26thSFF Festival Daily #2

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Fest ival Daily Subota / Saturday / 15. August 2020.

Film " Koncent r i?i se, baba" ot vor io 26. SFF The 26th SFF opens with "Focus, Grandma" on dem an d.sf f .ba

Prava godina ot kri?a Intervu sa Elmom Tataragi?, selektoricom Takmi?arskog igranog i Takmi?arskog kratkog programa Tak m i?ar sk i pr ogr am ? igr an i f ilm : u 26. Izdan ju Sar ajevo Film Fest ivala ?t a je t o ?t o je odlik a ovog pr ogr am a? Igrana konkurencija ove godine sastoji se od 8 naslova. Me?u njima je 6 debitantskih, a tri filma re?irale su rediteljice. S obzirom da u programu imamo ?ak 6 debitantskih fillmova, rekla bih da je ovo prava godina otkri?a. Imat ?emo priliku vidjeti nove reditelje i rediteljice i njihove estetike, njihove stavove i promi?ljanja. To je uvijek osvje?avaju?e i uzbudljivo. U tematskom i estetskom smislu, svi filmovi su razli?iti te je utoliko program raznovrsniji. Je li bilo t e?ko n apr avit i selek ciju ?

Uvijek je izazovno praviti selekciju a ove godine je bilo posebno zbog trenutne situacije, No, imali smo uvid u sve ?to je zavr?eno i ve? godinama imamo dobre odnose sa regionalnim autorima i producentima. Obostrano razumijevanje je bilo izuzetno va?no. Kolik o se pan dem ija u zr okovan a kor on a vir u som odr azila n a f ilm ove u ovogodi?n joj selekciji? Filmovi koje prikazujemo snimljeni su prije pandemije tako da tematski se nisu vezali za ovu situaciju. No u produkcijskom smisli mo?emo zaklju?iti da je zavr?enih filmova bilo oko 20% manje nego ranijih godina, ?to se nije odrazilo na kvalitet selekcije.

Kak av je bio izbor k r at k ih f ilm ova? Koliko je ova sek cija popu lar n a m e?u f ilm sk im au t or im a, k oliko m e?u pu blikom , m o?e li se t o dvoje u spor e?ivat i? Ista je situacija sa kratkim filmovima. Mo?e se uo?iti pad u broju snimljenih filmova i to tako?er od 20% no u kvalitativnom smislu, filmovi su bili na izuzeno visokom nivou. Zapravo je uvijek ve?i izazov finalizirati selekciju kratkog filma nego dugometra?nog. Ove godine imamo vrlo zanimljiv odabir filmova sa jednom animacijom, jednim igrano-animiranim filmom te sa selekcijom koja je poprili?no ?enska. ?ak 5 filmova su re?irale rediteljice, dok su dva filma nastala u kore?iji sa rediteljicama. To je ne?to novo za kratkometra?nu selekciju. Kako st e r adili (pr of esion aln o f u n k cion ir ali) u doba izolacije? Lak ?e ili t e?e u odn osu n a ?n or m aln a vr em en a?? Normalna vremena su uvijek bolja, ali sve je dobro funkcionisalo i na ovaj na?in.

Filmska industrija se odmah prebacila na on-line model tako da nismo puno propustili u samome poslu i procesu selekcije. No filmska produkcija ?e itekako biti pogo?ena ovom situacijom te je za o?ekivati i odre?enu krizu i naredne godine. Ovogodi?nji Takmi?arski program nastao je u izuzetnim okolnostima globalne krize koja je prouzrokovana pandemijom. Neizvjesnost nikada nije bila ve?a kada su u pitanju budu?i filmovi. S druge strane, producenti i autori zavr?enih filmova nemaju prostora da ih promoviraju na pravi na?in, ali bez obzira na sve jedno je sigurno: film je esencijalan za savremenog ?ovjeka a vrijeme provedeno u samoizolaciji je dodatno to potvrdilo. Sarajevo Film Festival nastao je iz upravo ovog saznanja 1995. godine pred kraj ?etverogodi?nje opsade Sarajeva, i ba? zbog toga odlu?ili smo odr?ati ovogodi?nji festival pa ?ak i u ovim nemogu?im i izuzetno te?kim uslovima.

A year of discoveries Interview Elma Tataragic, Selector of the Feature and Short Film Competition Com pet it ion Feat u r es - Wh at is special abou t t h is 26t h edit ion of t h e Sar ajevo Film Fest ival? The features competition this year includes eight titles. Six of them are debuts and three were directed by female directors. Since we have as many as six debut films in our programme, I would say that this is truly a year of discovery. We?ll have an opportunity to see new directors and their aesthetic, their beliefs and contemplations. This is always refreshing and exciting. In terms of themes and aesthetics, all the films are different and this makes the programme so much more diverse. Was it h ar d t o m ak e t h e select ion ? It?s always hard, this year especially due to the current situation. But we knew what

was finished and ready and we have many years of good relations with regional authors and producers behind us. Mutual understanding was exceptionally important. How did t h e cor on avir u s pan dem ic im pact t h is year ?s select ion of f ilm s? The films we will be showing were shot before the pandemic, so they deal with topics unrelated to the situation. In terms of production we can tell that the number of finished films was around 20% lower than in the previous years, but this did not impact the quality of the selection. How w as t h e select ion of sh or t s? How popu lar is t h is sect ion w it h f ilm au t h or s, h ow m u ch w it h t h e au dien ce, can t h ose t w o be com par ed? It?s the same situation with the shorts.

There is an apparent drop in the number of films, again around 20%, but qualitatively these films are at an exceptionally high level. In fact, it?s always a bigger challenge to finalise the selection of shorts than feature films. This year we have a very interesting selection of films, with one animated and one live-action animated film and a selection that is quite female. As many as five films were directed by female directors and two by female co-directors. This is something new in the shorts selection. How did you w or k (f u n ct ion pr of ession ally) du r in g isolat ion ? Was it easier or h ar der t h an in t h e ?n or m al t im es?? Normal times are always better, but everything still worked out fine this way. The film industry immediately switched to online so we didn?t lose much in terms of

the work itself and the selection process. But film production will certainly feel the impact of this situation and we can expect to see some degree of crisis also next year. This year ?s Competition Programme was made under extraordinary circumstances of the global crisis caused by the pandemic. Uncertainty was never this high when it comes to future films. On the other hand, authors and producers can?t promote their finished films in the right way, but regardless of all that one thing is certain: film is essential for the modern man and the time spent in self-isolation only confirmed this. Sarajevo Film Festival was born from this very thought in 1995, near the end of the four-year siege of Sarajevo, which is why we decided to organise this year ?s festival even in such impossible and extremely difficult circumstances.

