Fest ival Daily Subota/ Saturday/ 22. August 2020
Vidim o se na 27. Sarajevo Film Fest ivalu See you at the 27th Sarajevo Film Festival
on dem an d.sf f .ba
Zavr?en 26. Sarajevo Film Festival 14-21 August 2020 / ondemand.sff.ba Na ovogodi?njem Sarajevo Film Festivalu, koji je od 14. do 21. augusta odr?an u online formatu, na platformama ondemand.sff.ba, cinelinkindustrydays.com i talentssarajevo.com, bilo je 250 anga?iranih, 320 predstavnika medija, 1536 gostiju iz 47 zemalja i preko 130.000 gledalaca u 59 zemalja svijeta. Prikazano je 187 filmova iz 56 zemalja, od kojih je 64 imalo svoje svjetske, a 8 me?unarodne premijere. 49 filmova bilo je u takmi?arskim programima, od ?ega je bilo 29 svjetskih premijera. Odr?ano je 5 Masterclass razgovora: s re?iserom Michelom Hazanaviciusom, glumicom BĂŠrĂŠnice Bejo, re?iserom Michelom Francom ? dobitnikom Po?asnog Srca Sarajeva i gosta programa Posve?eno, glumcem Madsom Mikkelsenom ? dobitnikom Po?asnog Srca Sarajeva i re?iserom Rithyjem Panhom. Organizovano
je 13 panel diskusija sa vode?im profesionalcima u okviru CineLink razgovora, 15 webinara za mlade filmske profesionalce, te vi?e od 800 sastanka vezanih za ostvarivanje saradnje na realizaciji 49 novih filmskih projekata predstavljenih na CineLinku. Festival je otvoren svjetskom premijerom filma Pjera ?alice ?Koncentri?i se, baba? koju je u dva sata od po?etka prikazivanja gledalo skoro 14.000 gledalaca u 42 zemlje svijeta. Festival je zatvoren projekcijom ovog filma u Ljetnom kinu Raiffeisen, na zatvorenoj projekciji za ekipu filma i partnere festivala, uz pridr?avanje svih epidemiolo?kih mjera i maksimalan broj od 100 posjetilaca. Vidim o se na 27. Sarajevo Film Fest ivalu 2021!
26th Sarajevo Film Festival is over 14-21 August 2020 / ondemand.sff.ba At this year 's Sarajevo Film Festival, which was held online from 14th to 21st August, on the platforms ondemand.sff.ba, cinelinkindustrydays.com and talentssarajevo.com, there were 250 employees, 320 media representatives, 1536 guests from 47 countries and over 130,000 viewers from 59 world countries. 187 films from 56 countries were screened, of which 64 had their world premieres and 8 had international premieres. 49 films were in the competition programmes, of which 29 were world premieres. There were 5 Masterclass talks: with director Michel Hazanavicius, actress BĂŠrĂŠnice Bejo, director Michel Franco winner of the Honorary Heart of Sarajevo and guest of the Tribute to programme, actor Mads Mikkelsen - winner of the Honorary Heart of Sarajevo and director Rithy Panh. 13 panel discussions were
organized with leading professionals within the CineLink Talks, 15 webinars were held for young film professionals, and more than 800 meetings related to cooperation on the realisation of 49 new film projects were presented at the CineLink. The festival opened with the world premiere of Pjer ?alica's film ?Focus, Grandma", which was watched by almost 14,000 viewers from 42 world countries in the two hours since the screening began. The festival was closed with a screening of this film at the Raiffeisen Open Air Cinema, at a closed screening for the film crew and festival partners, in compliance with all epidemiological measures and a maximum number of 100 visitors. See you at t he 27t h Sarajevo Film Fest ival in 2021!
Photo by Damir ?agolj
Hvala vam ! O n ast an k u Sar ajevo Film Fest ivala? Festival je nastao kao izraz entuzijazma, ljubavi i strasti prema filmskoj umjetnosti sa jasno preciziranom vizijom, misijom i ciljevima. U svih 25 godina radili smo kontinuirano, unaprje?ivali svoje znanje i uvijek prihva?ali nove mlade suradnike i ljubitelje filma. Sretni smo da smo i ove godine potvrdili ono ?to nam je bio jedan od ciljeva, a to je biti platforma za razvoj bh. i regionalnog filma. O pan dem iji Covid ? 19? Naravno da je pandemija izazvala ogromne probleme, ali, sa druge strane, stavila nas je u poziciju da mislimo na drugi na?in o tome kako ?itav festival mo?da mo?emo u?initi jo?
Mirsad Purivatra, direktor Sarajevo Film Festivala boljim i jo? efikasnijim. Moje mi?ljenje je da ?e festivali sve vi?e i?i u pravcu miksa doga?anja na samoj lokaciji i da ?e to biti prili?no vezano za same projekcije, a da ?e dobar dio koji je vezan za industriju prelaziti na online formate. Festival bez publike je ne?to ?to ne bi moglo pre?ivjeti du?i period. Film je umjetnost kojoj prirodno pripada gledanje sa publikom u ?crnoj kutiji?(u dvorani). Takva projekcija omogu?ava punu koncentraciju, reakcije zajedno sa ostalom publikom i, ono ?to je sigurno najljep?e, izlazak iz dvorane, dru?enje i razgovor o upravo vi?enom filmu. To je jedinstveno iskustvo, i to je ne?to ?to mislim da bilo koja platforma ne?e mo?i zamijeniti. Vjerujem u budu?nost kino distribucije i festivala te da ?e se publika rado vratiti u kino dvorane.
