1 minute read


The site located in front of Pattaya beach, so the aim of this project is to enhance natural ventilation and the beach atmosphere by using a green court and a single corridor.

The configuration is generated from a modular system, which consists of function, front of function, circulation, and green space. A court is an open area surrounded by buildings or walls. Therefore, a Green court is created by the fabric of a modular unit.


The building is divided into two main parts including Hospital and Longstay building. These two parts are connected by a sunbath deck. Each building has their court that enhances natual ventilation.

Bangkok Design Week 2022

Process Output

These wind parameters are used to created rhe generative art.

Generative Art

The existence of wind, the wind is alive, Wind behavior, Wind through the medium, Lives through the wind; “The existence of wind”. The generative art shows 5 characters of wind generated from parameters of wind diagrams. When the amplitude increases, more air moves from the areas with high pressure to the areas with low pressure.

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