast i baca se na pisanje, ali trpi fizičke i psihičke posljedice svog izbora. Manana, a 50-year-old housewife, struggles with a dilemma – she has to choose between her family life and her passion for writing, which she has repressed for years. She decides to follow her passion and plunges herself into writing, sacrificing everything to it, both mentally and physically.
Taoci / Hostages
Georgia, Russia, Poland, 2016, Colour, 104 min. Režija / Director: Rezo Gigineishvili Uloge / Cast: Merab Ninidze, Darejan Kharshiladze, Tina Dalakishvil, Irakli Kvirikadze, Giga Datiashvili, Giorgi Grdzelidze, George Tabidze, Giorgi Khurtsilava, Vakhtang Chachanidze, Ekaterine Kalatozishvili
Sovjetska Socijalistička Republika Gruzija 1983. godine. Pripreme za Nikino i Anino vjenčanje, koje njihove elitne porodice doživljavaju kao veliki dan, u punom su zamahu. Međutim, mladenci i njihovi prijatelji pripreme koriste kao paravan iza kojeg kuju planove za odvažni bijeg iz Sovjetskog Saveza. Njihov cilj je da pobjegnu iz svog klaustrofobičnog okruženja, istraže slobodni svijet i riješe se uskogrudog svjetonazora svojih roditelja. Dan nakon vjenčanja, Nika i Ana odluče sprovesti najrizičniji mogući plan koji uključuje otmicu aviona na lokalnoj liniji između Tbilisija i Batumija i prisiljavanje pilota da sleti u Turskoj, najbližoj destinaciji izvan granica Istočnog bloka. Međutim, nakon što avion uzleti, a pritisak se ubrzano povećava, svi planovi otmičara amatera padaju u vodu. Soviet Georgia, 1983. Preparations for Nika and Ana's wedding are in full swing, and it's a big day
Muškarci ne plaču / Men Don't Cry SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 11-18/08/2017 /
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Ptice kao mi / Birds Like Us
for both of their elite families. For the newlyweds and their friends, however, the celebrations are in fact part of a cover-up, as they have an audacious escape from the Soviet Union plotted out. They plan to flee their claustrophobic daily lives, discover the free world and break away from their parents' stifling worldview. The day after the wedding, Nika and Ana decide to move forward with their riskiest plan yet: hijacking a local flight from Tbilisi to Batumi and forcing it to land in Turkey, the closest country to Georgia that isn't part of the Eastern Bloc. But as the plane leaves the ground and the pressure quickly mounts, nothing goes as planned for these amateur wouldbe hijackers.
Muškarci ne plaču / Men Don't Cry
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Croatia, Germany, 2017, Colour, 100 min. Režija / Director: Alen Drljević Uloge / Cast: Boris Isaković, Leon Lučev, Emir Hadžihafizbegović, Sebastian Cavazza, Ermin Bravo,
Boris Ler, Ivo Gregurević, Primož Petkovšek, Jasna Đuričić, Izudin Bajrović
Bosna i Hercegovina, 15 godina nakon rata. Deset muškaraca su jedini gosti zabačenog, planinskog hotela. Grupu čine jedan trener i devet učesnika radionice koja bi trebalo da im pomogne da se suoče s prošlošću. Svi učesnici su veterani rata, nekadašnji pripadnici više različitih vojski koje su devedesetih godina prošlog vijeka ratovale jedne protiv drugih širom bivše Jugoslavije. Bosnia and Herzegovina, 15 years after the war. Ten men are the only guests at a remote mountain hotel. The group is made up of one trainer and the nine participants of a workshop whose objective is to come to terms with the past. The men are war veterans, former soldiers of several armies that fought against each other across the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s.
Ptice kao mi / Birds Like Us
Bosnia and Herzegovina, United Kingdom, Turkey, USA, 2017, Colour, 84 min. Režija / Director: Faruk Šabanović, Amela Ćuhara Uloge / Cast: Alicia Vikander, Jeremy Irons, Khalid Abdalla, Jim Broadbent, Sheridan Smith, Kevin Bishop, Christopher VIlliers, Ella Smith, Jay Villiers, Michele Austin, Dan Stevens, Oliver Villiers, Lola Hartstone-
Kolovich, Catriona Paterson, Antonia Roupell, Harriet Barrow, Noah Hartstone-Kolovich, Janine Wetherall, Mark Spencer, Eli Hartstone-Kolovich
Nakon što iz sigurnog utočišta Birdabada budu izbačeni u svijet kojem stalno prijeti horor, ljupka ptica Hupu, njen tihi muž Hasan, razigrani ptić Mi i tiranin Kondor kreću na epsko putovanje u potrazi za putem koji će ih vratiti kući. Predvođeni enigmatičnim netopirom Batom, čije ih minimalističke izreke čine samo nervoznijim i ljućim, članovi šarolike ptičije družine nevoljko će naučiti da se oslanjaju jedni na druge jer samo zajedno mogu pobjeći Hororu i vratiti se u svoj dom. Flung out of the safe haven of Birdabad into a world tormented by horror, the lovely bird Hupu, her silent husband Hasan, their ever-helpful babybird Mi and the bird tyrant Kondor are forced on an epic journey to find their way home. Guided by a blind and enigmatic bat, whose gnomic utterances only make the motley band of birds all the more anxious and angry, they come to rely on each other with utmost reluctance. Only together do they stand a chance of escape.
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Jupiterov mjesec / Jupiter's Moon
U FOKUSU In Focus Jupiterov mjesec / Jupiter's Moon Hungary, Germany, 2017, Colour, 123 min. Režija / Director: Kornél Mundruczó Uloge / Cast: Merab Ninidze, Zsombor Jéger, György Cserhalmi, Móni Balsai
Mladi imigrant je ustrijeljen tokom ilegalnog prelaska granice. Užasnut i šokiran, ranjeni Aryan otkriva da iznenada može levitirati kad god to poželi. Aryan završava u izbjegličkom kampu iz kojeg ga izvlači cinični dr. Stern, odlučan da iskoristi njegove nevjerovatne sposobnosti. Inspirisan Aryanovim nevjerovatnim moćima, Stern se odlučuje na skok vjere u svijetu u kojem se čuda prodaju za sitan novac. A young immigrant is shot down while illegally crossing a border. Terrified and in shock, the wounded Aryan can now mysteriously levitate at will. Thrown into a refugee camp, he is smuggled out by cynical Dr. Stern, who is intent on exploiting Aryan's extraordinary secret. Inspired by Aryan's amazing powers, Stern takes a leap of faith in a world where miracles are trafficked for small change...
Kada dan nije imao ime / When the Day Had no Name
Macedonia, Belgium, Slovenia, 2017, Colour, 84 min. Režija / Director: Teona Strugar Mitevska Uloge / Cast: Leon Ristov, Hanis Bagashov, Stefan Kitanovic, Dragan Mishevski, Ivan Vrtev Soptrajanov
Milan i njegov najbolji prijatelj Petar se sa grupom drugih tinejdžera iz skopskih predgrađa pripremaju za uzbudljiv izlet. Puni su adrenalina i spremni za noć opijanja i zezanja prije jutarnjeg odlaska na pecanje. Kao i svi tinejdžeri, seksualno i emotivno
Selektorica / Programmer: Elma Tataragić
su frustrirani, i zaokupljeni materijalnim problemima. Ponekad se ponašaju kao vragovi, a ponekad kao anđeli. Žude da budu odrasli, ali se uglavnom i dalje ponašaju kao djeca. Svi su u lošim odnosima sa roditeljima i tipični su predstavnici generacije koja odrasta u vrijeme tranzicije i upitnih društvenih vrijednosti. Etničke tenzije i posjeta maloljetnoj prostitutki, koja se neće odvijati po planu, zasjenit će njihov noćni izlazak. Milan and his best friend Petar prepare an adventurous excursion with some other teenagers from the outskirts of Skopje. They are full of adrenaline for a boys’ night out of drinking and horseplay before an early morning fishing expedition – typical teenagers full of sexual and romantic tensions, and angst about money and material things. They are sometimes devilish and sometimes angelic; hungry to be adults, yet they still mostly act like children. All have dysfunctional relationships with their parents, and they represent a whole generation of youth raised in a time of transition and questionable values. Their night of fun is tainted by ethnic tensions and a visit to a teenaged prostitute that goes wrong...
da odlazi. Manana već 30 godina živi s mužem, roditeljima, dvoje djece i kćerkinim mužem u istom trosobnom stanu u Tbilisiju. Ukućani njenu odluku u početku ne shvataju ozbiljno. Međutim, Manana pakuje kofere i odlazi. Porodica je šokirana i zbunjena i pitaju se gdje to ona ide i ko ju je uznemirio. Na kraju krajeva, „prestara je za razvod“, a ima dobrog muža koji ne pije, ne drogira se i ne tuče je. On the evening of her 52nd birthday, Georgian literature teacher Manana unexpectedly announces to her family that she is leaving. She has been married for 30 years and lives in a threebedroom flat in Tbilisi with her husband, parents, two children and her son-in-law. Initially, the family members do not take Manana's decision seriously. But then she packs her suitcase and leaves. The family is shocked and incredulous: where is she going? Who has upset her? She is past 'divorce age', after all, and has a good husband who doesn't drink, take drugs or beat her.
Ne gledaj mi u pijat / Quit Staring at My Plate
Moja sretna porodica / My Happy Family
Croatia, Denmark, 2016, Colour, 105 min. Režija / Director: Hana Jušić Uloge / Cast: Mia Petričević, Nikša Butijer, Arijana Čulina, Zlatko Burić, Karla Brbić
U noći svog pedeset i drugog rođendana, gruzijska nastavnica književnosti Manana neočekivano obavještava članove svoje porodice
Htjela ona to ili ne, Marijanina se svakodnevica vrti isključivo oko njene obitelji. Petkovići žive doslovno jedan na drugome u minijaturnom stanu, međusobno se dovodeći do ludila. Nakon što dominantni otac obitelji doživi moždani udar i ostane prikovan za krevet, Marijana preuzima
Georgia, Germany, France, 2016, Colour, 119 min. Režija / Director: Nana&Simon Uloge / Cast: Ia Shugliashvili, Merab Ninidze, Berta Khapava, Tsisia Qumsashvili, Giorgi Khurtsilava
Ne gledaj mi u pijat / Quit Staring at My Plate
Kada dan nije imao ime / When the Day Had no Name
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Moja sretna porodica / My Happy Family
ulogu vođe čopora. Dok njena neodgovorna mama i blago retardiran brat situaciju čine sve težom, Marijana radi dva posla kako bi održala obitelj. Kada stvari postanu nepodnošljive, ona počinje iskušavati svoje osobne granice kroz susrete s nepoznatim muškarcima: ovaj, za nju nov, okus slobode navodi je da granice pomiče još dalje. Odlučiti šta bi zapravo trebala s tom slobodom, sad kad je napokon ima, Marijani je veliko iskušenje. Whether she likes it or not, Marijana’s daily life revolves around her family. The members of the Petkovic family share their days crammed into a tiny flat, where they drive each other crazy. When her overbearing father is bedridden after suffering a stroke, Marijana takes over his role as head of the household. She has to work two jobs to keep her family afloat, while her irresponsible mother and mentally impaired brother make her life increasingly difficult. When her troubles become too much to bear, Marijana starts testing her own boundaries through flings with unknown men, but the taste of freedom only makes her push the limits all the more. After she has finally won her freedom, it is a huge challenge for Marijana to decide what to do with it.
O tijelu i duši / On Body and Soul
Hungary, 2017, Colour, 116 min. Režija / Director: Ildikó Enyedi Uloge / Cast: Alexandra Borbély, Géza Morcsányi, Réka Tenki, Zoltán Schneider, Ervin Nagy, Itala Békés
Čudnovato lijepa ljubavna priča odvija se u jednoj klaonici u Budimpešti. Tik nakon što preuzme posao kontrolorke kvalitete, Mária postaje predmet ogovaranja. Tokom ručka u sterilnoj
O tijelu i duši / On Body and Soul
kantini, ova mlada žena uvijek bira sto za kojim će moći sjediti sama i jesti svoj obrok u tišini. Svoj posao shvata izuzetno ozbiljno i čvrsto se pridržava pravila, te za svaki suvišni gram sala dodjeljuje kaznene bodove. Njen svijet sastoji se od brojki i podataka koji su joj usađivani u glavu još od ranoga djetinjstva. Márijin nešto stariji šef Endre također je samozatajan tip. Njih dvoje se oprezno i postepeno počinju upoznavati. Nakon što spoznaju svoju duhovnu bliskost, sa iznenađenjem otkrivaju da noću čak i sanjaju iste snove, te ih pažljivo pokušaju pretvoriti u stvarnost. A slaughterhouse in Budapest is the setting for a strangely beautiful love story. No sooner does Mária start work as the new quality controller than the whispers begin. At lunchtime, the young woman always chooses a table on her own in the sterile canteen, where she sits in silence. She takes her job seriously and adheres strictly to the rules, deducting penalty points for every excess ounce of fat. Hers is a world that consists of figures and data that have imprinted themselves on her memory since early childhood. Her slightly older boss Endre is also the quiet type. Tentatively, they begin to get to know each other. Recognising their spiritual kinship, they are amazed to discover that they even have the same dreams at night. Carefully, they attempt to make them come true.
Rekvijem za gospođu J. / Requiem for Mrs. J.
Serbia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Russia, France, 2017, Colour, 94 min. Režija / Director: Bojan Vuletić Uloge / Cast: Mirjana Karanović, Jovana Gavrilović, Danica Nedeljković, Vučić Perović, Mirjana Banjac
Jeleni je dosadio život. Muž joj je umro prije
godinu dana i ona se, bez obzira što živi sa svoje dvije kćeri i svekrvom, neprekidno osjeća usamljeno i umorno. Odlučuje da na kraju sedmice, na godišnjicu muževljeve smrti, izvrši samoubistvo. Već je pripremila pištolj, ali prvo ima dosta toga za obaviti. Treba naći klesara koji će uklesati njenu sliku na njen nadgrobni spomenik i treba ovjeriti zdravstvenu knjižicu. Da bi to mogla uraditi potrebno je da donese potvrdu da je proteklih dvadeset godina bila zaposlena i zarađivala platu. Ova tiha, skromna žena polako počinje da shvata da u zemlji koja se stalno nalazi u procjepu između patnje i tranzicije ništa nije onako jednostavno kakvim se na početku čini. Vlasti su preopterećene, Jelenina nekadašnja firma je bankrotirala, a preostali zaposlenici samo trate vrijeme. A kraj sedmice se približava. Jelena has had enough of life. Her husband died a year ago, and she feels tired and lonely – in spite of her two daughters and her mother-in-law, all of whom share her flat. She has decided that at the end of the week, on the anniversary of her husband’s death, she will commit suicide. She has a pistol ready for the job. But there are a number of things to sort out beforehand: she needs to get a mason to put her portrait photograph on her gravestone and renew her health insurance card. In order to do so, Jelena needs proof she has been a salaried employee for the past 20 years. Gradually, this quiet, humble woman begins to realise that nothing is simple in a country that is constantly swinging back and forth between torment and transition. The authorities are unable to cope, Jelena’s former employers are now bankrupt and the remaining staff are just killing time. And the end of the week is drawing near.
Rekvijem za gospođu J. / Requiem for Mrs. J. SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 11-18/08/2017 /
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TAKMIČARSKI PROGRAM - KRATKI FILM Competition Programme – Short Film Selektorica / Programmer: Elma Tataragić
Igrom slučaja / Come by Chance
Igrom slučaja / Come by Chance
Hungary, 2017, Colour, 20 min. Režija / Director: Levente Kölcsey Uloge / Cast: Patrik Grofsits, Rozália Székely
Adam je poslušno dijete, ali kada ga mama zamoli da skloni novorođene kučiće Adam oklijeva. Adam is an obedient child. But when his mother asks him to tuck away new born puppies, Adam hesitates.
Montenegro, 2017, Colour, 22 min. Režija / Director: Dušan Kasalica Uloge / Cast: Boban Čvorović, Zorica Terzić
Film prati muškarca koji sa suprugom živi na zabačenoj farmi. U grubom, planinskom krajoliku njih dvoje vode naporan zemljoradnički život pun dobro uigranih, svakodnevnih zadataka i beskonačnih šetnji kroz divlje predjele. Jesen je duga, a muškarac priprema užasan zločin. On oblači žensku odjeću i uzima palicu. Nakon nekog vremena muškarac ostaje sam. Ljudi pričaju da je tu nekada živio čovjek, vrlo čudan, začaran čovjek… Kažu da je daleko, daleko odlutao. SOA follows a man who lives in on an isolated farm with his wife. In the rugged mountainous area, they live a normal, tedious rural life, full of routine tasks around the farm and endless wandering through wild landscapes. Autumn is
long, and in that environment the man prepares to commit an atrocious crime. He puts on a woman's wardrobe and troubling ram. After some time, the man is left alone. People are saying there was a man…A very strange enchanted man…They say he wandered very far, very far…
Sreća / Happiness
Turkey, USA, 2017, Colour, 12 min. Režija / Director: Necip Çağhan Özdemir Uloge / Cast: Aytaç Uşun, Rıza Akın, Barış Kışlak
Muškarac zaposlen u automehaničarskoj radionici odbija da bude nesretan uprkos svim problemima i nedaćama s kojima se suočava. Faktori poput siromaštva, terora i psihološkog pritiska, kojem se ljudi međusobno izlažu, predstavljat će najteže prepreke za ovog čovjeka koji pokušava da bude sretan. A man who works in an auto-repair shop keeps trying to resist unhappiness despite all the problems of the world. Factors like poverty, terror and the psychological pressure people put on each other are going to be the hardest obstacles for this man who is just trying to be happy to overcome.
Uništeno svjetlo / Unbuilt Light Greece, France, 2017, Colour, 29 min. Režija / Director: Efthimis Kosemund Sanidis Uloge / Cast: Aggelos Skasilas, Karina Neupert Bratos
Vrijeme ispunjeno sjećanjima, susretima i snovima. Pozdrav koji se proteže kroz tri zadnja
Sreća / Happiness
mjeseca u životu jednog čovjeka uoči njegove konačne transformacije. Time strung together by recollections, encounters and dreams. A farewell over a man's last three last months before his final transformation.
Plan A
Croatia, 2016, Colour, 17 min. Režija / Director: Tomislav Luetić Uloge / Cast: Ksenija Marinković, Jadranka Đokić
Veliko iznenađenje očekuje arhitekticu zaposlenu u uredu strane tvrtke u Zagrebu. A big surprise awaits a female architect who is working in the Zagreb bureau of a major international company.
Predgrađe / Outskirts
Turkey, 2017, Colour, 18 min. Režija / Director: Sinan Kesova Uloge / Cast: Sanem Öge, Fatih Al, Murat Kılıç
Prodaja naslijeđene kuće uzrok je nerazjašnjene napetosti između Çiğdem i Kerima, para u kasnim tridesetim godinama života, koja ne promiče pažnji njihove kćeri. The sale of an inherited house results in an unspoken tension between Çiğdem and Kerim, a couple in their late thirties, to which their daughter does not seem oblivious.
Uništeno svjetlo / Unbuilt Light
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Plan A
Savršeni red / The Perfect Order
Predgrađe / Outskirts
Savršeni red / The Perfect Order Georgia, 2017, Colour, 14 min. Režija / Director: Anna Sarukhanova, Katalina Bakradze Uloge / Cast: Iren Uturgauri, Nino Koridze, Giorgi Rodionov
Mlada glumica Mariam radi u kafiću u kojem mušterije mogu izabrati da provedu vrijeme s osobom po vlastitom izboru. Svako može odlučiti da večeru podijeli s najboljim prijateljem, čaj s djedom ili kafu s ljubavnicom. Mariam upoznaje Levana, mladog borca za zaštitu prirode, koji nastoji promijeniti njeno mišljenje o kafiću u kojem radi. Mariam is a young actress who works in a café where customers can order any companion they wish. Anyone can have a dinner with a best friend, a cup of tea with a grandfather, or coffee with a lover. One day, Mariam meets Levan, a young environmental activist, who tries to change her point of view about the cafe she's working in.
Hungary, 2016, Colour, 16 min. Režija / Director: Virág Szabó Uloge / Cast: Ibolya Csonka, Márta Egri, Zsolt Kovács
WELLNESS je film o odnosu dvije dugogodišnje prijateljice, penzionerkama Teri i Ilone, koje provode odmor u jednom wellness hotelu. Neprekidnim učešćem u raznim aktivnostima, Teri i Ilona pokušavaju suspregnuti vlastitu anksioznost, pri čemu na površinu izbijaju određene tajne. Na kraju dana, njihovo prijateljstvo, čiju okosnicu čine navika i
međusobne tajne, dostiže tačku na kojoj su prisiljene preispitati ono što znaju jedna o drugoj i o sebi samima. WELLNESS tells the story of the relationship of Teri and Ilona, two pensioners. The women have been friends for decades and are spending their vacation together in a wellness hotel. Through their constant activity, they try to suppress their anxieties, and during the day some unspoken secrets come to light. By the end of the day their friendship, based on habit and mutual concealment, reaches a point that makes both of them reconsider what they know about each other and themselves.
Greece, 2017, Colour, 14 min. Režija / Director: Christos Massalas Uloge / Cast: Elsa Lekakou, Jenny Hiloudaki, Pavlos Iordanopoulos, Talat Iqbal, Stathis Stamoulakatos
Ovo je priča o Copa-Loci, napuštenom grčkom ljetnom odmaralištu. Paulina je duša Copa-Loce. Svi se brinu o njoj i ona se brine o svima – na sve moguće načine. This is the story of Copa-Loca, an abandoned summer resort in Greece. Paulina is the girl at the heart of Copa-Loca. Everyone cares for her and she cares about everyone – in every possible way.
U plavetnilo / Into the Blue
Croatia, Slovenia, 2017, Colour, 22 min. Režija / Director: Antoneta Alamat Kusijanović Uloge / Cast: Gracija Filipović, Vanesa Vidaković Natrlin,
Trinaestogodišnja Julija i njena majka bježe iz nasiljem ispunjenog doma i pronalaze utočište na idiličnom hrvatskom otoku na kojem je Julija provela djetinjstvo. Emotivno ranjena, Julija očajnički nastoji obnoviti vezu sa svojom nekadašnjom najboljom prijateljicom Anom, ali Ana se zaljubila i Julija više nije centar njenoga svijeta. Anina rastuća odbojnost produbljuje Julijine rane i oživljava njena sjećanja na porodičnu dramu, te budi čudovišno nasilje za koje je Julija vjerovala da ga je ostavila iza sebe. Thirteen-year-old Julija and her mother flee their abusive household to find refuge on the idyllic Croatian island where Julija grew up. Emotionally scarred, Julija is desperate to reconnect with her best friend Ana. But Ana is in love with a boy and Julija is no longer a priority. Ana’s mounting rejection reignites Julija’s wounds and family history, awakening the monster of violence she thought she had left behind. TAKMIČARSKI KRATKI 1 / COMPETITION SHORTS 1 INTO THE BLUE / THE PERFECT ORDER / SOA / PLAN A / OUTSKIRTS TAKMIČARSKI KRATKI 2 / COMPETITION SHORTS 2 WELLNESS / COME BY CHANCE / UNBUILT LIGHT / COPA-LOCA / HAPPINESS
U plavetnilo / Into the Blue SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 11-18/08/2017 /
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Čistoća / Clean
Život Traje Tri Dana / Life Lasts Three Days
Satseva / Serving God
Second Hand
TAKMIČARSKI PROGRAM - STUDENTSKI FILM Competition Programme – Student Film Selektorica / Programmer: Asja Krsmanović
Čistoća / Clean
Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2017, Colour, 38 min. Režija / Director: Neven Samardžić Uloge / Cast: Nerman Mahmutović, Mirela Lambić
Fudo je narkoman koji, nakon smrti najboljeg prijatelja, odluči da se skine s heroina i pomiri sa majkom. Etiketa narkomana ga i dalje prati i niko ne vjeruje u iskrenost njegove promjene. Otuđen od svoje okoline i moren osjećajem krivice zbog smrti prijatelja, u opasnosti je da se vrati starom životu. Međutim, odlučuje da se bori. Fudo is a drug addict who decides to quit heroin and reconcile with his mother after his best friend dies. However, people continue to perceive him as an addict and refuse to believe that he had really changed. Estranged from the people around him and tortured by the feelings of guilt for his best friend's death, Fudo is at risk of returning to his old life. However, he decides to resist.
svoj svijet u vakuumu tog prostora. Accompanied by two friends, Bogdan breaks into the luxury villa where he works as a pool cleaner with the intention of having a good time. After the three drunken friends get into an argument, Bogdan is left alone in the house to clean up the mess that has resulted. Drunk, he falls asleep and is discovered the next morning by Svetlana, the owner of the house, who is mad at her life and at her cheating husband. A mix of fear and curiosity makes Bogdan accept Svetlana’s offer to share breakfast with her. The relationship between them that develops over the following three days goes through the same stages as other relationships in the outside world; they create a world of their own in the vacuum provided by the house.
Život Traje Tri Dana / Life Lasts Three Days
Austria, 2017, Colour, 30 min. Režija / Director: Clara Stern Uloge / Cast: Gregor Kohlhofer, Magdalena Wabitsch
Bogdan upada u jednu od kuća u kojoj radi kao čistač bazena, sa dvojicom svojih prijatelja, da bi se proveli u luksuznoj vili. Dolazi do njihovog sukoba u pijanstvu i Bogdan ostaje sam pokušavajući da počisti lom, zatim pijan zaspi u kući. Ujutru ga zatiče Svetlana, vlasnica kuće, koja je bijesna zbog svog života i muža koji je ponovo vara. Iz straha ali i radoznalosti, Bogdan ostaje na doručku sa Svetlanom. Njihova veza tokom ta tri dana prolazi kroz sve faze kroz koje prolaze i veze u vanjskom svijetu; oni stvaraju
Mathias je nekada bio Magda, ali njegove radne kolege to ne trebaju znati. Novi posao je još jedan korak u Mathiasovom životu s novoizabranim identitetom. Iako je njegova odluka o promjeni pola bila ispravna, ona u sve većoj mjeri izaziva teške posljedice. Situacija je slična i u njegovoj dugogodišnjoj vezi s partnericom Marie. Mathias was once Magda, but he does not mean for his work colleagues to find out. A new job is another step for Mathias in living his chosen identity. Although his transition was the right thing, it increasingly gives rise to difficult consequences, including with regard to his relationship with his long-term partner, Marie.
Serbia, 2017, Colour, 29 min. Režija / Director: Katarina Koljević Uloge / Cast: Slaven Došlo, Branka Katić, Miloš Timotijević
Satseva / Serving God
Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2017, Black & White, 10 min. Režija / Director: Inga Kukobat Uloge / Cast: Pava Turudija
Stogodišnja baka živi sama u zabiti i dane provodi u monotoniji svog života. Mjesto u kojem ona postoji je mjesto na kojem se nikada ništa ne dešava, a njeno bivanje na tom mjestu ocrtava i proizvodi priču. A 100-year-old lady lives in a remote area where nothing ever happens and where the daily rituals of her monotonous life are the only story.
Second Hand
Hungary, 2016, Colour, 5 min. Režija / Director: Noémi Barkóczi Uloge / Cast: Narration: Gábor Csőre
Mačak nam priča o uzbudljivom i zahtjevnom životu jednog mačijeg džempera. Priča nam priču o sretnom djetinjstvu, kao i avanturama s mladom hipstericom i mirnom periodu života s jednim penzionerom. Džemper se zaljubljuje u svakog od svojih vlasnika, ali ga oni na kraju uvijek razočaraju. Džemper konačno odluči da bude sam, ali u njemu se opet budi nada kada upozna novu zanimljivu osobu. The cat tells us the story of his life, through which we hear of his early happy years, his adventures with a young hipster girl and a peaceful period living with a pensioner. The jumper falls in love again and again with his owners, but eventually he is disappointed in every one of them. In the end, he decides to remain single, but hope arises again when he meets another interesting person.
Croatia, 2016, Colour, 21 min.
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Ljubav / Love
Nevidljivo / Invisibly
Režija / Director: Nikica Zdunić Uloge / Cast: Nataša Dangubić, Nika Dolušić, Klara Kovačić
Janka je na pragu puberteta i zaokupljena je plesom na koji ide s prijateljicom Zoranom. Dok se Zorana bavi tipičnim tinejdžerskim stvarima – ljubljenjem, odjećom i tulumima – Janka pokušava ostati u dječijem svijetu. Prolazeći kroz probleme i poraze, koji se u očima djevojčice čine velikima, Janka ulazi u svijet tinejdžera htjela to ili ne. Janka is on the verge of puberty. While attending dance class with her friend Zorana, who is preoccupied with topics such as kissing, new clothes and parties, Janka is trying to retain her childish innocence for as long as possible. But she cannot escape the inevitable changes every girl has to undergo.
Ljubav / Love
Serbia, 2016, Colour, 16 min. Režija / Director: Dušan Zorić
Tinejdžerski porno glumac u potrazi je za uspjehom, ljubavlju i prihvatanjem. A teenage porn actor searches for success, acceptance and love.
Nevidljivo / Invisibly
Hungary, 2017, Colour, 32 min. Režija / Director: Áron Szentpéteri Uloge / Cast: Tamás Barkó, Bettina Józsa, Jákob Ladányi
Dvoje ljudi upoznaje se u mraku jedne nevidljive izložbe. Tokom cijeloga filma pratimo kako se međusobno približavaju i udaljavaju, prelazeći slabo definisane granice. Granice koje postoje između ljudi i u ljudima, a koje ljudi uglavnom ne vide; i to ne samo ukoliko su slijepi. Two people meet in the darkness of an invisible exhibition. Over the course of the film, we follow them as they get closer and move apart from each other, crossing blurry boundaries – the boundaries that exist between and within people, and that are the most invisible. Not only for the blind.
Nikog nema / Nobody Here Serbia, 2017, Colour, 20 min. Režija / Director: Jelena Gavrilović Uloge / Cast: Teodora Janković, Igor Benčina
Sara je sedamnaestogodišnjakinja koja je i dalje
Nikog nema / Nobody Here
Ljubljana – Munich 15:27
Veza / Bond
opsjednuta svojim bivšim dečkom Sergejom. U nedostatku očinske figure, utjehu pronalazi u tjelohranitelju Dušanu. Seventeen-year-old Sara is obsessed with her former boyfriend Sergej. To compensate for the absence of a father figure in her life, she finds comfort with Dušan, a bodyguard.
Austria, Germany, 2017, Colour, 29 min. Režija / Director: Jannis Lenz Uloge / Cast: Anna Suk, Simone Fuith, Mathias Dachler
Coco ima 17 godina i očajnički želi postati poznata iako se čini da ne posjeduje ikakav talenat. Kao multimedijalni projekt, spoj filma i online video produkcije, WANNABE govori o mladoj youtuberici koja na Internetu gradi izmišljeni svijet. Coco is 17 and feels a desperate need to become famous, even though she seems to lack the necessary talent. As a crossmedia project, connecting film with the online video scene, WANNABE tells the story of a young YouTuber who builds herself a fictitious world on the Internet.
Ljubljana – Munich 15:27
Slovenia, 2016, Colour, 42 min. Režija / Director: Katarina Morano Uloge / Cast: Hana Vodeb, Jure Henigman, Tijana Zinajić
Mala radi u kopirnici, privremeno, dok ne nađe nešto bolje. Jure radi na građevini, privremeno, da zaradi nešto malo, dok ne nađe nešto bolje. Mala i Jure žive u malom, potkrovnom stanu, privremeno, dok se malo ne snađu i ne nađu nešto bolje. U njihov privremeni život za dva mjeseca ući će dijete. Mala works in a print shop – temporarily, until she finds something better. Jure works in construction building, temporarily, just to earn some money, until he finds something better. They live in a small attic apartment, temporarily, until things settle and they find something better. Just two more months and little Rubi will come into this temporary world.
Veza / Bond
Hungary, 2016, Colour, 10 min. Režija / Director: Judit Wunder
Žena koja živi u apsolutnoj samoći očajnički pokušava pronaći ljubav. Upoznaje čudno stvorenje nalik mački. Uspostavljaju se nove veze nakon što žena na svijet donese tri mačića. A woman who lives in complete solitude is desperately trying to find love. She meets up with a shadow creature that looks like a cat. New bonds evolve as the woman gives birth to three kittens.
