So let’s take it back to second grade, when our friendship was first made.
You are a beautiful person inside and out! I think you deserve a little something to remind you just how much, and how long, you have been loved. Through all the years I have known you, I couldn’t have asked for a more lovable, kind, and caring friend.
And to sleepovers playing “light as a feather stiff as a board,” Because we couldn’t let this super cool trick go unexplored.
But during the day we were the best kind of nerds in D.I. Rising above the rest, together we could reach the sky.
Let’s not forget when you were a part of the cool pants club, when we were way more stylish than the general pub...lic.
I was always the one to make silly faces, Thanks for putting up with me in public places.
And fondly remember the memory of our weekend trip. You were my best friend, a most cherished relationship.
Of course, everyone is awkward in junior high, but we all had fun going through it side by side.
We made it through that clumsy phase. Finally we were cool kids in our high school days.
Then again, maybe not, since we took spanish three, But hey, I loved it with you and Anna with me!
And what’s high school without the dances with friends? It’s true when they say it is sad when it ends.
I may have gotten to see you every day back then, but today that makes it even better when, I finally get to see you when I escape Columbus. I am excited for all the great things to come and where the future takes us! I love you Elizabeth! Hope you’re “feeling 22” and have the happiest of birthdays!