Traditional 2.0 Overview

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Tupperware U.S.

Traditional 2.0 Enhanced Sales Model Overview


TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Definitions & Guidelines Updates One-2-One Success Formulas CAREER PLAN Consultant Manager Star Manager Executive Manager Director Star Director Two Star Director Three Star Director Five Star Director Executive Director Star Executive Director Presidential Director GUIDELINES & STANDARDS How to Maintain Active Status Compression Organization Sales Bypass ENHANCEMENTS What’s Your Drive Executive Manager Bonus What’s Your Drive Car Chart Director in Qualification Director First Time Step Up Bonus Director Development Bonus First Time Step Up Bonuses MY SALES SCREEN CHANGES CAREER GUIDE COMPENSATION CHART

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Definitions & Guidelines Activation: Remaining active and profitable in your Tupperware business by holding parties and/or selling products every week. Active Consultant: A Tupperware Consultant (you!) is an independent business person who makes Tupperware brand products and services and the Tupperware business opportunity available to consumers. The benefits of being a Consultant include: 1) being your own boss; 2) setting your own schedule; 3) controlling your income; 4) enjoying recognition for your achievements; 5) being part of a team; 6) enjoying reduced-price Tupperware product samples; 7) earning money while developing business skills; and 8) helping others achieve their goals and dreams. To succeed as a Consultant, simply follow the ONE2ONE formula found in your Business Opportunities brochure. For all Salesforce Member – Active Status: To maintain active status all Sales Force Members must achieve a total of $250 in personal Sales within a rolling 4 month period. If a Salesforce Member goes inactive they forfeit their title and entire downline permanently, including promoted Directors and Managers along with their teams/units. They are unable to sample at a discount while inactive. They then have 8 months to regain their active status by paying a $10 reactivation fee, submitting $350 in Personal Sales, but do not regain any downline. Recruit: To register a new Consultant and help her get started in the business. Recruiting is the process of bringing new Consultants into Tupperware. Asking someone to join you in Tupperware is the highest compliment you can pay them and supports our caring and sharing philosophy. In addition to helping others, recruiting can add substantially to your income and puts you on the fast track to leadership. Consultant (inactive): Is a Consultant who is repositioned after missing four consecutive months without minimum personal retail sales of $250. Her/ his downline will be forfeited permanently. The forfeited downline will be moved to the next available upline member. Inactive Closed Consultant: Is an Inactive Consultant who has missed the minimum personal retail sales of $350 for 8 months after becoming inactive. Party: Is a group event during which you demonstrate and sell Tupperware products, date future parties and recruit/train new Consultants. The Standard Party sales moves from $450 to $500 with the new Catalog. Reposition: Change of title to the level of achievement after the title qualification has been missed four sales months in a calendar year. Compression: Comprised of two types, Level Compression and Generation Compression. At the time of transition there will be a one-time compression. Level Compression: When a Consultant in a Manager’s unit at any level goes inactive closed (12 months), anyone below her moves up, including someone at level 4 who would move into their level 3, level 3 would move to 2, level 2 would move to 1. Generation Compression: After a Director repositions, her Director team moves back to the parent Director’s team.

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INTRODUCTION Regain: If the repositioned Director has downline Director team(s), she has 6 months to re-promote as Director, and regain downline Directors and Title, excluding any team member who promoted to director during her reposition period. If she does not re-promote within 6 months, the beginning of the 7th month, the downline Director or Directors compress up to the next active Director. Maintain Director Title: In the event one of the Generation 1 Directors step down and does not regain; the Star Director (or above) has the remainder of 12 months from the first month after the G1 Director stepped down to regain a G1 Director and maintain her title. Generation: Directors’ downline Director Teams are referred to in terms of generations. For example, a Two Star Director has 2 Directors Generation 1 and if one of the Director G1 has a downline Director, she/he will have Director Generation 2. For example Anne promoted Bonnie and Christine (Generation 1) and Christine promoted Dee (Generation 2 for Anne and Generation 1 for Christine). Levels: Managers’ downline unit members are referred to in terms of levels. Manager unit sales: Includes the Manager’s personal sales, the sales of their level one unit members, level two unit members and level three unit members. Commission Volume: Basis for career level compensation percentages. It is calculated at 75% of retail (it is the amount available for commissioning after the consultant 25% retained profit). Profit Plus: A percentage of commissionable volume paid to Managers and Directors on their unit sales or team sales, respectively. For Managers, percentage varies by title and for Directors, percentage varies by team sales amount. Vanguard: The term ‘Vanguard’ refers to The Best of the Best. This bonus supports Manager Compensation for rewarding unit sales on a monthly basis. Vanguard Bonus: Manager earns a Vanguard Bonus based on her/his unit sales volume (refer to Vanguard chart). The same chart is used for Star Manager and Executive Manager. Tupperware Studio (TWS): A contemporized contact point and home for your business and Organization within your community, a Tupperware Studio is a branded location in a high-traffic area Leadership Commission: A commission that rewards Star Directors and above to develop leaders (Directors) in their downline organization. Business Leader: Is an appointed position direct to the company or to another Business Leader as a Satellite, leading an organization. Directors may be eligible to become a Business Leader, appointed by Tupperware, and have the opportunity to partner with Tupperware in creating a Tupperware Studio in their community. Total organization sales of all generations as well as location and demographics determine whether or not a Business Leader is eligible to have a Tupperware Studio.

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Updates Success Formula (enhanced) Best Practices for each career level held on consistent basis (weekly or monthly). Personal Sales Managers and above must meet or exceed $500 in Personal Retail Sales to achieve and receive, consistent with a Standard Party, to achieve title and to receive earnings. Personal Sales Volume Bonus qualification starts at 3 Standard Parties (meet or exceed $1,500 PRS.) Personal Recruits Personal recruiting continues to be important in building a strong unit/team and is key to moving up in the career plan. Managers require 3 Personal Active Recruits to achieve title. Star Managers require 6 Personal Active Recruits to achieve title. Executive Managers require 9 Personal Active Recruits to achieve title (moved from 6 to 9). Personal Qualified Recruit Personal Qualified Recruit continues to be important in building a strong unit/team. However, it is no longer used in determining monthly compensation percentages. Team A Manager Team is now referred to as a Manager Unit. A Manager Unit is now comprised of a Manager and their unit recruits three levels deep. Team recruits are now referred to as Unit recruits for Manager through Executive Manager levels. A Director Team will continue to be referred to as a Director Team. Unit Sales Manager Unit sales needed to achieve/receive earnings is based on 5 Standard Parties; Managers must meet or exceed $2,500 in Unit Sales. Star Manager Unit sales needed to achieve/receive earnings is based on 10 Standard Parties; Star Managers must meet or exceed $5,000 in Unit Sales. Executive Manager Unit sales needed to achieve/receive earnings is based on 15 Standard Parties; Executive Managers must meet or exceed $7,500 in Unit Sales Manager level compensation includes Profit Plus on Commissionable Volume and an additional Vanguard Bonus based on Unit Retail Sales. These compensations are based on your title at the beginning of the sales month. Profit Plus for Directors Royalty on Team Sales is now referred to as Profit Plus. Profit Plus for a Director Team is based on your monthly Director Team Sales volume. Organization Director Team levels are now referred to as Director Team Generations. Royalty on promoted Director Team is now referred to as Leadership Commission. Presidential Director level Infinity Bonus ends at the time of transition.

