Transport Phenomena In Micro Process Engineering
Micro Process Engineering - An Interdisciplinary Approach: Introduction and Motivation.- Orientation of Micro Process Engineering.- The Role of Transport Processes.- Some Requirements for Successful Microstructures.- Scaling dimensions.- Actual Applications.- Barriers and Challenges.- Fundamental Balances and Transport Processes: Introduction.- Unit Operations and Process Design.- Balances and Transport Equations.- Modeling, Calculation Methods, and Simulation.-Future Directions of Micro Process Engineering Research.- Momentum Transfer: Momentum Transfer of Single-Phase Flow.- Convective Fluid Dynamics in Microchannels.- Multiphase Flow.- Heat Transfer and Micro Heat Exchangers: Heat Transfer Fundamentals.- Microfluidic Networks for Heat Exchange.- Micro Heat Exchanger Devices.Diffusion, Mixing, and Mass Transfer Equipment: Mixing Processes and Their Characterization.- Diffuse Mass Transport and Concentration Distribution in Fluids.- Convective Mass Transport.- Characteristics of Convective Laminar Micromixers.- Mixing and Chaotic Advection.- Design and Fabrication of Silicon Micromixers.- High Throughput Mixing Devices with Microchannels.- Chemical Reactions and Reactive Precipitation: Chemical Reactor Engineering.- Wall Mass Transfer and Surface Reactions in Multifluidic Systems.- Design Criteria for Microchannel Reactors.- Microreactor for Aerosol Generation.- Mixing and Defined Precipitation in Liquid Phase.- Coupled Transport Processes: Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes.- Thermoelectric Energy Conversion.- Electroosmotic and Electrokinetic Effects.Thermodiffusion.- Pressure Diffusion.- Conclusion and Final Remarks: Bibliography, Index EAN/ISBN : 9783540746188 Publisher(s): Springer, Berlin Discussed keywords: Mikrosystemtechnik Format:
ePub/PDF Author(s): Kockmann, Norbert
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