Obiteljski projekat o obitelji More Raça, rediteljica filma "Galaksija Andromeda" Svijet se r aspada oko glavn og ju n ak a ? kor u pcija, n asilje, n ezaposlen ost , sir om a?t vo I sveu k u pn a bijeda ga ok r u ?u ju . On , ipak , sve ?u t k e podn osi i n e post an e ogor ?en ili lju t t r a?e?i r je?en ja za sebe i k ?er k u ?ak n i k ad je cijen a koju t r eba plat it i ?r t vovaje dijelova vlast it og t ijela. ?t a je t o ?t o ga odr ?ava n or m aln im i u sr edt o?en im ? Korumpiranost dru?tva mo?e degradirati ?ivot pojedinca, staviti ga pred velike ?ivotne izazove, ali ne mo?e mu oduzeti snove. Njegova ?elja za boljim ?ivotom za njega i njegovu k?er dr?i Shpëtima usredoto?enim. To ga ?ini jo? sna?nijim i usredsre?enijim na ostvarivanje sna. ?to je vi?e zatvorenih vrata ispred Shpëtima, to je vi?e opcija koje treba prona?i kako bi ostvario svoju te?nju za boljim ?ivotom. Nema tog znaka u korumpiranom dru?tvu koji bi mogao

potpuno ugasiti veliku ?elju za boljim ?ivotom. Shpëtim voli ?ivot iako ?ivot nikad nije bio dobar prema njemu. Iak o st e n a po?et k u f ilm a n aveli da je f ilm izm i?ljen , kolik o Vas je Va?a veza sa ocem in spir ir ala u f or m ir an ju n je?n og osn osa pu n og lju bavi izm e?u Sh pët im a i Zan e? Koliko god filmska pri?a bila izmi?ljena, ona govori o dru?tvu u kojem ?ivimo i suo?avamo se s istim izazovima sa kojima se suo?ava na? glavni junak. Moj otac u stvarnom ?ivotu je otac u filmu i ja sam djevoj?ica poput one u filmu. Mi smo, kao obitelj, bili izlo?eni istim izazovima kao mnoge obitelji na Balkanu. Moj otac je moja ?ivotna inspiracija i glumac u filmu. On me je prvenstveno nau?io da mirno savladavam izazove nude?i mi ljubav i jasno da se ta

ljubav odra?ava u mom filmu. Njegova je hrabrost jedna od najinspirativnijih stvari kojima me nau?io i to sam htjela prenijeti na filmsko platno. Tr i osobe sa pr ezim en om Raça du boko su an ga?ir an e n a ovom f ilm u . Radi li se o obit eljskom pr ojek t u ? Obitelj je glavni oslonac svih oblika i vrsta dru?tva i ona je prva ugro?ena korupcijom i nasiljem u dru?tvu kao ?to je slu?aj sa dru?tvom u kojem ?ivimo. Stoga je obitelj ujedinjena ljubavlju najve?a snaga i najve?a potpora mladoj ?eni koja ?ivi u dru?tvu poput ovog u kojem ?ivim. Sretna sam ?to sam iz obitelji umjetnika. Moj otac je glumac i producent, moj brat je monta?er. Ujedinjeni smo radom na filmu. Galaksija Andromeda je obiteljski projekat napravljen s puno ljubavi, strasti i emocija uz minimalne uvjete, ali maksimalnom ?eljom i radom. Obiteljski projekat za pri?u koja govori o obitelji. Nevjer ojat n o je k ak o st e, k ao m lada ?en a, zr elo i m u dr o izbjegli n ajgor e

m ogu ?n ost i koje bi ovaj f ilm odvele u t r agediju ? da Sh pĂŤt im zavr ?i u zat vor u zbog k r a?e gor iva, da va?en je bu br ega zavr ?i n esr et n o, da ilegaln i pr elazak u M a?ar sk u n e u spije... U ?em u je t ajn a pozit ivn og st ava pr em a bu du ?n ost i k ada ?ovjek ?ivi u t ak o gr ozn im ok oln ost im a? Ljudi na Kosovu i, op?enito, na Balkanu, su vrlo pozitivni, gostoljubivi, srda?ni, veseli i uvijek ostavljaju dojam pozitivnih ljudi. Kada slu?ate vijesti s ovih prostora i vidite kakvi su stvarno njihovi ?ivoti, mo?e se ?initi ?udnim odakle dolazi sva ta pozitivna energija. Na mene utje?e balkanski pozitivizam. Pozitivna energija odr?ava ovo podru?je u ?ivotu, a pozitivizam je velika nada da ?e sve biti u redu. U mom filmu nema tragi?no-dramati?nog kraja zato ?to smo u stvarnosti na Balkanu imali mnogo ratova, ?rtava, ali ne i tragi?an kraj. Tragi?an kraj bio bi samo ako bismo izgubili ?elju i pozitivizam da nastavimo ?ivot. M ar in ela Dom an ?i?