Vulkansko ostrvo / Volcano Island Hungary, 2017, Colour, 9 min. Režija / Director: Anna Katalin Lovrity
Negdje, na nekom ostrvu okruženom okeanom, sile prirode još uvijek djeluju kao u pradavna vremena. Mlada, naivna tigrica živi na ostrvu u skladu sa samom sobom i prirodom. Nakon što jedan stariji tigar počne primjećivati njenu pupajuću ženstvenost, tigrica biva prisiljena živjeti u sve većem strahu od njegovih žustrih nasrtaja u nemogućnosti da pobjegne sa izolovanog otoka. Ali vulkansko ostrvo odražava osjećaje mlade ženke, koja, uz pomoć prirode, konačno uspijeva ostvariti vlastitu volju. Somewhere, on an oceanic island, the forces of nature are still at work as in primeval times. A young, naive female tiger lives there in harmony with herself and nature. When her awakening femininity is noticed by an older male tiger, the young tigress is getting more and more scared by his heated approach. But it is impossible to escape on the secluded island. The feelings of the young animal are reflected by the volcano island, and with the help of nature, she can finally act upon her own will.
Israel, 2016, Colour, 20 min. Režija / Director: Boaz Frankel
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Uloge / Cast: Moshe Ivgy, Lillian Barreto, Yair Raufman
Gotovo uobičajen dan u životu šezdesetdvogodišnjeg Dorona, direktora općinskog staračkog doma u Jerusalemu. Pada kiša, neko mu je zauzeo rezervisano parking mjesto, a starac iz sobe 212, Bela Schorr, tog jutra je preminuo. It's an almost ordinary winter day in the life of 62-year-old Doron, director of a municipal home for elderly citizens in Jerusalem. It rains; someone takes his reserved parking spot; and Bela Schorr, the occupant of room 212, passed away earlier in the day.
Israel, 2015, Colour, 24 min. Režija / Director: Or Sinai Uloge / Cast: Evgenia Dodina, Mickey Leon, Alon Dahan
Vreo je ljetni dan, a krojačica Anna ga provodi sama nakon što se prvi put, poslije više godina, razdvojila od svoga sina. Anna slobodnu noć provodi lutajući ulicama malog pustinjskog grada, u potrazi za muškarcem koji bi je dotakao pa makar na jedan tren. It's a hot summer's day. For the first time in years, Anna, a sewing workshop employee, unexpectedly
Kuća nijeme žene / The Mute's House
finds herself alone, without her son. She sets out for a night of freedom, roaming the streets of her small desert town, looking for a man who will touch her, even just for one brief moment.
Kuća nijeme žene / The Mute's House Israel, 2015, Colour, 30 min. Režija / Director: Tamar Kay
Napuštenu palestinsku zgradu u Hebronu izraelski vojnici stacionirani u tome gradu i tamošnji turistički vodiči zovu „Kućom nijeme žene“. Gluha žena Sahar i njen osmogodišnji sin Yousef jedini su preostali stanovnici zgrade. Njihovu jedinstvenu priču, obilježenu izraelskopalestinskim sukobom, pripovijeda harizmatični Yousef koji dane provodi kako u jevrejskim tako i u muslimanskim dijelovima mržnjom i nasiljem podijeljenog grada. "The Mute's House" by the Israeli soldiers stationed there, as well as the tour guides who pass by. The building's only occupants are a deaf woman named Sahar and her eight-year-old son, Yousef. This family's unique story, which unfolds against the backdrop of the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict, is told through the eyes of the young and charismatic Yousef, as he goes about his daily routine in both the Jewish and Muslim areas of a city torn apart by hatred and violence. TAKMIČARSKI STUDENTSKI 1 / COMPETITION STUDENT 1 BOND / LJUBLJANA – MUNICH 15:27 / SECOND HAND / NOBODY HERE / 13+ TAKMIČARSKI STUDENTSKI 2 / COMPETITION STUDENT 2 CLEAN / INVISIBLY / WANNABE TAKMIČARSKI STUDENTSKI 3 / COMPETITION STUDENT 3 VOLCANO ISLAND / LOVE / SERVING GOD / MATHIAS / LIFE LASTS THREE DAYS TAKMIČARSKI STUDENTSKI 4 / COMPETITION STUDENT 4 212 / THE MUTE'S HOUSE / ANNA
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Dom / Home
TAKMIČARSKI PROGRAM - DOKUMENTARNI FILM Competition Programme – Documentary Film Selektorica / Programmer: Rada Šešić
Dom / Home
Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2017, Colour, 40 min. Režija / Director: Zdenko Jurilj
Zbog nemogućnosti plaćanja kredita ili režija, usljed gubitka posla i bolesti, svaka dvadeseta porodica u Hrvatskoj ostaje bez stana ili kuće. Rigorozni zakoni o izvršenju omogućili su bankama i ostalim institucijama da lakše dođu u posjed nekretnine. Kad zakaže sistem, kad se građanin više nema kome obratiti i kad ga beskropulozna administracija izbacuje iz kuće ili stana, tada u pomoć stižu mladi aktivisti koji svojim tijelima sprečavaju provedbu deložacija. Film kamerama s lica mjesta evidentira mučne scene u kojima kordoni specijalne policije silom odvlače mlade, starce, žene, djecu, a čija je jedina želja ostati živjeti u svom jedinom domu. Every twentieth family in Croatia looses their apartment or house due to incapability of paying the credit or the overhead expences. The rigorous Seizure Law has enabled banks and other institutions an easier way of gaining a real estate. When the system fails, when a citizen has nowhere to apply and when the unscrupulous administration dislodges them from their flats or houses, then the young activists arrive to help and with their bodies prevent the execution of the eviction. The film has recorded the grievous scenes from the very places where the cordons of special police use force to draf away children, women, the young and the old... whose one and only wish is to stay and live in their only home.
Kada dođu Svinje / When Pigs Come
Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2017, Colour, 72 min. Režija / Director: Biljana Tutorov Uloge / Cast: Dragoslava Aleksić, Nataša i Dušan Bošnjak, Lena Gordič, Svetlana Zeković, Malina Vrbaški
Dragoslava ima četiri TV aparata, troje unuka, dvije najbolje prijateljice i muža s kojim se stalno otima za daljinski upravljač. Ima i vlastitu kolekciju uspomena na sve ključne događaje u
skorijoj historiji pet država u kojima je živjela, a da se pri tome nikada nije selila iz svoga stana. Prošla je obuku za izbornog posmatrača i strastveno brani svoje pravo da bude pripadnica manjine, ali njen očaj sve više raste kako se približavaju još jedni prijevremeni izbori. Dragoslava has four TV sets, three grandchildren, two best friends, and a husband with whom she fights over a remote control. She keeps her private archive of memories of all major events in recent political history of five countries in which she has lived, without ever moving from her apartment. She is a trained poll monitor, passionate about her right to be in the minority, but more and more desperate as another early election approach.
Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2017, Colour, 53 min. Režija / Directors: Nejra Latić Hulusić, Sabrina Begović-Ćorić Uloge / Cast: Tesnim Karišik
U svijetu postoji komad odjeće koji je postao skandalozan nakon terorističkih napada u New Yorku 2001. godine. Marama. Velike debate o tome treba li dozvoliti muslimankama da nose maramu na javnim mjestima stalno se vode u svijetu. Sada, s rastom terorističke grupe ISIL, koja se predstavlja kao islamistička i prijeti slobodnom svijetu uništenjem, marama na glavi žene se sve više posmatra kao prijeteća zastava terorizma. U međuvremenu, u postkomunističkoj i postratnoj Bosni i Hercegovini, mlade žene se sve češće odlučuju na pokrivanje kao izraz slobode vjere i uvjerenja, a ponekad i kao izraz pobune protiv kapitalističke vizije slobodne žene. UNDERCOVERED je film koji govori o takvim ženama. Following the 2001 terrorist attacks on New York, an item of clothing has gained a scandalous global reputation. The Headscarf. All over the world, a major debate is ongoing about whether or not Muslim women should be allowed to wear the headscarf in public. Meanwhile, young women in the post-communist and post-war Bosnia are increasingly embracing the hijab-wearing as a symbol of freedom of religion and conviction and
sometimes as an act of rebellion against the capitalist vision of female liberation. UNDERCOVERED is a film about such women.
Vodič kroz crnu rupu / Guidance Through the Black Hole Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, United Kingdom, 2017, Colour and b&w, 74 min. Režija / Director: Zlatko Pranjić, Aleksandar Nikolić
Sule je pjesnik, umjetnik i posljednji boem u londonskoj četvrti Portobello. Njegov najveći san je da se jednog dana vrati u svoj voljeni rodni grad Banja Luku, ali sam sebe neprekidno sabotira u pokušajima da ostvari taj cilj. U dubini duše Sule je svjestan da zapravo treba pokušati da izgladi odnose sa svojim sinom. Savršena prilika za to mu se ukazuje kada bh. ambasada u Londonu ponudi da organizuje izložbu njegovih slika pod naslovom „Vodič kroz crnu rupu“. Datum izložbe je utvrđen, ali slike još nisu gotove i Suletu je jasno da mora odbaciti vlastite poroke. Sule is a poet, artist and the last bohemian in London's Portobello. His biggest dream is to one day go back to his beloved Banja Luka, but he keeps sabotaging his chances. Deep down Sule understands that what he really needs is to mend his relationship with his son. A perfect opportunity arises when the Bosnian embassy invites him to put on an exhibition “Guidance Through the Black Hole”. The date is set, but the paintings are not finished and Sule knows that he must first overcome his vices.
Avec L'Amour
Macedonia, 2017, Colour, 66 min. Režija / Director: Ilija Cvetkovski Uloge / Cast: Dionis and Goca Pashlakovi
Dionis je nastavnik biologije pred penzijom. Posjeduje više od stotinu zahrđalih, starih auta od kojih većina više i ne radi, i svake noći spava pokraj njih i sanja da otvori muzej za svoju neobičnu kolekciju. Ali njegova strast i njegovi snovi traže svoj danak. Dionis is a retiring biology teacher. He owns more
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Vodič kroz crnu rupu / Guidance Through the Black Hole
Djeca / Kinders
Kada dođu Svinje / When Pigs Come
than 100 rusty old cars, most of which don’t even work, and every night he sleeps next to them, dreaming of turning this unusual collection into a museum. But his passion and his dreams come with a price.
Djeca / Kinders
Austria, 2016, Colour, 95 min. Režija / Director: Riahi Brothers (Arash T. Riahi, Arman T. Riahi)
U filmu DJECA pratimo djecu i adolescente različitih profila tokom njihovog teškog, zbunjujućeg i smiješnog svakodnevnog života, upoznajući se s njihovim stavovima i viđenjima svijeta. U fokusu filma jedinstveni je muzički obrazovni program (superar), kojeg su pokrenuli Karitas, Bečki koncertni dom i Hor bečkih dječaka, a koji „nevidljivim“ i odbačenim članovima društva pomaže da izrastu u samouvjerene mlade ljude. Zbog prilike da zajedno pjevaju i uče svirati, životi ovih socijalno ugroženih mladih ljudi dobijaju iznenađujuću, uzbudljivu i kreativnu dimenziju. In KINDERS we accompany children and adolescents from different backgrounds throughout their difficult, confusing and funny day-to-day lives, and come to know their perspectives and stances. The central theme is the edgy musical education programme (superar), founded by Caritas, Wiener Konzerthaus and the Vienna Boys' Choir, in which the children are transformed from "invisible" outsiders into selfconfident young people. Through their singing together and learning to play musical instruments, the lives of these socially disadvantaged young people also take on an extremely surprising, vibrant and creative dimension.
Grad sunca / City of the Sun
Georgia, USA, Qatar, Netherlands, 2017, Colour, 103 min.
Avec L'Amour
Režija / Director: Rati Oneli Uloge / Cast: Zurab Gelashvili, Archil Khvedelidze, Mariam Pkhaladze, Irina Pkhaladze
Gotovo polovina ukupne količine globalno korištenog metala mangana nekada se crpila u gradu Chiatura u zapadnoj Gruziji. Chiatura danas nalikuje postapokaliptičnom gradu duhova. GRAD SUNCA prati živote nekoliko preostalih stanovnika ovoga grada. Zurab, po profesiji nastavnik muzičkog, ogoljava oronule betonske zgrade kako bi ostvario dodatni prihod prodajom željezne armature. Archil je još uvijek zaposlen u rudniku, ali strašću ga ispunjava rad u lokalnom amaterskom pozorištu. Uprkos neuhranjenosti, dvije lokalne sportistkinje i dalje stoički treniraju za naredne Olimpijske igre. Up to 50 percent of the world’s manganese, a vital metal across the globe, used to be mined in Chiatura, in western Georgia. Today, it resembles an apocalyptic ghost town. CITY OF THE SUN portrays a few of the remaining inhabitants. Music teacher Zurab dismantles ramshackle concrete buildings by hand and sells the iron girders to make some money on the side. Archil still works in the mine, but his real passion is the local amateur theatre group. Despite being malnourished, two young female athletes train stoically for the next Olympic Games.
Mr. Gay Syria
Turkey, France, Germany, 2017, Colour, 84 min. Režija / Director: Ayse Toprak Uloge / Cast: Husein, Mahmoud Hassino, Omar, Nader, Wissam, Samer, Ayman Menem, Bradley, Secker, Ahmed, Suma, Issam, William, Salam, Muhammed, Hussam, The Tea and Talk Group, Jad
Husein radi kao frizer u Istanbulu i vodi dvostruki život rastrzan između konzervativne porodice i vlastite homoseksualnosti. Mahmoud je osnivač sirijskog LGBTI pokreta i živi u Berlinu kao
izbjeglica. Ono što ih spaja jeste zajednički san da učestvuju na međunarodnom natječaju ljepote kako bi pobjegli od monotonije svakodnevnog života i prestali se osjećati nevidljivim. Hoće li uspjeti ostvariti svoj san, ili će ga izbjeglička kriza i oštre reakcije na homoseksualnost u muslimanskom društvu razbiti u paramparčad? Husein, a barber in Istanbul, lives a double life between his conservative family and his gay identity. Mahmoud is the founder of Syria’s LGBTI movement and is a refugee in Berlin. What brings them together is a dream: to participate in an international beauty contest, both as an escape from the confines of their lives and as an answer to their invisibility. Will the dream come true? Or will the refugee crisis and the harsh consequences of being gay in the Muslim world shatter it to pieces?
Obitelj / The Family
Slovenia, Austria, 2017, Colour, 106 min. Režija / Director: Rok Biček Uloge / Cast: Matej Rajk, Nia Kastelec, Barbara Kastelec, Alenka Rajk, Mitja Rajk, Boris Rajk, Ivka Gruden, Emanoela Škulj, Robert Krese, Aleksej Kastelec, Estera Dvornik, Gabrijela Simetinger
Film prati mladića Mateja tokom deset godina njegovog života. Matej se još kao tinejdžer morao starati o svojim mentalno zaostalim roditeljima i starijem bratu. Nakon što je u dvadesetoj godini života i sam postao otac, činilo se kao da će Matej moći zasnovati vlastitu porodicu. Međutim, obrasci njegovog ponašanja i razmišljanja, koji su rezultat odrastanja u disfunkcionalnom okruženju, narušavaju Matejev porodični mir. Film follows Matej over the course of ten years. As teenager he already has to take care of his mentally challenged parents and older brother. As he became fater himself at the age of twenty, it seemed as if he was able to create a family on his
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Mr. Gay Syria
Planeta Petrila
Grad sunca / City of the Suna
Obitelj / The Family
own. However, his behavioural and personality patterns connected to living in a dysfunctial family disrupt the young family's peace ...
Planeta Petrila
Romania, 2016, Colour, 80 min. Režija / Director: Andrei Dascalescu Uloge / Cast: Ion Barbu, Catalin Cenusa
Dok se rudari u rumunskom gradu Petrila spremaju da posljednji put siđu u okno, umjetnik i bivši rudar Ion Barbu predano radi na tome da gradski rudnik uglja sačuva kao kulturno nasljeđe. Međutim, gradske vlasti planiraju u potpunosti uništiti rudnik kako bi ispoštovali relevantna pravila Evropske unije. Ukoliko se njihov plan ostvari, naprasno će biti okončana dugogodišnja rudarska tradicija s kojom je lokalna zajednica još uvijek jako vezana, ali za koju vlasti, naizgled, ni najmanje ne mare. Barbu odbija da odustane od svoje misije i radi sve što je u njegovoj mogućnosti da očuva uspomenu na rudnik i identitet svog rodnog grada. On slika murale na administrativnim zgradama rudnika i organizuje predstave, ulične proteste, podzemni pozorišni festival i tajno snimanje filma. Njegova upornost je jednaka upornosti onih kojima se suprotstavlja, a njegova djela, koja obilato posuđuju iz historije umjetnosti, prožeta su apsurdnošću koja odgovara situaciji. Međutim, njegovi postupci prerastaju u nešto više od banalnog protesta i postaju sredstvo kolektivnog žalovanja za granom industrije koja izumire. As miners in Petrila go down the coal mine for the last time, artist and ex-miner Ion Barbu is working on his mission of preserving the Romanian town’s mine as cultural heritage. But in accordance with EU agreements on the closure of the mine, the authorities are committed to demolishing it completely. This would bring an abrupt end to a
history with which the mining community still feels a deep affinity, but one that doesn’t appear to interest the politicians in the slightest. Barbu refuses to back down, doing all he can to keep the memories of the mine and the identity of his hometown alive. He covers the mine buildings in murals and organises performances, street protests, an underground theatre festival and a clandestine film. His resolve is a match for that of his opponents, and his art, which samples freely from art history, is charged with an absurdism well suited to the situation. Nonetheless, his actions prove to be more than just a frivolous protest; they become a channel for the collective mourning of a redundant industry.
Playing Men
Slovenia, Croatia, 2017, Colour, 61 min. Režija / Director: Matjaž Ivanišin
PLAYING MEN je esejistički dokumentarac o muškarcima s područja Mediterana koji prati njihove obrasce zabave i igre kojih se igraju. Film je snimljen u formi putopisa kroz južnu Evropu (Slovenija, Hrvatska, Italija i Turska) i predstavlja muškarce, mlade i stare, koji se susreću kako bi igrali razne igre, nastavljajući tradiciju svojih predaka. Međutim, tokom snimanja, reditelj filma iznenanda zapada u jaku kreativnu krizu te objektiv kamere okreće prema sebi i pretvara film u razigranu posvetu apsurdnim situacijama. PLAYING MEN is an essayistic documentary about Mediterranean men, following player relations and their games. The film is in the form of a travelogue across Southern Europe (Slovenia, Croatia, Italy and Turkey) and presents men, young and old, who meet just like their ancestors did – in order to play games. But, during filming, the film’s director suddenly falls into a serious creative crisis and points the camera to himself,
turning the film into a playful homage to absurdity.
Slatko od ništa / In Praise of Nothing
Serbia, Croatia, France, 2017, Colour, 78 min. Režija / Director: Boris Mitić Uloge / Cast: Iggy Pop
Satirična dokumentarna parabola u kojoj Ništa vraća Sve na svoje mesto. A whistleblowing documentary parody in which Nothing tries to defend its cause.
Hungary, Greece, 2017, Colour, 84 min. Režija / Director: Balázs Simonyi Uloge / Cast: Bela Szabo, Balazs Simonyi, Judit Tancsics, Annett Bahlcke, Herbert Ziefle, and Francoise, Angel & Gilles Pallaruelo
Godinu za godinom trkači iz svih dijelova svijeta učestvuju u jednoj od najtežih i najprestižnijih utrka, 246 kilometara dugom Spartatlonu od Atine do Sparte, koji moraju istrčati za manje od 36 sati. Svaki od trkača, među kojima je i reditelj filma Balázs Simonyi, ima vlastiti razlog za učešće u ovom ekstremnom sportskom poduhvatu. Niko od njih ne zna da li će uspjeti završiti trku, ali od ključne im je važnosti da pokušaju ostvariti taj naizgled nemoguć cilj. Film govori o atletama koji testiraju granice vlastitih mogućnosti i pri tome liječe svoju dušu i oslobađaju se ličnih demona. Year after year, runners from around the world participate in one of the most prestigious and challenging of races, the Spartathlon – 246km from Athens to Sparta in under 36 hours. The film's subjects and its director, Balázs Simonyi, each have their own personal reasons for participating in the extreme run. None of them knows if they will ever be able to finish, but they
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Slatko od ništa / In Praise of Nothinga
Playing Men
do know that it is crucial for them to try – and possibly accomplish the seemingly impossible. These are everyday athletes who test their limits, heal their souls and release their demons.
Za suze mjesta nema / No Place for Tears Turkey, 2017, Colour, 84 min. Režija / Director: Reyan Tuvi
Okupacijske, džihadističke trupe ISIS-a su u septembru 2014. započele brutalan napad na kurdski grad Kobane u Siriji. Kurdske jedinice narodne zaštite YPG-a do tada su neporaženom ISIS-u pružile herojski otpor te su, nakon 134 dana uličnih borbi i uz pomoć zračnih udara međunarodnih koalicijskih snaga, uspjele u
Za suze mjesta nema / No Place for Tears
potpunosti osloboditi Kobane. Stanovnici Kobanea, koji su utočište od rata pronašli u susjednoj Turskoj, bili su prisiljeni s distance pratiti borbe za svoj grad. Danima, sedmicama i mjesecima stajali su na tursko-sirijskoj granici čekajući vijesti o svojim sinovima, kćerima i rodbini koji su ostali da brane Kobane. Kada je ratom razoreni grad konačno oslobođen, 26. januara 2016, njegove stanovnike čekala je nova borba: borba da obnove život na ruševinama svojih domova. In September, 2014, the Kurdish Kobanê Canton in Syria, was violently attacked by occupying ISIS gangs. The YPG / YPJ forces showed exemplary resistance against ISIS, who had never been defeated during previous occupations. After 134
days of street fighting and the bombing of coalition planes, the city of Kobanê was liberated. During the war, some of the people of Kobanê escaped and took shelter on the Turkish side of the border, where they had to observe the fighting from afar. They waited for days, weeks and months at the border, where the sounds of war were always present, expecting to hear from their sons, daughters and relatives who were defending the city. As war-torn Kobanê was liberated on January 26, 2016, another tough struggle was awaiting the people: building a new life on top of the ruins.
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Avrilina kćerka / April's Daughter
Niotkuda / In the Fade
OPEN AIR Avrilina kćerka / April's Daughter Mexico, 2017, Colour, 103 min. Režija / Director: Michel Franco Uloge / Cast: Emma Suárez, Ana Valeria Becerril, Enrique Arrizon, Joanna Larequi, Hernán Mendoza
Sedamnaestogodišnja Valerija zatrudnjela je sa svojim maloljetnim momkom, ali o tome nije obavijestila svoju majku Avril. Kada njena sestra Clara u tajnosti nazove Avril, njihova majka dolazi puna brige, podrške i nježnosti. Ali, kratko nakon rođenja bebe, postaje jasno zašto je Valerija željela držati Avril što dalje od sebe. Seventeen-year-old Valeria got pregnant with her teenage boyfriend, but she has not yet informed her absent mother, April. Valeria's sister Clara goes behind her back and calls April, who arrives with displays of concern, support and tenderness. But once the baby is born, it soon becomes clear why Valeria wanted to keep April as far away as possible.
dvojica će se međusobno pomagati u prevazilaženju problema s kojim se suočavaju u svojim nepoznatim i često zbunjujućim novim životima. Khaled arrives at the port of Helsinki concealed inside a coal container, fleeing war-torn Syria to seek asylum in Finland. Dazed and frustrated by the monolithic administration he encounters at the detention centre, he makes a break for it and heads out onto the streets. There he meets Wikström, a former shirt salesman who has recently left his alcoholic wife for a new life as a bachelor restaurateur. Together, the two men help each other navigate the adversities they face in these unfamiliar and often baffling new worlds.
Niotkuda / In the Fade
Druga strana nade / The Other Side of Hope
Germany, 2017, Colour, 106 min. Režija / Director: Fatih Akin Uloge / Cast: Diane Kruger, Denis Moschitto, Johannes Krisch, Samia Chancrin, Numan Acar, Ulrich Tukur, Rafael Santana, Hanna Hilsdorf, Ulrich Friedrich Brandho
Bježeći iz ratom razorene zemlje, s planom da u Finskoj zatraži azil, Sirijac Khaled stiže u helsinšku luku sakriven u kontejneru s ugljem. Zbunjen i frustriran monolitnim birokratskim aparatom s kojim se suočava, Khaled bježi iz azilantskog centra. Lutajući ulicama upoznaje Wikströma, bivšeg prodavača košulja koji je nedavno napustio ženu alkoholičarku i započeo novi život kao vlasnik ugostiteljskog lokala. Njih
U samo jednom trenutku, Katjin život se zauvijek promijeni kada se DNK analizom ustanovi da su čovjek i dijete koji su poginuli u bombaškom napadu zapravo njeni muž i sin. Nedugo zatim, policija privodi dvije osobe osumnjičene za atentat: mladi par neonacista. Ali da krivci ne bi bili tako lako oslobođeni, Katja uzima pravdu u svoje ruke. Katja's life changes forever after DNA analysis reveals that the remains found on the site of a bomb attack belong to her husband and son. Shortly after, police arrest two young neo-Nazi sympathizers suspected of the crime. In order to ensure that the
Finland, Germany, 2017, Colour, 98 min. Režija / Director: Aki Kaurismäki Uloge / Cast: Sherwan Haji, Sakari Kuosmanen, Janne Hyytiäinen, Ilkka Koivula, Nuppu Koivu, Simon Hussein Al-Bazoon, Niroz Haji, Kaija Pakarinen
Druga strana nade / The Other Side of Hope
suspects will not escape punishment, Katja takes justice into her own hands.
Pravo vrijeme / Good Time
USA, 2017, Colour, 100 min. Režija / Director: Josh Safdie, Benny Safdie Uloge / Cast: Robert Pattinson, Benny Safdie, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Barkhad Abdi, Buddy Duress, Taliah Webster, Peter Verby, Gladys Mathon, Necro
Nakon što mu mlađi brat završi u zatvoru zbog neuspjele pljačke banke, Konstantin kreće na opasno putovanje kroz gradski kriminalni milje ne bi li brata izbavio iz zatvora. U samo jednoj noći, Konstantin upada u besmislen vrtlog nasilja i razaranja žureći da spasi i brata i sebe, savršeno svjestan da im obojici život visi o koncu. After a botched bank robbery lands his younger brother in prison, Constantine embarks on a twisted odyssey through the city's underworld in an increasingly desperate attempt to get his brother out of jail. Over the course of one night, Constantine finds himself on a mad descent into violence and mayhem as he races against the clock to save his brother and himself, all the while knowing their lives hang in the balance.
Riba zvana Wanda / A Fish Called Wanda
United Kingdom, USA, 1988, Colour, 108 min. Režija / Director: Charles Crichton Uloge / Cast: John Cleese, Kevin Kline, Jamie Lee Curtis, Michael Palin, Maria Aitken, Tom Georgeson, Patricia Hayes
Kad se spoje četiri lukava kradljivca dragulja, tri jokširska terijera, par čvrstih grudi i jedan tipični britanski advokat, dobije se mješavina koja osigurava „neprekidan slijed beskrajno smiješnih
Pravo vrijeme / Good Time
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Riba zvana Wanda / A Fish Called Wanda
obrata i nevjerovatnih glumačkih izvedbi“. U ovoj nevjerovatno smiješnoj filmskoj farsi, žena po imenu Wanda, u nastojanju da se dočepa dragulja, mora prevariti plaćenog ubicu koji voli životinje, smotanog advokata i svoga momka koji obožava citirati Nietzschea. Four conniving jewel thieves… three Yorkshire terriers… two heaving bosoms and one proper British barrister. It all adds up to “a non-stop barrage of …outrageous plot twists and over-the top performances” when a woman called Wanda tries to deceive her Nietzsche-quoting boyfriend, an animal-loving hitman and an embarrassmentprone counsellor out of a fortune in jewels in this hilariously funny farce!
Velika bolest / The Big Sick
USA, 2017, Colour, 119 min. Režija / Director: Michael Showalter Uloge / Cast: Kumail Nanjiani, Zoe Kazan, Holly Hunter, Ray Romano, Anupam Kher, Zenobia Shroff, Adeel Akhtar
Pakistanski komičar Kumail na jednom od svojih stand-up nastupa upoznaje američku studenticu Emily. Njihova veza cvjeta, ali Kumail uskoro počinje da se brine da li će članovi njegove tradicionalne muslimanske porodice prihvatiti Emily. Kada Emily iznenada oboli i padne u komu, Kumail neočekivano gradi blizak odnos s njenim duboko zabrinutim roditeljima. Kumail is a Pakistani comic who meets an American graduate student named Emily at one of his standup shows. As their relationship blossoms, Kumail soon becomes worried about what his traditional Muslim parents will think of Emily. When she suddenly comes down with an illness that leaves her in a coma, Kumail finds himself developing a bond with her deeply concerned mother and father.
Velika bolest / The Big Sick
Žaba / The Frog
Vozač / Baby Driver
USA, 2017, Colour, 115 min. Režija / Director: Edgar Wright Uloge / Cast: Ansel Elgort, Kevin Spacey, Lily James, Jon Bernthal, Eiza González, Jon Hamm, Jamie Foxx
Baby, talentovani mladi vozač auta za bijeg, oslanja se na ritam muzike koju neprestano sluša kako bi bio najbolji u igri. Kad upozna djevojku svojih snova, odluči napustiti svijet kriminala i početi život iz početka. Međutim, Baby biva prisiljen raditi za jednog od šefova podzemlja, a nakon jedne neuspjele pljačke, morat će se suočiti s posljedicama vlastitih izbora i pokušati da otkloni opasnost koja se nadvila nad njegovim životom, ljubavi i slobodom. A talented young getaway driver relies on the beats of his personal soundtrack to be the best in the game. When he meets the girl of his dreams, Baby sees a chance to ditch his criminal life and make a clean getaway. But after being coerced into working for a crime boss, he must face the music when a doomed heist threatens his life, love and freedom.
Žaba / The Frog
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia, 2017, Colour, 78 min. Režija / Director: Elmir Jukić Uloge / Cast: Emir Hadžihafizbegović, Aleksandar Seksan, Mirsad Tuka, Moamer Kasumović, Selma Alispahić, Boro Stjepanović, Ilir Tafa, Nermin Omić, Alisa Čajić-Drmać, Vlasta Velisavljević, Sadžida Šetić
Zeko, brico i bivši borac sa PTSP-om, poziva brata Toču i prijatelja Grgu na Bajram. Namjerava da iskoristi praznično raspoloženje te brata, kockara i alkoholičara, nagovori da se promijeni. Točo ga ne želi slušati i ne shvata priču ozbiljno. Zeko uzima britvu i prislanja je na Točin vrat, te silom iznudi od njega obećanje da će se promijeniti.
Točo bijesan odlazi, ne želeći ga više ikad vidjeti, a Grga predlaže Zeki da posjeti psihijatra. Kad ostane sam, bez jedinog prijatelja i brata, Zeko uzima bombu. Izvjesno samoubistvo sprečava dolazak Damira, mladića koji ide od vrata do vrata i prodaje knjige. Zeko, a barber and ex-soldier suffering from PostTraumatic Stress Disorder, invites his brother Točo and his friend Grga to Eid festivities. He intends to take advantage of the festive mood and ask his brother, a gambler and alcoholic, to change his ways. Točo doesn’t want to listen and will not take the conversation seriously. Zeko puts a razor under his brother’s neck, forcing him to promise he will change; furious, Točo leaves, telling Zeko he will never see him again, while Grga suggests that Zeko see a psychiatrist. Alone, without his only friend and his brother, Zeko decides to kill himself – until Damir, a young man selling books door-to-door, stops him.
Kafa sa… / Coffee with… Upoznajte goste Open Air programa. Uživajte u Kafi sa... Vrijeme i mjesto: 11:00 - 12:00, Festivalski trg! / Meet the guests of the Open Air Programme. Enjoy the "Coffee with..." programme. Time and venue: 11:00 to 12:00 at the Festival Square! ULAZ SLOBODAN / FREE ADMISSION uz festivalsku akreditaciju ili ulaznicu od prethodne noći / with the Festival accreditation or the film screening ticket Broj mjesta ograničen / Limited number of seats.
