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Help Commemorate the 250th Anniversary of the Battles of Saratoga

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Wonderful Flavor

Nearly 250 years ago, America declared its independence from Great Britain, and the resulting American Revolutionary War was a significant turning point in the history of all humanity. As the anniversary milestones of these events approach, commemorations will take place across the country. However, none will be more momentous than the 250th Anniversary of the Battles of Saratoga.

The commemoration of this significant anniversary is already underway. The Towns of Saratoga and Stillwater have joined together to form a committee to organize and promote events. The 250th Anniversary of the Battles of Saratoga is scheduled to take place in October 2027. The Towns are also partnering with the Saratoga County 250th Commission and the Saratoga National Historical Park. This commemoration will require extensive support from local historians, historical groups, and the entire community. Volunteers are what make events and commemorations like this one possible.

Participating in a historic anniversary such as the Battles of Saratoga has numerous benefits. Volunteers have the opportunity to learn and educate others on local history, meet new people, gain valuable skills, cultivate a sense of community and most importantly, it is an opportunity to have fun and be part of a significant commemoration of America’s history that comes once, maybe twice in a lifetime.

The 250th committee is planning various future events, not just the main event scheduled for October 2027. Over the next few years, there will be ample opportunities for those interested in participating in local events and commemorations centered around the 250th Anniversary of the American Revolution. Keep an eye out for local historical events and commemorations in your community, and do not hesitate to reach out to local historians and officials to find out how you can be involved in the upcoming anniversary of one of the most decisive battles in history.

The Town of Saratoga and Town of Stillwater Joint Committee is committed to making the 250th Anniversary of the Battles of Saratoga into an unforgettable experience for everyone involved. Join us in celebrating America’s history and commemorating this significant turning point in our nation’s journey.

For more information, please contact Stillwater Town Historian, Mackenzie Macey, mmacey@stillwaterny.org. SS

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