August 2018
A Publication of Sardis Presbyterian Church April 2018 Building God’s Kingdom Through Worship ● Service ● Fellowship ● Evangelism ● Disciple‐
A monthly publication of Sardis Presbyterian Church · Charlotte, North Carolina
God’s Community at VBS
146 children 75 adult volunteers & 45 Youth Volunteers
Building God’s Kingdom Through Worship ● Service ● Fellowship ● Evangelism ● Discipleship The Communicator ~ August 2018
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Welcome, New Sardis Members!
Calling All Womenʹs Retreat Alumni
If you have been on a womenʹs retreat, or are interested in attending a future retreat, you are invited to join us for a covered dish dinner in the Sardis House!
Sherry & Jim Grieco
Wednesday, September 19 at 6:30 p.m.
Heather Webb Hester
The main course will be provided. Please bring a salad or side dish to share.
RSVP to Barbara Tanner at 704.910.9683 or
Cynthia & John Nolen Sarah & Phil Negus
and children, Lindsey and Jack
and son, Henry Class begins: September 9, 2018‐May 19, 2019
Women of Sardis – Circles
Room 106
Circles meet once a month, September‐May, for Bible study and service.
10 a.m. each Sunday
First Tuesday Morning Circle: Meets in the church library at 10 a.m.
Contact Lorinna Lowrance,, for questions.
Second Tuesday Morning Circle: meets in the church library at 10
a.m. Contact Mary Ellen Thomas,, for
There will be a required parent
meeting on September 9 at 9:00 a.m. in
The two morning circles both use the Presbyterian Women’s Horizon Bible
the dining room. Details to follow.
Study – “God’s Promise, I Am With You”
Confirmation information has been
Evening: The evening circle meets on the first Tuesday of the month –
mailed and emailed to rising 8th
it meets in the Dining Room. This year the study will be Max
graders. If you were not on our list and
Lucado’s book, “You’ll Get Through This.” Contact Mary Hendrick,
your youth wants to participate, please, for questions.
contact Georgia Pressly at 704.516.6276.
2 The Communicator ~ August 2018
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Congratulations, Jennifer! The Personnel Ministry would like to give a shout out to one of Sardisʹ staff members. We know many of the
wonderful duties our staff does to keep Sardis running, but are you aware of some of the contributions they make behind the scenes?
Our Director of Administration, Jennifer Childers, attended The Church Network conference in New Orleans in July. The purpose was to retain her certification as a Certified Church Administrator and to receive the F. Marvin Myer Service Award. Jennifer was recognized for her outstanding service to The Church Network through local and national leadership. She served as the General Chair for the National conference, serves on the governance committee, and is the current President of the Charlotte‐Metro chapter for The Church Network. Thank you Jennifer for your service and contributions.
Steve Camp
Summer is here once again and as always we seem to find ourselves taking a break from the rigors of work, the demands of a busy family schedule, and even the normality of our church attendance and involvement. But it is exactly at this time that each of us should take a closer look at what we really need to accomplish, especially as it relates to our relationship with our church and our God.
The Sardis membership has withstood some significant changes over the past few years and though God has continued to bless us with his amazing grace and love, we may find it a little difficult to put our minds and hearts back into focus on what we need to accomplish as a church in God’s neighborhood.
Sardis has a long, and might I add, remarkable history of giving its all to those in need. We have exhibited our love and concern for others with people in other countries as well as with those just around the corner. Sardis has taken on a few challenges that some churches would find too ambitious, but with God’s direction and guidance we have accomplished much as we pursued the mission of our church.
But during this time in the history of Sardis Presbyterian Church we should strive to do more, to be recognized as a membership that truly believes in spreading the love and caring how we share what God has so graciously provided to each of us. I believe we have within each of us the ability and the desire to do more. We simply have to lay out what we want to accomplish, make a plan, and provide what is necessary to achieve what God would like for us to accomplish as residents in His neighborhood.
So as we approach the 2019 Stewardship drive my wife Jackie and I invite you to join us in doing what you can to help Sardis achieve the results it desires as it continues to Share the Love with all those who need to experience God’s amazing grace and his abundant love. Remember our Lord’s challenge to each of us when He said, “But this I say, he which soweth sparingly shall reap sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.” (2 Corinthians 9:6) Also remember that God’s concern is not the amount of the gift, but rather the motive behind that gift. The Stewardship Ministry hopes you will prayerfully consider the level of time, talent and gifts you will return to God in the coming year.