Family project about a family More Raça, director of "Andromeda galaxy" Th e w or ld ar ou n d t h e m ain ch ar act er f alls apar t ? cor r u pt ion , violen ce, u n em ploym en t , pover t y an d over all m iser y su r r ou n d h im . How ever , h e silen t ly en du r es an d does n ot get bit t er or f ier ce in f in din g m or e opt ion s f or h im an d h is dau gh t er even if t h e pr ice t o pay is scar if yin g a par t of h is body. Wh at k eeps h im san e an d f ocu sed? A corrupt society can degrade the life of the individual, put him in front of great life challenges but cannot take away the dreams that a person has. His wish for a better life for him and his daughter keeps Shpetim focused. This makes him even stronger and more focused on the realization of that dream. The more closed doors for Shpetim the more other options Shpetim needs to find in order to realize his purpose for a better life. There is no key to a corrupt society that can finally quench the great desire for a better life. Shpetim loves life

even though life has never been good to him. Even though you have stated that this film is fictional, how much your relationship with your father inspired you in a way to shape loving and tender bond between ShpĂŤtim and Zana? As im agin ar y as t h e st or y of t h e f ilm is, it speak s of a societ y in w h ich w e live an d f ace t h e sam e ch allen ges t h at ou r pr ot agon ist f aces. My father in real life is the same father as in the movie, and the girl is me as the one in the movie. We as a family have been challenged in many ways like many families in the Balkans. My father is my inspiration in life and the actor in the film. Above all, he taught me to calmly overcome challenges and offered me love, and of course, that love was reflected in my film and his courage is one of the most inspiring things I learned from him and I aim to bring that to the screen.

Th er e w er e t h r ee per son s w it h t h e su r n am e Raça deeply en gaged in t h is f ilm . Is it som e sor t of a f am ily pr oject ? Family is the main pillar of society, in all forms and kinds, and it is the first which is endangered by a corrupt and violent society such as the society in which we live. Therefore, the family united with love is the greatest power and the greatest support for a young woman living in a society like this where I live. I am lucky to have a family of artists. My father is an actor, producer and my brother is an editor. United around the work we do in the cinema. Andromeda Galaxy is a family project certainly made with much love, passion, emotion with minimal conditions, but with maximum desire and work. A family project for a story that speaks about family. It is am azin g h ow , as a you n g w om an , you m at u r ely an d w isely avoided t h e w or st possibilit ies t h at w ou ld lead t h is f ilm in t o t r agedy - Sh pÍt im t o en d u p in

pr ison f or t h ef t of f u el, u n f or t u n at e k idn ey r em oval ou t com e, f ailu r e of illegal t r an sf er t o Hu n gar y... Wh at is t h e secr et of posit ive look s t o t h e f u t u r e w h en a per son lives in su ch a h or r ible cir cu m st an ces? People in Kosovo and in the Balkans, in general, are very positive, they are hospitable, welcoming, they are humorous and they always leave the impression of positive people. When you hear the news from these areas and see in reality the lives of these people, it may seem strange where all this positive energy is coming from. I am influenced by Balkan's positivity. Positive energy keeps this region alive and positivity is a great hope that things will be well. There is no tragic dramatic ending in my film because even in reality in the Balkans we have had many wars, victims, but we do not have a tragic ending. The tragic end would be only when we would lose desire and positivity to continue life. M ar in ela Dom an ?i?

?iri 26. Sarajevo Film Festivala / 26th Sarajevo Film Festival Jury ?iri Takmi?arskogprograma? igranifilm / Juryof the CompetitionProgramme- FeatureFilm Predsjednik?irija/ Presidentof the Jury M ich elHazan aviciu s Reditelj,scenarist,Francuska/ Director,Writer,France Car lo Ch at r ian Umjetni?kidirektorMe?unarodnog filmskogfestivalau Berlinu,Njema?ka/ ArtisticDirectorof the Berlin InternationalFilm Festival,Germany Jadr an k a? ok i? Glumica,Hrvatska/ Actress,Croatia Sr dan Golu bovi? Redatelj,Srbija/ Director,Serbia An dr eaSt aven h agen RukovoditeljicaIndustryodjelai edukacijeMoreliaFilm Festivala,Meksiko/ Headof industryand training projectsof the of the MoreliaFilm Festival,Mexico ?iri Takmi?arskogprograma? dokumentarnifilm / Juryof the CompetitionProgramme- DocumentaryFilm Lejla Dedi? Producentica,Programskiodjel,Al JazeeraBalkans,BiH / Producer,ProgrammeDepartment,Al JazeeraBalkans, BiH Gor an Devi? Reditelj,Hrvatska/ Director,Croatia Tu e St een M ü ller Konsultanti kriti?arza dokumentarnefilmove,Danska/ DocumentaryConsultantand Critic,Denmark ?iri Takmi?arskogprograma? kratkifilm / Juryof the CompetitionProgramme? Short Film St ef an? or ?evi? Reditelj,Srbija/ Director,Serbia Th an asisNeof ot ist os Reditelj,Gr?ka/ Director,Greece In esTan ovi? Rediteljica,scenaristica,producentica,BiH / Director, Screenwriter,Producer,BiH

Generalnidirektor,Cinéfondation,Francuska/ General Manager,Cinéfondation,France Lan a M at i? Producentica,Hrvatska/ Producer,Croatia ?iri Audentijanagrade/ AudentiaAwardJury Aida Begi? Rediteljica,BiH / Director,BiH Ir is Zappe-Heller Zamjenicadirektora,Voditeljicaodjelaza rodnu jednakosti raznolikost,Austrija/ DeputyDirector,Head of the Gender-and DiversityDepartment,Austria M ar coM ü ller Umjetni?kidirektorMe?unarodnog filmskogfestivala ?PingyaoCrouchingTiger HiddenDragon?,Italija/Kina/ ArtisticDirector,PingyaoCrouchingTiger HiddenDragon InternationalFilm Festival,Italy/China ?iri za Evropskikratkifilm / EuropeanShort Film Jury Alet aRaji? Animatorica,BiH / Animator,BiH Am ilaRam ovi? Kustosica,BiH / Curator,BiH An dr eiT?n ?sescu Programer,Rumunija/ Progammer,Romania CICAE?iri / CICAEJury Éva Dem et er Koordinatoricaza me?unarodneodnose,kino TISZApARTMozi,Ma?arska/ Internationalrelations coordinatorat TISZApART,Mozi,Hungary Piot r Szczyszyk Programeri stru?njakza filmskuedukaciju,PA?ACOWE CINEMA,ZAMEKCULTURECENTRE,Poljska/ Programmerand film educationspecialistof the PA?ACOWECINEMAin ZAMEKCULTURECENTRE,Poland An ik aDan ielleWagn er Programerkai kreativnadirektoricakina Traumstern, Njema?ka/ Programmerand creativehead of Traumstern Kino,Germany

?iri Takmi?arskogprograma? studentskifilm / Juryof the CompetitionProgramme? StudentFilm