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Jahač / The Rider
France, 2017, Colour, 105 min. Režija / Director: Léa Mysius Uloge / Cast: Noée Abita, Laure Calamy, Juan Cano, Tamara Cano, Daouda Diakhate, Baptiste Archimbaud, Franck Beckmann, Ismaël Capelot Tokom ljetovanja na obali Atlanskog okeana, trinaestogodišnja Ava saznaje da će izgubiti vid prije nego što je očekivala. Njena majka je odlučna da se ponaša kao da se ništa ne dešava u namjeri da kćeri priušti najbolje ljetovanje u životu. Ava se s problemom suočava na vlastiti način: od mladića u bijegu, krade velikog crnog psa. Thirteen-year-old Ava is spending the summer on the Atlantic coast when she learns she will lose her sight sooner than previously expected. Her mother decides to act as though everything were normal so as to spend the best summer ever. Ava confronts the problem in her own way: she steals a big black dog that belongs to a young man on the run...
Bez ljubavi / Loveless
Russia, France, Belgium, Germany, 2017, Colour, 128 min. Režija / Director: Andrey Zvyagintsev Uloge / Cast: Maryana Spivak, Alexey Rozin, Matvey Novikov, Andris Keishs, Marina Vasilyeva Zhenya i Boris prolaze kroz neprijateljski razvod obilježen gorčinom, frustracijom i međusobnim optuživanjem. Oboje su nestrpljivi da počnu
Selektori / Programmers: Mike Goodridge, Alessandro Raja, Mathilde Henrot
život iz početka sa svojim novopronađenim partnerima. Žele okrenuti novu stranicu, čak i ako zbog toga moraju prijetiti da će napustiti svog dvanaestogodišnjeg sina Alyoshu. A, onda, nakon što prisustvuje jednoj od njihovih svađa, Alyosha nestaje... Zhenya and Boris are going through an acrimonious divorce marked by resentment, frustration and recriminations. Already embarking on new lives, each of them with a new partner, they are impatient to start again, to turn the page – even if it means threatening to abandon their 12-year-old son Alyosha. Then, after witnessing one of their fights, Alyosha disappears…
Gabriel i planina / Gabriel and the Mountain
Brazil, France, 2017, Colour, 127 min. Režija / Director: Fellipe Gamarano Barbosa Uloge / Cast: João Pedro Zappa, Caroline Abras, Alex Alembe, Lenny Siampala, John Goodluck Prije nego započne studij na jednom prestižnom američkom univerzitetu, Gabriel Buchmann odlučuje godinu dana putovati svijetom sa ruksakom punim snova. Nakon 10 mjeseci putovanja stiže u Keniju i planira putovati afričkim kontinentom sve dok ne stigne do svoga konačnog odredišta, vrha planine Mulanje u Malaviju. Before entering a prestigious American university, Gabriel Buchmann decided to travel the world for
Gabriel i planina / Gabriel and the Mountain
one year, his backpack full of dreams. After 10 months on the road, he arrived in Kenya, determined to discover the African continent – until he reached the top of Mount Mulanje, Malawi, his final destination.
Jahač / The Rider
USA, 2017, Colour, 102 min. Režija / Director: Chloé Zhao Uloge / Cast: Brady, Jandreau, Tim Jandreau, Lilly Jandreau, Lane Scott, Cat Clifford Mladi kauboj Brady, nekadašnja rodeo zvjezda u usponu, nakon tragične nesreće na jahanju saznaje da su njegovi takmičarski dani odbrojani. Po povratku kući Brady počinje da se pita čemu život ako ne može raditi ono što ga ispunjava jahati i takmičiti se. U pokušaju da povrati kontrolu nad svojim životom, Brady nastoji izgraditi novi identitet i redefinisati svoje stavove o tome kakav muškarac treba da bude da bi ga se u srcu Amerike smatralo pravim muškarcem. Once a rising star of the rodeo circuit, young cowboy Brady is warned that his competition days are over after a tragic riding accident. Back home, Brady finds himself wondering what he has to live for when he can no longer do what gives him a sense of purpose: to ride and compete. In an attempt to regain control of his fate, Brady undertakes a search for new identity and tries to redefine his idea of what it means to be a man in the heartland of America.
Bez ljubavi / Loveless
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Ljeto 1993. / Summer 1993
Ljeto 1993. / Summer 1993
Spain, 2016, Colour, 96 min. Režija / Director: Carla Simón Uloge / Cast: Laia Artigas, Paula Robles, Bruni Cusí, David Verdaguer, Fermi Reixacha Nakon smrti svojih roditelja, šestogodišnja Frida se u ljeto 1993. iz Barcelone seli u katalonsku provinciju kako bi živjela s tetkom i tetkom koji su postali njeni zakonski skrbnici. Život na selu za Fridu predstavlja izazov – tu vrijeme teče drugačije nego u Barceloni, a priroda koja je okružuje je misteriozna. Sada ima mlađu sestru za koju se mora brinuti i prisiljena je da se nosi s novim osjećajima poput ljubomore. Frida često naivno vjeruje da bi bijeg od kuće bio najbolje rješenje za njene probleme. Međutim, njeni rođaci rade sve što je u njihovoj moći da postignu novi, iako osjetljiv, balans i uspostave normalan život. Povremene posjete lokalnim festivalima, odlasci na bazen, kuhanje ili slušanje jazza u bašti predstavljaju trenutke sreće. Frida postepeno shvata da će tu morati ostati i da se mora prilagoditi novom okruženju. Prije kraja ljeta, Frida mora izaći na kraj sa svojim emocijama, a njeni novi roditelji moraju naučiti da je vole kao što vole vlastitu kćerku. In the summer of 1993, following the death of her parents, six-year-old Frida moves from Barcelona to the Catalan countryside to live with her aunt and uncle, who are now her legal guardians. Country life is a challenge for Frida – time passes differently in her new home and the nature that surrounds her is mysterious. She now has a little sister to take care of, and has to deal with new
Mlada žena / Montparnasse Bienvenüe
feelings like jealousy. Often, Frida is naively convinced that running away would be the best solution to her problems. However, the family do what they can to achieve a new, if fragile, balance, and bring normality to daily life. Occasional family outings to a local fiesta or a swimming pool, cooking or listening to jazz in the garden bring moments of happiness. Slowly, Frida realises that she is here to stay, and that she must adapt to her new environment. Before the season is over, she has to cope with her emotions and her new parents have to learn to love her as their own daughter.
USA, Israel, 2017, Colour, 82 min. Režija / Director: Joshua Z Weinstein Uloge / Cast: Menashe Lustig, Ruben Niborski, Yoel Weisshaus, Meyer Schwartz Ljubazni Menashe radi kao prodavač u zelenari, u srcu ultrakonzervativne zajednice hasidskih Jevreja u New Yorku. Nakon smrti svoje žene Leahe, pokušava sastaviti kraj s krajem i biti dobar otac maloljetnom sinu Rievenu. U skladu s tradicijom, Menashe sina ne smije odgajati sam te uz ogromnu žalost pristaje da Rievena usvoji strogi ujak. Iako se čini da se Menashe spotiče o svaku prepreku koja mu se nađe na putu, njegov rabin mu daje priliku da s Rievenom provede sedam dana uoči Leahine komemoracije. Deep in the heart of New York's ultra-orthodox Hasidic Jewish community, Menashe, a kind grocery store clerk, struggles to make ends meet and responsibly parent his young son, Rieven, following his wife Leah's death. Tradition prohibits
Menashe from raising his son alone, so Rieven's strict uncle adopts him, leaving Menashe heartbroken. Although Menashe seems to bungle every challenge in his path, his rabbi grants him one special week with Rieven before Leah's memorial.
Mlada žena / Montparnasse Bienvenüe
France, Belgium, 2017, Colour, 97 min. Režija / Director: Léonor Serraille Uloge / Cast: Laetitia Dosch, Grégoire Monsaingeon, Souleymane Seye Ndiaye, Léonie Simaga Paula se, nakon dugog odsustva, vraća u Pariz, ne posjedujući ništa osim mačke i zatičući samo vrata koja joj se stalno zatvaraju pred nosom. Dok upoznaje različite ljude, Paula ostaje odlučna u namjeri da krene iz početka i to sa stilom i dostojanstveno! Broke, with nothing but her cat to her name and doors closing in her face, Paula is back in Paris after a long absence. As she meets different people along the way, there is something she knows for sure: she’s determined to make a new start, and she’ll do it with style and panache!
Nokturama / Nocturama
France, 2016, Colour, 130 min. Režija / Director: Bertrand Bonello Uloge / Cast: Finnegan Oldfield, Vincent Rottiers, Hamza Meziani, Manal Issa, Martin Guyot Jutro u Parizu. Grupa adolescenata različitih društvenih profila. Svako za sebe, započinje čudni ples kroz labirint linija podzemne željeznice i gradskih ulica. Čini se kao da se kreću prema
Nokturama / Nocturama SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 11-18/08/2017 /
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Priča jednog duha / A Ghost Story
Sirovo / Raw
Rad / The Work
Sretan kraj / Happy End
zadatom planu. Kretnje su im precizne, gotovo opasne. Okupljaju se na jednom mjestu, u robnoj kući, tik prije njenog zatvaranja. Noć počinje... One morning in Paris. A fistful of adolescents, from different backgrounds. Individually, they begin a strange dance through the labyrinth of the metro and the streets of the capital. They seem to be following a plan. Their gestures are precise, almost dangerous. They come together in the same place, a department store, at closing time. The night begins...
Priča jednog duha / A Ghost Story
USA, 2017, Colour, 93 min. Režija / Director: David Lowery Uloge / Cast: Casey Affleck, Rooney Mara, McColm Sephas Jr., Kenneisha Thompson, Grover Coulson Duh nedavno preminulog muškarca vraća se u svoj dom u predgrađu kako bi tješio ožalošćenu suprugu, ali otkriva da se u bestjelesnom stanju slobodno kreće kroz vrijeme, i biva prisiljen da pasivno posmatra kako mu život koji je poznavao i žena koju je volio izmiču iz ruku. Dok gubi uporište sve više, duh kreće na kosmičko putovanje, kroz sjećanja i historiju, na kojem će se suočiti s nerješivim životnim pitanjima i veličinom postojanja. Recently deceased, a ghost returns to his suburban home to console his bereft wife, only to find that in his spectral state he has become unstuck in time, forced to watch passively as the life he knew and the woman he loves slowly slip away. Increasingly unmoored, the ghost embarks
on a cosmic journey through memory and history, confronting life’s ineffable questions and the enormity of existence.
Rad / The Work
USA, 2017, Colour, 87 min. Režija / Director: Jairus McLeary, Gethin Aldous Uloge / Cast: Vegas, Rick, Dark Cloud, Brian, Charles U potpunosti snimljen u jednoj prostoriji unutar zatvora Folsom, film prati tri muškarca koji su u zatvor došli izvana kako bi učestvovali u četverodnevnoj terapijskoj radionici sa najozloglašenijim zatvorenicima. Tokom radionice svaki od učesnika dobija priliku da detaljno preispita vlastitu prošlost. Sirov i ogoljavajući proces kroz koji zatvorenici prolaze prevazilazi očekivanja slobodnih muškaraca, gura ih van njihove zone komfora i navodi da sebe i zatvorenike promotre u novom svjetlu. Set inside a single room in Folsom Prison, THE WORK follows three men from the outside as they participate in a four-day group-therapy retreat with level-four convicts. Over the four days, each man in the room takes his turn at delving deep into his past. The raw and revealing process the incarcerated men go through exceeds the expectations of the free men, ripping them out of their comfort zones and forcing them to see themselves and the prisoners in unexpected ways.
Sirovo / Raw
France, Belgium, 2016, Colour, 98 min. Režija / Director: Julia Ducournau Uloge / Cast: Garance Marillier, Ella Rumpf, Rabah
Naït Oufella, Laurent Lucas, Joana Preiss Svi članovi Justinine porodice su veterinari. I vegetarijanci. Sa 16 godina, ona je briljantna studentica koja puno obećava. Nakon što upiše školu za veterinare, Justine ulazi u dekadentan, bešćutan i opasno zavodljiv svijet. Tokom prve sedmice školovanja, u sklopu inicijacijskih rituala kroz koje sve novajlije moraju proći kako bi bili prihvaćeni u društvo, a gonjena očajničkom potrebom da se uklopi bez obzira na cijenu, Justine odstupa od porodičnih principa i prvi put u životu jede sirovo meso. Nedugo nakon toga na površinu isplivava njena prava priroda i Justine se suočava s užasnim i neočekivanim posljedicama svojih postupaka. Everyone in Justine’s family is a veterinarian. And a vegetarian. At 16, she’s a brilliant and promising student. When she starts at veterinary school, she enters a decadent, merciless and dangerously seductive world. During the first week of hazing rituals, desperate to fit in whatever the cost, she strays from her family principles when she eats raw meat for the first time. Justine will soon face the terrible and unexpected consequences of her actions when her true self begins to emerge.
Sretan kraj / Happy End
France, Austria, Germany, 2017, Colour, 107 min. Režija / Director: Michael Haneke Uloge / Cast: Isabelle Huppert, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Mathieu Kassovitz SRETAN KRAJ je filmska drama o dobrostojećoj francuskoj porodici koja živi u zatvorenom buržujskom okruženju na sjeveru Francuske,
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Trudosveta / Prevenge
Ukus cementa / Taste of Cement
Sretan put / Godspeed
Trg / The Square
nesvjesna ljudske patnje u migrantskim kampovima u lučkom gradu Calaisu, udaljenom svega nekoliko kilometara od njihovog doma. HAPPY END is a drama about a well-off French family living in a bourgeois bubble in northern France, oblivious to the human misery unfolding in migrant camps around the port town of Calais, a few kilometres from their home.
Sretan put / Godspeed
Taiwan, 2016, Colour, 111 min. Režija / Director: Mong-Hong Chung Uloge / Cast: Michael Hui, Na Dow, Leon Dai, Chung-Hua Tou, Matt Wu, Yi-Wen Chen Na Dow za transport droge koristi taksi; u istom danu taksijem ide na jug i vraća se nazad. Jednog dana nevoljko ulazi u oronuli taksi koji vozi bezbrižni i naivni Xu. Xu je na Taiwan stigao prije 20 godina i nekako odlučio da ostane. Napad članova jedne bande remeti Na Dowov plan da se promijeni i Xuov da vodi miran život. Droga i novac su nestali, a Na Dow i Xu su zarobljeni u gepeku automobila. Na Dow carries out his drug-delivering routine by taking a cab south and returning in the same cab on the same day. One day he reluctantly gets into a shabby taxi driven by the carefree, innocent Xu, who came to Taiwan more than 20 years ago and somehow decided to stay. Na Dow's plan to reform himself and Xu's wish for a peaceful life take a wrong turn when they become the target of a mob attack. The drugs and the money are gone, and both Na Dow and Xu are held hostage in the trunk of a car.
Trg / The Square
Sweden, Germany, France, Denmark, 2017, Colour, 142 min. Režija / Director: Ruben Östlund Uloge / Cast: Claes Bang, Elisabeth Moss, Dominic West, Terry Notary, Christopher Laessø Christian je respektabilan kustos u jednom muzeju moderne umjetnosti. Razveden je i ima dvoje djece kojoj je u potpunosti posvećen. Christian vozi električni auto i podržava plemenite ciljeve. Trenutno radi na postavci umjetničke instalacije „Trg“, u sklopu koje slučajne prolaznike poziva na iskazivanje altruizma i podsjeća ih na njihovu ulogu odgovornih ljudskih bića. Ali ponekad je teško živjeti u skladu s vlastitim ubjeđenjima, te Christiana njegova besmislena reakcija na krađu telefona dovodi u niz sramotnih situacija. U međuvremenu, marketinška agencija koja radi za njegov muzej osmišljava neočekivanu kampanju za „Trg“. Javnost na tu kampanju reaguje pretjerano burno, što Christiana, ali i muzej, dovodi u krizu. Christian, the respected curator of a contemporary art museum, is a divorced but devoted father of two who drives an electric car and supports good causes. His next show is “The Square”, an installation that invites passers-by to altruism, reminding them of their role as responsible fellow human beings. But sometimes, it is difficult to live up to your own ideals: Christian’s foolish response to the theft of his phone drags him into shameful situations. Meanwhile, the museum’s PR agency has created an unexpected campaign for ”The
Square”. The response is overblown and sends Christian, as well as the museum, into an existential crisis.
Trudosveta / Prevenge
United Kingdom, 2016, Colour, 88 min. Režija / Director: Alice Lowe Uloge / Cast: Alice Lowe, Gemma Whelan, Kate Dickie, Jo Hartley, Kayvan Novak PREVENGE prati trudnicu Ruth na ubistvenom pohodu koji je jednako smiješan koliko i okrutan. Ruthinim akcijama rukovodi njeno nerođeno dijete, čovjekomrzac, koje čovječanstvo krivi za činjenicu da nema oca. Dijete se Ruth obraća iz materice, instruirajući je kako da namami, a zatim i ubije svoje naivne žrtve. Rastrzana između vlastite savjesti, usamljenosti i čudnog pretporođajnog ludila, Ruth u trenutku ostvarenja materinstva mora napraviti izbor između pokajanja i destrukcije. PREVENGE follows Ruth, a pregnant woman, on a killing spree that is as funny as it is vicious. Her misanthropic unborn baby is dictating Ruth's actions, holding society responsible for the absence of a father. The child speaks to Ruth from the womb, coaching her to lure and ultimately kill her unsuspecting victims. Struggling with her conscience, loneliness and a strange strain of prepartum madness, Ruth must ultimately choose between redemption and destruction at the moment of motherhood.
Ukus cementa / Taste of Cement Germany, Lebanon, Syria, United Arab Emirates,
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Qatar, 2017, Colour, 85 min. Režija / Director: Ziad Kalthoum Sirijski građevinski radnici grade neboder u Bejrutu dok im vlastite kuće u domovini granatiraju. Libanski građanski rat je završen, ali konflikt u Siriji i dalje traje. Radnici su zarobljeni na gradilištu, budući da im je libanska vlada zabranila kretanje nakon 7 sati navečer nametnuvši izbjeglicama policijski sat. Kontakt sa spoljnim svijetom ostvaruju samo preko otvora kroz koji se penju svakog jutra kako bi započeli novi radni dan. Odsječeni od domovine, radnici se svake večeri okupljaju oko malog TV prijemnika da bi čuli vijesti iz Sirije. Ophrvani brigom i neizvjesnošću, i uskraćeni za osnovna ljudska i radnička prava, oni nastavljaju da se nadaju drugačijem životu. In Beirut, Syrian construction workers are building
a skyscraper, while at the same time their own houses at home are being shelled. The Lebanese Civil War is over, but conflict in Syria rages on. The workers are locked in the building site. They are not allowed to leave it after 7pm, as the Lebanese government has imposed a night-time curfew on refugees. The only contact these Syrian workers have with the outside world is via the hole they climb out of each morning to begin a new day of work. Cut off from their homeland, they gather at night around a small TV set to get the news from Syria. Tormented by anguish and anxiety, while suffering the deprivation of the most basic human and workers rights, they keep hoping for a different life.
Režija / Director: Valeska Grisebach Uloge / Cast: Meinhard Neumann, Reinhardt Wetrek, Syuleyman Alilov Letifov, Veneta Frangova Grupa njemačkih građevinskih radnika započinje naporan posao na izolovanom gradilištu u bugarskoj provinciji. Život u stranoj zemlji pobuđuje njihov avanturistički duh, ali su istovremeno suočeni sa vlastitim predrasudama i manjkom povjerenja koji su posljedica kulturnih razlika i nepoznavanja lokalnog jezika. A group of German construction workers start a tough job at a remote site in the Bulgarian countryside. The foreign land awakens the men’s sense of adventure, but they are also confronted with their own prejudice and mistrust due to the language barrier and cultural differences.
Germany, Bulgaria, Austria, 2017, Colour, 119 min.
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Brat / The Brother
Martin plače / Martin Cries
1000 osmijeha na sat / 1000 Smiles Per Hour
SHORTS Selektorica / Programmer: Bianca Lucas Titan
Državni savjet / Conseil d'Etat
EUROPEAN SHORTS 1000 osmijeha na sat / 1000 Smiles Per Hour
Hostel / The Hostel
Germany, 2017, Colour, 15 min. Režija / Director: Ulu Braun Uloge / Cast: Asef Hussaini, Lisa Baumgarten
Germany, 2016, Black & White, 15 min. Režija / Director: Fabian Altenried Uloge / Cast: E., Alex Wissel, Julie Trappett
Sastanak u sumrak, dok kruži po vanjskim rubovima betonskog krajolika, melanholičnom performeru narušava dragocjeni trenutak povezanosti unutar hladno apatičnih granica grada. A twilight meeting engenders a precious moment of connection for the melancholy performer, who is drifting across the outer edges of a concrete landscape amid the coldly apathetic city limits.
Na mjestu na kojem se spajaju biblijski krajolici i zapadnjačka mitologija stoji kuća koja je dijelom okupljalište bajkera, a dijelom planinska farma. Kuća pruža gostoprimstvo svim bićima koji prolaze nepristupačnim predjelima. In a place where a biblical landscape and western myths converge, there is a house that is part biker hangout, part mountain farm. It welcomes all beings who traverse this inhospitable landscape.
Brat / The Brother
Martin plače / Martin Cries
Tri sestre nastavljaju voditi svoje svakodnevne živote u odsustvu brata koji se vodi kao nestao. Film je inspirisan pričama iz New Orleansa. Three sisters go about their everyday lives in the absence of their missing brother. Inspired by stories from New Orleans.
Zamislite da se jednog dana probudite i otkrijete da su svi vaši prijatelji nestali. Trebalo bi da su tu, ali ih nema… Počnete da ih tražite, svuda ih tražite; pročešljate čitav grad, sve rijeke i močvare. Imagine you wake up one day, and all your friends have disappeared. They should be there, but they are gone... So you look. You look everywhere – every hiding place, each inch of the city, all the marshes, all the rivers.
France, 2017, Colour, 16 min. Režija / Director: Jonathan Vinel Uloge / Cast: Paul Hamy, Clémence Diard
France, 2016, Colour, 9 min. Režija / Director: Léa Triboulet Uloge / Cast: Clay'Jel Irvin, Alania Gorden, Keira Gorden
Državni savjet / Conseil d'Etat Belgium, 2016, Colour and b&w, 8 min. Režija / Director: Fanny Zaman
Prizori sa svjetske izložbe EXPO održane u Briselu 1958. godine odišu vjerom u modernizam, budućnost i tehnološki napredak. Zvučnu podlogu čine zvuci serije napada koji su uznemirili Belgiju osamdesetih godina prošloga vijeka. Images from Expo '58 in Brussels exude faith in modernity, the future and the possibilities of technology. This film's soundtrack is from the 1980s, when a series of attacks unsettled Belgium.
Poloneza / Polonaise
Netherlands, 2017, Colour, 15 min. Režija / Director: Reber Dosky
Snimljen tokom bitke za Kobani, MERYEM je priča o ženama u središtu borbe protiv Islamske države. Ove se žene, sa stoičkom izdržljivošću i uz pomoć američkih zračnih udara, bore za slobodu. Filmed during the battle of Kobanî, MERYEM reveals the women at the heart of the fight against ISIS. With stoic perseverance and the aid of
Ćaskanje / Small Talk
American airstrikes, it is they who are leading the fight for freedom.
Miss Holokaust / Miss Holocaust Poland, Germany, 2017, Colour, 22 min. Režija / Director: Michalina Musielak, Irena Siedlar (Co-Director) Uloge / Cast: Sara Israel, Rita Berkowitz
Od 2012. godine u Haifi, Izrael, svake godine održava se natjecanje u ljepoti. Između 300 prijavljenih žena, od kojih su sve starije od 75 godina, bira se između 13 i 15 natjecateljica koje potom prolaze intenzivan proces priprema. Since 2012, an annual beauty contest has been held in Haifa, Israel. From around 300 woman, all of whom are at least 75 years of age, a pre-selection is made of 13 to 15 contestants who subsequently undergo an intensive preparation process.
Nakon svitanja / After Dawn Belgium, 2016, Colour, 24 min. Režija / Director: Nicolas Graux Uloge / Cast: Piotr Biedroń, Tijmen Govaerts
Poljska. Razdvojenost i daljina očvrsnuli su Pawelovo srce. Ili se bar njemu tako čini... Do jednog kišnog poslijepodneva i jedne neočekivane posjete. Poland. Separation and distance have hardened Pawel’s heart. Or so it seemed to him... Until one rainy afternoon. And an unexpected visitor.
Poloneza / Polonaise
Poland, 2016, Colour, 16 min. Režija / Director: Agnieszka Elbanowska
Grad Aleksandrow Kujawski nekad je ležao na granici između Pruskog i Ruskog carstva. Danas se svi njegovi stanovnici smatraju Poljacima i taj im je identitet toliko značajan da svake godine organizuju takmičenje u patriotizmu na kojem lokalni gradonačelnik, svećenik i pjesnikinja
Čovjek, vraćen / A Man Returned
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Miss Holokaust / Miss Holocaust
Teret / The Burden
Nakon svitanja / After Dawn
Hostel / The Hostel
Vještačko sunce / Artificial Sunshine
biraju patriotu godine. The town of Aleksandrow Kujawski was once on the border between the Prussian and Russian empires. Today, its residents are all Polish; so Polish, in fact, that they find they have no choice but to hold a patriotism contest, where the local mayor, priest and poetess select the Patriot of the Year.
Teret / The Burden
Sweden, 2017, Colour, 14 min. Režija / Director: Niki Lindroth von Bahr Uloge / Cast: Olof Wretling, Mattias Fransson
Mračan mjuzikl postavljen na modernoj tržnici smještenoj uz veliki autoput. Zaposlenici različitih trgovina bore se protiv dosade i egzistencijalne anksioznosti tako što izvode vesele muzičke numere.
A dark musical enacted in a modern marketplace that is situated beside a large freeway. The employees of the various commercial venues deal with boredom and existential anxiety by performing cheerful musical turns.
Germany, 2017, Colour and b&w, 25 min. Režija / Director: Johannes Frese
Na rubu zloglasne četvrti, maloljetni Titan napada me flašom. U kvartu u kojem vlada zakon jačeg, pristupam porodici najslabijeg člana zajednice. On the outskirts of a disreputable neighbourhood, the adolescent Titan attacks me with a bottle. In a quarter ruled by the law of the jungle, I approach the family of its weakest member.
Vještačko sunce / Artificial Sunshine United Kingdom, 2016, Colour, 18 min. Režija / Director: Conor Rollins
Preispitivanje kontradiktornih sjećanja na Blackpool, grad koji ispunjava čula i u kojem prirodni i vještački svijet žive jedan kraj drugoga, ali ne uvijek u harmoniji. An exploration of contradictory memories of Blackpool, a town that saturates the senses, where natural and artificial worlds sit side by side, not always in harmony. EUROPEAN SHORTS 1: MISS HOLOCAUST / THE HOSTEL / ARTIFICIAL SUNSHINE / 1000 SMILES PER HOUR / AFTER DAWN / MARTIN CRIES EUROPEAN SHORTS 2: POLONAISE / CONSEIL D'ETAT / MERYEM / THE BROTHER / TITAN / THE BURDEN
SHORT MATTERS! Tour 2017 9 dana – pogled sa moga prozora u Halepu / 9 Days – From My Windows in Aleppo Netherlands, Syria, 2015, Colour, 13 min. Režija / Director: Floor van der Meulen, Thomas Vroege, Issa Touma
Jednoga augustovskog jutra 2012. godine proslavljeni sirijski fotograf Issa Touma primijetio je grupu mladića kako dovlače vreće s pijeskom u njegovu ulicu. Touma je zgrabio kameru i proveo devet dana zabarikadiran u svome stanu fotografišući zbivanja na ulicama ispod prozora. One morning in August 2012, renowned Syrian photographer Issa Touma saw some young men lugging sandbags into his street. Touma grabbed his camera and spent nine days holed up in his apartment recording what was happening outside.
90 stepeni sjeverno / 90 Degrees North Germany, 2015, Colour, 21 min.
Režija / Director: Detsky Graffam Uloge / Cast: Carsten Clemens, Stefan Dietrich
Tačno je: kada se na semaforu upali crveno svjetlo, dobri Nijemci čekaju zeleno. Ali šta se desi kada zeleni čovječuljak na semaforu nikako da se pojavi? It’s a fact: good Germans wait at red traffic lights. But what to do when the green man simply doesn't appear?
Sweden, Estonia, 2016, Colour, 15 min. Režija / Director: Juan Pablo Libossart Uloge / Cast: Margaretha Ulfendahl, Anna Odell
AMALIMBO je film o petogodišnjoj djevojčici Tipuani koja, u očajničkom nastojanju da se ujedini sa svojim nedavno preminulim ocem, iskusi boravak u limbu nakon što pokuša „preći na drugu stranu“. AMALIMBO is the tale of Tipuana, a five-year-old girl who experiences limbo when she tries to pass
90 stepeni sjeverno / 90 Degrees North
to “the other side” in a desperate urge to meet again with her recently deceased father.
Ćaskanje / Small Talk
Norway, 2015, Colour, 21 min. Režija / Director: Even Hafnor, Lisa Brooke Hansen Uloge / Cast: Elisabeth Robstad, Espen Gustensen
Dobrodošli u porodicu Dvergsnes! U ovom kratkom filmu pratimo ih od Kristiansanda, Norveška, kroz tri događaja koja su se odigrala tokom jeseni i zime 2014. Welcome to the Dvergsnes family! This short film follows them from Kristiansand, Norway, through three events that took place during the fall and winter of 2014.
Čovjek, vraćen / A Man Returned United Kingdom, Lebanon, Denmark, Netherlands, 2015, Colour, 30 min. Režija / Director: Mahdi Fleifel
Reda ima 26 godina. Njegov san o bijegu iz palestinskog izbjegličkog kampa Ain El-Hilweh
9 dana – pogled sa moga prozora u Halepu / 9 Days – From My Windows in Aleppo SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 11-18/08/2017 /
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Dom / Home
Nisam odavde / I'm Not from Here
Čovjek, vraćen / A Man Returned
U daljini / In the Distance
okončan je neuspjehom nakon što je tri godine bio zaglavljen u Grčkoj. Reda is 26 years old. His dreams of escaping the Palestinian refugee camp of Ain El-Hilweh failed after he was trapped in Greece for three years.
Dom / Home
Kosovo, United Kingdom, 2016, Unknown, 20 min. Režija / Director: Daniel Mulloy Uloge / Cast: Jack O’Connell, Holliday Grainger
U trenutku kada se dobrostojeća engleska porodica naizgled sprema otići na odmor, hiljade muškaraca, žena i djece očajnički se bore da uđu u Evropu. Thousands of men, women and children struggle to get into Europe, while a comfortable English family leaves on what appears to be a holiday.
United Kingdom, 2015, Colour, 9 min. Režija / Director: Nina Gantz
EDMOND je film rađen u tehnici stop animacije o neobičnom krpenom liku koji u potrazi za samospoznajom kroz procijep u podu sklizne u prošlost i u dubine vlastite psihe. A stop-motion film about an oddball felted character who slips through floors into the past and the deepest parts of his psyche in his pursuit of self-understanding.
France, Greece, 2016, Colour, 30 min. Režija / Director: Konstantina Kotzamani Uloge / Cast: Felix Margenfeld, Aggelos Ntanos
Leopard će leći s kozom, vukovi će živjeti s janjcima, a jedan će im dječak biti vođa. The leopard shall lie down with the goat. The wolves shall live with the lambs. And the young boy will lead them.
Nisam odavde / I'm Not from Here
života, sa sve slabijom krakotrajnom memorijom i u društvu svojih istogodišnjaka, Josebe kao da gubi pojam o vremenu. A Basque Country native among Chileans, Josebe struggles to share her memories and mother tongue with uninterested, somnolent men. As an 88-yearold with a fading short-term memory and equally elderly company, she finds that time dissolves.
gospođu Angelu, glavu porodice Vidal. Na dan Angeline sahrane, Rosani nije dopušteno da tuguje s ostatkom porodice. Rosana, a Bolivian maid, has worked for Angela, the elder matriarch of the Vidal family, for the last 10 years. On the day of the funeral of her beloved Angela, Rosana is not allowed to grieve with the rest of the family.
Punoća vremena (Romansa) / The Fullness of Time (Romance)
Zid / The Wall
Belgium, France, 2016, Colour, 14 min. Režija / Director: Manon Coubia Uloge / Cast: Malika el Barkani, Annie Alonso
Sjedila je na ivici ponora dugo, predugo, čekajući da joj planina vrati njenog ljubavnika, zarobljenika leda. Seated on the edge of the gaping rift, she waited so long – too long for the mountain to give back her lover, a prisoner of the ice.