O va?n ost i k on t u n it et a Sar ajevo Film Fest ivala? . Mi moramo prihvatiti ?injenicu da pandemija COVID 19 traje i da svoj rad moramo prilagoditi na najbolji mogu?i na?in okru?enju u kojem ?ivimo. Stoga smo smatrali da Sarajevo Film Festival kao najzna?ajnija platforma za razvoj, finansiranje i promociju projekata bh. autora treba da se odr?i, i da struka treba biti u ovom trenutku vi?e nego ikada zajedno. U isto vrijeme nadamo se da ?e to biti i jasna poruka vlastima da kultura nije luksuz, nego puka potreba, i da je kultura za promociju BiH u?inila mnogo vi?e nego desetine miliona drugih ulaganja. O bu du ?n ost i Fest ivala? Restruktuiranje Sarajevo Film Festivala zapo?elo je prije ?etiri godine. Ve? smo napravili zna?ajne pomake kako u organizaciji rada, na podru?ju kvalitetnog treninga i zapo?ljavanja odgovornih osoba, primjene novih softvera i IT tehnologija, i u fazi smo izrade novog petogodi?njeg plana koji treba odgovoriti kako ?e Festival izgledati i funkcionirati do 2025. godine. Ovaj plan ?e biti usvojen do kraja septembra ove godine i predvi?a restrukturiranje upravlja?kih jedinica Sarajevo Film Festivala i imenovanje novih rukovodilaca, mlade ekipe koji su sada u godinama kada sam ja zapo?injao Festival. Oni ?e sa svojim ve? postoje?im znanjem i energijom, siguran sam, donijeti nove vrijednosti Sarajevo Film Festivalu. O sljede?oj f ilm sk oj godin i? Produkcija je smanjena, snimanja su otkazivana, ali vjerujem da nas zato u sljede?oj godini o?ekuju premijere filmova koje su zbog pandemije / zatvaranja kina
bile odgo?ene ili otkazane. ?to se ti?e budu?nosti festivala, mislim da ona nije upitna. I dalje se radi i stvara, i dalje filmski autori ?ele ispri?ati svoje pri?e. Tako je bilo oduvijek. Primjer niskobud?etne produkcije, film Pjera ?alice ?Koncentri?i se, baba?, je put kako mo?emo raditi i tokom pandemije. In spir acija s Fest ivala m i je? Puno je inspirativnih pri?a, puno uspomena... Za mene je najljep?a pri?a kada vidim da je neko od na?ih volontera upisao Dramsku Akademiju ili kada vidimo da je neko od na?ih polaznika Talents Sarajevo kampa u?ao u Cannes, Berlin i na?u ? Sarajevo Film Festival selekciju. Divno je vidjeti da smo bar malim dijelom uticali na njihovo razmi?ljanje i kvalitet rada. I n a k r aju ? Osje?am se prije svega zadovoljno i zahvalno svima onima koji su nas pratili posebno ove godine, koji su nam pru?ali podr?ku da i ove godine napravimo kvalitetan festival, koji su bili cijelo vrijeme uz nas. Vi?e od 130.000 gledalaca u 59 zemalja svijeta dokaz su da smo bili na pravom putu. Nije bilo jednostavno raditi, ali platforma ondemand.sff.ba radila je besprijekorno. Vjerujem da na?e zadovoljstvo dijeli publika, filmski autori, profesionalci, partneri, sponzori, mediji. Bez obzira na sve neda?e, bili smo zajedno i pokazali jo? jednom da mo?emo uspjeti, posebno mlada ekipa IT stru?njaka koja se u zadnjim trenucima prilago?avala novonastaloj situaciji, kao i cijela ekipa Sarajevo Film Festivala. Hvala svima zbog kojih se sav trud isplatio i pokazao da ima smisla ovo ?to radimo. An dr ijan a Copf
Thank you! Mirsad Purivatra, Director of Sarajevo Film Festival Abou t t h e or igin of t h e Sar ajevo Film Fest ival?
Abou t t h e im por t an ce of t h e con t in u it y of t h e Sar ajevo Film Fest ival?
The festival was created as an expression of enthusiasm, love and passion for film art with a clearly defined vision, mission and goals. In all 25 years, we have worked continuously, improving our knowledge and always accepted new and young collaborators and film lovers. We are happy that this year we confirmed what was one of our goals, and that is to be a platform for the development of BiH and regional film.
We must accept the fact that the COVID 19 pandemic is ongoing and that we must adapt our work in the best possible way to the environment in which we live. Therefore, we believed the Sarajevo Film Festival as the most important platform for the development, financing and promotion of projects of authors from BiH should be held, and that at this moment the people from this profession have to stick together more than ever before. At the same time, we hope that it will be a clear message to the authorities that culture is not a luxury, but a mere necessity, and that culture has made for the promotion of BiH much more than tens of millions of other investments.
Abou t t h e Covid - 19 pan dem ic? Of course, the pandemic caused huge problems, but, on the other hand, it put us in a position to think differently about how we might be able to make the entire festival even better and more efficient. I think that the festivals will increasingly move in the direction of a mix of events on the location and that it will be quite related to the screenings themselves, and that a good part related to the industry will switch to online formats. A festival without an audience is something that could not survive for long. Film is an art that is naturally linked to being watched with the audience in a ?black box?(in a cinema hall). Such a projection allows for full concentration, reacting together with the rest of the audience and, what is certainly the most beautiful, leaving the hall, socializing and talking about the film you have just seen. It?s a unique experience, and it?s something I don?t think any platform will be able to replace. I believe in the future of cinema distribution and festivals and that the audience will gladly return to the cinemas.
Abou t t h e f u t u r e of t h e Fest ival? The restructuring of the Sarajevo Film Festival began four years ago. We have already made significant progress in the organization of work, in the field of quality training and employment of responsible persons, application of new software and IT technologies, and we are in the process of developing a new 5-year plan to answer what the Festival will look like and how it will function by 2025. This plan will be adopted by the end of September of this year and envisages the restructuring of the management units of the Sarajevo Film Festival and the appointment of new managers, young teams who are now in the years when I started the Festival. With their gained and current knowledge and energy, I am sure, they will bring new values to the Sarajevo Film Festival.
