Perspectivas #11

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Editorial (5)



Editorial details #11 Perspectivas – Portuguese Journal of Political Science and International Relations A Journal of the NICPRI – Centre of Research in Political Science and International Relations Director: José António Palmeira, University of Minho, Portugal Editors: Isabel Camisão, University of Coimbra, Portugal Isabel Estrada Carvalhais, University of Minho, Portugal Silvério Rocha-Cunha, University of Évora, Portugal Editorial Board Ana Paula Brandão

Paulo Eduardo Guimarães

University of Minho, Portugal

University of Évora, Portugal

Fátima Jorge Oliveira

Manuel Couret Branco

University of Évora, Portugal

Hélder Adegar Fonseca

University of Évora, Portugal

Isabel Estrada Carvalhais University of Minho, Portugal

João Tiago Lima

University of Évora, Portugal

José António Palmeira

University of Minho, Portugal

Laura C. Ferreira-Pereira

University of Minho, Portugal

Luís Filipe Lobo-Fernandes University of Minho, Portugal

University of Évora, Portugal

Maria de Deus Manso

University of Évora, Portugal

Miguel Rocha e Sousa

University of Évora, Portugal

Nuno Salter Cid

University of Évora, Portugal

Pilar Damião

University of Azores, Portugal

Rogério Leitão

University of Coimbra, Portugal

Silvério Rocha-Cunha

University of Évora, Portugal

International Scientific Advisory Board André Freire

José Esteves Pereira

Catherine Wihtol de Wenden

José Magone

Jan Klíma

Michael Baum

John A. Groom

Richard Gunther

José Eduardo Faria

Robin Cohen

ISCTE-IUL, Portugal Sciences-PO, France

University of Hradec Kralové, Czech Republic University of Kent, United Kingdom University of São Paulo, Brazil

Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany University of Harvard, USA Ohio State University, USA University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Perspectivas – Portuguese Journal of Political Science and International Relations (ISSN (print) 1646-2157) is published twice a year by NICPRI – Centre of Research in Political Science and International Relations (University of Minho, Braga and University of Évora, Évora, Portugal) Copyright © 2013 NICPRI The Perspectivas – Portuguese Journal of Political Science and International Relations is a peer reviewed journal with an external blind referee system. It accepts original articles not under consideration elsewhere at the time of submission. See the Editorial Policy and Guidelines for Authors at the end of this Journal and in NICPRI´s website For subscriptions, acquisition of previous numbers and exchange policy contact Legal deposit: 226989/05 Indexation: LATINDEX Price: 12,5€ Copy edition: 1000 items Graphic design, Paging and Printing by Candeias Artes Gráficas – Braga, Portugal;




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Perspectivas #9

Perspectivas Portuguese Journal of Political Science and International Relations Editorial Policy The Perspectivas – Portuguese Journal of Political Science and International Relations is a peer reviewed journal with external blind referee system which aims at publishing high quality articles that may bring innovative and significant theoretical, conceptual, methodological and empirical contributions to the fields of Political Science and International Relations. The Perspectivas has a particular interest in interdisciplinary approaches to the Por­ tuguese and Lusophone political spaces, whether through comparative or single case-study analysis, but by no means restricts its interests to these spaces, welcoming any relevant contribution from and about different parts of the World. The views and opinions expressed in the articles are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Editors.

They may be up to 1000 words, and follow the journal’s editorial style (see Guidelines for Authors).

The Perspectivas accepts original articles which are not under consideration elsewhere at the time of submission.

General Guidelines for Submission

Policy for non-original articles As norm, the Journal does not accept for publi­ cation as originals, articles that have been published elsewhere in languages different from that of submission. However, articles published elsewhere (regardless of original language) may be exceptionally considered by the Journal, provided that the authors state clearly in the submission form that the article is not an original and prove to have permission to reproduce copyright material (see more information in Copyright Policy). Special issues

– Articles may be submitted in one of the following languages: Portuguese, English, Spa­nish, Italian, and French. – Articles should not exceed 8000 words in length, including footnotes, bibliographic re­fe­rences, tables, graphics and figures. – Articles should be free from jargon, biased and offensive language. – Abstracts should have 250 words maximum, followed by a maximum of five keywords. – Abstracts must be provided in English, in Portuguese, and in the article’s original language if different from the previous two.

The Journal welcomes proposals for Special Issues. Proposals for organising special issues should be sent directly to

– The Journal does not provide translation ser­ vices. However, it may exceptionally translate abstracts into Portuguese at the authors’ request.

Book reviews

– Articles should be provided in editable formats (not PDF).

Book reviews may be submitted at any time.