Svi volimo morsku obalu / We All Love the Seashore Spain, 2016, Colour, 17 min. Režija / Director: Keina Espiñeira Uloge / Cast: Boubacar Barry, Aliou Diallo
Grupa muškaraca čeka na rubu šume uz obalu mora kako bi krenuli na put ka Evropi. Čekanje na privremenom pragu se odužuje. A group of men wait at the fringes of a coastal woodland to take the journey to Europe, and get trapped in a temporal threshold. A film is shot there, with the men playing themselves.
U daljini / In the Distance Germany, 2015, Colour, 7 min. Režija / Director: Florian Grolig
Iznad oblaka je mirno i opušteno, ali u daljini vreba haos koji se svake noći sve više približava. It's calm and peaceful above the clouds. But chaos lurks in the distance, and each night, it draws closer.
Chile, Denmark, Lithuania, 2015, Colour, 26 min. Režija / Director: Giedrė Žickytė, Maite Alberdi
Zbogom / The Goodbye
Rođena Baskijka koja živi među Čileancima, Josebe, muči se da svoje uspomene i svoj maternji jezik podijeli sa nezainteresovanim, usporenim muškarcima. U osamdesetoj godini
Bolivijka Rosana proteklih je deset godina života provela radeći kao kućna pomoćnica za starijuu
Punoća vremena (Romansa) /The Fullness of Time (Romance)aa
Spain, 2015, Colour, 15 min. Režija / Director: Clara Roquet Uloge / Cast: Jenny Rios, Mercè Pons, Júlia Danés
Svi volimo morsku obalu / We All Love the Seashore
Belgium, 2015, Colour, 8 min. Režija / Director: Samuel Lampaert Uloge / Cast: Yves Yan, Steven Eng, Cathy Min Jung
Hong Kong. Obilje betonskih nebodera, bez karaktera, u kojima anonimni ljudi provode život u skučenim stančićima. Sve dok neženja Chung jednog dana ne odluči okačiti sliku na zid... Hong Kong. A multitude of concrete skyscrapers without personality. Inside, cramped studios where the anonymous live among themselves. Until the day Chung, a bachelor, decides to hang up a picture…
Zvijezda padalica / Shooting Star Bulgaria, Italy, 2015, Colour, 28 min. Režija / Director: Lyubo Yonchev Uloge / Cast: Stefka Yanorova, Stefan Popov
Lilly je razvedena majka dvoje djece: Martina, koji je nedavno postao punoljetan, i male Alexandre. Jedne hladne zimske noći Martin odlazi u obdanište po Alexandru. Dok se vraćaju kući kroz mračne ulice svoga kvarta, njih dvoje učestvuju u tragičnoj nesreći koju teško da će moći zaboraviti. Lilly is a divorced mother of two – Martin, who has recently come of age, and little Alexandra. One cold winter evening, Martin picks up Alexandra from kindergarten. In the dark streets of the neighbourhood, they become involved in a tragic accident that can hardly be forgotten or erased. SHORT MATTERS! 1: THE WALL / AMALIMBO / HOME / I'M NOT FROM HERE / 90 DEGREES NORTH SHORT MATTERS! 2: A MAN RETURNED / THE FULLNESS OF TIME (ROMANCE) / SMALL TALK / EDMOND / THE GOODBYE SHORT MATTERS! 3: WE ALL LOVE THE SEASHORE / SHOOTING STAR / 9 DAYS – FROM MY WINDOWS IN ALEPPO / LIMBO / IN THE DISTANCE
Zbogom / The Goodbye
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Zid / The Wall
Životinja / Animal
Mliječni zub / Baby Tooth
Došao je Paul / Paul is Here
Umrlo je dvoje mladih / Two Youths Died
Po čovika / Half a Man
CINEFONDATION CANNES: Winners 2017 Došao je Paul / Paul is Here Belgium, 2016, Colour, 24 min. Režija / Director: Valentina Maurel Uloge / Cast: Sarah Lefevre, Bart Cambier
Došao je Paul. Poput koraka unazad, kao da vam duh kuca na vrata. Došao je, a njegovo iritantno prisustvo poremetit će Jeannin svakodnevni život. Paul is here. Like a step backwards; like a ghost knocking at the door. He is here, and his annoying presence will disrupt Jeanne's everyday life.
Umrlo je dvoje mladih / Two Youths Died
assaults Matteo, who knocks the older man down after a fierce fight.
France, 2017, Colour, 27 min. Režija / Director: Tommaso Usberti Uloge / Cast: Piero Usberti, Luàna Bajrami
Životinja / Animal
Vera i Matteo odlaze u divljinu na prvi ljubavni sastanak. Djevojčin otac ih zatiče i napada mladića. Na kraju žestoke borbe, Matteo onesvješćuje starijeg muškarca. In a wild landscape, Vera and Matteo have their first love date. Vera's father surprises them and
Iran, 2017, Colour, 15 min. Režija / Director: Bahram & Bahman Ark Uloge / Cast: Davoud Nourpour
Muškarac koji želi preći granicu lovi ovna i odluči pobjeći maskiran u životinju. A man who wants to cross the border hunts a ram and decides to escape disguised as the animal.
Čistačica / The Cleaning Lady
Croatia, 2016, Colour, 10 min. Režija / Director: Matija Vukšić Uloge / Cast: Marija Škaričić, Ante Duić, Saša Kosanović
Jedan se tinejdžer jedne noći vraća kući potpuno unezvjeren. Kada od majke ne uspije sakriti svoju uznemirenost, priznaje joj da je ubio lokalnog svećenika. Njegova majka radi kao čistačica u župnom dvoru i ima plan kako da ga spasi. A teenager returns home one night completely beside himself. Unable to hide his mental state from his mother, he admits to killing a local priest. His mother, a cleaning lady at the rectory, has a plan to save him.
Med i mliko / Milk and honey
Croatia, 2016, Colour, 25 min. Režija / Director: Marko Jukić Uloge / Cast: Željko Babić, Mila Jukić, Šimun Šitum
Sparno je ljeto u Splitu. Žele radi na balotaškom terenu, gdje prodaje osvježavajuća pića i pivo. Živi sam s bakom, koja dane uglavnom provodi na kauču, gledajući TV. Njegova dva najbolja prijatelja, Andro i Dino, besposličare natežući se oko životno-filozofskih tema. A sweltering summer in Split. Žele works on a boules court, where he sells refreshments to a
Čistačica / The Cleaning Lady
predominantly older male population. He lives with his grandmother, who spends her days watching TV. His two best friends, Andro and Dino, waste their days in philosophical discussions on life.
Mliječni zub / Baby Tooth
Croatia, 2016, Colour, 14 min. Režija / Director: Saša Ban Uloge / Cast: Marija Škaričić, Nina Erak-Svrtan
Jana dolazi u restoran na porodičnu oproštajnu zabavu za oca kojeg očekuje teška operacija. Riječi „sve će biti u redu“ postaju svojevrsna mantra koja se ponavlja tokom večeri, u pokušaju da se od stola odagnaju misli o smrti. Jana attends a family farewell party at a pizza place, which has been organised for her dad, who is awaiting a difficult operation. The words “everything is going to be all right” become a mantra aimed at warding off any thoughts of death at the table.
Po čovika / Half a Man
Croatia, France, 2016, Colour, 20 min. Režija / Director: Kristina Kumrić Uloge / Cast: Janja Avdagić, Leonarda Živković
Mjesto u Dalmatinskoj zagori, jesen 1991. Desetogodišnja Mia i dvanaestogodišnja Lorena proživljavaju velik i važan dan: njihov otac Mirko
Med i mliko / Milk and honey
bit će pušten iz ratnog logora u kojem je kao zarobljenik proveo protekla tri mjeseca. A village in the Dalmatian hinterland in the autumn of 1991. It’s a big day for 10-year-old Mia and 12-year-old Lorena: their father, Mirko, is going to be released from the camp where he has been held for the last three months as a prisoner of war.
Tanja / Tanya
Croatia, 2016, Colour, 25 min. Režija / Director: Jasna Nanut Uloge / Cast: Marina Redžepović, Zdenko Jelčić, Krešimir Mikić
Tanja je ostala bez posla, dečka i stana. Vraća se tati, u kvart u kojem je odrasla. U lokalnom kafiću sretne Denisa s kojim je išla u razred u osnovnoj školu. Tata požuruje Tanju da se prijavi na berzu rada. Ona to stalno odgađa. A onda opet sretne Denisa. Sudbina… Tanja lost her job, her boyfriend and her apartment. She moves back into her Dad's place, in the neighborhood where she grew up. She meets Denis in the local bar. They went to school together. Dad rushes Tanja to apply to the Employment Bureau. She postpones it. And then she meets Denis again. Just the coincidence she needed...
Tanja / Tanya SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 11-18/08/2017 /
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SUMMER SCREEN Ako noću razmišljam o Njemačkoj / If I Think of Germany at Night
Germany, 2017, Colour, 105 min. Režija / Director: Romuald Karmakar Uloge / Cast: Ricardo Villalobos, Sonja Moonear, Ata, Roman Flügel, David Moufang/Move D
Zahvaljujući aktivnoj muzičkoj karijeri, započetoj još devedesetih godina prošlog vijeka, protagonisti filma Ricardo Villalobos, Sonja Moonear, Ata, Move D i Roman Flügel imaju širok raspon iskustava na osnovu kojih pričaju o sebi, subkulturi i načinu na koji se ona razvijala. Active in the music business since the 1990s, Ricardo Villalobos, Sonja Moonear, Ata, Move D and Roman Flügel have a broad horizon of experience from which they speak about themselves, their subculture and its development.
USA, Mexico, Spain, 2017, Colour and b&w, 90 min. Režija / Director: Catherine Gund, Daresha Kyi Uloge / Cast: Chavela Vargas, Pedro Almodóvar, Elena Benarroch, Miguel Bosé
Pjevačica Chavela Vargas stekla je slavu u Meksiku, a zatim postala poznata i širom svijeta, prvenstveno zahvaljujući vlastitoj interpretaciji tradicionalnih meksičkih pjesama – rancherasa. Ove pjesme mahom su komponovali muškarci, a većinom govore o neostvarenoj ljubavi, umoru od života, te o usamljenosti. Chavela ih je izvodila svojim specifičnim, istovremeno grubim i ranjivim glasom, i uz jedinstven osjećaj za ritam. Muški izgled i crveni pončo doprinosili su njenoj jedinstvenosti. U Acapulcu, koji je šezdesetih godina prošlog vijeka bio omiljena destinacija bogatih i slavnih ličnosti iz svijeta politike i kulture, Chavela se susretala sa mnogim
Ako noću razmišljam o Njemačkoj / If I Think of Germany at Night
zvijezdama, a svojim šarmom i iznimnom ljepotom privlačila je pažnju poznatih, poput Fride Kahlo i Ave Gardner. Nakon trinaestogodišnje pauze, uzrokovane ovisnošću o alkoholu, Chavela se devedesetih godina prošlog vijeka spektakularno vraća pod svjetla reflektora kao muza umjetnika i reditelja, pa i Pedra Almodóvara. Služeći se Chavelinim neobjavljenim materijalima, kao i intervjuima s njom i njenim savremenicima, kolegama i partnericama, ovaj film ocrtava topao portret harizmatične i jedinstvene umjetnice koja je tokom cijeloga života, okončanog 2012. u 93. godini, otvoreno pokazivala vlastitu homoseksualnost. Singer Chavela Vargas gained a name for herself, first in Mexico and later worldwide, chiefly for her interpretation of traditional rancheras. These songs were mainly composed by men, and mostly speak of unfulfilled love for women, loneliness and world-weariness. Vargas performed them with her own unique feeling for rhythm and her distinctively rough yet vulnerable voice. Her masculine appearance and red poncho made her unmistakable. In Acapulco, a playground in the 1960s for the rich and famous in the world of politics and culture, she rubbed shoulders with many celebrities, turning the heads of Frida Kahlo and Ava Gardner with her charm and striking beauty. After a thirteen-year break from performing – a result of her addiction to alcohol – she was rediscovered in the 1990s and enjoyed a glorious comeback as the muse of artists and directors like Pedro Almodóvar. The unpublished material in this film, as well as the interviews with Vargas and her contemporaries, colleagues and partners, results in an affectionate portrait
of a charismatic and exceptional artist – who was openly lesbian throughout her life and up to her death in 2012 at the age of 93.
Dan oslobođenja / Liberation Day
Latvia, Norway, Slovenia, 2016, Colour, 100 min. Režija / Director: Ugis Olte, Morten Traavik Uloge / Cast: Tomaž Čubej, Tomislav Gangl, Matej Gobec, Gregor Musa, Saso Pušnik, Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Pod nježnim, ali čvrstim vođstvom bivšeg obožavatelja, koji je u međuvremenu postao reditelj i kulturni diplomata, kao i na iznenađenje cijeloga svijeta, kultna grupa bivše Jugoslavije Laibach postala je prva strana grupa u historiji kojoj je dozvoljen nastup u izolovanoj Sjevernoj Koreji. Suočeni sa strogom ideologijom i kulturnim razlikama, članovi benda su se borili da proguraju svoje pjesme kroz iglene uši cenzure prije nego što im je bilo dozvoljeno da ih izvedu za publiku koja nikada prije nije čula alternativni rock'n'roll. U međuvremenu, na granici dvaju Koreja, vlasti su postavljale zvučnike preko kojih će emitovati propagandu i odbrojavanje za rat je počelo. Brda su oživjela – zvukom muzike. Under the loving but firm guidance of an old fanturned-director and cultural diplomat, and to the surprise of a whole world, the former Yugoslavian cult band Laibach becomes the first foreign rock group ever to perform in the fortress state of North Korea. Confronting strict ideology and cultural differences, they struggle to get the band's songs through the needle’s eye of censorship before they can be unleashed on an audience that has never before been exposed to alternative rock’n’roll. Meanwhile, loudspeakers
Dan oslobođenja / Liberation Day
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Tokijski idoli / Tokyo Idols
are being set up to blare propaganda at the border between the two Koreas, and a countdown to war is announced. The hills are alive… with the sound of music.
metal musician named Basterd Antichrist, a newcomer who just might be able to help her achieve hip-hop superstardom.
Patti Cake$
Canada, United Kingdom, Japan, 2017, Colour, 90 min. Režija / Director: Kyoko Miyake Uloge / Cast: Rio Hiiragi, Koji Yoshida, Rio Rio Brothers
USA, 2016, Colour, 108 min. Režija / Director: Geremy Jasper Uloge / Cast: Danielle Macdonald, Bridget Everett, Siddharth Dhananjay, Mamoudou Athie, Cathy Moriarty
Patricia Dombrowski (poznata kao “Killa P” i "Patti Cake$") piše rime iza šanka u zloglasnom, memljivom baru u New Jerseyu gdje radi kako bi zaradila novac za lijekove svoje grube, ali voljene nane i za izdržavanje majke alkoholičarke koja je i sama nekada davno sanjala o muzičkoj karijeri. Patti i njen partner u zločinu i najbolji prijatelj Jheri dijele snove o slavi, bogatstvu i bijegu iy prljavog Jerseya, ali još uvijek nisu pronašli producenta koji bi bio zagrijan za njihovu muziku. Ravnodušna na izrugivanje lokalnih vucibatina, Patti se neočekivano povezuje sa povučenim death-metal muzičarem po imenu Kopile Antihrista, novopridošlici koji bi joj možda mogao pomoći da postane slavna hip-hoperka. Patricia Dombrowski (a.k.a. “Killa P”, a.k.a. "Patti Cake$") drafts rhymes while serving drinks at a dingy New Jersey dive bar, at the same time trying to pay off her coarse but beloved nana’s medical bills and support her hard-drinking mother, whose own musical aspirations faded long ago. Patti and her rap partner and best friend Jheri share dreams of fame, fortune and escaping Dirty Jersey for good, but they have yet to find a producer with the "fire beats" they need. Undaunted by the taunts of local goons, Patti unexpectedly gravitates to a reclusive death-
Turneja / On the Road
Tokijski idoli / Tokyo Idols
“Idoli” su za kratko vrijeme postali fenomen u Japanu gdje se društveni život vrti oko ženskih bendova i pop muzike. Film TOKIJSKI IDOLI pruža odličan uvid u ovaj kulturni fenomen koji je rezultat društvene opsesije seksualnošću mladih žena i internetske popularnosti. Centralna ličnost u filmu je Rio, istinska pripadnica klase „tokijskih idola“, koja nas vodi na svoj put do slave. Upoznajemo i njenu „braću“: grupu srednjovječnih (starosti od 35 do 50 godina) obožavalaca koji su život posvetili tome da je prate, kako u stvarnom tako i u virtuelnom svijetu. Muškaraci, poznati kao „braća“, koji su napustili plaćene poslove da bi život posvetili praćenju ženskih idola, svojevremeno su bili na marginama društva, ali njihov broj je u međuvremenu porastao i uz pomoć interneta su postali dio dominantne kulture. “Idols” has fast become a phenomenon in Japan, as girl bands and pop music permeate Japanese life. The eye-opening TOKYO IDOLS gets at the heart of a cultural phenomenon driven by an obsession with young female sexuality and Internet popularity. This ever-growing phenomenon is examined via Rio, a bona fide Tokyo Idol, who takes us along on her journey towards fame. Now meet her “brothers”: a group of middle-aged male super-fans who devote their lives to following her – both in real life and in the virtual world. Once
considered to be on the fringes of society, these "brothers", who gave up salaried jobs to pursue their interest in female idol culture, have since become mainstream via the Internet, highlighting the growing disconnect between men and women in hypermodern societies.
Turneja / On the Road
United Kingdom, 2016, Colour, 121 min. Režija / Director: Michael Winterbottom Uloge / Cast: Ellie Rowsell, Joff Oddie, Theo Ellis
Ellie Rowsell, Joff Oddie, Joel Amey i Theo Ellis, u ljeto 2015. godine sa svojim bendom Wolf Alice (nazvanim po istoimenoj kratkoj priči Angele Carter), kreću na turneju po Velikoj Britaniji i Irskoj kako bi promovisali svoj zavodljivi, mračno euforičan debitantski album „My Love is Cool“. Tokom turneje suočavaju se sa neočekivanom slavom. Reditelj Michael Winterbottom putuje s bendom i iz perspektive novog člana ekipe svjedoči životu muzičara na turneji: njihovoj energičnoj komunikaciji s mladom publikom i ekstatičnim trenucima na sceni, ali i stanjima potpune iscrpljenosti iza scene. In the summer of 2015, Ellie Rowsell, Joff Oddie, Joel Amey and Theo Ellis take their band Wolf Alice (which was named after a short story by Angela Carter) on tour through Great Britain and Ireland, to promote their seductive, darkly euphoric debut album 'My Love is Cool' – and find themselves confronted by sudden fame. Director Michael Winterbottom accompanies the band and observes the realities of life on tour from the perspective of a new member of the crew: from the energetic interplay between the band and its young audience and the moments of ecstasy on stage, to the exhaustion backstage.
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ÄŒin ubija
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Joshua Oppenheimer, photo: Daniel Bergeron
Čin ubijanja / The Act of Killing
United Kingdom, Denmark, Norway, 2012, Colour, 159 min. Režija / Director: Joshua Oppenheimer, Anonymous, Christine Cynn Uloge / Cast: Anwar Congo, Herman Koto, Syamsul Arifin, Ibrahim Sinik, Yapto Soerjosoemarno, Safit Pardede, Jusuf Kalla, Adi Zulkadry, Soaduon Siregar
Kada je indonezijska vlada zbačena sa vlasti vojnim pučem 1965. godine, Anwar Congo i njegovi prijatelji su od sitnih kriminalaca koji su na crno prodavali kino karte promovirani u vođe odreda za ubijanje. Pomogli su vojsci da u manje od godinu dana ubije više od milion navodnih komunista, etničkih Kineza i intelektualaca. Kao vođa jednog od najozloglašenijih odreda za ubijanje u svome gradu, Anwar je vlastitim rukama ubio stotine ljudi. Anwar danas uživa poštovanje kao osnivač desničarske paravojne organizacije koja je izrasla iz odreda za ubijanje. Organizacija je toliko moćna da u svome članstvu ima državne ministre koji se rado hvale vlastitim zlodjelima u rasponu od korupcije i namještanja izbora do genocidnih radnji. Anwar i njegovi prijatelji su tvrdili da su ih u životu inspirirali nasilni američki filmovi koje su gledali tokom odrastanja te su ih autori filma pozvali da osmisle igrane scene o svojim iskustvima ubijanja prilagođene njihovim omiljenim filmskim žanrovima - gangsterskom, western i muzičkom filmu. Oni su napisali scenarije, te pred kamerom igrali sami sebe i svoje žrtve. When the government of Indonesia was overthrown by the military in 1965, Anwar Congo and his friends were promoted from small-time gangsters who sold movie-theatre tickets on the black market to death-squad leaders. They helped the army kill more than one million alleged communists, ethnic Chinese, and intellectuals in under a year. As the executioner for the most notorious death squad in his city, Anwar himself killed hundreds of people with his own hands.Today, Anwar is revered as a founding father of a rightwing paramilitary organisation that grew out of the death squads. The organisation is so powerful that its leaders include government ministers, and they are happy to boast about everything from corruption and election
Čin ubijanja / The Act of Killing
POSVEĆENO / Tribute to Joshua Oppenheimer rigging to acts of genocide.Anwar and his friends claimed to have been inspired by the violent American films they watched growing up, and so the filmmakers challenged Anwar and his friends to develop fiction scenes about their experience of the killings, adapted to their favourite genres – gangster flicks, westerns and musicals. They write the scripts. They play themselves. And they play their victims.
Pogled tišine / The Look of Silence
Denmark, Indonesia, Norway, Finland, United Kingdom, 2014, Colour, 99 min. Režija / Director: Joshua Oppenheimer, Anonymous Uloge / Cast: Adi Rukun, M.Y. Basrun, Amir Hasan, Inong, Kemat, Joshua Oppenheimer, Amir Siahaan, Ted Yates
Gledajući Oppenheimerove snimke nekih od učesnika genocida u Indoneziji 1965, preživjeli članovi porodice jedne od žrtava saznaju kako je njihov sin i brat ubijen i ko ga je ubio. Film se fokusira na najmlađeg preživjelog člana porodice, oftamologa Adija, koji donosi odluku da se odupre zagušujućem strahu i potčinjenosti i napravi korak nezamisliv u društvu kojim vladaju ubice. On se naime suočava sa ubicama svoga brata i tokom očnog pregleda zahtijeva od njih da priznaju odgovornost za svoja djela. Ovaj nevjerovatni film je doprinio prekidanju pedeset godina duge šutnje i svjedočio tome procesu. Through Oppenheimer’s footage of perpetrators of the 1965 Indonesian genocide, a family of survivors discovers how their son was murdered, as well as the identities of the killers. The documentary focuses on the youngest son, an optometrist named Adi, who decides to break the suffocating spell of submission and terror by doing something unimaginable in a society where the murderers remain in power: he confronts the men who killed his brother and, while testing their eyesight, asks them to accept responsibility for their actions. This unprecedented film initiates and bears witness to the collapse of fifty years of silence.
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Rođeni ubojice / Natural Born Killers
Vod smrti / Platoon
Intervju sa Putinom / The Putin Interviews
POSVEĆENO / Tribute to Oliver Stone Intervju sa Putinom / The Putin Interviews
USA, 2017, Colour, 232 min. Režija / Director: Oliver Stone Uloge / Cast: Oliver Stone, Vladimir Putin, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Boris Yeltsin, Mikhail Gorbachev
Višestrukom dobitniku nagrade Oscar, filmskom autoru Oliveru Stoneu pružena je jedinstvena prilika da tokom dvije godine obavi više od deset intervjua sa ruskim predsjednikom Vladimirom Putinom, uz mogućnost da mu postavlja pitanja po vlastitom izboru. Ovaj izuzetni četverodijelni dokumentarac pruža dubok uvid u Putinov lični i profesionalni život, a vremenski i tematski se dotiče Putinovog odrastanja u doba komunizma, njegovog uspona na vlast, odnosa sa četiri američka predsjednika i njegovih iznenađujućih stavova o trenutnim američko-ruskim odnosima. Film je zasnovan na najintimnijim intervjuima koje je Putin ikada dao nekom autoru sa zapada. Oscar®-winning filmmaker Oliver Stone was granted unprecedented access to Russian president Vladimir Putin during more than a dozen interviews over two years, with no topic off-limits. This remarkable four-part documentary series provides intimate insight into Putin's personal and professional lives, from his childhood under communism, to his rise to power, his relations with four U.S. presidents, and his surprising takes on U.S.-Russian relations today. Witness the most detailed portrait of Putin ever granted to a Western interviewer.
Rođeni ubojice / Natural Born Killers
USA, 1994, Colour, 118 min. Režija / Director: Oliver Stone Uloge / Cast: Woody Harrelson, Juliette Lewis, Tom Sizemore, Rodney Dangerfield, Everett Quinton
Mickey i Mallory Knox su autsajderi, bračni par ujedinjen tragičom prošlošću. Također su i par
hladnokrvnih serijskih ubica koji putuju Amerikom i brutalno ubijajaju svakoga ko im se nađe na putu. Kako tabloidi uzbuđeno prate njihove “podvige“, Mickey i Mallory, iako nisu željeli postaju medijske zvijezde, a javnost ih počinje doživljavati kao neočekivane heroje. Mickey and Mallory Knox are two outsiders, a husband and wife duo drawn together by traumatic pasts. They’re also cold-blooded serial killers, rampaging across America in a terrifying spree of merciless slaughter. As a tabloid journalist hungrily records their exploits, Mickey and Mallory inadvertently find themselves media darlings, as the public elevates them to the position of underdog heroes.
USA, France, Germany, 2016, Colour, 134 min. Režija / Director: Oliver Stone Uloge / Cast: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Shailene Woodley, Melissa Leo, Zachary Quinto, Tom Wilkinson
„Vlasti rade neke stvari koje su potpuno pogrešne.“ Edward Snowden je savjestan čovjek i kao takav, ovaj je mladi patriota obavljao svoj posao kompjuterskog programera za više američkih obavještajnih službi. Zahvaljujući poslu kojim se bavio dobio je uvid u sve razgranatije, a svakako i ilegalne, tehnike koje američka obavještajna zajednica primjenjuje za nadzor građana. Duboko razočaran, tada dvadesetdevetogodišnji Snowden donosi odluku da promijeni svoj život: u junu 2013. se sastaje sa novinarom Guardiana, Glennom Greenwaldom, i filmskom rediteljicom i producenticom Laurom Poitras i upućuje ih u strogo povjerljive obavještajne podatke kako bi o njima izvjestili svjetsku javnost. Oliver Stone svoj napeti, razotkrivajući dokumentarac opisuje kao biografiju modernog heroja. „There‘s something going on inside the government that‘s really wrong.“ Edward Snowden is a conscientious man – and it was as such that
the young patriot carried out his work as a computer expert for various American secret services. Being in this position he gained insight into the increasingly comprehensive, not to mention illegal, surveillance techniques employed by the USA. Deeply disappointed, Snowden made the decision to change his life: in June 2013, the 29-year-old met Guardian journalist Glen Greenwald and filmmaker Laura Poitras and presented them with strictly confidential secret service documents in order for them to enlighten the global public. Director Oliver Stone presents this nail-biting disclosure story as a biopic about a modern-day hero.
Vod smrti / Platoon
United Kingdom, USA, 1986, Colour, 120 min. Režija / Director: Oliver Stone Uloge / Cast: Tom Berenger, Willem Dafoe, Charlie Sheen, Forest Whitaker, Johnny Depp, Francesco Quinn
Chris Taylor je mladi, naivni Amerikanac koji ubrzo po dolasku u Vijetnam shvata da se ne mora boriti samo protiv Vietkonga već i protiv konstantnog straha, fizičkog umora i sve jačeg osjećaja bijesa. Dok njegova dva zapovjednika vode dva odvojena rata, jedan međusobni i drugi u kojem se zajedno bore protiv neprijatelja, Taylor je opsjednut ratom, haosom i mržnjom i gubi osjećaj za realnost i poštovanje za najveću ljudsku vrijednost - život. Chris Taylor is a young, naive American who, upon his arrival to Vietnam, quickly discovers that he must do battle not only with the Viet Cong, but also with the gnawing fear, physical exhaustion and intense anger growing within him. While his two commanding officers draw a fine line between the war they wage against the enemy and the one they fight with each other, the conflict, chaos and hatred permeate Taylor, suffocating his realities and numbing his feelings to man's highest value - life.
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Crveni pas: prava plava / Red Dog: True Blue
Gospodin špijun / Master Spy
Mala luka / Little Harbour
Nek bude košarkaš / Let Him Be a Basketball Player
U visini očiju / At Eye Level
DJEČIJI PROGRAM Children's Programme Crveni pas: prava plava / Red Dog: True Blue
Australia, 2016, Colour, 89 min. Režija / Director: Kriv Stenders Uloge / Cast: Phoenix - Blue Dog, Levi Miller, Bryan Brown
Kada jedanaestogodišnjeg Micka pošalju na farmu njegovog djeda u izolovanoj regiji Pilbara u zapadnoj Australiji, on očekuje da će mu život tamo biti dosadan i naporan. Umjesto toga, on pronalazi mitove, avanture i prijateljstvo sa jedinstvenim, olinjalim psom koji će mu zauvijek promijeniti život. When eleven year old Mick is shipped off to his grandfather's cattle station in the remote Pilbara region of Western Australia, he prepares himself for a life of dull hardship, but instead finds myth, adventure, and a friendship with a scrappy, oneof-a-kind dog that will change his life forever.
Gospodin špijun / Master Spy Netherlands, 2016, Colour, 74 min. Režija / Director: Pieter Van Rijn Uloge / Cast: Beau Schneider, Stijn van de Plas
Timovi roditelji otvaraju hotel na obali. Njihovi snovi su se ostvarili, ali Tima to pretjerano ne oduševljava. Prisiljen je da se seli, krene u novu školu i, ako bude imao sreće, upozna nove prijatelje. Međutim, Tim ubrzo u podrumu pronalazi smrznutog muškarca. Nakon što muškarac dođe sebi, ispostavit će se da je riječ o špijunu koji je na tom mjestu prije trideset godina učestvovao u nevjerovatnoj avanturi. Tim’s parents start a hotel business on the coast. Their dream comes true, but Tim is less excited. Moving, a new school, new friends (hopefully): he is not sure what to expect. Then he discovers a frozen man in the basement. When the man thaws out, it turns out he is a spy who had a thrilling adventure there 30 years ago.
tragaju za izdržljivim malim čamcima koji putnike prevoze između svijeta fantazije i okrutnog, stvarnog svijeta. Jarka je jedno od te djece. Ona ima deset godina, živi sa majkom koja još nije spremna za majčinstvo, pa većinu vremena provodi sama. LITTLE HARBOUR is a story about children who feel safer on the streets than at home; about children seeking out sturdy liferafts that cross between the world of fantasy and the harsh realities of life. Jarka is one of these children. Ten years old, living with a mother who is not yet ready to be a mum, Jarka spends most of her time alone.
Nek bude košarkaš / Let Him Be a Basketball Player
Slovenia, 2017, Colour, 82 min. Režija / Director: Boris Petkovič Uloge / Cast: Klemen Kostrevc, Matija Brodnik, Gaja Filač
Rana je bio tako visok da je žirafama mogao vezati kravate i tako mršav da je bio skoro providan. Jeo je sve što se stavi pred njega, uključujući i tanjir na kojem je hrana servirana, a bio je tako lijen da je krevet uvečer dolazio njemu kako ne bi zaspao na nogama. Kada je nastavnik fizičkog otkrio njegov košarkaški talenat, Ranin svijet se okrenuo naglavačke. Rana is so tall he can put neckties on giraffes and so thin he is translucent. He eats everything he sees, including the plate it is served on, and he is so lazy his bed has to come to him in the evening on its own, otherwise he’d fall asleep standing up. When the gym teacher at his school notices his talent for playing basketball, Ranta’s world is turned upside down.