An ?elijaAn dr i? Koordinatoricaza me?unarodneodnoseu Filmskom centruSrbija,Srbija/ InternationalRelationsCoordinator at Film CenterSerbia,Serbia Geor gesGolden st er n

M ar t aBa?aga Filmskakiriti?arka,Poljska/Finska/ Film critic, Poland/Finland BobanJevt i? Kreativnidirektor,Firefly,Srbija/ Creativedirector, Firefly,Serbia

Filmovi u izboru za nagradu Audentia za najbolju rediteljicu Dvanaest dugometra?nih filmova iz programa ovogodi?njeg 26. Sarajevo Film Festivala u izboru je za nagradu Audentia. O nagradi odlu?uje ?iri koji radi u sastavu: Aida Begi?, rediteljica (BiH), Marco Müller, umjetni?ki direktor Me?unarodnog filmskog festivala ?Pingyao Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon? (Italija/Kina) i Iris Zappe-Heller, zamjenica direktora i voditeljica Odjela za rodnu jednakost i raznolikost Austrijskog filmskog instituta (Austrija). Nagr ada ?e n a Sar ajevo Film Fest ivalu bit i dodijeljen a po pet i pu t , a u t em eljilo ju je Vije?e Eu r ope i n jezin f on d Eu r im ages s ciljem pr om ovisan ja r avn opr avn ost i spolova u eu r opsk oj f ilm skoj in du st r iji. Za Audentia nagradu 26. Sarajevo Film Festivala u konkurenciji su filmovi: ?Galaksija Andromeda? (rediteljica: More Ra?a; Kosovo, ?panija, Italija, Sjeverna Makedonija; 2020), ?Otto Barbarin? (rediteljica: Ruxandra Ghitescu; Rumunija, Belgija; 2020), ?Mare? (rediteljica: Andrea ?taka; ?vicarska, Hrvatska, 2020), ?Zacijeli me? (rediteljica: Danijela Stajnfeld; Srbija, Sjedinjene Ameri?ke Dr?ave, 2020), ?The Fourth Character? (rediteljica: Katerina Patroni; Gr?ka; 2019), ?Povratak u Epipo? (rediteljica: Judit Oláh; Ma?arska, 2020), ?Nevolja s ro?enjem? (rediteljica: Sandra Wollner; Austrija, Njema?ka; 2020), ?Rajski vrt? (rediteljica: Á?nes Kocsis; Ma?arska, Rumunija, Belgija; 2020), ?Zana? (rediteljica: Antoneta Kastrati; Kosovo, Albanija; 2019), ?Krvne veze? (rediteljica: Jeanette Nordahl; Danska; 2020), ?Gara?ni ljudi? (rediteljica: Natalija Yefimkina, Njema?ka 2020) i ?Dnevnik Diane Budisavljevi?? (rediteljica: Dana Budisavljevi?; Hrvatska, Slovenija, Srbija; 2019). Zbog anga?mana na polju borbe za jednakost spolova u filmskoj industriji, Sarajevo Film Festival ima ?ast da ove godine bude doma?in nagrade Audentia. Audentia ?e biti dodijeljena rediteljici jednog od selektovanih filmova kao podr?ka za njen sljede?i film. Dobitnica nagrade Audentia ?e biti progla?ena na dodjeli nagrada 26. Sarajevo Film Festivala.

Twelve feature films from the

programme of the 26th Sarajevo Film Festival are competing for the Audentia award. The members of the jury are: Aida Begi?, film director (BiH), Marco Müller, artistic director of the international film festival ?Pingyao Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon? (Italy/China), and Iris Zappe-Heller, deputy director and head of department of Gender Equality and Diversity of the Austrian Film Institute (Austria).

Film s com pet ing for Audent ia award for t he best fem ale direct or The award, which will be presented at the Sarajevo Film Festival for the fifth time, was founded by the Council of Europe and its Eurimages fund to promote gender equality in the European film industry. Films competing for the Audentia award at the 26th Sarajevo Film Festival are: ?Andromeda Galaxy? (directed by: More Ra?a; Kosovo, Spain, Italy, North Macedonia; 2020), ?Otto the Barbarian?(directed by: Ruxandra Ghitescu; Romania, Belgium; 2020), ?Mare?(directed by: Andrea ?taka; Switzerland, Croatia, 2020), ?Hold me Right?(directed by: Danijela Stajnfeld; Serbia, United States of America, 2020), ?The Fourth Character?(directed by: Katerina Patroni; Greece; 2019), ?Return to Epipo? (directed by: Judit Oláh; Hungary, 2020), ?The Trouble with Being Born?(directed by Sandra Wollner; Austria, Germany; 2020), ?Eden?(directed by Á?nes Kocsis; Hungary, Romania, Belgium; 2020), ?Zana? (directed by Antoneta Kastrati; Kosovo, Albania; 2019), ?Wildland?(directed by Jeanette Nordahl; Denmark; 2020), ?Garage People?(directed by Natalija Yefimkina, Germany 2020) and ?The Diary of Diana B.?(directed by Dana Budisavljevi?; Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia; 2019). For the engagement in gender equality in the film industry, Sarajevo Film Festival is honoured to host this year?s Audentia award. Audentia will be awarded to the director of one of the listed films as support for her next film. The Audentia award winner will be announced at the Award ceremony of the 26th Sarajevo Film Festival.


Galaksija Androm eda / Androm eda Galaxy Kosovo, Spain, Italy, North Macedonia, 2020, Colour, 80 min. / Re?ija / Director: More Raça / Uloge / Cast: Sunaj Raça, Elda Jashari, Avni Dalipi, Don Raça, Fisnik Istrefi, Mirsad Ferati, Agron Demolli, Nentor Fetiu, Aurita Agushi RENT


Glas / The Voice Croatia, Northern Macedonia, Serbia, Colour, 840 min. / Re?ija / Director: Ognjen Svili?i? / Uloge / Cast: Franko Jakov?evi?, Belma Salkuni?, Karla Brbi?, Barbara Vickovi?, Igor Kova?, Goran Bogdan, Stipe Radoja, Josip Luki? RENT Kosovo 2019. Zbog ra?irene korupcije i visoke stope nezaposlenosti Shpëtim ne mo?e na?i posao. Situaciju dodatno komplikuje ?injenica da mora preuzeti brigu o svojoj k?erci, a nema ?ak ni odgovaraju?e mjesto za ?ivot. Kosovo, 2019. Corruption and unemployment have made it impossible for Shpëtim to find a job. Things get more complicated when he has to take care of his daughter as well, and does not have a proper place to live.

