Challenges in my literature class.

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Introduction ......................................................................... 3 My Angel by Sara Alonso (1st Poem)............................... 4 Diary Entry by Sara Alonso ............................................... 5 Six-Word Memoir by Sara Alonso .................................. 8 Acrostic/Acronym by Sara Alonso .................................. 9 A Normal Story by Sara Alonso (Short Story) .....10 I’m grateful about… by Sara Alonso (2nd Poem) ........18

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Introduction The purpose of my magazine is that you could read the different works that I made during my first semester of Highschool. Go ahead keep reading. Why should you read it? Well, because there are awesome works that would be interesting for you and you would see the effort that I put in this. So if you choose to read it I will appreciate the action. So, take a look and then you tell me if you like it or not and if my works are enough for your criteria. I’m going to describe the works you will found here. First there is a poem that took a lot of time because I didn’t know how to write it. Then you would find a diary entry from the earthquake and a sixword memoir. After that there is an Acrostic, a short story and also a second poem about Gratitude. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks.

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My Angel by Sara Alonso (1st Poem) When I first see you, I think I was dreaming. How can you be so beautiful? You are just like an angel, That’s why I’m afraid to lose you. If you are an angel, Why aren’t you in heaven? I don’t understand why, a beautiful creature in this hell, just someone that deserves more. Even that I don’t want you to leave I’m so selfish because of you, but I love it and I love you.

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Diary Entry by Sara Alonso September 19, 2017. Dear Diary: Today it was a little wear, first because it was my birthday, it was everything okay until 1 pm of this day. First I went to school as always, some of my friends congratulated me and gave me a beautiful

flowers then the

classes were normal

until the afternoon

arrive. It was one of

my scariest experience

in my life because it

start to quake. I was in

my literature class in that moment but when we start to feel the way the floor moves we run outside to the volleyball court in order to be safe, we can feel the way it moves but I was so scared that I hug my friend and wait until the earthquake finish. When it finish I observe how all the students were outside and some of theme were very scary. I took out my cell to communicate with my parents to see if they were okay and

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then check where the epicenter of the earthquake was, then I went with my sister to see if she was okay and I wait until my mom came to pick us and took us home where we waited for my dad to arrive, when he did tell us how it had happened during the disaster and that I was going to make a roast, we ate well and calmer knowing that all our family and friends were safe and that nothing had happened to them. We listened to the news while we ate, wanting to know what they were, what had caused the earthquake and watching the images and videos that passed making us feel bad for people so we proposed to take the next day food so we can help those who lost their homes. It was an interesting birthday because I never thought that could happen, but after this I will start to value more what I

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have and that all my relatives are well, because I think the worst thing that can happen to you is losing a loved one. I hope I can help you enough tomorrow to make people feel that you have support from all the people in this country.

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Six-Word Memoir by Sara Alonso

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Acrostic/Acronym by Sara Alonso Special person with Adult mind and child body Racing against time and society Applying all the knowledge

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A Normal Story by Sara Alonso (Short Story) This story starts with a couple, like all the stories with a romantic topic. A boy and a girl that couldn’t be together like Romeo and Juliet but less dramatic because they do not die, at least not both. They met as normal people but, what is normal? If you ask to persons in the street they would say something like “In the street” or maybe “In a school party” but this isn’t the case. They met in a restaurant, just a classic restaurant that have in the menu sandwiches and eggs, also hot cakes and bread, you know, just a normal restaurant. The boy named Frank was sitting at a remote table, alone and with a cup of coffee in front him and a book in his hands, a normal guy, right? The girl named Rebeca was sitting in a table near the window with her cellphone in her hands, just reading and watching her social networks, a normal girl, right? If you see them when you enter in that little restaurant what would you think? Maybe that they are normal persons that don’t know each other or maybe you will not pay attention on them. That’s okay, normal people would do that so don’t blame yourself. Let’s go back to the important thing, they met in that restaurant, Frank was the first to notice that there was a girl right at the table in front, she looks so casual that he was captivated with her innocent beauty. For him she was everything but normal, now that Frank looked her, she was watching something outside like if it was the most interesting thing in the world, so she couldn't notice those intense blue eyes, which can't stop looking her. He can't even expect the moment when she finally noticed him and when she turns to look at him he was so scared that

