The Communicator ~ July 2014
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Presbyterians and Same Sex Marriage
On Sunday, June 24, 2014, I shared some brief comments regarding the recent actions of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church USA. Included in your Communicator is an insert providing detailed information, not only on the issue of same sex marriage, but other highlights of actions taken at General Assembly.
The recommendation regarding same sex marriage has been welcomed by some of our brothers and sisters with great rejoicing and others with deep sadness and grief.
It is very important to remember that during the next year, Presbyteries all across the nation will vote to either approve or not approve the recommendation changing the Book of Order and marriage. It is also helpful to remember that both ministers and sessions will have “freedom of conscience” regarding same sex marriages. Of course, same sex marriages can only occur in certain states. Same sex marriages are not legal in North Carolina.
Please take the time to read the enclosed information and if you have questions, please feel free to call me or any of your pastors.
God Bless, Tom
Communion Dates
Please mark your calendars for these upcoming Communion dates.
Chapel. We gather as a community to spend time
November 30
TAIZE COMMUNITY WORSHIP Service will be held p.m.
October 5
at Sardis Presbyterian Church on Sunday, July 13 at 6
August 10
Taize Worship Service July 13— 6 p.m.
together in prayer, song, and
December 24
reflection on God’s word.
2nd Saturdays at Sardis—Location Change
Beginning this month, 2nd Saturdays at Sardis worship services will be held in the Sardis House. Please join us for these less formal, contemporary services on July 12 and August 9 at 5:30 p.m. Childcare is provided.
Hope to see you there!
2 The Communicator ~ July 2014
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Church Life
Congregational Meeting—July 13
A Congregational Meeting has been called to meet on Sunday, July 13 immediately following worship. The purpose of the meeting is to receive a presentation of the details for the HVAC renovation project and vote to approve the plan for financing the project. A letter with more details about the HVAC project has been sent to your homes. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at 704.366.1854.
How to Speak Presbyterian
How to Speak Presbyterian is an online Bible study that is being held each Tuesday at 7 p.m., now through July 29. Online, you will see our desktop presentation with commentary from class leaders. Participants will be able to make comments through typed notes (to leader only or entire group) or when microphones are available, through voice.
How do you do it? It is simple! Join us at and you will be prompted to “knock on the door” ‐ we promise to let you enter the fun. Each week will cover a different topic, so join us when you can. We will discuss God, Christ and Spirit, forgiveness, scripture, confessions and more. Contact Renda Brinson at or 704.926.1585 with questions. We look forward to offering another way to further your learning and walk with God.
Batter Up! Baseball for Bayonnais!
Mustard Seed Groups are our small group ministry. Membership in a small group is a wonderful way to connect with others in our church family in a meaningful way, to grow in discipleship, and to serve Christ with others.
Over the summer there will be several opportunities to learn more about Mustard Seed Groups, to hear from those participating in a MSG, and to sign up to join a group or be part of the “planting” of a new group in the coming fall. Mark your calendar to attend a MSG Planting Meeting after worship on one of the following dates: Sunday, July 27 at 11:15 a.m. or Sunday, August 24 at 11:15 a.m. For questions contact Jane Fobel at
Join us on August 9 for a time of fun and fellowship, as we join with other area churches for a Charlotte Knights game. You will also be supporting a great cause as proceeds from each ticket will support the OFCB ministries in Bayonnais, Haiti.
First pitch is at 7:05 p.m. Buses will be waiting at the church and as soon as our Saturday service is over, we will board and leave for the game. Tickets are $14 each, with $4 going to support the efforts of the OFCB. Tickets may be purchased online at or at the church office through Friday, July 4. Purchase tickets through the church in order to sit with your friends and so that the Haiti mission may benefit.
For any questions please e‐mail Christa Sumwalt at
The Communicator ~ July 2014 3
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
June Session Highlights •
The following baptisms were approved:
Lovrien Grace Wilkes, daughter of Diane and Justin Wilkes on June 15, 2014 Adult baptism of Valerie Milum and the baptism of her two daughters, Chloe Milum Tobin and Sierra Milum Tobin on June 29, 2014 Chase Benjamin Hovis, son of Ben and Megan Hovis on August 3, 2014. Ford Ryan Thompson, son of Ryan and Elaine Archer Thompson on September 21, 2014.
