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Windows vs Desks
Thursday, April 7th, 2022 Opinion
Wheels or doors? Desks or windows?
Ty Franklin
Photo Editor
Wheels vs. Doors: The infamous debate that has taken the internet by storm.
On March 4th, 2022 New Zealander Ryan Nixon, took to Twitter to ask this: "Do you think there are more doors or wheels in the world?"
Since then, the debate has been raging and has taken new forms.
Friends against friends, brothers against brothers, one angry determined social media user versus another.
The debate is real and tempers are flaring. So I thought why not bring the debate to Arcata High School? As I was sitting in my comfy little journalism desk, it hit me. I looked down and then up and around the room.
There were tons of DESKS! The creative juices were flowing, I stood up and looked out the WINDOW.
There it was, right in front of me: the glorious transparent glowing rectangle of glass.
I rushed to our social media editor Dele Rebstock to create a poll on the AHS Pepperbox Instagram to see what the student body had to say.
The final results: windows 48% and desks 52%! I then took it to the halls of AHS and put my plan into full effect.
Setting off on my journey, I met fellow students Sam Erdmann and Keigen Shaykett in the parking lot.
“There's an average of 30 desks per classroom and there's a lot of classrooms.
Since you're seeing all these windows, it's easy to go with the window argument because they're all right there in front of you,” expressed Erdmann.
“But I mean look at the front of the FAB, that's at least 30 windows right there. That's one classroom of desks versus windows,” argued Shaykett.
After some more discussion, I bid farewell to the parking lot fellows. I made my way up to the math wing, and to my surprise, I found lots of desk people.
“The school was modeled after a prison and therefore has very few windows,” stated senior Meadow Jennings.
Although this may be a rumor, it is a solid point. Some students wanted me to elaborate on what counts as a desk or window, but I told them it was up to their interpretation.
The debate had started and opinions were forming and falling. Will Bagnall’s math students seemed to be dead set on desks - when asked why they said “ there's desks in every classroom!”
Math student John Gerving was asking the right questions, “Are we saying the tables in Mr. Bagnall’s rooms are desks? Are they one desk though?”
I then decided to take a quick stop at Jeff Mielke’s classroom to get his opinion, since he is an avid member of the doors versus wheels internet debate.
“When I look at the hallways, they are covered in windows, and not every classroom has traditional desks. So I got windows, and even my traditional desk classroom has only like five more desks than windows,” Mielke casually stated before going back to teaching his class.
I then stumbled upon the P.E. class, and was met by the friendly faces of Alex Gorge, Nick Parker, and Isaiah Preciado.
“There's got to be way more desks,” said Preciado.
“There's got to be way more windows!” Gorge countered.
“No way!” Preciado and Parker chimed simultaneously.
“Think about P.E. and this area up here, not a single flipping desk and there's so many more windows,” Gorge argued.
“There's classes with like 30 something kids, and a back row of maybe 8-10 windows…,” Preciado trailed off as we walked by the daunting back of the classrooms near the tennis court.
“That’s a lot of windows,” Parker observed.
What you believe is up to you. Same with this whole futile foolish debate. It is fairly amusing to see how heated one can get over an argument that won't get itself anywhere. Although I do feel like it could be doable to tally up the windows and desks here on campus.
So if that is how you choose to spend your time, be my guest, and I will happily listen to your gathered data.
Until then I am going to bathe in the greatest mystery known to Arcata High School - windows or desks?

1. A plump, orange bird 2. "Basking in the ____" 3. Where seeds are planted 5. Follow this to find a pot of gold 9. A small, red and black insect 10. A jumpy amphibian 11. A traditional spring chore 12. The beginning of a flower 14. A part of a flower 16. "The Easter ____" 17. What came first? "The Chicken or the ____?" 19. A striped, stinging insect
4. "The smell of fresh ____" 6. This month's showers bring May flowers 7. A small, yellow flower 8. The flowers ____ in the meadow 12. A colorful, fragile insect 13. What flowers do in spring 15. Food on a blanket 16. A slight wind 18. "The early bird gets the ____" 20. The color of spring