The Communicator ~ August 2018 3
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Fall Midweek Studies
Disciple Bible Study (Fast Track): Disciple Bible Study is a program that provides a walk through the Bible, Genesis through Revelation. The study of scripture is joined with reflection on how the words of the Bible inform and direct our growth as disciples of Jesus Christ. The study will begin on September 13 and run for 12 weeks:
Thursday mornings, led by Katie Harrington, room 210, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Thursday evenings, led by Jane Fobel, room 211, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Participants will need to purchase a study manual, $12.50. To order a copy, register and pay online at or email Katie Harrington,
A minimum of seven participants for each class is needed to offer the series. The registration deadline is August 26. Presbyterian Questions and Presbyterian Answers: This study will examine the central affirmations held by Presbyterians: What is predestination and what is it not? What is the meaning of infant baptism? How do we read the Bible? The study will begin on September 13.
Thursday mornings, led by Jane Fobel, Sardis House, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
The class will be guided by Donald McKim’s book, “Presbyterian Questions, Presbyterian Answers.” Each participant will need a copy of the book. Copies will be available for loan or may be purchased for $9.50. To order a copy, buy and/or register online at or email
Session Highlights can be found at under the News & Events tab.
June Financial Highlights Thank you for contributing to Christ’s work through Sardis Presbyterian Church.
June expected
This year so far
This year so far expected
Pledges, gifts, and other revenue
Net Total
Annual Budget: $1,983,000
Our Church Family Our Christian Sympathy: to Pam Tucker upon the death of her father, Fred Parker.
4 The Communicator ~ August 2018
Lay Ministry
The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve. Sardis Helps With Homework at Rama
The Church Mouse Program:
It’s already time for a new school year—new beginnings
Ministering to Our
for our students at Rama Road Elementary School. Sardis
College Students
supports the students at Rama Road by providing
homework helpers on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The
The Church Mouse Project is designed to help
entire Rama Road family really values this service as many
college students continue to feel part of the Sardis
of the parents cannot help their children with English
family while they are away living on college
instructions and books.
campuses. Sardis college students interested in
having a ʺmouseʺ apply, and members of the
The need for this help is only limited by our ability to supply volunteers. Please consider becoming a homework helper this year. You’d be signing up for either a Tuesday or a Thursday from 2:30 ‐ 4:00. We hope for volunteers who can be there once a week but also need those who can substitute on an occasional basis. Ages from high school youth and up are welcome. The major qualification is a loving heart.
congregation volunteer to be ʺmice.ʺ The mice then anony‐mouse‐ly send cards and inexpensive
collegian several times during the year. To become a church mouse, please contact Georgia Pressly at 704.516.6176.
If you are interested or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Pam Stirling at 703.727. 5763 or We really enjoy our time with the kids and believe you will also. Thank you!
Thank you, Sardis, for your support of a great Under Construction Vacation Bible School!
We had 146 kids who learned how God’s community shares, cares, learns, worships, and celebrates each day. And in order to make sure each child had an amazing and safe experience, we had 75 adult volunteers and 45 middle and high school youth volunteers. We also collected used books for Promising Pages, toiletries, and household and school supplies for Families Forward, and our older kids built a playhouse for a Habitat for Humanity family. Thank you!
The Communicator ~ August 2018 5
Youth ministry
“…set an example for the believers…” 1 Timothy 4:12.
Charlotte Mission Adventure
Fourteen youth served our local community from Monday, July 16 through Wednesday, July 18. Each day, they served at two different work sites, helping to make a difference in our community. On Monday, they served at the Nature Museum setting up a Fairy Garden for younger children and they helped clean the stream the Youth Ministry has adopted, which is across the street from the McAlpine Greenway parking lot. On Tuesday, they went to pick up trash at James Boyce Park and then assisted with various projects at Rama Road Elementary. Wednesday morning, they served at the Free Store at Crisis Assistance Ministry and then returned to Rama Road Elementary to finish their projects.
Montreat Youth Conference
On July 22‐29, 25 youth and several adults attended the Montreat Youth Conference at our denomination’s retreat center in Montreat, NC. They experienced wonderful keynote, lively worship, awesome small groups, and rejuvenating recreation. These youth were able to make memories and friendships that will last a life time!