The Session also approved receiving into membership Valerie Milum by Profession of Faith on June 29, 2014.
The Session approved the transfer of Byron R. and Mollie T. Baker to Myers Park United Methodist Church.
The Session approved allowing Mission Interpretation Ministry to conduct a sponsorship drive at Sardis for the students at the school in Bayonnais on September 6 and 7, 2014. Tentative plans will involve a gathering at the Sardis House to promote interest. In addition, there will be a dinner before the Saturday, August 9 worship service and Charlotte Knights’ baseball game with a free will offering. All proceeds will go to Friends of OFCB designated for the school.
The Session approved calling a congregational meeting on July 13, 2014 following the 10 a.m. worship service to secure approval to do the HVAC renovation project in the Education Building.
The Session voted to approve disbursement of funds from the Sardis Gift Trust for the purpose of updating the server for the Sardis network.
June Diaconate Highlights
May Financial Report
Thank you for making the ministry of this church possible! You can make a quick gift at in two ways: either under the “give” tab or by logging into your MySardis account.
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• •
The need for directional signs was discussed and options are being looked into. Next blood drive will be July 27. Different ministries are in charge of Lemonade on the Lawn each Sunday. 7 people are in training to sponsor two new Hope Team families. HVAC bids are out and hopefully work will start in July.
May expected
This year so far
This year so far expected
Pledges, gifts, and other revenue
Net Total
Annual Budget: $2,129,993
Our Church Family Our Christian Sympathy to Wendy Galleher upon the death of her step‐father, Captain William Banks, and to Dux and Betty Pharr upon the death of their grandson, Harris Pharr.
Congratulations to parents Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Hochstetter upon the birth of their daughter Ximena Lee Hochstetter, and to the grandparents, Barbara and Richard McLemore, and to parents Allison Cox McCutcheon and Cameron McCutcheon upon the birth of their daughter Madison Irwin McCutcheon, and to the grandparents, Buster and Deirdre Cox.
4 The Communicator ~ July 2014
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Family Camping Fun!
“Sardis Under The Stars,” a fellowship
camping event for families, is planned for the fall. Watch future Communicators for more details!
Guitars Unite!
Our Summer Worship Schedule includes ʺStrumming for
Sardis Softball Champions!
Jesusʺ on July 27. Our Minister of Music, Jared Daugherty,
Sardis girls won the league championship,
would like to have as many acoustic guitars as we can
regular season, and Championship Flight of the
gather for an ensemble to lead the worship music that day.
Sardis Sports League Girls Softball 2014!
Back row: Kim Surles, Lexi Lewis, Coach Tim Little, Coach
If you would like to be a part of this effort, contact
Ray Boardman, Madison McClure, Claire Folk, Hannah
Jared Daugherty at 704.366.1854, or come to the scheduled
Greene Front row: Lindsey Cope, Madison Moore, Alex
rehearsals on Thursday, July 17, and Thursday July 24, at
7:30 p.m. in the Choir room. Come join us for some fun!
Britt, Claire Scavone, Devin Jones, Madeline Bone and Sarah Smith Not pictured: Katie Otto
“I’m In” for Stewardship
by George Galleher
Do you remember that this yearʹs Stewardship theme is ʺI’m Inʺ? I’m “In” for what? Sardis isn’t like our schools that close for the summer. So what is going on? Kick‐off to Summer Beach Party, High School Mission Trip to Belize, Vacation Bible School, the Great Escape, Saturday evening services, and volunteering opportunities at Charlotte Family Housing to name a few. Remember that we need to continue meeting our pledge responsibilities to support these wonderful ministries. Generosity is possible when we recognize the blessings and abundance we have received. I know the abundance of blessings that we all share and how fortunate we really are.
Remember a few weeks ago when we heard from the Mission trip to Bayonnais? Sardis (you all) provided the funds ($17,000) to buy equipment and supplies for a lab at the clinic. In a broader sense, your generosity will allow much better service for the population, eliminating a tortuous, expensive 15 mile trip on a motorbike to the city just to get a simple blood or urine test. It will generate another income stream for the clinic from the local population. It will speed the diagnosis of many problems and improve treatment. It will provide another job to help the overall Bayonnais economy. It will facilitate the Ministry of Health certification for the clinic which will allow them access to medications at a lower cost.