Abou t t h e n ext f ilm year ?
thinking and quality of work.
Production has been reduced, filming has been cancelled, but because of that I believe that next year we will have the premieres of films that have been postponed or cancelled due to the pandemic / cinema closure. As for the future of the festival, I don?t think it?s questionable. People are still working and creating, and filmmakers still want to tell their stories. It has always been that way. An example of a low-budget production, a Pjer ?alica film ?Focus, Grandma", is the way how we can work during a pandemic.
An d at t h e en d?
To m e t h e in spir at ion f r om t h e Fest ival is? There are a lot of inspiring stories, a lot of memories... For me, the most beautiful story is when I see that one of our volunteers enrolled in the Academy of Performing Arts or when we see that one of our participants in the Talents Sarajevo Camp entered Cannes, Berlin and our - Sarajevo Film Festival selection. It is wonderful to see that we have at least partly influenced their
Above all, I feel satisfied and grateful to all those who followed us, especially during this year, who supported us to make a quality festival in this year as well, who were with us all the time. More than 130,000 spectators in 59 countries around the world are proof that we are on the right track. It was not easy to make it work, but the ondemand.sff.ba platform worked flawlessly. I believe that our satisfaction is shared by the audience, filmmakers, professionals, partners sponsors, the media. Despite of all the adversities, we were together and showed once again that we can succeed, especially the young team of IT experts who adapted to the new situation at the last moment, as well as the entire team of the Sarajevo Film Festival. Thanks to everyone because of whom all these efforts paid off and showed that what we are doing makes sense. An dr ijan a Copf
Dobrodo?li u ASA Svijet ASA grupacije je osnovana krajem 1995 kao ideja razvoja stabilnog i prosperitetnog bh. dru?tva. 25 godine od osnivanja, ASA Grupacija ima 20 firmi-?lanica i posluje u oblasti finansija, usluga, zdravstva, nekretnina i prirodnih resursa pri ?emu zapo?ljava 1000 uposlenika. Stalna ulaganja i ideja poduzetni?tva bile su osnova da se ASA pozicionira kao jedan od stubova bh. ekonomije i dru?tva. U proteklom periodu, ASA Grupacija je zadr?ala poziciju me?u najpo?eljnijim poslodavcima u BiH, te se zajedno sa Prevent Grupacijom pozicionirala na listu TOP 500 kompanija u Centralnoj Evropi.
Welcome to the ASA World The ASA Group was formed at the end of 1995 as an idea of development of a stable and prosperous B&H society. 25 years since its founding, the ASA Group has 20 Member Companies and performs business in the fields of finance, service, healthcare, real-estate and natural resources with 1000 employees. Constant investments and the idea of entrepreneurship were the basis upon which ASA positioned itself as one of the B&H economic and social pillars. In the recent period, the ASA Group held the position among the most desirable employers in B&H. Alongside the Prevent Group, ASA positioned itself on the list of the TOP 500 companies in Central Europe.
Sarajevo Film Fest ival kreat ivnim m ladim ljudim a pru?a jedinst venu priliku da u?e od najboljih Ru?a Tomi? Fontana, glavna direktorica Coca-Cole HBC Adria Kada je po?ela Va?a sar adn ja sa Sar ajevo Film Fest ivalom ? Pro?lo je punih 26 godina otkako je SFF pozicionirao Sarajevo kao nezaobilaznu destinaciju svih ljubitelja filmske umjetnosti, ali i brojnih turista koji su zahvaljuju?i njemu po?eljeli upoznati ljepote ovoga grada. Coca-Cola je od samih po?etaka festivala prepoznala njegov zna?aj, kvalitetu i potencijal. Veoma smo ponosi ?to ove godine slavimo 24 godine uspje?nog partnerstva. Ovo zna?ajno partnerstvo pru?a nam priliku da podr?kom Festivalu dajemo svoj doprinos kvalitetu ?ivota na?e zajednice, ali i doprinosimo promociji Sarajeva i Bosne i Hercegovine kao zna?ajne destinacije na svjetskoj filmskoj i kulturnoj karti. Kao i prethodnih godina i ove ?emo partnerstvo Coca-Cole i Sarajevo Film Festivala proslaviti posebno pripremljenom bo?icom koja prikazuje motive grada, crvenog tepiha, filma i festivalske atmosfere. Za?t o sm at r at e da je od velike va?n ost i podr ?at i jedan ovak av Fest ival? Sarajevo Film Festival danas va?i za jedan od
najva?nijih festivala u jugoisto?noj Evropi i ?ire te iz godine u godinu povezuje sve ve?i broj mladih umjetnika iz regije sa svjetskom filmskom scenom. Osim sto ljubiteljima sedme umjetnosti donosi najnovija ostvarenje svjetske kinematografije, Festival je posebno zna?ajan i s aspekta razvoja mladih, ?to je za na?u kompaniju veoma va?no. Talentovanim i kreativnim mladim ljudima Festival pru?a jedinstvenu priliku da se u?e od najboljih, da se razvijaju, umre?avaju, rade s profesionalcima iz cijelog svijeta te predstave svoj rad talent i dobiju priliku da se uklju?e i daju svoj doprinos razvoju svjetske filmske scene. Sve ovo su interesi na?e zajednice koje Coca-Cola u BiH, kao bosanskohercegova?ka kompanija, prepoznaje kao svoje. Svjedoci sm o velik ih svjet sk ih pr om jen a. U kojoj m jer i se t o odr azilo n a Va?e poslovan je? S pojavom prvog slu?aja koronavirusa u Bosni i Hercegovini, odmah smo se usredoto?ili na na?e prioritete - sigurnost zaposlenika i nastavak poslovanja, uvo?enjem mjera za?tite
prije progla?enja stanja prirodne nesre?e. Na?e aktivnosti i odluke uklju?uju ograni?enja svih posjeta i putovanja, organizaciju rada na daljinu za zaposlenike u administrativnim odjelima, dr?anje socijalne udaljenosti, obvezno beskontaktno mjerenje temperature tijela i dezinficiranje ruku na svim ulazima, nove logisti?ke protokole i posebnu sobu za izolaciju u slu?aju zara?enih zaposlenika koronavirusom. Svi su na?i sigurnosni i dezinfekcijski protokoli poja?ani i redovito pratimo potrebe za za?titnom opremom. Zaposlenike redovito obavje??ujemo o svim klju?nim temama putem brojnih kanala unutra?nje komunikacije i pru?amo im potporu u vezi svih pitanja o koronavirusu. Sve su na?e mjere i dalje aktivne. Podr?ali smo Crveni kri? u BiH i donirali 100 000 dolara za borbu protiv koronavirusa i 22 386 litara na?ih proizvoda. Covid-19 nije utjecao na na?e ciljeve odr?ivosti
