2 minute read

Is It Time to Open our “International Eyes” Again?

By: Dave Swenson, Broker/Owner, 1st Premier International Properties

Today as I write, just shortly after the presidential elections in the U.S., it appears that our government will be divided (different parties running different parts). This is somewhat by design with our Founding Fathers and their Originalist ideals. So, in the end, things will certainly change, but they will change more moderately.

In addition, we have had some HUGE breaking news in that Pfizer came out with a COVID-19 vaccine that they claim is 90 percent effective. Dr. Anthony Fauci said that if we had one that was 75 percent effective, we should be able to resume “normal” likely in the 2nd and 3rd quarters of 2021. SO, potentially things could get better earlier next year. Time will tell, of course.

We’ve all been hunkered down around the globe. All who love to travel internationally are pining to get back out to see this wonderful world. The international seasonal traveler and/or investor is already thinking about where they would like to invest their capital and realize their dreams. Are you ready to find them - and more importantly - to help them find their dream destinations?

Enter the global practitioner of real estate. It is now the time to seriously plan for this upcoming wave of pent-up demand for international opportunities. So, what should you be thinking about? Just two major points: Outbound opportunities and Inbound opportunities, of course!


With COVID-19 having wreaked havoc on our world, there will be some amazing opportunities for investment coming out of the pandemic. Dedicated research in areas that were severely affected may yield some prime opportunities to invest. There will also be a window of time -perhaps 1-2 years - where things will be very interesting to evaluate for your clientele. Tailor your approach to things that appeal to you and that will invigorate your research on behalf of your international clientele.


Who exactly may be interested in coming into your regional area? A quick check with your local economic development offices may help you to see where they are targeting their message and marketing dollars. Also, a scanning of direct (non-stop) international flights to airports like Tampa, Sarasota/ Bradenton, and Fort Myers will give you some ideas of who can get to our area easily. The easier the trip over, the more likely they will be looking to invest in our region. Choose to find some international partners to make some connections.

As a Realtor®, we have access to the “International Realtor® Member Referral Form,” available on the NAR website. The form was created as a “sample” and is only provided as a template for you to use. At the next level, as a CIPS Designee, you are also part of a network of professionals around the world who are looking to connect and service international clientele. In the end, what it comes down to is being curious about the world of real estate, and then seeking to connect with professionals who are like-minded.

This is a time to reflect, and more importantly, a time to prepare. The world will be opening in 2021… are you ready? If not…GET READY! •

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