Sara Pasqui_Architecture Portfolio

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sarapasqui architecture p o r t f o l i o


I wish to bring to your kindly attention my CV and portfolio as a possible application in your company. I graduated in Architecture in 2014 at the University of Florence, vote 110 cum laude/110. I developed a wealth of knowledge during the years of university. I appreciated the Architecture as an expressive form in motion that can involve in different trial and I believe into the power of details that give importance to the ornament. Over the past two years I have been employed by ASZarchitetti where I have work for a variety of residential commercial and retail projects with brands like Gucci and Burberry. I increased my skills and knowledge of structural and interior design, following all the project phases from the first conceptual idea to final construction drawings. I learned to be a conscientious person who works hard and pay attention to details. I’m versatile and adaptable to different type of work approach, quick to pick up new skills and eager to learn from others. I acquired an excellent ability to work in teams but at the same time to organize work autonomously, with flexibility, determination and goal orientation. Currently I’m looking for a new working experience that allows me to increase my technical knowledge in the field of interior design and possibly addressed in an ongoing collaboration. I would be delighted to discuss any possible collaboration with you at your convenience. Immediate availability. In case you don’t have any suitable vacancy at the moment, I would be grateful if you would keep in mind my CV for any future possibilities. Thank you in advance for your attention. Sara Pasqui

PROFILE name birth address mail mobile

Sara Pasqui 07/01/1988 - Arezzo, Italy via Basso 23/2, Cesa (AR) via Sant’Orsola 6, Firenze +39 3389939253


September 2015


License to practise Architecture in Italy Ordine degli Architetti Pianificatori Paesaggisti e Conservatori di Arezzo


June 2015 - December 2016 ASZarchitetti | Firenze - Milano - Dubai - Shanghai

role tasks

Project Architect as a member of SUPERFUTUREDESIGN* team –– Oriana beauty salon and spa for women in Jeddah (KSA).

New concept design, material selection and final construction drawings –– Private villa in Dubai (UAE). Indoor-outdoor renovation.

New concept design, material selection and final construction drawings –– Private villa near Milan (IT). Refurbishment of an old farmhouse.

Space planning and elevantions, material selection and final construction drawings –– Private villa near Siena (IT). Refurbishment of an typical farmhouse.

Final construction drawings and electrical drawings –– Japanese restaurant in Shanghai (CN).

Concept design, preliminary space planning and layout –– Urban shelter competition in Dubai (UAE).

Proposal for a multi-functional community pavillon for the city (client: Dubai Municipality) –– Layout and graphic design for ASZ projects brochures

role tasks

Project Manager Assistant as a member of the retail team –– Istituto Marangoni school of fashion Headquarter in Florence (IT). Space

planning and elevantions, final construction drawings (client: Kryalos SGR) –– Gucci Concept Kids. Layout for any worldwide location –– Gucci retail projects in Milan (IT), Dubai (UAE), Istanbul (TR) –– Burberry retail projects in Geneve (CH), Milan (IT), Rome (IT), Doha (QA)

date office role tasks

May - August 2013 Eutropia Architettura | Firenze Trainee –– Private house in Florence (IT). Indoor renovation. Architectural design, 2d drawings and grafic design –– “Nuovo complesso parrocchiale San Benedetto. Lamezia Terme” design competition. Architectural and urban design, 2d drawings and grafic design (client: Diocesi di Lamezia Terme - CZ)

EDUCATION date title grade school project supervisors

September 2007 - December 2014 Master Degree in Architecture 110 cum laude/110 University of Florence. Architectural Department “Rovine in attesa. Recupero e riqualificazione del parco archeologico di San Cornelio ad Arezzo” Prof. Arch. Andrea I. Volpe

date title school project

21 - 25 May 2012 Partecipate certification | Atelier Internacional d’Architecture workshop Marrakech University Cadi Ayyad, Morocco “Tameslohte. Architecture, Patrimoine et Developpement Durable”

date title school project

24 - 28 May 2010 Partecipate certification Scuola Professionale Edile, Firenze Practise of renovation and restoration of architectural construction methods

LANGUAGE SKILLS mother tongue other languages

Italian English French

upper intermediate basic

COMPUTER SKILLS Photoshop Indesign Illustrator Autocad Microsoft Office

Mac Os AppleWorks Rhinoceros Cinema 4D Sketchup

ORGANISATIONAL SKILLS Good communication skills thanks to team work experiences Good ability of working during pressure time due to delivery’s deadline Excellent ability to create new ideas and intuitions in order to achieve any goal Organizational management and leadership skills

OTHER SKILLS Predisposition to manual activities, drawing, painting and modeling

REFERENCES available on request

ORIANA BEAUTY SALON AND SPA IN JEDDAH (KSA) Realized Project date role office tasks

June - December 2015 Project Architect ASZarchitetti -New concept design -Material selection -Final construction drawings

The new concept of this brand reflects the determination to upgrade the overall beauty experience for its clients. Inspired by the pebbles found in a zen garden, two massive round silhouettes greet the clients as they open the doors. Moving on to the next areas, sound absorbing ceiling curved panels, inspired by the sound waves, penetrate into the hairdressing salon and often come down to the floor to give more privacy through the stations. A vertical garden acts as a focal feature while separating the environments. The use of natural woods, marbles and warm colors complete the look, giving a unique feeling of relaxation and comfort throughout the spaces.