i nastavljamo s uvo?enjem inovativnih rje?enja i naprednih procesa. Ove godin e svi pr ogr am i Sar ajevo Film Fest ivala odr ?at ?e se pu t em on lin e plat f or m e "on dem an d.sf f .ba" . Koji od pr ogr am a n ajvi?e pr ivla?i Va?u pa?n ju ? Filmovi Open Air programa tradicionalno naj?e??e zaokupljaju moju pa?nju, a u posljednjih nekoliko godina i glavni takmi?arski program koji redovno omogu?ava svjetske premijere filmova iz regiona. Upravo je ovaj program po mom mi?ljenju profilirao SFF kao najve?i festival u regionu. Koji su t o f ilm ovi 26. Sar ajevo Film Fest ivala k oje bist e Vi li?n o pr epor u ?ili n a?oj pu blici? Moje osobne preporuke idu za filmove ?Koncentri?i se, baba?, ?Obojena ptica?, ?Malmkrog? i ?Asistentica?.
Sarajevo Film Fest ival gives creat ive young people a unique opport unit y t o learn from t he best Ru?a Tomi? Fontana, Coca Cola HBC Adria General Manager Wh en did you r cooper at ion w it h t h e Sar ajevo Film Fest ival st ar t ? It's been 26 years since the SFF made Sarajevo a must-see destination for all cinema lovers, but also for many tourists who decided to explore the charms of the city because of it. Since the very start of the Festival, Coca-Cola has recognised its significance, quality and potential. We are very proud to be celebrating 24 years of sucessful partnership this year. Supporting the Festival is an important opportunity for us to contribute to the quality of life in the community and to the promotion of Sarajevo and Bosnia and Herzegovina as an important destination on the film and culture map of the world.
Just like in the previous years, we will celebrate this partnership between Coca-Cola and Sarajevo Film Festival with a special bottle featuring Sarajevo cityscapes, the red carpet, film and festival atmosphere. Wh y do you t h in k it ?s im por t an t t o su ppor t f est ivals like t h is? Today Sarajevo Film Festival counts for one of the most important festivals in Southeast Europe and beyond, and each year it connects more and more young artists from this region with the global film industry. In addition to bringing the latest creations of world cinematography to the fans of the seventh art, the Festival is crucial for youth development and this is something that our
company cares about. Festival gives talented and creative youth a unique opportunity to learn from the best, to develop, network, work with professionals from all over the world and to present their work, their talent and perhaps get a chance to join in and contribute to the development of the global film industry. All this is in the best interest of our community and Coca-Cola in BiH, being a BiH company, recognizes that. We ar e w it n essin g m ajor ch an ges in t h e w or ld. How m u ch is t h at af f ect in g you r bu sin ess? With the first coronavirus case in Bosnia and Herzegovina we immediately focused on our priorities - safety of our employees and business continuity - and introduced safety measures even before the formal measures were imposed. Our activities and decisions include restriction on all visits and travel, remote work arrangements for administrative staff, social distancing, contactless temperature readings and hand disinfection at all entrances, new logistics protocols and a dedicated isolation room for any employees infected with the coronavirus. All our safety and disinfection protocols have been upgraded and we regularly monitor safety equipment requirements. We keep all our employees regularly
informed on key topics through our many internal communication channels and provide them with support on anything corona-related. All our measures are still in place. We provided support to the Red Cross and donated 100.000 dollars to the fight against the coronavirus, together with 22.386 litres of our products. Covid-19 did not affect our sustainability goals, so we?re going ahead and introducing innovative solutions and advanced processes. All Sar ajevo Film Fest ival pr ogr am m es w ill be scr een ed on lin e t h is year via t h e on lin e plat f or m on dem an d.sf f .ba. Wh ich of t h e pr ogr am m es in t er est s you t h e m ost ? Films in the Open Air programme are traditionally my favourites, and in the recent years also the main competition programme with world premieres of films from the region. This programme, in my opinion, has profiled SFF as the largest festival in the region. Which films from the 26th Sarajevo Film Festival would you personally recommend to our audience? My personal recommendations are "Focus, Grandma", "The Painted Bird", "Malmkrog" and "The Assistant".
Coca-Cola Vo?ena brigom o ljudima, partnerima, okru?enju, Coca-Cola nastavlja sa strategijom dru?tveno odgovornog poslovanja te unaprije?enja kvaliteta ?ivota zajednice i u situacijama vanrednih okolnosti i stanja nepogoda. Tako Coca-Cola, kao jedan od prvih partnera SFF-a, i ove godine daje nesebi?an doprinos promociji filmske umjetnosti i Sarajeva kao zna?ajnog odredi?ta na svjetskoj kulturnoj i filmskoj mapi. Ovogodi?nje partnerstvo gradu donosi do?ivljaj festivala kao nikad prije, uklju?uju?i i limitiranu staklenu bocu inspirisanu gradom doma?inom. Guided by the care of people, our partners, and the environment, Coca-Cola continues with its strategy of socially responsible business and improvement of the quality of life of the entire community even in situations of emergency and disaster. Thus, Coca-Cola, as one of the first partners of SFF, this year again makes a selfless contribution to the promotion of film art and the city of Sarajevo as a significant destination on the worldwide cultural and movie map. This year ?s partnership brings a festival experience like never before, including a limited glass bottle inspired by the host city Sarajevo.