Special thanks to David Abercrombie and Sara Martin for attending the entire week and to Michael and Stacey Champion, Jeff and Melinda Wilkinson, and Tim and Liz Alba for coming up to help cook throughout the week and feed the mass crowd of youth Sardis brought.
High School Youth to Alexander Youth Network
On Saturday, August 11, the High School Youth Ministry will travel to Alexander Youth Network for an early afternoon of service with the children in their program. We will play kickball, paint nails, and have ice cream. All high school youth are invited to participate. Please contact Adrian Martin at 704.778.6432 for more information.
Friday Night Frenzy
The Frenzy is back! Beginning on Friday, August 10, we will begin the new season of our monthly Friday Night Frenzy programs! All youth are invited to the Fellowship Hall for fun, games, and fellowship! Bring friends!
Fall Kick‐Off All youth and their families are invited to the Fall Youth Ministry Kick‐Off on Sunday, August 26 from 5:00‐7:00 p.m. We will have a festival to kick off the year, including a cook out, cake walk, ring toss, and many more activities for the entire family to enjoy! Don’t miss the chance to dunk the Rev. Dr. Joe B. Martin, Adrian Martin, or any of your favorite Youth Advisors in our dunk tank!
We will be there from 8:30‐11:00 p.m.
We will have a brief parent meeting to go over opportunities for the
and you will not want to miss this
year while youth get a chance to meet all of the Youth Advisors. If
awesome time!
you have questions, please contact
6 The Communicator ~ August 2018
“Let the little children come unto me.” Adult Sunday School Classes Will resume meeting Sunday, September 9
Robert Pharr Men’s Class Contact Bill Hester,
Profile: All ages of men are welcomed to join and
Bible Study for Women
engage in a focused study of the Bible. This fall the class
Contact: Pat Campbell,
will study will examine the Gospel of Mark.
Profile: All ages of women are welcomed to join and
engage in a focused study of the Bible.
Contact: Aric Beals,
Discussing Bible, Books and Topics
Profile: Members of this class are parents of children and
Contact: Norm Schul,
youth. They are a discussion‐based class and examine
Profile: Men and women, middle aged and older, find a current issues and events through the lens of faith and place in this class. There are a varied range of topics, parenting. from a series on Bible study to a series on current events. This fall the class will begin with a video series by Adam Hamilton, Seeing Gray in a World of Black and White.
Reading for Reformed Reflection Contact: Jane Fobel,, to purchase a
Salty Fish
Profile: Class members read a common book and
Contact: Brenda McKay,, discuss the week’s designated reading. This fall or Anne Shoaf, selections are: “Jonathan Livingston Seagull,” by Profile: This class of empty nesters, married and single, Richard Bach, and “Interrupting Silence: God’s joins study with service. Class discussions lead to Command to Speak Out: A Bible Study for Adults,” by engagement in mission. This fall the class will begin Walter Brueggemann. with a video series by Adam Hamilton, Christianityʹs Family Tree: What Other Christians Believe and Why.
What Do Presbyterians Believe About…
Contact: Contact Jan Rosser,
Special Schedule: will meet once a month; September
Profile: This is a lecture format, Bible study with a range 16, October 21, November 18, and December 16. of ages. This fall, Crossroads will study Galatians first, Contact: Joe B, then Ephesians and Philippians.
Profile: The class will be led by Joe B. Martin, it will examine what Presbyterians believe about a variety of
topics ‐ such as the Trinity, money, the afterlife.
Sardis Weekday School Happenings
Camp will be winding down and preschool prep for the 2018‐ 2019 school year is gearing up. We are looking forward to an exciting school year! We have space available in some of our 2s and 3s classes. Contact Elizabeth Angerson, preschool director, at or 704.366.9681 if you or anyone you know is interested in more information.
The Communicator ~ August 2018 7
Non‐Profit Org.
Published monthly by
Sardis Presbyterian Church 6100 Sardis Road
Charlotte, NC
Charlotte, NC 28270
Community Picnic September 8 4:30 - 7:30 p.m. Francis Property
You are Invited...
Food Music Games Fun RSVP 8 The Communicator ~ August 2018