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Titles Unit members that have been compressed may count towards maintaining Manager titles: To maintain Manager title, now requires 3 Active level 1 unit members (along with unit and personal sales). To maintain Star Manager title, now requires 6 Active level 1 unit members (along with unit and personal sales). To maintain Executive Manager title, now requires 9 Active level 1 unit members (along with unit and personal sales). Executive Manager title may now be achieved in one sales month. Manager, Star Manager and Executive Manager who achieve their titles for the first time, will receive the First Time Step Up Bonus. Business Leader is a new title for an appointed leader position that points directly to the company. Star Directors and above will continue to maintain their title for 12 months after loss of structure. Programs (Current Updates) What’s Your Drive Cash Bonus at Executive Manager level has been moved out of What’s Your Drive Car Program and renamed to the Executive Manager Bonus. Director in Qualification Program will align with $500 PRS and $2,500 Unit Sales. Dream Team Sales requirement aligns with Executive Unit Sales of $7,500. Other qualifications remain the same for qualify and remain in the program. Vanguard Chart

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INTRODUCTION One-2-One Success Formulas, Standards & Expectations Career Level

One-2-One Success Formula

Standards & Expectations


Welcome 1 new Consultant per Manager Unit each week

Hold 2 personal parties per week

Promote 1 new Manager per month

• Conduct & support all available trainings (4x/month) • Attend & support weekly meetings • Weekly coaching with Team & my upline


Welcome 1 new Consultant to your Unit each week

Hold 2 personal parties per week

Support every Consultant to hold 1 party per week

• Participate & support in all available trainings (4x/month) • Attend & support weekly meetings • Participate in weekly coaching with Unit and upline


Hold 1 party per week

Date 2 parties from the party

Identify 1 potential new Consultant from the party

• Participate in all available trainings (4x/month) • Attend weekly meetings • Participate in weekly coaching with my leader

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CONSULTANT Summary  

Maintain active status - all Sales Force Members must achieve a total of $250 in personal Sales within a rolling 4 month period Personal Sales Volume Bonus minimum is based on 3 standard parties; meet or exceed $1,500 in personal sales to qualify.

How to Achieve title, How to Receive Pay, How to Maintain Title How to Achieve title

How to Receive Pay

How to Maintain Title

Purchases a Business Kit

Hold Personal Parties

$250 cumulative in Personal Retail Sales over a rolling four month period

Sources of Income Personal Sales Personal Sales Volume Bonus

Retained Profit Earn 25% on all retail sales

Earn 5% on PRS of $1,500 to $3,999 Earn 10% on PRS at $4,000 and above

One-2-One success formula Consultant

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Hold 1 party per week

Date 2 parties from the party

Identify 1 potential new Consultant from the party

• Participate in all available trainings (4x/month) • Attend weekly meetings • Participate in weekly coaching with my leader

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MANAGER Hold personal parties and build a unit that holds personal parties

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MANAGER Summary   

            

Maintain active status - all Sales Force Members must achieve a total of $250 in personal Sales within a rolling 4 month period Minimum Personal Retail Sales level is based on a Standard Party; meet or exceed $500 in personal retail sales to Achieve and to be paid as a Manager Personal Sales Volume Bonus minimum is based on 3 standard parties; meet or exceed $1,500 in personal sales to earn the bonus. Personal Qualified Recruit continues to be important in building strong units/teams. However, it is no longer used in determining monthly compensation percentages For Manager through Executive Manager -Team Sales is now referred to as Unit Sales For Manager through Executive Manager- a Unit is now comprised of a Manager and their unit recruits three levels deep Manager through Executive Manager may have other Managers through Executive Managers in their Unit and not be bypassed If a Manager has a Unit Member that promotes to Director, the Director and the Director’s team is no longer part of the Manager’s Unit. If a Manager has a personal Recruit who promotes to Director, she will continue to be compensated on the Director’s personal sales – however the Director’s personal sales do not count as part of the Unit sales to qualify Unit sales needed to achieve Manager title and to be paid as a Manager is based on 5 standard parties; meet or exceed $2,500 in Unit sales to qualify. For Manager through Executive Manager - Profit Plus has replaced Team Sales Royalties For Manager through Executive Manager – A Vanguard Bonus has been added based on total Unit Retail Sales There is a New Step Up Bonus paid to New Managers, New Star Managers, and New Executive Managers when title is achieved for the first time For Managers through Executive Managers - to maintain their title and be paid: they now can count active Level 1 Unit Members instead of Personal Active Recruits Level Compression will occur monthly for consultants that go inactive closed Director in Qualification Program will align with $500 PRS and $2,500 Unit Sales; Dream Team Sales Minimum moves to $7,500 (Same as Executive Manager). Other qualifications remain the same to qualify and remain in the program

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MANAGER How to Achieve title, How to Receive Compensation, How to Maintain Title How to Achieve title

How to Receive Compensation

How to Maintain Title

5 unit parties (Meet or exceed $2,500 Unit Retail Sales)

5 unit parties (Meet or exceed $2,500 Unit Retail Sales)

5 unit parties (Meet or exceed $2,500 Unit Retail Sales)

Meet or exceed $500 Personal Retail Sales

Meet or exceed $500 Personal Retail Sales

Meet or exceed $500 Personal Retail Sales

3 Active Personally Recruited Unit Members

3 Active Level 1 Unit Members

3 Active Level 1 Unit Members

NOTE: Start receiving Profit Plus & Vanguard Bonus the first month you are titled as a Manager and meet these qualifications

NOTE: Managers are allowed three qualification misses in a calendar year; on the fourth miss in a calendar year, they are repositioned to the level they performed at during the sales month of your fourth miss

NOTE: You are titled as a Manager the month after you achieve Manager qualifications

Sources of Income

Personal Sales

Retained Profit

25% on all retail sales

Personal Sales Volume Bonus

Earn 5% on PRS of $1,500 to $3,999 Earn 10% on PRS at $4,000 and above

Unit Sales

Profit Plus

Earn 2% on commissionable volume of Unit Retail Sales


Vanguard Bonus*

Bonus $50: $60: $70: $80: $90: $105: $120: $140: $160: $185: $210:

URS $2,500 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,500 $9,000 $10,500 $12,000 $14,000 $16,000

First Time Step Up Bonus**

Earn $100 First -time Step up Bonus

*There is no cap on the Vanguard Bonus. Add $25 for every additional $2,000 in Unit Sales over $16,000. **The First time step up bonus is available to those who have not held the title of Manager or higher since January 2005.

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MANAGER For Recognition purposes the Vanguard Bonus is divided into 4 levels.








$16,000 +

Manager Re-promotion Bonus: A one- time opportunity for Managers to earn the First time step up bonus of $100 when they step up as a Manager between January 2016 (titled in February 2016) and July 2016 (titled in August 2016). Must not have been titled a Manager or higher since January 2015. January and February will be paid with March commissions in April.

One-2-One success formula

Manager to Executive Manager

U.S. Managers

Welcome 1 new Consultant to your Unit each week

Hold 2 personal parties per week

Support every Consultant to hold 1 party per week

• Participate & support in all available trainings (4x/month) • Attend & support weekly meetings • Participate in weekly coaching with Unit and upline

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STAR MANAGER Hold personal parties and build a unit that holds personal parties

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STAR MANAGER Summary   

          

Maintain active status - all Sales Force Members must achieve a total of $250 in personal Sales within a rolling 4 month period Minimum Personal Retail Sales level is based on a Standard Party; meet or exceed $500 in personal retail sales to Achieve and to be paid as a Star Manager Personal Sales Volume Bonus minimum is based on 3 standard parties; meet or exceed $1,500 in personal sales to earn the bonus. Personal Qualified Recruit continues to be important in building strong units/teams. However, it is no longer used in determining monthly compensation percentages For Manager through Executive Manager -Team Sales is now referred to as Unit Sales For Manager through Executive Manager- a Unit is now comprised of a Manager and their unit recruits three levels deep Manager through Executive Manager may have other Managers through Executive Managers in their Unit and not be bypassed. Unit sales needed to achieve Star Manager title and to be paid as a Star Manager is based on 10 standard parties; meet or exceed $5,000 in Unit Sales to qualify For Manager through Executive Manager - Profit Plus has replaced Team Sales Royalties For Manager through Executive Manager – A Vanguard Bonus has been added based on total Unit Retail Sales There is a New Step-Up Bonus paid to New Managers, New Star Managers, and New Executive Managers when title is achieved for the first time For Managers through Executive Managers - to maintain their title and be paid: they now can count active Level 1 Unit Members instead of Personal Active Recruits Level Compression will occur monthly for consultants that go inactive closed Director in Qualification Program will align with $500 PRS and $2,500 Unit Sales; Dream Team Sales Minimum moves to $7,500 (Same as Executive Manager). Other qualifications remain the same to qualify and remain in the program