Nagrade 26. Sarajevo Film Fest ivala OFICIJELNE NAGRADE TAKMI?ARSKI PROGRAM ? IGRANI FILM Predsjednik ?irija: Michel Hazanavicius (reditelj, scenarist, Francuska) ?lanovi ?irija: Carlo Chatrian (umjetni?ki direktor Me?unarodnog filmskog festivala u Berlinu, Njema?ka) Jadranka ? oki? (glumica, Hrvatska) Srdan Golubovi? (redatelj, Srbija) Andrea Stavenhagen (rukovoditeljica Industry odjela i edukacije Morelia Film Festivala, Meksiko) SRCE SARAJEVA ZA NAJBOLJI FILM EGZIL / EXIL Njema?ka, Belgija, Kosovo Re?ija: Visar Morina Producenti: Janine Jackowski, Jonas Dornbach, Maren Ade Nov?anu nagradu, u iznosu od 16.000 ?, sufinansira Turisti?ka zajednica Kantona Sarajevo SRCE SARAJEVA ZA NAJBOLJEG REDITELJA Ru Hasanov, UNUTRA?NJE OSTRVO / DAXILD? KI ADA Azerbejd?an, Francuska Nov?anu nagradu, u iznosu od 10.000 ?, obezbje?uje Agnes B. SRCE SARAJEVA ZA NAJBOLJU GLUMICU Marija ?kari?i?, MARE ?vicarska, Hrvatska Nov?ana nagrada u iznosu od 2.500 ? SRCE SARAJEVA ZA NAJBOLJEG GLUMCA Vangelis Mourikis, KOPA? / DIGGER Gr?ka, Francuska Nov?ana nagrada u iznosu od 2.500 ? TAKMI?ARSKI PROGRAM ? DOKUMENTARNI FILM ?iri: Lejla Dedi? (producentica, Programski odjel, Al Jazeera Balkans, BiH) Goran Devi? (reditelj, Hrvatska) Tue Steen Müller (konsultant i kriti?ar za dokumentarne filmove) SRCE SARAJEVA ZA NAJBOLJI DOKUMENTARNI FILM MERRY CHRISTMAS, YIWU ?vedska, Srbija, Njema?ka, Francuska, Belgija,
Katar Re?ija: Mladen Kova?evi? Nov?anu nagradu, u iznosu od 3.000 ?, obezbje?uje Vlada ?vicarske SPECIJALNA NAGRADA ?IRIJA HOLY FATHER Rumunija Re?ija: Andrei D?sc?lescu Nov?ana nagrada u iznosu od 2.500 ? NAGRADA ZA LJUDSKA PRAVA ACAS? , MOJ DOM / ACAS? Rumunija, Njema?ka, Finska Re?ija: Radu Ciorniciuc Nagrada za ljudska prava dodjeljuje se za najbolji film iz Takmi?arskog programa ? dokumentarni film koji obra?uje tematiku ljudskih prava. Nagradu u iznosu od 3.000 ? obezbje?uje Kraljevina Nizozemske. TAKMI?ARSKI PROGRAM ? KRATKI FILM ?iri: Stefan ? or?evi? (reditelj, Srbija) Thanasis Neofotistos (reditelj, Gr?ka) Ines Tanovi? (rediteljica, scenaristica, producentica, BiH) SRCE SARAJEVA ZA NAJBOLJI KRATKI FILM ? kvalifikacioni film za nominaciju za nagradu Oscar®
ANTIOTPAD Hrvatska Re?ija: Tin ?ani? Nov?anu nagradu, u iznosu od 2.500 ?, obezbje?uje Podravka SPECIJALNO PRIZNANJE ?IRIJA NJENIM STOPAMA / STA VÌMATA TIS Gr?ka Re?ija: Anastasia Kratidi TAKMI?ARSKI PROGRAM ? STUDENTSKI FILM ?iri: An?elija Andri? (koordinatorica za me?unarodne odnose u Filmskom centru Srbije, Srbija) Georges Goldenstern (generalni direktor, Cinéfondation, Francuska) Lana Mati? (producentica, Hrvatska) SRCE SARAJEVA ZA NAJBOLJI STUDENTSKI FILM VELIKA ISTANBULSKA DEPRESIJA / BÜYÜK ?STANBUL DEPRESYONU Turska, Japan
Re?ija: Zeynep Dilan Süren Nov?anu nagradu, u iznosu od 1.000 ?, obezbje?uje Vije?e za regionalnu saradnju. PO?ASNO SRCE SARAJEVA Michel Franco, reditelj Mads Mikkelsen, glumac NAGRADA AUDENTIA 2020 ?iri: Aida Begi?, rediteljica (BiH) Marco Müller, umjetni?ki direktor Me?unarodnog filmskog festivala ?Pingyao Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon? (Italija/Kina) Iris Zappe-Heller, zamjenica direktora i voditeljica Odjela za rodnu jednakost i raznolikost Austrijskog filmskog instituta (Austrija) GARAGE PEOPLE Re?ija: Natalija Yefimkina Nagrada se dodjeljuje redateljici dugometra?nog filma iz jednog od programa ovogodi?njeg Sarajevo Film Festivala, kao podr?ka za njezin sljede?i film. Nov?anu nagradu, u iznosu od 30.000 ?, obezbje?uje EURIMAGES CINELINK NAGRADE NAGRADE CINELINK KOPRODUKCIJSKOG MARKETA 2020. ?iri: Sehad ?eki?, Filmski centar Crne Gore Georges Goldenstern, Cinefondation Behrooz Hashemian, Silkroad Production Elena Kotová, Eurimages Annamaria Lodato, ARTE France Cinema Gordan Mati?, Filmski centar Srbije EURIMAGES CO-PRODUCTION DEVELOPMENT NAGRADA THE OTTER Re?ija: Sr?an Vuleti? Nagrada u iznosu 20.000 ?. NAGRADA FILMSKOG CENTRA CRNE GORE SPITE Re?ija: Andrijana Stojkovi? Nagrada u iznosu 10.000 ?. NAGRADA FILMSKOG CENTRA SRBIJE SUPPORTING ROLE Re?ija: Ana Urushadze Nagrada u iznosu 10.000 ?. ARTEKINO INTERNATIONAL NAGRADA SUDDENLY Re?ija: Melisa Önel Nagrada u iznosu od 6.000 ?. EAVE + NAGRADA Vasilis Chrysant hopoulos THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO KIMON
