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Pest monitoring in the Peace Region, 2019

SARDA Ag Research will closely monitor 3 insect pests; Bertha Armyworms (Berthas), wheat midge, and diamondback moths (diamondbacks). Diamondbacks, Berthas and Wheat midge have been monitored closely for the past three years according to the protocols provided to us by Alberta Agriculture and Forestry.

Another insect that has made its way to the Peace Region is the pea leaf weevil. A notched or scalloped appearance in pea and faba bean leaf is an indication that the pest is present. Entomologists from the provincial and federal governments and the University of Alberta will be monitoring this insect pest in the Peace Region in 2019 and SARDA Ag Research will forward the results of this activity. Just a note, the Pea Leaf Weevil was positively identified in the MD of Smoky River in 2018, although levels were below economic thresholds.

The IPM Program at the Beaverlodge Research Farm is working on several research activities for the 2019-2020 research year. Recently approved Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP) Cluster and Project Activities include: 1. monitoring and support of the Prairie Pest Monitoring Network (diamondback moth, Bertha armyworm, lygus, swede midge, pea leaf weevil pests);

The Agricultural Fieldmen will continue to complete the grasshopper surveys in 2019. This survy is used to predict the potential levels of grasshoppers for the next year. Although the accuracy of these predictions in the Peace Region has been dismal in the past, new reseach has revealed that the main species of concern in the ares is unique and has very different life cycles. The results of the 2019 Grasshopper style will be pivotal in the accuracy of this monitoring program.

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