A Publication of Sardis Presbyterian Church April 2018 Building God’s Kingdom Through Worship ● Service ● Fellowship ● Evangelism ● Disciple‐
A monthly publication of Sardis Presbyterian Church · Charlotte, North Carolina
Trunk or Treat! Games Bounce House Foo d
Building God’s Kingdom Through Worship ● Service ● Fellowship ● Evangelism ● Discipleship The Communicator ~ October 2018
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Poinsettia Sale
Handbell Festival
Kathleen Wissinger,
October 5‐November 5
Purchase in the
Gathering Place
Free Concert
Saturday, November 10
4:00 p.m.
Glass Vases Needed
We are in desperate need of glass vases! The two arrangements of flowers that grace our Sanctuary each Sunday for worship service get divided after the service into four smaller arrangements that are distributed to Sardis homebound members. If you have any vases that you would like to donate to this worthy cause, please drop them off in the sacristy located next to the historical room in the Sanctuary building. Thank you. Questions? Contact Sheila Duyck,
First Day of School
member Sara Martin, who began her studies at Union Presbyterian
Save the date!
Charlotte in September!
How Can the Youth Help With Your If you can volunteer or donate baked goods, contact
Service Project?
Karen Muldoon ( or Alfred Newman
The Sardis youth would love to help out on a service
project that you are passionate about. Please email Adrian at if you are involved in a project and think the youth could assist. This could be for an event or just for an afternoon. Parents
service project. Thank you! 2 The Communicator ~ October 2018
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do. October Friendship Connection
Friendship Connection, a fellowship group for retirees, will meet for the October 16 program at 11:00 a.m. in the Sardis House. The speaker will be the City Council Representative for District 6, the district in which Sardis is located. We will welcome Councilman Tariq Bokhari. Mr. Bokhari is a native of Pennsylvania and was raised as a Presbyterian. His grandfather was a World War II veteran and his service inspired Mr. Bokhari to run for public office. The program will allow us to become better acquainted with our district representative and learn more about the workings of the City Council.
Reservations are needed for lunch, $10 per person, and need to be made by noon on Friday, October 12. To make a reservation, you may register online at or call the reservation line 704.926.1590.
God’s Mission for Sardis
Kim Weber
Acknowledging our Stewardship theme of Equipping Sardis for God’s Mission causes me to think about how we can accomplish more of God’s mission through Sardis Presbyterian Church in 2019. In previous articles, fellow Stewardship Ministry members have established we are all missionaries and what we have was given to us by God. As I think about the talent field at SPC, I believe we may achieve more through the effective use of our time, talents, and gifts. Each of us has a gift and is good at doing something. In fact, that passion or gift could and should be used to help others at Sardis and in the world thereby making us missionaries.
However, finding the calling of each member and putting it to use remains a challenge! Wouldn’t it be great if we had a tool to connect the talent of a member to a specific work they may do? It exists with a familiar organization. The Stephen Ministry offers a resource for congregations to build a Spiritual Gifts Inventory. The Stephen Ministry may sound familiar; it was a vital ministry at Sardis extended to its members undergoing change and uncertainty due to death, illness, job loss, and other life events. While Sardis is no longer engaged in this program, there are other resources offered by Stephen Ministry. Discovering God’s Vision for Your Life enables members to identify and establish a Spiritual Gifts inventory. The eight‐hour course is designed for member participation to help us understand spiritual gifts, find out what our own gifts are, and get excited about using those gifts in ministry. The by‐products of those that participate in the program are:
Deepened relationship with God · Understanding of the spiritual gifts God has given Comprehension of God’s calling · Use of these spiritual gifts to help meet the needs of others
Rather than looking for volunteers, this resource actually mobilizes ministers… called by God to employ their unique gifts. The Spiritual Gifts Inventory that Sardis could establish would help us use the talent capital given to us by God resulting in our hearts being drawn nearer to others and to God. Of course, this program is available at a cost. After we meet the operating costs of the church, we can fund this cause. This Stewardship season as you prayerfully consider your pledge, be mindful of how we all play a part of the larger whole. In funding Discovering God’s Vision for Your Life, we can and will accomplish more of God’s mission in 2019.