WORK IN PROGRESS NAGRADE ?iri: Elise Jalladeau, Thessaloniki International Film Festival Petra Kader-Göbel, The Post Republic Vanja Kaludjer?i?, International Film Festival Rotterdam Tobias Pausinger, The Match Factory Esra Demirkiran, Turska nacionalna radio-televizija NAGRADA TURSKE NACIONALNE RADIO-TELEVIZIJE ULBOLSYN Re?ija: Adilkhan Yerzhanov Nagrada u iznosu od 25.000 ?. POST REPUBLIC NAGRADA VERA DREAMS OF THE SEA Re?ija: Kaltrina Krasniqi Nagrada u postprodukcijskim uslugama u vrijednosti od 50.000 ?. CINELINK IRIDIUM NAGRADA MOON 66 QUESTIONS Re?ija: Jacqueline Lentzou Nagrada u postprodukcijskim uslugama u vrijednosti od 20.000 ?. CINELINK DRAMA NAGRADE ?iri: Cia Edström, TV Drama Vision - Göteborg Film Festival Neboj?a Taraba, Drugi Plan Miroslav Terzi?, reditelj NAGRADA HRVATSKOG AUDIOVIZUALNOG CENTRA BLACK DELTA Kreatori: Dragos Bucur i Sofia Bucur Stimulacijau razvoju projekta u vrijednostiod 15.000 ?. TV DRAMA VISION PITCH NAGRADA ABYSS Kreator: Marjan Al?evski Projekat?e biti prezentiranna TVDRAMAVISIONu Göteborgu. PARTNERSKE NAGRADE CINEUROPA NAGRADA ?iri: Marta Ba?aga, filmska kriti?arka, Poljska / Finska Boban Jevti?, kreativni direktor, Firefly, Srbija EXILE Re?ija: Visar Morina Nagradu dodjeljuje Cineuropa portal posve?en europskoj kinematografiji i njenim stvaraocima i to filmu koji, osim ?to nesporno posjeduje umjetni?ke kvalitete, tako?er promovira ideje europskog dijaloga i integracije. Vrijednost nagrade iznosi 5.000 ?. CICAE NAGRADA ?iri:
Éva Demeter, koordinatorica za me?unarodne odnose, kino TISZApART Mozi, Ma?arska Piotr Szczyszyk, programer i stru?njak za filmsku edukaciju, PA?ACOWE CINEMA, ZAMEK CULTURE CENTRE, Poljska Anika Danielle Wagner, programerka i kreativna direktorica kina Traumstern, Njema?ka MARE Re?ija: Andrea ?taka Me?unarodna konfederacija umjetni?kih kina (CICAE) nagra?uje film u selekciji Takmi?arskog programa igrani film. Nagra?eni film ?e dobiti posebnu podr?ku CICAE kada je u pitanju pomo? kod distribucije, prikazivanja filma i dopiranja do publike, putem mre?e od 3.000 kina. SARAJEVSKI KRATKOMETRA?NI KANDIDAT ZA EVROPSKU FILMSKU NAGRADU ?iri: Aleta Raji?, animatorica, BiH Amila Ramovi?, kustosica, BiH Andrei T?n?sescu, selektor, Rumunija ALL CATS ARE GREY IN THE DARK Re?ija: Lasse Linder Filmovi iz ove sekcije takmi?e se, zajedno s filmovima iz programa Takmi?arski program ? kratki film, za kandidaturu za nagradu Evropske filmske akademije (EFA), kao i za razmatranje za nominaciju za nagradu Oscar® Ameri?ke akademije filmskih umjetnosti i znanosti. NAGRADE STUDENTSKOG PROGRAMA BH. FILM ?iri: Sabrina Begovi? ?ori?, rediteljica, BiH Strajo Krsmanovi?, filmski teoreti?ar, BiH Mirza Skenderagi?, scenarista i filmski kriti?ar, BiH NAJBOLJI FILM B4 Re?ija: Alen ?imi? SPECIJALNA NAGRADA ?IRIJA ROOTS Re?ija: Stefan Tomi? SPECIJALNO PRIZNANJE ?IRIJA THRALL Re?ija: Igor ? uri? TALENTS SARAJEVO PACK & PITCH 2020. ?iri: Kathi Bildhauer, koordinatorica Berlinale Talents Asja Krsmanovi?, selektorica Sarajevo Film Festivala Yoel Meranda, producent, Kamara Ivana Peku?i?, producentica, Studio Chelia CINELINK NAGRADA ANNA GYIMESI AFFRICATA
STUDIO CHELIA NAGRADA CLARA KLEININGER NO ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM DOCUTALENTSFROMTHEEASTU SARADNJISA JI.HLAVA INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTARY FILM FESTIVALOM ?iri: Natalia Arshavskaya, akvizicije, Current Time TV Martichka Bozhilova, producent, Agitprop Wood Lin, direktor programa, TAIWAN International Documentary Festival Jarmila Outratová, rukovoditeljica industry odjela, Ji.hlava IDFF Tiffany Pritchard, novinarka, Filmmaker Magazine DOCU TALENTS AWARD ELEVATION Re?ija: Max Rudenko Nagradu u vrijednosti od 5000 USD obezbje?uje Current TV DOCU ROUGH CUT BOUTIQUE NAGRADE 2020. ?ir i: Laurien Ten Houten, IDFA Hanka Kastelicová, HBO Europe Catherine Le Clef, CAT&Docs Cristian Nicolescu, Digital Cube Brigid O'Shea, Dok Leipzig AVANPOST MEDIA NAGRADA MUSEUM OF REVOLUTION Re?ija: Sr?an Ke?a Nagrada u postprodukcijskim uslugama u vrijednosti od 20 000 ? CAT&DOCS NAGRADA COLORS OF TOBI Re?ija: Alexa Bakony Nagrada u vrijednosti od 2000 ? HBO EUROPE NAGRADA COLORS OF TOBI Re?ija: Alexa Bakony Nagrada u vrijednosti od 2000 ? IDFA PROJECT NAGRADA I DOK PREVIEW NAGRADA CHAMPIONS Re?ija: Ketevani Kapanadze Nagrada je u?e??e i prezentacija na IDFA 2020. i festivalu Dok Leipzig, u DOK Preview selekciji.
