How to Wear a Saree
HERE’S HOW TO WEAR A SAREE, IN VARIOUS INDIAN STYLES: A saree has three parts – the decorated borders are called 'Kinara', the exclusively decorated part that goes over the shoulder in called the 'Pallu' and the evenly decorated part in between two borders in called the 'Jamin'. In India, women drape sarees in various styles and each style highlights the beauty of a certain part of a saree. More than 80 different ways of wearing a saree are popular in India and these styles evolved only to make a woman look attractive without compromising with the traditional concept of modesty and comfort. Many modern Indian women are aware of the fact that a saree or sari can be worn in various ways. We have picked up the 5 hottest and happening styles of draping a saree and we will try to explain these styles step by step.
How to Wear a Sari Bengali Style: Bengali people who live in the state of West Bengal are very educated and fashion concious. Bengali women are considered among the most stylish yet sophisticated women in the world and they love to experiment with their look and style gracefully. Tant sarees, Daccai Jamdani sarees, Shantipuri sarees, Dhonekhali sarees, Tangail sarees and silk sarees like Korial, Baluchari and Garad are their hot favorite and they wear these world famous sarees in various styles. But the most famous and common drape that makes them look stunningly aristocratic and sensual is the famous Bengali drape. We present a step-by-step guide on how to drape a saree like a true Bengali woman -
How To Wear Saree Saree Wearing Steps 1. Tuck one end (not pallu) of the upper border of the saree at the right hip. 2. Ensure that the bottom border touches your the feet. 3. Now draw and wrap the saree around your waist evenly. 4. Tuck the upper border all around. 5. Make two broad pleats from left to right. Each pleat should be as broad as your hip. 6. The lower border of the pleats should touch the feet as well. 7. Tuck the upper border of the pleats in the inskirt or petticoat evenly. 8. Now take the pallu part of the saree and place it on your left shoulder. 9. The mid portion should cover the chest completely. 10. Now come to the section of the pallu that is touching your shoulder. Pull it down, take it to the right and tuck it in the inskirt near the mid portion of your back. 11. Now drape the pallu to cover the back and right shoulder. 12. Keep wrapping the remaining portion of the pallu to cover the chest once again.This time, the pallu should run under the arms and be placed again on the left shoulder. 13. Tie a heavy bunch of keys or a decorated heavy piece of jewellery to keep the pallu end in place. 14. Wear golden jewellery, bangles, shankha and pola and a big red bindi. That's it! Now you are looking like a perfect Bengali beauty! Go, rock the party or spend some fantastic time with your family and friends.
How to Wear Sari Nivi style: This style of draping a saree is popular in the southern part of India and has been accepted as the standard style of wearing a saree by Indian women. South Indian people are genorous, religious and have deep respect for art and culture. Their tradition and rituals are meant to celebrate the presence of the infinite universe in human body and mind. Their music, dance, clothing and sculptures celebrates the glory of the Infinite. Women love to express their mood and beauty by wearing sarees and they wear it in a special way. The Dakshini or Nivi Style drape goes perfectly with a woman's lifestyle and beauty. This drape perfectly enhances a woman's bodily beauty by highlighting curves gracefully and only where necessary.  The saree wearing style is the most popular in India and is is considered the latest style of saree wearing. Please follow the following steps to transform yourself into a South Indian beauty.
Saree Wearing Style Steps1. Tuck one end of the Saree in the inskirt at your right side and wrap one full round. 2. The lower end of the saree should graze your feet and should not touch the ground. 3. Pick the other end of the Saree and make 6-7 pallu pleats. 4. Hold the pleats and bring it to the front after running it around your back. 5. Place the pleated pallu over the left shoulder, pin it and let the pallu hang. 6. Now hold the untied portion of the saree's upper edge from the left and tuck it in the inskirt towards right. 7. Make 6-7 pleats on the untied portion and tuck it in the inskirt. Pleats should be left facing. 8. Pin the pleats to keep it in place together from inside. 9. And you are ready to win the heart of your admirer.
How To Wear Saree Perfectly Gujarati style: Gujrati people are kind yet brave and they try to live their life in a very non-violent way. They are professional and have special fondness for the arts, Navratri festival and high lifestyle. Women remain busy with home making and traditionally wears Chaniyo and Choli. They wear sarees as well and in a very Gujrati way. Now let’s see how to wear a saree or how to wear a sari or how to wear saree perfectly in Gujarati style. Steps1. Start by tucking the saree in the in skirt from the right to the left and bring it around to the front. 2. Make right facing pleats and tuck it neatly. 3. Take the pallu end and make pallu pleats. 4. Now bring the pallu around from the back and place over to the right shoulder and pin it. Leave the pleats hanging in the front 5. Pin the pallu pleats on the left side of your waist. 6. Wear complementary jewellery and don't forget to wear your heels beforehand.