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It feels Good to Give
it feels Good to Give COMPILED BY MADYSIN FISH
• Operation Adopt A Soldier packs donation boxes on the 2nd Saturday of each month to send out to our soldiers on duty (year ‘round). Beginning the second week of November they will ALSO be collecting toys for children in need. Drop off your new, unopened toys or contact Cliff for pick up. To get involved or learn more visit 4281 Route 50, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866. OperationAdoptASoldier.com, operationadoptasoldierinc@gmail. com or call 518-260-9922.
• Starting November 1st, the Saratoga Senior Center will begin the Santas for Seniors program which looks for volunteers in the community to donate gifts to a specific senior, to get matched with a senior, contact 518-584-1621 or email seniorcentervolunteer@gmail. com. The center also plans to have a holiday cookie fundraiser, Senior Caroling and Present Wrapping in December, keep an eye out for more information on their website SaratogaSeniorCenter.org
• Chamber Angels provides children’s Christmas Gifts for families going through financial hardships. Kids must be between birth and age 18 and attend a school in Saratoga County if applicable. To help support a child, contact Lori Jones by emailing info@chamberangels.com, you will be given a child’s wish list or can make a monetary donation, all gifts are due by December 1st. They will also host a virtual Silent Auction from November 13th-20th to raise funds and put giving trees up around the county for those who’d like to donate. For more information go to ChamberAngels.com
• The Saratoga Heritage Visitors Center plans to bring back its annual Mitten Tree project beginning the 3rd week of November (to December 31). A tree will be placed at the visitor center, 297 Broadway, Saratoga Springs NY, 12866. Community members are encouraged to decorate the tree with warm winter items like coats and mittens! For more information go to SaratogaVisitorCenter.org or call 518-587-3241.
• Holiday Assistance at Franklin Community Center helps provide gifts to local children every year with the generosity of the community. To help the cause, you can “adopt” a local child or family, host a toy drive, or make donations of toys, books, clothes, games, or shoes, etc. The program runs through December. For more information email jen@ franklincommunitycenter.org or visit the website.
• The Empty Stocking Project's mission is to embody the holiday spirit by helping to provide families in need with a joyous holiday. The Saratoga County Children’s Committee matches "Friends" - community sponsors - with individual children and families. The "Friends” are provided with a wishlist and basic necessities of a child or family. To get involved, visit www. saratogachildrenscommittee.org/ empty-stocking-project • MVP Healthcare along with News10, ABC and Fox 23, along with the National Cleaners Association, will begin their Coats for Kids fundraiser to help children in need stay warm this winter with donations of new or gently used coats from the community. The fundraiser will run from November 1st-29th. To donate coats, drop them off at local dry cleaners in Saratoga County on this list: www.news10.com/community/ coats-for-kids or to make a donation through the online forum follow this link: www.news10.com/community/ coats-for-kids.
• The Giving Circle partners with Franklin Community Center to sponsor the Adopt-a-Child program, which helps low-income families during the Holidays by pairing volunteers with a child to shop for. For more information call 518-469-6769 or visit the www.givingcircle.org.
• Each year the NY Race Track Chaplaincy runs the Sponsor-aFamily-for-Christmas foundation which gives supporters the opportunity to donate food and gifts for backstretch families in need during the Holiday Season. Sponsors will provide new winter clothing for the children, a toy for each child and a supermarket card for the family’s holiday dinner. All additional gifts are welcome and family sponsorships may be shared. Email outreach@rtcany.org to request to be assigned a family to sponsor, or for more information.