A Europa, Portugal e os Desafios da Globalização: Perspectivas Transdisciplinares


Perspectivas – Portuguese Journal of Political Science and International Relations, N.º 10, September 2013

– Articles should be 1,5 spaced throughout (including all quotations, footnotes and referen­ ces), with generous margins on both sides of the pages and pages numbered consecutively. – The style applicable is the Turabian Style (see also Norms on Bibliographic References). – Authors are responsible for ensuring that their manuscripts conform to the Journal style. – Articles must be submitted on line in www. at Document Submission. On-line Anonymity Policy

Wiese, Andrew. 2006. “The house I live in”: Race, class, and African American suburban dreams in the postwar United States. In The new suburban history, ed. Kevin M. Kruse and Thomas J. Sugrue, 99119. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Book published electronically Kurland, Philip B., and Ralph Lerner, eds. 1987. The founders’ Constitution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. /founders/ (accessed June 27, 2006).

Details about the author(s) and/or academic/pro­ fessional affiliations must be provided only where requested during the on-line submission process as to ensure the anonymity of the submission.

Article in a print journal

For further information please contact

Article in an online journal

Guidelines for Style ans References


Chapter of a book

Footnotes Notes should be marked clearly in the text at the point of punctuation by superior numbers, and listed consecutively at the bottom of each page.

Smith, John Maynard. 1998. The origin of altru­ ism. Nature 393: 639-40.

Hlatky, Mark A., Derek Boothroyd, Eric Vittinghoff, Penny Sharp, and Mary A. Whooley. 2002. Quali­tyof-life and depressive symptoms in postmenopausal women after receiving hormone therapy: Results from the Heart and Estrogen/Progestin Replacement Study (HERS) trial. Journal of the American Medical Association 287, n.º 5 (February 6), http:// html#aainfo (accessed January 7, 2004). Book review

References Please follow the Reference List Style, citing sources in parentheses in the text by author’s last name and date of publication.

Gorman, James. 2002. Endangered species. Review of The last American man, by Elizabeth Gilbert. New York Times Book Review, June 2.

For bibliographic references follow these exam­ ples:

Web site

Book One author: Doniger, Wendy. 1999. Splitting the difference. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Two authors: Cowlishaw, Guy, and Robin Dunbar. 2000. Primate conservation biology. Chicago: Uni­ versity of Chicago Press. Four or more authors: Laumann, Edward O., John H. Gagnon, Robert T. Michael, and Stuart Michaels. 1994. The social organization of sexuality: Sexual practices in the United States. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Evanston Public Library Board of Trustees. Evanston Public Library strategic plan, 20002010: A decade of outreach. Evanston Public Library. (accessed June 1, 2005). For more information, you may wish to consult the 7th Edition of Kate L. Turabian’s Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. Figures and tables – Figures and tables should be numbered in Arabic numerals, consecutively.

A Europa, Portugal e os Desafios da Globalização: Perspectivas Transdisciplinares

Perspectivas #9

– Figures and tables must be inserted in editable format at the end of the article’s text. – The text should indicate clearly where figures and tables are to be inserted definitely. – Figures and tables should be black & white. Formatting – One font size throughout. – Do not justify to the right. – Do not indent paragraphs. – Separate paragraphs by two hard returns. – Abbreviations consisting of capital letters, acronyms and contractions should not take full points. E.g.: UN, NATO, OSCE, EU. – Spell out numbers one to nine; use figures for numerals 10 and over. – Write out dates as follows: 15 June 1975. – Quoted material should be in single quotes, whether in text or notes. – Double quotes should be used for a quote within a quote. – Long quotations (30 words or more) should be indented without quotation marks. – Quotes within an indented quote should have single quotation marks. Headings and Subheadings Type headings and sub-headings at the left margin, using the following hierarchy: – First-level headings in bold, with an initial capital letter for any proper nouns. – Second-level headings in bold italics, with an initial capital letter for any proper nouns. – Third-level (and subsequent if necessary) in ita­ lics, with an initial capital letter for any proper nouns. Revised articles When submitting revised articles, authors must signal directly in the text all revisions made. Authors may also send a file with a direct response to the reviewers’ comments, with no reference

to contacts, names or institutional affiliations. This file will be sent to the reviewers, hence the importance of keeping anonymity. Answers and revisions should always be as neat and detailed as possible as to avoid any misinterpretations. The revised articles and any other files should be sent to the Journal using the author’s login area, and following the article’s identification provided by the Journal. Proofs The publisher will send final proofs directly to the authors and these should be returned after minor corrections within 20 days. Editing The editor retains the right to make minor stylistic changes to the finally accepted article. Copyright Policy Authors must be sure that they have permission to reproduce copyright material, prior to submitting their articles to this Journal. Authors must secure permission if they want to reproduce figures, tables, or any extract from the text of another source. This applies to direct reproduction as well as to any derivative reproduction. In assigning copyright, authors retain their right to use their own material elsewhere, provided that the Journal is acknowledged as the original place of publication, and the Editor (NICPRI) is notified in writing in advance. Further information on copyright policy please contact Offprints A PDF offprint of each article will be provided free of charge to each author. Additional offprints may be purchased by con­­tac­ting the Editor, according to a scale of charges. For further information please contact the Journal.

A Europa, Portugal e os Desafios da Globalização: Perspectivas Transdisciplinares


Perspectivas – Portuguese Journal of Political Science and International Relations, N.º 10, September 2013


A Europa, Portugal e os Desafios da Globalização: Perspectivas Transdisciplinares

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