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New Year, New World, New Opportunities

By: Dave Swenson, Broker/Owner, Suncoast Global Realty

s we embark on another year on our beautiful planet, several important trends and realities have surfaced that affect global real estate: the pandemic is over, the world is entering an economic downturn, and governments have influenced peoples’ decisions with their choices.

The Pandemic Is Over

The pandemic is over, but before you object, I would like to bring to light that we are now in a phase where we understand the virus, have seen its various mutations, and have effective protocols to treat COVID-19. There will still be some waves of new infections and new mutations, but the fear of the unknown is over. The masks are essentially “off.” The way that the different governmental entities handled the pandemic has affected how a lot of people now live their lives: migration to cities, states, or countries that are more lenient; working from home or allowed to work remotely; and ultimately, how we gather together as people in different public settings. Many able-bodied workers have also decided either not to work or to only work to sustain a certain quality of life.

New World

Because of the pandemic, the world has had a large shift in economic norms. Because of the need to stimulate economies that were stopped, slowed, or otherwise shut down, governments ended up spending massive amounts of money to keep things moving. At the same time, with little effective labor productivity and economic output, these funds ended up causing an inflationary curve in nearly every country around the globe.

We were just traveling in Argentina, where the inflation rate is over 60% annually, and in this country, you have two rates of exchange, one “Bankrate official” and one “unofficial Blue Dollar market.” In this case, that translated to either getting 178 Pesos/USD or 325+

APesos/USD. So, your lunch that costs 3000 Pesos would be $16.85 with a credit card, OR you’d pay only $9.23 in their currency. The government is actively trying to get things under control, but essentially the country is running a “cash” system, and credit card use is very rare. Combine all this spending with the global supply chains being disrupted, factories not opening, and many workers not being able to produce, and it will take some time to get things back to a more “normal” and stable economic future for everyone.

New Opportunities

With all that is happening in the world, there may never be a better time to consider global real estate and investments. When you join and become a member of the Global Business Council at RASM, you will be part of a dynamic group of Realtors® who are focused on international business. You will engage with firsthand mentors who have real-world experience in the global aspects of real estate. The reality is that there are many abroad who are coming to invest in our Suncoast region, and there are many on the Suncoast that may be looking for a second home, retirement, or investment property abroad.

You can be the catalyst in bringing to fruition the dreams and aspirations of those who have moved beyond their “borders.” With the internet fully developed across the planet and with amazing new translator applications to assist with communication, the world is now our oyster. So, get out your oyster knife and get ready to shuck for that property pearl for yourself, a Suncoast resident, or for a valued international client you will meet in your future.

Join The Rasm Gbc

We would love to have you as an active participant of the GBC. For an investment of only $25, you can JOIN with us on your journey into the global marketplace. Hope to see you at our next event! •

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