The Communicator ~ October 2018 3
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Room In The Inn: Using God’s Gifts Do you have just 3 hours from December 2 – March 31 to volunteer at the Sardis House in our Room In The Inn ministry? We need help making beds, fellowship at dinner, directing laundry and showers, socializing after dinner, keeping watch overnight, serving breakfast, giving out lunches, and showing hospitality to 13 homeless neighbors on Sunday and Wednesday nights during those months. Families are welcome! Just once would be appreciated, twice even better, 3‐4 times amazing.
For further information contact Stacey Champion at To volunteer for dinner and/or lunch preparation, contact Jane Tilley at
Church Mice Still Needed!
Bayonnais Student Sponsorship
Collegians interested in having a “mouse”
Sardis will be sending a team, including Joe B., to Bayonnais,
and members of the congregation interested
Haiti November 7‐14. If you sponsor a student and would like
in volunteering to be “mice,” please contact
to send them something, please limit items to what fits in a
gallon Ziploc bag. In October, there will be a box located on top
of the bins near the library, marked “Bayonnais students.” If you
are new to Sardis and want to learn more about student
Thank you for your
sponsorship, or how to join the trip, please contact
consideration in being a
Brenda McKay ( or Pressly Gilbert
part of this ministry to
our college youth.
Session Highlights can be found at under the News & Events tab.
August Financial Highlights Thank you for contributing to Christ’s work through Sardis Presbyterian Church.
August expected
This year so far
This year so far expected
Pledges, gifts, and other revenue
Net Total
Annual Budget: $1,983,000
Our Church Family Congratulations: to Anderson Sloan and Jordan Sender upon their marriage on Saturday, September 1; and to Robert Sellers and Daniel Brown upon their marriage on September 1.
Our Christian Sympathy: to Kurt Rawald upon the death of his sister‐in‐law, Lynne Rawald; to Holly Foley upon the death of her father, William Mims Harper; to the family of Dorothy ʺDotʺ Sherrill; to Kathy Templeman upon the death of her father, Don Duchon; and to Susan Hudson upon the death of her brother, Alan Shaw. 4 The Communicator ~ October 2018
Lay Ministry
The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve.
Crisis Assistance Clothing Drive
Loaves & Fishes Food Drive: Oct. 28 ‐ Nov. 11
Through October 7
Loaves and Fishes’ mission is to provide a week’s worth of nutritious
groceries to people within our community facing economic Help us provide new or clean, gently‐
hardships. During his July 29 sermon, “Leftovers By Design,” Joe B.
used clothing and items including:
encouraged the congregation to allow time in our lives for God to
Winter clothing
work through us to help others in need.
Duffle Bags
Donations can be dropped off in the bins by the Library.
130,000 people in Mecklenburg County live in poverty.
One in five children in Mecklenburg County live in poverty.
Clothing should be folded and taken off of hangers.
of America stadium;
46% of those were children.
In 2017 Loaves & Fishes fed 76,517 people, enough to fill the Bank
Clothing should be put in tied or sealed bags no larger than 13 gallons.
Paper bags labeled with priority needs will be available for pick‐up in the Gathering Place. Filled bags of non‐perishable food can then be returned to the collection bins near the Library in the Education Building, October 28 ‐ November 11.
1 Meat + 1 Vegetable
Missionary Opportunities in Charlotte
Have you been looking for a way to become involved in ending poverty and homelessness in Charlotte? It takes a caring community to help families as they move from crisis to shelter to housing. Providing and delivering 1 meat + 1 vegetable to the Elizabeth House shelter means you will be helping parents and children who are partnering with Charlotte Family Housing (formerly Family Promise) to save money and to ensure a brighter tomorrow. The next dates and suggested items are below. To sign up to help and get directions, use Sardis website Sign Up Genius. For more details, contact Anita Kirby,
BLOOD DRIVE Sardis Presbyterian Church
Sunday, October 21 8:00 a.m. ‐ 12:30 p.m. Education Hall
704.365.2617, Thank you for being a
Sardis missionary joining in the fight to solve family
Please donate blood & save three lives!
