ͳͳ Ǧ ͳͷ ʹͲͳͲ
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Introduction ........................................................................................................ 4 1.1 Humanitarian assistance ................................................................................ 4 1.2 Integrated Rescue System in the Czech Republic ......................................... 4 1.3 Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic ............................................ 5 1.4 Urban Search and Rescue Team of the Czech Republic............................... 6
Evidence of INSARAG National and Operational Focal Points .......................... 6
Details of experience in USAR operations ......................................................... 6 3.1 National USAR team operations .................................................................... 7 3.2 International USAR team operations.............................................................. 8 3.3 Other international assistance in form of rescue teams, material aid or coordination and assessment experts............................................................ 9
Standard operating procedures ........................................................................ 12
Details of international mobilization and transport arrangements ..................... 13 5.1 Decision-making process and USAR Team activation procedure ................ 13 5.2 Transport arrangements .............................................................................. 14
Memorandum of understanding between the Government and the USAR Team for deployment for international humanitarian assistance ................................ 16
Memorandums of understanding between the USAR Team and organizations supplying personnel and/or equipment ............................................................ 16
USAR Team structure ...................................................................................... 17
Staff criteria ...................................................................................................... 17
Evidence of a home country support plan while on deployment....................... 19
Evidence of use of the VirtualOSOCC and GDACS ......................................... 19
Evidence of use of the INSARAG documentation ............................................ 20
INSARAG Focal Points Notification of USAR Team Procedure ....................... 20
USAR Team international deployment training ................................................ 21
Search dog standards ...................................................................................... 24
Evidence of medical evacuation policy ............................................................. 26
Equipment inventory ........................................................................................ 27
17.1 Equipment storage base and details on tools, logistical and medical assets 27 17.2 Maintenance program for equipment, logistical and medical assets ............ 30
17.3 Base of Operations (BoO) inventory ............................................................ 31 18
Post mission phase .......................................................................................... 31
Information brochure “Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic�
Annex 2
Main national and international relations of the Czech INSARAG Operational Focal Point
Annex 3
Example of a warning message on an earthquake from the Military Geographical and Hydrometeorological Service of the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic
Annex 4
Mobilisation plan for deployment of the Czech USAR Team
Annex 5
Diagram of the decision-making and mobilisation deployment of the Czech USAR Team to abroad
Annex 6
Letter from the Minister of Defence to the Minister of Interior regarding air transport of rescue teams
Annex 7
Memorandum of understanding between the General Directorate of the Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic and the Trauma hospital Brno
Annex 8
Memorandum of understanding between the General Directorate of the Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic and the Municipal Police of the Capital City of Prague
Annex 9
Organisational chart of the Czech Heavy USAR Team
Annex 10
Organisational chart of the Czech Medium USAR Team
Annex 11
Sample personnel record in the USAR Team eOSAP database
Annex 12
Sample search dog record in the USAR Team eOSAP database
Annex 13
Disaster scent work certification examinations (search dogs)
Annex 14
Sample certificate of a dog handler and a search dog
Annex 15
Sample canine health record
Annex 16
Agreement on travel insurance, request for travel insurance and copies of travel insurance cards
Annex 17
List of medicines
Annex 18
Sample equipment maintenance record
Annex 19
Czech Heavy USAR Team Base of Operations layout
Annex 20
List of acronyms
process for
ͳ ͳǤͳ Providing humanitarian assistance to foreign countries is an integral part of foreign policy of the Czech Republic. Humanitarian assistance has been provided on bilateral level either directly to affected countries, or through international government and non-government organisations to specific groups of affected population, as well as on multilateral level through humanitarian organisations (International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)), UN agencies (World Food Programme (WFP), UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA), UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), UN International Children's Fund (UNICEF) and nongovernment organisations (ADRA, People in Need, Czech Caritas). To ensure providing effective rescue humanitarian assistance, Czech Emergency Response Teams (CZERT) have been established under the coordination of the Ministry of Interior – General Directorate of the Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic (GD FRS CR). These teams have taken an active role during several international rescue operations (e.g. earthquakes in Turkey, Algeria, Iran, Pakistan, floods and storms in France, floods in Poland, leakage of dangerous chemical substances in Hungary). Team members have been trained according to international standards and are prepared for immediate operation in case of major domestic and foreign accidents. Czech Urban Search and Rescue Teams (Czech USAR Teams) are parts of the CZERT concept.
ͳǤʹ The Integrated Rescue System (IRS) has been established in the Czech Republic for effective solving of all types of emergencies, including natural and man-made disasters. The IRS is a government-guaranteed system for the co-ordination of rescue operations and consecutive relief operations during emergencies and in preparation for emergency situations. The IRS is one of basic parts of the national security system. The IRS has been built since 1993 due to a necessity of everyday joint rescue operations with involvement of rescue organisations, state administration authorities and local authorities, law enforcement authorities, military forces and other armed safety forces, public health protection authorities, civil protection institutions, nongovernment organisations, natural persons and legal entities etc. The Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic (FRS CR) is one of three basic IRS services. Another two basic IRS services are the Police of the Czech Republic and the Emergency Medical Service. According to the Law No. 239/2000 on the Integrated Rescue System, the coordination role in the IRS has been committed to the FRS CR at all its levels – tactical, operational and strategic, and that means
day-to-day experience on the territory of the Czech Republic. The tactical level is described as the level of the place of an incident, where the coordination is performed by an incident commander. The operational level means the level, where the coordination is ensured by operations centres. The strategic level is the level, where the coordination is performed by mayors, regional commissioners or the Ministry of Interior. The partnership within the IRS either comes directly from legal regulations or it is based on bilateral and multilateral agreements between basic and other IRS services, which are e.g. special forces and means of the Czech Army, armed security services, rescue and emergency services, public health protection authorities, civil protection facilities, non-profit civil organisations and associations and private entities, which can be used for rescue and relief operations.
ͳǤ͵ The Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic (FRS CR) is a fully professional organisation which basic tasks are determined by the Law No. 238/2000 on the Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic. The primary mission of the FRS CR is to protect lives, health and property of citizens against fire and to provide effective help in various types of emergencies. The FRS CR consists of the GD FRS CR, 14 fully professional regional Fire and Rescue Brigades (FRB) and the Rescue Battalion of the FRS CR. The GD FRS CR controls regional Fire and Rescue Brigades) and the Rescue Battalion of the FRS CR. An organisational chart of the FRS CR can be found in an information brochure “Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic”, which has been attached as Annex 1, where plenty of other information about the FRS CR can be found. The GD FRS CR is a part of the Ministry of Interior (MoI). It is the central authority of public administration in the fields of fire protection, crisis management, civil emergency planning, civil protection and the IRS. Tasks of the FRS CR are fulfilled by approximately 10,000 members. Besides fire fighting, fire units take leading part in rescue operations and consecutive relief operations during ecological emergencies and technical interventions, but they also fulfil special tasks, connected e.g. with transport of nuclear fuel, with prevention of animal epidemics, with citizen protection against consequences of possible terrorist attacks or with calamity situations caused by extremely unfavourable weather conditions. The FRS CR is responsible for provision of the civil protection, namely warning, evacuation, sheltering and emergency survival of citizens, and other provisions, ensuring protection of their lives, health and property. Every year fire units of the FRS CR make about 90 thousand interventions during emergency situations. In addition to units of the FRS CR, professional and volunteer industrial fire units and municipal volunteer fire units operate within the so called areal coverage of the Czech Republic by fire units.
ͳǤͶ The Czech USAR Team consists of members of following organisations: - core group a) General Directorate of the Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic, b) Fire and Rescue Brigade of the Capital City of Prague (FRB Prague), c) Fire and Rescue Brigade of the Moravian-Silesian Region (FRB M-S Region), - medical provision d) Trauma hospital in Brno, - NGOs e) Rescue dog organisations included in the IRS. The partnership between these organisations is anchored in written agreements between responsible parts of the FRS CR on one hand and a particular organisation on the other hand. The evidence of these agreements is indicated in Chapter 7.
ʹ The INSARAG National Focal Point is identified within the structure of the IRS and Operational Management Section of the GD FRS CR in accordance with the INSARAG Guidelines and Methodology, Chapter B3.7. The current INSARAG National Focal Point is a senior fire officer who has held this position since the year 1999. At the national level, the Operations and Information Centre (OIC) of the GD FRS CR is a coordinating element within the strategic level of the IRS. Moreover, the OIC of the GD FRS CR serves as the National Point of Contact for many foreign entities, including UN OCHA, NATO EADRCC, MIC EU, IAEA, OPCW, countries with which the Czech Republic has signed agreements on the mutual assistance, and many others. Therefore, this OIC serves also as the INSARAG Operational Focal Point. A diagram of main national and international relationships of the OIC of the GD FRS CR can be found in Annex 2. OIC of the GD FRS CR with its duty system 24/7 permanently monitors available information resources and for this purpose has a close relation with many national and international organisations which information sources can be used for early recognition of seriousness of impacts of disasters. Concerning earthquakes the early information come from the GDACS, media and the Military Geographical and Hydrometeorological Service of the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic, which can be considered as one of the most reliable information sources. An example of a fax message sent from this organisation to the OIC of the GD FRS CR is attached to this portfolio as Annex 3.
͵ Several examples of Czech USAR Teams deployment in the Czech Republic and abroad can be found in next chapters.
;Ǥͳ ƒ–‹‘Â?ƒŽ –‡ƒÂ? ‘’‡”ƒ–‹‘Â?• All fire units of the FRS CR are trained in basic activities regarding rescue operations in collapsed structures. In case of a suspicion of a trapped person with unknown location, the first step is to alert and deploy dog handlers with search dogs. In this case only certified dog handlers with search dogs (see Chapter 15) are allowed to take active part in rescue operations. The other possibility is to ask for deployment of one of USAR teams or its parts, either from Prague or from the Moravian-Silesian Region. Following are cases in which one of USAR teams or their specialised parts were deployed. ;ǤͳǤͳ ‘ŽŽƒ’•‡ ‘ˆ ƒ Š‘–‡Žǥ ‘—Â?›ǥ Íł ’”‹Ž ʹͲͲʹ An explosion of a boiler caused collapse of the whole building of a hotel. Six people found death in rubbles. ;ǤͳǤʹ ‘ŽŽƒ’•‡ ‘ˆ ”‡•‹†‡Â?–‹ƒŽ Š‘—•‡•ǥ Â”ÂƒÂ‰Â—Â‡ÇĄ ͳ͡ Č‚ ͳͺ —‰—•– ʹͲͲʹ Several multi-storey residential buildings collapsed as a consequence of major floods. ;ǤͳǤ; ‘ŽŽƒ’•‡ ‘ˆ ƒ ”‡•‹†‡Â?–‹ƒŽ Š‘—•‡ǥ ”Â?‘ǥ Í´Íł —Â?‡ ʹͲͲ͜ A part of a multi-storey residential house collapsed after a gas explosion. Seven people were injured and four people were killed by the collapse. ;ǤͳǤ͜ ‘ŽŽƒ’•‡ ‘ˆ ƒ ”‡•‹†‡Â?–‹ƒŽ Š‘—•‡ǥ Â”ÂƒÂ‰Â—Â‡ÇĄ Í´Íť —Ž› ʹͲͲ͡ A part of a multi-storey residential house crashed down during a period of construction work. Six people were injured. ;ǤͳǤ͡ ‘ŽŽƒ’•‡ ‘ˆ ƒ •—’‡”Â?ƒ”Â?‡–ǥ Â•Â–Â”ÂƒÂ˜ÂƒÇĄ Íś ƒÂ?—ƒ”› ʹͲͲ͸ Six USAR team members of the FRB M-S Region equipped by the search camera carried out search activities after two missing persons were announced after a collapse of the supermarket LIDL´s roof due to an extreme snow layer. Activities carried out by the USAR Team were searching for possibly trapped persons using dogs and a search camera. ;ǤͳǤ͸ ‘ŽŽƒ’•‡ ‘ˆ ƒ ”‡•‹†‡Â?–‹ƒŽ Š‘—•‡ǥ Â”ÂƒÂ‰Â—Â‡ÇĄ ͳͺ ‡„”—ƒ”› ʹͲͲ͸ An inside part of a multi-storey residential house collapsed after a gas explosion. 15 people had to be evacuated, two persons died. ;ǤͳǤ͚ ‘ŽŽƒ’•‡ ‘ˆ ƒ Â?—Ž–‹ˆ—Â?…–‹‘Â?ƒŽ „—‹Ž†‹Â?‰ǥ Â”ÂƒÂ‰Â—Â‡ÇĄ ͳ͸ —Ž› ʹͲͲ͸ An inside part of a multifunctional building being reconstructed collapsed after a damage of supporting structures.
;ǤͳǤͺ ‘ŽŽƒ’•‡ ‘ˆ ƒ ˆ‘”Â?‡” ˆ—”Â?ƒ…‡ ÂŠÂƒÂŽÂŽÇĄ Žƒ†Â?‘ǥ Í´Íş —Ž› ʹͲͲ͚ Forbidden disassembly of building constructions caused damage of a whole building, which collapsed on two persons. Search dogs, a search camera and a Bioradar were used to search for buried people. ;ǤͳǤ͝ ƒÂ?ƒ‰‡ ‘ˆ ƒ •–‘”ƒ‰‡ Š‘’’‡”ǥ Â?žÒǥ ͸ —‰—•– ʹͲͲ͚ One person was rescued from a lime works storage hopper after lime-kiln furnace lining collapsing. ;ǤͳǤͳͲ ‘ŽŽƒ’•‡ ‘ˆ …‡‹Ž‹Â?‰• ‹Â? ƒ „—‹Ž†‹Â?‰ǥ Â”ÂƒÂ‰Â—Â‡ÇĄ ʹ͡ ‡„”—ƒ”› ʹͲͲ͝ One person was extricated dead out of rubbles of a building intended for demolition. ;ǤͳǤͳͳ ‘ŽŽƒ’•‡ ‘ˆ ƒ ˆ‘—” •–‘”‡› „—‹Ž†‹Â?‰ǥ Â”ÂƒÂ‰Â—Â‡ÇĄ Í´ Č‚ Íś …–‘„‡” ʹͲͲ͝ Four workers found death in rubbles of a four storey residential house under reconstruction. ;ǤͳǤͳʹ ‘ŽŽƒ’•‡ ‘ˆ ƒ ˆ‘”Â?‡” –‹”‡ Â•Â‡Â”Â˜Â‹Â…Â‡ÇĄ ƒ”Â?Â•Â†Â‘Â”ÂˆÇĄ ʹ͸ ƒ”…Š ʹͲͳͲ Two external walls crashed down inside a building as a consequence of heavy frost and subsequent quick increase of temperature. Nobody was injured.