How to Achieve title, How to Receive Compensation, How to Maintain Title How to Achieve title

How to Receive Compensation

How to Maintain Title

10 unit parties (Meet or exceed $5,000 Unit Retail Sales)

10 unit parties (Meet or exceed $5,000 Unit Retail Sales)

10 unit parties (Meet or exceed $5,000 Unit Retail Sales)

Meet or exceed $500 Personal Retail Sales

Meet or exceed $500 Personal Retail Sales

Meet or exceed $500 Personal Retail Sales

6 Active Personally Recruited Unit Members

6 Active Level 1 Unit Members

6 Active Level 1 Unit Members

NOTE: You are titled as a Star Manager the month after you achieve Star Manager qualifications

NOTE: Start receiving Profit Plus & Vanguard Bonus the first month you are titled as a Star Manager and meet these qualifications

NOTE: Star Managers are allowed three qualification misses in a calendar year; on the fourth miss in a calendar year, they are repositioned to the level they performed at during the sales month of your fourth miss

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STAR MANAGER Sources of Income

Personal Sales

Retained Profit

25% on all retail sales

Personal Sales Volume Bonus

Earn 5% on PRS of $1,500 to $3,999 Earn 10% on PRS at $4,000 and above

Unit Sales

Profit Plus

Earn 3% on commissionable volume of Unit Retail Sales


Vanguard Bonus*

Bonus $50: $60: $70: $80: $90: $105: $120: $140: $160: $185: $210:

URS $2,500 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,500 $9,000 $10,500 $12,000 $14,000 $16,000

First Time Step Up Bonus**

Earn $150 First -time Step up Bonus When a Consultant steps up to Star Manager in a single month they would earn both Step up Bonuses for a total of $250**

*There is no cap on the Vanguard Bonus. Add $25 for every additional $2,000 in Unit Sales over $16,000. **The First time step up bonus is available to those who have not held the title of Manager or higher since January 2005. For Recognition purposes the Vanguard Bonus is divided into 4 levels.








$16,000 +

Star Manager Re-promotion Bonus: A one- time opportunity for Managers to earn the First time step up bonus of $150 when they step up as a Star Manager between January 2016 (titled in February 2016) and July 2016 (titled in August 2016). Must not have been titled a Star Manager or higher since January 2015. January and February will be paid with March commissions in April.

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STAR MANAGER One-2-One success formula

ManagerExecutive Manager

U.S. Managers

Welcome 1 new Consultant to your Unit each week

Hold 2 personal parties per week

Support every Consultant to hold 1 party per week

• Participate & support in all available trainings (4x/month) • Attend & support weekly meetings • Participate in weekly coaching with Unit and upline

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EXECUTIVE MANAGER Hold personal parties and build a unit that holds personal parties

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EXECUTIVE MANAGER Summary     

           

Maintain active status - all Sales Force Members must achieve a total of $250 in personal Sales within a rolling 4 month period Minimum Personal Retail Sales level is based on a Standard Party; meet or exceed $500 in personal retail sales to Achieve and to be paid as an Executive Manager Personal Sales Volume Bonus minimum is based on 3 standard parties; meet or exceed $1,500 in personal sales to earn the bonus. Executive Managers need 9 Personal Active Recruits to achieve title Executive Managers will qualify in 1 month to achieve title; this now aligns with Manager and Star Manager qualifications to achieve title Personal Qualified Recruit continues to be important in building strong units/teams. However, it is no longer used in determining monthly compensation percentages For Manager through Executive Manager -Team Sales is now referred to as Unit Sales For Manager through Executive Manager- a Unit is now comprised of a Manager and their unit recruits three levels deep Manager through Executive Manager may have other Managers through Executive Managers in their Unit and not be bypassed. Unit sales needed to achieve Executive Manager title and to be paid as an Executive Manager is based on 15 standard parties; meet or exceed $7,500 in Unit Sales to qualify For Manager through Executive Manager - Profit Plus has replaced Team Sales Royalties For Manager through Executive Manager – A Vanguard Bonus has been added based on total Unit Retail Sales There is a New Step Up Bonus paid to New Managers, New Star Managers, and New Executive Managers when title is achieved for the first time For Managers through Executive Managers - to maintain their title and be paid: they now can count active Level 1 Unit Members instead of Personal Active Recruits Level Compression will occur monthly for consultants that go inactive closed Executive Manager $150 “What’s Your Drive Cash Bonus” is renamed to Executive Manager Bonus. Director in Qualification Program will align with $500 PRS and $2,500 Unit Sales; Dream Team Sales Minimum moves to $7,500 (Same as Executive Manager). Other qualifications remain the same to qualify and remain in the program

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EXECUTIVE MANAGER How to Achieve title, How to Receive Compensation, How to Maintain Title How to Achieve title

How to Receive Compensation

How to Maintain Title

15 unit parties (Meet or exceed $7,500 Unit Retail Sales)

15 unit parties (Meet or exceed $7,500 Unit Retail Sales)

15 unit parties (Meet or exceed $7,500 Unit Retail Sales)

Meet or exceed $500 Personal Retail Sales

Meet or exceed $500 Personal Retail Sales

Meet or exceed $500 Personal Retail Sales

9 Active Personally Recruited Unit Members

9 Active Level 1 Unit Members

9 Active Level 1 Unit Members

NOTE: Start receiving Profit Plus & Vanguard Bonus the first month you are titled as an Executive Manager and meet these qualifications

NOTE: Executive Managers are allowed three qualification misses in a calendar year; on the fourth miss in a calendar year, they are repositioned to the level they performed at during the sales month of your fourth miss

NOTE: You are titled as an Executive Manager the month after you achieve Executive Manager qualifications

Sources of Income

Personal Sales

Retained Profit

25% on all retail sales

Personal Sales Volume Bonus

Earn 5% on PRS of $1,500 to $3,999 Earn 10% on PRS at $4,000 and above

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Unit Sales

Profit Plus

Earn 4% on commissionable volume of Unit Retail Sales


Vanguard Bonus*

Bonus $50: $60: $70: $80: $90: $105: $120: $140: $160: $185: $210:

URS $2,500 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,500 $9,000 $10,500 $12,000 $14,000 $16,000

First Time Step Up Bonus**

Earn $200 First -time Step up Bonus When a Consultant steps up to Executive Manager in a single month they would earn all Step up Bonuses for a total of $450**

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EXECUTIVE MANAGER *There is no cap on the Vanguard Bonus. Add $25 for every additional $2,000 in Unit Sales over $16,000. **The First time step up bonus is available to those who have not held the title of Manager or higher since January 2005. For Recognition purposes the Vanguard Bonus is divided into 4 levels.








$16,000 +

Executive Manager Re-promotion Bonus: A one- time opportunity for Managers to earn the First time step up bonus of $200 when they step up as an Executive Manager between January 2016 (titled in March 2016) and July 2016 (titled in August 2016). Must not have been titled an Executive Manager or higher since January 2015. January and February will be paid with March commissions in April.

EXECUTIVE MANAGER One-2-One success formula

ManagerExecutive Manager

U.S. Managers

Welcome 1 new Consultant to your Unit each week

Hold 2 personal parties per week

Support every Consultant to hold 1 party per week

• Participate & support in all available trainings (4x/month) • Attend & support weekly meetings • Participate in weekly coaching with Unit and upline

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EXECUTIVE MANAGER Executive Manager Bonus (formerly called What’s Your Drive Cash Bonus) *** When a Sales Force Member becomes an Executive Manager and has $7,500 or more in Unit Retail Sales for any

2 consecutive months, they qualify to receive a $150 monthly bonus each month they achieve $7,500 or more in sales. Example 1: March



15 unit parties (Meet or exceed $7,500 Unit Retail Sales)

15 unit parties (Meet or exceed $7,500 Unit Retail Sales)

15 unit parties (Meet or exceed $7,500 Unit Retail Sales)

Meet or exceed $500 Personal Retail Sales

Meet or exceed $500 Personal Retail Sales

Meet or exceed $500 Personal Retail Sales

9 Active Personally Recruited Unit Members

9 Active Level 1 Unit Members

9 Active Level 1 Unit Members $150 Bonus!

You achieved title qualification this month. Your title will be effective September. 1st qualifying month towards your Executive Manager Bonus

Example 2: March

This is your first month to be paid as an Executive Manager.

