The Communicator ~ June 2017
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Sardis Presbyterian Church Fall 2016 & Spring 2017 Graduates
College Graduates
Nikki Bolton Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication and Media Studies · Arizona State University
Mariel V. Emery Bachelor of Arts in Journalism · University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Ryan Gibbons Masters in Geology · East Carolina University
Elizabeth Paige Harrell Bachelor of Arts in Exercise and Sport Science & Bachelor of Arts in Psychology · University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
James Whitmore Titus Bachelor of Arts in History · University of South Carolina
Grayson Parker Vass Bachelor of Arts in Economics & Bachelor of Arts in Management and Society · University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Christina Nicole Weber Doctorate of Physical Therapy · East Carolina University
High School Graduates Seniors listed below will be recognized with their parents at the Blanket Ceremony at the 11 a.m. service on June 4. Victoria Catherine Amick
Davis Wakely Cotton
Lindsey Kate Lanier
Anna Elizabeth Banks
Kathleen Elizabeth Cross
William Patrick Leatherwood Taylor Elizabeth Roberts
Caroline Cecile Banks
Katherine Austin Davis
Abram Grant Magaldi
Claire Hardie Steitz
Charles Frederick Bohlen Jr. William Cromie DeCramer
Cameron Hayes McClure
Will McKenna Steitz
Matthew Thomas Bowling John McCarn Harris
Jordan Henley Meeks
Andrew Walter Tiedeman
Caleb Michael Breed
Mark Pressly Harris
Rachel Miller Methner
Brennon Broadway Welsh
Erin Caroline Champion
Noah Henry Howell
Zachary Otto
Cameron Joseph Welsh
Mitchell Hayes Cope
Charles Christian Hunter
Emerson McKenna Porter
2 The Communicator ~ June 2017
Colin Tate Read
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Church Life
Pickleball at Sardis!
The Sports and Recreation Ministry is introducing Pickleball to Sardis! Never heard of it? Pickleball is a fast growing sport that combines badminton, tennis, and ping pong. Played on a court like badminton, players use a ping pong type paddle to hit a wiffle ball over a tennis net. Come learn to play this sport and join your fellow Sardis members for some fun competition.
Who: Adults and Youth (Middle school and above) When: Thursdays in June, July, and August starting June 1 Time: 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Where: Fellowship Hall What to bring: All equipment is provided Contact: Email Anna or Steve Carpenter at if you have interest or questions.
Not sure if you are interested? Come by the Fellowship Hall on June 1 at 6:30 p.m. to give it a try.
A Sardis Tradition: Fresh Floral Arrangements at Worship
We appreciate the generous church members who have donated fresh floral arrangements for Sunday worship this year. For the remainder of the year, we have the following Sundays available: 7/16, 7/23, 7/30, 8/6, 8/27, 9/3, 9/10, 9/17, 9/24, 10/29, and 11/5. You may donate in memory or in honor of a loved one or to commemorate a special occasion.
If you are interested, please contact Sheila Duyck at 704.364.4637 or at for more information or to sign up.
John Hovis
Why have we become a church member, specifically here at Sardis? The reasons are many: to praise God through worship, to receive assistance in teaching Christianity to our children, to study the Bible through classes or small groups, to fellowship with other like‐minded people, to show Jesus’ love through missions. And you could share your own list.
There’s a cost for all of these activities: buildings and their upkeep, staff salaries and benefits, mission giving, supplies, teaching materials and more.
For Sardis to be a vibrant and positive force for Jesus, we must answer the call to be stewards of all we have. Of course, this includes our time ‐ to participate in church programs and activities, our gifts – to enrich this place, and our money – to pay for all we expect our church to be. These responsibilities belong to every member of Sardis. Recommit yourself each day to act more like Jesus and give from an abundance of Christ‐like love.
The Communicator ~ June 2017 3
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
College Meetup!