;Ǥʹ Â?–‡”Â?ƒ–‹‘Â?ƒŽ –‡ƒÂ? ‘’‡”ƒ–‹‘Â?• ;ǤʹǤͳ ƒ”–Š“—ƒÂ?‡ ‹Â? ”Â?‡Â?Â‹ÂƒÇĄ ‡…‡Â?„‡” ͳ͝ͺͺ Departure: 14 December 1988 Arrival: 23 December 1988 Capacity level: medium (rescuers of FRBs from the whole Czech Republic) Number of dogs: Activities: searching for and rescuing people from collapsed buildings, other assistance to affected population on request ;ǤʹǤʹ ƒ”–Š“—ƒÂ?‡ ‹Â? —”Â?‡›ǥ —‰—•– ͳ͝͝͝ Departure: 19 August 1999 Arrival: 3 September 1999 Capacity level: medium (rescuers, dog handlers + dogs, coordinators) Activities: searching for and rescuing people from collapsed buildings ;ǤʹǤ; ƒ”–Š“—ƒÂ?‡ ‹Â? —”Â?‡›ǥ ‘˜‡Â?„‡” ͳ͝͝͝ Departure: 13 November 1999 Arrival: 18 November 1999 Capacity level: medium (rescuers, dog handlers + dogs, a medical doctor) Activities: searching for and rescuing people from collapsed buildings
;ǤʹǤ͜ ƒ”–Š“—ƒÂ?‡ ‹Â? ÂŽÂ‰Â‡Â”Â‹ÂƒÇĄ ƒ› ʹͲͲ; Departure: 22 May 2003 Arrival: 27 May 2003 Capacity level: medium (rescuers, dog handlers + dogs, a medical doctor) Activities: searching for and rescuing people from collapsed buildings ;ǤʹǤ͡ ƒ”–Š“—ƒÂ?‡ ‹Â? ”ƒÂ?ÇĄ ‡…‡Â?„‡” ʹͲͲ; Departure: 26 December 2003 Arrival: 29 December 2003 Capacity level: medium (rescuers, dog handlers + dogs, a medical doctor) Activities: searching for and rescuing people from collapsed buildings
;Ǥ; –Š‡” ‹Â?–‡”Â?ƒ–‹‘Â?ƒŽ ƒ••‹•–ƒÂ?…‡ ‹Â? ˆ‘”Â? ‘ˆ ”‡•…—‡ –‡ƒÂ?•ǥ Â?ƒ–‡”‹ƒŽ ƒ‹† ‘” …‘‘”†‹Â?ƒ–‹‘Â? ƒÂ?† ƒ••‡••Â?‡Â?– ‡š’‡”–• The Czech USAR Team serves as a basis for other types of Czech Emergency Response Teams (CZERTs). In such case the management, logistics, medical provision and a core group of rescuers of the USAR Team is used. Some of the Czech USAR Team members are used also for other tasks in case of providing a humanitarian assistance by the Czech Republic to abroad. They conduct humanitarian convoys and take part in coordination and assessment teams of the European Commission during its activities within Europe as well as in other countries. By these activities Czech USAR Team members, who are usually team leaders, deputy team leaders, liaison officers and other members of the Czech USAR Team management, gain important professional experience which can be used for Czech USAR Team activities. ;Ǥ;Ǥͳ –‘”Â?• ‹Â? ”ƒÂ?…‡ǥ ‡…‡Â?„‡” ʹͲͲͲ Type: emergency electric power team Activities: delivering electric power to inhabitants in stricken municipalities using electric power generators ;Ǥ;Ǥʹ Ž‘‘†• ‹Â? ”ƒÂ?…‡ǥ ‡…‡Â?„‡” ʹͲͲ; Type: high capacity pumping team Activities: preparation, transportation and providing French fire-fighters with assistance during pumping water in South-East France ;Ǥ;Ǥ; —Â?ƒÂ?‹–ƒ”‹ƒÂ? …”‹•‹• ‹Â? ‘”–Š Â‘Â”Â‡ÂƒÇĄ ‡„”—ƒ”› ʹͲͲ͜ Type: material humanitarian assistance (dental material) Activities: negotiations with Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Health about suitability of the selected assistance, preparation of documentation by the GD FRS CR
͵Ǥ͵ǤͶ ǡ ʹͲͲͶ Type: material humanitarian assistance (blankets) Activities: preparation, transportation and hand over of the material directly to Moroccan authorities in cooperation with the Czech Army (transportation) ͵Ǥ͵Ǥͷ ǡ ʹͲͲͷ Type: material humanitarian assistance (diesel generators) Activities: preparation, transportation and hand over of the material to Swedish authorities by Czech USAR Team members ͵Ǥ͵Ǥ ǡ ʹͲͲͷ Type: material humanitarian assistance (dryers) Activities: negotiation with national authorities of the Serbia and Montenegro, preparation of the assistance ͵Ǥ͵Ǥ ǡ ʹͲͲͷ Type: material humanitarian assistance (diesel generators, hygienic packages, food packages) Activities: preparation, transportation and hand over of the material to Romanian authorities, necessary initial training of local diesel generators’ users ͵Ǥ͵Ǥͺ ǡ ʹͲͲͷ Type: material humanitarian assistance (floating pumps, disinfectants) Activities: preparation, transportation and hand over of the material to Bulgarian firefighters by Czech USAR Team members ͵Ǥ͵Ǥͻ ǡ ʹͲͲͷ Type: material humanitarian assistance (blankets, camp beds, tents) Activities: preparation of providing the material humanitarian assistance to the U.S.A., escorting the material from the Czech Republic to Germany (USAF base Ramstein), handing over of the material to the United States authorities by USAR Team liaison officers ͵Ǥ͵ǤͳͲ ǡ ʹͲͲͷ Type: medical rescue unit with field hospital (25 rescuers, medical doctors, nurses) Activities: medical treatment of affected population, Czech USAR Team members provided overall management of the team and a logistical support to medical personnel ͵Ǥ͵Ǥͳͳ ǡ ʹͲͲ Type: material humanitarian assistance (fire hoses, fire nozzles) Activities: preparation and hand over of the material, transported by air, to Israelite fire-fighters by Czech USAR Team members
͵Ǥ͵Ǥͳʹ ǡ ʹͲͲ Type: material humanitarian assistance (protective boots and gloves for fire-fighters) Activities: transportation and hand over of the material to Albanian fire-fighters by Czech USAR Team liaison officers ͵Ǥ͵Ǥͳ͵ ǡ ʹͲͲ Type: material humanitarian assistance (protective helmets for fire-fighters) Activities: transportation and hand over of the material to Macedonian fire-fighters by Czech USAR Team liaison officers ͵Ǥ͵ǤͳͶ ǡ ʹͲͲͺ Type: material humanitarian assistance (blood plasma, medicaments and sanitary material) Activities: preparation and conduct of a humanitarian convoy, hand over to Albanian authorities by Czech USAR Team liaison officers ͵Ǥ͵Ǥͳͷ ǡ ʹͲͲͺ Type: material humanitarian assistance (medicaments, tents) Activities: preparation and hand over of material to Chinese authorities in cooperation with the European Commission ͵Ǥ͵Ǥͳ ǡ ʹͲͲͺ Type: material humanitarian assistance (diesel and petrol generators) Activities: preparation and conduct of a humanitarian convoy, hand over to Romanian authorities, providing basic technical training to Romanian fire-fighters ͵Ǥ͵Ǥͳ ǡ ʹͲͲͺ Type: material humanitarian assistance (water pumps, airbeds, sleeping bags, linen) Activities: preparation and conduct of a humanitarian convoy, hand over to Ukrainian authorities, providing basic technical training to operating staff ͵Ǥ͵Ǥͳͺ ǡ ʹͲͲͺ Type: material humanitarian assistance (water pumps, diesel and petrol generators, wellington boots) Activities: preparation and conduct of a humanitarian convoy, hand over to Moldovan authorities, providing basic technical training to operating staff ͵Ǥ͵Ǥͳͻ ǡ ʹͲͲͺ Type: material humanitarian assistance (medical material, blood, albumin, blood plasma) Activities: preparation and conduct of an air transport, hand over to Georgian authorities)
͵Ǥ͵ǤʹͲ ǡ ʹͲͲͻ Type: assessment expert (Czech USAR Team liaison officer) as a member of the Coordination and Assessment Team of the European Commission Activities: needs assessment ͵Ǥ͵Ǥʹͳ ǡ ʹͲͲͻ Type: assessment expert (Czech USAR Team leader) as a member of the Coordination and Assessment Team of the European Commission Activities: needs assessment ͵Ǥ͵Ǥʹʹ ǡ ʹͲͲͻ Type: assessment expert (Czech USAR Team leader) as a member of the Coordination and Assessment Team of the European Commission Activities: needs assessment ͵Ǥ͵Ǥʹ͵ ǡ ʹͲͳͲ Type: High Capacity Pumping Teams (five teams) Activities: pumping water from urban locations using high capacity pumps
Ͷ Standard operating procedures (SOPs) for deployment of the Czech USAR Team for international rescue operations are based on the following legal regulations: a) Law No. 239/2000 on the Integrated Rescue System, b) Government Decree No. 463/2000 on determination of rules for engaging in international rescue operations and on providing/receiving of humanitarian assistance. Other regulations at national and at regional levels have been adopted and used for creating the SOPs. These will be made available for the INSARAG External Classsification (IEC) Cadre during the IEC Exercise. Also experience from deploying rescue teams abroad and providing other forms of humanitarian assistance (see Chapters 3.2 and 3.3) has been an essential part while creating and updating the SOPs and related documentation. The SOPs are available for the staff of the OIC of the GD FRS CR, OICs of both regional FRBs participating in creating the Czech USAR Team and the Czech USAR Team management. The mobilisation plan for deployment of the Czech USAR Team including related steps has been translated into English language for the purpose of the Portfolio of Evidence and composes Annex 4. This mobilisation plan will be a subject of revision during and after a pre-classification exercise in June 2010.
ͷ ͷǤͳ Ǧ According to the Law on the IRS the Ministry of Interior fulfils tasks in the range of joining of the Czech Republic in international rescue operations during emergencies abroad and during providing a humanitarian assistance to foreign countries in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Tasks of the Ministry of Interior at this field are fulfilled by the GD FRS CR. The General Directorate’s Emergency Staff is the working body which deals with practical matters, evaluate information and prepares necessary documents. During the whole process the GD FRS CR is in contact with the FRB of the capital city Prague and the FRB of the Moravian-Silesian Region through their OICs using telephone, Fax, E-mail and teleconference. The decision on deployment of a rescue team to abroad is a joint decision of responsible bodies which takes into account political, professional and financial aspects. In compliance with existing legal and internal regulations the following decisionmaking process is used. It can be briefly described in the next points: Gathering of information Ministry of Interior (MoI) and Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) receive initial information about an emergency situation abroad through the embassies, affected countries‘ administration authorities, international organisations, media etc., or they directly receive a request for assistance. Evaluation of information State administration authorities share, discuss and evaluate available information. At the same time they assess possibilities whether the Czech Republic is capable to provide the required form of assistance. The Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs consult information, predetermined parts of the Czech USAR Team are put on stand-by and the way of providing the assistance is technically prepared. Possibilities of transportation are assessed. Decision After evaluation of the situation the ministers of interior and foreign affairs are informed and asked for making the decision. The minister of interior suggests possible variants and suitable forces and means for the assistance. The minister of foreign affairs decides on releasing the financial resources up to 5 mil CZK (cca 190,000 EUR). If more financial resources are needed, the Government’s decision on the basis of the proposal of the minister of foreign affairs is necessary. This can be done as the second step during the next Governmental meeting. Activation phase
Predetermined forces and means are alerted, team members are transported to the assembly point, necessary documentation is being prepared, the team leader is appointed, travel insurance is arranged, foreign currency are released from the safe at the OIC of the GD FRS CR. Medical checks of all team members and veterinary checks of all search dogs are carried out, vaccinations are checked. Realization The rescue team leaves the Czech Republic by the defined way, is transported to the point of destination and joins in the international rescue operation. The detailed activation procedure can be found in the Czech USAR Team SOPs as the mobilisation plan. The mobilisation plan is the main part of the national level of SOPs, it has a form of a checklist and it is attached to this document as Annex 4. A diagram of the decision-making and mobilisation process for deployment of the Czech USAR Team to abroad can be found in Annex 5.
ͷǤʹ Ground transport In case the distance of the supposed deployment is up to 1,000 km, the ground transport of the Czech USAR Team is preferred. This kind of transportation enables to move more heavy equipment, machinery and logistical means than using the air transport. In such case all vehicles used are vehicles of the FRS CR except vehicles used for transportation of search dogs which may come from rescue dog organisations (in accordance with memorandums of understanding). Air transport Regarding international rescue operations in distances of more than 1,000 km, the Czech USAR Team initially uses a military transport. The air transport is limited by equipment of the Czech Army. The OIC of the GD FRS CR is in the direct contact with the Permanent Operations Centre of the Ministry of Defence which is, accordingly with the Law and with bilateral agreements between the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Defence, responsible for deployment of military assets for civilian purposes. Under normal circumstances Ministry of Defence is responsible for organizational matters concerning air means of transport. In case the heavy USAR team is deployed, then it is supposed that before aircrafts fly abroad they collect team segments both in Prague and in Ostrava airports. According to the Law No. 219/1999 on armed forces, the Czech Army can be used for providing air transportation of humanitarian and medical aid according to the decision of the Government. Because it is not usually possible to get the Government’s decision in real time before the departure of the humanitarian aid abroad, the procedure which has been proven during previous cases of deployments of humanitarian assistance is following:
ministers of Interior, of Foreign Affairs and of Defence jointly agree on using military aircrafts for transportation of the humanitarian assistance and their competent departments prepare a draft Government decree to be adopted at the next meeting of the Government. In May 2000 the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Defence exchanged letters regarding ensuring the air transportation of civilian rescue teams providing humanitarian assistance to abroad. The Minister of Defence in its letter to the Minister of Interior promised to provide two military aircrafts for the purpose of transportation of a rescue team and if needed to decide personally about priorities of tasks fulfilled by military air forces according to actual needs (Annex 6). Actually the Czech Army dispose of the following types of air transport means suitable for transportation of the Czech USAR Team or its parts: - Casa C-295M, - Airbus A-319CJ, - Antonov An-26, - Mil Mi-17. If the required aircrafts are available, the readiness of the crew for departure is from 3 to 6 hours. Several other documents including Government decrees and State Security Council decrees have been adopted during recent years to ensure smooth operations flow in case of providing humanitarian assistance to abroad. One of the most complex documents regarding the humanitarian assistance is the State Security Council decree No. 458 of the 9 May 2001, where there is a statement “air transportation of humanitarian assistance is ensured by aircrafts of the Czech Army�. If military assets are not available, commercial aircrafts can be used. At the time of elaboration of this document an agreement on a future contract is in the process of preparation. In such case the GD FRS CR as the Civil Protection authority can apply for 50% refinancing of the total cost of such transport at the European Commission within the frame of the so called Financial Instrument. One of other possible ways of ensuring the air transport of the Czech USAR Team is that the Czech Republic as a member state of the European Union applies for activation of the European Commission transport contractor. The European Commission transport contractor is a company which, according to a contract with the European Commission, submits at least three proposals of suitable air transport in four hours since the application. After selection of one of these proposals the European Commission transport contractor ensures the selected way of air transport and issues an invoice to the European Commission. The applying EU member state then transfers 50% of expenses for the air transport to the European Commission.
In accordance with the Law No. 239/2000 on the Integrated Rescue System the Ministry of Interior in agreement with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs decides on taking part in international rescue operations and on providing humanitarian assistance to abroad. Tasks of the Ministry of Interior are fulfilled by its organisational part – GD FRS CR. Because providing humanitarian assistance is one of basic tasks of the FRS CR as a government organization, therefore there is no requirement for additional Memorandum of understanding between the Czech USAR Team and the Czech Government. In accordance with the Government Decree No. 463/2000 it is the task of the FRS CR to train and equip teams and experts for deployment to international rescue operations. Nevertheless, there are several other ministries and government agencies involved in deployment procedures of the Czech USAR Team and these include: a) Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) – request for diplomatic clearance in affected country to facilitate the arrival of the team and activation of the Czech Embassy in an affected country for necessary support. Decision making regarding political and financial aspects, b) Ministry of Defence – request and provision for the support of military assets i.e. aircrafts, upon the approval to deploy if required, c) General Directorate for Customs – request for customs clearance, d) other ministries or government agencies in case of specific needs.
Ȁ As it was mentioned in Chapter 1.4, generally, partnerships between basic and other IRS services are anchored in bilateral or multilateral agreements. These agreements are at disposal of all OICs of the FRS CR. For the purpose of composing the Czech USAR Team following agreements have been signed: a) Agreement on the pre-planned assistance on request between the GD FRS CR and the Trauma hospital Brno signed on 28 December 2006. Except other matters, this agreement describes system of requesting forces and means of the Trauma hospital Brno for the purpose of international rescue operations and their integration in rescue teams of the FRS CR. Among other things this agreement contains a list of medical doctors and other medical personnel devoted to participation in international rescue teams. Five medical doctors are predetermined for the Czech USAR Team, two of them are permanently on stand-by. This agreement is included in Annex 7.
b) Agreements on the pre-planned assistance on request between the particular rescue dog organisation and either the GD FRS CR or one of 14 regional FRBs: -
Agreement between the Police of the Czech Republic and the GD FRS CR, signed on 2 April 2002,
Agreement between the Ministry of Defence – General Staff of the Czech Army and the GD FRS CR, signed on 27 March 2008,
Agreement between the Municipal Police of the Capital City Prague – and the GD FRS CR, signed on 22 October 2004; this agreement is as an example included in Annex 8,
Agreement between the Czech Mountain Rescue Service and the GD FRS CR, signed on 27 January 2009,
Agreement between the Czech Association of Rescue Dog Brigades and the GD FRS CR, signed on 16 June 1999,
Agreement between the Rescue Dog Brigade of the South Moravia Region and GD FRS CR, signed on 15 July 2007,
Agreement between the Municipal Police of the City of Ostrava and the FRB M-S Region, signed on 21 June 2007,
Agreement between the Association of Volunteer Fire-fighters of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia (Volunteer Fire Brigade of Hejnice) and the Fire and Rescue Brigade of the Liberec Region, signed on 9 October 2006,
Agreement between the Czech Canine Rescue Unit and the Fire and Rescue Brigade of the South Moravia Region, signed on 5 March 2007.
More information about the system of rescue dog organisations is included in Chapter 15.
ͺ The 68-member Heavy USAR Team organizational chart is included into this document as Annex 9. The formulation of the team structure is consistent with the INSARAG Guidelines to ensure adequate resources to operate independently at two separate work sites for a minimum of ten days. If deployment of the Medium USAR Team is foreseen as more effective, then the team is reduced to a 34-member structure. The organizational chart of the Medium USAR Team is included as Annex 10 of this document.
ͻ All Czech USAR Team staff has to fulfil several basic criteria regarding vaccinations, valid travel documents, safety and security training, personal mobilization procedures and acceptance of general command and control regulations. All rescuers in the
team are nominated in accordance with health, mental and physical regulations. Training requirements result from the Chapter G7.2 (USAR Team Training) of the INSARAG Guidelines. According to recommendations of the World Health Organisation and the Czech Hygienic Service all Czech USAR Team members undergo inoculation against following diseases: - tetanus, - hepatitis type A and B, - typhoid fever, - meningitis type A and C, - polio, - yellow fever, - cholera. As optional recommended inoculation are: - rabies (recommended, not compulsory), - seasonal influenza (recommended, not compulsory), - tick borne encephalitis (recommended, not compulsory). Any other needed vaccination depends on a character of affected country and is discussed during the mobilisation phase with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Health. In addition, criteria for particular functions are as it follows: -
Team leader – nominated by the GD FRS CR.
Segment leader (deputy team leader), deputy segment leader – nominated by a regional FRB; team leader in case of deployment of the Czech Medium USAR Team.
Medical doctors – come from the Trauma hospital Brno, must be medical doctors certified according to the Czech law. Trained also to provide emergency veterinary care for USAR Team search dogs in collaboration with their handlers and if necessary with veterinary doctors on phone in the Czech Republic.
Canine group leader – nominated by the GD FRS CR and have substantial experience from national USAR operations as a dog handler.
Squad leader, Search and Rescue group leader – come from a regional FRB; national USAR team leader during everyday interventions.
Logistics officers – fire-fighters and engineers from regional FRBs.
Dog handlers – come from rescue dog organisations.
Rescue staff – fire-fighters, come from the FRS CR.
Paramedics – fire-fighters, come from the FRS CR.
IT specialist – comes from the IT department of the FRS CR.
An electronic information tool “eOSAP” has been developed in order to keep records about persons and dogs. Its main advantage is that it can quickly generate lists with
specific and up-to-date facts about persons and dogs. The system automatically guides expiration of vaccination, important personal data (expiration of passport validity, etc.), and more over it automatically announces a need for updating of this information by sending notification messages by e-mail. The team management is, based on this software, able to ensure all required administrative tasks related to deployment. All relevant data are mentioned in Annex 11 (persons) and in Annex 12 (search dogs). A group of persons with three levels of administrator rights has been established to check the relevant documentation and to keep it up-to-date.
ͳͲ All international missions are guided by established procedures to ensure the provision of full support to the team. This support covers the following areas: a) daily information monitoring and dissemination, b) liaison with resources, agencies, c) procurement and replenishment of expendable supplies, d) establishment of real-time communications, e) liaison with team members’ families, f) rotation of team members, if necessary. The OIC of the GD FRS CR is staffed 24/7 to provide a round-the-clock point of contact for the team as well as the information support for team members. Particular points of SOPs ensure a support to the Czech USAR Team while it is deployed abroad. Families of all Czech USAR Team members are briefly informed about the state of the deployment, general situation about the team, estimated date of arrival and other up-to-date information on a daily basis. This procedure is ensured by staff of OICs of the FRS CR. Before the departure for the deployment, a list of family contacts is created and validated. Two contacts by each team member’s name are included. The first contact person gets regular information as it was written above. The second contact person gets emergency information as it was required by the particular team member.
ͳͳ The VirtualOSOCC is used by the Czech USAR Team at all management levels to monitor the occurrence of major disasters if they are reported and to exchange information within the international disaster response community. Prior to the activation of the Czech USAR Team, members use the VirtualOSOCC extensively to collate updates pertaining to the disaster to inform decision makers and other collaborating organisations, as well as to demonstrate the status of the team to the international users of the VirtualOSOCC. The usage of the VirtualOSOCC by the team during the all phases of a possible deployment is an integral part of the Czech USAR Team’s SOPs.