Mare Switzerland, Croatia, 2020, Colour, 84 min. / Re?ija / Director: Andrea ?taka / Uloge / Cast: Marija ?kari?i?, Goran Navojec, Mateusz Ko?ciukiewicz, Mirjana Karanovi? RENT Iako sa svojim mu?em i troje djece tinejd?erskog uzrasta ?ivi kraj aerodroma, Mare nikada nije letjela avionom. Voli svoju porodicu i brine o njima, ali ponekad se osje?a kao stranac u vlastitoj ku?i. Mare has never flown, although she lives right next to the airport with her husband and their three teenage kids. She loves her family and cares for them, but sometimes almost feels like a stranger in her own home.

Tinejd?er Goran zavr?i u katoli?kom internatu nakon ?to njegova majka ode raditi na kruzeru. Goran je tu silom prilika i odbija se moliti. U po?etku to previ?e ne smeta ni njegovim vr?njacima ni odgajateljima u domu, me?utim, kako vrijeme odmi?e, oni poku?avaju od njega da naprave vjernika na ?ta on ne pristaje. Suprostavlja im se pasivnim otporom, koliko god okolina vr?i pritisak toliko svjedo?imo koliko je jaka njegova volja da ne posustane, te se izme?u njega i okoline stvara permanentna napetost koja na kraju rezultira ?ak i nasiljem. Goran, a teenager, ends up in a Catholic boarding school because his mother has gone to work on a cruise ship. He has been forced to go to the school and refuses to pray. At first, this does not bother his peers or teachers too much, but as time goes by, despite his opposition, they start putting him under increased pressure to embrace religion. Goran resists passively, but, as the pressure grows, his determination becomes increasingly apparent and the tension between him and the others grows, before it finally erupts in violence.



À l'abordage

Abriline k?erke/ April's Daught er

RENT France, 2020 Colour, 95 min. / Re?ija / Director: Guillaume Brac / Uloge / Cast: Éric Nantchouang, Salif Cissé, Édouard Sulpice, Asma Messaoudene, Ana Blagojevi?, Martin Mesner, Lucie Gallo, Cécile Feuillet, Nicolas Pietri Jedne tople ljetne ve?eri u Parizu Félix slu?ajno upoznaje Almu. Smiju se, ple?u i zajedno provode no? u parku. Ali ubrzo se moraju rastati jer ona odlazi na odmor sa svojom porodicom. Félix impulsivno odlu?i da je iznenadi na odmoru, a u avanturu uklju?uje i prijatelja. A warm summer evening in Paris; Félix meets Alma by chance. They laugh, dance and spend the night in a park. But their time together is cut short because Alma is about to go on holiday with her family. On an impulse, Félix decides to surprise her where she is holidaying and enrols a friend in the adventure.

Kr vn e veze / Wildlan d Denmark, 2020, Colour, 89 min. / Re?ija / Director: Jeanette Nordahl / Uloge / Cast: Sandra Guldberg Kampp, Sidse Babett Knudsen, Joachim Fjelstrup, Elliott Crosset Hove, Besir Zeciri, Sofie Torp, Frida Sejersene RENT Ida je uselila kod tetke i ro?aka nakon ?to joj je majka tragi?no stradala u saobra?ajnoj nesre?i. Ku?a je puna ljubavi, ali van doma porodica vodi nasilan i kriminalan ?ivot. Ida moves in with her aunt and cousins after the tragic death of her mother in a car accident. The home is filled with love, but outside the home, the family leads a violent criminal life.

Mexico, 2017, Colour, 103 min. / Re?ija / Director: Michel Franco/ Uloge / Cast: Emma Suarez, Ana Valeria Becerril, Enrique Arrizon, Joanna Larequi, Hernán Mendoza RENT Valeria ima sedamnaest godina i trudna je. ?ivi u Puerto Vallarti sa svojom polusestrom Clarom i ne ?eli da njihova otu?ena i odavno odsutna majka Abril sazna za njenu trudno?u. Me?utim, zabrinuta zbog njihove finansijske situacije i odgovornosti koju sa sobom nosi odgoj djeteta, Clara ipak odlu?i nazvati Abril. Abril dolazi kod svojih k?erki, spremna da im pomogne, ali ubrzo postaje jasno za?to se Valeria ?eljela dr?ati podalje od nje. Seventeen and pregnant, Valeria lives in Puerto Vallarta with Clara, her half-sister. Valeria does not want her long-absent mother, April, to find out about her pregnancy, but due to the economic strain and the overwhelming responsibility of having a baby in the house, Clara decides to call their mother. April arrives, willing to help her daughters, but soon it becomes clear why Valeria has kept her away.

Pravo na promjene Andrea ?taka, redateljica filma "Mare" Su djelovali st e n a Cin elin k u sa f ilm om M ar e 2016 godin e. Lijepo je vidjet i k ak o se f ilm ovi k oji su k r oz ovaj pr ogr am pr o?li u r an oj f azi vr a?aju Sar ajevo Film Fest ivalu pot pu n o zavr ?en i. Kolik o i k ak o Vam je Cin elin k pom ogao u ?est o du got r ajn om pr ocesu r ada n a f ilm u ? Jako. Na Cinelinku se spoji? s ljudima iz industrije (producentima, distributerima, fondovima, festivalima), ali i sa drugim redateljima. Razmjenjuju se mi?ljenja, inspirira? se. Tako na oba nivoa vidi? gdje stoji? s projektom: da li ta pri?a ? kakva je u tvojoj glavi ? zanima, izaziva te nakon svega zna? gdje stoji? u procesu filma. M ar e je ?en a u ?et r deset im a k oja n a svojim ple?im a dr ?i sva ?et ir i k an t u n a k u ?e. Naoko je sli?n a ?en am a u ok olici, ?ivi sk r om n o i n e bu n i se zbog t oga, obilazi r odit elje n a selu , br i?n a je m ajk a i su pr u ga, dje?ije pr oblem e r je?ava s lako?om i u h odu ... a u su ?t in i je m n ogo k om plek sn ija od t oga. Im a on a i ?elje i st r ah ove i pot r ebe o k ojim a n e pr i?a n i