Bonus paid with May commissions which are paid in June

2nd qualifying month towards your Executive Manager Bonus




15 unit parties (Meet or exceed $7,500 Unit Retail Sales)

15 unit parties (Meet or exceed $7,500 Unit Retail Sales)

$7,000 in Unit Sales

15 unit parties (Meet or exceed $7,500 Unit Retail Sales)

Meet or exceed $500 Personal Retail Sales

Meet or exceed $500 Personal Retail Sales

9 Active Personally Recruited Unit Members

9 Active Level 1 Unit Members

You achieved title qualification this month. Your title will be effective September.

This is your first month to be paid as an Executive Manager.

1st qualifying month towards your Executive Manager Bonus

2nd qualifying month towards your Executive Manager Bonus

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$500 Personal Retail Sales 9 Active Level 1 Unit Members

Meet or exceed $500 Personal Retail Sales 9 Active Level 1 Unit Members $150 Bonus!

NO BONUS Bonus paid with June commissions which are paid in July

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DIRECTOR Hold personal parties and build manager units that hold personal parties

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DIRECTOR Summary   

   

Maintain active status - all Sales Force Members must achieve a total of $250 in personal Sales within a rolling 4 month period Minimum Personal Retail Sales level is based on a Standard Party; meet or exceed $500 in personal retail sales to Achieve and to be paid as a Director. Personal Sales Volume Bonus minimum is based on 3 standard parties; meet or exceed $1,500 in personal sales to earn the bonus. Personal Qualified Recruit continues to be important in building strong units/teams. However, it is no longer used in determining monthly compensation percentages For Directors through Presidential Director Profit Plus now replaces Royalty on Team Sales. Directors’ downline Director Teams are referred to as Generations Compression of Generations will occur monthly for Generations of Director Teams

How to Achieve title, How to Receive Commission, How to Maintain Title How to Achieve title

How to Receive Commission

How to Maintain Title

Complete the DIQ program with $30,000 3 month Cumulative Dream Team Sales 2 paid as Managers in your Dream Team in your last qualifying month

20+ Team parties (Meet or exceed $10,000 Team Retail Sales)

20+ Team parties (Meet or exceed $10,000 Team Retail Sales)

Meet or exceed $500 Personal Retail Sales

Meet or exceed $500 Personal Retail Sales

NOTE: Title is effective the month after you achieve Director qualifications.

NOTE: Start receiving Profit Plus the first month you are titled as a Director and meet these qualifications

NOTE: Directors are allowed three qualification misses in a calendar year, on the fourth miss in a calendar year, they are repositioned to the level they performed at during the sales month of your fourth miss.

Sources of Income Personal Sales Retained Profit 25% on all retail sales

Personal Sales Volume Bonus Earn 5% on PRS of $1,500 to $3,999 Earn 10% on PRS at $4,000 and above

Earn 6%: 7%: 8%:

Team Sales


Profit Plus*

First Time Step Up Bonus**

Team Retail Sales $10,000 - $14,999 $15,000 - $19,999 $20,000 +

First Time Step Up Bonus** $1,000 One-time Bonus Director Development Bonus $1,500 One-time Bonus For promoting a first time Director

*Total Team Retail Sales used to determine Profit Plus percentage amount. Profit Plus percentage is paid on your Commissionable volume.

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DIRECTOR ** The Director first time step up bonus of $1,000 is available to those who have not held the title of Director or higher since January 2005. Special Opportunity: Re-promoted Directors have a special opportunity to earn the First Time $1,000 Director Development Bonus when they step up to Director qualified in February 2016 (titled in March 2016) through qualified in July 2016 (titled in August 2016) as long as they did not hold the Director title or higher since January 2015 . Directors that re-promote a former Director that qualifies for the Re-Promoted Director Bonus will earn a Matching $1,000 bonus. Bonus will be paid with March commission in April. One-2-One success formula


U.S. Managers

Welcome 1 new Consultant per Manager Unit each week

Hold 2 personal parties per week

Promote 1 new Manager per month

• Conduct & support all available trainings (4x/month) • Attend & support weekly meetings • Weekly coaching with Team & my upline

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STAR DIRECTOR Hold personal parties and build manager units that hold personal parties – promote Directors

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STAR DIRECTOR Summary   

     

Maintain active status - all Sales Force Members must achieve a total of $250 in personal Sales within a rolling 4 month period Minimum Personal Retail Sales level is based on a Standard Party; meet or exceed $500 in personal retail sales to Achieve and to be paid as a Director. Personal Sales Volume Bonus minimum is based on 3 standard parties; meet or exceed $1,500 in personal sales to earn the bonus. Personal Qualified Recruit continues to be important in building strong units/teams. However, it is no longer used in determining monthly compensation percentages For Directors through Presidential Director Profit Plus now replaces Royalty on Team Sales Directors’ downline Director Teams are referred to as Generations Royalty on Promoted Director Teams is now referred to as Leadership Commission; and the percentages have been enhanced Compression of Generations will occur monthly for Generations of Director Teams Directors and above that promote a Director still are eligible for the 4 month Personal Team Sales wavier; see policies for details

How to Achieve title, How to Receive Commission, How to Maintain Title How to Achieve title

How to Receive Commission

How to Maintain Title

Promote 1 Director from your personal team to be your Generation 1 Director

20+ Team parties (Meet or exceed $10,000 Team Retail Sales)

20+ Team parties (Meet or exceed $10,000 Team Retail Sales)

NOTE: Title is effective the month after you achieve Star Director qualifications.

Meet or exceed $500 Personal Retail Sales

Meet or exceed $500 Personal Retail Sales 1 Director at G1

NOTE: Start receiving Leadership Commission the first month you are titled as a Star Director and meet these qualifications

NOTE: Directors are allowed three qualification misses in a calendar year, on the fourth miss in a calendar year, they are repositioned to the level they performed at during the sales month of your fourth miss. In the event the Generation 1 Director steps down; the Star Director has 12 months from the first month after the Director Stepped down to regain a Director and maintain their title.

Regain: If the repositioned Director has downline Director teams, she has 6 months to re-promote as Director, and regain downline Directors and Star Director Title, excluding any team member who promoted to director during her reposition period. If she does not re-promote within 6 months, the beginning of the 7th month, the downline Director or Directors compress up to the next active Director.

U.S. Managers

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STAR DIRECTOR Sources of Income Leadership Commission on your Promoted Directors increased from 4% to 8.5% on Commissionable Volume.

Personal Sales

Retained Profit

25% on all retail sales

Team Sales

Personal Sales Volume Bonus

Earn 5% on PRS of $1,500 to $3,999

Promoted Director Team Sales

Profit Plus*

Earn 6%: 7%: 8%:


Director Development Bonus

Team Retail Sales $10,000 - $14,999 $15,000 - $19,999 $20,000 +

Generation 1: 8.5%

$1,500 Onetime Bonus

Earn 10% on PRS at $4,000 and above

*Total Team Retail Sales used to determine Profit Plus percentage amount. Profit Plus percentage is paid on your Commissionable volume. ** The Director Development Bonus is paid to Promoting Directors for personally promoted first time Directors only, who have not held the title of Director or higher since January 2005. Special Opportunity: You will receive a Special Re-promoted Director $1,000 Matching Bonus when you re-promote a Director from your personal team that steps up to Director; qualified in February 2016 (titled in March 2016) through qualified in July 2016 (titled in August 2016) as long as they did not hold the Director title or higher since January 2015 . Bonus will be paid with March commission in April.