In March 2010 the Czech national VirtualOSOCC workspace was created by the GDACS Secretariat. It is used by the Czech USAR Team for planning of USAR related activities like meetings, courses and exercises. Also Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System (GDACS) is used by the INSARAG operational focal point as well as the INSARAG national focal point which are subscribed to the E-mail and/or SMS alerts in GDACS.
ͳʹ The INSARAG Guidelines and Methodology has been used by the Czech USAR Team since its creation in 1999 especially in the area of USAR training for all its team members. The INSARAG Guidelines and Methodology was used as a fundamental document for creation of a field handbook for team leaders of the Czech USAR Team in 2000. The use of the INSARAG Guidelines and Methodology is promoted in the Czech USAR Team’s SOPs. The OSOCC Guidelines are an integral part of documentation which is used by the Czech USAR Team management during training as well as during operations phases of the Czech USAR Team deployment. All available INSARAG documentation as well as documents created on its basis is available on the Czech USAR Team’s web page http://www.usar.cz. The Czech USAR Team’s management draw knowledge also from other international documents related to the INSARAG documentation i.e. UNDAC handbook, SPHERE handbook etc. The Czech USAR Team management follows any revisions of the INSARAG documentation and appropriate parts of SOPs are updated should those revisions have an influence on them.
ͳ͵ Preparation of the Czech USAR Team is coordinated through the USAR working group in which members from the GD FRS CR, the FRB Prague and the FRB M-S Region are represented. Also the INSARAG National Focal Point makes a part of this working group. Fundamental investment ventures are coordinated by the GD FRS CR. As mentioned in Chapter 2, both National and Operational INSARAG Focal Points are in the structure of the GD FRS CR. Thanks to a close connection between all OICs of the FRS CR and the internal reporting system all operational activities of both Medium USAR Teams are closely shared within the system. According to the SOPs, in case of a possible international deployment the INSARAG National Focal Point is informed in the early stage of the decision making process. The detailed procedure can be found in the Czech USAR Team SOPs.
ͳͶ Czech USAR Team Annual Training Program is designed to cover needs of all USAR Team components and to ensure effective cooperation within the USAR Team. During creation of the training program an emphasis is placed on implementing new procedures and on eliminating of shortages experienced in past. a) Regular training -
training in accordance with the annual plan of professional training – preparation within the FRS CR,
international courses,
training in methodology and practical deployment of dog handlers and search dogs focused on cooperation of dog handlers with other teams and within the USAR Team,
training in methodology of liaison officers in international environment, practical use of information tools, communication equipment etc., lessons learnt briefings and discussions,
national and international exercises in the Czech Republic and abroad.
b) Ad hoc training -
specific topics according to actual needs; training sessions, table-top exercises and meetings of particular components of the Czech USAR Team to ensure their concerted approach,
e.g. in 2009 a special portion of single-shot education in the field of providing and receiving humanitarian assistance was given to managing officers within all 14 regions of the Czech Republic by selected experts from the group of liaison officers of the Czech USAR Team with sufficient knowledge of international procedures.
Personnel Training Records All training records of fire-fighters including Czech USAR Team members are maintained systematically by chiefs of particular fire stations where fire-fighters serve. Training records of Czech USAR Team members, who are not fire-fighters, are tracked by the Integrated Rescue Unit of the GD FRS CR. As addition to this system, USAR related training records are registered and tracked at the electronic register of personnel and dogs “eOSAP”. Professional training process within the Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic Education and training of incoming and current fire-fighters and members of the FRS CR is very important. For this purpose training centres are parts of the FRS CR. However, most training is received by fire-fighters in fire units.
The annual program of training and education is set up at all levels within the FRS CR. The GD FRS CR sets up the General Plan of the Professional Training for all functions in fire units for each year in advance. This general plan is elaborated at regional levels, another elaboration of regional professional training plans is conducted in particular fire stations. Depending on types of a particular fire unit special topics are included in the training program. FRBs ensuring specialised USAR operations (FRB Prague and FRB M-S Region) prepare their own training for selected USAR Team members in the frame of the INSARAG methodology and technical training and in the frame of the Operational Regulations for Fire Units (Bojový řád jednotek požární ochrany) and methodics for technical training. The annual training program includes also courses organised by the Coal Mining Rescue Service on the basis of a regional cooperation, supported from the national level. Courses organised by international organisations For preparation of Czech USAR Team members international courses organised by several international organisations abroad are used. The first main group of courses are courses organised within the system of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. The EU Civil Protection Mechanism training is coordinated and co-financed by the European Commission and is a part of international training of Czech USAR Team members. Courses are focused especially on training of members of the USAR team management and the OSOCC staff to familiarize with international environment and preparation for team work in international environment. The second main group are courses organised in the frame of the UN OCHA training system. Some other training courses have been used for training of Czech USAR Team members. Since the year 2004 following number of Czech USAR Team members have taken part in respective courses. In this period 73 USAR team members, focal point staff and other experts and specialists attended following courses: a) Community Mechanism Induction Course – 27 persons, b) Operational Management Course - 11 persons, c) Operational Management Refresher Course – 2 persons, d) High Level Coordination Course – 5 persons, a) High Level Coordination Refresher Course – 3 persons, b) Assessment Mission Course – 3 persons, c) Staff Management Course – 5 persons, d) Media and Security Strategy Course – 4 persons, e) International Coordination Course – 1 person, f) Modules Basic Course – 10 persons, g) Technical Experts Course – 2 persons,
h) OSOCC Training Course – 10 persons, i) EU-FIRE Advanced Training Course – 1 person, j) Rapid Mapping and Communication Support – 2 persons. Structural Assessment and Building Prioritisation Course 2010 The Structural Assessment and Building Prioritisation Course was organised for 16 Czech USAR Team members from 17 to 20 May 2010 in the Czech Republic. At this course dedicated team members enhanced their ability to assess collapsed buildings, to prioritize work assignments (5 step structural triage) and to plan tactical USAR operations before entering a collapsed structure (10 step structural evaluation) and continuously during the on-site operation. The course content follows training standards developed by the INSARAG. The course was prepared by the GD FRS CR in cooperation with Ms. Sólveig Thorvaldsdóttir (Iceland) as the main lecturer of this course. INSARAG Awareness Training Course 2010 The INSARAG Awareness Training Course took place in the Czech Republic from 2 to 4 February 2010. This event was organized by the GD FRS CR in cooperation with the INSARAG Secretariat in UN OCHA Geneva. 28 participants from 11 countries took part in the INSARAG Awareness Training Course, including 12 members of the Czech USAR Team management. The program of the course was designed to train participants in international coordination methodology in accordance with the INSARAG Guidelines. At the end of the training, the participants were familiarized with the international USAR response coordination system with specific reference to earthquakes and collapsed structure rescue and the responsibilities of stakeholders as stated in the INSARAG Guidelines. Mr. Edward Pearn (United Kingdom) and Mr. Per-Anders Berthlin (Sweden) were lecturers of this course. Exercises Czech USAR Team participated in several international exercises in last few years. Both types field exercises of the whole teams as well as table top exercises of the team management are covered. Following is the list of field exercises where the Czech USAR Team or some of its components took part: -
„NORTH WIND 2002“ – USAR exercise on rescue and relief operations after a terrorist attack in inhabited living facilities, 7 June 2002, military training area Libavá, Czech Republic, participation of a medium Czech USAR team,
„ASSISTEX 2002“ – exercise on operations after a chemical attack, 10 – 13 September, Zadar, Croatia, participation of 8 member chemical unit managed and supported by members of the Czech USAR Team,
„ŽAGAŇ 2002“ – USAR exercise, 23 – 30 June 2002, Žagaň, Poland, participation of a medium Czech USAR Team,
„ŽAGAŇ 2003“ – USAR exercise, 1 – 6 June 2003, Žagaň, Poland, participation of a medium Czech USAR Team,
„EU-DREX 2004“ – USAR exercise under CBRN conditions, 18 – 22 October 2004, Reichenau, Austria, participation of a medium Czech USAR Team with a supplement of CBRN experts and mobile CBRN laboratories,
„ŽAGAŇ - KWISA 2004“ – USAR exercise, 23 – 28 May 2004, Žagaň, Poland, participation of a medium Czech USAR Team,
„ŽAGAŇ - EUPOLEX 2005“ – USAR exercise, 24 June – 1 July 2005, Žagaň, Poland, participation of a medium Czech USAR Team,
„KLOMINO 2006“ – USAR exercise, 9 – 14 July 2006, Borne Sulinowo, Poland , participation of a medium Czech USAR team,
„ŽAGAŇ - PSTRĄŽE 2007“ – USAR exercise, 18 – 22 June 2007, Žagaň, Poland, participation of a medium Czech USAR Team,
„COOPERATION 2008 - ŽAGAŇ“ – USAR exercise, 20 – 25 April 2008, Žagaň, Poland, participation of a medium Czech USAR Team,
„OSTRAVA 2008“ – USAR exercise, 4 – 7 November 2008, Ostrava, Czech Republic, participation of both medium Czech USAR teams (USAR CZ Ostrava, USAR CZ Praha) working separately as well as together on several tasks,
„IEC POLAND 2009“ – IEC exercise of the Polish USAR team, 7 – 10 April 2009, participation of a medium Czech USAR Team,
„DESTRUCTION 2010“ – pre-classification USAR exercise, 22 – 24 June 2010, former mining company facilities, Komořany, Czech Republic, participation of a heavy Czech USAR Team.
ͳͷ There are several Rescue Dog Organisations engaged within the IRS. In time of creation of this document there are three government organisations (FRS CR, Police of the Czech Republic, Army of the Czech Republic) and seven non-government organisations (Czech Association of Rescue Dog Brigades, Czech Mountain Rescue Service, Rescue Dog Brigade of the South Moravia Region, Association of Volunteer Fire-fighters of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia, Czech Canine Rescue Unit, Municipal Police of the Capital City of Prague, Municipal Police of the City of Ostrava) which actively take part in the system of rescue cynology within the IRS. However, this is a non-limited system open for any other organisation which wishes to cooperate in this field. For the sake of better coordination of all activities in the system of rescue cynology the Rescue Dog Commission was set up by the GD FRS CR. Through this commission rescue dog organisations exchange information about their individual activities and work together on guidelines, procedures, methodology, joint activities (training, workshops, competitions, etc.) and unified standards. A basic part of these standards is the Directive of the General Director of the FRS CR and the Deputy Minister of Interior No. 48/2003 laying down qualification standards for dog handlers
and search dogs predetermined for deployment during rescue operations on the territory of the Czech Republic as well as during international rescue operations. According to the above mentioned Directive the basic qualification standards for dog handlers are: minimal age of 18 years, professional qualifications (examined through practical and theoretical tests), body fitness and health fitness (examined through medical checks). The basic qualification standards for search dogs are: minimal age of 12 months, proper type of character and physique, proper level of preparedness, body fitness and endurance, health fitness (examined through veterinary checks). Disaster scent work certification examinations of a canine team composed of a dog handler and a search dog are organised by the GD FRS CR usually twice a year in a chosen area of a real rubble field. Details regarding these examinations can be found in Annex 13. All dog handlers with search dogs completing successfully disaster scent work certification examinations receive certificates issued by the GD FRS CR. A sample copy of this certificate is included as Annex 14. In case humanitarian assistance is organised as a state humanitarian aid, dog handlers and search dogs can be deployed only as a part of the Czech USAR Team on the basis of records in the database of certified dog handlers and search dogs managed by the GD FRS CR. Before including dog handlers and search dogs into this database, dog handlers must, as an addition to normal national procedures, undergo following procedures: - additional health examinations of dog handlers in a specialised medical facility arranged by the GD FRS CR, - psychological tests, - vaccination scheme (see Chapter 9) including issue of an international vaccination certificate. In the year 2005 the GD FRS CR published “Searching collapsed structures using rescue dogs guidelines”. These guidelines were approved by the Rescue Dog Commission and contain rules and recommendations covering following fields: a) alerting and transporting dog handlers and search dogs to the intervention site, b) tactical procedures of deployment of search dogs, c) procedures in case of victim location, d) equipment and dress-up of dog handlers, e) types of rubbles, debris and other collapsed structures, f) INSARAG marking system (victims and structures), g) safety rules, h) other issues related to deployment. Search dogs’ passports All search dogs in the database of certified dog handlers and search dogs meet requirements of the Regulation (EC) No. 998/2003 of the European Parliament and
of the Council of 26 May 2003 on the animal health requirements applicable to the non-commercial movement of pet animals and amending Council Directive 92/65/EEC. These requirements cover also annual veterinary examination and vaccination, dog passports and chipping. All dogs of the Czech USAR Team are chipped or have a tattoo number and have dog passports. A ‘Canine Health Record’ (hardcopy) is available for each dog on deployment. A sample copy of this document can be found in Annex 15 of this portfolio.
ͳ According to the insurance agreement between the Generali Insurance Company and the GD FRS CR signed on 4 May 2005 (Agreement on travel insurance No. 3 3290 00 000) the travel insurance for all team members is assured and provided by this insurance company. The procedure for making the travel insurance is included in the SOPs. The particular insurance contract is considered as concluded by sending a request for travel insurance by Fax or by E-mail to the insurance company. This step is done by the OIC of the GD FRS CR prior to departure to abroad when the Czech USAR team is completed. A request for travel insurance includes a list of team members (names, passport numbers), the name of the country of deployment and the estimated period of deployment. In case the mission foresees to be longer than it was supposed in time of the mobilisation, prolongation of the insurance contract is made using the same procedure as the initial request for travel insurance. Responsible persons for signing the request for travel insurance are all managing officers of the GD FRS CR. Before the team leaves country the team leader receives travel insurance cards with insurance users’ guidelines. 99 numbered travel insurance cards are for disposal of deployment of the Czech USAR Team at the OIC of the GD FRS CR. According to the above mentioned agreement the insurance packet covers: medical expenses abroad including repatriation and expenses for sending an insurance guardian. The geographical extent of the travel insurance for Czech USAR Team members is Europe and the whole world. The above mentioned agreement on travel insurance, the request for travel insurance and sample travel insurance cards can be found in Annex 16. The medical evacuation can also be ensured by an aircraft or a helicopter of the Czech Army on request of the GD FRS CR. Transportation for shorter distances is possible to ensure also by a helicopter of the Police of the Czech Republic, which operates the air medical rescue service on a part of the country. The responsible person for implementing procedures regarding the medical evacuation policy during deployment is the team leader.
ͳ ͳǤͳ ǡ The Czech USAR Team´s self sufficiency is planned accordingly with the INSARAG Guidelines and Methodology. The USAR Team is fully equipped in accordance with the INSARAG Guidelines and is fully self sufficient for 10 days as it is required. No external support for a minimum of 10 days of deployment whilst on mission, including the Base of Operations (BoO) is required. Fuel, pressured gas cylinders and local transportation are exceptions in case of air transport. The team has sufficient equipment for USAR operations as it is usual and as it is required in the INSARAG Guidelines. This covers mainly variety of tools for rescue operations and structural stabilisation, technical search and other activities for which members of the Czech USAR Team are prepared. A detailed list of equipment is maintained by responsible team members in each of its two parts in Prague and in Ostrava (M-S Region). The team has enough information, communication and administration technology for setting up and supporting an initial RDC and OSOCC. It is fully equipped for information exchange during transportation, while in BoO and during search and rescue operations. For this purpose the team has satellite terminals and telephones, cellular phones and radio stations. The team disposes of digital cameras, a digital camcorder and voice recorders for a documentation of team activities and for supporting RDC and OSOCC. Some of resources of the team are on a daily basis used by fire units or by another IRS services. Nevertheless, during international deployment of the Czech USAR Team the FRS CR as well as another IRS services have sufficient resources for a rapid response to an emergency on the territory of the Czech Republic. Warehouses 1) Warehouse of the Czech Medium USAR Team of the Fire and Rescue Brigade of the Capital City of Prague The main warehouse of the USAR Team is placed at the fire station No. 5. There are suitable safe rooms determined for storing of the material of the team. Fire-fighters serving at this station are prepared and trained to help during mobilisation of the team. The fire station No. 5 is situated close to the Prague traffic inner ring with a good connection to the motorway system of the Czech Republic. The Station has a good route connection to the military airport Prague-Kbely and to the GD FRS CR. Equipment and material are stored partly on racks and partly they are pre-packed in metal transport boxes. These boxes are made of aluminium with padlocks and handles for transport. Boxes can be stacked and are secured against move, so they
can be easily loaded into a trailer designed especially for this purpose, truck or cargo space of an aircraft. Each box has its own identity sign and is properly numbered and marked and contains the printed list of items inside, some boxes contain a photograph of the ideal placing of items inside. Groups of boxes are distinguished by colours, reflecting the logical use of items inside. Boxes containing hazardous goods are marked according to regulations of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA). Part of technical equipment is placed at other FRB’s stations and used during firefighting and rescue operations. At the fire station No.7 the technical rescue container is in use. This container is deployed with the Czech USAR Team in case of land transportation to the place of deployment. 2) Warehouse of the Czech Medium USAR Team of the Fire and Rescue Brigade of the Moravian-Silesian Region The FRB M-S Region operates a stand alone storage building for needs of the USAR team. This building is located at the central fire station in Ostrava. A part of the USAR team’s equipment is stored there, with exception of fuel, pressure cylinders, special detection instruments for HAZMAT agents and equipment used for daily interventions. The central fire station operates its own petrol station and fuel storage. There is also a compressed gas filling station there. Special detection instruments are stored separately according to manufacturers’ instructions at the chemical department at the fire station. The rest of equipment is located on the response unit´s engines. The storage area is assigned to a logistics manager, who manages a logistics group to maintain all equipment and tools. The logistics manager and the logistics group are available permanently on 24/7 basis. The equipment is partly handled electronically and all procedures are noted down on hard copies. The plan of equipment storage and maintenance is a part of SOPs. The Czech USAR Team uses three different sizes of metal transport boxes for equipment packing. Part of the equipment is pre-packaged in transport boxes to shorten time needed for mobilisation. Each box is marked with its number, weight and checklist of items. There is a checklist of items with photographs of packed and unpacked equipment belonging to a particular box inside of each box. The detailed description of package is in SOPs. Personal equipment All Czech USAR Team personnel are equipped with pre-packaged backpacks. Theses backpacks contain all items needed for deployment – such as protective wear, underwear, personal equipment. However, personal equipment and a duty wear is in USAR team members’ personal possession, care and maintenance. It is understood as a necessary condition for their preparedness for immediate response within the Czech Republic. The personal equipment is checked during activation and mobilization of the team. A list of
personal equipment of USAR team members is enclosed in SOPs. Dog handlers have additional equipment with regard to canine activities and care for search dogs. List of dog handlers’ equipment is also enclosed in SOPs. GD FRS CR ensures by a reserve stock-pile that USAR team members, who are not fire-fighters (such as dog handlers, medical doctors and other potential experts), have proper personal equipment according to SOPs. Food Food is composed of ration packs, bottled water, bread, tea, coffee, sugar and some other commodities. These are stored according to their type in USAR team warehouses. There is a dense net of supermarkets in location of both medium USAR teams, out of which several are open 24/7. Under these conditions it is easy to buy additional nutrition items during the mobilization phase. Medical Assets Medical assets for paramedics (except medicines) are placed in stocks of USAR teams in Prague and in Ostrava. Maintenance of these assets is carried out regularly by an appointed person of particular stock in Prague and in Ostrava. Medical doctors of the USAR team ensure provision of medicines and instruments for intubation from supplies of the Trauma hospital in Brno according to the prepared list of medicines (see Annex 17). Medicines are deposited at a hospital pharmacy. Expiration date is regularly checked according to the list of medicines and in accordance with internal regulations of the Trauma hospital in Brno. At the time of activation of the USAR team required amount of medicines is available for either a medium or a heavy Czech USAR Team within 30 minutes. Medicines are transported in a special box and special types of medicines (anesthetics) are transported separately according to the relevant regulations. Additional equipment The GD FRS CR stores additional communication equipment, which may be used by the USAR team and other CZERT teams and assessment and coordination experts in case of establishing RDC and/or OSOCC. A list of this equipment is included in SOPs. Activation and mobilisation of the team During the mobilisation phase all equipment is distributed according to SOPs. In case of an activation and mobilisation of the team, the fire station with the USAR Team warehouse is the mobilisation centre and assembly point. Vehicles of the FRS CR are used for transportation of team members, material and equipment. Some equipment may be transported from other fire stations. A list of tools, logistical and other equipment is updated according to current disaster situation, climate, weather and all other relevant information.