U visini očiju / At Eye Level
Mala luka / Little Harbour
Germany, 2016, Colour, 98 min. Režija / Director: Evi Goldbrunner, Joachim Dollhopf Uloge / Cast: Luis Vorbach, Jordan Prentice, Ella Frey
MALA LUKA priča je o djeci koja se na ulici osjećaju sigurnije nego kod kuće, djeci koja
Jedanaestogodišnji Michi od smrti majke živi u sirotištu. Oca nikada nije upoznao, ali nakon što pronađe izgubljena pisma svoje majke, donosi čvrstu odluku da pronađe „Toma“. Internet
Slovak Republic, Czech Republic, 2017, Colour, 85 min. Režija / Director: Iveta Grófová Uloge / Cast: Vanessa Szamuhelová, Matúš Bačišin
pretraga dovodi Michija na očev prag, gdje neko vrijeme čeka, a zatim ostavlja poruku. Nakon što mu jedan od komšija kaže da Tom u to doba dana obično ide na veslanje, Michi odlazi do rijeke, ali uzbuđenje koje je osjećao, ubrzo prerasta u šok nakon što shvati da je Tom visok poput njega i nikako ne odgovara slici oca koju je zamislio. Eleven-year-old Michi has been living in a group home since the death of his mother. He has never known his father, but becomes determined to locate "Tom" after discovering a long-lost letter written by his mother. An online search leads Michi to his father's doorstep, where he waits for a while before leaving a note. A neighbour tells Michi that Tom is usually rowing at that time of day, so Michi makes his way to the water's edge — where his excitement is displaced by shock when he sees that Tom is the same height as he is, and the vision of his father he had constructed is shattered.
Germany, 2017, Colour, 91 min. Režija / Director: Dagmar Seume Uloge / Cast: Jule Hermann, Maren Kroymann
Dvanaestogodišnjoj Wendy nije ni najmanje drago kada njeni roditelji odluče da će prodica čitav ljetnji odmor provesti na Rosenborgu, oronuloj farmi konja u vlasništvu njene bake Herte. Wendy je svojevremeno bila uspješna i strastvena jahačica, ali se nakon ozbiljne nesreće na jahanju nikada više nije popela na konja. Po dolasku na farmu, Wendy upoznaje povrijeđenog konja Dixija, koji je pobjegao ispod noža lokalnog mesara Röttgersa. Dixie želi provoditi vrijeme sa Wendy i prati je na svakom koraku. The 12-year-old Wendy is not thrilled when her parents decide to spend the whole summer vacation at Rosenborg, the dilapidated equestrian farm owned by her grandmother Herta. After a serious riding accident, Wendy, formerly an enthusiastic and successful rider, never got back on a horse. But once arrived, she crosses ways with wounded horse Dixie which escaped from butcher Röttgers. Dixie seems to seek Wendy's company and follows her on every step.
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Gore na nebu / Up in the Sky
Koyaa – Divlja ležaljka / Koyaa – Wild Sunbed
Ježeva kuća / Hedgehog's Home
Koyaa – Nevaljali autić / Koyaa – Naughty Toy Car
animated episodes from the animal kingdom, enlivened by the groovy jazz sounds of awardwinning Swedish quintet Oddjob.
Geno je mrzovoljni žabac koji će morati naučiti da sarađuje s komšijama ukoliko želi spriječiti građevinske preduzetnike da unište njegovu baru. Geno is a grumpy toad who must learn to work with his neighbours in order to save his pond from destruction at the hands of real estate developers.
Ježeva kuća / Hedgehog's Home
Georgia, Germany, 2017, Colour, 13 min. Režija / Director: Dato Kiknavelidze Uloge / Cast: Davit Dvalishvil, Sofiko Kiknavelidze
Gore na nebu / Up in the Sky Sweden, 2016, Colour, 82 min. Režija / Director: Petter Lennstrand Uloge / Cast: Ida Engvoll, Eric Ericson, Mira Forsell
Osmogodišnja Pottan sprema se za odlazak na ljetni kamp, ali greškom završava u centru za reciklažu otpada s nekim zaista čudnim likovima. Oni nerado preuzimaju brigu o Pottan koja ubrzo otkriva njihovu tajnu. Eight-year-old Pottan is off to summer camp, but by mistake she ends up at a recycling centre with some really peculiar characters. Reluctantly, they take care of Pottan, who soon discovers their secret.
Sweden, 2016, Colour, 9 min. Režija / Director: Adam Marko-Nord Uloge / Cast: Per "Ruskträsk" Johansson, David Österberg
Leteći nilski konj u potrazi za najbližom barom. Riba za volanom u bijegu od ajkule. Mala koala koja želi skakati poput kengura i razuzdana slonovska družina koja organizuje zabavu i time izluđuje majmune. Nijedan trenutak u ove četiri živopisne, animirane priče iz životinjskog carstva nije dosadan, a doživljaj upotpunjuju sjajne jazz kompozicije nagrađivanog švedskog kvinteta Oddjob. A flying hippo on a quest to find the nearest pond. A fish behind the wheel, fleeing from a shark. A little koala who wants to hop like the kangaroos, and a raucous mob of elephants throwing a party – which drives the monkeys up the wall. There's never a dull moment in these four colourful
Canada, Croatia, 2017, Colour, 10 min. Režija / Director: Eva Cvijanović Uloge / Cast: Rade Šerbedžija
Jež živi duboko u šumi, okružen kamenjem prekrivenim mahovinom, žarko crvenim jagodama, gljivama i raskošnim grmljem. Jedne noći ga lukava lija, pohlepni medvjed, zli vuk i blatnjavi vepar čekaju u zasjedi. Nemajući pametnija posla, oni se izruguju ježevom skromnom domu. Ježeva kućica šarmantna je filmska adaptacija istoimene rimovane basne jugoslavenskog pisca Branka Ćopića. In a world made of felt, the hedgehog lives deep in the forest, surrounded by moss-covered stones, bright red strawberries, mushrooms and rambling bushes. But one night, the sly fox, the greedy bear, the wicked wolf and the muddy wild boar are lying in wait for him. They have nothing better to do than make fun of the hedgehog’s little home. Narrated in rhyme, this charming adaptation is based on a fable by Yugoslav author Branko Ćopić.
Koyaa – Divlja ležaljka / Koyaa – Wild Sunbed
Slovenia, 2017, Colour, 3 min. Režija / Director: Kolja Saksida Uloge / Cast: Frano Mašković, Žiga Saksida
Jednog lijenog ljetnog poslijepodneva, Koyaa se spušta na ležaljku kako bi se odmorio. Nepodnošljiva vrućina izluđuje ležaljku i ona počinje da se bacaka kao divlji pastuh! Koyaa je jedva kontroliše... One sleepy summer afternoon, Koyaa lies down to rest on a sunbed. The sweltering heat makes the bed go crazy – it starts bucking like a wild stallion! Koyaa can barely keep it under control...
Koyaa – Ledeni šal / Koyaa – Freezing Scarf Slovenia, 2017, Colour, 3 min.
Režija / Director: Kolja Saksida
Koyaa se sprema da izađe iz kuće i zakorači u leden zimski dan. Pokušava skinuti šal s vješalice, ali šal odgmiže poput zmije i počinje se čudno ponašati! Hoće li ga Koyaa uspjeti uhvatiti? Koyaa is getting ready to step outside into a cold winter's day. He tries to grab his scarf off the clothes stand, but it slithers away like a snake, acting silly! Will Koyaa manage to get hold of it?
Koyaa – Nevaljali autić / Koyaa – Naughty Toy Car Slovenia, Croatia, 2017, Colour, 3 min. Režija / Director: Kolja Saksida Uloge / Cast: Frano Mašković, Žiga Saksida
Jednog kišnog dana, Koyaa odluči spremiti svoju sobu. Staje na dječiji autić i luda vožnja počinje. Autić se počinje ponašati nevaljalo i odbija da parkira, ali ga pametni Koyaa uspijeva nadmudriti. One rainy day, Koyaa decides to tidy up his room. He steps on a toy car it takes him on a crazy ride. The toy starts behaving very naughtily, refusing to park, but clever Koyaa manages to outsmart it.
Mali traktor Fergi / Little Grey Fergie – Country Fun! Norway, Ireland, 2016, Colour, 77 min. Režija / Director: Peder Hamdahl Ness Uloge / Cast: Dagny Backer Johnsen, Stein Winge
Na prvi pogled, Fergi je poput ostalih seoskih sivih traktora. Čini nam se da se uopće ne razlikuje od ostale legendarne “braće“, čuvene loze Ferguson traktora. Ipak, Fergi je veoma poseban. Vjerovali ili ne, on ima srce, toplo srce koje kuca za njegove prijatelje. Učinit će sve da pomogne svom drugaru, dječaku Gavinu, pa tako jednog dana zajedno kreću u misiju spašavanja malog jagnjeta kojeg su lopovi htjeli da ukradu. At first sight, Fergie does not appear to be much different to all other grey tractors in the village, nor any different than the legendary “brothers” of the famous Ferguson tractor family. But Fergie is special. Believe it or not, he has a heart – a warm heart that beats for his friends. He is willing to do anything he can to help his little friend Gavin, so
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Koyaa – Ledeni šal / Koyaa – Freezing Scarf
Mali traktor Fergi / Little Grey Fergie – Country Fun!
Ptičica i gusjenica / The Little Bird and the Caterpillar
Raspjevani Hugo i njegove nevjerovatne avanture / Singing Hugo and His Incredible Adventures
one day the two of them embark on a mission to save a little lamb that thieves tried to steal.
Odd je jaje / Odd Is an Egg
Norway, Portugal, 2016, Colour, 12 min. Režija / Director: Kristin Ulseth Uloge / Cast: Oskar Fjellstad-Bergheim, Lucy Smith Ulseth
Odd se boji vlastite glave, sve dok se jednog dana ne zaljubi u Gunn a njegov svijet se okrene naglavačke. Sve njegove brige nestaju na potpuno neočekivan način. Odd is terrified of his head – until one day he falls in love with Gunn and his life is turned upside down, and he is freed from his worries in the most unexpected way.
Ptičica i gusjenica / The Little Bird and the Caterpillar Switzerland, 2017, Colour, 4 min Režija / Director: Lena von Döhren
Ljupka ptičica se vratila i sada uživa u svome domu, ušuškanom među zelenim lišćem javorovog drveta. Ali jedna gladna gusjenica vreba njeno voljeno zelenilo. The lovable little bird is back, cherishing and nurturing the green leaves of his home in the maple trees — but a hungry caterpillar has eyes on our feathered friend's foliage.
Raspjevani Hugo i njegove nevjerovatne avanture / Singing Hugo and His Incredible Adventures Latvia, 2017, Colour, 9 min. Režija / Director: Reinis Kalnaellis
U noći obasjanoj mjesečinom, dok ostale pernate životinje mirno hrču u kokošinjcu, jedan pijetao
budan sanja o uspješnoj pjevačkoj karijeri. Ponesen ritmom u nogama, on počinje da pjeva na sav glas. Nažalost, buka iz kokošinjca privlači pažnju dvojice lopova koji pjetla velikom brzinom trpaju u platnenu vreću i bježe s njim. On a moonlit night, all the chickens are all snoring in their coop – except one. The sleepless chicken dreams of a great singing career, and with a swing in its step, our feathered friend starts warbling at the top of its voice. Unfortunately, the noise attracts the attention of two thieves, who quickly make off with the bird in a cloth sack.
Netherlands, 2016, Colour, 3 min. Režija / Director: Marlies van der Wel
Sabaku i njegov prijatelj bizon odlično se razumiju i bez previše priče. Međutim, nakon što se Sabakuov dobroćudni saputnik jednog dana stropošta pod žarkim suncem savane, Sabaku mora pronaći novog prijatelja. Na kraju krajeva, ko želi sam putovati ovim svijetom? Sabaku and his buffalo buddy don't need big words to understand one another. Alas, when his good-natured companion keels over in the savannah sun one day, Sabaku must find a new friend – after all, who wants to travel through this world all alone?
Snip, Snap, Snut
Sweden, 2016, Unknown, 40 min. Režija / Director: Maria Hulterstam, Cecilia Actis Uloge / Cast: Sanna Persson Halapi
Pridružite se avanturama Snipa, Snapa i Snuta u njihovom živopisnom, maštovitom, glinenom svijetu, u kojem drveće rađa balone i krofne sa cimetom. Follow Snip, Snap and Snut on their adventures in
Snip, Snap, Snut
Odd je jaje / Odd Is an Egg
a colourful and imaginative clay world, where cinnamon buns and balloons grow on trees.
U Huki Buki šumi / In the Forest of Huckybucky Norway, Netherlands, 2016, Colour, 75 min. Režija / Director: Rasmus A. Sivertsen Uloge / Cast: Frank Kjosås, Stig Henrik Hoff
Miševi Klaus Penjač, Morten Drvenko, Mister Zec, i svi njihovi prijatelji, borave u Huki Buki šumi – divnom mjestu za život, ali male životinje uvijek moraju da se čuvaju od onih velikih. Marvin Lisica posebno voli da jede miševe koji mu se pojave na putu. Kada Horas Hedžhog pokuša da pojede Mortenovu baku, on počinje da se bori za zakon među životinjama koji nalaže da sve životinje moraju da budu prijatelji i da prestanu da jedu jedni druge. Claus Climbermouse, Morten Wood Mouse, Mister Hare and all their friends dwell in the Huckybucky forest – a nice place to live, but the tiny animals always have to watch out for some of the bigger ones. Marvin the Fox in particular has an unfortunate tendency to try to devour all the mice crossing his path. As Horace Hedgehog attempts to eat Morten's grandma, he tries to pass a law for all the animals to agree to be friends and stop eating each other. DJEČIJI KRATKI 1 / CHILDREN'S SHORTS 2 KOYAA – FREEZING SCARF / KOYAA – NAUGHTY TOY CAR / KOYAA – WILD SUNBED / SNIP, SNAP, SNUT DJEČIJI KRATKI 2 / CHILDREN'S SHORTS 2 SABAKU / SINGING HUGO AND HIS INCREDIBLE ADVENTURES / ODD IS AN EGG / THE LITTLE BIRD AND THE CATERPILLAR / HEDGEHOG'S HOME / JAZZOO / GENO
U Huki Buki šumi / In the Forest of Huckybucky
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Čudo na planini – neočekivano prijateljstvo / Mountain Miracle – An Unexpected Friendship
TEENARENA Čudo na planini – neočekivano prijateljstvo / Mountain Miracle – An Unexpected Friendship Germany, Italy, 2017, Colour, 97 min. Režija / Director: Tobias Wiemann Uloge / Cast: Mia Kasalo, Samuel Girardi
Tvrdoglava Amelie je kraljica psovki. Ona psuje svoje roditelje i svog snishodljivog doktora, a više od svega psuje svoju prokletu astmu. Prilikom prisilnog boravka u specijalnoj klinici u Južnom Tirolu Amelie iznenada odluči pobjeći. Headstrong Amelie is the queen of cursing – at her parents, her patronising doctors and her damn asthma above all else. During a forced stay in a special clinic in South Tirol she suddenly decides to run away.
Dani jagoda / Strawberry Days Sweden, 2016, Colour, 93 min. Režija / Director: Wiktor Ericsson Uloge / Cast: Staszek Cywka, Nelly Axelsson
Petnaestogodišnji Wojtek sa svojim roditeljima putuje iz Poljske u Švedsku kako bi radio kao berač jagoda na jednoj farmi. Uprkos svemu, Wojtek i farmerova kći uspostavljaju čvrstu vezu. Spoljni svijet tu vezu nikad neće prihvatiti. Fifteen-year-old Wojtek travels to Sweden from Poland with his parents to work on a farm picking strawberries. Against all odds, he forms a connection with the farmer’s daughter. The outside world will never accept this relationship.
Kada čujem pjesmu ptica / When I Hear the Birds Sing Norway, 2016, Colour, 8 min. Režija / Director: Trine Vallevik Håbjørg
Kada je u Obali slonovače nakon predsjedničkih izbora 2010. izbio rat, petoro lokalne djece bilo je prisiljeno napustiti svoje domove. Djeca u filmu pričaju u svojim snovima i nadama za budućnost. Five Ivorian children had to flee when war broke out in the Ivory Coast after the presidential election in 2010. The children talk about hopes and dreams for the future.
Pjevaj / Sing
Hungary, 2016, Colour, 25 min. Režija / Director: Kristof Deák Uloge / Cast: Zsófia Szamos, Dorka Gáspárfalvi
Zsofi se tek upisala u novu školu i teško se uklapa u društvo. Pjevanje u proslavljenom školskom horu njena je jedina utjeha, ali ispostavit će se da voditeljica hora nije inspirativna nastavnica kakvom je svi smatraju. Zsofi is struggling to fit in at her new school – singing in the school’s famous choir is her only consolation, but the choir director may not be the inspirational teacher everyone thinks she is.
Soba 213 / Room 213
Sweden, 2017, Colour, 80 min. Režija / Director: Emelie Lindblom Uloge / Cast: Wilma Lundgren, Ella Fogelström
Na raspustu nakon 6. razreda, dvanaestogodišnja Elvira
Dani jagoda / Strawberry Days
U borbi protiv vremena / Time Heroes
ide u ljetni kamp. Ona i njene dvije drugarice Meja i Bea bit će u sobi 213 u kojoj niko nije boravio posljednjih 60 godina. Uskoro počinju da se dešavaju čudne stvari. It is summer vacation at the end of sixth grade, and 12-year-old Elvira is going away to camp. She and her two roommates Meja and Bea will stay in room 213 – where no one has lived for 60 years. Soon, inexplicable events begin to occur.
Soba 213 / Room 213
U borbi protiv vremena / Time Heroes
Germany, 2016, Colour, 90 min. Režija / Director: Christian Theede Uloge / Cast: Janina Fautz, Stephanie Amarell
U trenutku kada odlaze na školski izlet u Hidesheim, gdje bi trebali posjetiti katedralu i posmatrati pomračenje sunca, berlinski učenici Ben, Jonas, Leo, Özzi i Sophie ne znaju da će se naizgled dosadno putovanje pretvoriti u opasnu, uzbudljivu borbu protiv tajne sekte koja želi osvojiti svijet. When Berlin schoolchildren Ben, Jonas, Leo, Özzi and Sophie set off on a class trip to Hildesheim to visit the cathedral and witness an impending eclipse of the sun, they have no idea that this apparently boring excursion is going to turn into a dangerous, actionpacked battle against a secret sect that is looking to take over the world.
Pjevaj / Sing
U plavetnilo / Into the Blue
Croatia, Slovenia, 2017, Colour, 22 min. Režija / Director: Antoneta Alamat Kusijanović Uloge / Cast: Gracija Filipović, Vanesa Vidaković Natrlin
Trinaestogodišnja Julija i njena majka bježe iz nasiljem ispunjenog doma i pronalaze utočište na idiličnom hrvatskom otoku na kojem je Julija provela djetinjstvo. Emotivno ranjena, Julija očajnički nastoji obnoviti vezu sa svojom nekadašnjom najboljom prijateljicom Anom. Thirteen-year-old Julija and her mother flee their abusive household to find refuge on the idyllic Croatian island where Julija grew up. Emotionally scarred, Julija is desperate to reconnect with her best friend Ana.
U plavetnilo / Into the Blue
Ukratko / In a Nutshell Switzerland, 2017, Colour, 6 min. Režija / Director: Fabio Friedli Uloge / Cast: Manfred Liechti
Pokušaj da se svijet opiše ukratko. An attempt to capture the world in a nutshell. TEENARENA KARTKI / SHORTS
Kada čujem pjesmu ptica / When I Hear the Birds Sing
ONLINE, Amila Hajdarević / A LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS, Zahid Lagumdžić / DUH, Arnes Hamzić / MALI JE SVIJET, Arnes Hamzić, Nora Osmić / NE MOŽE SE ŽIVJETI U SARAJEVU, Livina Tanović / POTRAGA ZA RAJEM, Mia Avdagić / OKO NA SUHOM, Nejla Bihorac, Alen Konjicija / SAMO ZA TEBE, Nejla Bihorac / KOMŠILUK, Selma Mešanović / PORUKA, Suad Hadžimehanović
Ukratko / In a Nutshell
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DAN LJUDSKIH PRAVA Human Rights Day Ženska prava danas: nazadovanje, stagnacija ili progres? Women’s rights today: regression, stagnation or progress? U saradnji s Vladom Švicarske, već devetu godinu zaredom Sarajevo Film Festival će biti domaćin Dana ljudskih prava. U okviru obilježavanja Dana ljudskih prava, koje će biti upriličeno u ponedjeljak, 14. augusta, Sarajevo Film Festival će organizovati poseban program u sklopu kojeg će u Multiplexu Cinema City biti prikazan film BOŽANSKI POREDAK rediteljice Petre Volpe i biti održana panel-diskusija. Tema ovogodišnjeg panela Dana ljudskih prava je “Ženska prava danas: nazadovanje, stagnacija ili progres?” Iako je većina žena širom svijeta ostvarila pravo glasa do kraja pedesetih godina prošlog vijeka (neke čak i decenijama ranije), ženama u Švicarskoj ovo je pravo dato tek dvije decenije kasnije, ranih sedamdesetih. Dok su žene u drugim zemljama slobodno i ravnopravno učestvovale u društvenom, ekonomskom i političkom životu, pa čak i služile kao premijerke (Indira Gandhi, Golda Meir i dr.), u Švicarskoj, u samom srcu Evrope, ne samo da nije bilo političarki, već nije bilo ni glasačica. Razlog tome ležao je u činjenici da svaka promjena švicarskog ustava mora biti odobrena na referendumu, te su tako prava švicarskih žena zavisila od onih koji su imali pravo glasa na referendumu održanom 7. februara 1971. godine – muškaraca. Svjesne da je većina švicarskih muškaraca (67%) odbacila promjenu izbornih pravila na referendumu održanom 1959, tamošnje su se žene mobilizirale i započele organizovanu borbu za pravo glasa u svim kantonima, gradovima i selima ove države. Film rediteljice Petre Volpe, BOŽANSKI POREDAK, govori o toj izuzetnoj, dugotrajnoj borbi kroz priču protagonistice Nore, naizgled obične domaćice iz jednog zabačenog švicarskog sela, koja uprkos preprekama i negativnim reakcijama postaje neustrašiva predvodnica borbe za žensko pravo glasa. Volpe u svome filmu istovremeno oslikava konzervativno, patrijarhalno švicarsko društvo i novorođeni emancipacijski ženski pokret aktivan u svim dijelovima zemlje – od najvećeg grada do najmanjeg alpskog sela – čije se članice bore za solidarnost, promjene i jednakost. Nevjerovatno, ali ista ta borba vođena je širom svijeta sve do 2015. godine kada je Saudijska Arabija postala posljednja zemlja na svijetu (osim Vatikana) koja je ženama dala pravo glasa. Iako se može tvrditi da su se vremena promijenila i da žene danas uživaju veća prava nego ikada ranije, činjenica je da su one i dalje daleko od potpune ravnopravnosti s muškarcima. Uprkos ogromnim uspjesima koje je globalni ženski pokret za ravnopravnost ostvario u posljednjih sto i više godina, žene i djevojčice se u mnogim zemljama svijeta i danas prisiljavaju na maloljetnički brak, prodaju kao radna snaga ili seksualno roblje, ili im se onemogućava obrazovanje i učešće u političkom životu. Osim toga, žene se, između ostalog, i dalje bore da za svoj rad budu plaćene jednako kao muškarci, kao i za besplatnu osnovnu zdravstvenu zaštitu, finansijski pristupačnu dječiju njegu i slobodu od svih formi nasilja. Uspješan kraj njihove borbe još uvijek se ne nazire. U kojoj mjeri su prava žena generalno zaštićena i unaprijeđena tokom proteklih decenija? Koja su ključna pitanja sa kojima se pokreti za žensku ravnopravnost danas suočavaju? Da li smo u SKORIJEM PERIODU svjedoci unapređenja, stagnacije ili čak smanjenja ženskih prava, naročito kada je riječ o pravu na reproduktivnu zaštitu i abortus? Koji je pravi značaj globalnog protestnog ženskog marša održanog u januaru ove godine? Ovo su samo neka od pitanja o kojima želimo razgovarati i na koja želimo potražiti odgovore tokom panel diskusije u okviru Dana ljudskih prava ovogodišnjeg, 23. Sarajevo Film Festivala. Sarajevo Film Festival i kroz svoj Takmičarski program – dokumentarni film prikazuje filmove inspirirane različitim aspektima ljudskih prava, a
obilježavanjem ovog značajnog dana se nastoji dodatno skrenuti pažnja na važnost filma kao bitnog i moćnog medija u promociji ljudskih prava. Filmovi i teme koji se svake godine biraju za obilježavanje Dana ljudskih prava pružaju učesnicima panel-diskusija, publici i medijima priliku da razgovaraju o akutnim problemima pojedinaca ili zajednica u današnjem svijetu. Na svečanoj ceremoniji dodjele nagrada Sarajevo Film Festivala bit će uručena i Nagrada za ljudska prava koja se dodjeljuje filmu iz Takmičarskog programa – dokumentarni film koji na najbolj način obrađuje tematiku ljudskih prava. Nagradu u iznosu od 3.000 eura osigurava Vlada Švicarske. In cooperation with the Government of Switzerland, the Sarajevo Film Festival will host the Human Rights Day for the ninth year in a row. As part of the activities marking the Human Rights Day, which will be held on Monday, 14 August, Sarajevo Film Festival will organize a special programme, including a screening of the film THE DIVINE ORDER by director Petra Volpe and a panel at the Multiplex Cinema City. The topic for this year’s Human Rights Panel is “Women’s rights today: regression, stagnation or progress?” Although most of the women across the world were given the right to vote by the end of the 1950s (and many in the decades before), it was not until the beginning of the 1970s that women in Switzerland began to enjoy the same right. Prior to that, while in other countries women freely and equally participated in social, economic and political life, even gaining national leadership positions (Prime Ministers Indira Gandhi, Golda Meir, for example), in Switzerland, at the heart of Europe, there were no female politicians, and neither were there any women voters. This was due to the fact that the Swiss system requires a national referendum for constitutional change; therefore, the rights of Swiss women were at the mercy of those who could vote with ballots cast on February 7, 1971 – men. Aware that the previous referendum on the right of women to vote, held in 1959, was rejected by 67 percent of Swiss men, women in Switzerland began to mobilise and organise across cantons, cities and villages to fight for suffrage. This outstanding, lengthy struggle is portrayed by director Petra Volpe in THE DIVINE ORDER through the story of Nora, a seemingly ordinary housewife from a remote Swiss village who, despite the obstacles and backlash, becomes a fearless leader for suffragettes. Volpe outlines conservative, patriarchal Swiss society on the one hand; on the other, she examines the new, emancipated movement of women across the country, from the major cities to the smallest Alpine villages, as they demanded solidarity, equality and change. Remarkably, this same fight continued across globe until 2015, when Saudi Arabia became the last country (with the exception of the State of Vatican City) to grant women the right to vote. Although we can agree that times have changed and women are better off today than ever before, they are still far from having the same rights and opportunities as men. Despite the great strides made by international women’s rights movements over the last century and longer, women and girls in many countries around the world are still today married off while they are still children, forced into labour and sexual slavery through human trafficking, or refused access to education and participation in the political sphere. Further, women are still fighting for equal pay, affordable childcare, free basic healthcare and freedom from all manner of violence, among other issues – and the battle is far from over. To what extent have the rights of women generally improved and advanced in the past decades? What are the key issues facing women’s rights movements
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Božanski poredak / The Divine Order
today? Are we observing the progress, stagnation or even regression of women’s rights in RECENT years, especially with regard to issues of birth control and the right to abortion? What is the ongoing significance of the Women’s March worldwide protest that was held in January of this year? These are just some of the questions we will tackle and try to answer at this year’s panel debate taking place during Human Rights Day at the 23rd edition of the Sarajevo Film Festival. The Competition Programme – Documentary Film of the Sarajevo Film Festival showcases films inspired by various aspects of human rights and by marking this special day we aim to further emphasize the importance of film as a significant and powerful media for the promotion of human rights. The films and topics chosen each year for marking the Human Rights Day provide an opportunity for panel participants, the audience and the media to discuss pressing problems currently faced by individuals or communities in the world. The winner of the Human Rights Award will also be announced at the official awards ceremony of the Sarajevo Film Festival. The prize is awarded to the film in the Competition Programme – Documentary Film that most effectively highlights issues of human rights. The €3,000 prize is provided by the Government of Switzerland.
Božanski poredak / The Divine Order
Switzerland, 2017, Colour, 96 min. Režija / Director: Petra Biondina Volpe Uloge / Cast: Marie Leuenberger, Maximilian Simonischek, Rachel Braunschweig
Godina je 1971. Mlada domaćica Nora živi s mužem i dva sina u mirnom švicarskom seocetu u koje nisu doprla značajna društvena pomjeranja drugdje započeta 1968. godine. Stanovnici tog sela gotovo da i ne obraćaju pažnju na proteste za zaštitu ljudskih prava, seksualnu revoluciju, omladinu i hipi pokret. Nora je mirna osoba koju svi vole, i ništa od toga je se ne tiče. Međutim, njen život se u potpunosti mijenja nakon što se počne javno boriti za pravo glasa švicarskih žena o kojem bi švicarski muškarci trebali odlučiti na referendumu zakazanom za 7. februar 1971. 1971. Nora is a young housewife who lives with her husband and their two sons in a quaint little village in the Swiss countryside, which is so far untouched by the major social upheavals 1968 has brought about. Protests in support of civil rights, the sexual revolution, and the youth and counterculture movements are barely on the radar in Nora’s village. Her life has not been affected either; she is a quiet person who is liked by everybody – but everything changes when she starts to fight publicly for the right of Swiss women to vote, which Swiss men are due to vote on on 7 February, 1971.
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SUOČAVANJE S PROŠLOŠĆU Dealing with the Past Cilj projekta SUOČAVANJE S PROŠLOŠĆU krije se u njegovom imenu. Vjerujemo da je za prevazilaženje brojnih otvorenih pitanja proisteklih iz ratova u bivšoj Jugoslaviji, a koja nas još uvijek opterećuju, apsolutno nužna iskrena, otvorena diskusija o tom bolnom periodu naše prošlosti. U našem su regionu u protekle dvije decenije pokrenute brojne inicijative čiji je proklamovani cilj bio „izgradnja mira“. Međutim, slogani ne mogu zaliječiti ožiljke koje su godine ratnih stradanja ostavile na dušama ljudi iz regiona. Prirodan proizvod proteklih događanja su cijele zajednice koje trpe ogromnu količinu boli i očajnički im je potreban cjelovit proces izlječenja. Vjerujemo da je preduslov za pokretanje tog procesa suočavanje svih ljudi koji su na bilo koji način bili uključeni u prošle događaje, ili zbog njih pate, sa otrežnjavajućim činjenicama. Naša čvrsta vjera u ispravnost ovog pristupa i svijest da se tumačenju historijskih događaja mora pristupiti iz različitih uglova su temeljni razlog pokretanja projekta SUOČAVANJE S PROŠLOŠĆU. Prvu godinu postojanja projekta SUOČAVANJE S PROŠLOŠĆU obilježili su zavidni rezultati. Ponosni smo na „Sajam istinitih priča“, jedinstvenu opensource platformu koja povezuje filmske autore sa organizacijama koje su istraživale i dokumentovale zločine i njihove posljedice u društvu koje su proistekle iz ratova na području bivše Jugoslavije. Šest priča koje su prezentovane prošle godine u sklopu “Sajma istinitih priča”, nastavljaju svoje živote u filmskim realizacijama, te nam je izuzetno zadovoljstvo našoj publici predstaviti film „Nesmirni snovi“ u produkciji Al Jazeera Balkans. Ovaj film je zasnovan na priči koju je prezentirao BIRN (Balkan Investigative Reporting Network), te se nadamo da će i ovogodišnje priče izazvati interes među filmskim autorima i potaknuti nove filmske projekte koji bi zbog direktne i moćne prirode filmskog medija bili u stanju doprijeti do puno većeg auditorija. Također, prošlogodišnji filmski naslovi programa nisu imali dijalog samo s publikom u Sarajevu, već su putovali u Bijeljinu, Beograd, Podgoricu, Zagreb i Split. Ovakvi rezultati ohrabruju nas da je projekt SUOČAVANJE S PROŠLOŠĆU svojevrsan put u budućnost, te nastavljamo sarađivati sa omladinskim inicijativama, lokalnim i regionalnim nevladinim organizacijima i predstavnicima medija. Ove godine izuzetna nam je čast ugostiti Joshuu Oppenheimera, poznatog po odvažnom pristupu tematici suočavanja s prošlošću, koji će nam predstaviti ostvarenja koja su ga svrstala među najznačajnije filmske autore današnjice. Vrijednost ovog programa prepoznao je i poznati ratni fotograf Ron Haviv koji će s našom publikom razgovarati o značaju dokumentiranja sjećanja i njenu relvantnost za danas i sutra. Vjerujemo da ovakav program SUOČAVANJE S PROŠLOŠĆU može inspirisati dijalog među pripadnicima različitih generacija, filmske autore, ali i predstavnike nevladinih organizacija, da ispune najplemenitiji zadatak filma, a to je otvaranje puta ka pravoj empatiji i istinskoj izgradnji mira. SUOČAVANJE S PROŠLOŠĆU je projekt Sarajevo Film Festivala podržan od strane Fondacije Robert Bosch, a bit će realizovan u saradnji s regionalnim informativnim kanalom Al Jazeera Balkans. Projekt se odvija i unutar Takmičarskog programa – dokumentarni film i Sajma istinitih priča u okviru CineLink dana filmske industrije.