One-2-One success formula

Organization Leader

U.S. Managers

Promote 1 new Manager per month per Director team

Hold 2 personal parties per week

Promote 1 organization Director per quarter

• Conduct & support all available trainings (4x/month) • Attend & support weekly meetings • Weekly coaching with your Team, Directors and upline

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TWO STAR DIRECTOR Hold personal parties and build manager units that hold personal parties – promote Directors

U.S. Managers

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TWO STAR DIRECTOR Summary  Maintain active status - all Sales Force Members must achieve a total of $250 in personal Sales within a rolling 4 month period  Minimum Personal Retail Sales level is based on a Standard Party; meet or exceed $500 in personal retail sales to Achieve and to be paid as a Director.  Personal Sales Volume Bonus minimum is based on 3 standard parties; meet or exceed $1,500 in personal sales to earn the bonus.  Personal Qualified Recruit continues to be important in building strong units/teams. However, it is no longer used in determining monthly compensation percentages  For Directors through Presidential Director Profit Plus now replaces Royalty on Team Sales  Directors’ downline Director Teams are referred to as Generations  Compression of Generations will occur monthly for Generations of Director Teams  Royalty on Promoted Director Teams is now referred to as Leadership Commission; and the percentages have been enhanced  Directors and above that promote a Director still are eligible for the 4 month Personal Team Sales wavier; see policies for details How to Achieve title, How to Receive Commission, How to Maintain Title How to Achieve title

How to Receive Commission

How to Maintain Title

Promote 2 Directors from your personal team to be your Generation 1 Directors

20+ Team parties (Meet or exceed $10,000 Team Retail Sales)

20+ Team parties (Meet or exceed $10,000 Team Retail Sales)

NOTE: Title is effective the month after you achieve Two Star Director qualifications.

Meet or exceed $500 Personal Retail Sales

Meet or exceed $500 Personal Retail Sales 2 Generation 1 Directors

NOTE: Start receiving Leadership Commission the first month you are titled as a Two Star Director and meet these qualifications

NOTE: Directors are allowed three qualification misses in a calendar year, on the fourth miss in a calendar year; they are repositioned to the level they performed at during the sales month of your fourth miss. In the event a Generation 1 Director steps down the Two Star Director has 12 months from the first month after the Director Stepped down to regain a Director and maintain their title.

Regain: If the repositioned Two Star Director has downline Director Teams, she has 6 months to re-promote as Director, and regain downline Directors and Two Star Director Title, excluding any team member who promoted to director during her reposition period. If she does not re-promote within 6 months, the beginning of the 7th month, the downline Director or Directors compress up to the next active Director.

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TWO STAR DIRECTOR Sources of Income Leadership Commission on your Promoted Directors increased from 5% to 8.5% on Commissionable Volume for your G1 Directors (Formerly L1) increased from 2% to 3% for your G2 Directors (formerly L2).

Personal Sales

Retained Profit

Personal Sales Volume Bonus

25% on all retail sales

Earn 5% on PRS of $1,500 to $3,999

Team Sales

Promoted Director Team Sales

Profit Plus*

Earn 6%: 7%: 8%:

Team Retail Sales $10,000 - $14,999 $15,000 - $19,999 $20,000 +


Director Development Bonus

Generation 1: 8.5% Generation 2: 3.0%

$2,000 One-time Bonus

Earn 10% on PRS at $4,000 and above

*Total Team Retail Sales used to determine Profit Plus percentage amount. Profit Plus percentage is paid on your Commissionable volume. ** The Director Development Bonus is paid to Promoting Directors for personally promoted first time Directors only, who have not held the title of Director or higher since January 2005. Special Opportunity: You will receive a Special Re-promoted Director $1,000 Matching Bonus when you re-promote a Director from your personal team that steps up to Director; qualified in February 2016 (titled in March 2016) through qualified in July 2016 (titled in August 2016) as long as they did not hold the Director title or higher since January 2015. Bonus will be paid with March commission in April.

One-2-One success formula

Organization Leader

U.S. Managers

Promote 1 new Manager per month per Director team

Hold 2 personal parties per week

Promote 1 organization Director per quarter

• Conduct & support all available trainings (4x/month) • Attend & support weekly meetings • Weekly coaching with your Team, Directors and upline

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U.S. Managers

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     

Maintain active status - all Sales Force Members must achieve a total of $250 in personal Sales within a rolling 4 month period Minimum Personal Retail Sales level is based on a Standard Party; meet or exceed $500 in personal retail sales to Achieve and to be paid as a Director. Personal Sales Volume Bonus minimum is based on 3 standard parties; meet or exceed $1,500 in personal sales to earn the bonus. Personal Qualified Recruit continues to be important in building strong units/teams. However, it is no longer used in determining monthly compensation percentages For Directors through Presidential Director Profit Plus now replaces Royalty on Team Sales Directors’ downline Director Teams are referred to as Generations Compression of Generations will occur monthly for Generations of Director Teams Royalty on Promoted Director Teams is now referred to as Leadership Commission; and the percentages have been enhanced Directors and above that promote a Director still are eligible for the 4 month Personal Team Sales wavier; see policies for details

How to Achieve title, How to Receive Commission, How to Maintain Title How to Achieve title

How to Receive Commission

How to Maintain Title

Promote 3 Directors from your personal team to be your Generation 1 Directors

20+ Team parties (Meet or exceed $10,000 Team Retail Sales)

20+ Team parties (Meet or exceed $10,000 Team Retail Sales)

Meet or exceed $500 Personal Retail Sales

Meet or exceed $500 Personal Retail Sales

NOTE: Title is effective the month after you achieve Three Star Director qualifications.

3 G1 Directors NOTE: Start receiving Leadership Commission the first month you are titled as a Three Star Director and meet these qualifications

NOTE: Directors are allowed three qualification misses in a calendar year, on the fourth miss in a calendar year, they are repositioned to the level they performed at during the sales month of your fourth miss. In the event a Generation 1 Director steps down the Three Star Director has 12 months from the first month after the Director Stepped down to regain a Director and maintain their title.

Regain: If the repositioned Three Star Director has downline Director teams, she has 6 months to re-promote as Director, and regain downline Directors and Three Star Director Title, excluding any team member who promoted to director during her reposition period. If she does not re-promote within 6 months, the beginning of the 7th month, the downline Director or Directors compress up to the next active Director.

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THREE STAR DIRECTOR Sources of Income Leadership Commission on your Promoted Directors increased from 5% to 8.5% on Commissionable Volume for your G1 Directors (Formerly L1); and from 2% to 8.5% for your G2 Directors (formerly L2); and from 0% to 3% for your G3 Directors (formerly L3).

Personal Sales

Retained Profit

Personal Sales Volume Bonus

25% on all retail sales

Earn 5% on PRS of $1,500 to $3,999

Team Sales

Promoted Director Team Sales

Profit Plus*

Earn 6%: 7%: 8%:

Team Retail Sales $10,000 - $14,999 $15,000 - $19,999 $20,000 +


Director Development Bonus

Generation 1: 8.5% Generation 2: 8.5% Generation 3: 3%

$2,000 Onetime Bonus

Earn 10% on PRS at $4,000 and above

*Total Team Retail Sales used to determine Profit Plus percentage amount. Profit Plus percentage is paid on your Commissionable volume. ** The Director Development Bonus is paid to Promoting Directors for personally promoted first time Directors only who have not held the title of Director or higher since January 2005. Special Opportunity: You will receive a Special Re-promoted Director $1,000 Matching Bonus when you re-promote a Director from your personal team that steps up to Director; qualified in February 2016 (titled in March 2016) through qualified in July 2016 (titled in August 2016) as long as they did not hold the Director title or higher since January 2015. Bonus will be paid with March commission in April.