During a mobilisation phase some items of food, beverages, batteries and details decided according to last update of situation may be purchased. In such case a group of at least two fire-fighters from both segments (Prague and M-S region) is assigned and sent with a prearranged list to do the purchase.
ͳǤʹ ǡ After purchasing every item is immediately put into the inventory management system. Warehouse technicians know perfectly every item of equipment. They have problem solving skills and they are usually deployed as logistics officers in case of deployment of the team. All equipment in the USAR storage is the property of the relevant regional FRB. According to inner regulations periodic inventory checks at least once a year are performed, including equipment in USAR warehouses. Everything is checked and maintained especially carefully after use. There is also inventory check made after every deployment or exercise. Lost or damaged items are immediately replaced. Material and equipment above the necessary standard are purchased according to real needs and available budget. Goods with expiration date are put onto a special list and expiration is frequently checked. Expiration on medical assets and food is supervised by the logistics manager and the logistics group. Equipment with nearing expiration is given to usage of fire units and compensation is immediately provided. There is also an annual plan for maintenance of equipment – portable radios, generators, accumulators etc. There are several parts of equipment which are subject to review which is provided by special services. Technical and electrical equipment is on regular basis checked and maintained and undergoes regular technical revisions and service checks. Plan of checking and maintenance of equipment, logistical and medical assets has been developed and is a part of the SOPs. According to the way of use, equipment and other assets are devided in three main groups: a) equipment for practical assignment in rubbles including medical supplies, b) communication and IT assets, c) logistical assets. According to legal and internal regulations particular specialised services of fire units are responsible for maintenance and checking of this equipment and assets: - mechanical service, - chemical service, - technical service, - communication service, - information technology service. Checks and maintenance are conducted according to producers’ manuals by appropriately qualified members of the FRS CR.
Time intervals for periodic checks of particular assets are determined according to a type of assets, recommendations of a producer and the necessity of deployment. Documentation regarding the checks and maintenance is administered by a mandated member of each fire brigade. An example of this documentation can be found in Annex 18. A program of checks and maintenance of medicinal substances coming from the Trauma hospital in Brno runs in accordance with to internal regulations of the Trauma hospital in Brno (see Chapter 17.1).
ͳǤ͵ ȋ Ȍ The Czech USAR Team’s self sufficiency is planned accordingly with the INSARAG Guidelines and Methodology. No external support for a minimum of 10 days of deployment whilst on mission, including the BoO, is required, except compressed gases, fuel and local transportation in case of air transport or the team. The team has a capacity, tents and other means for setting up BoO, RDC and OSOCC. The tents are winterized with heating. The team has a capacity for proper lighting of BoO as well as USAR work sites. The team dispose of power generators for supplying of BoO as well as the initial RDC and OSOCC and the remote areas of USAR operations by electric power. The USAR team leader is responsible for assessing potential sites for the BoO. The logistics coordinator and logistics officers are appointed to ensure that the USAR team is effective as much as possible regarding sufficient logistics support, equipment and staff to set up and maintain the BoO for the duration of the mission. The emphasis is placed also on overall safety and security of the BoO, sanitation and hygiene facilities for the team, sufficient food and water, sufficient and appropriate medical supplies, equipment storage and maintenance facilities, communications equipment, search dog rest and exercise area, parking and transportation. A plan of standard layout of the BoO, which has been trained and exercised, is a part of the Czech USAR Team’s SOPs and is attached to the portfolio of evidence as Annex 19.
ͳͺ Post mission medical checks All Czech USAR team members have to (as well as before departure on a mission) undergo a medical check after arrival from a mission. The extent of the medical checks after arrival is not strictly determined (usually includes blood taking), depends on the medical situation in affected country and is always consulted with medical doctors of the team as well as with service medical doctors. Medical checks are conducted by service medical doctors of FRB Prague, FRB M-S Region or the Medical Service of the Ministry of Interior. Doctors examine all USAR
team members and update their medical records („Medical information“), which were filled in during medical checks before departure for the mission, and medical records during the mission. In case of necessary following treatment or hospitalization of a Czech USAR Team member, next steps are determined by respective medical doctors. Psychological aid Each USAR team member can take advantage of psychological aid from professional psychologists of the FRS CR after arrival from a mission. Psychological service was implemented into the structure of the FRS CR in the year 2003 and its main tasks are: a) basis for personnel work and service, b) post-traumatic care for members of the FRS CR and their families, c) assistance to victims of disasters. At the FRS CR the system of Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) has been established. Each psychologist of the FRS CR is trained in provision of posttraumatic intervention care, teams of post-traumatic care (PTP) were established within members of the FRS CR and some of them are also members of the Czech USAR Team. These specially trained members of TPP can provide early psychological care to other Czech USAR Team members and also to other persons affected by a disaster during international rescue operations or immediately after return. Veterinary checks As well as before deployment veterinary checks are conducted also after arrival from the mission by the veterinary institute of the Ministry of Interior (Unit of medical service). Each dog is examined by a veterinary doctor. Under normal conditions visual veterinary check and temperature are examined, vaccinations are checked. Additional veterinary checks may be provided to search dogs if needed. GD FRS CR ensures eventual quarantine in cooperation with the veterinary institute of the Ministry of Interior which fulfils intraministerial requirements for veterinary care. This depends on evaluation of veterinary situation during deployment. Post mission reporting The Czech USAR Team leader in cooperation with deputy team leaders and other members of the team management is responsible for submitting a detailed written report. Process of all stages of the mission, activities during the mission, experience regarding interference with other international and local entities, are subjects of the reporting. Including both positive and negative experience is a standard process in reporting about any deployment within the FRS CR. Post mission debriefing Debriefing at several levels is carried out after a mission or an exercise. Basic two debriefing sessions cover following groups:
management of the particular FRB together with all team segment members, staff of the GD FRS CR responsible for sending out humanitarian assistance together with either the whole management of the team or the team leader and deputy team leaders.
FRS psychologists and spokespersons may take part in these debriefing sessions. Other debriefing sessions are organised for particular components of the Czech USAR Team (dog handlers, medical staff, liaison officers). Financial statement All costs connected with joining of the Czech Republic in international rescue operations are covered from the reserve budget of the Government dedicated to the humanitarian assistance provided to abroad through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the form of reimbursement of real costs. This budget is composed annually and for example for the year 2010 it is 2.84 mil. EUR. In case of unusual emergency abroad the increase of this budget is supposed on the Government’s decision. All costs related to the mission – material, payment for dog handlers, budget for medical examination (check-up) of team members, transport of team members, insurance, etc. are gathered by a person responsible for this matters at the GD FRS CR and then the summary of bills, invoices and accounts is submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for reimbursement. Public relations, articles, web pages etc. During the mobilisation phase the working group for public relations (PR) is activated. Spokepersons of the GD FRS CR and of the FRB Prague and FRB M-S Region are involved and informed about activities during mobilisation and during the whole deployment. After return of team the working group for PR ensures in cooperation with journalist and editors media publicity (at the airport, during briefing with team members) for the mission – national news, television reporting, web pages (also http://www.usar.cz ) is during the mission supplied with available information.
Annex 1
Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic
Annex 1
Everybody has the right to live; human life is worthy of protection… The Declaration of Basic Rights
I promise with my full credit and conscience that in performing of my duties I will always be unbiased and I will thoroughly keep the legal and service regulation and rules, I will execute commands and instructions of my superiors, and I will never misuse my official status. Every time and every place I will behave in such a way I would not compromise credit of our safety corps. I will duly and thoroughly perform my official duties, and I will not hesitate do that even with taking my life in protection of the interests of the Czech Republic. 2/20
Firefighters‘ oath of office
From history to present Annex 1
Although the first professional fire service on Czech territory was established in Prague in 1853 already, the main liability for firefighting in the second half of the 19th century, even after the Czechoslovak Republic was established and up to the beginning of the 2nd World War, belonged to voluntary firefighters organisations of cities and municipalities. Public fire units of professional character had existed in certain bigger cities only.
The sixties are therefore characterised by efforts to establish a new legal frame of fire protection.
Basic reorganisation of fire protection took place after the 2nd World War, namely when the Law No. 35/1953 on State Fire Inspection and Fire Protection came into force. On the basis of the Law, the public and company fire units became executive fire units, and fire protection started to be established on principles of military organised bodies.
In last thirty years fire protection has undergone essential changes. At the beginning of seventies the proportion of technical responses of fire units began to increase, in comparison with fire interventions. And because of their abilities, professional fire units gradually replaced some of other technical services. Therefore, the existing legal provisions and organisation had to be adapted. The process of changes culminated at the beginning of this millennium, when scope of the Ministry of Interior was enlarged in the areas of emergency management, civil emergency planning, population protection, and the Integrated Rescue System.
The new Fire Protection Law in 1958, however, meant gradual decentralisation of fire protection, and consequent 3/20 weakening of its level.
The new legal modifications, which came into force on 1st January 2001, stood for essential change in the position, jurisdiction and organisation of the Fire Rescue Service of CR.
Mission and tasks of FRS CR Annex 1
The General Directorate of Fire Rescue Service of CR fulfils tasks of the Ministry of Interior, which is the central body of state administration for fire protection, crisis management, civil emergency planning and population protection.
and of the Special Secondary School of Fire Protection and High Special School of Fire Protection in Frýdek-Místek.
Under the Law No. 238/2000 on Fire Rescue Service of CR and on certain regulations, new organisational structure had been established and the basic tasks had been determined.
Fire and Rescue Service of CR fulfils tasks in the scope and under conditions determined by specific legal regulations, mainly by: • Law No. 133/1985 on fire protection, in latter wording • Law No. 238/2000 on the Fire Rescue Service of CR and on the modification of certain codes, in latter wording • Law No. 239/2000 on the Integrated Rescue System and on the modification of certain codes, in latter wording • Law No. 240/2000 on Emergency Management and on the modification of certain codes (Crisis Code), in latter wording.
Fire Rescue Service of CR consists of the General Directorate of Fire Rescue Service of CR (FRS CR), which is a part of the 4/20 Ministry of Interior, and of 14 Regional Fire Rescue Services,
Tasks of Fire Rescue Service of CR are fulfilled by members of the Fire Rescue Service of CR (in service employment), and by other employees.
Fire Rescue Service of CR is one of the basic bodies of the Integrated Rescue System, which has been operating with new structure since 1st January 2001. Primary mission of the Fire Rescue Service of CR is to protect life, health and property of citizens against fire, and to provide effective help in emergencies.
Organisational Diagram of FRS CR
Annex 1
Director General of FRS CR Special Secondary School of Fire Protection and High Special School of Fire Protection in Frýdek-Místek
Internal Supervision Division
Deputy DG for IRS and Operational Management
Deputy DG for Prevention and Civil Emergency Preparedness
Deputy DG for Economy
Director of DG‘s Office
IRS and Fire Units Department
Prevention Department
Financial Department
Department of Staff
Operational Management Department
Dept. for Population Protection and Emergency Management
Dept. for Operation and Property Administration
Organizational Division
Emergency Unit of FRS CR
Regional FRS
• Capital of Prague Communication and Information Systems Department
Department for CEP and Strategies
Repair Plant Olomouc
Legal Division
• Central Bohemia • South Bohemia • Plzeň
Technical Institute of Fire Protection Prague
Population Protection Institute Lázně Bohdaneč
Logistics Base Olomouc
Editorship • Karlovy Vary • Ústí nad Labem • Liberec Foreign Cooperation and Structural Funds Division
• Hradec Králové • Pardubice • Vysočina
Specialized educational establishments of fire protection Borovany, Brno, Frýdek-Místek a Chomutov
General Directorate
Regional Directorates of FRS
Educational, technical and specialized establishments
• South Moravia • Olomouc • Moravian-Silesian • Zlín
Emergency Units
Regional Fire Rescue Services
Annex 1
Liberec Region Ústí Region Hradec Králové Region Karlovy Vary Region
Plzeň Region
Capital of Prague
MoravianSilesian Region
Pardubice Region
Central Bohemia Region
Olomouc Vysočina (Highland) Region
Zlín Region
South Bohemia Region South Moravia Region
FRS of Capital of Prague Regional Directorate seat: Praha Fire stations: No. 1 - Sokolská, No. 2 - Petřiny, No. 3 - Holešovice, No. 4 - Chodov, No. 5 - Strašnice, No. 6 - Krč, No. 7 - Smíchov, No. 8 - Radotín, No. 10 - Satalice, No. 11 - Hrad
FRS of Hradec Králové Region Regional Directorate seat: Hradec Králové Fire stations*): Jičín, Náchod, Rychnov nad Kněžnou, Trutnov FRS of Pardubice Region Regional Directorate seat: Pardubice Fire stations*): Chrudim, Svitavy, Ústí nad Orlicí
FRS of Central Bohemia Region Regional Directorate seat: Kladno Fire stations*): Benešov, Beroun, Kolín, Kutná Hora, Mělník, Mladá Boleslav, Nymburk, Příbram
FRS of Vysočina Region Regional Directorate seat: Jihlava Fire stations*): Havlíčkův Brod, Pelhřimov, Třebíč, Žďár nad Sázavou
FRS of South Bohemia Region Regional Directorate seat: České Budějovice Fire stations*): Český Krumlov, Jindřichův Hradec, Písek, Prachatice, Strakonice, Tábor
FRS of South Moravia Region Regional Directorate seat: Brno Fire stations: Blansko, Brno, Břeclav, Hodonín, Vyškov, Znojmo
FRS of Plzeň Region Regional Directorate seat: Plzeň Fire stations: Domažlice, Klatovy, Plzeň, Rokycany, Tachov
FRS of Olomouc Region Fire stations*): Prostějov, Přerov, Sever
FRS of Karlovy Vary Region Fire stations*): Cheb, Sokolov
FRS of Moravian-Silesian Region Regional Directorate seat: Ostrava Fire stations*): Bruntál, Frýdek-Místek, Karviná, Nový Jičín, Opava
Regional Directorate seat: Karlovy Vary
FRS of Ústí nad Labem Region Regional Directorate seat: Ústí nad Labem *) Fire stations : Děčín, Chomutov, Litoměřice, Žatec, Most, Teplice FRS of Liberec Region Regional Directorate seat: Liberec *) Fire stations6/20 : Česká Lípa, Jablonec nad Nisou, Semily
Regional Directorate seat: Olomouc
FRS of Zlín Region Regional Directorate seat: Zlín *) Fire stations : Kroměříž, Uherské Hradiště, Vsetín *)
A territoral administration is not established in the seat of a Regional FRS. Tasks of territorial administrations are fulfilled by regional administrations.
Emergency unit of FRS CR Annex 1
Since 1st January 2009 the Hlučín Emergency Unit of the Czech Fire & Rescue Service has been formed in Silesia, near Polish border. Former 157th Rescue Battalion of the Czech Army was incorporated to the FRS CR based on the Government Decision.
Tasks and targets Rescue and humanitarian activities • Search, extrication and rescue of persons from collapsed structures • Rescue and diving work in water • Earth works (river-basin removal, communications unblocking etc.) • Extrication of crashed or stuck vehicles • Demolitions • Radiation and chemical recognition • Decontamination of persons, equipment, material, and terrain • Clean-up of oil products leakages • Collecting and liquidation of dead animals • Evacuation of people, transport of cattle and material • Distribution 7/20 of drinkable water • Providing of emergency surviving to citizens
Renewal of stricken territories • Emergency supply with drinkable water, powers and humanitarian material • Water pumping with high-capacity pumps • Medical support Providing humanitarian assistance to abroad • Divers and climbers • Dog handlers • Experts for shot firing • Samaritans • Blackout experts Special education to FRS CR officers • Entrance training for fire units members • Physical training • Chemical training • Training in topography, communications, medical and psychological education • Driving licence training • Special training for: • Canine / dog handlers • Divers • Firing works • Engineering and equipments service
Technical and specialised institutions Annex 1
Technical and specialised institutions serving for research and special tasks in fire protection branch are incorporated into the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic.
Technical Institute of Fire Protection in Prague This technical establishment is intended for scientific research in fire protection branch, for testing and certification of fire equipment and certain protective equipment, and for technical expertise. Technical Institute of Fire Protection fulfils tasks as follows: • Ensures, co-ordinates and provides scientific research in fire protection branch • In relevant cases investigates causes of fire • Processes technical expertises about causes of fire • Based on experience from technical expertises, suggests fire 8/20 preventive measures • Shares in determination of technical requirements on fire
equipment • As No. 221 Certified Body provides conformity assessment and certification of fire equipment • Act as the accredited test-room for fire equipment.
