Canada Skilled Migration: PR or Work Visa?
Canada Immigration Consultants in India
Canada Skilled Migration: PR or Work Visa? There is a lot of talk about migrating to Canada amongst people across the world looking for a better life in a land away from their home; there is a lot of talk about Canada Skilled Migration. This phrase, Skilled migration, implies a slight di erence compared to migrating with any other aspect in mind. http://www.smartmove2canada.com/canada-skilled-migration-pr-or-work-visa/
Canada Skilled Migration: PR or Work Visa?
If you are a skilled professional looking to migrate to Canada, then you have an option that the other aspiring migrants do not: The Permanent Resident Visa. It might seem like the “work visa” is always the best bet if you want to work in a country. But due to Canada’s massive industrial growth as opposed to its minimal population has created a distinct immigration scenario that most other countries do not face: a need for skilled immigrants from other nations. Hence the talk of the hour: Canada Skilled Migration. If you are an educated professional with a skill that is required by the Canadian government in order to fuel its massive economy, then you do not need to search for a job in Canada BEFORE you apply for a visa (as it would be with a normal work visa). In fact, if you successfully apply for a Permanent Resident Visa to Canada, you become eligible to move to Canada FIRST, and only then worry about nding a job of your caliber. Now since the PR Visa is based on a points based system, the acquisition of a Canadian PR Visa automatically implies that you have the necessary experience, quali cations, age and merit required to nd the right job for your skills in Canada, given the mismatch in the demand and supply of skilled professionals in the country. This means that if you arrive in Canada on a PR Visa, it is more than likely that you will nd yourself the right job. So all you skilled professionals, what are you waiting for? You have nothing to lose by nding out if you are eligible for this golden opportunity. If you need
Canada Skilled Migration: PR or Work Visa?
more convincing, here are some additional bene ts to acquiring a residence in Canada through the Permanent Resident Route: You can work or study, anywhere in Canada you please You can apply for a Canadian citizenship You will get healthcare and most of the other social bene ts that a Canadian citizen receives You will be protected under Canadian Law Email your CVs to info@smartmove2canada.com in order for The SmartMove2Canada, a Canadian Immigration Consultancy with o ces in Mumbai, Bangalore, Chandigarh, and Delhi, to check if you indeed qualify for a PR visa to Canada. If this is the case, then you shouldn’t wait for any further to catapult yourself and your loved ones to a beautiful life in a land that is renowned across the world not only for its plethora of opportunities but also for the generosity of its people.