One-2-One success formula

Organization Leader

U.S. Managers

Promote 1 new Manager per month per Director team

Hold 2 personal parties per week

Promote 1 organization Director per quarter

• Conduct & support all available trainings (4x/month) • Attend & support weekly meetings • Weekly coaching with your Team, Directors and upline

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U.S. Managers

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     

Maintain active status - all Sales Force Members must achieve a total of $250 in personal Sales within a rolling 4 month period Minimum Personal Retail Sales level is based on a Standard Party; meet or exceed $500 in personal retail sales to Achieve and to be paid as a Director. Personal Sales Volume Bonus minimum is based on 3 standard parties; meet or exceed $1,500 in personal sales to earn the bonus. Personal Qualified Recruit continues to be important in building strong units/teams. However, it is no longer used in determining monthly compensation percentages For Directors through Presidential Director Profit Plus now replaces Royalty on Team Sales Directors’ downline Director Teams are referred to as Generations Compression of Generations will occur monthly for Generations of Director Teams Royalty on Promoted Director Teams is now referred to as Leadership Commission; and the percentages have been enhanced Directors and above that promote a Director still are eligible for the 4 month Personal Team Sales wavier; see policies for details

How to Achieve title, How to Receive Commission, How to Maintain Title How to Achieve title

How to Receive Commission

How to Maintain Title

Promote 5 Directors from your personal team to be your Generation 1 Directors

20+ Team parties (Meet or exceed $10,000 Team Retail Sales)

20+ Team parties (Meet or exceed $10,000 Team Retail Sales)

NOTE: Title is effective the month after you achieve Five Star Director qualifications.

Meet or exceed $500 Personal Retail Sales

Meet or exceed $500 Personal Retail Sales 5 G1 Director

NOTE: Start receiving Leadership Commission the first month you are titled as a Five Star Director and meet these qualifications

NOTE: Directors are allowed three qualification misses in a calendar year, on the fourth miss in a calendar year, they are repositioned to the level they performed at during the sales month of your fourth miss. In the event a Generation 1 Director steps down the Five Star Director has 12 months from the first month after the Director Stepped down to regain a Director and maintain their title.

Regain: If the repositioned Five Star Director has downline Director teams, she has 6 months to re-promote as Director, and regain downline Directors and Three Star Director Title, excluding any team member who promoted to director during her reposition period. If she does not re-promote within 6 months, the beginning of the 7th month, the downline Director or Directors compress up to the next active Director.

U.S. Managers

10/5/2015 37 of 60

FIVE STAR DIRECTOR Sources of Income Leadership Commission on your Promoted Directors increased from 6% to 8.5% on Commissionable Volume for your G1 Directors (Formerly L1), from 2% to 8.5% for your G2 Directors (formerly L2) and from 1% to 3% for your G3 Directors (formerly L3) and a new percentage of 3% for your G4 Directors (formerly L4). Personal Sales Retained Profit

Personal Sales Volume Bonus

25% on all retail sales

Earn 5% on PRS of $1,500 to $3,999

Team Sales

Bonuses Promoted Director Team Sales

Profit Plus*

Earn 6%: 7%: 8%:

Team Retail Sales $10,000 - $14,999 $15,000 - $19,999 $20,000 +

Generation 1: 8.5% Generation 2: 8.5% Generation 3: 3.0% Generation 4: 3.0%

Director Developm ent Bonus

$2,000 One-time Bonus

Earn 10% on PRS at $4,000 and above

*Total Team Retail Sales used to determine Profit Plus percentage amount. Profit Plus percentage is paid on your Commissionable volume. ** The Director Development Bonus is paid to Promoting Directors for personally promoted first time Directors only who have not held the title of Director or higher since January 2005. Special Opportunity: You will receive a Special Re-promoted Director $1,000 Matching Bonus when you re-promote a Director from your personal team that steps up to Director; qualified in February 2016 (titled in March 2016) through qualified in July 2016 (titled in August 2016) as long as they did not hold the Director title or higher since January 2015. Bonus will be paid with March commission in April.

One-2-One success formula Organization Leader

U.S. Managers

Promote 1 new Manager per month per Director team

Hold 2 personal parties per week

Promote 1 organization Director per quarter

• Conduct & support all available trainings (4x/month) • Attend & support weekly meetings • Weekly coaching with your Team, Directors and upline

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U.S. Managers

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     

Maintain active status - all Sales Force Members must achieve a total of $250 in personal Sales within a rolling 4 month period Personal Sales Volume Bonus minimum is based on 3 standard parties; meet or exceed $1,500 in personal sales to earn the bonus. Personal Qualified Recruit continues to be important in building strong units/teams. However, it is no longer used in determining monthly compensation percentages For Directors through Presidential Director Profit Plus now replaces Royalty on Team Sales Directors’ downline Director Teams are referred to as Generations Compression of Generations will occur monthly for Generations of Director Teams Royalty on Promoted Director Teams is now referred to as Leadership Commission; and the percentages have been enhanced Directors and above that promote a Director still are eligible for the 4 month Personal Team Sales wavier; see policies for details

How to Achieve title, How to Receive Commission, How to Maintain Title How to Achieve title

How to Receive Commission

How to Maintain Title

Promote 6 Directors from your personal team to be your Generation 1 Directors, 4 of which are Star Directors in Structure

20+ Team parties (Meet or exceed $10,000 Team Retail Sales)

20+ Team parties (Meet or exceed $10,000 Team Retail Sales)

NOTE: Title is effective the month after you achieve Executive Director qualifications.

NOTE: Start receiving Leadership Commission the first month you are titled as an Executive Director and meet these qualifications

6 Generation 1 Directors, 4 of which are Star Directors in Structure NOTE: Directors are allowed three qualification misses in a calendar year, on the fourth miss in a calendar year, they are repositioned to the level they performed at during the sales month of your fourth miss. In the event the Executive Director loses the structure needed to maintain title due to Directors stepping down the Executive Director has 12 months from the first month they lost structure to regain the needed structure and maintain their title.

Regain: If the repositioned Executive Director has downline Director teams; she has 6 months to re-promote as a Director, and regain downline Directors and Executive Director Title, excluding any team member who promoted to director during her reposition period. If she does not re-promote within 6 months, the beginning of the 7th month, the downline Director or Directors compress up to the next active Director.

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Sources of Income Leadership Commission on your Promoted Directors increased from 7% to 8.5% on Commissionable Volume for your G1 Directors (Formerly L1), from 3% to 8.5% for your G2 Directors (formerly L2) and from 2% to 8.5% for your G3 Directors (formerly L3) and a new percentage of 3% for your G4 Directors (formerly L4), and a new percentage of 3% for your G5 Directors (formerly L5).

Personal Sales Retained Profit

25% on all retail sales

Team Sales

Personal Sales Volume Bonus Earn 5% on PRS of $1,500 to $3,999

Profit Plus*

Earn 6%: 7%: 8%:

Team Retail Sales $10,000 - $14,999 $15,000 - $19,999 $20,000 +

Bonuses Promoted Director Team Sales

Generation 1: 8.5% Generation 2: 8.5% Generation 3: 8.5% Generation 4: 3.0% Generation 5: 3.0%

Director Development Bonus

$2,500 One-time Bonus

Earn 10% on PRS at $4,000 and above *Total Team Retail Sales used to determine Profit Plus percentage amount. Profit Plus percentage is paid on your Commissionable volume. ** The Director Development Bonus is paid to Promoting Directors for personally promoted first time Directors only who have not held the title of Director or higher since January 2005. Special Opportunity: You will receive a Special Re-promoted Director $1,000 Matching Bonus when you re-promote a Director from your personal team that steps up to Director; qualified in February 2016 (titled in March 2016) through qualified in July 2016 (titled in August 2016) as long as they did not hold the Director title or higher since January 2015. Bonus will be paid with March commission in April.

One-2-One success formula

Organization Leader

U.S. Managers

Promote 1 new Manager per month per Director team

Hold 2 personal parties per week

Promote 1 organization Director per quarter

• Conduct & support all available trainings (4x/month) • Attend & support weekly meetings • Weekly coaching with your Team, Directors and upline

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U.S. Managers

10/5/2015 42 of 60


      

Maintain active status - all Sales Force Members must achieve a total of $250 in personal Sales within a rolling 4 month period Personal Sales Volume Bonus minimum is based on 3 standard parties; meet or exceed $1,500 in personal sales to earn the bonus. Personal Qualified Recruit continues to be important in building strong units/teams. However, it is no longer used in determining monthly compensation percentages For Directors through Presidential Director Profit Plus now replaces Royalty on Team Sales Directors’ downline Director Teams are referred to as Generations Compression of Generations will occur monthly for Generations of Director Teams Royalty on Promoted Director Teams is now referred to as Leadership Commission; and the percentages have been enhanced Directors and above that promote a Director still are eligible for the 4 month Personal Team Sales wavier; see policies for details

How to Achieve title, How to Receive Commission, How to Maintain Title How to Achieve title

How to Receive Commission

How to Maintain Title

Promote 9 Directors from your personal team to be your Generation 1 Directors, 6 of which are Star Directors in Structure

20+ Team parties (Meet or exceed $10,000 Team Retail Sales)

20+ Team parties (Meet or exceed $10,000 Team Retail Sales)

NOTE: Title is effective the month after you achieve Star Executive Director qualifications.