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his book felt from his hands making his coffee cup drop all over the table making him look like a perfect idiot. With a smile and a soft laugh, she just got up and came to him with a napkin in her hand to extend it to him so he could clean himself. He was so ashamed now that he couldn't look her just took the napkin whispering a quiet "thank you" and an apology for her. Without saying anything, she sat down in front of him, unable to stop smiling at the embarrassed attitude that the boy showed, in a kind way that girl began to help him to clean himself ーIt's not necessary. ー He said in a soft voice raising his eyes to her, shy. ーOf course it's necessary. ーBut it was my fault. ー That kind smile in her face make him feel so much better letting her help him and giving her a smile back. After that embarrassing accident in the restaurant they had a short talk, he just apologized to her repeatedly and she laugh. The evening came, and she had to said goodbye thinking that this moment wasn't nothing more than a funny and sweet coincidence. She stood up and walk through the door, he just let her go. But this story can't be so short, and some people said that love is made of some of these sweet coincidences. Maybe it's too much to say that it was love by this moment but there are so much to say yet. It doesn't take so much time for them to look each other one more time, may be a couple months. She had already forgotten him but in his mind that swe et smile hadn't been erased at all, sometimes when he walk from the school to his house he crossed in front that restaurant and the memory of that beautiful girl with her phone in his hands and the soft lough came back. They met again in the cinema, just another coincidence. Rebeca had planned a date with a boy from his school but that boy could not attend

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and she was alone in that place, she could only curse in her mind for agreeing to go out with that boy, angry at the way he told her he could not go with her. Frank wasn't at the Cinema just for coincidence, he was a movie lover and every weekend he spends all day there enjoying new movies. It was the biggest surprise ever when he realized who was that girl just a few meters in front of him, it can't be just a coincidence because life was giving him a second chance, she looked like she was waiting for someone, it was logic, she was a nice girl so it was possible that she had a boyfriend, he began to feel a little disappointed but it was not enough to make him regret. ー Just calm down. ー Murmured he for himself and with all the courage he had walked to her trying to be much more confident than the last time, he rose his hand ready to say "Hi". She was just so mad, it was her first date, it was the first time that some had invited her out and she was so excited about that, but not all could be that perfect. She turned around decided to leave that place when suddenly she felt down after someone crash with her. ーYou idiot! ー yelled without even know

who was it, rubbing her wrist because of the hard fall. ー God, I'm so sorry really sorry. ー he couldn't believe he had so bad luck, she looked so mad that he didn't want to watch her face when suddenly a loud lough came to his ears. ーI knew it was you when you began to apologize. ー she stood up and offered her hand to him, he had already risen his eyes and apologized over and over again. ー it's ok, just stop. ー said her laughing quietly. That was so like the last time that soon all his shame has passed and finally he could invite her, as an apology, to go with him and watch together the movie. There were no more accidents just a funny and a lot of talk. She talks about that date and she could notice how his smile disappeared for a few seconds but that didn't stop him from invite her out again. It was 12 of 19

the best evening ever for him, he finally knew her name. Rebeca, as beautiful as her, they change phone numbers too and by the time she had to go again he didn't just let her go, he told her "goodbye" and promise to meet her again, soon. With that promise in mind Rebecca went, giving one last look to that interesting little boy who gave him a smile. During her return home she was thinking about everything that had happened that day, although her appointment had not arrived but she got something much better and it was the company of that boy who always seemed to present himself in the strangest situations which seemed amusing by those coincidences. She could not get that boy out of her mind, just that boy had her captivated and when she got home her first thing was to wait for him to send her that longed message Frank can't take her off her mind too, he had been a lot of times in that cinema before but it was never so great like this day, for him it was much more than a coincidence now, now he could make it much more than a coincidence, and he won't waste that opportunity as soon as he came home send her a message, "Next Saturday, same place?" He had sent and her answer was affirmative. After that Saturday came a lot more, almost every weekend they see each other, sometimes a movie, and others just a nice walk across the park in front of the cinema but there was always something in common, Saturdays were the most perfect days for both, something growing between them, one of those Saturdays he took her first kiss and for the next they were no more friends, they were so much more. But isn't it too perfect, if we are talking about love? Yes, it was too perfect, and life is not that perfect. One Saturday she didn't come, not the next and the next. Something was wrong, she never answered the phone and he didn't know her address, he could just look for her in her school but she wasn't going to school neither.

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A lady entered the school building worried, she could see the dark circles under her eyes, which were also swollen from the cry, without realizing it happened in front of the boy who had been with her daughter during the last months. When entering a place, she picked up his daughter's things by taking them out of his locker, taking them with his eyes downcast as she drove with heavy strides to the car, sucking his nose at the situation in which she was. After everything he had seen, he finally realized what was happening. She was seeking Rebeca was seek and she hadn't told him nothing. He tried to understand why but there was no answer but it didn't matter, he need to know what was happening to her he didn't expect what happened after. His phone rang and when he answered a soft voice came from the other side of the line, it wasn't Rebecca but that voice was similar, it was her mom, she apologized to him for not being able to convince her daughter to tell him the truth but now it wasn't too late yet. Her daughter need someone who loved her, not as a mother or as a father, Rebecca needed Frank. A few hours later he was walking through the big doors of the hospital asking for the elevator, a pretty bouquet of roses in his hand and his hearth beating in his chest like never, he was scared, he was afraid of Rebecca's reaction. Maybe she didn't want him by her side. All those things in his head driving him crazy, but when those doors of the elevator opened and he walked into the room number 13, he found her, her mom holding her hand and his beautiful eyes opened so much when she saw him. ーI'm so sorry. ー That was all he could say when those pretty eyes looked at him but it didn't last a lot because Rebeca began to laugh making him feel better as always. ー The first time I saw you, I thought it was the only thing that you could say. ー said her in the middle of that sweet laugh. ー I'm the one who must be sorry, I just disappear without saying nothing. ーher mom who was sitting next to her stood up and after give her a little kiss in 14 of 19