n ajboljoj dr u gar ici a i m u ?u sla?e bez da t r epn e. Vi ?ivit e u Cir ih u , podaleko od ?ilipa. Kolik o Vam je M ar e k ao osoba blisk a? Marina pitanja nisu vezana uz ?ilipe. Ona se kao ?ena, majka, individua pita ?ta ?eli, gdje stoji i ?ta joj fali. Va?no mi je bilo da ne pokazujem crno-bijelu sliku porodice i majke; ona voli mu?a i djecu & slijedi svoj impuls za seksom sa strancem. Ta sebi?nost zapravo nema veze s familijom, nego samo s njom. U tome je neki klju? filma. Mislim da nije skroz to?no da se ona ne buni. Mare je kao majka tu za svoju djecu, voli ih pomaziti, ostaje ku?i ali ima i svoje ventile od po?etka filma: prijateljicu ?imu, odlaske do stare ?ene koja joj ba? daje neki lijepi prostor. Da si dopusti erotsku vezu s Piotrom - to je njena inicijativa, ne njegova. Mislim da je ta krhka linija kojom ?etamo u ?ivotu izme?u nas kao pojedinaca i nas kao dio jedne zajednice, bitna i univerzalna tema. Pogotovo pri?aju?i o jednoj ?eni.

St er eot ipi ?e se pr ot r est i iz t em elja k ada ?en a koja obo?ava svoje t r oje djece i sk ladn o ?ivi sa m u ?em n apr avi, i t o n a svoju in icijat ivu , sek su aln i izvan br a?n i izlet sa sim pat i?n im Poljak om . Im a on a sek sa i kod k u ?e, m o?da vi?e n ije vat r en i m a?t ovit ali ga im a. Im a i lju bavi. Pa ?t o ?e joj, on da, t aj Poljak ? ?to da ne? Pogleda je u o?i, pita je kako je, sexy je. Ma meni je bitno re?i da je familija «fluidna», «?iva» stvar, mijenja se nakon 5 godina, pa opet nakon 5 itd. Al mi nekako te?imo za tim, da svatko ima svoju ulogu koja ostaje zauvijek, i mama i tata i djeca! Ja ne mislim da je tako u ?ivotu. Mo?da samo ho?u re?i da nisu sve majke iste, svaka je majka druga?ija, svi smo individue, svatko od nas ima pravo da raste, da se mjenja! I bitno: Piotr, Poljak, ima ime , nije samo seksualni objekt, Mare dijeli intimu s njim, koja je nje?na, iskrena i bez obaveza. Seks je bitna komunikacija izme?u dvoje odraslih. Vizu eln a posvet a k on avosk om k r aju n apr ost o je ?ar obn a. ?k r t a zem lja, kom ad st in e, plavog n eba i m odr og m or a k u paju se u zr acim a n isk og

jesen jeg su n ca, jo? t oplog i u m iln og, ali se po k u t u pod kojim zr ak e padaju pozn aje da su t o posljedn ji lijepi dan i pr ije sezon e bu r a. Da li st e t o pr ek r asn o zlat n o doba odabr ali zat o ?t o je t u r ist i?k a sezon a zavr ?ila pa je lak ?e sn im at i k ada obo?avat elji Gam e of Th r on es n e m ile n a sve st r an e ili st e ba? ciljali ovo doba godin e? Ljeti ima previ?e aviona koji slije?u, nije nam snjimatelj tona dao zbog buke! Ma zafrkavam se. Ja Konavle dobro poznajem jer mi je nono od tamo. Oduvijek sam bila vezana tom ljepotom, istovremeno kruto??u kraja. Snimatelj Erol Zub?evi? i ja smo puno vremena proveli u Konavlima za vrijeme proba (koje su rano krenule) i vrlo brzo odlu?ili da ?emo Mare snimati na S-16mm filmskoj traci. Mislim, kad sjedi? na stijenama i gleda? u nebo, stvarno vidi? slike Van Gogha - prelijepo je. Ima ta arhai?nost, koja je posebna. Tako smo sjedali jedne jeseni na stijenama, i znali da bi rado snimali u to doba, radi svjetla. Jesen uz to ima neku zrelost, ljepotu, tajanstvenost koja pa?e uz like Mare. M ar in ela Dom an ?i?

Right to change

Andrea ?taka, director of the film "Mare"

You t ook par t in Cin elin k w it h you r f ilm " M ar e" in 2016. It is n ice t o see t h at t h e f ilm s t h at w en t t h r ou gh t h is pr ogr am at an ear ly st age r et u r n t o t h e Sar ajevo Film Fest ival com plet ed. How m u ch an d in w h at sen se did Cin elin k h elp you in t h e pr ocess of w or k in g on t h e f ilm w h ich is of t en len gt h y? Very much. At Cinelink you got connected with people from the industry (producers, distributors, funds, festivals), but also with other directors. You exchange opinions, you get inspired. So at both levels you realise where you stand with the project: whether that story - as it is in your head ? arouse interests, challenges you, after all you know where you stand in the process of the film. M ar e is a w om an in h er f or t ies w h o h olds all f ou r cor n er s of t h e h ou se on h er sh ou lder s. Sh e look s lik e t h e w om en ar ou n d h er , lives m odest ly an d doesn't com plain abou t it , visit s h er par en t s in t h e cou n t r yside, is a car in g m ot h er an d w if e, solves ch ildr en's pr oblem s easily an d on t h e go... an d is essen t ially m u ch m or e com plex t h an t h at . Sh e h as desir es, f ear s an d n eeds t h at sh e doesn't

even t alk abou t t o h er best f r ien d, an d sh e lies t o h er h u sban d w it h ou t a blin k . You live in Zu r ich , f ar f r om ?ilipi. How close is M ar e t o you as a per son ? Mare?s issues are not related to ?ilipi. As a woman, a mother, an individual, she asks herself what she wants, where she stands and what she lacks. It was important to me not to show a black-and-white picture of family and mother; she loves her husband and children & follows her impulse to have sex with a stranger. That selfishness actually has nothing to do with the family but only with her. That's the key to the movie. I don?t think it?s entirely true that she doesn?t complain. As a mother, Mare is there for her children, she loves to cuddle them, she stays at home, but she also has her own vents from the beginning of the film: her friend ?ima, visits to an old woman who really gives her some nice space. Allowing herself an erotic relationship with Piotr is her initiative, not his. I think that the delicate line we walk in life between us as individuals and us as parts of a community is an important and universal topic, especially when you talk about a woman.

