4 minute read
Plans for 2022
By Shelleen Gerbig, BSA, P.Ag., SARDA Ag Research
SARDA Ag Research has a busy year planned for 2022. For example, we will continue to monitor Diamond Back Moths, Bertha Army Worms, Wheat Midge and the Pea Leaf Weevil as participants in the provincial Pest Monitoring program. Diamond Back Moth traps are placed by the end of April. These moths do not overwinter in Alberta but arrive via wind currents from the southern United States. During the summer, we will monitor the different pests in the South Peace Region.
The water quality testing program, which began in 2011, will also continue. Water quality is sampled in 3 locations within the MDs of Smoky River and Greenview in the spring and fall. The laboratory analyzes the samples for nitrogen, phosphorous, coliforms, turbidity, suspended solids, E.coli, 100 different pesticides, and 34 metals and ions. The data is fed into a River Water Quality Index and an index score calculated to give a rating of excellent to poor. Trials in their final year of fieldwork include Canola Seed Size and Depth, Field Scale Flea Beetle Trials, Small Plot Flea Beetle Trials, and Intercropping. Project leads for several trials with fieldwork completed in the 2021 season are preparing final reports top be released throughout the year. Look for the Industrial Hemp Seeding Date, and Rate trial, the Industrial Hemp fertility trial, Ultra Early Wheat Trial, Novel Crop Rotation Trial and the Resistant Wild Oat Demonstration reports.
Continuing trials are the Cereals Regional Variety Trials of several classes of wheat (approximately 40 varieties), oats (10 varieties), barley (22 varieties) and new in 2021, malt barley (11 varieties). We also participate in the Pulse Regional Variety Trials, which include green peas ( 5 varieties), yellow peas (15 varieties) and faba beans (6 varieties). Additional trials include the β-glucan Oat Variety Trial, Maximizing Feed Barley Trial, an Industrial Hemp Herbicide Trial and several private Industrial Trials.
The Deep Banding of Immobile Nutrients from 2018 to 2020 had fascinating results. SARDA Ag Research will apply some of those results to a field-scale trial from 2022 to 2026. This field-scale trial evaluates the effects on crop production of deep banding phosphorous every four years compared to shallow placement annually. The crop rotation will follow the recommended sequences of a 4-year crop rotation.
Calvin Yoder also has a full slate of trials planned as the Forage Seed Specialist. He will be working on managing bluegrass and foxtail barley in grass seed crops, growth regulators and fungicide on creeping red fescue, timothy, bromegrass and crested wheatgrass. His herbicide work also continues on forage grass seed crops and alsike and red clovers. Establishing perennial ryegrass by under seeding to Invigor canola is showing promise as a new practice and will be continued in 2022 for further evaluation. Calvin has also agreed to repeat the Resistant Wild Oat Control Demonstration that was very popular with producers.
There are trials in the works that will be announced as they are confirmed. These will be listed on our website.
Subscribe to the SARDA Ag Research information emails (www.sarda.ca) to stay informed on the activities and events we plan to have in 2022. SARDA Ag Research intends to host several field events exploring the resistant wild oat demonstration, crop staging, field school, a forage seed production tour, and a sprayer drone demonstration. Inside extension events include a Resistant Wild Oat Management Webinar (April 13 – 6:30 pm) and a Crops Diseases Session.
SARDA Ag Research supplies biocontrol at the trial sites for anyone who wishes to view the trials during the summer. The sites are open to the public and we welcome everyone to our events.
August 5, 2021