26t h Sarajevo Film Fest ival Awards OFFICIAL AWARDS
Award in the amount of ?2,500.
COMPETITION PROGRAMME ? FEATURE FILM President of t he Jury: Michel Hazanavicius (director, writer, France) Mem bers of t he Jury: Carlo Chatrian (artistic director of the Berlin International Film Festival, Germany) Jadranka ? oki? (actress, Croatia) Srdan Golubovi? (director, Serbia) Andrea Stavenhagen (head of industry and training projects of the Morelia Film Festival, Mexico)
HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD ACAS? , MY HOME / ACAS? Romania, Germany, Finland Director: Radu Ciorniciuc Best film of the Competition Programme Documentary Film dealing with the subject of human rights. Award in the amount of ?3,000, sponsored by the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
HEART OF SARAJEVO FOR BEST FEATURE FILM EXILE / EXIL Germany, Belgium, Kosovo Director: Visar Morina Producers: Janine Jackowski, Jonas Dornbach, Maren Ade Award in the amount of ?16,000, co-sponsored by the Tourism Association of Canton Sarajevo HEART OF SARAJEVO FOR BEST DIRECTOR Ru Hasanov, THE ISLAND WITHIN / DAXILD? KI ADA Azerbaijan, France Award in the amount of ?10,000, sponsored by Agnes B. HEART OF SARAJEVO FOR BEST ACTRESS Marija ?kari?i?, MARE Switzerland, Croatia Award in the amount of ?2,500 HEART OF SARAJEVO FOR BEST ACTOR Vangelis Mourikis, DIGGER Greece, France Award in the amount of ?2,500 COMPETITIONPROGRAMME ? DOCUMENTARY FILM Jury: Lejla Dedi? (producer, programme department, Al Jazeera Balkans, BiH) Goran Devi? (director, Croatia) Tue Steen Müller (documentary consultant and critic, Denmark) HEARTOFSARAJEVOFORBESTDOCUMENTARY FILM MERRY CHRISTMAS, YIWU Sweden, Serbia, Germany, France, Belgium, Qatar Director: Mladen Kova?evi? Award in the amount of ?3,000, sponsored by the Government of Switzerland SPECIAL JURY AWARD HOLY FATHER Romania Director: Andrei D?sc?lescu
COMPETITION PROGRAMME ? SHORT FILM Jury: Stefan ? or?evi? (director, Serbia) Thanasis Neofotistos (director, Greece) Ines Tanovi? (director, screenwriter, producer, BiH) HEART OF SARAJEVO FOR BEST SHORT FILM Academy Award® qualifying ANTIOTPAD Croatia Director: Tin ?ani? Award in the amount of ?2,500, sponsored by Podravka SPECIAL JURY MENTION IN HER STEPS / STA VÌMATA TIS Greece Director: Anastasia Kratidi COMPETITION PROGRAMME ? STUDENT FILM Jury: An?elija Andri? (international relations coordinator at Film Center Serbia, Serbia) Georges Goldenstern (general manager, Cinéfondation, France) Lana Mati? (producer, Croatia) HEART OF SARAJEVO FOR BEST STUDENT FILM THE GREAT ISTANBUL DEPRESSION / BÜYÜK ISTANBUL DEPRESYONU Turkey, Japan Director: Zeynep Dilan Süren Award in the amount of ?1,000, sponsored by the Regional Cooperation Council HONORARY HEART OF SARAJEVO AWARD Michel Franco, director Mads Mikkelsen, actor AUDENTIA AWARD 2020 Jury: Aida Begi?, director, BiH Marco Müller, artistic director, Pingyao Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon International Film Festival, Italy/China Iris Zappe-Heller, deputy director, head of the Gender and Diversity Department, Austria
GARAGE PEOPLE Director: Natalija Yefimkina The award will be given to the female director of a feature film from one of this year?s Sarajevo Film Festival programmes, as a support for her future film. Award in the amount of 30,000 ?, sponsored by EURIMAGES CINELINK AWARDS CINELINKCO-PRODUCTION MARKETAWARDS2020 Jury: Sehad ?eki?, Film Center Montenegro Georges Goldenstern, Cinefondation Behrooz Hashemian, Silkroad Production Elena Kotová, Eurimages Annamaria Lodato, ARTE France Cinema Gordan Mati?, Film Center Serbia
CINELINK IRIDIUM AWARD MOON 66 QUESTIONS Director: Jacqueline Lentzou Awardin-kindpost-production servicesworth20,000? CINELINK DRAMA AWARDS Jury: Cia Edström, TV Drama Vision - Göteborg Film Festival Neboj?a Taraba, Drugi Plan Miroslav Terzi?, director CROATIAN AUDIOVISUAL CENTER DRAMA AWARD BLACK DELTA Creators: Dragos Bucur i Sofia Bucur Award in amount of 15,000 ? to stimulate the development process of selected project
EURIMAGESCO-PRODUCTION DEVELOPMENT AWARD THE OTTER Director: Sr?an Vuleti? Award in amount of 20,000 ?