St er eot ypes w ill be sh ak en f r om t h e gr ou n d u p w h en a w om an w h o ador es h er t h r ee ch ildr en an d lives in h ar m on y w it h h er h u sban d m ak es, on h er ow n in it iat ive, a sexu al ext r am ar it al af f air w it h a h an dsom e Pole. Sh e h as sex at h om e t oo, it m igh t n ot be f ier y an d im agin at ive an ym or e bu t sh e h as it . Th er e is also love. Wh y, t h en , does sh e n eed t h at Pole?

sea bat h e in t h e r ays of t h e low au t u m n su n , st ill w ar m an d gen t le, bu t f r om t h e an gle at w h ich t h e r ays f all it is obviou s t h at t h ese ar e t h e last beau t if u l days bef or e t h e bor a t im e. Did you ch oose t h at beau t if u l golden season becau se t h e t ou r ist season is over so it ?s easier t o sh oot w h en t h e Gam e of Th r on es f an s don?t w alk ever yw h er e or you t ar get ed t h is t im e of year ?

Why not? He looks her in the eye, asks how she is, he is sexy . It's important for me to say that family is ?fluid?, "living" thing, it changes after 5 years, then again after 5, etc. But we somehow strive for everyone to have their role that stays forever, both mom and dad and kids! I don't think it is like that in life. Maybe I just want to say that not all mothers are the same, every mother is different, we are all individuals, each of us has the right to grow, to change! And it is important: Piotr, a Pole, has a name, is not just a sexual object, Mare shares intimacy with him which is gentle, sincere and without obligation. Sex is essential communication between two adults.

Too many planes are landing in the summer so the sound recorder didn?t let us because of the noise! I'm kidding. I know Konavle well because my grandfather is from there. I have always been attached to that beauty and, at the same time, the rigidity of the landscape. Cameraman Erol Zub?evi? and I spent a lot of time in Konavle during rehearsals (which started early) and very quickly decided to shoot Mare on S-16 mm film tape. I mean, when you sit on the rocks and look at the sky, you really see Van Gogh?s pictures - it?s beautiful. It has that special archaicness. So we sat on the rocks one fall and knew we would love to shoot at that time because of the light. Autumn also has a certain maturity, beauty, mystery that goes well with the characters of Mare.

Th e visu al dedicat ion t o t h e Kon avle r egion is sim ply m agical. Th e bar r en lan d, a piece of r ock , blu e sk y an d m ar in e

M ar in ela Dom an ?i?

Rasli smo skupa Intervju sa Karlheinzom Dobniggom, predsjednikom Uprave Raiffeisen banke Kada je po?ela Va?a sar adn ja sa Sar ajevo Film Fest ivalom ? Na?a uspje?na saradnja i rekao bih prijateljstvo traje preko dvije decenije. Uz Sarajevo Film Festival smo od samih po?etaka, rasli smo skupa, razvijali se, nastojali iz godine u godinu biti bolji, sna?niji i inovativniji. Raiffeisen banka i Festival na ovom tr?i?tu postoje i posluju preko 25 godina, iza nas stoje godine posve?enosti, truda, rada i hrabrosti a danas rezultat svega toga su dva vrlo jaka brenda unutar ali i izvan granica Bosne i Hercegovine. Za?t o sm at r at e da je od velik e va?n ost i podr ?at i jedan ovak av Fest ival? Va?nost i pozitivan utjecaj Sarajevo Film Festivala za Bosnu i Hercegovinu je vi?estruk. Prije svega mo?emo spomenuti ekonomski utjecaj te podsticaj potro?nje, privla?enje turista iz brojnih zemalja, a

treba spomenuti i pozitivnu percepciju o BiH na me?unarodnoj sceni kao i podr?ku razvoju filmske industrije u Jugoisto?noj Evropi, te davanje prilike mladim i jo? uvijek neafirmisanim glumcima i re?iserima da poka?u svoj talenat i potencijal. Podr?ka Raiffeisen banke ovom Festivalu je u skladu sa na?om Strategijom odr?ivosti koja izme?u ostalog defini?e podr?ku projekata iz oblasti kulture. Svjedoci sm o velik ih svjet sk ih pr om jen a. U kojoj m jer i se t o odr azilo n a Va?e poslovan je? Situacija uzrokovana pandemijom koronavirusa postavila je izazove pred sve nas, nijedna industrija nije izuzeta niti za?ti?ena, pogo?ena su kako pravna tako i fizi?ka lica. Raiffeisen banka ima plan za djelovanje u ovakvim situacijama, na?a likvidnost i stabilnost nisu ugro?ene a

poslovanje se odvija u kontinuitetu ?to je i na?a odgovornost imaju?i u vidu zna?aj stabilnog finansijskog sektora za ekonomiju svake zemlje.

koriste ?iroku mre?u od preko 280 Raiffeisen bankomata.

Odr?avanje procesa potrebnih za poslovanje Raiffeisena osiguravamo dostupnim potrebnim resursima neovisno o lokaciji. Prakti?no ovo zna?i da je svim kolegama koji mogu raditi od ku?e Banka omogu?ila pristup za rad na daljinu, odnosno obezbijedila svu neophodnu infrastrukturu za takav na?in rada. Na? apsolutni prioritet je zdravlje zaposlenika i klijenata. Kako bismo minimizirali rizik od zaraze pridr?avamo se mjera nadle?nih institucija i nastojimo da reagujemo u ?to kra?em roku. Redovno pratimo stanje i provodimo aktivnosti u skladu s na?im planom za djelovanje u ovakvim situacijama.