Sun. Nov 4, baked chicken + green peas Tue Nov 6, fish sticks or chili + salad + chocolate pudding Thu Nov 8, meatloaf + mashed potatoes
Schedule an appointment with Sheri Bartel by emailing or online at
The Communicator ~ October 2018 5
Youth ministry
“…set an example for the believers…” 1 Timothy 4:12.
Sunday Night Fellowship
All youth are encouraged to join us each Sunday night from 6:00 ‐ 7:30 p.m. first in the Fellowship Hall for dinner and then in the Youth Room for high school students and Middle School Room for middle school students. We have separate programs for each group that are age appropriate. Come and join us and expand your faith through devotion and service work while deepening your relationship with other youth and caring adult leaders through fellowship activities.
For questions, please contact Adrian Martin at 704.366.1854.
Middle School Fall Retreat
The Middle School Fall Retreat will be at Camp Grier on October 19‐21. The cost is $100 and includes transportation, lodging, and food while at Camp Grier. Participants will need to purchase food to and from the retreat. We will participate in a climbing wall, games, devotions, and plenty of time for fellowship. To sign up, visit our website ( ministries/youth) or grab a form from the Middle School Room. You will not want to miss this great weekend away!
Middle School
Summer Conferences and
Relationship Retreat
Mission Trips
All middle school students are invited
It’s not too early to think about the wonderful
for a brief, 24‐hour Relationship
offerings from the Youth Ministry in the summer!
Retreat on Friday, November 16
Space is limited for each of the events. Register on our
through Saturday, November 17 in the
website at for the
Sardis House.
High School Mission Trip to Daytona (June 16‐23),
During this retreat, we will examine relationships we
Middle School Charlotte Mission Adventure (June 26‐
create between each other, focusing our time on
28), Middle School Montreat Youth Conference (July
“significant other” relationships while learning how to
17‐21), and the High School Montreat Youth
live out God’s will. This enlightening retreat was a
Conference (July 21‐27). Space is limited, but you will
rousing success last year when every one of the youth
not want to miss these events!
who attended asked for it to happen again, along with all of their parents.
For more information, please e‐mail Adrian Martin at To register ($25), please go to our website at You will not want to miss this retreat!
6 The Communicator ~ October 2018
“Let the little children come unto me.”
ʺColor & Characterʺ
Join West Charlotte alumnus, Joe B. Martin, as we gather to discuss this powerful book about race relations and educational equality in Charlotte and our country: particularly as they were and are experienced at West Charlotte High School.
At Sardis Presbyterian Wednesday nights October 10, 17, and 24 6:30 p.m. ‐ 8:00 p.m. in the Sardis House
At Plantation Estates Tuesday, October 9 and 16 10:00 a.m. ‐ 11:30 a.m. in the Bradbury Clubroom
If youʹd like to get started reading, order the book on Amazon today!
Back to School Preschool Fun! Welcome to the Sardis Weekday School 2018‐2019 School Year Interested in learning more about SWS? Contact Elizabeth Angerson, Director, at or 704.366.9681.
The Communicator ~ October 2018 7
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Published monthly by Published monthly by Sardis Presbyterian Church Sardis Presbyterian Church 6100 Sardis Road 6100 Sardis Road Charlotte, NC 28270 Charlotte, NC
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s ’ y r t s i n i M c i Mus
Sunday, October 14 Noon · Fellowship Hall Lunch & Entertainment Donations Appreciated
A Music Ministry fundraiser benefiting our children’s & youth’s participation in the Worship & Music Conference at Montreat. 8 The Communicator ~ October 2018