Issue 3, Volume 94

Page 26

The Pepperbox | Page 26

The Saltbox Public displays of affection Opinion

Thursday, February 17th, 2022

Things we’re salty about

Eva Johnson


Copy Editor

ublic displays of affection, more commonly known as PDA, are the bane of my existence. Well, during school hours at least. As a senior, I’ve almost made it through the complicated roller coaster called high school, and I’ve learned to deal with the majority of challenges that come with it. However, one thing that continues to piss me off is the amount of PDA that I’ve witnessed. I don’t care who you are and who you are with. It’s the fact that it’s eight-thirty in the morning, I’m barely awake and I have to walk past three couples that can’t seem to keep their freaking hands off one another. I only want to walk down the stairs and hallways without being bombarded by love (if that’s what you can call making out in school).

I don’t think that’s too much to ask. School is not a place for romance. We are literally learning in a place designed by a prison architect. Is that the kind of romantic environment that high schoolers find appealing? Get yourself together. Go somewhere scenic, maybe the beach during sunset while you watch and listen to the waves, to up the love factor. If you are with someone that thinks making out near the high school stairs is sexy, you are one hundred percent settling. Do not settle. Go find someone who would rather make out at the beach than in a school hallway with people walking by. It’s utterly ridiculous, and no one cares enough about your relationship to want to see how in love you may be. I’m a bit pessimistic on love, I’m not going to lie,

Two students hold hands in the hallway but it doesn’t take away from the fact that seeing people rubbing up against each other when I’m trying to eat my lunch makes me want to vomit. Please let me eat in peace. If you really need to express your love to each other that badly, maybe write a letter. It’s a lost art and more romantic anyway. Af-


ter school, I couldn’t give two s**ts about what you do, but if I have to encounter one more couple blocking the hallway because they want to show off, I might scream. I’m not joking. Be in love as much as you want, but don’t force me to endure it when all I want to do is go home, please and thanks.

COVID is not a joke, I promise Emily Nalley


Sports Editor

y now, everyone should know that there is rapid COVID testing outside of the Principal’s Office, and if you didn’t know, now you do. One would think that most people who are in line to get tested are thinking that they might have COVID or have been exposed. So, tell me why so many people don’t wear their masks in this line. It seems like common sense that if they think that they might have COVID, they would want to protect those around them. And even if they don’t and they are just in the testing line to be safe,

they would want to protect themselves by wearing a mask properly, and wearing a mask properly. Not below the nose or just loosely around your face. The nose wire should be pinched to frame the nose correctly. All of us are tired of this too. After two years, everyone just wants to get back to normal and with so many people being so idiotic we keep having surges. The testing line seems like one of the most likely places for that person to be. It just seems weird and ironic to me that so many sport naked faces during the middle of a pandemic.

Also, when some people who have found out that they have COVID have been hanging out with their friends afterwards and talking about how they are happy to have the virus COVID. What is that? Do people not know how many people have died or have life changing problems? Over 870,000 people have died in the United States according to the CDC and people are out here not wearing their masks in the COVID testing lines? Rapid tests are already in high demand in the United States and there are many other people who are struggling to get tested.

We are lucky to have access to them at Arcata High School and people aren’t taking it seriously. Consider the safety of those who are testing all of the students. They don’t deserve the disrespect of students who aren’t wearing their masks. Nobody deserves the extra risk of people not wearing their masks in the testing line. To help protect yourself and others around you KN95s are the best mask to wear. And for your information you can pick them up for free at school so there should be no excuse to not be wearing one.

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