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Pine Grove Church

Welcome to Pine Grove

Where Church Truly is All About Community
I love meeting new people along life’s journey. Everyone has their own story, and I find myself grateful when they decide to share parts of it with me. Mark Kehrer, Pastor of Pine Grove Community Church in Saratoga Springs, grew up on a farm in Michigan. “We’ve always been a close-knit family,” he says of his two brothers and parents. I ask if he always wanted to be in the ministry, and Mark chuckles. “Becoming a pastor was never on my radar,” he says. “I mean, never.” I’m kind of surprised. Obviously, when he says it like that, I’m compelled to learn more. “I grew up wanting to be a marine biologist,” he continues, explaining he’d joined the Navy in 1982, sharing 24 years between being onboard four submarines and serving with three shore commands before retiring as a Master Chief in 2006. Mark met his wife Jody on a double-blind date. They fell in love and married in September 1986. The couple raised three kids – two boys and a girl, in the Catholic Church but left when sexual allegations arose against priests in the faith. “It was a difficult time for parishioners everywhere – the truth was brutal, nearly impossible to wrap your head around.” Like many other married people, Mark and Jody had put most of their focus on making the children a top priority. But little ones grow up, eventually leave home, have families of their own, and then what? These two parents grew apart. They even separated for a short time. “My mom and I had a conversation at one point,” Mark candidly tells me. “And she told me things could work out. She encouraged me to concentrate on fixing my marriage.” His honesty is refreshing – you don’t always hear ministers, pastors, or priests speaking so matter-of-factly. I appreciate thinking of Pastor Mark as a human being first, a person of the faith second. In 2012, while home in Michigan for a funeral, Pastor John Vermilya pulled Mark aside. His message was clear; “God wants you to know he’s not done with you yet,” he stated to the young man. “He wants you to believe he has plans for you, that everything’s going to be just fine.” Jeremiah 29:13 came to Mark’s mind. “You will seek and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Not surprisingly, the marriage’s relationship began to heal quickly. “Now it’s stronger than ever.”
The couple found Revelation Church in Connecticut and began attending services in 2012. By 2013, Mark was contemplating retirement from the pharmaceutical/biotech company he was working for. “I felt this calling on my life to become more involved in the ministry. Over time I grew in faith, transitioned to an executive pastor with Revelation Church, and relocated to Saratoga in 2017.” Pine Grove was Living Springs at the time. But membership had dwindled to nothing, and the church was forced to close. Revelation Church took the property over as a Campus Ministry, and this is where Mark became Pastor with his wife, Jody, in January of 2018. Over the next nine months, the church underwent extensive remodeling and re-opened in September of the same year. In 2019, they transitioned amicably from Revelation Campus Church to Pine Grove Community Church, where the mission is centered around community outreach. Pine Grove has partnered with many others to do just that – places like Wellspring, Birthright, Healing Springs, and Alberto Matos, who works for the NY Race Track Chaplaincy as Chaplin of the Backstretch. Mark and Alberto walk me through the campground, where backstretch workers can bring their families to live during track season. The housing is more affordable here. I see several cabins, each offering a warm welcome, all tucked into the woods next to the church. This year is Alberto’s 11th season, and he’s quick to tell me about his love for the ministry and outreach to the community. “The men and women who work the backstretch during Saratoga’s track season take part in our Monday night service there,” he says. “We refer to this as ‘Twice fed’ because Christ’s message feeds our souls and the meal we serve feeds our bellies.” The campground is beautiful, and it’s easy to picture children playing, moms cooking and families laughing with the simple joy of being together in such a peaceful area. But I can also see it needs some TLC. Both Mark and Alberto express the need for volunteers to help get the property ready for the upcoming 2021 season. “Pretty soon, families will begin to arrive here,” the men tell me. “They settle in before the track opens and remain for a few weeks after it closes. We need help with minor repairs and cleanup from the fall and winter seasons.” Pre-Covid, membership at Pine Grove Community Church was 100-plus. Now, Mark says the numbers are climbing through the high 60s. “Little by little, people are feeling better about coming back to our services. We’re happy about that.” When I ask Mark what message he would give to others, this is what he says. “You can’t always be sure of the path you are taking. I’ve learned not to put my trust in plans but instead, be obedient to the call on my life. It’s led me to the most amazing experiences and wonderful people. Listen to your heart, and it will guide you.” SS
Places you can reach the Pastor: Mark@thegrovess.com • Thegrovess.com Facebook.com/thegrovess • Instagram.com/thegrovess