Sarianna Niskala Textile and fashion portfolio 2017

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Textile and Fashion Portfolio

Projects: Aberrations BA Collection Hurme Fashion collection Human body Textile collection Greenland Fashion collection Greenland Interior textile Collection Bon appĂŠtit! Interior textile Prints

Aberrations BA thesis textile and fashion collection Sarianna Niskala 2015 A young, rebel mod girl leaves 1960’s swinging London in order to learn about indigenous people and experience adventures, peace and love. Instead of India she ends up in psychedelic Lapland and broadens her mind with lichen and mushrooms. ”Aberrations” textile and fashion collections are inspired by bright prints, optical art, 60’s and Lappish lichen, mushrooms and hallucinations. All the textiles are unique and most of them realized by hand. I designed and executed all clothing, textiles, prints, colour combinations, materials and patterns. photos: Veera Konsti clothes and styling: Sarianna Niskala models: Maija Järviniemi and Helmi Saarekas

printed by hand

woven by hand digi print

knit lace

industrial jacquard


Textile & fashion collection Sarianna Niskala 2014 Hurme is an inspiration textile collection for a women’s fashion collection inspired by Nordic nature and Slavic and Lappish mindstate and traditions. ”Hurme” is old Finnish and means blood. The word is also often connected to rapture, dust, destruction and burning. In the collection I wanted to reimagine Finnish, Russian and Lappish traditional costumes and bring them to the now with a sporty twist. Hurme was my first clothing collection and was presented in Nuova Accademia delle Belle Arti di Milano’s BA 2014 fashion show. Photos by: Veera Konsti Clothes: Sarianna Niskala Models: Elina and Iida Nissinen

Human body Textile collection 2013 “Human body” is a clothing textile collection consisting of 20 pieces. The collection is inspired by human beings. The pieces demonstrate what our insides look like dressed up as our outsides. In the collection I wanted to experiment with material, form and texture, while keeping the textiles suitable to be used in fashion design. Eight fabrics of the collection led to collaborations with fashion designers and two of them were featured in a fashion collection done by Carolina Forrs, Havina Jäntti and Emma Saarnio in the Aalto University Fashion Show 2013.

wool and fishing line

mohair knit

turbo print

woven by hand

Greenland-project Textile collection 2012 Clothing 2014 In the project I wanted to study how same prints can be used both as interior and clothing textiles. The project was inspired by global warming, Greenland’s nature’s harsh, arctic beauty and it’s culture’s colourful traditions. Photos by: Teemu Silvan Styling and clothes: Sarianna Niskala Model: Helmi Saarekas

Bon appétit! 2012

“Bon Appétit” is a tablecloth designed to make setting the table fun and easy. The piece was inspired by good manners, setting etiquette and Finnish crayfish parties. I wanted to create an elegant and clever crayfish party tablecloth and a design I could one day sell to a Finnish interior design company.

leaf Sarianna Niskala 2013

watercolour wave Sarianna Niskala 2014 Bernasconi tessuti

Havu Sarianna Niskala 2014 Bernasconi tessuti

Siivet 6 Sarianna Niskala 2014 Bernasconi tessuti

Farfalla Sarianna Niskala 2014 FEATR

kaarna Sarianna Niskala 2013

Kaunosieni Sarianna Niskala 2015 Lodetex Srl

My works are done with: material,colour & surface knowledge digi print print by hand weaving industrial jacquard knits embroidery print design pattern design sewing Adobe Creative Suite

Sarianna Niskala Designer Vaasankatu 10 as 689 00500 Helsinki +358 50-5011554

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