Easy Development, Easy Testing – AngularJS Test Frameworks and Tools

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Easy Testing –

NGULARJS Test Frameworks And Tools

Easy Development, Easy Testing – AngularJS Test Frameworks and Tools

HTML enhanced for web apps is unquestionably AngularJS. It is maintained and promoted by Google as an open source web application framework for web applications requiring HTML, CSS and JavaScripts at the client side. The MVC or the model view controller makes both development and testing easier by enhancing web apps. Angular JS extends the HTML vocabulary to facilitate the extending of HTML vocabulary for dynamic views. This enhancement is a boost for traditional HTML which is known to be the best for static documents. AngularJS libraries read HTML containing tag attributes to follow the directives from the tags. The input or output of the page is bound to a model represented by JavaScript variables whose values are manipulated from Static or Dynamic JSON resources. The two way data binding makes it an effective tool for efficiently building client-side web apps.

Test Frameworks and Tools for AngularJS The numerous AngularJS tools and test frameworks enable a conducive environment for the much desired perfect test. Karma is the Test Runner for Angular JS which can be used to test on real devices. It is an open source framework developed for and maintained by the open source community at GitHub. It provides Easy debugging directly from IDE via WebStorm or Google Chrome and provides

continuous integration with Jenkins, Travis or Semaphore, describing tests with Jasmine, Mocha, QUnit or write a simple adapter for any framework of choice. Angular Mocks is a Namespace from ‘angular-mocks.js’ which contains testing related code providing support for injecting and mocking Angular services in unit tests.

Protractor is an E2E test framework for Angular apps. It launches the app in a browser and interacts with it via Selenium for testing. On the other hand we have Mocha, a feature-rich JavaScript test framework running on node.js and the browser for asynchronous testing. Mocha tests run serially, allowing for flexible and accurate reporting, while mapping uncaught exceptions to the correct test cases. Chai is a BDD / TDD assertion library for node.js and the browser that can be coupled with any javascript testing framework. For extending Chai, we have Chai as Promised; a Chai plug-in really helpful for dealing with function calls that return a promise. It extends Chai with assertions about promises. Browseify allows reducing modules of code between files in the project by bundling up all dependencies. We also have Lodash a Utility Library delivering consistency, customization and performance. These utilities are used to extend JavaScript and make it easier to work with. Sinon is a standalone test spies, stubs and mocks for JavaScript; with no dependencies and works with any unit testing framework. It is a Stubbing and mocking library. It is used to mock out directive and controller dependencies in unit tests, and to check that functions are being called with the correct arguments. These numerous frameworks assert the competency of a JavaScript by providing a much desired competent test environment.

The SPEC Centre of Excellence comprehends the dynamics of managing Software Development Projects. The SPEC CoE is armed with a dynamic Quality Circle. This is a subset of our quality – mature workforce, who propels us and leads us to adhere to the high standards of performance we have set for ourselves with ISO 9001:2008. We can now, with this commitment proudly boast of unparalleled performances in Automated Testing, Desktop Applications Testing, Web Applications Testing, Mobile Applications Testing and of course Cross Browser Compatibility Testing.

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