Olomouc Repair Plant This special establishment provides activities of repair, service, distribution, metrology and testing, based on requests of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic. The Certified Metrology Centre, incorporated into this establishment, administrates in metrology and ionisation radiation branches.
Olomouc Logistics Base This special establishment for store, managing and accounting of supplies in scope of the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic, manages stores where supplies for emergency survival of citizens, clean-up operations, and humanitarian assistance are stored, treated and permutated.
Experts training
Education of future firefighters and of contemporary staff of FRS CR in specialised fire schools is of great importance. The complex program of specialised education of fire protection staff started in sixties of last century. Fire School of MoI in FrýdekMístek was the first such establishment.
Special Secondary School of Fire Protection and High Special School of Fire Protection in Frýdek-Místek It is the only special secondary fire protection school in the Czech Republic. It plays a great role in training and education of experts, needed in bodies of the Integrated Rescue System. The High Special School of Fire Protection launched its activities in 2002. Education here is aimed to preparing experts in the field of risk prevention and rescue.
Fire protection and training centres (fire schools) in Borovany, Chomutov, Brno and Frýdek-Místek These facilities ensure both theoretical and practical education in specialised courses for staff of regional FRSs, company FRSs 9/20and for members of municipal and company voluntary fire units. They provide for special abilities courses,
Annex 1
supporting, and specialised courses.
Institute of Population Protection in Lázně Bohdaneč Ensures education, scientific research, informative, and advisory business in areas of civil emergency planning, emergency management, and the Integrated Rescue System and population protection. Prepares and realises re-qualification, both specialised and improvement courses, takes part in external lecturing and lector activities, provides for language studies of FRS CR staff. Also it provides for international workshops and conferences co-organised by UN, NATO and EU.
Mining College – Technical University in Ostrava Enables to acquire university education in the Faculty of Safety Engineering bachelor, graduate and master degrees of study. All pedagogical, research, information and honours activities are focused on fire protection and industrial safety, safety at work and in proceedings, emergency planning and emergency management, technical safety of people and property, and safety planning. University education of experts in the fire protection branch has over forty years of tradition.
State fire supervision
Annex 1
Fire prevention presents an important part of activities of the FRS CR. Main task is to work out fire precautions, preparedness to fire extinguishing, and conditions for fire extinguishing. All these measures are targeted to minimize fire risks, risk of fire spread, and to prevent aftermath losses of lives, health, and property. Fire prevention is ensured mainly as a part of the state fire supervision. Based on the Fire Law No. 133 from 1985, in later versions, and the Notice No. 246 from 2001 on fire safety conditions and performance of the state fire supervision (Fire Prevention Notice), the scope of the state fire supervision is set down. State fire supervision is performed by: a) Inspections of observing the duties given by fire protection 10/20 regulations; b) Reviewing of spatial planning documentation, of projects
e) f) g) h)
and designs for constructions, of changes in constructions or of changes in using of constructions; ordering of necessary changes, safety works, special proceedings, or release exceptions based on specific legislation on scope and provision of fire protection solutions; Checking fire safety conditions in constructions based on reviewed designs and documentations given in item b), incl. conditions resulting from the decisions; Reviewing of fire safety of products if it is not given by specific regulations, and reviewing of functionality of systems for fire safety equipment; Approvals of fire risk evaluations of activities with high fire risk; Investigation of fire causes; Inspections of preparedness and readiness of fire units; Lying on provisions to remove inadequacies found by inspections.
Activities of fire units
Annex 1
Besides fire fighting, fire units take part in rescue and cleanup operations during traffic accidents, in accidents with HazMat leakage, in technical interventions and natural disasters, but they also fulfil special tasks, connected e.g. with prevention of spread of dangerous infections and diseases, with citizen protection against consequences of possible terrorist attacks, or dealing with calamity situations, caused by extremely unfavourable weather conditions.
Types of fire units • Regional FRS unit. Consists of professional firefighters of the Czech Fire Rescue Service, which are performing service in fire stations of particular region. • Company FRS unit. Consists of company employees, which are performing that activity as their profession. • Municipal unit of voluntary firefighters. Members of that unit do not perform their firefighting duties as their profession. • Company unit of voluntary firefighters. Consists of company employees, which do not perform their firefighting duties as their profession. Nearly 83,400 firefighters work in fire units, approximately 9,000 of them are professionals, and nearly 74,400 are voluntary 11/20 firefighters.
Number of particular event types with fire unit’s intervention Fires Traffic accidents Natural disasters HazMat leakage Technological accidents Other interventions Radiation accidents False alarms Total
2004 20,550 21,188 1,605 5,550
2005 19,484 20,681 2,729 5,630
2006 19,665 18,976 5,414 5,809
2007 21,835 21,270 10,044 6,377
2 4 7,846 8,409 96,833 108,797
8,148 115,850
8,194 102,625
3 7,626 103,436
29,406 20,063
5,599 6,242
During the above-mentioned interventions, fire units rescued 39,796 persons and evacuated 58,357 persons during the years 2004 – 2008, from that 2,443 rescued from fires and 17,671 others evacuated. Protected property during fire operations in this period is valued to EUR 1,67 billion.
Population protection
Annex 1
Protection of lives, health and property, together with sovereignty, territorial integrity, and protection of democratic principals of the Czech Republic, are principal liabilities, and also the function of the state. Population protection has been deďŹ ned by the Law No. 239/2000 on Integrated Rescue System and on modiďŹ cation of certain laws, in latter wording, as provision of civil protection tasks, namely warning, evacuation, sheltering and emergency survival of citizens, and other provisions, ensuring protection of their life, health and property.
In evacuation, citizens are recommended to carry their evacuative grip.
Sheltering For sheltering of citizens against contamination by radioactive dust, effects of penetrating radiation and toxic effects of hazardous materials substances, natural protective characteristics of construction, adjusted against penetration of such materials are used. While state of emergency or belligerency is proclaimed, using of improvised and permanent shelters is planned.
GENERAL CAUTION warning signal In the Czech Republic the single warning signal General Caution is established for warning of citizens in case of emergency or in threat of that. This signal is proclaimed by uctuating tone of sirens with persistency of 140 seconds, and can be repeated three times in 3-minutes intervals. This audible alarm is followed by emergency information, provided by mass media.
Emergency survival
Conception of population protection
Evacuation is pre-planned from endangered places to places, where alternate 12/20accommodation and boarding for evacuees is provided, as well as stalling of animals and storing of materials.
This is an essential conceptual material approved by the Czech Government for mid-term (till 2013) and long-term (till 2020) planning of population protection measures.
Measures of emergency survival are pre-planned as taking up measures after evacuation of citizens from endangered places. They include mainly provisions for emergency accommodation, food and drinking water supply, providing basic services and organisation of humanitarian assistance.
Crisis management
Crisis management under conditions of safety policy of the Czech Republic is considered as a complex of procedures and provisions managing actions of relevant bodies of public administration and of other relevant authorities, to overcome unfavourable evolvement in society. At the same time it is discerned whether there are situations connected with providing of defence of the Czech Republic against external attack (external safety) or there are situations unconnected with this (internal safety). Crisis management elements are codified in the Law No. 240/2000 on crisis management and on modification of certain codes (Crisis Code), in latter wording. Based on this law, state of danger can be proclaimed to overcome unfavourable trends of development. Applied with other laws, this allows proclaiming even state of emergency, state of country jeopardy or belligerency. Crisis management is considered not only as a configuration 13/20 of tasks for preparedness to crisis situations and for their
Annex 1
solution, but also as complex of activities for prevention of unfavourable trends and for recovery of vital infrastructure in disaster area. Crisis preparedness is provided by different means organisational (creating of organisational structures, emergency planning, crisis planning), technical (system facilities – equipment etc.), and special abilities (training and education). Solution of crisis situation is connected with providing rescue and clean-up operations, implementation of measures for population protection in disaster, emergency survival, measures to ensure functional public administration etc. Prevention of crisis situations is mainly applied to protect critical infrastructure. All production systems, non-production systems, and services which - when disorganised – could have serious impact to the state safety, economy, state administration, to providing all necessaries of life to citizens, or to fulfilling of international obligations, are considered as critical infrastructure.
Integrated Rescue System Annex 1
The Integrated Rescue System (IRS) is determined for coordination of rescue and clean-up operations in case, where a situation requires operation of forces and means of several bodies, e.g. firefighters, police, medical rescue service and other bodies, or in case, where the rescue and clean-up operation is necessary to be co-ordinated from the Ministry of Interior or by a leader of region’s level, or by mayors of municipalities with extended responsibilities. As the Integrated Rescue System are therefore considered the co-ordinated proceedings of its bodies during preparations for emergencies, and during rescue and clean-up operations. The Law No. 239/2000 on the Integrated Rescue System and on amendment of certain codes, in latter wording, is the basic legal frame. Basic IRS bodies: • Fire Rescue Service of CR and fire units, based on fire cover, • Police of CR, 14/20 • Medical Rescue Service.
Other IRS bodies: • Specified forces and means of armed bodies, • Other armed security services, • Other rescue services, • Public health protection authorities, • Emergency, stand-by, specialised and other services, • Civil Protection establishments, • NGOs and civil associations, which can be used for rescue and clean-up operations. As permanent authorities for co-ordination of Integrated Rescue System bodies are considered the operational and information centres of the Integrated Rescue System, i.e. the operational centres of regional Fire Rescue Services and the Operational and Information Centre of the General Directorate of the Czech Fire Rescue Service. In 2008 fire units co-operated with other IRS bodies in 87,903 operations in total.
People in distress
An emergency call is considered as calling free of charge in telephone networks. Specified emergency call numbers accessible for salvation of life, health and property, are determined in the dialling plan, and stated in telephone directories.
Emergency call numbers 112
• Notification of each extraordinary situation, esp. when solved by several rescue bodies IRS, and in cases when announcer doesn’t know which of national emergency call numbers is suitable to use; • For foreigners (prepared to dispatch calls in foreign languages); • For using in mobile networks even without a SIM card or with no credit; • Emergency call is using all mobile networks to hand; • Calls are dispatched in Operational/Call centres of FRS CR, together with emergency calls to 150. • Notification of fires, natural disasters, accidents and emergencies; • Calls are dispatched in Operational/Call centres of the FRS CR, together with emergency calls to 112. • Appointed for emergency calls in case of health problems, 15/20 injuries or in accidents with medical subsequence;
Annex 1
• Calls are dispatched in operation centres of Medical Rescue Service. • Appointed for emergency calls in case of disturbances of public order and public safety, notification of crimes, of traffic accidents, calls for assistance for safety and fluent traffic; • Calls are dispatched in operation centres of the Czech Police. • For emergency calls to operational centre of municipal (city) police.
The Single European Emergency Call Number 112 has been operated in all European Union countries. Implementation of the Single Emergency Call Number 112 was decided in 1991 by Decision No. 91/396/EEC, above all to ease communication with emergency services intra-EU, in connection with significant increase of both private and business trips throughout Europe. As each country uses its own emergency numbers, foreigners in emergency have problems to call the right one, apart from language problems. Governmental Resolution No. 391 from 19th April 2000 decided implementation of the Emergency Call Number 112 in the Czech Republic. By the same it was decided that the Emergency Call Number 112 would be operated together with national emergency call numbers 150, 155 and 158.
Humanitarian assistance to abroad Annex 1
Providing humanitarian assistance to abroad is an integral part of foreign policy of the Czech Republic. Humanitarian assistance has been provided either on bilateral level, or through international governmental and non-governmental organisations. The Czech Republic has been providing multilateral assistance through humanitarian organisations. Humanitarian assistance to abroad have been provided based on request of an affected country which requests through its representative bodies or through international organisations. The Ministry of Interior, by the Law No. 239/2000, on the Integrated Rescue System and on modification of certain codes, in latter wording, fulfils tasks in the frame of the Czech Republic participation in international rescue emergency operations in foreign countries and in provision of humanitarian assistance to foreign countries, in co-operation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
affected country • Financial – provision of finance to Czech/international organisations, or directly to relevant authorities of an affected country • Advisory – dispatching of specialists and experts, or provision of information needed • Combined – combines the four above-mentioned forms of assistance. In the frame of the Fire Rescue Service of CR special USAR (Urban Search and Rescue) units have been established, which have been taking an active part in international rescue operations. The main aim of the USAR team is rescuing people from collapsed buildings and constructions, mainly after earthquake or explosions. Team members have been trained according to international standards and are prepared for immediate operation in case of major disaster both home and abroad. The USAR unit is always ready to be dispatched.
Basic forms of assistance: • Rescue – taking part in international rescue operations or dispatching an independent rescue team 16/20 • Material – provision of material according to the needs of an
Combined with other special module units, the USAR unit can be modified for further rescue activities like chemical analysis and decontamination, floods, fires or medical.
Voluntary fire units
Annex 1
On May 7th, 1874, the first voluntary firefighters organisation was established in the town of Velvary. Activities of voluntary firefighters developed even after professional fire protection was established. Voluntary firefighters organisations have been, and will be, an integral part of our fire protection system. In 2008 a total of 74,358 voluntary firefighters were registered.
Municipal and company voluntary fire units play a significant role in interventions of fire units. They perform fire fighting and rescue work during natural disasters and other emergencies, and fulfil other duties in fire protection area. In 2008, municipal voluntary fire units participated in 32,507 incidents, and company voluntary fire units in 689 incidents.
Structure of voluntary fire units:
Traditionally, voluntary firefighters are involved in wide activities of cultural and sport area, in training of youths, in public life and keeping of their traditions.
• •
Municipal voluntary fire units Company voluntary fire units
Municipal and company voluntary fire units together with the FRS CR are basic bodies of the Integrated Rescue System. To the end of 2008 as many as 7,343 municipal voluntary fire units and 256 company voluntary fire units have been registered in the Czech Republic. 17/20
Municipal voluntary firefighters are most numerous and most extended NGOs in the Czech Republic. Municipal voluntary fire units are associated in several corporations. The association of Voluntary Firefighters of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia is the biggest one, followed by the Czech Firefighters Union and the Moravian Firefighters Union.
Fire sport
This specific sport area has been more popular worldwide among both professional and voluntary firefighters. The first official contest in fire sport was held in 1937. The Championship of CR in Fire Sport of FRS CR teams, and the Championship of CR of Municipal Voluntary Firefighters teams are every-year peaks. The right to participate in these top events has to be won in successive rounds, and only the best teams and individuals are qualified. The first all-country contest in CR was held in 1970. Fire sport is a part of special fitness program for members of Regional Fire Rescue Services, for members of municipal units of voluntary firefighters, and for employees of company FRSs.
International success The Czech representatives have participated also in international contests in fire sport; by their results they have belonged to European top teams for a long time. It may be proved even by their first start in an international contest in 1968, where our representatives won silver medals in fire attack event. At 12th International Firemen Olympiad, held in 2001 in Kuopio, Finland, the representative team of FRS CR won the 2nd place. In the 1st World Fire Sport Contest, held in Moscow in 2002, our team won the fourth overall place, and the silver medals in fire 18/20 attack event. In the 1st European Championship in Fire Sport,
Annex 1
held in Petersburg in 2003, they won the third overall place and two silver medals in 4x100 m hurdles relay race, and in fire attack. Our representatives were successful even in the 2nd World Fire Sport Contest, held in Minsk, Belarus, in 2004, where they gained the third overall place. In 2005, the team of Czech professional firefighters then won the gold medal in the 2nd Open European Championship in Fire Sport in Ostrava – with the new world record time in fire attack, and silver overall place. In the 3rd World Fire Sport Contest, held in Teheran, Iran, in 2006, the Czech team gained two silver medals. They repeated that success in 2007 in the 3rd Open European Championship of Firefighters and Rescuers, held again in Ostrava, when they gained two gold medals in collective events, and the gold overall place. Also in 2008 our representatives confirmed that they are on the world top. In the 4th World Fire Sport Contest, held in Bulgaria, the Czech team gained bronze overall place plus the silver medal in relay race and the bronze medal in fire attack.
Fire sport consists of following events: • • • •
100 m hurdles; Ascent to 4th floor of a training tower; 4x 100 m hurdles relay race; Fire attack.
Appraisals in fire protection Annex 1
The Minister of Interior awards medals and plaques of the Fire Rescue Service of CR following proposals of the Director General of the Fire Rescue Service of CR; the General Director of the FRS CR awards those medals and plaques following proposals of regional directors of FRSs. Medals are awarded on the opportunity of State holidays and in significant days of the Czech Republic.
FRS CR Medal “For bravery” It has been awarded to firefighters or other persons for daring behaviour during emergencies, connected with immediate jeopardy of life or health.
significant or long-term co-operation with the FRS CR; • Surviving relatives of a firefighter who had died performing his duty.
FRS CR Medal “For Fidelity” This medal of three degrees has been awarded to members of the FRS CR for very good results in service activity, based on duration of their service as minimum of: • 30 years with “For fidelity” medal 1st degree • 20 years with “For fidelity” medal 2nd degree • 10 years with “For fidelity” medal 3rd degree.
Plaque of FRS CR FRS CR Medal “For safety credits” It has been awarded to firefighters, civil employees, or other persons, for long-term exemplary labour efforts, and for personal initiative in the field of fire safety, population protection and property protection in the frame of Integrated Rescue System, or in crisis management.
FRS CR Medal of Honour It has been awarded to: • Members of a foreign fire and rescue service, to employees 19/20 of public administration, to companies and to citizens, for
It has been awarded to: • Foreign and/or domestic individuals for active task to important meetings, or for efforts leading to agreements in fire safety problems, in problems connected with population protection and property protection in the frame of the Integrated Rescue System, or in crisis management; • Companies for important actions in fire safety, population protection and property protection in the frame of the Integrated Rescue System, or crisis management; • Entrepreneurs for co-operation with the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic.