TV DRAMA VISION PITCH AWARD ABYSS Creator: Marjan Al?evski Project selected to be presented at TV Drama Vision in Göteborg
FILM CENTER MONTENEGRO CINELINK AWARD SPITE Director: Andrijana Stojkovi? Award in amount of 10,000 ?
FILM CENTER SERBIA CINELINK AWARD SUPPORTING ROLE Director: Ana Urushadze Award in amount of 10,000 ? ARTEKINO INTERNATIONAL PRIZE SUDDENLY Director: Melisa Önel Award in amount of 6,000 ? EAVE + AWARD Vasilis Chrysant hopoulos THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO KIMON CINELINK WORK IN PROGRESS AWARDS Jury: Elise Jalladeau, Thessaloniki International Film Festival Petra Kader-Göbel, The Post Republic Vanja Kaludjer?i?, International Film Festival Rotterdam Tobias Pausinger, The Match Factory Esra Demirkiran, Turkish National Radio Television TURKISH NATIONAL RADIO TELEVISION AWARD ULBOLSYN Director: Adilkhan Yerzhanov Award in amount of 25,000 ? POST REPUBLIC AWARD VERA DREAMS OF THE SEA Director: Kaltrina Krasniqi Award in-kind post-productionservicesworth 50,000 ?
CINEUROPA AWARD Jury: Marta Ba?aga, film critic, Poland/Finland Boban Jevti?, creative director, Firefly, Serbia EXILE Director: Visar Morina Awarded by the Cineuropa portal, the site dedicated to European cinema and film professionals, the Cineuropa Prize is awarded to a film that, besides having indisputable artistic qualities, promotes the idea of European dialogue and integration. The value of this award is ?5,000. CICAE AWARD Jury: Éva Demeter, International relations coordinator at TISZApART, Mozi, Hungary Piotr Szczyszyk, programmer and film education specialist of the PA?ACOWE CINEMA in ZAMEK CULTURE CENTRE, Poland Anika Danielle Wagner, programmer and creative head of Traumstern Kino, Germany MARE Director: Andrea ?taka The International Confederation of Art Cinemas (CICAE) awards a film from the Competition Programme ? Feature Film. The winning film receives CICAE support in terms of distribution, exhibition, and audience outreach, throughout a network of 3,000 cinemas. SARAJEVO SHORT FILM CANDIDATE FOR THE EUROPEAN FILM AWARDS
Jury: Aleta Raji?, animator, BiH Amila Ramovi?, curator, BiH Andrei T?n?sescu, programmer, Romania ALL CATS ARE GREY IN THE DARK Director: Lasse Linder Films in the European Shorts section compete alongside the regional Competition Shorts for an EFA Short Film Candidacy at the European Film Awards and to qualify for an Academy Award (Oscar®) nomination.
Current TV DOCU ROUGH CUT BOUTIQUE AWARDS Jury: Laurien Ten Houten, IDFA Industry & Docs for Sale manager Hanka Kastelicová, VP of Documentaries HBO Europe Catherine Le Clef, president and founder of CAT&Docs Cristian Nicolescu, co-founder of Digital Cube Brigid O'Shea, head of Dok Leipzig Industry
BH FILM STUDENT PROGRAMME AWARDS Jury: Sabrina Begovi? ?ori?, director BiH Strajo Krsmanovi?, film theoretician, BiH Mirza Skenderagi?, screenwriter and film critic, BiH
AVANPOST MEDIA AWARD MUSEUM OF REVOLUTION Director: Sr?an Ke?a In kind post-production services worth 20 000 ?
BEST BH STUDENT FILM B4 Director: Alen ?imi?
CAT&DOCS AWARD COLORS OF TOBI Director: Alexa Bakony Award in amount of 2000 ?
SPECIAL JURY AWARD ROOTS Director: Stefan Tomi? SPECIAL JURY MENTION THRALL Director: Igor ? uri? TALENTS SARA JEVO PACK & PITCH 2020 Jury: Kathi Bildhauer, coordinator, Berlinale Talents, Project Market Asja Krsmanovi?, Sarajevo Film Festival programmer Yoel Meranda, producer, Kamara Ivana Peku?i?, producer, Studio Chelia CINELINK AWARD ANNA GYIMESI AFFRICATA STUDIO CHELIA AWARD CLARA KLEININGER NO ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM DOCU TALENTS FROM THE EAST PRESENTED BY JI.HLAVA INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTARY FILM FESTIVAL Jury: Natalia Arshavskaya, acquisitions, Current Time TV Martichka Bozhilova, producer, Agitprop Wood Lin, Program Director, TAIWAN International Documentary Festival Jarmila Outratová, head of industry, Ji.hlava IDFF Tiffany Pritchard, journalist, Filmmaker Magazine DOCU TALENTS AWARD ELEVATION Director: Max Rudenko Award in the amount of 5000 USD sponsored by
HBO EUROPE AWARD COLORS OF TOBI Director: Alexa Bakony Award in amount of 2000 ? IDFA PROJECT AWARD & DOK PREVIEW AWARD CHAMPIONS Director: Ketevani Kapanadze The winner will be fully invited to present a project at IDFA 2020 and DOK Leipzig 2020