VILLA IN DUBAI (UAE) Realized Project date role office tasks

January - May 2016 Project Architect ASZarchitetti -New concept design -Material selection -Final construction drawings

The main purpose of this project is the renovation of interior finishes, lighting and furniture, envisioning it also from a functional perspective. The project aims to rethink some of the apartment interior spaces: the entrance area, all five bathrooms and the vertical connection between the two floors of the house, ending in the reading area for family and entertainment for friends. The goal of the achiever is to combine the modern look with a sofisticated design, while keeping a connection to the arabian environment where the house is located. The overall quality on the inside was enhanced with the use of high-end materials made in Italy with a sofisticated design that radically transform its face.


May - August 2013 Trainee Eutropia Architettura -Architectural design -2d drawings -Grafic design

The architectural purpose that animated the urban component of the intervention is characterized by the intention to germinate an emergent form, a special building. The square outside the church courtyard was reshape giving it a smaller scale, in order to generate a compositional balance between the proportions of the building and the urban void that is the normal antechamber. As it happens in the historic fabric of many Italian cities, where church and square are unique space. The main facade of the church is thus aimed on the new square that continues around the church. In fact, the church is nestled in a ring, supporting the difference in level of the ground. It’s a sort of reinterpretation of the concept of the cloister , within which there are spaces to serve the parish in the call. The buildings adjacent to the church have been repositioned in a splint that goes to dialogue, rather than the church itself, with residential buildings places north of the project area. The remaining space is treated as a real equipped park, designed according to a graduated rhythm that solves the natural slope of the land in this area. It creates a sort of urban podium where, at the end of the perspective that stands against the backdrop of the hills, the new church can recite the right role.


The archeological area of Castelsecco is developed south of the city, on a hill considered the seat of the ancient Arezzo. The hill was the acropolis of the city, on the top there was a place of workship, the temple of the fertility’s goddess. Near the temple were found the remains of an ancient theater, the only example of Etruscan and Italic theater so far discreetly preserved.It has a strong sense of sacredness that should be stored in his recovery. The project must be based on respect for the site due to its antiquity, for the environment and on enhancement of the site as a meeting point. The theater’s facilities will be reported above ground and a new path will make easier to visitors to reach all levels of the auditorium. This ancient theater will become the master viewpoint towards the landscape and the etruscan ruins. Along the perimeter of the wall supporting the embankment of the theater, a small mirador rests on the lay of the land leaning on the terracing of the underlying olive groves. Further north, the medieval former church and the adjacent farmhouse are the only two buildings of the area that persist until today after several alterations. The consolidation will transform them in an antiquarium for exhibitions of archeological remains discovered in the area. Finally, the new pavilion and its open-air theater are like a door of the woods from which begins the visit, at the other side of the archeological site. Thanks to the clarity of its geometry and the purity of his material, the new theater emerges from the soil like a fragment. Through establishing connections between the various units of the park, the site is transformed into an organic museum complex in the open air. The goal is to lead visitors in a natural setting to be able to grasp from this divine hill the most significant perspective to the city.

THROUGH. ARCHITECTURE /ARCHEOLOGY OF THE MEMORY CONSTRUCTION. BERLIN (DE) Urban and architectural design synthesis laboratory Academic year 2011 - 2012

Theme of the project is the reorganization of Petriplatz, a long tight area of ​​ Gertraudenstrasse, in Mitte. Recent archaeological excavations have uncovered the remains of the church building and the Latin adjacent school. The topic of the ruins and the memory of the destroyed past is a complex and delicate matter for Berlin. Petrikirche’s excavations emerge on the surface of the square lowered above street level, needed a shelter. The project involves the building of a new evangelical church and a new museum and restauration school. This two opposing complex embrace the archaeological area, joined by a “porticato” that gives access to the volumes. The museum has a cubic, compact, closed shape on the street front, but it’s open with a large window on the excavations. Across the square, the complex of the new evangelical Petrikirche is distributed around a small courtyard that serves the environment for the community. Closed surfaces dominate the project and there’s the will to make use of a single coating material: brick klinker, that is part of the consistent German building tradition.

TAMESLOHTE. ARCHITECTURE, PATRIMOINE ET DEVELOPMENT DURABLE (MA) Architectural, Materials and Environment Laboratory Academic year 2011 - 2012

The project was developed through the workshop in Marrakech in agreement with the local university, during which we organized a survey in the small town of Tameslohte, known as an important religious center. Today it’s almost abandoned: the holy square is an urban void surrounded by ruined houses and small commercial huts activities at the ground floor. There are also a lot of important religious buildings: the marabout, the mosque and the minaret that dominate the public square. There is a sense of sacredness that must be preserved with the requalification of this area. The goal of the project was to return to the holy identity, with the restoration of the Hammam and the existing Medersa, the cultural and education center. The community needs also a redefinition of the commercial area. The new square, reminiscent of the plot of carpets and typical ceramic creations, becomes a place to stroll, linger in the shade of trees and cool off in the fountains. Taking advantage of the construction techniques of raw land, the souk has been reproduced in small scale. It represent the arabian market for the exchange of goods, social gatherings and the exhibition of the principal daily activities. The commercial area has been renovated with small stagger volumes in raw land, placed under a woven mesh roof that shelters from sunlight and gives a shaded space.

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