If you are in college and will be around this summer, please let us know if you would be interested in getting together with other college‐aged students from Sardis for some fellowship gatherings this summer. If interested, please send your name and your contact information to Doug Banks (dbanks@banks‐ and Karen Bohlen ( so we can reach out to you with some moreinformation on what may be offered this summer. We hope to see you there!
Funds From Rented Parking Spaces
Sardis received $30,000 from Providence Day School to rent parking spaces for the 2016‐2017 school year. How have we used those funds? $3,000 was allocated to the Missions Interpretation Ministry and $27,000 to the Major Property Improvement Fund. The Property Commission approved the use of these funds for the replacement of two complete HVAC systems in the Fellowship Hall, which were approximately 18 years old. These units serve the Dining Room and upstairs classrooms (211‐215). The Gathering Place was added to the existing HVAC automation system, and the return air grill in the upstairs hallway was relocated to the ceiling to reduce fan noise in these classrooms. We are thankful for this opportunity to partner with PDS as we strive to enhance our ministry and facilities.
Session Highlights can be found at under the News & Events tab.
Financial Highlights
April Expected
This Year So Far
This Year So Far Expected
Pledges, gifts, and other revenue
Net Total
Annual Budget: $2,076,000
Our Church Family Our Christian Sympathy: to Brett Harris upon the death of his grandfather, Reymous Nix; and to Tim Alba upon the death of his mother, Inais Alba.
4 The Communicator ~ June 2017
Lay Ministry
The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve. Haiti Mission Trip Information Meeting
As we begin to make plans for our mission trip to Bayonnais, Haiti, we invite anybody interested in going on the mission trip to join us for an informational meeting on June 25 at 12:00 p.m. in the dining room. The mission trip will be the week of November 8 ‐ 15. If you have interest in going on the mission trip but cannot attend the information meeting, please contact Pressly Gilbert ( or Brenda McKay (
Sardis in Action!
Thanks to everyone who so generously participated in One Great Hour of Sharing. We collected $3,179 for this special Easter offering. Your gifts enable the church to share God’s love with our neighbors‐in‐need nationally and around the world by providing relief to those affected by natural disasters, providing food to the hungry, and helping to empower the poor and oppressed. Examples of national responses to catastrophic events by Presbyterian Disaster Assistance made possible by One Great Hour of Sharing most recently include Hurricane Matthew, Tennessee wildfires, and tornadoes in the southern states. Thank you again for your gifts.
Great Day for Sardis‐Rama Volunteers!
Facilities Team Delivers!
The Facilities Team has delivered books to Christian Library International in Raleigh on a few occasions, such as when our Senior and Associate Pastors retired and left their amazing collection of books, and also after the 2016 book drive. CIL sends these books to Federal and State Institutions across the country in hopes of leading inmates to Christ.
During my last trip the director shared with me the results for 2015; 601 decisions for Christ! Look at each hand written card on the board in the picture and know… Sardis helped make it happen. ‐Mark Slimer, Facilities Director
The Communicator ~ June 2017 5
Youth ministry
“…set an example for the believers… 1 Timothy 4:12.”
Thank You, Adult Leaders!
Youth Ministry is not and should never be a one‐person job. At Sardis Presbyterian Church, we are blessed to have almost 30 adults who worked weekly with our youth! (This does not include the countless volunteers who help provide dinner, open their homes to youth events, serve on the Youth Ministry Committee, and much more!) Thank you so much for your time and effort in making sure our young people have significant adults in their lives who they may turn to in times of joy and pain. When you see these wonderful adult leaders, please thank them for all they have done in the lives of our young people!