her forehead decided to go for a walk and leave them alone for a while. ーAre you ok? -- He asks at the same time he take place in a chair next to the bed where the girl was. The only thing he wants is to know more about her. ーI´m better than before ーShe answer with a smile at the same time she focus on the flowers in the boy´s hands. With a sigh he watches the girl with a smile feeling quieter than a few minutes before so he moves near Rebeca and take her hand with a shy smile nervous about her reaction. She just turns him that smile and take his hand with a little stronger only to be sure that he couldn´t go away and leave her alone. Maybe that was the stronger fear for her, be alone. They were just like this, seeing a smile saying everything with looks, they did not need the words. the boy knew what happened but still did not move away from her, knew that he was going to suffer after the illness of the girl moved forward but could not leave her, why would he? The days passed and it was the same routine, he was going to see her at the hospital and told him some things and vice versa, by the time the night appear he said goodbye leaving a kiss on the forehead of his beloved and whispering that he would return tomorrow. A beautiful promise. Everything was calm, no important event had been presented so he was scared, he knew that not everything could be perfect because life had already shown it several times. He believed that there was a divine balance, not God or some omnipotent being, it was rather something that the universe had to balance the good and the bad that could happen to each person, nevertheless he believed that the balance of him was more inclined for the bad thing for the good and knew that

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soon something would happen and as life hated it would involve Rebecca. And exactly as he predicted a couple of days later they called him from the hospital, Rebecca had had a relapse and was now in terminal phase. What was it that fell on her cheeks? How long ago had he cried for someone? Thousands of questions settled in his head not letting him sleep for the night. The next day he was expected to have huge dark circles and when he saw himself in the mirror he could only let out a bitter laugh before showering and then going to the hospital waiting for the news of the doctor in charge of the health of that person so important to him. The mother cries disconsolately while he maintained a prudent distance between the world and him, was not going to let the feelings win him and expect the best of her, hoping that she would get well, that he would recover. Silly hopes, why should people be so delusional? Because when someone was wrong they trusted in a divine entity that would make their loved ones improve, that only happened in movies not in real life and he confirmed it when listening to the doctor's so feared words. How had he reached this point? That from day to day this only a little conscious, it tried to focus on something but those intense white lights did not allow it. With a bitter smile she could only let herself be carried away by that intense and sharp sound that surrounded her knowing what was coming, she did not know if it was fear what she felt at that moment but she knew that she was curious, curious about what would happen after that she left, what would happen to her friends and family? Her mind and memories where would they go? Would those feelings that she experiences throughout her life disappear? 16 of 19

Questions such as these appeared in her mind reminding her how easy it was to disappear in that abyss called death, perhaps it would be as religious people count, a hell and a heaven but if that were the case, what awaited her? Paradise or hell? Had she done bad things enough to send her to hell? Or perhaps that merciful God that most of the people reveres will pity his soul and let it pass to heaven? With a headache, she only closed her eyes, letting some of her mischievous tears come out of her eyes and then being consumed by the darkness that people fear so much, the moment when your life died down. With a soft sigh she uttered those longing words she had wanted to say since she had first seen Frank, a few words that might have reached those ears, as the boy let out a couple of tears knowing that she was gone forever. ーI love you... ーAnd with those last words she just went to sleep forever. ーI'm sorry ーHe whispered for the last time in that hospital, leaving minutes after that place and going home. Just as he was walking through a bluish butterfly he settled on his shoulder and with a last smile and a quick flutter entered, knowing that he could never find someone like her. A sad story that supposed a happy ending, but why should one happen? In real life there is? Are happy endings where the boy and the girl stay together? Where society does not end with that relationship? Where problems do not exist for both and there is only love and happiness? If there is one of those I regret to say that here is not, here don´t exist happy endings only heal realities that happen every day in the world. Just normal things that happen in a normal world, right? But what is normal?

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I’m grateful about… by Sara Alonso (2nd Poem) There are too many things to be grateful, little things that make me feel complete, maybe my family or my friends, but there is a better thing, it’s the love for someone else, I’m thankful with my special person, and my beautiful partner, also I grateful about my life, that is the best, maybe God gave me the best gift, like my dad and mom, or my sister and my friends.

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