NOTE: Start receiving Leadership Commission the first month you are titled as a Star Executive Director and meet these qualifications

9 Generation 1 Directors, 6 of which are Star Directors in structure NOTE: Directors are allowed three qualification misses in a calendar year, on the fourth miss in a calendar year, they are repositioned to the level they performed at during the sales month of your fourth miss. In the event the Star Executive Director loses the structure needed to maintain title due to Directors stepping down the Star Executive Director has 12 months from the first month they lost structure to regain a the needed structure and maintain their title.

Regain: If the repositioned Star Executive Director has downline Director teams; she has 6 months to re-promote as a Director, and regain downline Directors and your Star Executive Director Title, excluding any team member who promoted to director during her reposition period. If she does not re-promote within 6 months, the beginning of the 7th month, the downline Director or Directors compress up to the next active Director.

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STAR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Sources of Income Leadership Commission on your Promoted Directors increased from 7% to 9% on Commissionable Volume for your G1 Directors (Formerly L1), from 3% to 9% for your G2 Directors (formerly L2), from 2% to 9% for your G3 Directors (formerly L3), and a new percentage of 9% for your G4 (formerly L4) and a new percentage of 3% on G5, and G6 Directors (formerly L5 and L6). Personal Sales Retained Profit

Personal Sales Volume Bonus

25% on all retail sales

Earn 5% on PRS of $1,500 to $3,999 Earn 10% on PRS at $4,000 and above

Team Sales Profit Plus*

Earn Sales 6%: 7%: 8%:

Team Retail $10,000 - $14,999 $15,000 - $19,999 $20,000 +

Bonuses Promoted Director Team Sales

Generation 1: 9.0% Generation 2: 9.0% Generation 3: 9.0% Generation 4: 9.0% Generation 5: 3.0% Generation 6: 3.0%

Director Development Bonus

$2,500 One-time Bonus

*Total Team Retail Sales used to determine Profit Plus percentage amount. Profit Plus percentage is paid on your Commissionable volume. ** The Director Development Bonus is paid to Promoting Directors for personally promoted first time Directors only who have not held the title of Director or higher since January 2005. Special Opportunity: You will receive a Special Re-promoted Director $1,000 Matching Bonus when you re-promote a Director from your personal team that steps up to Director; qualified in February 2016 (titled in March 2016) through qualified in July 2016 (titled in August 2016) as long as they did not hold the Director title or higher since January 2015. Bonus will be paid with March commission in April.

One-2-One success formula

Organization Leader

U.S. Managers

Promote 1 new Manager per month per Director team

Hold 2 personal parties per week

Promote 1 organization Director per quarter

• Conduct & support all available trainings (4x/month) • Attend & support weekly meetings • Weekly coaching with your Team, Directors and upline

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U.S. Managers

10/5/2015 45 of 60


       

Maintain active status - all Sales Force Members must achieve a total of $250 in personal Sales within a rolling 4 month period Personal Sales Volume Bonus minimum is based on 3 standard parties; meet or exceed $1,500 in personal sales to earn the bonus. Personal Qualified Recruit continues to be important in building strong units/teams. However, it is no longer used in determining monthly compensation percentages For Directors through Presidential Director Profit Plus now replaces Royalty on Team Sales Directors’ downline Director Teams are referred to as Generations Compression of Generations will occur monthly for Generations of Director Teams Royalty on Promoted Director Teams is now referred to as Leadership Commission; and the percentages have been enhanced Directors and above who hold the title of Director and above at time of transition are eligible for the Director Bridge Program during the transition period Directors and above that promote a Director still are eligible for the 4 month Personal Team Sales wavier; see policies for details

How to Achieve title, How to Receive Commission, How to Maintain Title How to Achieve title Promote 12 Directors from your personal team to be your Generation 1 Directors, 8 of which are Star Directors in Structure NOTE: Title is effective the month after you achieve Presidential Director qualifications.

How to Receive Commission 20+ Team parties (Meet or exceed $10,000 Team Retail Sales)

NOTE: Start receiving Leadership Commission the first month you are titled as a Presidential Director and meet these qualifications

How to Maintain Title 20+ Team parties (Meet or exceed $10,000 Team Retail Sales) 12 G1 Directors, 8 of which are Star Directors in structure NOTE: Directors are allowed three qualification misses in a calendar year, on the fourth miss in a calendar year, they are repositioned to the level they performed at during the sales month of your fourth miss. In the event the Presidential Director loses the structure needed to maintain title due to Directors stepping down the Presidential Director has 12 months from the first month they lost structure to regain a the needed structure and maintain their title.

Regain: If the repositioned Presidential Director has downline Director teams; she has 6 months to re-promote as a Director, and regain downline Directors and your Presidential Director Title, excluding any team member who promoted to director during her reposition period. If she does not re-promote within 6 months, the beginning of the 7th month, the downline Director or Directors compress up to the next active Director.

U.S. Managers

10/5/2015 46 of 60

PRESIDENTIAL DIRECTOR Sources of Income Leadership Commission on your Promoted Directors increased from 7% to 10% on Commissionable Volume for your G1 Directors (Formerly L1), from 3% to 10% for your G2 Directors (formerly L2), from 2% to 10% for your G3 Directors (formerly L3), from 1% to 10% for your G4 (formerly Level 4) and a new percentage of 3% for your Generation 5, 6 and 7 Directors (formerly L5, L6, and L7). Personal Sales Retained Profit

Personal Sales Volume Bonus

25% on all retail sales

Earn 5% on PRS of $1,500 to $3,999 Earn 10% on PRS at $4,000 and above

Team Sales Profit Plus*

Earn Sales 6%: 7%: 8%:

Team Retail $10,000 - $14,999 $15,000 - $19,999 $20,000 +

Bonuses Promoted Director Team Sales

Generation 1: 10% Generation 2: 10% Generation 3: 10% Generation 4: 10% Generation 5: 3.0% Generation 6: 3.0% Generation 7: 3.0%

Director Development Bonus $2,500 One-time Bonus

*Total Team Retail Sales used to determine Profit Plus percentage amount. Profit Plus percentage is paid on your Commissionable volume. ** The Director Development Bonus is paid to Promoting Directors for personally promoted first time Directors only who have not held the title of Director or higher since January 2005. Special Opportunity You will receive a Special Re-promoted Director $1,000 Matching Bonus when you re-promote a Director from your personal team that steps up to Director; qualified in February 2016 (titled in March 2016) through qualified in July 2016 (titled in August 2016) as long as they did not hold the Director title or higher since January 2015. Bonus will be paid with March commission in April.

One-2-One success formula Organization Leader

U.S. Managers

Promote 1 new Manager per month per Director team

Hold 2 personal parties per week

Promote 1 organization Director per quarter

• Conduct & support all available trainings (4x/month) • Attend & support weekly meetings • Weekly coaching with your Team, Directors and upline

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Guidelines & Standards

U.S. Managers

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GUIDELINES & STANDARDS How to Maintain Active Status For all Salesforce Member To maintain active status all Sales Force Members must achieve a total of $250 in personal Sales within a rolling 4 month period. If a Salesforce Member goes inactive they forfeit their title and entire downline, including promoted Directors and Managers along with their teams/units. They then have 8 months to regain their active status by submitting $350 in Personal Sales, but do not regain any downline. Compression: Comprised of two types, Level Compression and Generation Compression. At the time of transition there will be a one-time compression. Level Compression: When a Consultant at any level goes inactive closed (after the 8 months of being inactive), anyone below her moves up to the next active Salesforce Member, including someone at level 4 who would move into their level 3, level 3 would move to 2, level 2 would move to 1. Generation Compression: After a Director repositions, her Director Team moves back to the parent Director’s team. The unit members will remain connected to the former Director unless the former Director becomes inactive at which time the Unit members will compress up to the next active Sales Force Member.

