4 minute read
Oh No, She Got Out
Senior Cat Pumpkin Found After Missing For THREE MONTHS!
It was election night, November 2, and in an instant, Pumpkin dashed out the door after seven happy years of living inside. Her devoted pet mom could not believe what she had just seen! Pumpkin had never tried to get out before. Because Pumpkin had been adopted from H.O.P.E., her pet mom called to ask for help. They suggested she make flyers, and distribute them throughout the area, and offered to loan her a trap to put outside her house. H.O.P.E. cat adoption associate Katelyn went over and searched the woods, looking for Pumpkin. Another Adoption Associate Len decided to make it his mission to help find this missing cat. He suggested a trail cam would be helpful and sure enough, it showed hungry dogs, other cats, a racoon, a fox, and many squirrels looking for a free meal, but no Pumpkin. On January 18th, two and a half months after Pumpkin went missing, she was spotted in the neighborhood! Len set up the trail cam with the permission of the neighbors and saw all kinds of critters including a cat who sure looked like Pumpkin in the middle of a flock of turkeys who were sharing their birdseed with her! The trail cam enabled Len to see what time of night Pumpkin was active. Len immediately went to work designing a heated container to house the humane trap. This is a critical step for catching cats in the middle of winter. Cats can easily freeze in an unheated trap. He baited the trap and left it by the neighbor’s shed where the cat had last been seen. In the morning, Pumpkin was in the trap, but when he picked it up, the door loosened, and she got away! (Len had received several bites from Pumpkin, but nothing deterred him.) He decided to put out some other heated “cat houses” with unset traps and food so Pumpkin would get used to entering and eating inside them. There had been snow for Len to track Pumpkin’s movement, so he knew the best places to set the trap after she got used to going in to eat. It worked and Pumpkin was finally trapped!!! She had gone from weighing almost 13 lbs. to 6.5 lbs and was dehydrated, but she was OK!! The vet said she had done remarkably well. The cardiologist said her heart condition had actually improved with the weight loss. Pumpkin and her mama (and H.O.P.E.!) would like to thank all the fine folks who helped get Pumpkin back home, especially Len who was “all in” from the beginning. SF

WRITTEN BY SUSIE RYAN Next? The COVID-19 Pandemic has elicited a bit of soul searching in everyone and I’m no exception! Throughout the past year a number of thought-provoking questions have surfaced in my mind. If you’re feeling a little restless and stir crazy too, hopefully this will give us all something to look forward to.

1. What gives you solace and a sense of wellbeing as you navigate the day-to-day challenges? 2. What are you feeling? Are you optimistic and thriving? Or merely surviving? Maybe a little of both? 3. Are you pro-active? Choosing to help anyone or somehow make a difference? On reflection, is there anything you wish to share with others? 4. What have you missed the most? How will you re-introduce it to your life? Will you do so post pandemic? Or have you already begun the process? 5. What has the pandemic taught you? Moving forward, what lessons will you take with you? What will you choose to leave behind? 6. What do you hope your life will look like post-pandemic? How will you manifest it? Have you identified personal goals you will pursue? Interesting questions, don’t you think? I’m sure you have a few of your own, answered or unanswered. No matter what vision you’re holding for your unique life going forward, I wish you joy, peace, and blessings. I’m hopeful that your “what’s next” is going to be AMAZING and if you’re pondering any other aspects of LIFE AFTER 70 please send them along to cBushee@SaratogaPublishing.com with LIFE AFTER 70 in the subject line – looking forward to hearing from you! SF
SUSIE RYAN Ms. Ryan is a vibrant, single, senior who recently relocated to this area, and is enjoying reconnecting with family & friends. She is a proud mother, grandmother, and most recently great grandmother to twins! A retired Registered Nurse, her professional accomplishments include 38 years of service in a variety of medical settings in the public & private sector, including the NYS Department of Corrections. Ms. Ryan self-published the magazine, New Vision, and was a vocal advocate for the physically & mentally challenged; assisting with the development & implementation of the Surrogate DecisionMaking Committee, for the NYS Commission on Quality of Care, and presented at numerous conferences throughout the State. She founded the New York State Association of Nurses for the Physically & Mentally Challenged, serving as President for two years & initiated the association’s first newsletter.