The purpose of the DEALING WITH THE PAST project is evident in its name. We believe that an open and honest discussion about our painful recent past is a prerequisite if we want to resolve the problems stemming from the wars in the former Yugoslavia that continue to be a burden on us. Over the past two decades, numerous initiatives have been launched in this region with the stated goal of “peace-building”. However, slogans cannot heal the scars of war that have been left on the souls of the people here. Entire communities live in immense pain and are in desperate need of a substantial healing process – a natural result of the recent conflicts. It is our belief that in order for such a healing process to begin, those who participated in the wars or who have suffered because of them must be confronted with sobering facts. Our confidence in the aptness of this approach, and our understanding that interpreting historical events requires that they be observed from different points of view, are the key reasons behind our decision to initiate DEALING WITH THE PAST. It the year since its launch, DEALING WITH THE PAST has seen significant results. We are proud of the True Stories Market, a unique open-source platform that connects filmmakers with organisations that research and document war crimes and their impact on society in the countries of the former Yugoslavia. Six stories that were presented in the True Stories Market last year will get a new onscreen life. This year, we have the great pleasure of screening RESTLESS DREAMS, a film produced by Al Jazeera Balkans and based on a story presented last year by the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN). We hope the stories we present this year in the True Stories Market will also attract the attention of filmmakers and result in new film projects that can reach wider audiences. Films that were screened in our programme last year not only communicated with audiences in Sarajevo, but also travelled to Bijeljina, Belgrade, Podgorica, Split and Zagreb. These results are very encouraging, and give us faith that DEALING WITH THE PAST is a bellwether of the future in the region. It is with this in mind that we continue our cooperation with youth initiatives, as well as local and regional nongovernmental organisations and media representatives. This year, we have the honour of hosting Joshua Oppenheimer, a filmmaker distinguished by his courageous approach to dealing with the past. He will present the documentaries that established him as one of the most important of contemporary filmmakers. Renowned war photojournalist Ron Haviv also recognised the value of our programme and has agreed to speak with our audiences about the importance of documenting real events and the relevance of preserved memories to both the present and the future. We believe that the DEALING WITH THE PAST project can initiate dialogue among different generations, and inspire filmmakers and NGO representatives to fulfill the most noble of cinema’s roles: to inspire empathy and open the way for true peace-building. DEALING WITH THE PAST is a project of the Sarajevo Film Festival supported by the Robert Bosch Foundation and presented in partnership with Al Jazeera Balkans. It is presented under the auspices of the Sarajevo Film Festival’s Competition Programme – Documentary Film and the CineLink Industry Days True Stories Market. Maša Marković, Dealing with the Past Programme Manager
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Neoprostivo / The Unforgiven
Čin ubijanja / The Act of Killing
United Kingdom, Denmark, Norway, 2012, Colour, 159 min. Režija / Director: Joshua Oppenheimer, Anonymous, Christine Cynn Uloge / Cast: Anwar Congo, Herman Koto, Syamsul Arifin, Ibrahim Sinik, Yapto Soerjosoemarno, Safit Pardede, Jusuf Kalla, Adi Zulkadry, Soaduon Siregar, Haji Marzuki, Haji Anif, Rahmat Shah, Sakhyan Asmara
Kada je indonezijska vlada zbačena sa vlasti vojnim pučem 1965. godine, Anwar Congo i njegovi prijatelji su od sitnih kriminalaca koji su na crno prodavali kino karte promovirani u vođe odreda za ubijanje. Pomogli su vojsci da u manje od godinu dana ubije više od milion navodnih komunista, etničkih Kineza i intelektualaca. Kao vođa jednog od najozloglašenijih odreda za ubijanje u svome gradu, Anwar je vlastitim rukama ubio stotine ljudi. Anwar danas uživa poštovanje kao osnivač desničarske paravojne organizacije koja je izrasla iz odreda za ubijanje. Organizacija je toliko moćna da u svome članstvu ima državne ministre koji se rado hvale vlastitim zlodjelima u rasponu od korupcije i namještanja izbora do genocidnih radnji. Anwar i njegovi prijatelji su tvrdili da su ih u životu inspirirali nasilni američki filmovi koje su gledali tokom odrastanja te su ih autori filma pozvali da osmisle igrane scene o svojim iskustvima ubijanja prilagođene njihovim omiljenim filmskim žanrovima - gangsterskom, western i muzičkom filmu. Oni su napisali scenarije, te pred kamerom igrali sami sebe i svoje žrtve. When the government of Indonesia was overthrown by the military in 1965, Anwar Congo and his friends were promoted from small-time gangsters who sold movie-theatre tickets on the black market to death-squad leaders. They helped the army kill more than one million alleged communists, ethnic Chinese, and intellectuals in under a year. As the executioner for the most notorious death squad in his city, Anwar himself killed hundreds of people with his own hands. Today, Anwar is revered as a founding father of a right-wing paramilitary organisation that grew out of the death squads. The organisation is so powerful that its leaders include government ministers, and they are happy to boast about everything from corruption and election rigging to acts of genocide.Anwar and his friends claimed to have been inspired by the violent American films they watched growing up, and so the filmmakers challenged Anwar and his friends to
Neoprostivo / The Unforgiven
develop fiction scenes about their experience of the killings, adapted to their favourite genres – gangster flicks, westerns and musicals. They write the scripts. They play themselves. And they play their victims.
Neoprostivo / The Unforgiven Finland, Denmark, 2017, Colour, 75 min. Režija / Director: Lars Feldballe-Petersen
Da li ratni zločinac može naći oproštaj i pomiriti se s prošlošću? Kako nastaviti s normalnim životom nakon što si osuđen za jedno od najgorih djela – zločin protiv čovječnosti? Esad Landžo je godinama neuspješno tražio odgovore na ova pitanja. Odlučio je pokušati još jednom. Ovaj ratni zločinac se vratio u BiH kako bi se susreo s prijateljima, koji su zajedno s njim bili logorski čuvari, sa svojom rodbinom i svojim žrtvama. Da li će mu ikada biti oprošteno? Zaslužuje li oproštaj? Is it possible for a war criminal to find forgiveness and to reconcile with the past? How do you find your way back to what is known as a normal life when you have been convicted of one of the worst crimes of all – a crime against humanity? Esad Landzo has looked for answers for many years, but in vain. He decides to make one last attempt. The Balkan War criminal travels back to Bosnia to meet his former camp-guard friend, his victims and his family. Will he ever be forgiven? Should he?
Nesmireni snovi / Restless Dreams
Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2017, Colour, 47 min. Režija / Director: Muris Beglerović
Prema podacima Instituta za traženje nestalih, još se traga za ostacima gotovo hiljadu ubijenih Srebreničana. Do sada je pronađeno blizu sedam hiljada kompletnih ili nekompletnih tijela u 93 masovne grobnice na više od 300 lokacija u sjeveroistočnoj Bosni. Na Kameničkom brdu u julu 1995. godine kolona muškaraca upala je u zasjedu i većina je tu ubijena. Ramiz Nukić, koji je preživio stradanje u tom mjestu, skoro svakodnevno odlazi u okolne šume, sakupljajući posmrtne ostatke nastradalih Srebreničana. Kaže da je u protekle 22 godine pronašao više od 250 tijela. According to the Missing Persons Institute, the remains of nearly 1,000 victims of the 1995 Srebrenica massacre are still unaccounted for. So
far, complete and incomplete remains of close to 7,000 victims have been found in 93 mass graves located at more than 300 sites in northeast Bosnia. In July 1995, a group of men were ambushed in the Kameničko Hill area, near Srebrenica; most of them were killed. Ramiz Nukić, who survived the ambush, spends his days wandering through the woods around Srebrenica in search of human remains. Over the past 22 years, his discoveries have led to the identification of 250 Srebrenica massacre victims.
Pogled tišine / The Look of Silence
Denmark, Indonesia, Norway, Finland, United Kingdom, 2014, Colour, 99 min. Režija / Director: Joshua Oppenheimer, Anonymous Uloge / Cast: Adi Rukun, M.Y. Basrun, Amir Hasan, Inong, Kemat, Joshua Oppenheimer, Amir Siahaan
Gledajući Oppenheimerove snimke nekih od učesnika genocida u Indoneziji 1965, preživjeli članovi porodice jedne od žrtava saznaju kako je njihov sin i brat ubijen i ko ga je ubio. Film se fokusira na najmlađeg preživjelog člana porodice, oftamologa Adija, koji donosi odluku da se odupre zagušujućem strahu i potčinjenosti i napravi korak nezamisliv u društvu kojim vladaju ubice. On se naime suočava sa ubicama svoga brata i tokom očnog pregleda zahtijeva od njih da priznaju odgovornost za svoja djela. Ovaj nevjerovatni film je doprinio prekidanju pedeset godina duge šutnje i svjedočio tome procesu. Through Oppenheimer’s footage of perpetrators of the 1965 Indonesian genocide, a family of survivors discovers how their son was murdered, as well as the identities of the killers. The documentary focuses on the youngest son, an optometrist named Adi, who decides to break the suffocating spell of submission and terror by doing something unimaginable in a society where the murderers remain in power: he confronts the men who killed his brother and, while testing their eyesight, asks them to accept responsibility for their actions. This unprecedented film initiates and bears witness to the collapse of fifty years of silence.
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Ljepotica i psi / Beauty and the Dogs
SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL PARTNER Presents DOHA FILM INSTITUTE Doha institut za film je nezavisna, neprofitna kulturna institucija osnovana 2010. Institut pomaže razvoj lokalne filmske zajednice kroz unapređenje stručnog znanja, njegovanje ljubavi prema filmu i doprinos razvoju samoodržive kreativne filmske industrije u Kataru. Aktivnosti instituta uključuju finansiranje i produkciju lokalnih, regionalnih i međunarodnih filmova, obrazovnih programa i filmskih projekcija, kao i organizovanje Filmskog festivala mladih Ajyal i Qumra Film Festivala. Institut se u svome radu fokusira na kulturu, razvoj lokalnih zajednica i obrazovanje, a trajno je posvećen ostvarenju vizije Katara da se do 2030. godine nametne kao ekonomija utemeljena na znanju. Doha Film Institute is an independent, not-for-profit cultural organisation established in 2010. It supports the growth of the local film community through cultivating film appreciation, enhancing industry knowledge and contributing to the development of sustainable creative industries in Qatar. The Institute’s platforms include funding and production of local, regional and international films; skills-sharing and mentorship programmes; film screenings; the Ajyal Youth Film Festival; and Qumra. With culture, community, learning and entertainment at its foundation, the Institute is committed to supporting Qatar’s 2030 vision for the development of a knowledge-based economy.
Dok se ptice ne vrate / Until the Birds Return
France, Germany, Algeria, Qatar, 2017, Colour, 113 min. Režija / Director: Karim Moussaoui Uloge / Cast: Mohamed Djouhri, Sonia Mekkiou, Mehdi Ramdani, Hania Amar, Hassan Kachach, Nadia Kaci, Samir El Hakim, Aure Atika
Biznismen Mourad postigao je uspjeh u Alžiru dvadesetih godina prošloga vijeka. Sada se, kao preporođen čovjek, želi držati podalje od problema. Kada se zatekne usred tuče u kojoj bi neko mogao izgubiti život, Mourad odluči da se neće uplitati niti ponuditi svoju pomoć. Aisha, raskrstivši s prošlošću i spremna započeti novi život, kao udata žena, kreće na put ka svojoj novoj porodici u društvu oca i komšije Jalila. Dahman, ljekar, nada se novom početku – želi oženiti svoju rodicu i strpljivo čeka unapređenje koje će potvrditi njegov visok društveni položaj. Svaki od ovih likova morat će se suočiti s posljedicama vlastitih izbora.
Mourad, a businessman, rose to success in Algeria in the 2000s. Now a new man, he wants to stay away from trouble. When he comes across a fight in which a man’s life is in danger, he decides not to step in or provide assistance. Aisha is done with the past. About to start a new life as a married woman, she starts on the journey toward her new family, accompanied by her father and Jalil, a neighbour. Dahman is a doctor. He too hopes to start over – he wants to marry his cousin, and patiently awaits the promotion that will confirm his social status. Each of these three characters will have to face up to the consequences of their choices.
Ljepotica i psi / Beauty and the Dogs
Tunisia, France, Sweden, Norway, Lebanon, Qatar, Switzerland, 2017, Colour, 100 min. Režija / Director: Kaouther Ben Hania Uloge / Cast: Mariam AL Ferjani, Ghanem Zrelli
Mariam je mlada tunižanska studentica, lijepa kao cvijet. Jedne noći, sve što želi jeste da pleše pod blještavim reflektorima noćnog kluba i da bolje upozna Youssefa, mladića koji ne prestaje zuriti u nju. Ali jedan strašan događaj će slomiti njena krila. Tri policajca je zatiču dok ljubi Youssefa na plaži ispred noćnog kluba. Tvrdeći da se radi o rutinskoj kontroli, policajci otimaju novac od Youssefa i više puta siluju Mariam. Uprkos pretrpljenoj traumi i bolu, Mariam je odlučna da prijavi slučaj prije nego što nestanu dokazi zločina sačuvani na njenom tijelu. Uz podršku mladića kojeg je tek upoznala, Mariam se sukobljava sa svim čuvarima ustaljenog sistema u borbi za svoje osnovno pravo: pravo da činjenice zločina, koje će joj omogućiti da sudski goni svoje zlostavljače, zapiše crno na bijelo. Prisiljena je suočiti se sa ravnodušnošću birokratskog aparata i nepoštenjem snaga za sprovođenje zakona. Podnošenje tužbe, Mariam
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Dok se ptice ne vrate / Until the Birds Return
će postati pitanje časti, integriteta i odlučnosti. Mariam is a young Tunisian student, beautiful like a flower. One night, all she wants to do is dance in the disco with its shimmering lights, and get to know Youssef, a young man who has been staring at her. But something terrible breaks her wings. Three policemen catch her on the beach, outside the nightclub, kissing Youssef. Claiming they are performing a routine check, they extort money from Youssef and rape Mariam repeatedly. Despite the trauma and pain, Mariam is adamant: she wants to file a complaint before the evidence of the abuse that has stained her body disappears… Supported by the young man she has just met, Mariam embarks on a showdown with the guardians of the set order, fighting for her basic right to transcribe the facts of the crime, in black and white, in an official report that will allow her to prosecute the aggressors. Her task is to face the coldness of bureaucracy and the dishonesty of law enforcement. Filing suit will become for Mariam a matter of honour, integrity and tenacity.
Qatar, 2016, Colour, 26 min. Režija / Director: Nora Al-Subai Uloge / Cast: Salwa Bakheet, Abrar Sabt, Hassan Saqr Hassan, Nada Ibrahim, Syrina Williams, Safa Moussa
Al-Johara, koju je zla maćeha prisilila da u vlastitom domu živi kao služavka, prima pozivnicu na vjenčanje svoje drugarice iz djetinjstva. Uz pomoć ekscentrične, ali tradiciji vjerne stare komšinice, Al-Johara bi po prvi put u životu mogla prisustvovati vjenčanju i biti slična svojim lijepim sestrama. Made a servant in her own home by her evil stepfamily, Al-Johara receives a wedding invitation
Amer: legenda Arabije / Amer: An Arabian Legend
from an old childhood friend. With the help of a neighbour, an eccentric, traditional old woman, Al-Johara might be able to attend her very first wedding – and finally be like her beautiful sisters.
Amer: legenda Arabije / Amer: An Arabian Legend
Qatar, 2016, Colour, 23 min. Režija / Director: Jassim Al-Rumaihi Uloge / Cast: Gillian Hay, Bob Hay, Alban de Mieulle
Amer, prelijepi čistokrvni arapski konj, je devedesetih godina prošloga vijeka darovan Sheikh Khalifi, tadašnjem ermiru Katara. Trčao je kao vjetar, ali uskraćena mu je prilika da učestvuje u trkama dok nisu otklonjene sumnje o njegovom pedigreu. Amer se dokazao kao savršeni primjerak svoje vrste kada je kao priplodni konj začeo stotine najboljih trkačih arapskih konja. Film priča o njegovom životu kroz razgovore sa ljudima koje je Amer duboko dirnuo tokom svoje karijere. Amer, a gift to Sheikh Khalifa, then the Emir of Qatar, in the late 1990s, is a beautiful purebred Arabian. He ran like the wind – but racing opportunities were curtailed while doubts about his pedigree were settled. Eventually, Amer proved himself to be a leader of his breed; now a prize stud, he has fathered hundreds of today's best Arabian racehorses. This film follows Amer's story through conversations with some of those whom he touched deeply over the course of his career.
Qatar, 2016, Colour, 12 min. Režija / Director: A.J. Al Thani Uloge / Cast: Mansour Al Nahdi, Ahmad Nasser Afif Alyafei, Ali Al Nahdi
U lijepom, tihom prostranstvu pustinje, muškarac uči svoje sinove kako da prate i love plijen. Zbog
frustracije doći će do naizgled bezopasnog sukoba između dva brata, ali njihova nepažnja bit će uzrok iznenadne katastrofe. Out in the beautiful quiet of the desert, a man teaches his young sons how to track and hunt. Frustration leads to an apparently harmless struggle between the two brothers – but their carelessness brings about sudden disaster.
Qatar, 2015, Colour, 4 min. Režija / Director: Aisha Al Muhannadi
Smještena u starom naselju Madinat Khalifa, jedna od najstarijih iranskih pekara već više od dvije decenije svakodnevno spravlja hljeb za stotine mušterija. MAKH'BZ je dokumentarni film koji prikazuje sve korake u procesu izrade iranskog hljeba. In the old Doha neighbourhood of Madinat Khalifa, one of the oldest Iranian bakeries serves hundreds of people every day, just as it has done for more then 20 years. MAKH'BZ is a process documentary that shows each step taken to make Iranian bread.
Qatar, 2016, Colour, 15 min. Režija / Director: Amal Al-Muftah Uloge / Cast: Rema Al Muftah, Ali Mirza
Djed kojem je dijagnosticirana Alzheimerova bolest svojoj jedinoj unuci obećava da će joj sljedeći put kada ga posjeti kupiti zlatnu ribicu. Kako se vrijeme sljedeće posjete bliži, djedova sjećanja postepeno blijede do te mjere da na kraju ne može da se sjeti čak ni vlastite unuke. An Alzheimers-stricken grandfather promises to buy a goldfish for his only granddaughter the next time she visits. As the time approaches for their next meeting, his memory starts to fade until he can no longer remember her.
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Croatia, 2017, Colour, 80 min. Režija / Director: Branko Schmidt Uloge / Cast: Daria Lorenci Flatz, Goran Bogdan, Ivana Gulin, Nela Kocsis, Pavle Čemerikić, Denis Murić
AGAPE je priča o svećeniku pedofilu i ljubavnom trokutu s dvojicom krizmanika: jednim zaljubljenim u njega i drugim za kojim on žudi i gubi kontrolu. Kad ga crkva degradira a krizmanici istuku, svećenik će krenuti u potragu za najmoćnijom Božijom ljubavi: agape. AGAPE tells the story of a pedophile priest and his love triangle with two catechumens, one of whom is in love with him, while the other the priest yearns for – and over whom he loses his mind. When the priest is sanctioned by the Church and beaten by the catechumens, he embarks on a search for the highest form of divine love – agape.
The Books of Knjige: Slučajevi pravde / The Books of Knjige: Cases of Justice
Montenegro, 2017, Colour, 87 min. Režija / Director: Zoran Marković Uloge / Cast: Veselin Gajović, Goran Vujović, Aleksandar Radunović, Zoran Marković, Nikola Kolja Pejaković, Zenit Đozić, Izudin Bajrović, Nebojša Glogovac, Tihana Ćulafić, Zoran Kesić, Sejdo Alijaj
Ko je ostavio leš na farmi kamiondžija od kojih se dobija najkvalitetnije mlijeko? Ko švercuje nelegalne tablete Betangin? Ko policajcima pali ruke? Zašto se pojavljuje zlokobni zec? Sve to pokušavaju saznati dva hrabra ali nesposobna policijska inspektora. Who has left a corpse on a farm owned by truckers who produce the best milk? Who smuggles illegal Betangin pills? Who burns the hands of police officers? Why does a sinister rabbit appear? Two brave but clumsy police inspectors will try to find the answers to all these questions.
Senke na Balkanu / Black Sun
Serbia, Macedonia, Russia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2017, Colour, 90 min. Režija / Director: Dragan Bjelogrlić Uloge / Cast: Dragan Bjelogrlić, Andrija Kuzmanović, Marija Bergam, Miloš Timotijević, Slobodan Boda Ninković, Nikolaj Šestak, Nenad Heraković, Nenad Jezdić, Alexei Solonchev, Branimir Brstina, Petre Arsovski, Goran Bogdan, Ivan Zekić, Miloš Samolov, Milica Gojković
Na maskenbalu, na kojem je okupljen beogradski „crème de la crème“, dešava se svirepo ubistvo. Inspektor Tanasijević ubrzo postaje svjestan da je uzrok učestalih jezivih dekapitacija jedna drevna relikvija kojoj se pripisuju mistične moći.
The Books of Knjige: Slučajevi pravde / The Books of Knjige: Cases of Justice
Prateći trag zločina, inspektor se uključuje u opću potjeru za relikvijom s jednom jedinom željom – da je ukloni iz svog grada i spriječi dalja stradanja nevinih ljudi. U tome mu pomaže mladi kolega Stanko Pletikosić, jedan od prvih forenzičara izašlih iz beogradske škole Archibalda Reissa, ali i neočekivani saveznici sa suprotstavljenih strana koji shvataju da je inspektor neutralan, pa stoga pogodan da preko njega ostvare svoje interese. Someone is brutally murdered during a costume party attended by the crème de la crème of Belgrade society. Inspector Tanasijević soon realises that a recent string of horrifying murders by decapitation is related to an ancient relic reputed to have mystic powers. As he investigates the crimes, Tanasijević joins in an all-out search for the relic in the hope he will be able to prevent the further suffering of innocent people by removing it from his town. He is helped in his efforts by his young colleague Stanko Pletikosić, one of the first graduates of Belgrade’s Forensic Science School Archibald Reiss, but also by unexpected, mutually hostile allies who realise the inspector is unbiased and thus a potentially useful tool for achieving their nefarious plans.
Senke na Balkanu / Black Sun
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Kvalitetno provedeno vrijeme / Quality Time
Sve su radosti moguće / All Felicities Are Possible
SPECIJALNE PROJEKCIJE Special Screenings Kvalitetno provedeno vrijeme / Quality Time
Netherlands, Norway, 2017, Colour and b&w, 85 min. Režija / Director: Daan Bakker Uloge / Cast: Noël Keulen, Fred Goessens, Giulio D’Anna, Bert Bunschoten, Ria Mark,s Thomas Aske, Berg Tomas, Alf Larsen, Steve Aernouts, Laura Mentink, Anneke Blok, Michiel Romeijn, Guido Pollemans, Willemijn Kressenhof
Koen prisustvuje porodičnom okupljanju i zamalo se predozira šunkom i mlijekom. Fotograf amater Stefaan kreće na čudan put kroz uspomene. Kjell putuje u prošlost ne bi li postao samouvjereniji. Karela kidnapuju vanzemaljci i on se vraća na zemlju kao mutant. Jefu vlastita paranoja staje na put kada pokuša impresionirati svekra i svekrvu. Koen attends a family reunion and nearly overdoses on ham and milk. Amateur photographer Stefaan takes an awkward trip down memory lane. Kjell travels back in time in an attempt to raise his self-esteem. Karel is abducted by aliens and comes back as a mutant. Jef’s paranoia gets in the way when he tries to impress his new in-laws.
Sve su radosti moguće / All Felicities Are Possible Turkey, 2017, Colour, 102 min. Režija / Director: Selman Kılıçaslan Uloge / Cast: Kemal Uçar, Arif Erkin, Ruhi Sarı, Nilay Erdönmez
Dok studira mašinstvo i sanja da će posredstvom Erasmus programa nastaviti obrazovanje u inostranstvu i iza sebe ostaviti svoj mali rodni grad, Ali prolazi kroz period samospoznaje i razmišlja o velikim životnim pitanjima. Ali se zaljubljuje u Gülce, pjevačicu u obližnjem narodnjačkom kafiću, i njegov mirni život biva poremećen. Gülce studira kako bi postala medicinska sestra, a da bi zaradila za život njeguje usamljenog, starog muškarca koji živi u jednoj od starih gradskih četvrti. Kako se njegovo prijateljstvo sa Gülce produbljuje, Ali i sam postaje dio muškarčevog života. Na pragu novog prijateljstva, Ali sam sebi postavlja pitanje na koje neće naći odgovor: da li je sreća uopšte moguća? Studying engineering and dreaming to go abroad with the Erasmus project to leave behind his small town, Ali is going through a period of selfexploration, asking questions about life. His quiet life is stirred up upon his crush to Gülce, a singer at a folk music cafe. Gülce is a nursing student and to get by, she works as a caregiver to a lonely, elder man in one of the older neighbourhoods of the town. As Ali gets to know Gülce, he becomes involved in the old man’s story too. Ali goes on his search on the threshold of this encounter, asking a question to which he wouldn’t find an answer to: is any happiness possible?
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CineLink dani filmske industrije CineLink Industry Days
Kreiranje budućnosti filmske industrije u Jugoistočnoj Evropi / Shaping the future of the film business in Southeast Europe Program podrške filmskoj industriji Sarajevo Film Festivala je tokom petnaest godina svoga postojanja postao vodeće mjesto okupljanja filmskih profesionalaca Jugoistočne Evrope i dao ključni doprinos stvaranju trenda i povećanju broja regionalnih filmskih koprodukcija. Također je pretvorio Sarajevo u neizbježnu destinaciju za filmske profesionalce iz svih dijelova Evrope koji tragaju za talentima i mogućim koprodukcijama ili se žele iscrpno informisati o poslovnim prilikama u ovoj dinamičnoj regiji. Sarajevo Film Festival svake godine privlači oko 1.000 profesionalaca iz različtih domena audiovizualnih industrija zahvaljujući međusobno povezanim programskim segmentima u okviru programa CineLink dani filmske industrije:
CineLink koprodukcijski market CineLink Work in Progress CineLink drama Dokumentarni izlog grubog šnita Sajam istinitih priča Talents Sarajevo Pack&Pitch Pretpremijere trejleri Regionalni forum Naša vizija je da zadovoljimo postojeće i oblikujemo buduće potrebe filmskog biznisa. Broj filmova koji se proizvode izvan postojećeg lanca vrijednosti je u porastu, a istovremeno se brišu granice između TV i kino sadržaja u smislu kvalitete i broja ekrana na kojima se ti sadržaji prikazuju. Svi tokovi i trendovi u audiovizualnim industrijama počeli su se preplitati, zbog čega nastavljamo struktuirati naš program tako da odrazi ovu situaciju. Osim već prepoznatljive ponude kvalitetnih filmskih projekata u fazi razvoja na CineLink koprodukcijskom marketu, te onih u postprodukcij na CineLink Work in Progress-u i trejlera završenih filmova spremnih za distribuciju na Pretpremijere trejleri, CineLink drama predstaviti će projekte za nove TV dramske serije iz regiona. Istovremeno, na Sajmu istinitih priča, u saradnji sa brojnim organizacijama koje dokumentuju rat u bivšoj Jugoslaviji, filmskim i TV profesionalcima, predstavljamo bitne priče koje mogu postati uspješni filmovi, dok će neafirmisani mladi autori imati priliku da mogućim partnerima predstave svoje projekte na Talents Sarajevo Pack & Pitch-u. CineLink dani filmske industrije raspolažu nagradnim fondom u gotovini i uslugama ukupne vrijednosti od preko 120.000 eura, uključujući nagrade
Eurimagesa, Artea, Filmskog Centra Srbije, Makedonske filmske agencije, njemačke kompanije The Post Republic, TRT-a i druge nagrade.
Talents Sarajevo će se održati u periodu od 12. do 17. augusta 2017. godine. Sedamdeset mladih glumaca, direktora fotografije, montažera, filmskih kritičara, producenata i scenarista iz Jugoistočne Evrope i Južnog Kavkaza učestvovat će na jedanaestom izdanju programa Talents Sarajevo. Inicijativa obuhvata bogati SUMMIT program, sačinjen od master časova, moderiranih stručnih razgovora i interaktivnih panel diskusija, upotpunjen PACK&PITCH i SCRIPT STATION laboratorijama za razvoj projekata te studio programima i radionicama, namijenjenim pojedinačnim filmskim profesijama uključujući ACTING STUDIO, CAMERA STUDIO, FILM STAGE STUDIO i TALENT PRESS, radionicu namjenjenu filmskim kritičarima. Talents Sarajevo ove godine po prvi put uvodi program za montažere i pozdravlja tri odabrana montažera. Inicijativa Talents Sarajevo, pokrenuta u saradnji sa Međunarodnim filmskim festivalom u Berlinu i programom Berlinale Talents, u proteklih je deset godina postala regionalni centar za okupljanje i obuku perspektivnih filmskih radnika. Ovogodišnja tema Talents Sarajevo programa je Close-Up: Facing Realities, te će lice i krupni plan biti dva izvora inspiracije u smislu obraćanja pažnje na filmski prikaz lika, ali i da potakne razmišljanje o realnosti filmskih profesionalaca danas. Sljedeći stručnjaci će učestvovati u ovogodišnjem izdanju programa Talents Sarajevo: Ermin Bravo, Gabriele Brunnenmeyer, Teresa Cavina, Jan Forsström, Gyula Gazdag, Jessica Hausner, Olivia Hetreed, Dana Linssen, Tudor Mircea, Tue Steen Muller, Joshua Oppenheimer, Yoana Pavlova, Simon Perry, Katriel Schory, Selina Ukwuoma In the time since its launch over 15 years ago, the Sarajevo Film Festival's industry section has become a major hub for Southeast European film professionals, and has played a crucial role in the expansion of cinematic co-production in the region. It has also become a key destination for professionals from across Europe who are in search of talent and co-production possibilities, or who simply wish to obtain in-depth knowledge about this dynamic region’s business development. The Festival's industry offering attracts almost 1,000 professionals to its annual event in late August, and includes activities for people from all spheres of the business through its interwoven CineLink Industry Days sections:
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CineLink Co-Production Market CineLink Work-in-Progress CineLink Drama Docu Rough Cut Boutique True Stories Market Talents Sarajevo Pack&Pitch Avant Premieres Regional Forum Our vision is both to serve the current needs of the business and to shape its future. We see more films than ever being made outside the existing value chain, as well as the former borders between cinema and television blurring in terms of quality of content – and there are so many more screens on which all of this can be seen. Everything is converging, and we continue assembling our programme to reflect this. In addition to our flagship selection of quality projects in development at the CineLink Co-Production Market, screenings of fiction and documentary films in post at CineLink Work-in-Progress, and extracts from finished films going into distribution at Avant Premiere Trailers, the CineLink Drama section features new, exciting high-quality drama projects by established filmmakers from the region. At the same time, the True Stories Market presents film and TV professionals with cases from the archives of key organisations documenting the Yugoslav wars of the 90's, while young talents pitch their short film projects at Talents Sarajevo Pack&Pitch. Everything in one place; everything connected. CineLink Industry Days provides awards totalling more than €120,000 in cash
and services, from Eurimages, Arte, the Macedonian Film Agency, Film Center Serbia, Post Republic and Turkish National Radio Television, among others.