Ove godin e svi pr ogr am i Sar ajevo Film Fest ivala odr ?at ?e se pu t em on lin e plat f or m e "on dem an d.sf f .ba" . Koji od pr ogr am a n ajvi?e pr ivla?i Va?u pa?n ju ? Svake godine impresioniran sam pozitivnom i toplom atmosferom koju ovaj Festival donese u Sarajevo. U?ivam kada god mogu u filmovima koji se prikazuju u Raiffeisen Open Air, to mi je omiljena lokacija tokom odr?avanja Festivala ali na?alost ove godine okolnosti su nametnule druga?iji koncept i format jer prioritet je prije svega zdravlje gra?ana. Festival se, kao i brojne kompanije, prilagodio online formatu ?poslovanja? te ne sumnjam da ?e i ovo biti jedno izvrsno iskustvo za sve ljubitelje sedme umjetnosti.

Pored toga, na?im klijentima preporu?ujemo da minimiziraju kretanje te da, kada god je to mogu?e, za poslovanje s bankom koriste Raiffeisen digitalne servise, odnosno usluge Internet i Mobilno banakrstvo, kao i Bankarstvo na Viberu. Dodatno, kako bi smanjili rizik od infekcije koronavirusom sugeri?emo da pla?aju karticama te da

Koji su t o f ilm ovi 26. Sar ajevo Film Fest ivala koje bist e Vi li?n o pr epor u ?ili n a?oj pu blici? Ove godine mi je posebno zanimljiva premijera filma ?Koncentri?i se baba? Pjera ?alice, a tako?er mislim da je zanimljivo pogledati i Masterclass razgovore sa renomiranim filmskim stvaraocima.

NOVA APLIKACIJA RAIFFEISEN MOBILNO BANKARSTVO Kreiranje inovativnih usluga oduvijek je bio imperativ za Raiffeisen banku, a klijentima je sada dostupna nova aplikacija Raiffeisen Mobilno Bankarstvo (RMB) koja nudi pogodnosti poput: jednostavnijeg pregleda obavljenih naloga, slanja potvrde pla?anja direktno putem e-maila ili Vibera, a odnedavno mogu?e je vr?iti i uplate javnih prihoda, aktivirati ili ugasiti trajni nalog, te prona?i odgovaraju?u poslovnicu ili bankomat. Uz kori?tenje najsavremenijih tehnologija, RMB nudi maksimalnu sigurnost.

We havegrown together Wh en did you r cooper at ion w it h t h e Sar ajevo Film Fest ival begin ? Our successful cooperation, and, I would say, friendship, has lasted for over two decades. We have been with the Sarajevo Film Festival from the very beginning. We have grown together, developed, tried to become better, stronger and more innovative year after year. Raiffeisen Bank and the Festival have existed and operated in this market for over 25 years. We look back upon years of dedication, effort, work and courage. Today, the result of all this are two very strong brands inside and outside the borders of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Interview with Karlheinz Dobnigg, CEO of Raiffeisen Bank Wh y do you con sider it t o be so im por t an t t o su ppor t su ch a Fest ival? The importance and positive impact of the Sarajevo Film Festival on Bosnia and Herzegovina is manifold. We should mention the economic impact and stimulation of consumption, attracting tourists from many countries, the positive perception of BiH on the international scene and the support of the development of the film industry in Southeast Europe, as well as giving young and not yet established actors and directors the opportunity to show their talent and potential. Raiffeisen Bank's support for this Festival is in line with our Sustainability Strategy, which,

among other things, defines support for projects in the field of culture. We ar e w it n essin g gr eat global ch an ges. To w h at ext en t h as t h is af f ect ed you r bu sin ess? The situation caused by the coronavirus pandemic has posed challenges for all of us. No industry has been exempted or protected, both legal and natural persons have been affected. Raiffeisen Bank has a plan to act in such situations. Our liquidity and stability are not endangered and business is conducted continuously, which is our responsibility given the importance of a stable financial sector for the economy of each country. We ensure that the processes required for Raiffeisen's business are available with the necessary resources, regardless of location. In practice, this means that the Bank provided access to telework to all colleagues who can work from home, i.e. provided all the necessary infrastructure for such a way of working. Our absolute priority is the health of employees and clients. In order to minimize the risk of infection, we adhere to the measures of the competent institutions and try to react as soon as possible. We regularly monitor the situation and carry out activities in accordance with our plan for action in such situations. Furthermore, we recommend our clients to minimize movement and, whenever

possible, to use Raiffeisen digital services for business with the bank, i.e. services Internet and Mobile Banking, as well as Banking via Viber. Additionally, in order to reduce the risk of coronavirus infection, we suggest that they pay by card and use a wide network of over 280 Raiffeisen ATMs. Th is year , all pr ogr am m es of t h e Sar ajevo Film Fest ival w ill be h eld via t h e on lin e plat f or m ?on dem an d.sf f .ba?. Wh ich of t h e pr ogr am m es at t r act s you r at t en t ion t h e m ost ? Every year I am impressed by the positive and warm atmosphere that this Festival brings to Sarajevo. I enjoy, whenever I can, in the films shown at Raiffeisen Open Air. This is my favourite location during the Festival, but unfortunately this year circumstances have imposed a different concept and format because the main priority is the health of citizens. The Festival, like many companies, has adapted to the online format of ?doing business?, and I have no doubt that this will be an excellent experience for all fans of the seventh art. Wh at ar e t h e f ilm s of t h e 26t h Sar ajevo Film Fest ival you w ou ld per son ally r ecom m en d t o ou r au dien ce? This year, I am especially interested in the premiere of the film ?Focus, Grandma? by Pjer ?alica, and I also think it will be interesting to watch the Masterclass conversations with renowned filmmakers.

NEW RAIFFEISEN MOBILE BANKING APPLICATION Creating innovative services was always an imperative for Raiffeisen bank. A new Raiffeisen Mobile Banking (RMB) application is now available to our customers offering benefits such as: simpler overview of payment orders, sending payment confirmation directly through email or Viber, and since recently it is possible to make public revenues?payments, activate or cancel standing orders, and find the closest branch or ATM. Apart from use of the state-of-the-art technologies, RMB offers maximum safety.

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