Confirmation Class: Jim Duyck, Michelle Duyck, Brett Harris, Ruth Harris, Georgia Pressly, Lynn Sloan, and William Sloan High School Advisors: David Abercrombie, Kyle Bartel, Meredith Hunter, Marie Schulz, Harry Tatum, and Jeff Wilkinson High School Sunday School Teachers: Liz Alba, Tim Alba, David Blackley, Steve Hoots, Emily Oelz, Mike Oelz, and Bruce Simpson Middle School Advisors: Leslie Tiedeman, Wells Tiedeman, Molly Tucker, Robert Vanderford, John Waller, Melinda Wilkinson, and Ellen Zoutewelle Middle School Sabbath: Amy Read and Wells Tiedeman Middle School Sunday School Teachers: Susan Amick and Steven Seaborn
Senior Roast
Rising 6th Grade Students
On Sunday, April 30, we roasted 17 high
On Sunday, May 7, we welcomed the rising 6th grade students
school seniors, as they prepare to leave the
into the Middle School Youth Ministry with a party in their honor.
Youth Ministry. We have been blessed to
These new students are now able to participate in the Middle
have these seniors in our program for the
School Youth Ministry events for the summer and the Youth
past several years and we will miss them as
Ministry Sunday School beginning in June. Please be on the
they transition to their post‐high school
lookout for wonderful opportunities to be active in the Youth
Ministry during the summer!
Spontaneous Combustion
This summer, the High School Youth Ministry will bring back the (almost) weekly Spontaneous Combustion. The plan for Sunday nights is simple: meet at the church at 6:00 p.m. and bring money for dinner out. Those who are there will plan what we do and where we go for the night. Some nights, we might hang at the church and play basketball and shoot pool while other nights we will go out to eat. You won’t want to miss these wonderful fellowship events this summer! For more information, please contact David Abercrombie at
6 The Communicator ~ June 2017
“Let the little children come unto me.” Summer Organist Assistants Needed!
Elementary Fellowship Pool Party!
If you are a rising 3rd grader or older, then you have the
All elementary students and their families are invited
opportunity to become a Sardis Summer Organist
to join us for an end of the year pool party! On
Assistant. The SOA will need to sign‐up in advance for
Sunday, June 4, from 4:00‐5:30, we will gather at
one of the following dates: June 18, July 9, July 16, July
the Beverly Crest neighborhood pool for some
23, July 30, August 13, August 20, and August 27. On
swimming, games, and snacks. Wear your swimsuit,
your date, you will arrive by 10:45 a.m., sit on the organ
bring your towel and come! Contact Katie
bench and assist Kaitlyn during worship. Parents are
( for more details or to
also encouraged to join their SOA in the choir loft during
sign up.
the service. At the conclusion of worship, the SOA will have a chance to learn about, see, and play the organ.
For more info and to sign up, email Kaitlyn at
Sardis Weekday School Happenings! Preschool Summer Camp at Sardis Weekday School
Available for children ages 2‐5 · 9 a.m.‐1 p.m. · Monday‐Friday
The Sardis Weekday School family is excited to offer you six separate fun‐filled weeks of camp, five days a week. And it’s flexible ‐ choose just a few weeks that fit your schedule or enroll your camper in all six.
June 18 – 23 Art · July 24 – 28 Amazing Athletes June 26 – 30 Storytelling Camp · July 31 – August 4 Atomz Lab July 17 – 21 Play Spanish · August 7 – 11 Soccer Shots
Registration is now open, but we have limited spaces available. Cost: $140/week for the first child and $120/week for each additional child. Contact Louise Lippi at or 704.366.9681 to secure your spot! Registration for the Sardis Weekday School 2017/2018 school year is ongoing. Please contact Louise Lippi, Preschool Director, at or by phone at 704.366.9681 for information and tours. SWS, the Preschool with Heart, extends a special
thank you to the SWS PAC (Parents Advisory Committee) for Staff appreciation week and for their dedicated work all year long benefiting our school.
Four Year Old Graduation! June 8 · 9 a.m. · Sardis House
expanding their class offerings and will have teacher positions available for the upcoming school year. If you are interested in joining our team at the Preschool with Heart, please contact Louise Lippi at or 704.366.9681.
The Communicator ~ June 2017 7
The Communicator
Non‐Profit Org.
Published monthly by
Sardis Presbyterian Church
Charlotte, NC
6100 Sardis Road Charlotte,
8 The Communicator ~ June 2017
Permit #1059