Annex 1
25 Kč • ROČNÍK VIII • ČÍSLO 1/2009
RO ČN ÍK 25 Kč •
00 8 SL O 12 /2 VII • ČÍ 25 Kč • RO ČN ÍK
VII I • ČÍ SL O 2/ 20 09
112 Magazine It provides information from the field of fire protection, of Integrated Rescue System bodies’ activity, of population protection and crisis management problems. Determined mainly to employees of state and local administration and to companies and entrepreneurs, active in Integrated Rescue System bodies, and in fire protection and population protection area. The magazine has been published monthly in Czech with English and German annotations, and is distributed to subscribers only. Publisher: Editor’s office: Presented also on web site: Distribition and subscription:
Ministerstvo vnitra-generální ředitelství HZS ČR Kloknerova 26, POST BOX 69, 148 01 PRAHA 414, Czech Republic Kloknerova 26, 148 01 PRAHA 414, Czech Republic Tel.: +420 950 819 947-9, +420 950 819 950 Fax: +420 950 819 969, E-mail: redakce@grh.izscr.cz www.hzscr.cz Moraviapress a.s., U póny 3061, 690 02 Břeclav, Czech Republic Tel.: +420 516 205 176, Fax: +420 519 321 417, E-mail: 112@moraviapress.cz
Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic Publisher • MV-generální ředitelství HZS ČR, Kloknerova 26, Post Box 69, Praha 414, Czech Republic Editor-in-chief • Col. Jaroslav Vykoukal Desing • Lubomír Mašek, ASPEKT studio, Hálkova 175, Příbram I, Czech Republic Print • RETIP s.r.o., Stolín 51, Červený Kostelec, Czech Republic ISBN • 978-80-86640-84-6 20/20 © MV-generální ředitelství HZS ČR 2009
Integrated Rescue System bodies
HQ Police Force of CZ
Contact Point Ministry of Health of CZ
State Office for Nuclear Safety of CZ
Ministry of Interior of CZ
Operations and Information Centre Ministry of Interior - Fire and Rescue Service General Directorate OPERATIONS CENTRE OPERATIONS CENTRE Ministry of Foreign Affairs of CZ Ministry of Defence of CZ N at i onal OPERATIONS CENTRE Level SITUATION CENTRE
I nt er nat i onal Level
Czech National Contact Point for Emergency Response
Annex 3
Vojenský geografický a hydrometeorologický úřad Dobruška Oddělení speciálního monitoringu a meteorologie a Geofyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR, v.v.i.
Hlášení o seismickém jevu Datum 27.02.2010
Čas (UTC) 23:21:12
Souřadnice epicentra 36,04 N
70,18 E
Poř.č. 27
Lokalita Hindu Kush reg. Afganistán Předpokládané účinky v epicentru Seismický jev, možné materiální škody nevelkého rozsahu.
Vyhotovil :
Čas odeslání (UTC)
Operátor : o.z. Oubrech Směna PRAHA :
Podrobné informace: Geofyzikální ústav, www.ig.cas.cz
Ředitel VGHMÚř : tel.: 267 103 015 (RNDr. Jan Zedník)
Updated 6.5.2010
"Standard Operating Procedures - Mobilisation Plan" Providing humanitarian assistance abroad Ministry of Interior - General Directorate of the Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic
1. 2.
Responisibility EU-MIC, NATO-EADRCC, Virtual OSOCC, Embassies of CR abroad (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) EU-MIC, NATO-EADRCC, VirtualOSOCC
Operation and Information centre of Ministry of Interior - GD of Fire & Rescue Service of the CR (OIC FRS CR) in co-operation with working group for humanitarian assistance
OIC FRS CR under the direction of managing officer GD FRS CR Managing officer GD FRS CR
OIC FRS CR 8. Public administration (state service) authorities (MoI - GD FRS CR, MFA, Ministry of Health,The Administration of State Material Reserves (ASMR)) 9.
10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
Procedures ▪ primary information about emergency abroad - Message Nr.1 ▪ request for assistance message No. X ▪ get information for OIC FRS CR about the emergency via media, Virtual OSOCC, Reliefweb, GDACS, CECIS and EC-MIC
1a 2a
1b 2b
3 4 5
▪ get data from contact person by the NATO mission in Brussels ▪ provide data to Operation and Information Centre of Ministry of Foreign Affairs ▪ provide datas about the emergency for managing officer and management GD FRS CR via sms (short text messages) ▪ provide datas about emergency for PR office of GD FRS the CR (preparation of press release) ▪ files time schedule
7 ▪ provides data to Director General of FRS CR ▪ keeps in contact with Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid Dpt. ) ▪ communicates via OIC FRS CR with OIC FRS region about possibility of providing humanitarian assistance abrod (rescue team´s operation) ▪ asks for team members list (in advance) via OIC FRS CR ▪ informs all involved subejcts about possibility to activate USAR team: involved subjects: Integrated Rescue System bodies, dog handlers, Trauma Hospital of Brno, etc. ▪ informs Joint Operation Centre of Army CZ about possible use of its air transport ▪ public service authorities evaluate information and offer solution
22 8a
10 ▪ consider the possibility of providing requested commodities (material, teams…) Under the direction of managing officer FRS CR ▪ OIC FRS CR activates working group for providing of humanitarian 11 assistance (GD FRS CR STAFF WG) Managing officer FRS CR or Director General FRS ▪ informs Minister of Interior and Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the situation and requests for decision CR Minister of Foreign Affairs of CR ▪ decides about release of finance for the operation 12 ▪ offers the possible commodities/way of realisation on the basis of source Minister of Interior of CR materials/files of MoI - GD FRS CR ▪ informs Director General of FRS CR about the decision Minister of Interior of CR OIC FRS CR ▪ informs MIC (CECIS), EADRCC about the decision of the CR 13 Under the direction of managing officer FRS CR ▪ OIC FRS CR activates prederminated operating forces (e.g. Flood team, USAR team …) Managing officer GD FRS CR ▪ after agreement with managing officer FRS of region/capital city the team leader, liaision officer and other team members are defined (Order of GD FRS CR) ▪ the assistant of managing officer FRS CR in cooperation with woking group Under the direction of managing officer of FRS CR for providing of humanitarian assistance manages files of the emergency - all related documents are collected and after that stored in OIC FRS CR
▪ intermediates informations about the offer of CR to the affected country and EU-MIC, NATO-EADRCC its acceptation 20. 22. OIC FRS CR ▪ contacts the contact point of the affected country 21. Under the direction of managing officer GD FRS ▪ the purchase of commodities is solved with other bodies of public administration15 CR Working group for providing of humanitarian ▪ cooperates with Ministry of Foreign Affairs in obtaining of: 22. assistance (staff MoI - GD FRS CR) ▪ information about place of emergency, ▪ information about possibility of transport and boarder crossing of team ▪ visas for team members 43 ▪ contacts with embassy of CR in affected country, also contacts with embassy of affected country in CR ▪ contacts with competent person for handover of humanitarian assistance ▪ information about transport possibility in affected country ▪ transport providing outside the Schengen area 16 Prepares below mentioned documents: ▪ request for exeat of team members to the FRS of region/capital city 17 ▪ request for providing air transport to the Ministry of Defence CR 18 ▪ request for providing transport escort within the area of CR to Police of CR 19 ▪ provide transport cynologists to the assembly point ▪ determinates place and time for assembly point ▪ Order of Director General FRS CR 20a 20b ▪ confirmation of official assistance of Czech Republic (CR,ENG) 21 ▪ prepares customs declaration in cooperation with GD custom 22 ▪ informs Police CR and alien Police about transport within CR 42 ▪ prepares custom´s declaration for material humanitarian assistance 23a
▪ prepares official donate certifacate (ENG) 23b ▪ list of team members (passport numbers, personal identification numbers) 24 ▪ insurance for team members 25 ▪ finds out obligation vacination in affected country ▪ list of contacts of team members´ relatives 26 ▪ travel command for team members (International cooperation dpt. GD FRS CR)27a 27b ▪ list of team members and engineering according INSARAG Guidelines 28 ▪ provides of foreign currency for team members (MoI - International contract dpt.)29 ▪ datas about loading of team provides to the airport ▪ finds GSM coordinates ▪ provides cell or satellite telephones ▪ get the flight plan from Army CZ ▪ prepares the files for team leader ▪ provides the realisation of purchase of material for humanitarian assistance ▪ provides publicity items for team members going abroad ▪ provides publicity handout for USAR team ▪ prepares adhesive foil of humanitarian assistance 30a 30b ▪ prepares map handout for team (MoD) ▪ contacts liaision officer and provides him detailed dinformations ▪ contacts team doctor and provides him all necesarry datas ▪ prepares request for medical check 31 ▪ prepares financial cost analysis for sending out of the team 32a 32b Team Leader Files contains: 25.
▪ information about the situation in place of emergency (geologival,religious,weather,economical,...) ▪ contacts with emabssies in affected country, competent person, OIC GD FRS CR ▪ map handout for deployment area ▪ team members´ list incl. their personal identification numbers ▪ confirmation of official humanitarian assistance of CR ▪ flight plan ▪ team members´ insurance (carts and brochure) ▪ Order of Director General of FRS CR ▪ information about GSM nets in affected country/deployment area (internet) 23a ▪ customs declaration and donate certificate
26. Under direction of managing officer of GD FRS CR ▪ FRS MSR and FRS Prague give food packages from storages ▪ FRS MSR and FRS Prague give t-shirts and caps for team members ▪ working group for providing of humanitarian assistance give for all team members personal protect equipment from the storage MoI-GD FRS CR 27. Managing officer of GD FRS CR ▪ prepares foreign currency for team leader from OIC GD FRS CR safe 28. Under direction of managing officer of GD FRS CR ▪ media are informed about the event via PR office GD FRS CR
29. 30.
33. 34.
▪ during the operation communicates with EU-MIC, NATO-EADRCC, VIRTUAL OSOCC, embassy and assist working group in preparation of providing of humanitarian assistance Managing officer of GD FRS CR before departure ▪ reads The Order of Director General of FRS CR ▪ handovers the files for team leader ▪ handovers the foreign currency for team leader ▪ ensures the signature of all team members for their travel commands ▪ ensures the filling of all team members for the list of their relatives list ▪ handover the publicity items, handouts and adhesives ▪ ensures the marking of vehicles with humanitarian assistance adhesive foils 33a 33b ▪ handovers the map handout for team leader ▪ instructs the team leader about daily reporting to the OIC GD FRS CR ▪ receives the daily report from the team from the affected country and informs OIC GD FRS CR the relatives from the contact list if it´s necessary ▪ informs about the situation FRS region/capital city ▪ handovers and operates with Virtual OSOCC ▪ handovers the information to the PR office GD FRS CR ▪ welcomes the team Managing officer GD FRS CR after arrival ▪ informs team members about the medical checks and psycholog. care ▪ completes the file of the emergency and commits it to the relevant employee Assistant of managing officer GD FRS CR of Operation and Management Dpt. ▪ provides the files checking Operation and Management Dpt. ▪ requests all relevant - operation concerned bodies (dog handlers, Army CZ, medical checks, insurance..) FRS regions/capital city for financial cost in order to reimbursement 35 ▪ requests for reimbursement to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 36 ▪ ensures the competion of storages (fod packages, t-shirts, caps) 37 ▪ ensures the return of lend personal protect equipment into the storage of MoI GD FRS CR ▪ ensures approval document on ministry level - (MiO-MFA) ▪ provides the conclusion of the files and deposit it (archive of GD FRS CR) 41 ▪ example of financial costs List of acronyms: MoI - Ministry of Interior MFA - Ministry of Foreign Affairs OIC GD FRS CR - Operations and Information Centre of theGeneral Directorate of the Fire nad Rescue Service of the Czech Republic FRS region/capital city - Regional Fire and Rescue Services / Fire and Rescue Service of Capital of Prague ARMY CZ - The Army of the Czech Republic EU - MIC - European Commission - Monitoring and Information Centre NATO - EADRCC The North Atlantic Treaty Organization - Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre
WG - working group PR - public relations GD FRS CR - General Directorate of the Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic
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Annex 6
Česká republika, Ministerstvo vnitra generální ředitelství HZS ČR
Česká republika, Ministerstvo zdravotnictví Úrazová nemocnice v Brně
Č.j. PO-3400-1/IZS-2006 Výtisk číslo: Počet listů: 6 Počet příloh: 3/4
DOHODA o plánované pomoci na vyžádání uzavřená mezi smluvními stranami Českou republikou, Ministerstvem vnitra – generálním ředitelstvím Hasičského záchranného sboru České republiky a Úrazovou nemocnicí v Brně
Praha 2006
Dohoda o plánované pomoci na vyžádání Článek 1 Smluvní strany 1. Česká republika, Ministerstvo vnitra se sídlem Nad Štolou 936/3, Praha 7, PSČ 170 34, IČ: 00007064, zastoupené generálním ředitelem Hasičského záchranného sboru České republiky genmjr. Ing. Miroslavem Štěpánem, se sídlem Kloknerova 26, Praha 414, PSČ 148 01, (dále jen „MV-GŘ HZS ČR“). a 2. Úrazová nemocnice v Brně se sídlem Brno, Ponávka 6, PSČ 662 50, pošt. přihr. 107 zastoupená ředitelem prof. MUDr. Milošem Janečkem, CSc. (dále jen „ÚNB“). Článek 2 Východiska pro uzavření dohody o plánované pomoci na vyžádání 1. Dohoda o plánované pomoci na vyžádání (dále jen „dohoda“) je uzavírána na základě zákona č. 239/2000 Sb., o integrovaném záchranném systému a o změně některých zákonů, ve znění pozdějších předpisů (dále jen „zákon o IZS“) a nařízení vlády č. 463/2000 Sb., o stanovení pravidel zapojování do mezinárodních záchranných operací, poskytování a přijímání humanitární pomoci a náhrad výdajů vynakládaných právnickými osobami a podnikajícími fyzickými osobami na ochranu obyvatelstva, ve znění nařízení vlády č. 527/2002 Sb. (dále jen „nařízení vlády“). Dohoda vychází z aktuálního znění obou citovaných předpisů ke dni jejího uzavření, přičemž se smluvní strany zavazují při každé jejich novelizaci posoudit případnou potřebu změn dohody. 2. Dohoda zabezpečuje, vedle vnitrostátních potřeb, především praktickou realizaci mezinárodních závazků České republiky (ČR) v rámci Organizace spojených národů (OSN, resp. UN), Evropské unie (EU) a Severoatlantické aliance (NATO) v ochraně proti živelním a jiným katastrofám, a také závazků vyplývajících z přistoupení k Akčnímu plánu boje proti terorismu Rady EU a v souladu s doložkou solidarity doplněné do smlouvy o EU. Dohoda vychází z provedené nominace vyčleněných sil a prostředků ÚNB (dále jen „Trauma team“) do a) databáze Military and Civil Defence Assets (MCDA) Directory, kterou spravuje Úřad pro koordinaci humanitárních záležitostí OSN v Ženevě (Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs-„UN OCHA“) v součinnosti s Ekonomickou komisí OSN pro Evropu (Economic Commission for Europe - „UN-ECE“); b) databáze zásahových prostředků a schopností (assets and capabilities) vedená v rámci Společného informačního systému pro krizovou komunikaci (Common Emergency Communication Information System - „CECIS“), kterou spravuje Monitorovací a informační centrum EU („MIC-EU“) začleněné v Generálním ředitelství pro životní prostředí EU, oddělení Civilní ochrany; c) databáze civilních zásahových prostředků Severoatlantické aliance, kterou spravuje Euroatlantické koordinační centrum pro katastrofy NATO (Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response and Coordination Centre - „NATO EADRCC“). 3. Operační a informační středisko MV-GŘ HZS ČR (dále jen „OPIS MV-GŘ HZS ČR“) je národním kontaktním místem ČR pro mezinárodní organizace zabývající se reakcí na mimořádné a krizové situace (dále jen „relevantní mezinárodní organizace“). 2
Relevantními mezinárodními organizacemi jsou správci databází zásahových kapacit uvedení v písmenech a) až c) předcházejícího odstavce a dále Mezinárodní agentura pro atomovou energii ve Vídni-„MAAE“ (International Atomic Energy Agency – „IAEA“) a orgány států přímo sousedících s ČR a Maďarska. Schéma postavení a informačních vazeb OPIS MV-GŘ HZS ČR jako kontaktního bodu ČR v mezinárodním i národním systému odezvy na mimořádné události a krizové situace je znázorněno v příloze č. 1 této smlouvy. 4. MV-GŘ HZS ČR prohlašuje, že generální ředitel HZS ČR je přímo z § 7 odst. 4 zákona o IZS potažmo Organizačním řádem Ministerstva vnitra a na základě prováděcí dokumentace k platným mezinárodním smlouvám oprávněn uzavřít tuto dohodu. 5. ÚNB prohlašuje, že tuto dohodu uzavírá s vědomím svého zřizovatele, kterým je Ministerstvo zdravotnictví. 6. V souladu s § 21 odst. 3 zákona o IZS není dotčeno právo UNB neposkytnout plánovanou pomoc na vyžádání podle této dohody v případě, že by poskytnutím bylo vážně ohroženo plnění vlastních závažnějších úkolů podle zvláštních právních předpisů. Článek 3 Předmět dohody o plánované pomoci na vyžádání 1. Smluvní strany, v souladu s § 21 zákona o IZS, dohodly pravidla vzájemné spolupráce v rámci integrovaného záchranného systému (dále jen „IZS“), která vychází z působnosti, úkolů, postavení a poslání obou smluvních stran, při provádění záchranných a likvidačních prací při mimořádných událostech v České republice, a zejména při mezinárodních záchranných operacích v zahraničí nebo poskytování humanitární pomoci České republiky do zahraničí. 2. Trauma team Ministerstva zdravotnictví působící v rámci ÚNB, ve složení a vybavení podle přílohy č. 2 této dohody, se tímto ustanovením stává ostatní složkou IZS podle § 4 odst. 2 a odst. 3 zákona o IZS. 3. Smluvní strany se dále dohodly na další spolupráci, která může na základě oboustranného zájmu probíhat v oblastech výzkumu a vývoje, výstavby, provozu a využívání informačních a komunikačních sítí a služeb, vzdělávacích a výukových programů a projektů, výcviku a cvičení, pokud jsou tyto oblasti využívány pro potřeby IZS. Podrobnosti o závazcích smluvních stran Článek 4 MV-GŘ HZS ČR zajistí: 1. Předběžné vyrozumění ÚNB o vzniku velmi závažné mimořádné události v České republice nebo v zahraničí (pohromě, katastrofě), která může vyvolat potřebu nasazení části nebo celého Trauma teamu, které OPIS MV-GŘ HZS ČR obdrží pří výkonu funkce kontaktního bodu České republiky při žádostech relevantních mezinárodních organizací o pomoc. Vyrozumění o vzniku takové mimořádné události bude realizováno cestou ředitele ÚNB. 2. Konzultace ke konkrétní poptávce prostředků a schopností Trauma teamu v rámci databází zásahových kapacit, které jsou uvedeny v čl. 2 odst. 2 písm. a) až c). Konzultace 3
bude realizováno cestou ředitele ÚNB, v případě jeho nedostupnosti a nebezpečí z prodlení cestou vedoucího lékaře nebo managera Trauma teamu. 3. Vyžádání plánované pomoci (dále „povolání“) a nasazení jedné nebo dvou operačních skupin Trauma teamu. Povolání Trauma teamu k činnostem v zahraničí provede OPIS MV-GŘ HZS ČR až poté, kdy Ministerstvo zahraničních věcí resp. vláda rozhodne o uvolnění finančních prostředků pro zapojení do mezinárodní záchranné operace nebo poskytnutí humanitární pomoci do zahraničí. Povolání a nasazení celého nebo části Trauma teamu je plánováno zejména pro případy: •
potřeby posílení sil a prostředků složek IZS pro záchranné a likvidační práce při vzniku zvlášť závažné mimořádné události v České republice, nebo
vyslání velkých záchranných jednotek ČR do zahraničí, při kterých bude vzhledem k místním podmínkám, rizikům a aktuální situaci nutné zabezpečovat zdravotní péči členům záchranných jednotek ČR nebo ostatních zahraničních záchranných jednotek vlastními silami, přičemž o povolání Trauma teamu může být rozhodnuto dodatečně podle momentální situace, anebo
poskytování zdravotnické pomoci při mimořádných událostech v zahraničí.