Talents Sarajevo takes place 12 to 17 August, 2017. Seventy up-and-coming actors, cinematographers, directors, editors, film critics, producers scriptwriters from Southeast Europe and Southern Caucasus will take part in Talents Sarajevo’s 11th edition. Offerings include a rich SUMMIT programme of master classes, moderated talks and interactive panel discussions, complemented by the PACK&PITCH and SCRIPT STATION project labs, the ACTING STUDIO, CAMERA STUDIO and FILM STAGE STUDIO programmes, and TALENT PRESS, a workshop for film critics. Alongside this constellation of labs and studios, this year we launch an EDITING STUDIO and are pleased to welcome three editing talents to the Talents programme. Founded in collaboration with the Berlin International Film Festival and Berlinale Talents, over the past 10 years Talents Sarajevo has become the Southeast European hub for aspiring film professionals to meet and develop their skills. Close-Up: Facing Realities is the underlying theme for the 2017 edition of the Sarajevo Film Festival. The face and the close-up will be two sources of inspiration for the Talents Sarajevo programme –in terms of considering the cinematic image, as well as encouraging a closer look at the realities of film professionals today. Among others still being confirmed at press time, Talents Sarajevo 2017 experts include: Ermin Bravo, Gabriele Brunnenmeyer, Teresa Cavina, Jan Forsström, Gyula Gazdag, Jessica Hausner, Olivia Hetreed, Dana Linssen, Tudor Mircea, Tue Steen Muller, Joshua Oppenheimer, Yoana Pavlova, Simon Perry, Katriel Schory, Selina Ukwuoma
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U ČAST 20 GODINA FACTUMA Honoring 20 Years of Factum Factum je najznačajnija hrvatska nezavisna dokumentarna produkcija. 1997. g, pokrenuo ga je Nenad Puhovski u okviru Centra za dramsku umjetnost, pri tadašnjem (Soroševom) Institutu Otvoreno društvo. Baziran na principima potpune autorske slobode, dovoljnog vremena za razvoj i realizaciju projekata te potrebnog minimuma vlastite opreme, Factum je postao okupljalištem dokumentarista svih generacija, razvijajući se kroz vrijeme i usvajajući nova autorska, organizacijska i produkcijska načela. U proteklih dvadeset godina u Factumu je realizirano 77 dokumentarnih filmova koji su prikazani na 159 nacionalnih i međunarodnih festivala, te osvojili ukupno 93 nagrade. Premda snažno označeni kreativnim pečatom svojih autora, filmove nastale u Factumu tematski se može svrstati u nekoliko osnovnih grupa: - nastajući u vrijeme kada je postojao niz tzv. „tabu“ tema, Factum je proizveo niz filmova koji otvoreno govore o suvremenoj hrvatskoj i regionalnoj povijesti, te ponekad znaju izazivati rasprave, prijepore, kritike, pa i sučeljavanja - nastavljajući hrvatsku dokumentarističku tradiciju, Factum je značajan dio svoje produkcije posvetio filmovima o ljudima s margine, sa posebnim naglaskom na suvremene procese društvene homogenizacije i zapostavljanje manjinskih prava - u želji da govori o važnim temama na način koji je u potpunosti izmaknut od standardne estetike TV dokumentarca, Factum je od samih svojih početaka snažno razvijao i podupirao autobiografski dokumentarac i u tome postigao svoje najznačajnije recentne uspjehe Moglo bi se reći da je, premda se nije radilo o službenoj festivalskoj projekciji, prijateljski i partnerski odnos Factuma i Sarajevo Film Festivala započeo 3.4.1998, kada je, na poziv Mirsada Purivatre, u kinu „Meeting Point“ prikazan prvi Factumov film - GRAHAM I JA N. Puhovskog, koji govori o tragičnoj sudbini Engleza Grahama Bamforda i njegovoj borbi za međunarodno prepoznavanje karaktera rata u BiH. Od 2001. do danas, na SFF-u je prikazano 14 Factumovih filmova, a njih čak šest je i nagrađeno: - IZA LICA ZRCALA, Zrinke Matijević osvojio je Nagradu HRT-a u okviru Docu Rough Cut Boutique - TRI, Gorana Devića, dobio je EDN Talent Grant - SVE 5!, Dane Budisavljević nagrađen je Posebnim priznanjem Human Rights žirija - LJUBAVNA ODISEJA (koprodukcija), Tatjane Božić je dobio Posebno priznanje u dokumentarnoj konkurenciji - U POTRAZI ZA SNOM (koprodukcija), Mladena Mitrovića osvojio je Nagradu Publike za dokumentarni film - Filmu GOLI, Tihe K. Gudac, pripalo je Srce Sarajeva za najbolji dokumentarni film U okviru natjecateljskog programa SFFa, prikazani su i: ČEDO, N. Strašeka, DJECA TRANZICIJE, M. Vukšića, JURIĆ: TVRĐA 1999, Z. Jurića, L.E.F. G. Trbuljaka, SVE O EVI i RATNI REPORTER, S. Kolbasa, RAZORUBIĆENJE, D. Matizovića i I. Zelića i ZAJEDNO, N.Puhovskog. Naravno, kao i uvijek kada se radi o značajnim međunarodnim festivalima, SFF je Factumovim autorima i producentima omogućio i ono najvažnije – niz profesionalnih i prijateljskih susreta sa kolegama iz čitavog svijeta. Priča se nastavlja!
Factum is the leading independent documentary film production house in Croatia. It was founded by Nenad Puhovski in 1997 within the Drama Arts Center of the (Soros’s) Open Society Institution. Based on the utter respect of the authors’ right to full creative freedom, Factum also provides filmmakers with sufficient time to develop and complete their projects, as well as with a necessary minimum of the filmmaking equipment. It has been bringing together representatives of different generations of documentary filmmakers, while continuing to develop and embracing new principles of creative, organizational and financial approach to documentary filmmaking. Over the past two decades, Factum produced 77 documentary films which were screened in 159 national and international film festivals wining a total of 93 awards. Although strongly defined by their authors’ unique and distinctive style, films produced by Factum can be broadly grouped into three different categories: - Having been founded at the time when there were many “taboo” issues, Factum produced a number of films that openly addressed the contemporary history of Croatia and the region and occasionally provoked public discussion, criticism and even confrontation - Carrying on with the Croatian documentary filmmaking tradition, Factum dedicated a significant share of its films to the people from the margins of the society, with special focus on contemporary issues of social homogenization and violation of minority rights - Striving to address important issues in a unique way, without conforming to the standard aesthetics of TV documentary, Factum has always been developing and supporting autobiographical documentaries, some of which counts among its most successful recent projects Although not an official festival event, the screening on April 3, 1998 of Factum’s first film, GRAHAM AND I, at the Sarajevo’s Meeting Point Cinema was the starting point of ongoing friendship and partnership between Factum and the Sarajevo Film Festival (SFF). The film by Nenad Puhovski that recounted the tragic story of British citizen Graham Bamford and his fight to draw the attention of the world to the true nature of the war in Bosnia was screened in Sarajevo at the invitation of Mirsad Purivatra. Since 2001, 14 Factum’s films have been screened, and as many as 6 were awarded at the SFF: - A TWO WAY MIRROR by Zrinka Matijević won the HRT Award of the SFF’s Docu Rough Cut Boutique program - THREE by Goran Dević won EDN Talent Grant - STRAIGHT A’S! by Dana Budisavljević won Special Mention of the Human Rights Jury of the SFF - HAPPILY EVER AFTER (coproduction) by Tatjana Božić won Special Mention of the Documentary Film Competition Program - CHASING A DREAM (coproduction) by Mladen Mitrović won Audience Award for documentary film - NAKED ISLAND by Tiha K. Gudac won the Heart of Sarajevo Award for best documentary film Other Factum’s films that were screened in the official competition program of the SFF include: ČEDO by N. Strašek, CHILDREN OF TRANSITION by M. Vukšić, JURIC: FORTRESS 1999 by Z. Jurić, L.E.F. by G. Trbuljak, ALL ABOUT EVE and WAR REPORTER by S. Kolbas, VASTATION by D. Matizović and I. Zelić, and TOGETHER by N.Puhovski. In the true manner of a major international film festival, the SFF has been providing Factum’s authors and producers with a chance to meet and cooperate with their colleagues from around the World. The story continues! SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 11-18/08/2017 /
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Reshad Strik, B&H, 2016, 11 min.
Mustafa Hadžiibrahimović, Netherlands, B&H, 2017, 50 min.
Sergio Flores Thorija, B&H, 2016, 106 min.
Nisvet Hrustić, B&H, 2017, 23 min.
Ozren Cvjetić, USA, 2016, HD, colour, 63 min.
Ahmad Ghossein, Lucie La Chimia, Shirin Abu Shaqra, Manuel Maria Perrone, Una Gunjak, Rami Kodeih, Mounia Akl, Neto Villalobos Lebanon, 2017, 70 min.
Milana Majar, B&H, 2017, 27 min.
Eva Cvijanović, Canada, Croatia, 2017, 10 min.
Christopher Villiers, B&H, 2017, 15 min.
Aleksandra Odić, B&H, 2017, 36 min.
Feđa Ibrišimović, B&H, 2016, 73 min.
Kristijan Milić, B&H. Croatia, 2016, 90 min.
Neven Samardžić, Sarajevo Academy of Performing Arts, B&H, 2017, 38 min.
Alen Drljević, B&H, 2017, 99 min
Srđan Šarenac, B&H, Serbia, Croatia, 2017, 45 min.
Pilar Palomero, Sarajevo Film Academy, B&H, 2017, 37 min.
Jasmin Duraković, BiH / Austria / Croatia / UK, 2016, 84 min.
Novak Knežić, B&H, 2017, 18 min.
Faruk Šabanović, Amela Ćuhara, B&H, UK, Turkey, 2017, 84 min.
Sara Ristić, Sarajevo Academy of Performing Arts, B&H, 2017, 13 min.
Graeme Cole, Sarajevo Film Academy, B&H, 2017, 20 min.
Aleksandra Niemczyk, Sarajevo Film Academy, B&H, 2017, 25 min.
Fred Kelemen, Germany, B&H, 2016, 140 min.
Judith Beuth, Jasmin Brutus, B&H, 2017, 38 min
Elmir Jukić, B&H, Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia, 2017, 80 min.
Muhammed İbrahim Şişman, Turkey, 2017, 48 min.
Stijn Bouma, Sarajevo Film Academy, B&H, 2017, 22 min. DOKUMENTARNI FILMOVI/ DOCUMENTARY FILMS
Zdenko Jurilj, B&H, 2017, 80 min.
Paula Durinova, Slovakia, B&H, 2016, 30 min.
Stacey Tenenbaum, Canada, 2016, 78 min.
Ervin Tahirović, Austria, 2017, 85 min.
Sara Radusinović, Banja Luka Academy of Arts, B&H, 2017, 9 min.
Zoran Pilipović, Banja Luka Academy of Arts, B&H, 2017, 9 min.
Anadin Butković, Vedad Šurković, Rašid Halilović, B&H, 2017, 54 min. Vitomir Martić, B&H, 2016, 30 min.
Janja Bijelić, Banja Luka Academy of Arts, B&H, 2016, 1 min.
Francesc Relea, Spain, 2017, 79 min.
Andronikos Konstantinos Dimopoulos, Sarajevo Film Academy, B&H, 2016, 16 min.
Emir Z. Kapetanović, Sead Kreševljaković, B&H, 2017, 52 min.
Ivana Barišić, Netherlands, 2017, 27 min.
Inga Kukobat, Banja Luka Academy of Arts, B&H, 2017, 10 min.
Dmitrii Kalashnikov, Russia, B&H, Croatia, Serbia, USA, 2016, 67 min.
Ademir Kenović, Neven Samardžić, Saša Peševski, B&H, 2017, 80 min.
Asja Krsmanović, Sarajevo Academy of Performing Arts, B&H, 2017, 10 min.
Zoran Pavljašević, B&H, 2016, 93 min.
Zdenko Jurilj, B&H, 2017, 52 min.
Ersan Bayraktar, Turkey, 2017, 87 min.
Mustafa Mustafić, B&H, 2017, 57 min.
Damir Pirić, B&H, 65 min.
Aleksandar Nikolić, Zlatko Pranjić, UK, Serbia, B&H, 2017, 74 min. DOKUMENTARNI FILM 1 / DOCUMENTARY FILM 1
Katarina Živanović, Bijeljina Faculty for Drama and Film Arts, B&H, 2017, 15 min. SPECIJALNA PROJEKCIJA: SREDNJOŠKOLSKI FILM / SPECIAL SCREENING: HIGH SCHOOL FILM
Aldin Sarić, B&H, 2017, 4 min.
Sali Saliji, Turska, B&H, 2016, 102 min.
Nedžad Begović, B&H, Montenegro, 2017, 61 min.
Medina Mehić, Emina Dostović, Ema Šehić, Aldin Sarić, B&H, 2016, 15 min.
Ejla Patak, Berina Muhović, B&H, 2017, 13 min.
Maja Bahtijarević, Johanna Jannsen, B&H, Germany, 2017, 27 min. Nejra Hulusić, Sabrina Begović-Ćorić, B&H, 2017, 53 min.
Azra Hodžić, B&H, 2017, 30 min.
Erik Bajraktarević, B&H, 2017, 5 min.
Amra Mehić, B&H, Hungary, 2017, 6 min.
Nedim Šegalo, B&H, 2017, 14 min.
Zoran Ćatić, B&H, 2016, 1 min.
Armin Skenderagić, B&H, 2017, 4 min.
Aleksandar Bundalo, B&H, 2017, 45 min.
Edin Hurem, B&H, 2017, 5 min.
Zana Kadić, B&H, 2017, 14 min.
Ashot Dzhazoyan, Russia, Ukraine, 2017, 27 min.
Ivan Ramadan, B&H, 2017, 12 min.
Ena Kalabić, B&H, 2017, 7 min.
Ismar Badžić, UK, 2017, 28 min
Branko Lazić, B&H, 2016, 12 min.
Zoran Ćatić, B&H, 2016, 1 min.
Senad Alihodžić, B&H, 2017, 7 min.
Vesko Kadić, B&H, 2016, 1 min.
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Petak/ Friday, 11.08.2017. Narodno pozorište / National Theatre 20.30 Open Air
DRUGA STRANA NADE / THE OTHER SIDE OF HOPE Aki Kaurismäki, 98 min, Arabic, English, Finnish
Ljetno kino Raiffeisen / Raiffeisen Open Air Cinema 21.00 Open Air DRUGA STRANA NADE / THE OTHER SIDE OF HOPE Aki Kaurismäki, 98 min, Arabic, English, Finnish
Subota/ Saturday, 12.08.2017. Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 9.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features
ZRNO / GRAIN, Semih Kaplanoğlu, 127 min, English 12.00 Takmičarski igrani-Izvan konkurencije -Gala projekcija/ Competition Features -Out of Competition-Gala Screening MUŠKARCI NE PLAČU / MEN DON'T CRY, Alen Drljević, 100 min, Bosnian 16.00 U fokusu / In Focus REKVIJEM ZA GOSPOĐU J. / REQUIEM FOR MRS. J., Bojan Vuletić, 94 min, Serbian 20.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features ZRNO / GRAIN, Semih Kaplanoğlu, 127 min, English 22.30 Takmičarski igrani-Izvan konkurencije -Gala projekcija/ Competition Features -Out of Competition-Gala Screening MUŠKARCI NE PLAČU / MEN DON'T CRY, Alen Drljević, 100 min, Bosnian
Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 12.00 Kinoscope
WESTERN, Valeska Grisebach, 119 min, Bulgarian, English, German
15.00 Posvećeno / Tribute To Joshua Oppenheimer ČIN UBIJANJA / THE ACT OF KILLING
Joshua Oppenheimer, Anonymous, Christine Cynn, 159 min, English, Indonesian 20.30 Kinoscope SRETAN KRAJ / HAPPY END, Michael Haneke, 107 min, French 23.00 Kinoscope SIROVO / RAW, Julia Ducournau, 98 min, French
Art Kino / Art Cinema Kriterion - House of Shorts 11.30 Takmičarski studentski film / Competition Student Film
15.00 BH Film
KRATKI 1 / SHORTS 1 , 51 min
18.00 Shorts
SHORT MATTERS! 1, 90 min
Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City 12.30 BH Film DOKUMENTARNI 1 / DOCUMENTARIES 1 , 99 min.
14.30 Kinoscope
LJETO 1993. / SUMMER 1993, Carla Simón, 96 min, Catalan
14.45 BH Film
RUSKI FILM CESTE / THE ROAD MOVIE, Dmitrii Kalashnikov, 67 min
15.00 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries DJECA / KINDERS
Riahi Brothers (Arash T. Riahi, Arman T. Riahi), 95 min, Bosnian, English, German, Turkish 16.45 BH Film
AMERICANA (LJUBAVNA POEZIJA) / AMERICANA (LOVE POEM) Ozren Cvjetić, 63 min 17.00 Kinoscope
TRG / THE SQUARE, Ruben Östlund, 142 min, Danish, English, Swedish
19.00 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries
U ČAST 20 GODINA FACTUMA / HONORING 20 YEARS OF FACTUM, 5 min GRAD SUNCA / CITY OF THE SUN, Rati Oneli Georgia, 103 min, Georgian
20.00 BH Film
MRTVE RIBE / DEAD FISH, Kristijan Milić, 90 min
21.45 Pretpremijere/ Avant Premiere
THE BOOKS OF KNJIGE: SLUČAJEVI PRAVDE / THE BOOKS OF KNJIGE: CASES OF JUSTICE Zoran Marković, 87 min, Montenegrin 22.00 BH Film ČISTAĆI CIPELA / SHINERS, Stacey Tenenbaum, 78 min.
Ljetno kino Raiffeisen / Raiffeisen Open Air Cinema 20.30 Open Air NIOTKUDA / IN THE FADE, Fatih Akin, 106 min, English, German
Sarajevsko Summer Screen 21.00 Summer Screen
CHAVELA, Catherine Gund, Daresha Kyi, 90 min, English, Spanish
Pozorište mladih / Youth Theatre - House of Youth 12.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme - Mini Arena U HUKI BUKI ŠUMI / IN THE FOREST OF HUCKYBUCKY Rasmus A. Sivertsen, 75 min, Norwegian 17.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme
CRVENI PAS: PRAVA PLAVA / RED DOG: TRUE BLUE, Kriv Stenders, 89 min, English
19.00 TeenArena
SOBA 213 / ROOM 213, Emelie Lindblom, 80 min, Swedish
Ljetno kino Novi Grad / Novi Grad Open Air Cinema 21.00 Open Air DRUGA STRANA NADE / THE OTHER SIDE OF HOPE Aki Kaurismäki, 98 min, Arabic, English, Finnish
Kino Novi Grad / Novi Grad Cinema 18.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme
GOSPODIN ŠPIJUN / MASTER SPY, Pieter Van Rijn, 74 min, Dutch
MMC - Kino Ilidža / MMC - Ilidža Cinema 18.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme
CRVENI PAS: PRAVA PLAVA / RED DOG: TRUE BLUE, Kriv Stenders, 89 min, English
21.00 U fokusu / In Focus
REKVIJEM ZA GOSPOĐU J. / REQUIEM FOR MRS. J. Bojan Vuletić, 94 min, Serbian
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Nedjelja/ Sunday, 13.08.2017. Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 11.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features
Ponedjeljak/ Monday, 14.08.2017. Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 9.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features
13.45 Specijalna projekcija / Special Screening
11.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features
16.00 U fokusu / In Focus
STRAŠNA MAJKA / SCARY MOTHER, Ana Urushadze, 103 min, Georgian
BUĐENJE DANA / DAYBREAK, Gentian Koçi, 85 min, Albanian SVE SU RADOSTI MOGUĆE / ALL FELICITIES ARE POSSIBLE Selman Kılıçaslan, 102 min, Turkish 16.00 U fokusu / In Focus
TAOCI / HOSTAGES, Rezo Gigineishvili, 104 min, Georgian, Russian PRAVCI / DIRECTIONS, Stephan Komandarev, 103 min, Bulgarian NE GLEDAJ MI U PIJAT / QUIT STARING AT MY PLATE
NA DUŠI I TIJELU / ON BODY AND SOUL, Ildikó Enyedi, 116 min, Hungarian Hana Jušić, 105 min, Croatian
20.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features
20.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features
Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 12.00 Kinoscope
22.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features
BUĐENJE DANA / DAYBREAK, Gentian Koçi, 85 min, Albanian
TAOCI / HOSTAGES, Rezo Gigineishvili, 104 min, Georgian, Russian PRAVCI / DIRECTIONS, Stephan Komandarev, 103 min, Bulgarian
Utorak/ Tuesday,15.08.2017. Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 9.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 11.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 13.45 Takmičarski kratki/ Competition Shorts
16.00 U fokusu / In Focus
Kornél Mundruczó, 123 min, English, Hungarian 20.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features
15.00 Posvećeno / Tribute To Joshua Oppenheimer
Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 12.00 Kinoscope
Joshua Oppenheimer, Anonymous, 99 min, Indonesian, Javanese
15.00 Posvećeno / Tribute To Oliver Stone
STRAŠNA MAJKA / SCARY MOTHER, Ana Urushadze, 103 min, Georgian
Oliver Stone, 232 min, English, Russian 20.30 Kinoscope AVA, Léa Mysius, 105 min, French 23.00 Kinoscope
UKUS CEMENTA / TASTE OF CEMENT, Ziad Kalthoum, 85 min, Arabic
20.30 Kinoscope
Fellipe Gamarano Barbosa, 127 min, Chichewa, English, French, Portugese, Swahili 23.00 Kinoscope PRIČA JEDNOG DUHA / A GHOST STORY, David Lowery, 93 min, English
Art Kino / Art Cinema Kriterion - House of Shorts 11.30 Takmičarski studentski film / Competition Student Film
15.00 BH Film
KRATKI 2 / SHORTS 2 , 61 min
18.00 Shorts
SHORT MATTERS! 2, 88 min
MENASHE, Joshua Z Weinstein, 82 min, English, Hebrew, Spanish, Yiddish
22.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features
Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 12.00 Kinoscope
Mong-Hong Chung, 111 min, Cantonese, Mandarin, Taiwanese, Thai
Art Kino / Art Cinema Kriterion - House of Shorts 11.30 Takmičarski studentski film / Competition Student Film
Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City 11.00 Suočavanje s prošlošću / Dealing with the Past
15.00 Posvećeno / Tribute To Oliver Stone
SNOWDEN, Oliver Stone, 134 min, English MASTERCLASS: OLIVER STONE
20.30 Kinoscope
BEZ LJUBAVI / LOVELESS, Andrey Zvyagintsev, 128 min, Russian
23.00 Kinoscope
TRUDOSVETA / PREVENGE, Alice Lowe, 88 min, English
Art Kino / Art Cinema Kriterion - House of Shorts 11.30 Takmičarski studentski film / Competition Student Film
Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City 12.30 BH Film DOKUMENTARNI 2 / DOCUMENTARIES 2 , 89 min 14.30 Kinoscope
Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City 12.00 Sarajevo Film Festival Partner Presents - Doha Film Institute
21.00 Specijalna projekcija / Special Screening Daan Bakker, 85 min, Dutch, Norwegian
SRETAN KRAJ / HAPPY END, Michael Haneke, 107 min, French
14.45 BH Film
15.00 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries ZA SUZE MJESTA NEMA / NO PLACE FOR TEARS Reyan Tuvi, 84 min, Kurdish, Turkish 16.45 BH Film
SAN O KRUGOVIMA / DREAM OF CIRCLES, Zoran Pavljašević, 93 min
17.00 Kinoscope
WESTERN, Valeska Grisebach, 119 min, Bulgarian, English, German
19.00 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries
Zlatko Pranjić, Aleksandar Nikolić, 74 min, Bosnian, English, Serbian 19.30 Kinoscope SIROVO / RAW, Julia Ducournau, 98 min, French 20.00 BH Film SVUKUDA / EVERYWHERE, Nedžad Begović, 61 min 21.45 BH Film POSLJEDNJA BARIJERA / THE LAST BARRIER, Jasmin Duraković, 84 min 22.00 BH Film NEPRIJATELJI / ENEMIES, Emir Z. Kapetanović, Sead Kreševljaković, 52 min
Ljetno kino Raiffeisen / Raiffeisen Open Air Cinema 20.30 Open Air POČASNO SRCE SARAJEVA / HONORARY HEART OF SARAJEVO: Oliver Stone PRAVO VRIJEME / GOOD TIME Josh Safdie, Benny Safdie, 100 min, English
Sarajevsko Summer Screen 21.00 Summer Screen
PATTI CAKE$, Geremy Jasper, 108 min, English
Pozorište mladih / Youth Theatre - House of Youth 12.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme - Mini Arena DJEČIJI KRATKI 1/ CHILDREN'S SHORT 1, 49 min
17.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme WENDY, Dagmar Seume, 91 min, German
19.00 TeenArena
Lars Feldballe-Petersen, 75 min, Bosnian, English 11.30 Dan ljudskih prava / Human Rights Day Petra Biondina Volpe, 96 min, German, Italian, Swiss 12.30 BH Film DOKUMENTARNI 3 / DOCUMENTARIES 3 , 96 min 12.45 Suočavanje s prošlošću / Dealing with the Past
Muris Beglerović, 47 min, Bosnian, English 14.15 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features BUĐENJE DANA / DAYBREAK, Gentian Koçi, 85 min, Albanian 14.30 Kinoscope
Fellipe Gamarano Barbosa, 127 min, Chichewa, English, French, Portugese, Swahili 14.45 BH Film DOKUMENTARNI 4 / DOCUMENTARIES 4 , 61 min 15.00 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries OBITELJ / THE FAMILY, Rok Biček, 106 min, Slovenian 16.45 BH Film SARAJEVO SONGS OF WOE, Fred Kelemen, 140 min 17.00 Kinoscope RAD / THE WORK, Jairus McLeary, Gethin Aldous, 87 min, English 19.00 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries ULTRA, Balázs Simonyi, 84 min, English, French, German, Hungarian 19.30 Kinoscope PRIČA JEDNOG DUHA / A GHOST STORY, David Lowery, 93 min, English 20.00 BH Film
MMC - Kino Ilidža / MMC - Ilidža Cinema 18.00 TeenArena
SOBA 213 / ROOM 213, Emelie Lindblom, 80 min, Swedish
21.00 Open Air
NIOTKUDA / IN THE FADE, Fatih Akin, 106 min, English, German
14.15 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features
TAOCI / HOSTAGES, Rezo Gigineishvili, 104 min, Georgian, Russian 14.30 Kinoscope AVA, Léa Mysius, 105 min, French 14.45 BH Film SARAJEVO MARŠ / SARAJEVO MARCH, Ersan Bayraktar, 87 min
15.00 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries
PLANETA PETRILA, Andrei Dascalescu, 80 min, Romanian 16.45 BH Film NOSTALGIJA / NOSTALGIA, Ervin Tahirović, 85 min
17.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features
PRAVCI / DIRECTIONS, Stephan Komandarev, 103 min, Bulgarian
17.00 Kinoscope
MENASHE, Joshua Z Weinstein, 82 min, English, Hebrew, Spanish, Yiddis
19.00 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries
KADA DOĐU SVINJE / WHEN PIGS COME, Biljana Tutorov, 72 min, Serbian
19.30 Kinoscope
Mong-Hong Chung, 111 min, Cantonese, Mandarin, Taiwanese, Thai 20.00 BH Film LEBANON FACTORY, Ahmad Ghossein, Lucie La Chimia, Shirin Abu Shaqra, 3 ŽENE OR (WAKING UP FROM MY BOSNIAN DREAM) / 3 WOMEN OR Manuel Maria Perrone, Una Gunjak, Rami Kodeih, Mounia Akl, Neto Villalobos, 70 min 21.45 Pretpremijere/ Avant Premiere (WAKING UP FROM MY BOSNIAN DREAM), Sergio Flores Thorija, 106 min AGAPE, Branko Schmidt, 80 min, Croatian 21.45 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 22.00 BH Film MR. GAY SYRIA, Ayse Toprak, 84 min, Arabic, English, German, Turkish MUŠKARCI NE PLAČU / MEN DON'T CRY, Alen Drljević, 100 min, Bosnian 22.00 BH Film
IZ TAME. GRADOVI POSLIJE RATA / OUT OF DARKNESS. CITIES AFTER WAR, Ljetno kino Raiffeisen / Raiffeisen Open Air Cinema Francesc Relea, 79 min
Ljetno kino Raiffeisen / Raiffeisen Open Air Cinema 20.30 Open Air ŽABA / THE FROG, Elmir Jukić, 78 min, Bosnian
Sarajevsko Summer Screen 21.00 Summer Screen
TOKIJSKI IDOLI / TOKYO IDOLS, Kyoko Miyake, 90 min, Japanese
Pozorište mladih / Youth Theatre - House of Youth 12.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme - Mini Arena MALI TRAKTOR FERGI / LITTLE GREY FERGIE – COUNTRY FUN!