The topics of generosity, blessings, and abundance – all part of “I’m In” – have been addressed in many different ways. Winston Churchill said “We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.” Or said another way…For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also…Matthew 6:21.
So there you have it. We are open for the summer, we’ve got lots going on, so please keep your pledges coming in ‐‐ “We’re In.”
Save the date for Stewardship Sunday, November 9! More details to follow.
The Communicator ~ July 2014 5
Lay Ministry
The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve.
Sunday, July 27 8 a.m.—12:30 p.m. Sign up online at or email Suzanne Fernandez at:
Sardis is Getting Saucy!
Because of your generous response to our “A Book of
My Own” drive, we were able to provide Rama Road
We collected 19.6 pounds of
students with three books to take home for summer
spaghetti sauce the first
reading. The students and staff were very appreciative
Sunday in June! Remember
and smiles were everywhere as students chose their
to bring spaghetti sauce
books. Thank you to everyone who contributed to make
every Sunday, and drop it
this drive a resounding success.
off in the Narthex or Fellowship Hall. Help us feed
our area.
On the first Sunday each month, Sardis takes up a special Ten‐ Cents‐A‐Meal offering to benefit local agencies that provide hunger relief and help at‐risk youth in our community.
In 2013, over $214,000 was contributed by churches across the Charlotte Presbytery to support this cause. Thank you for you generous gifts to help the ever‐increasing needs of this cause.
Save the Date for the CROP Walk!
The 36th Annual Charlotte CROP Hunger Walk takes place Sunday, October 19 as part of a nationwide endeavor to raise money to alleviate hunger and poverty in this country and around the world. Information on how to join and/or support the Sardis Team will be in the September Communicator. 6 The Communicator ~ July 2014
“Let the little children come unto me.”
Are You Interested in Working with the Youth?
Do you feel God calling you to volunteer your time and energy working with the wonderful Youth Ministry of our church? Then call Adrian Martin, our new Director of Youth Ministries! Adrian can be reached in the church office 704.366.1854 or on his cell 704.778.6432 and would love to have a conversation with you about how to use your gifts and talents for the glory of God while working with youth.
Elementary Book Club
Volunteer with VBS—
Starting July 23!
Wilderness Escape!
We will begin our Elementary Book Club for all
VBS is just around the corner,
students in grades 2 ‐ 5 (including rising second
July 14‐18, and registration is now closed. BUT YOUTH
grade students), Wednesday, July 23 at 3 p.m. in the
AND ADULTS, WE NEED YOU! We still have needs
Childrenʹs Library.
for volunteers in all areas, especially youth helpers
and teachers.
For the first meeting, a book is not required to be
completed. Attendees will decide together what to
Please consider volunteering your time during this
read from a list of suggested books. This book will
special week in the lives of Sardis children. Your help is
then be investigated through words and film.
needed and valued in any capacity! Come share your
Following our discussion, we will enjoy ice cream
gifts, and call Renda Brinson at 704.926.1585 to volunteer
sundaes together.
Musikgarten is Coming to Sardis!
Musikgarten is an early childhood education program for children and their families. The program begins with preschoolers. The classes include music, movement, storytelling, poetry and lots of fun. It is designed to involve all family members in the activities.
Our Christian Education Ministry feels that this program covers many elements that are important for all children. In the past year, we have sent two members to be trained and certified as leaders in this program.
Introductory sessions will be held July 29, 30, and 31 for children three and four years old. The class will meet from 1—1:45 p.m. each day. The program is open to all children – BUT WILL BE LIMITED TO 15 STUDENTS! For this introduction course, there will be no charge.
To register or for questions, email Renda Brinson at Students from our Sardis Weekday School Camp are eligible for this program. When registering, please let us know if your child is in the camp.
Parents do not need to attend, but we encourage your participation! Hope to see you there!
The Communicator ~ July 2014 7 7
The Communicator Published monthly by Sardis Presbyterian Church 6100 Sardis Road Charlotte, NC 28270
8 The Communicator ~ July 2014
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