4. Průběžné informování ředitele odboru krizové připravenosti Ministerstva zdravotnictví o komunikaci s ÚNB podle odst. 1 a 2, případně o povolání Trauma teamu podle odst. 3. 5. Začlenění celého Trauma teamu nebo jeho části nebo některých jeho členů do záchranné jednotky a zabezpečení přepravy, vízového vybavení, připojištění a případného očkování účastníků v případě využití záchranné jednotky pro mezinárodní záchrannou operaci nebo poskytnutí humanitární pomoci do zahraničí. Logistické zabezpečování Trauma teamu v zahraničí bude realizováno v rámci logistického zabezpečení celé záchranné jednotky. Ke speciálnímu zdravotnickému logistickému zabezpečení bude přednostně na žádost ÚNB začleňována do záchranné jednotky logistická báze Zdravotnického zabezpečení krizových stavů se sídlem v Příbrami-Kamenné (dále jen „ZZKS“). 6. Začlenění Trauma teamu do Ústředního poplachového plánu IZS (dále jen „ÚPP“) jako samostatného odřadu podle přílohy č. 1 ÚPP (za podmínek uvedených v tabulce č.1 této přílohy). 7. Poskytnutí odborné pomoci při zpracování dokumentace související s mimořádnými událostmi podle zákona o IZS a dalších souvisejících právních předpisů podle požadavku ÚNB. 8. Povolávání Trauma teamu na taktická cvičení IZS, organizovaná MV-GŘ HZS ČR, nejméně jednou za tři roky, vždy po dohodě s ÚNB. 9. Průběžnou aktualizaci spojení na OPIS MV-GŘ HZS ČR, které je jediné oprávněno ke kontaktům s ÚNB potažmo s členy Trauma teamu v případech podle odst. 1 až 3. Údaje o spojení jsou uvedeny v příloze č. 3 této dohody.
Článek 5 ÚNB zajistí: 1. Schopnost nepřetržitého přijetí vyrozumění a konzultací podle čl. 4 odst. 1 a 2 a přijetí informace o povolání Trauma teamu podle čl. 4 odst. 3. 2. Předurčení a pracovně právní zavázání pracovníků, kteří budou dobrovolně součástí Trauma teamu v případech uvedených v čl. 4 odst. 3 a poskytnou pro ten účel své osobní údaje, zejména čísla cestovního dokladu, údaje o svém zdravotním stavu a očkování a jazykových schopnostech. Tyto údaje jsou součástí přílohy č. 2 této dohody. 3. Neprodlené projednání případné účasti na nasazení Trauma teamu v zahraničí s jeho členy (uvedení do pracovní pohotovosti) v případě vyrozumění o mimořádných událostech podle čl. 4 odst. 1 a 2. 4. Připravenost Trauma teamu, v sestavě operativně dohodnuté ze sil a prostředků uvedených v příloze č. 2 této dohody, k poskytnutí plánované pomoci na vyžádání na žádost OPIS MV-GŘ HZS ČR do 24 hodin od povolání. 5. Při nasazení Trauma teamu v zahraničí nést potřebné výdaje do doby, než budou prostředky refundovány prostřednictvím Ministerstva zahraničních věcí z rozpočtové kapitoly Všeobecná pokladní správa podle § 4 odst. 2 a odst. 3 nařízení vlády. 6. Poskytnutí jiné pomoci na výzvu OPIS MV-GŘ HZS ČR při vzniku mimořádné události, mezinárodní záchranné operaci nebo při poskytování humanitární pomoci Českou republikou do zahraničí, formou: a) zprostředkování telefonické konzultace se členem Trauma teamu do 15 min. od žádosti o odbornou konzultaci; tyto konzultace může vyžádat OPIS MV-GŘ HZS ČR; b) vyslání člena Trauma teamu do štábu MV-GŘ HZS ČR do 90 min. od žádosti o jeho vyslání (odborně způsobilého připravovat podrobnosti o nasazení). 7. Průběžnou a neprodlenou aktualizaci údajů o Trauma teamu a údajů o spojení, které jsou uvedeny v přílohách č. 2 a č. 3 této dohody. Další ujednání Článek 6 Obě smluvní strany se dále dohodly: 1. Na vzájemné informovanosti a konzultacích v oblasti uzavřených vzájemných závazků. 2. Na přípravě a organizaci společných setkání, školení, nácviků a cvičení mezi záchrannými jednotkami HZS ČR určenými pro zásah v zahraničí, Trauma teamem a logistickou bází ZZKS. Společné nácviky a cvičení budou prováděna po vzájemném odsouhlasení. 3. Náhrady výdajů, škod a odškodňování úrazů vzniklých při nasazení Trauma teamu v rámci IZS budou řešeny v souladu s ustanoveními § 29 až § 31 zákona o IZS (zejména § 30 odst. 6) a podle § 4 nařízení vlády.
Článek 7 Pokud ÚNB vybaví Trauma team účelovými vozidly určenými pro převoz členů Trauma teamu a jeho materiálu při záchranných a humanitárních akcí, může prostřednictvím HZS Jihomoravského kraje požádat o výjimku z povinnosti platby pojištění odpovědnosti z provozu takového vozidla. Článek 8 Závěrečná ustanovení 1. Přílohy jsou neoddělitelnou součástí této dohody. Souhrnný přehled příloh: Příloha č.1 – Schéma postavení a kontaktních vazeb OPIS MV-GŘ HZS ČR jako kontaktního bodu ČR v mezinárodním i národním systému odezvy na mimořádné události a krizové situace Příloha č.2 – Údaje potřebné k začlenění Trauma teamu do Ústředního poplachového plánu IZS Příloha č.3 – Přehled spojení použitelného pro kontakty ÚNB a Trauma teamu s OPIS MV-GŘ HZS ČR 2. Přílohy č. 1 až 3 jsou potvrzovány nebo aktualizovány v písemné formě minimálně jedenkrát ročně k 31.10. daného roku pro rok následující, jinak neprodleně při každé změně údajů o spojení. 3. Dohoda se přiměřeně využívá i v případech ohrožení veřejného zdraví podle § 34 zákona o IZS nebo při vyhlášení stavu ohrožení státu a za válečného stavu podle § 33 zákona o IZS. 4. Dohoda se uzavírá na dobu neurčitou. Platnosti nabývá dnem jejího podpisu oběma smluvními stranami a účinnosti po uplynutí jednoho měsíce od podpisu. Dohodu lze písemně vypovědět s tříměsíční výpovědní lhůtou, která počíná běžet prvním dnem měsíce následujícího po doručení výpovědi druhé straně. 5. Tato dohoda je vyhotovena v šesti originálech, každá ze smluvních stran obdrží tři výtisky. 6. Změny a doplňky této dohody budou provedeny písemnými, očíslovanými dodatky. Roční aktualizace údajů v přílohách nejsou považovány za změnu dohody.
V Praze dne 28. prosince 2006
generálmajor Ing. Miroslav Štěpán v.r. generální ředitel HZS ČR
prof. MUDr.Miloš Janeček v.r. CSc. ředitel Úrazové nemocnice v Brně
K Č.j.: PO-3400-1/IZS-2006
Příloha č. 2 Počet listů: 2
Údaje potřebné k začlenění Trauma teamu do Ústředního poplachového plánu IZS Platnost pro rok 2007; 2008; 2009; 2010 ...
Odřad vyčleňuje
Ministerstvo zdravotnictví
Odřad sestavuje, cvičí a zabezpečuje
Název nebo charakteristika odřadu
Mobilní chirurgický tým
Možnosti a charakter provádění Dislokace záchranných prací jednotkami odřadů
Brno, poskytování odborné Ponávka 6 lékařské péče poraněným na místě katastrofy nebo humanitární akce v ČR i v zahraničí po dobu 1 – 2 týdnů.
Počty využitelné specializované techniky a zařízení, osob, kapacita
Max. čas výjezdu
Jedna operační skupina o síle 8-9 osob
24 hodin
Dvě operační skupiny o síle 17 osob
24 hodin
Údaje potřebné k využití Trauma teamu v zahraničí Registrovanými členy širšího kolektivu přeurčeného pro působení v Trauma teamu jsou: (22 lékařů +13 sester+ 1 technik + 1 řidič + 1 admin.) PŘÍJMENI a JMÉNO č. pasu Zdrav. Zdrav. Očkování pojišť. stav Melichar Ivan MUDr. 34589985 VZP 111 dobrý tetan,VHA,VHB, TYF, žl.zimnice Biel Vladislav MUDr. 38673099 MetAl. 217 dobrý tetan, VHB Filipinský Jan MUDr. 35104336 VZP 111 dobrý tetan, VHB im Janeček Miloš prof.MUDr.CSc 33498670 VojZP 201 dobrý tetan,VHA,VHB TYF, žl.zimnice BG6202082 VZP 111 Krass Vladimír MUDr. dobrý tetan ,VHB Kelbl Martin MUDr. 36271213 VZP 111 dobrý tetan, VHA, VHB, TYF BF1972002 VZP 111 Kužma Ján MUDr. dobrý tetan, VHB Macků Luděk MUDr. 35863010 VZP 111 dobrý tetan, VHA,VHB, TYF Melichar Vladimír MUDr.CSc. 33357555 VZP 111 dobrý tetan, VHB Ochmann Jiří MUDr. 34319463 VZP 111 dobrý tetan,VHA,VHB, TYF, žl.zimnice cholera Paša Libor MUDr. PhD 34952602 OZP 207 dobrý tetan, VHA,VHB Pink Tomáš MUDr. 36638220 VZP 111 dobrý tetan,VHA,VHB, TYF Suchomel Radomír MUDr. 36091863 ZPMV 211 dobrý tetan, VHB Veselý Radek MUDr. 35500256 OZP 207 dobrý tetan,VHA,VHB, TYF, žl.zimnice Horáček Jan MUDr. vyřizuje se VZP 111 dobrý tetan, VHB Hřiba Vít MUDr. 34444512 VZP 111 dobrý tetan, VHB Valentová Jana MUDr. 33591609 VojZP 201 dobrý tetan, VHB Bíbrová Jitka MUDr. 37442006 OZP 207 dobrý tetan,VHA,VHB Oborská Kateřina MUDr. 33887187 VZP 111 dobrý tetan, VHB Ráček Tomáš MUDr. 36150303 OZP 207 dobrý tetan, VHB
Jazyk. Pozn. schopn - lék. spec. N,R,A CHIR A, N CHIR A,R CHIR A,N,R CHIR-ORT A CHIR A,N CHIR A,N CHIR A,N CHIR N CHIR A,Port CHIR A,N,R A,N A A,N,R A,N A,N A,N A A A
Svoboda Petr doc.MUDr.CSc. 30075354 VZP 111 Kantorová Ilona MUDr.CSc. 33424125 VZP 111 PŘÍJMENI a JMÉNO č. pasu Zdrav. pojišť. Čechová Kateřina 30132695 VZP 111 Kolářová Ilona 35757520 ZPMV 211 Kytnerová Libuše 35827817 VZP 111 Patáková Marie 37000036 ZPMV 211 Drábková Jana 604348407 VojZP 201 Havlíčková Kateřina 36786675 ZPMV 211 Janíčková Karolína 37354809 OZP 207 Prudíková Ivana 35706584 VZP 111 Stodůlková Jana 390882945 ZPMV 211 Duchoňová Alena 34864500 VZP 111 Ošmerová Irena 37498094 VojZP 201 Procházková Marcela 36228914 VZP 111 Svobodová Pavlína 36124132 ZPMV 211 Šebestová Veronika DiS 37213178 VZP 111 Hofman Pavel 34413520 ZPMV 211 Neklapilová Vlasta Ing. 35182197 VZP 111 Dosoudil Roman nemá VojZP 201
dobrý dobrý Zdrav. stav dobrý dobrý dobrý dobrý dobrý dobrý dobrý dobrý dobrý dobrý dobrý dobrý dobrý dobrý dobrý dobrý dobrý
tetan,VHA, TYF tetan, TYF Očkování tetan,VHA,VHB, TYF tetan,VHA,VHB, TYF tetan,VHA,VHB tetan,VHA,VHB, TYF tetan,VHA,VHB, TYF tetan,VHA,VHB tetan,VHA,VHB, TYF tetan,VHB tetan,VHA,VHB, TYF tetan,VHA,VHB,TYF tetan,VHA,VHB, TYF tetan,VHA,VHB, TYF tetan,VHA,VHB, TYF tetan,VHA,VHB, TYF tetan, VHB tetan tetan
A,N,R A, R Jazyky
INT INT Pozn. – spec. instrum. instrum. instrum. instrum. ARIP ARIP ARIP ARIP ARIP int.péče int.péče int.péče int.péče int.péče technik manager TT
DRUH VOZIDLA nákladní osobní
ZNAČKA OPEL NOVANO Van 2.8 DTI Škoda Octavia 1,9 TDi
Škoda Fabia
Škoda Fabia
Škoda Fabia
Škoda Fabia
K Č.j.: PO-3400-1/IZS-2006
Příloha č. 3 Počet listů: 1
Přehled spojení využívaného pro povolání a nasazení Trauma teamu podle Dohody o plánované pomoci na vyžádání Č.j.: PO-3400-1/IZS-2006 Platnost pro rok 2007; 2008; 2009; 2010; ...
ÚNB Pracoviště (funkce)
Příjmení pracovníka
GSM pracovní
Filipinský J.
manager Trauma teamu Vedoucí lékař Trauma teamu Stalá služba ÚNB
Neklapilová V. 724862152 ing. Melichar I.; 725110711 MUDr, CSc.
vedoucí služby 606441158
e-mail j.filipinsky@unbr.cz
Kontaktní čísla pro vyrozumívání ÚNB o možném nasazení Trauma teamu Pozn: Při e-mailové korespondenci s Trauma teamem rozvinutým v prostoru nasazení zasílat zprávy vždy na obě uvedené adresy.
Operační a informační středisko HZS kraje (hl.m. Prahy)
Styčné místo SÚJB
Stálá služba ČHMÚ
Integrované operační Policejního presidia PČR
Ostatní složky IZS zařazené do Ústředního poplachového plánu IZS
Národní úroveň
Příloha č. 1
Sousední státy Maďarsko
Operační a informační centrum MZV
Mezinárodní úroveň
Operační a informační středisko MV-GŘ HZS ČR MV - GR
Situační centrum MV
Společné operační centrum MO
Postavení a informační vazby OPIS MV-GŘ HZS ČR v mezinárodním i národním systému odezvy na mimořádné události
K č.j.: PO-3400-1/IZS-2006
Annex 8 Česká republika, Ministerstvo vnitra generální ředitelství HZS ČR
hlavní město Praha
Č.j.: PO-2211/IZS-2004
Výtisk číslo: Počet listů: 5 Počet příloh: 3 / 3
o plánované pomoci na vyžádání mezi
Českou republikou, Ministerstvem vnitra – generálním ředitelstvím Hasičského záchranného sboru České republiky a hlavním městem Praha
ve znění Dodatku č. 1
Praha 2004
Annex 8
Dohoda o plánované pomoci na vyžádání (dále jen „dohoda“) Česká republika, Ministerstvo vnitra, Nad Štolou 936/3, PSČ 170 34, Praha 7, zastoupená generálním ředitelstvím Hasičského záchranného sboru České republiky se sídlem Praha 414, Kloknerova 26, PSČ 148 01, generálním ředitelem Hasičského záchranného sboru České republiky a náměstkem ministra vnitra genmjr. Ing. Miroslavem Š těpánem (dále jen „M V-GŘ HZS ČR“) na straně jedné a hlavní město Praha se sídlem Praha 1, M ariánské náměstí 2, PSČ 110 00, zastoupené primátorem hlavního města Prahy MUDr. Pavlem Bémem (dále jen „HM P“) na straně druhé (dále jen „smluvní strany“) se dohodly na následujícím:
Článek 1 Předmět dohody 1. Smluvní strany se v souladu s § 21 zákona č. 239/2000 Sb., o integrovaném záchranném systému a o změně některých zákonů, ve znění zákona č. 320/2002 Sb. (dále jen „zákon“), dohodly na následující spolupráci v rámci integrovaného záchranného systému (dále jen „IZS“), která vychází z působnosti a předmětu činnosti obou smluvních stran a upravuje zásady jejich spolupráce a poskytování plánované pomoci na vyžádání (dále jen „pomoci“) při provádění záchranných a likvidačních prací v rámci IZS. Vyčleněné síly a prostředky M ěstské policie hl. m. Prahy se touto dohodou stávají ostatní složkou IZS podle § 4 odst. 2 zákona a zahrnují se do ústředního poplachového plánu IZS. 2. Smluvní strany se dohodly na úzké spolupráci v oblasti služební záchranářské kynologie při sutinovém vyhledávání osob ve zřícených objektech, při plošném pátrání po pohřešovaných osobách v terénu a při činnostech souvisejících s výše uvedeným, jakými jsou: - spoluúčast v odborné kynologické komisi, kterou zřizuje generální ředitel HZS ČR jako svůj poradní orgán pro problematiku záchranářské kynologie, a jejím prostřednictvím tvorba společných metodických zásad pro výcvik a nasazení záchranářských psů, - spolupráce při pořádání kynologických atestačních zkoušek, při odborné přípravě kynologů se psy a společných cvičeních, - využívání atestovaných kynologů se psy HM P k provádění záchranných prací na území České republiky a při zapojování ČR do mezinárodních záchranných operací.
