3 minute read

Medicare… Demystified For You

piecing together

The Medicare Puzzle


The first thing you do when you put together a puzzle is spread out all the pieces. It seems overwhelming at first, but once you have a strategy, it’s not so scary. Maybe you look for the corners and side pieces, or match together the ones that are all the same color. One thing is certain however, when you’ve found the right piece, it just fits. When it comes to Medicare, piecing together the full picture requires a comprehensive strategy. Misleading television commercials, ads, and mailings introduce doubts and fears that you may be missing a piece, and creating worry that it might never fit together. “I would love to see this less complicated. There should not be this level of complication. It’s a puzzle. I do the navigating through the many pieces of Medicare. Every plan has its own sweet spots,” said Maureen Hallaran, an independent Medicare Broker at Mosaic WSG, Ltd. “It bothers me that our local Senior/Medicare consumers are not getting clear information, that they are worrying about their healthcare choice and if they have made the right decision. Healthcare plans are consumer specific, and plans vary greatly by State and County. I enjoy working with my clients, I live in the area and know the local pharmacies, doctors, and hospitals. I take great pride and get satisfaction in helping my neighbors get all the benefits that they are entitled to.”


As an independent broker, Maureen doesn’t work on commission and her services are available at no cost to the customer – giving her the freedom to find you the pieces of a custom-built plan that best fits your unique healthcare needs. “The dynamics of that are just tremendous. Everyone is an individual. It’s not black and white,” she said. With Medicare there are four parts, Supplemental Insurance, and an Advantage Plan. Knowing which combination of options is right for you begins in Maureen’s office with a one to two-hour consultation. The results of this meeting could end up saving you thousands of dollars every year. “I know these plans. I love my job so much because when someone leaves my office, I know I’ve gotten them the most cost-effective plan and am saving them the most money.”


In the 1999 film, The Matrix, there is a choice. Take the "red pill" and learn a life-changing truth, or take the "blue pill" and remain ignorant. Many people on Medicare aren’t even aware of their choices until Maureen helps illuminate them. She has been a broker since 2009, and previously worked as a pharmaceutical representative, she has an intimate understanding of just how varied drug pricing can be. Drugs are priced differently based on if they are caplets, tablets, extended-release, single-acting, and which preservative is used to maintain shelf life. A different delivery method can save consumers a lot of money. There are five tiers of drug pricing based on your plan’s preferred choices. Pharmacies are also categorized based on whether they’re considered a standard, out-of-network pharmacy vs. a preferred, in-network pharmacy. These differences can triple your monthly medication costs.


In addition to medication, another big expense can be dental costs. Comparing dental insurance costs to your needs (and the discounts offered through other channels) is essential. “Don’t pick a Medicare plan based on dental coverage. Dental coverage is often misinterpreted by the Medicare consumer,” advises Maureen.


Eager to educate people about their options, Maureen invites families to call her anytime and to come in together to get all their questions thoroughly answered. “If you get sick, call me. Let me be the second call after your diagnosis. Most people are not locked into a plan,” she said. There’s no need to be tech savvy either, she does all the research for you. If there’s a change in your status, income, or medications, she’ll know just what to do. As a certified insurance professional, she undergoes rigorous annual testing and training to stay up-to-date on the latest products and changes. Maureen also teaches seniors within the community through Zoom, and once the pandemic is over, she’ll resume in-person instruction. Find out more about connecting the pieces of your healthcare and financial future by calling 518-581-1642 or visiting MosaicWSG.com


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