Regain: If the repositioned Director has downline Director teams, she has 6 months to re-promote as Director, and regain downline Directors and Title, excluding any team member who promoted to director during her reposition period. If she does not re-promote within 6 months, the beginning of the 7th month, the downline Director or Directors compress up to the next active Director. In the event a Star Director (and above) loses the structure needed to maintain title, due to Directors stepping down, the Star Director (and above) has 12 months from the first month they lost structure to regain the structure needed to maintain their title.

Organization Sales For Directors and above For Directors, there are two different types of organization sales: personal organization sales and all Generation sales, as can be viewed on your report screens. Personal organization sales: Counts the sales of those in your compensated levels (see Sales Force Compensation Chart for details by career level), and upon which some recognition challenges, trips, awards and programs are based (qualifications vary). All Generation sales: Counts the sales of those in all Generations of your organization, and upon which the What’s Your Drive, Car Program, Elite Program and some Business Leaders only recognition programs are based (previously referred to as infinity org sales).

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GUIDELINES & STANDARDS Bypass For Managers Managers cannot be bypassed by any other Manager level. If you are a Manager with a unit member who promotes to Director before you, then the Director and their team are no longer part of your unit. You will earn Profit Plus on the Personal Sales of a Director you have personally recruited, but must qualify to receive compensation based on your Unit sales without her personal sales.

For Directors and Above If a Director you promoted achieves and hold a higher title than you, you will be by-passed. As today, you will continue to count and be commissioned on the bypassing Director’s personal team sales. To get out of a bypass situation, the bypassed Director needs to achieve the same career title or higher as the Director who bypassed them. From that point forward, sales will begin to count again towards the upline Director. However, the highest career level is Presidential Director. A Presidential Director with another Presidential Director in their downline is considered bypassed by that Director.

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ENHANCEMENTS What’s Your Drive Car Program Executive Manager Bonus Executive Manager $150 “What’s Your Drive Cash Bonus” is renamed to Executive Manager Bonus. When a Sales Force Member becomes an Executive Manager and has $7,500 or more in Unit Retail Sales for any 2 consecutive months, they qualify to receive a $150 monthly bonus each month they achieve $7,500 or more in sales. Bonus is eligible the month after qualification. Example 1: August



15 unit parties ($7,500 Unit Retail Sales)

15 unit parties ($7,500 Unit Retail Sales)

15 unit parties ($7,500 Unit Retail Sales)

$500 Personal Retail Sales

$500 Personal Retail Sales

$500 Personal Retail Sales

9 Active Personally Recruited Unit Members

9 Active Level 1 Unit Members

9 Active Level 1 Unit Members $150 Bonus!

You achieved title qualification this month. Your title will be effective September.

Example 2: August

This is your first month to be paid as an Executive Manager.

Bonus paid with October commissions which are paid in November




15 unit parties ($7,500 Unit Retail Sales)

15 unit parties ($7,500 Unit Retail Sales)

15 unit parties ($7,500 Unit Retail Sales)

$600 Personal Retail Sales

$600 Personal Retail Sales

12 unit parties $6,000 in Unit Sales $500 Personal Retail Sales 9 Active Level 1 Unit Members

9 Active Level 1 Unit Members

9 Active Personally Recruited Unit Members

9 Active Level 1 Unit Members


$150 Bonus!

You achieved title qualification this month. Your title will be effective September.

This is your first month to be paid as an Executive Manager.

U.S. Managers

$500 Personal Retail Sales

Bonus paid with November commissions which are paid in December

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ENHANCEMENTS Director in Qualification Program Qualifications Needed to Enter Program 5 Unit Parties ($2,500 Unit Retail Sales)

Qualifications Needed to Remain in Program 5 Unit Parties ($2,500 Unit Retail Sales)

15 Dream Team Parties ($7,500 Dream Team Sales)

15 Dream Team Parties ($7,500 Dream Team Sales)

$500 Personal Retail Sales

$500 Personal Retail Sales

Qualifications Needed to Achieve Director Title $30,000 in Cumulative Dream Team Sales 2 Qualified as Managers* in your Dream Team in your last qualifying month See for details on how the DIQ program works.

6 Personal Active Recruits

Director First Time Step Up Bonus The Director first time step up bonus of $1,000 is available to those who have not held the title of Director or higher since January 2005. A Re-promoted Director will receive a Special Re-promoted Director $1,000 Bonus when they step up to Director; if they qualify between February 2016 (titled in March 2016) through qualified in July 2016 (titled in August 2016) as long as they did not hold the Director title or higher since January 2015. Director Development Bonus The Director Development Bonus is paid to Promoting Directors for personally promoted first time Directors only who have not held the title of Director or higher since January 2007. A Promoting Director will receive a Special Re-promoted Director $1,000 Matching Bonus when you re-promote a Director from your personal team that steps up to Director; qualified in February 2016 (titled in March 2016) through qualified in July 2016 (titled in August 2016) as long as they did not hold the Director title or higher since January 2015.

Manager First Time Step Up Bonus The First Time Step Up Bonus of $100 is available to Sales Force Members Manager who have not held the title of Manager or higher in the current plan.

who step up to

Star Manager First Time Step Up Bonus The First Time Step Up Bonus of $150 is available to Sales Force Members who step up to Star Manager who have not held the title of Manager or higher in the current plan. If a Sales Force Member goes from Consultant to Star Manager in one month, they will receive a total Step Up Bonus of $250 ($100 for their first time stepping up to Manager plus $150 for their first time stepping up to Star Manager). If they previously had held the title of Manager, then they would only receive the $1540 bonus for their first time stepping up to Star Manger.

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Executive Manager First Time Step Up Bonus The First Time Step Up Bonus of $200 is available to Sales Force Members who step up to Executive Manager who have not held the title of Executive Manager / Paid as a DIQ or higher in the current plan. If a Sales Force Member goes from Consultant to Executive Manager in one month, they will receive a total Step Up Bonus of $450 ($100 for their first time stepping up to Manager plus $150 for their first time stepping up to Star Manager and $200 for their first time stepping up to Executive Manager). If they previously had held the title of Manager or Star Manager, then they would only receive the $200 bonus for their first time stepping up to Executive Manager.

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U.S. Managers

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Unit / Team Summary Unit / Team terminology When a Consultant through Executive Manager is viewing this screen, the word Team is replaced with Unit throughout. When a director is viewing the screen, the word Team will appear. New Level Column Consultants through Executive Manager Units now consist of 3 levels of unit members. This represents which level that unit member is. Renamed Activated column The PQR date has been removed and this new column for activation has been added. This column represents the sales month in which the team member has activated. View Individual or specific weeks There is a new feature in which you may click on the calendar and now show data for only a specific time period in terms of sales weeks. Just click on the From Week and the To Week and click Go and the data available on the screen will show on that particular week within the sales month. Sort You may now sort any columns by simply clicking on the column heading. A small A-Z box will appear in the column heading that you have sorted by. Unit for Consultant to Exec. Manager

New Unit Summary

Click any heading to sort

New Level column

U.S. Managers

View Weeks Activated replace PQR

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Earnings Estimator Level 1 Unit/Team Members Total number of level 1 Unit/Team Members towards qualifications Profit Plus* and % of Profit Plus* Charts When the Salesforce Member has met the qualifications to earn Profit Plus, they may click on the chart available to see the minimums needed as well as the percentage that would be received. Manager Vanguard Bonus* A chart is available to see the sales amounts needed to reach each level Vanguard bonus.

Charts for Profit Plus and Vanguard

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Compensation Chart

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U.S. Managers

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