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Meghan Lemery
MEGHAN LEMERY FRITZ LCSW-R Meghan Fritz is a psychotherapist practicing at Fritz, Stanger & Associates. For more information contact meghanfritzlcsw@gmail.com
Preparing for the Holidays During a Pandemic
As we approach the holiday season during a pandemic that has altered daily life since March of 2020, we will face new stressors on top of the usual holiday frenzy that takes place from November thru January. If you are used to hosting the annual Christmas Eve gathering with all your neighbors and friends this year may be especially difficult. If you are someone who is generally introverted and enjoys a more mellow holiday, this may be the year you thrive instead of muddling through the social calendar and family commitments. COVID has brought so many challenges to our families emotionally, spiritually and financially. Navigating this unique holiday season with boundaries and peace of mind is essential to avoiding further stress in an already stressful time. One thing this pandemic has shown us is that we all have different boundaries when it comes to safe practices. Wearing a mask, limiting large social gatherings, and maintaining social distance may be what you and your family feels most comfortable doing, while other friends and family may think you are being overly cautious or dramatic. The most important rule of adulting is this: DO WHAT WORKS FOR YOU and do not let other people bully you into letting go of your boundaries causing you to cave and engage in people pleasing behavior. Have a solid plan in place of what works for you and discuss this plan with your family. If you decide to stay home and have a quiet holiday, do not let people guilt you into attending a gathering that compromises your peace. We’ve learned many life-lessons over the last eight months, and this holiday season can be used as an opportunity to practice setting and honoring the boundaries that work for you. Have a plan, stick to the facts, and do what works for you.