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1. Introduction

1. Introduction


This thesis seeks to investigate and explore how the design of a space can act as a catalyst in creating a healing environment that affects an individual's physical and psychological behaviour as well as offer transition space to take the user/affected person by studying and comprehending the conditions of incarceration and its aftermath.


The site was chosen based on the Juvenile Observation/Correctional Center's current location (Ghod Dod Road, Surat) while keeping in mind the design goal of providing a facility that bridges the gap between juvenile offenders and society in order to reinforce the transition and reintegration process.

Since such a facility does not exist in the country, precedent studies such as understanding the quality of healing spaces and designing transitional spaces for rejuvenation to improve mental health and behavioural patterns of people are chosen.

The program was created in response to the existing schedule of juvenile offenders at the Correctional Centre, and it has been divided into several phases and zones to ensure that these inmates are prepared to return to society.

Design considerations include the creation of directional spaces, the incorporation of natural light and ventilation, the integration of nature, including functions for interactive and recreational purposes, spatial solutions, and specific colours, forms, and textures while keeping youth mental health in mind.

Reintegration through transition | 12

Reintegration through transition | 13

Reintegration through transition | 14

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