Peder Hamdahl Ness, 77 min, sinhronizovano 17.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme U VISINI OČIJU / AT EYE LEVEL, Evi Goldbrunner, Joachim Dollhopf, 98 min, German 19.00 TeenArena U BORBI PROTIV VREMENA / TIME HEROES, Christian Theede, 90 min, German
Ljetno kino Novi Grad / Novi Grad Open Air Cinema 21.00 Takmičarski igrani-Izvan konkurencije/ Competition Features -Out of Competition Ljetno kino Novi Grad / Novi Grad Open Air Cinema MUŠKARCI NE PLAČU / MEN DON'T CRY, Alen Drljević, 100 min, Bosnian 21.00 Open Air NIOTKUDA / IN THE FADE, Fatih Akin, 106 min, English, German Kino Novi Grad / Novi Grad Cinema 18.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme Kino Novi Grad / Novi Grad Cinema CRVENI PAS: PRAVA PLAVA / RED DOG: TRUE BLUE 18.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme Kriv Stenders, 89 min, English
MADE IN QATAR 2017, 80 min 12.30 BH Film DOKUMENTARNI 5 / DOCUMENTARIES 5 , 86 min
Open Air
AVRILINA KĆERKA / APRIL'S DAUGHTER Michel Franco, 103 min, Spanish
Sarajevsko Summer Screen 21.00 Summer Screen
TURNEJA / ON THE ROAD, Michael Winterbottom, 121 min, English
Pozorište mladih / Youth Theatre - House of Youth 12.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme - Mini Arena GORE NA NEBU / UP IN THE SKY, Petter Lennstrand, 82 min, Swedish
17.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme
NEK BUDE KOŠARKAŠ / LET HIM BE A BASKETBALL PLAYER Boris Petkovič, 82 min, Slovenian 19.00 TeenArena
Wiktor Ericsson, 93 min, English, Polish, Swedish
Ljetno kino Novi Grad / Novi Grad Open Air Cinema 21.00 U fokusu / In Focus REKVIJEM ZA GOSPOĐU J. / REQUIEM FOR MRS. J. Bojan Vuletić, 94 min, Serbian
MALA LUKA / LITTLE HARBOUR, Iveta Grófová, 85 min, Slovak
Kino Novi Grad / Novi Grad Cinema 18.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme
MMC - Kino Ilidža / MMC - Ilidža Cinema 18.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme
MMC - Kino Ilidža / MMC - Ilidža Cinema 18.00 TeenArena
WENDY, Dagmar Seume, 91 min, German
21.00 Open Air
PRAVO VRIJEME / GOOD TIME, Josh Safdie, Benny Safdie, 100 min, English
WENDY, Dagmar Seume, 91 min, German
U BORBI PROTIV VREMENA / TIME HEROES, Christian Theede, 90 min,
21.00 Open Air ŽABA / THE FROG, Elmir Jukić, 78 min, Bosnian
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Četvrtak/ Thursday, 17.08.2017. Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 16.00 U fokusu / In Focus
11.30 Takmičarski igrani-Izvan konkurencije/ Competition Features -Out of Competition
Nana&Simon, 119 min, Georgian
13.45 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features
SOFIJIN SIN / SON OF SOFIA, Elina Psykou, 111 min, Greek, Russian
PTICE KAO MI / BIRDS LIKE US, Faruk Šabanović, Amela Ćuhara, 84 min, English
Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 12.00 Kinoscope
13.45 Takmičarski kratki/ Competition Shorts 16.00 U fokusu / In Focus
Teona Strugar Mitevska, 84 min, Macedonian 20.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features SOFIJIN SIN / SON OF SOFIA, Elina Psykou, 111 min, Greek, Russian 22.30 Takmičarski igrani-Izvan konkurencije -Gala projekcija/ Competition Features -Out of Competition-Gala Screening PTICE KAO MI / BIRDS LIKE US, Faruk Šabanović, Amela Ćuhara, 84 min, English
Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 12.00 Kinoscope JAHAČ / THE RIDER, Chloé Zhao, 104 min, English 15.00 Posvećeno / Tribute To Oliver Stone
LJETO 1993. / SUMMER 1993
Ruben Östlund, 142 min, Danish, English, Swedish
Art Kino / Art Cinema Kriterion - House of Shorts 11.30 Takmičarski kratki/ Competition Shorts TAKMIČARSKI KRATKI 2 / COMPETITION SHORTS 2, 91 min
15.00 Shorts
VOD SMRTI / PLATOON, Oliver Stone, 120 min, English, Vietnamese ROĐENI UBOJICE / NATURAL BORN KILLERS
SHORT MATTERS! 3, 98 min
Oliver Stone, 118 min, English, Japanese 20.30 Kinoscope
MLADA ŽENA / MONTPARNASSE BIENVENÜE, Léonor Serraille, 97 min, French 23.00 Kinoscope NOKTURAMA / NOCTURAMA, Bertrand Bonello, 130 min, French
Art Kino / Art Cinema Kriterion - House of Shorts 11.30 Takmičarski kratki/ Competition Shorts
Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City 12.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features ZRNO / GRAIN, Semih Kaplanoğlu, 127 min, English
12.00 Sarajevo Film Festival Partner Presents - Doha Film Institute DOK SE PTICE NE VRATE / UNTIL THE BIRDS RETURN
Karim Moussaoui, 113 min, Arabic, French 12.30 BH Film DOKUMENTARNI 6 / DOCUMENTARIES 6 , 114 min 14.15 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features
MEDA ILI NE TAKO SJAJNA STRANA STVARI / MEDA OR THE NOT SO BRIGHT SIDE OF THINGS, Emanuel Pârvu, 82 min, Romanian 14.30 Kinoscope BEZ LJUBAVI / LOVELESS, Andrey Zvyagintsev, 128 min, Russian 14.45 BH Film SEVDALINKA: ALHEMIJA DUŠE / SEVDALINKA: THE ALCHEMY OF A SOUL, Sali Saliji, 102 min
15.00 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries
DOM / HOME, Zdenko Jurilj, 40 min, Croatian PLAYING MEN, Matjaž Ivanišin, 61 min, Croatian, German, Italian, Slovenian 16.45 BH Film DOKUMENTARNI 7 / DOCUMENTARIES 7 , 100 min
17.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features
18.00 Shorts
Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City 12.00 Sarajevo Film Festival Partner Presents - Doha Film Institute LJEPOTICA I PSI / BEAUTY AND THE DOGS Kaouther Ben Hania, 100 min, Arabic 12.30 BH Film
14.15 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features Elina Psykou, 111 min, Greek, Russian 14.30 Kinoscope
Dragan Bjelogrlić, 90 min, German, Macedonian, Russian, Serbian 22.00 BH Film ŽABA / THE FROG, Elmir Jukić, 78 min, Bosnian
Ljetno kino Raiffeisen / Raiffeisen Open Air Cinema 20.30 Open Air
POČASNO SRCE SARAJEVA / HONORARY HEART OF SARAJEVO: John Cleese RIBA ZVANA WANDA / A FISH CALLED WANDA Charles Crichton, 108 min, English, French, Italian, Russian
Sarajevsko Summer Screen 21.00 Summer Screen
17.45 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features
Léonor Serraille, 97 min, French 14.45 BH Film
VODIČ KROZ CRNU RUPU / GUIDANCE THROUGH THE BLACK HOLE Zlatko Pranjić, Aleksandar Nikolić,74 min, Bosnian, English, Serbian 15.00 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries
Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries
Boris Mitić, 78 min, English 16.45 BH Film
17.00 Kinoscope
Bertrand Bonello, 130 min, French 19.30 Kinoscope JAHAČ / THE RIDER, Chloé Zhao, 104 min, English 20.00 BH Film BIJELI PUT / WHITE ROAD, Zdenko Jurilj, 80 min 22.00 BH Film
Ljetno kino Raiffeisen / Raiffeisen Open Air Cinema 20.30 Open Air
21.45 Pretpremijere/ Avant Premiere
Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 12.00 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries
UKUS CEMENTA / TASTE OF CEMENT, Ziad Kalthoum, 85 min, Arabic AVEC L'AMOUR, Ilija Cvetkovski, 66 min, Macedonian UNDERCOVERED, Nejra Latić Hulusić, Sabrina Begović-Ćorić, 53 min, Bosnian 19.30 Kinoscope TRUDOSVETA / PREVENGE, Alice Lowe, 88 min, English 20.00 BH Film SARAJ’VO, Mustafa Mustafić, 57 min
19.00 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries
Takmičarski kratki/ Competition Shorts
20.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features
STRAŠNA MAJKA / SCARY MOTHER, Ana Urushadze, 103 min, Georgian
17.00 Kinoscope
16.00 Takmičarski studentski film / Competition Student Film
Carla Simón, 96 min, Catalan 20.30 Kinoscope
18.00 Posvećeno / Tribute To Oliver Stone
Petak/ Friday, 18.08.2017. Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 11.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features
Srijeda/ Wednesday, 16.08.2017. Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 9.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features
Faruk Šabanović, Amela Ćuhara, 84 min, Bosnian
Michael Showalter, 119 min, English, Urdu
Ljetno kino Raiffeisen / Raiffeisen Open Air Cinema 20.30 Open Air VOZAČ / BABY DRIVER
Edgar Wright, 115 min, English
Sarajevsko Summer Screen 21.00
Sarajevsko Summer Screen 21.00 Summer Screen
Romuald Karmakar, 105 min, French, German
Pozorište mladih / Youth Theatre - House of Youth 12.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme - Mini Arena
17.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme MALA LUKA / LITTLE HARBOUR Iveta Grófová, 85 min, Slovak 19.00 TeenArena
TEENACTION KRATKI / TEENACTION SHORTS 2, 46 min DAN OSLOBOĐENJA / LIBERATION DAY, Ugis Olte, Morten Traavik, 100 min, English, Korean Ljetno kino Novi Grad / Novi Grad Open Air Cinema
Pozorište mladih / Youth Theatre - House of Youth 12.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme - Mini Arena U HUKI BUKI ŠUMI / IN THE FOREST OF HUCKYBUCKY
Rasmus A. Sivertsen, 75 min, Norwegian 17.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme GOSPODIN ŠPIJUN / MASTER SPY, Pieter Van Rijn, 74 min, Dutch 19.00 TeenArena TEENARENA KRATKI / TEENARENA SHORTS, 61 min
Ljetno kino Novi Grad / Novi Grad Open Air Cinema 21.00 Open Air
PRAVO VRIJEME / GOOD TIME, Josh Safdie, Benny Safdie, 100 min, English
Kino Novi Grad / Novi Grad Cinema 18.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme
U VISINI OČIJU / AT EYE LEVEL, Evi Goldbrunner, Joachim Dollhopf, 98 min, German
21.00 Open Air
ŽABA / THE FROG, Elmir Jukić, 78 min, Bosnian
Kino Novi Grad / Novi Grad Cinema 18.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme
MMC - Kino Ilidža / MMC - Ilidža Cinema 18.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme - Mini Arena GOSPODIN ŠPIJUN / MASTER SPY Pieter Van Rijn, 74 min, Dutch 21.00 Open Air
DRUGA STRANA NADE / THE OTHER SIDE OF HOPE Aki Kaurismäki, 98 min, Arabic, English, Finnish
MMC - Kino Ilidža / MMC - Ilidža Cinema 18.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme - Mini Arena
Peder Hamdahl Ness, 77 min, sinhronizovano 21.00 Takmičarski igrani-Izvan konkurencije/ Competition Features -Out of Competition MUŠKARCI NE PLAČU / MEN DON'T CRY, Alen Drljević, 100 min, Bosnian
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Box Office Informacije / For more information:, BOX OFFICE LOKACIJE / BOX OFFICE LOCATIONS
Glavni Box Office / Main Box Office (Bosanski kulturni centar), Branilaca Sarajeva 24 Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema, Hamdije Kreševljakovića 13 Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City, Trg djece Sarajeva Art kino / Art Cinema Kriterion / House of Shorts, Obala Kulina bana 2
Ljetno kino Raiffeisen / Raiffeisen Open Air Cinema: otvaranje/ opening night 15.00 KM, ostale projekcije / other screenings - 10.00 KM
Narodno pozorište / National Theatre: Otvaranje / opening night - 15.00 KM, Ceremonija dodjele nagrada / Award ceremony - 20.00 KM, ostale projekcije / other screenings - 5.00 KM, 6.00 KM, 8.00 KM
Glavni Box Office / Main Box Office - svaki dan / every day: 10:00 - 19:00
RADNO VRIJEME / OPENING HOURS / 11-18 AUGUST Glavni Box Office / Main Box Office - svaki dan / every day: 09:00 - 22:00 Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema - svaki dan / every day: 11:00 - 23:00
Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema: 5.00 KM, 6.00 KM, 7.00 KM
Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City: 4.00 KM, 5.00 KM, 7.00 KM Sarajevsko Summer Screen: sve projekcije / all screenings - 7.00 KM
Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City - svaki dan / every day: 11:00 - 22:00 Art kino / Art Cinema Kriterion - svaki dan / every day: sat vremena prije početka projekcije / one hour ahead of the screening Kino Novi Grad / Novi Grad Cinema - svaki dan / every day: sat vremena prije početka projekcije / one hour ahead of the screening Ljetno kino Novi Grad / Novi Grad Open Air Cinema - svaki dan / every day: sat vremena prije početka projekcije / one hour ahead of the screening MMC - Kino Ilidža / MMC - Ilidža Cinema - svaki dan / every day: sat vremena prije početka projekcije / one hour ahead of the screening
Art kino Kriterion / Art Cinema Kriterion / House of Shorts: 5.00 KM
• On-line prodaja je moguća putem zvanične web stranice
• Tickets will be available on-line only via the official SFF web site • On-line ticket sales open on August 1, 2017 at 12:00 • The maximum number of tickets to be purchased per screening is four (4) • MasterCard and VISA payment is available via the Raiffeisen Bank BH e-pay system When you choose Print@Home service, tickets will be sent via e-mail, within a few minutes of your purchase. You will receive 2 e-mails. The first will confirm your order and the second e-mail will include the attachment with your tickets. Each ticket contains a unique barcode that will allow access to the event. Just print your Print@Home tickets and show them at the entrance of the venue for the screening you purchased tickets. Each ticket should be printed on standard A4 paper and can be printed in color or black and white, and treated like any other ticket. For your security, Print@Home tickets are individually bar coded. The barcode allows one scan per entry so any attempts to duplicate, alter or sell any copies of the Print@ Home ticket may result in admittance being refused to the event. Be aware, if copies or duplicates of tickets are made, only the first reaching the entry point will be valid while others will be rejected.
Sarajevo Film Festivala -; • On-line prodaja ulaznica počinje 1. augusta 2017. godine u 12:00; • Maksimalan broj ulaznica koje je moguće kupiti za jednu projekciju je četiri (4); • Plaćanje se može izvršiti MasterCard i VISA putem e-pay sistema Raiffeisen Bank BH; Ukoliko odaberete Print@Home, ulaznice će biti poslate putem e-maila u roku od nekoliko minuta od kupovine. Dobićete dva e-maila. Prvi e-mail je potvrda narudžbe, a drugi e-mail će sadržavati prilog sa ulaznicama. Svaka Print@Home ulaznica sadrži jedinstveni bar-kod koji će omogućiti pristup projekcijama. Dovoljno je odštampati Print@Home ulaznice i pokazati ih prilikom ulaska na projekciju. Svaka ulaznica odštampana (bilo da je crno-bijelo ili u boji) na standardnom A4 papiru bit će tretirana kao ulaznica. Radi Vaše sigurnosti, svaka Print@ Home ulaznica je kodirana. Bar-kod omogućava jedno skeniranje po ulasku i na taj način onemogućen je bilo koji pokušaj umnožavanja, mijenjanja sadržaja ili prodaje bilo kakve kopije Print@Home ulaznice, te može rezultirati neulaskom na projekciju. Napomena: Ukoliko je napravljena kopija ili duplikat ulaznice, samo prvi primjerak koji se predoči na ulazu bit će važeći. Svi ostali biće odbijeni. Kako bi se osiguralo da dobijete e-mail koji sadrži Vaše ulaznice, pobrinite se da imate e-mail adresu dodanu na svoj popis odobrenih e-mail adresa u spam filteru.
Pozorište mladih Sarajevo / Sarajevo Youth Theatre / House of Youth: 4.00 KM Kino Novi Grad / Novi Grad Cinema: 3.00 KM Ljetno kino Novi Grad / Novi Grad Open Air Cinema: 5.00 KM MMC - Kino Ilidža / MMC - Ilidža Cinema: 3.00 KM, 5.00 KM PDV je uračunat u cijenu ulaznice / VAT included in all the prices
To ensure that you receive the e-mail containing your tickets, please be sure that you have added to your approved spam filter list.
U slučaju kiše, kada organizator Festivala zvanično objavi (putem zvanične web stranice, društvenih mreža) projekcije iz otvorenih kina se premještaju u zatvorena kina. Ukoliko je objavljeno da se projekcije premještaju u zatvorena kina prije početka projekcija, termin projekcije ostaje isti, a ukoliko kiša padne u toku projekcije, projekcija se nastavlja u zatvorenom kinu 30 minuta nakon objave o premještanju projekcije. • Ljetno kino Raiffeisen se premješta u KSC Skenderija; • Sarajevsko Summer Screen se premješta u Pozorište mladih Sarajevo • Ljetno kino Novi Grad se premješta u Kino Novi Grad
In case of rain, the Festival organiser will make an official announcement (via the official web page and social networks) on relocation of screenings from outdoor to indoor cinemas. If such an announcement is made prior to the screening, the scheduled screening time remains the same. In case of rain during the screening, the screening will then continue in a designated indoor cinema 30 minutes following the relocation announcement. • Raiffeisen Open Air Cinema moves to KSC Skenderija; • Sarajevsko Summer Screen moves to Sarajevo Youth Theatre • Novi Grad Open Air Cinema moves to Novi Grad Cinema
• Slobodna prodaja pojedinačnih ulaznica počinje 04. augusta 2017. godine u 10:00 sati; • Maksimalan broj ulaznica koje je moguće kupiti za jednu projekciju je četiri (4); • Plaćanje ulaznica se može izvršiti gotovinom i putem MasterCard i VISA ; • Plaćanje ulaznica moguće je samo u domaćoj valuti Konvertibilnim Markama (KM);
• Individual tickets will be available starting from August 4, 2017 at 10:00 • The maximum number of tickets to be purchased per screening is four (4) • Tickets may be paid in cash and MasterCard and VISA • Tickets may be paid in the national currency only (Convertible Mark – KM/BAM)
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BOX OFFICE PRAVILNIK / BOX OFFICE RULES • Ulazak na projekciju moguć je samo sa ulaznicom (uključujući i djecu bez obzira na starosnu dob) • Svi posjetioci moraju zauzeti svoja mjesta najkasnije 5 minuta prije početka zvaničnog programa • Ulazak u kino nije moguć nakon početka zvaničnog programa • U slučaju kašnjenja na projekciju ne možemo vam garantovati slobodno sjedeće mjesto (povrat novca i/ili zamjena ulaznica nije moguća) • Za sve projekcije, sjedišta nisu numerisana • Za vrijeme projekcije zabranjeno je korištenje uređaja za snimanje slike i zvuka (kamera, fotoaparat i mobilni uređaji) • U slučaju korištenja video opreme festivalsko osoblje ima pravo odstraniti osobu koja koristi prethodno spomenutu opremu • Ulaz kućnim ljubimcima nije dozvoljen • Kupovinom ulaznica, saglasni ste da možete biti fotografisani i snimljeni bez novčane naknade • Pregled posjetioca i njihovih stvari biće obavljen zbog njihove lične sigurnosti • Na zvanične festivalske lokacije zabranjeno je unošenje boca, limenki i predmeta koji mogu ugroziti sigurnost
posjetioca • Filmovi prikazani na Festivalu mogu sadržavati eksplicitne scene seksa ili nasilja, te se prije kupovine ulaznice preporučuje pregled sadržaja filma na našem web sajtu, programu ili linkovima postavljenim na društvenim mrežama • Organizator Festivala ne odgovara za izgubljene ili ukradene stvari • Falsifikovanje i krivotvorenje ulaznica je strogo zabranjeno • Sve ulaznice su izdate prema pravilima i propisima zvaničnih festivalskih lokacija i organizatora Festivala POVRAT NOVCA Povrat novca za kupljenu ulaznicu ili zamjena za ulaznicu neke druge projekcije u istom novčanom iznosu mogući su u roku od 24 sata od predviđenog termina projekcije i to: • U slučaju kada organizator javno objavi otkazivanje predviđene projekcije • Kada početak projekcije kasni duže od 30 minuta bez prethodne najave o pomjeranju početka projekcije i u tom slučaju potrebno je obratiti se osoblju Festivala
• Admission is possible only by presenting a ticket for the given screening (this includes children irrespective of age); • All the visitors must take their seats no later than 5 minutes before the opening of the official programme; • No members of the audience will be admitted after the official opening of the programme; • In case of late arrival, no seat can be guaranteed (refund and/or replacement tickets are not available); • Seats are not numbered for any screening; • No audio or video recording devices (cameras or mobile devices) may be used during any screening); • In case of any attempt to use such devices, the Festival staff shall be entitled to remove the user from the screening; • Pets are not allowed: • By purchasing the ticket you accept that you may be photographed or recorded by a camera with no financial compensation; • All the tickets are issued pursuant to rules and regulations of official Festival venues and Festival organisers; • In the interest of personal safety of our visitors, there will be security checks at entry points;
• No bottles, cans or other items that may in any way harm or affect personal safety of the audience may be brought into any official Festival location; • Films screened at the Festival may include scenes of sex or violence; it is therefore recommended to examine the content of the film at our web site, official programme and links available via social networks prior to any ticket purchase; • The Festival organisers shall not be liable for lost or stolen property; • Any attempt to forge or otherwise alter tickets is against the law; REFUND Refunds for tickets purchased or replacement tickets for other screenings to the same amount already paid are available no later than 24 hours prior to the original screening schedule, as follows: • If the Festival organisers have made an official announcement about a screening cancellation • If the screening is delayed by more than 30 minutes with no prior announcement of a delay or a relocation of the screening; in such cases, the audience is kindly requested to contact Festival staff
Lokacije / Venues 1. Festival Square, Branilaca Sarajeva
11. KSC Skenderija Cinema, Terezije BB
2. National Theater, Obala Kulina bana 9
12. Art Cinema Kriterion / House of Shorts, Obala Kulina bana 2
3. BKC Festival Center / Box Office, Branilaca Sarajeva 24
13. Sarajevo Youth Theatre / House of Youth, Kulovića 8
4. Raiffeisen Open Air Cinema, Obala Kulina Bana
14. Festival Eating Point by Coca-Cola, Zelenih beretki
5. Army Hall, Zelenih beretki
15. Algida Festival Caffé, Pozorišni trg - Susan Sontag
6. Hotel Europe / CineLink Industry Days, Vladislava Skarića 5
16. Networks, Skenderpašina 1
7. Academy of Performing Arts, Obala Kulina bana 10
17. Novi Grad Cinema, Bulevar Meše Selimovića 97
8. Meeting Point Cinema / Caffé, Hamdije Kreševljakovića 13
18. Novi Grad Open Air Cinema, Park Safet Zajko
9. Sarajevsko Summer Screen, Hamdije Kreševljakovića
19. MMC - Ilidza Cinema, Hrasnička cesta, Ilidža
10. Multiplex Cinema City, Maršala Tita 26
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SARADNJA DUGA VIŠE OD 20 GODINA I SJAJNA PRIČA O PRIJATELJSTVU Ono što ovu saradnju čini posebnom nije koncept sponzorstva, već prekrasne ljudske priče i anegdote o prijateljstvu Raiffeisen banke i SFF-a koje traje više od dva desetljeća. Zajedno su napravili prve korake, te tokom godina prerasli u priznate i respektabilne organizacije. Od 15.000 posjetilaca na prvom SFF-u, Festival je postao okupljalište preko 100.000 ljubitelja sedme umjetnosti, a Raiffeisen, tokom 25 godina
prisustva na BH tržištu, prepoznatljiva finansijska institucija, kojoj je povjerenje ukazalo preko 450.000 klijenata. Svake godine Banka, kao Glavni sponzor SFFa, priprema zanimljive sadržaje, a ove godine svi gosti u Raiffeisen paviljonu na Pozorišnom trgu mogu aktivirati uslugu Raiffeisen bankarstvo na Viberu i preuzeti svoj poklon iznenađenja, te uživati u novom sjaju Raiffeisen Open Air kina pod zvijezdama.
Telemach nastavlja podržavati najveću filmsku smotru u regiji - Sarajevo Film Festival. Ponosni što smo dio bh. nacionalnog identiteta u stopu ćemo pratiti najutjecajnije filmske zvijezde iz BiH, regiona i svijeta, reditelje, filmske kreativce i ljubitelje sedme umjetnosti. Telemach, prateći svjetske trendove i globalni razvoj savremenih digitalnih tehnologija, ove godine će po prvi put u svojim izložbenim prostorima organizovati vrhunski doživljaj digitalnih tehnologija „Telemach Fest Room“. Na
Festivalskom trgu od 12. do 17. augusta posjetioci će imati priliku uživati u pripremljenim sadržajima predviđenim za gamere, sportiste, ljubitelje inovativnih servisa i tehnologije, dokumentarnih filmova, a za najmlađe pripremamo čaroban kids day. Festivalska ulica bit će kao i prethodne godine pokrivena besplatnim internetom za sve posjetioce ovogodišnjeg Festivala servisom UNIFI.
Doživite Coca-Colinu filmsku priču na Sarajevo Film Festivalu Dugogodišnje uspješno partnerstvo na promociji filmske umjetnosti, Sarajeva i Bosne i Hercegovine Coca-Cola i Sarajevo Film Festival ove godine obilježavaju specijalnom produkcijom. Uz najnovija ostvarenja svjetske kinematografije posjetioci će moći uživati i u brojnim uzbudljivim sadržajima Coca-Coline strane Festivala. Među njima je i Coca-Colin TV spot, u režiji oskarovca Danisa Tanovića, koji donosi nezaboravne
trenutke i priču o dva zaljubljena para, koja iz različitih bh. gradova dolaze na Sarajevo Film Festival. Spot prikazuje kadrove ljepota Bosne i Hercegovine i spektakularnu završnicu šetnje crvenim tepihom. Partnerstvo na ovom značajnom projektu gradu donosi glamur i prazničnu atmosferu, a talentovanim i kreativnim mladim ljudima priliku da se upoznaju s trendovima svjetske filmske scene i daju svoj doprinos.
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Ministar humora Minister of Humour Dobitnik Počasnog Srca Sarajeva za izniman doprinos filmskoj umjetnosti, kao student je rekao da ne zna ni pjevati ni plesati, ali zna nasmijavati ljude - i to radi otada: s Letećim cirkusom Montyja Pythona, TV serijalom ‘Fawlty Towers’, filmovima ‘Riba zvana Wanda’ i ‘Strašna stvorenja’, knjigom ‘Obitelji i kako ih preživjeti’... The recipient of the Honorary Heart of Sarajevo for his extraordinary contribution to the art of film, as a student said ‘I don’t sing or dance, but I make people laugh’ - and he has been doing that ever since: with Monty Python’s Flying Circus and ‘The Fawlty Towers’, movies ‘A Fish called Wanda’ and ‘Fierce Creatures’, book ‘Families and How to Survive Them’... 68 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 11-18/08/2017 /
Dobitnik nagrade Počasno Srce Sarajeva za izniman doprinost filmskoj umjetnosti 77-godišnji je britanski glumac i scenarist John Cleese. Status legende imao bi i da je u karijeri samo utemeljio ‘Leteći cirkus Montyja Pythona’, jednu od najutjecajnijih televizijskih serija svih vremena. No, to je bio samo početak duge i uspješne karijere. Sedamdesetih je napisao scenarij i glumio u seriji “Fawlty Towers”, za koju je 1980. dobio nagradu BAFTA, osamdesetih je snimio film ‘Riba zvana Wanda’ i bio nominiran za Oscara za najbolji scenarij, krajem devedesetih i početkom novog milenija glumio je u dva filma o Jamesu Bondu, pojavio se u dva nastavka ‘Harryja Pottera’, pokrenuo show ‘The Secret Policeman’s Ball’, publiku diljem svijeta zabavljao predstavom ‘John Cleese: His Life, Times And Current Medical Problems’ za koju je izjavio da ‘pomiče granice dopuštenog ponašanja na novi, odvratan način’... Cleese, koji sa svojih 196 cm visine i odsječnim naglaskom više srednje klase često utjelovljuje apsurdne birokrate i komično autoritativne likove, ne štedi nikoga pa ni sebe: 1969. je odbio orden Zapovjednika britanskog carstva kad su mu rekli da se s njim neće moći predstavljati kao ‘zapovjednik Cleese’.
Monty Python’s Flying Circus: John Cleese, Michael Palin, Eric Idle, Graham Chapman and Terry Jones (1). Ministry of Silly Walks (2). With Michae Palin, Jamie Lee Curtis and Kevin Kline in ‘A Fish Called Wanda’ (3). In ‘The Fawlty Towers’ with Prunella Scales (4)
Leteći cirkus Montyja Pythona: John Cleese, Michael Palin, Eric Idle, Graham Chapman i Terry Jones (1). Ministarstvo glupog hoda - jedan od najpoznatijih skečeva Letećeg cirkusa (2). S ekipom filma ‘Riba zvana Wanda’: Michaelom Palinom, Jamie Lee Curtis i Kevinom Klineom (3). U serijalu ‘Fawlty Towers’ glumio je s Prunellom Scales (4) 3
The recipient of the Honorary Heart of Sarajevo Award for outstanding contribution to film art is 77-year-old British actor and screenwriter John Cleese. He would be a legend if he had only founded ‘Monty Python’s Flying Circus’, one of the most influential television series of all time - but that was just the beginning of a long and illustrious career. In the seventies he wrote the screenplay and starred in “The Fawlty Towers” for which he won the BAFTA Prize in the 1980. In the 90s he made the film ‘A Fish called Wanda’ and was nominated for the Oscar for Best Screenplay. At the end of the decade and the beginning of the new millennium he acted in two James Bond films, appeared in two sequels of ‘Harry Potter’, launched the show ‘The Secret Policeman’s Ball’, entertained audiences with play ‘John Cleese: His Life, Times and Current Medical Problems’, that ‘pushes the envelope of acceptable behaviour in new, disgusting ways’... Tall (196 cm) and with clipped upper middle class accent, Cleese often embodies absurd bureaucrats and comic authoritarian characters, and he does not spare anyone including himself: in 1969 he declined the honour Commander of the British Empire when they told him he would not be able to call himself ‘Commander Cleese’. SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 11-18/08/2017 /
Snimili: Wireimage/Guliver, Guliver/Shutterstock (1), Everett/Profimedia (2) i Getty Images/Guliver (1)
Generacija 2016. Generation of 2016 Photo by Ana Mihalić
Izložba portreta u Glorijinom paviljonu posvećena je mladim glumcima, polaznicima programa Talents Sarajevo na SFF-u 2016.
Exhibition of portraits in Gloria’s pavillion is dedicated to young actors, Talents Sarajevo Participants, SFF 2016 Edition
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Marina Symeou CIPAR/CYPRUS
Adina Stetcu
Judita Franković: HRVATSKA/CROATIA
Talents Sarajevo podsjetilo me koliko je važno biti otvoren te koliko ima puno kreativnih i talentiranih pojedinaca. Tamo sam upoznala mladog slovenskog redatelja Mitju Mlakara i njegovu producenticu Mojcu Pernat koji su mi nakon Sarajeva ponudili glavnu ulogu u njihovom kratkom filmu ‘Verjetno te nikoli več ne bom videla’...
Vlad Udrescu
Talents Sarajevo reminded me how important it is to be open and how many creative and talented individuals there are. In Sarajevo I met a young Slovenian director Mitja Mlakar and his producer Mojca Pernat, who after Sarajevo gave me the lead role in their short film ‘I’ll Probably Never See You Again’ ....
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Daria Karić
Cemre Ebuzziya TURSKA/TURKEY
Jasmina Mušić
Sara Klimoska
Igor Vrebac
Lanjsko sudjelovanje u programu Talents Sarajevo omogućilo mi je da upoznam ljude iz istočne Europe i da shvatim kako gluma nije sve što želim. Htio bih ispričati vlastite priče i već sam počeo pisati scenarije. U budućnosti bih želio režirati film u kojem ću glumiti glavnu ulogu... Last year’s participation in Talents Sarajevo allowed me to meet people from Eastern Europe and to understand that acting is not all I want. I would like to make my own stories and have already begun writing scrpits. In the future I would like to direct a film in which I will play the main role... 72 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 11-18/08/2017 /
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Na kampusu sam upoznala divne ljude i nakratko bila u izoliranom svijetu u kojem je važna samo umjetnost - a to je ono zbog čega sam i došla u Sarajevo. Bilo je to kao neki produžetak Akademije, bez komercijalizacije našeg posla. At the campus I met wonderful people and was briefly in an isolated world where only art is important - and that’s why I came to Sarajevo. It was like an extension of the Academy, without the commercialization of our profession.
Georgi Gotsin
Pavlos Iordanopoulos GRČKA/GREECE
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Moje Sarajevo My Sarajevo Član žirija Sarajevo Film Festivala Goran Bogdan (36) trenutačno je najtraženiji hrvatski filmski glumac, koji je svoj svjetski proboj počeo ulogama u TV serijalima ‘Posljednje pantere’ i ‘Fargo’
The member of the jury of Sarajevo Film Festival Goran Bogdan (36) is currently the most sought after Croatian film actor, who began his worldwide breakthrough with roles in TV series ‘The Last Panthers’ and ‘Fargo’
SARAJEVO VOLIM jer ga smatram svojim gradom: u njemu su 1984. održane Zimske olimpijske igre koje sam kao klinac pratio na televiziji, u Sarajevu sam prije rata posjećivao tetu, a poslije rata nastupao na kazališnom festivalu MESS te na SFF-u.
I LOVE SARAJEVO because I consider it my town. In 1984, as a kid, I was watching the Winter Olympics in Sarajevo, I have visited my aunt there before the war and after the war I have been performing at the MESS theatre festival and SFF.
U SARAJEVO STIŽEM iz rodnog Širokog Brijega, gdje petnaestu godinu zaredom na obali rijeke Lištice organiziram glazbeni, filmski i književni festival West Herzegowina Fest.
I AM COMING TO SARAJEVO from my hometown Široki Brijeg, where for the fifteenth year in a row I have been organizing music, film and literary West Herzegowina Fest on the banks of the river Lištica.
LJETNE VRUĆINE podnosim mnogo lakše nego zimu. Primjerice, ‘Fargo’ smo snimali na sjeveru Kanade na temperaturama ispod ništice i to mi jedno od najgorih klimatskih iskustava.
SUMMER HEAT - I prefer it to winter cold. For example, we filmed ‘Fargo’ in northern Canada at temperatures below zero and this was one of the worst cold I have ever experienced.
ZA SEDAM DANA CRVENOG TEPIHA nisam spremio svečanu odjeću. Ako postoji dress code, teško ću ga ispoštovati jer mi je odijevanje posve nebitno.
FOR THE SEVEN DAYS ON THE RED CARPET I have not brought any evening suit. If there is a dress code, I will not be able to honour it as it is utterly irrelevant to me. IT IS IMPORTANT TO ME relationships with other people, work, books, movies ...
VAŽNI SU MI odnosi s drugim ljudima, posao, knjige, filmovi...
TRENUTAČNO MI NAJVIŠE NEDOSTAJE kazalište, jer sam cijelu sezonu izbivao iz svog matičnog teatra ZeKaeM-a i jedva čekam povratak na pozornicu. No, pojma nemam kada će to biti, jer su na stolu mnoge ponude.
FAME IS NOT A BURDEN because I do not pay attention to it, and people can sense it and accept me as I am. Photo by Mario Kučera
SLAVA MI NIJE TERET jer joj ne pridajem pažnju pa to ljudi valjda osjete i prihvaćaju me kao svog.
WHAT I MISS THE MOST theater, because I have been away from ZeKaeM ensemble all season. I am looking forward to return to the stage but I have no idea when it will be as there are many other things on the table.
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