Annex 8
Článek 2 Podmínky dohody A. MV-GŘ HZS ČR zajistí: 1. Vyrozumění HM P prostřednictvím Operačního a informačního střediska M V-GŘ HZS ČR (dále jen „OPIS M V-GŘ HZS ČR“) o vzniku mimořádné události, která může vyžadovat nasazení vyčleněných sil a prostředků HM P. Vyrozumění předá OPIS M VGŘ HZS ČR centrálnímu operačnímu středisku M ěstské policie hl. m. Prahy. 2. Vyžádání pomoci vyčleněnými silami a prostředky HM P dle části B odst. 1 prostřednictvím OPIS M V-GŘ HZS ČR. Vyžádání předá OPIS M V-GŘ HZS ČR centrálnímu operačnímu středisku M ěstské policie hl. m. Prahy. 3. Zařazení zástupce HM P do odborné kynologické komise a poskytnutí HM P interních předpisů a metodik HZS ČR z oblasti záchranářské kynologie. 4. Informování o možnostech použití atestovaných kynologů HM P v rámci HZS ČR. 5. Svými dopravními prostředky přepravu kynologů HM P se psy z místa bydliště nebo pobytu na území ČR na místo zásahu. 6. V případě nutnosti realizaci letecké přepravy kynologů se psy HM P na místo zásahu na území ČR prostřednictvím Letecké služby Policie ČR. 7. Zprostředkování podle požadavků HM P vzdělávání a odborné přípravy předurčených kynologů HM P v oblasti IZS. 8. Předávání HM P aktualizovaného přehledu spojení na OPIS M V-GŘ HZS ČR a OPIS HZS hl. m. Prahy – Příloha č. 1.
B. HMP zajistí: 1. Poskytnutí pomoci na žádost OPIS M V-GŘ HZS ČR (pro zásah na území hl. m. Prahy i OPIS HZS hl. m. Prahy). Žádost předá OPIS M V-GŘ HZS ČR (popř. OPIS HZS hl. m. Prahy) centrálnímu operačnímu středisku M ěstské policie hl. m. Prahy. Pomoc bude poskytována: a) kynology se psy HM P, kteří jsou držiteli kynologického atestu M V-GŘ HZS ČR, k provádění záchranných a likvidačních prací na území České republiky dle specializace atestu, b) začleněním kynologů se psy HM P, kteří jsou zařazeni v seznamu pro mezinárodní záchranné operace, do vyhledávacího a záchranného odřadu pro zapojení České republiky do mezinárodní záchranné operace, 3/8
Annex 8
c) zabezpečením přepravy kynologů se psy (jiných složek IZS nebo osob poskytujících osobní a věcnou pomoc) zejména na území hlavního města Prahy služebními vozidly HM P, která jsou pro tento transport speciálně upravena a vybavena zvláštním výstražným zařízením modré barvy. 2. Jmenování zástupce HM P k účasti v odborné kynologické komisi a vytváření podmínek pro jeho efektivní práci v této komisi. 3. Implementaci interních předpisů a metodik HZS ČR, vytvořených odbornou kynologickou komisí a stanovujících kvalifikační požadavky na psovody se psy předurčenými k provádění záchranných a likvidačních prací v rámci IZS, do předpisů a směrnic HM P. 4. Spolupráci a účast při pořádání kynologických atestačních zkoušek, zejména poskytnutím examinátorů a případně i lokalit vhodných pro jejich konání. 5. Realizaci výcviku a odborné přípravy kynologů se psy HM P v souladu s požadavky uvedenými v čl. B.3. 6. V návaznosti na aktuální stav zařazení kynologů HM P do seznamu držitelů kynologických atestů, který vede M V-GŘ HZS ČR, udržování nepřetržité připravenosti alespoň 1 kynologa se psem pro provádění záchranných a likvidačních prací. 7. Předávání M V-GŘ HZS ČR aktualizovaného přehledu spojení na centrální operační středisko M ěstské policie hl. m. Prahy – Příloha č. 2. 8. Průběžnou aktualizaci přehledu vyčleněných sil a prostředků M ěstské policie hl. m. Prahy a předání M V-GŘ HZS ČR – Příloha č. 3. C. Obě smluvní strany se dále dohodly: 1. Na vzájemné spolupráci při odborné přípravě předurčených kynologů, zejména recipročním poskytováním lektorů a případných kapacit vzdělávacích zařízení a objektů smluvních stran pro potřeby odborné přípravy předurčených kynologů a organizace kynologických atestačních zkoušek. 2. Na vzájemné informovanosti a konzultacích v oblasti uzavřených závazků. 3. Na přípravě a organizaci společných cvičení mezi HZS ČR a HM P. 4. Na neprodleném písemném informování o zásadních změnách v systému kontaktních míst pro vyrozumění a vyžadování atestovaných kynologů v rámci pomoci. 5. Náhrady za poskytnutí pomoci a dále náhrady škody způsobené právnickým a fyzickým osobám, vzniklé v příčinné souvislosti s poskytnutím pomoci ze strany HM P na výzvu 4/8
Annex 8
prostřednictvím OPIS M V-GŘ HZS ČR popřípadě OPIS HZS hl. m. Prahy budou řešeny v souladu s ustanovením § 29 až § 30 zákona. Článek 3 Závěrečná ustanovení 1. Přílohy jsou neoddělitelnou součástí této dohody. Souhrnný přehled příloh: Příloha č.1 – Přehled spojení na OPIS MV-GŘ HZS ČR a OPIS HZS hl. m. Prahy Příloha č.2 – Přehled spojení na centrální operační středisko Městské policie hl. m. Prahy Příloha č.3 – Přehled vyčleněných sil a prostředků Městské policie hl. m. Prahy
počet listů 1 počet listů 1 počet listů 1
Přílohy jsou aktualizovány v písemné formě minimálně jedenkrát ročně k 31.12. daného roku, pokud není stanoveno jinak. 2. Dohoda se uzavírá na dobu neurčitou s účinností ode dne podpisu obou smluvních stran. Na věci v dohodě neuvedené platí právní předpisy České republiky. 3. Tato dohoda může být měněna na základě vzájemného souhlasu smluvních stran písemnými očíslovanými dodatky, které se stanou nedílnou součástí této dohody. 4. Platnost této dohody může být písemně ukončena kdykoliv po dohodě smluvních stran. 5. Každá smluvní strana může tuto dohodu druhé smluvní straně písemně vypovědět a to bez udání důvodů. Výpovědní doba činí šest měsíců a počíná běžet prvním dnem kalendářního měsíce následujícího po dni doručení sdělení o vypovězení dohody druhé smluvní straně. 6. Tato dohoda je vyhotovena ve čtyřech originálech, každá ze smluvních stran obdrží dva výtisky.
Česká republika
Hlavní město Praha HZS hlavního města Prahy
222 199 401-7
Sokolská 62 121 24 Praha 2
stav ke dni 9.7. 2004
974 819 820 974 819 821 974 819 822 224 232 220 224 232 255
Kloknerova 26 P.O. Box 69 148 01 Praha 414
Pracovní: +420 603 520 365 Krizový: +420 725 010 510
Pracovní: +420 724 178 016 Krizový: +420 725 000 510
Telefon mob.
224 942 616
974 819 958 224 232 321
Přehled spojení na Operační a informační středisko MV-GŘ HZS ČR a Operační a informační středisko HZS hl. m. Prahy
Příloha č. 1
Annex 8
ředitelství M ěstské policie hl.m.Prahy ředitelství M ěstské policie hl.m.Prahy základna útvaru
M ěstská policie hl.m.Prahy
Úsek celoměstských útvarů Útvar psovodů
V soudním, Praha 9 – Klánovice
Korunní 98 Praha 10
Korunní 98 Praha 10
Adresa 267313960 272742484 272740474 267002323 267002307 267002322 602465764 602465785
724031598 602324127
Krizový: 156
Telefon mob.
blaha@mppraha.cz vancata@mppraha.cz zavrelova@mppraha.cz vedouci.up@mppraha.cz zastupce.up@mppraha.cz operacni.up@mppraha.cz
Přehled spoje ní na Centrální operační středisko Městské policie hl. m. Prahy a Útvar psovodů Městské policie hl. m. Prahy
Příloha č.2
Annex 8
Annex 8
Příloha č. 3 (aktualizovaná Dodatkem č. 1) Přehled vyčleněných sil a prostředků Městské policie hl. m. Prahy A. držitelé kynologického atestu MV 1. Lenka Cvachová se psem Aeneas Black Chevers atest č. MV-03/2003 ve specializaci Sutiny s platností do 29. 11. 2005 atest č. MV-03/2003 ve specializaci Plochy s platností do 9. 6. 2007 Trvalé bydliště: Nad teplárnou 19, Praha 4, PSČ 143 00 Bechlín 79, Bechlín, PSČ 411 86 Přechodné bydliště: Mobil: 607 839 512 Telefon bydliště: 416 815 572 Telefon zam ěstnání: 602 465 764 2. David Voborník se psem Jakut Vlčí step atest č. MV-10/2004 ve specializaci Sutiny s platností do 18. 9. 2006 Trvalé bydliště: Dřínovská 4595, Chomutov 4, PSČ 430 03 Mobil: 604 171 387 Telefon bydliště: 602 465 764 Telefon zam ěstnání: 602 465 764 3. Jaroslav Filip s fenou Roxy atest č. MV-02/2005 ve specializaci Sutiny s platností do 28. 4. 2007 Trvalé bydliště: Polipsy 38, Polipsy, PSČ 285 22 Mobil: 604 371 164 Telefon zam ěstnání: 602 465 764 4. Milena Macháňová se psem Omar atest č. MV-08/2005 ve specializaci Plochy s platností do 9. 6. 2007 Trvalé bydliště: Vondruškova 1172/24, Praha 6 - Řepy, PSČ 163 00 Mobil: 603 378 187 602 465 764 Telefon zam ěstnání:
B. vozidla se zvláštní úpravou pro přepravu psů 1.
vozidlo Nissan Patrol, SPZ AK Z 05-15, (přepravní kapacita 4 osoby) + přívěs 82-ABA-22, (přepravní kapacita 4 psi)
vozidlo Citroen Jumpy, SPZ 2A4 8406, (přepravní kapacita 2 osoby, 2 psi)
Doghandler Doghandler
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Engineer
Rescuer – Fire-fighter
Technical Search Specialist
Rescuer – Fire-fighter
Technical Search Specialist
Rescuer – Fire-fighter HAZMAT Specialist
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Climber
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Climber
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Paramedic
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Paramedic
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Engineer
Rescuer – Fire-fighter
Technical Search Specialist
Rescuer – Fire-fighter
Technical Search Specialist
Rescuer – Fire-fighter HAZMAT Specialist
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Climber
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Climber
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Paramedic
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Paramedic
IT specialist
Medical doctor
Medical doctor
Liaison officer
Logistics coordinator
Liaison officer
Safety/Security officer
Liaison officer
Head of OSOCC
Liaison officer
+ Head of Staff
HZS MSK - 28 (25 segment B, 2 liaison officers, 1 IT expert)
HZS HMP – 27 (25 segment A, 2 liaison officers)
MV-GŘ HZS ČR – 13 (10 K9, 2 medical doctors, 1 team leader
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Deputy group leader
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Deputy group leader
K9 group A leader Doghandler
Group leader AII
Group leader AI
K9 group A
Logistics officer
Logistics officer -
Search and Rescue group AI Search and Rescue group AII
Squad leader A
Deputy segment leader A
(Medium USAR) Deputy team leader
Segment leader A
Team leader
68 members
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Paramedic
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Paramedic
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Climber
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Climber
Rescuer – Fire-fighter HAZMAT Specialist
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Paramedic
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Paramedic
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Climber
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Climber
Rescuer – Fire-fighter HAZMAT Specialist
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Technical Search Specialist
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Technical Search Specialist
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Technical Search Specialist
Rescuer – Fire-fighter
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Engineer
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Deputy group leader
Group leader BII
Technical Search Specialist
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Engineer
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Deputy group leader
Group leader BI
K9 group B leader Doghandler
K9 group B
Logistics officer
Logistics officer -
Version 16. 2. 2010
Search and Rescue Group BI Search and Rescue Group BII
Squad leader B
Deputy segment leader B
(Medium USAR) Deputy team leader
Segment leader B
Structure of Czech Heavy USAR team (Heavy USAR CZ)
Structure of Czech Medium USAR team 34 members
Team leader Liaison officer Deputy team leader Liaison officer
Logistic officer
Logistic officer communication
Medical doctor Squad leader
Group leader I
Group leader II
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Deputy group leader
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Deputy group leader
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Engineer
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Engineer
Rescuer – Fire-fighter HAZMAT Specialist
Rescuer – Fire-fighter HAZMAT Specialist
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Rigging specialist
Rescuer – Fire-fighter
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Rigging specialist
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Paramedic
Rescuer – Fire-fighter
Kynolog Rescuer – Fire-fighter Technical Search Specialist
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Technical Search Specialist
Light USAR
Technical Search Specialist Technical Search Specialist
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Paramedic
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Paramedic
Rescuer – Fire-fighter Paramedic
Driver (C)
Driver (C)
= 9 fire-fighters, 1 logistician, 1 squad leader, 3 doghandlers 4. 2. 2009
Annex 13
Disaster scent work certification examinations of a canine team composed of a dog handler and a search dog are organised by the General Directorate of the Fire and Rescue Service usually twice a year in a chosen area of a real rubble field. The examining board has usually three members: head (chairman), which is a delegate of the General Directorate of the Fire and Rescue Service, and other members according to a suggestion of the Rescue Dogs Commission. The examinations take two to three days during night and day. Certification exams cover: a) controllability of a search dog during deployment, b) special disciplines • searching for hidden persons, • way of assessment of an area or a building concerning presence of persons. The detailed rules and conditions are laid down by the Directive of the General Director of the Fire and Rescue Service and the Deputy Minister of Interior No. 48/2003. Special disciplines of the examinations are composed of: a) 2 practical tasks (2 sectors / 1 sector), b) victims searched for 0 - 4 (live persons) in each task, c) random position of victims (the most realistic) • surface, under rubbles, upper position, • covered, uncovered (visible only by a dog), d) terrain (simulation of a real rescue operation + noise, smoke, crowd) • collapsed or partially collapsed buildings (min. 1/3 rubbles - debris, difficult obstacles, pieces of food and animals, unreachable spaces, excrements), • 2 sectors (each max. 1,000 m2, each 40 min.), e) exam completion successful only if finding all hidden victims in a time limit. In case of failing: a) automatically included on the waiting list for one of the next examinations, b) the same dog is allowed to undergo the examinations maximally three times per its life. Canine Certificate: a) 2 years validity, b) fulfilment of • qualification standards, • certification exams (30% successful candidates), c) database of certified dog handlers and rsearch dogs is managed by the General Directorate of the Fire and Rescue Service, d) only certified dog handlers and search dogs can be deployed during interventions in the frame of the Integrated Rescue System (cca 15 - 20 dog handlers and search dogs).
Dog handler’s certificate – page 1
Dog handler’s certificate – page 1
Annex 16a
Annex 16a
Annex 16a
Annex 16a
Annex 16a
M INIS TERS TV O VN ITRA generální ředitelství Hasičského záchranného sboru České republiky Kloknerova 26, pošt. přihr. 69, 148 01 Praha 414
Určeno pro: Generali Pojišťovnu a.s. (tel.: 221 091 167, fax: 221 091 544)
Seznam Účastníků vysílaných MV-GŘ HZS ČR k záchranné (humanitární) operaci v zahraničí předložený za účelem uzavření cestovního pojištění podle „Rámcové pojistné smlouvy č. 3329000000“
Opuštění území České republiky:
Plánovaný návrat do České republiky:
Cílová země: Způsob přepravy:
P. č.
Hodnost, titul, příjmení, jméno
Číslo cest. dokladu
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
S ch v a l u j i:…………….………………………………………… (kontaktní osoba podle rámcové pojistné smlouvy)
Annex 16c
Name Thiopental à 500 mg amp Succinylcholin à 100 mg amp Tracrium à 50 mg Dormicum à 5 mg Dormicum à 15 mg Narkamon 1% Apaurin à 5 amp Hydrocortison à 100 mg Ca gluconicum à 1 amp Dithiaden à 1 amp Atropin à 0,5 mg Noradrenalin Adrenalin Humulin rapid à 5 amp Heparin à 5 amp Furosemid à 20 mg (à 1 amp) Dicynone à 1 amp Syntophyllin amp à 2 amp Novalgin amp à 5 mg (à 2 amp) Tramal à 50 mg (à 2 amp) Tramal à 5 cpsl Sufentanil à 5 ml (250 µg) Fentanyl à 2 ml Dipidolor amp Algifen à 2 amp Vulmizolin 1 g (à 1 amp) Avrazor à 500 mg (à 1 amp) Normix 1 package Ciprofloxacin à 500 mg (10 tbl) Paralen 1 package Endiaron 1 package Betadine mast 1 package Oftalmoframykoin 1 package Ophtalmoseptonex drops + inguent Ophtal 1 package Carbo adsorbens Clixane 0,4 ml sc 2x Ibalgin 400 mg 10 tbl Fastum gel 100 mg Antimalarial drug
Medium USAR
Heavy USAR
(34 persons)
(68 persons)
10 10 5 10 20 10 10 20 10 10 10 30 10 3 5 15 10 20 20 20 5 bal 30
10 20 10 10 30 20 20 30 20 20 20 50 10 5 10 30 10 30 30 50 10 bal 50
30 20 50 50 g 50 10x 10x 50x 20x 10x 10x 10x 10x 20 bal 20 bal 20 bal 20 bal
50 30 50 100 g 100 30x 20x 100x 50x 30x 10x 10x 10x 30 bal 40 bal 50 bal 40 bal
To be confirmed in particular situation
oprava, provozní kontrola)
Činnost (revize, kalibrace,
Hasičská stanice (číslo, dislokace):
Evidenční (výrobní) číslo prostředku TS:
Název prostředku TS:
kontrola baterií
Bioradar ResQtech
výr.č. 07028
Registrační značka:
Umístění na technice:
Datum pořízení:
OVC 50-85
Technický kontejner
Explanation: PRG – FRB Prague MSK – FRB M-S Region Actros – container truck Mercedes Benz Actros RS – switch-board T – diesel heater světlo – lighting EC – power generator IN/OUT – entry point ESCAPE – emergency exit from BoO strava – dining tent ubytování – sleeping tent velení – management ES56, EGO, TPSE4, TPI, TPE6000 – tent types
��‡š ͸͜
‹•– ‘ˆ ƒ…”‘�›�• BoO
Base of Operations
Critical Incident Stress Management
Czech Emergency Response Team
Czech koruna / Czech crown (Czech currency)
Electronic register of personnel and dogs
Fire and Rescue Brigade
FRB M-S Region Fire and Rescue Brigade of the Moravian-Silesian Region FRB Prague
Fire and Rescue Brigade of the Capital City of Prague
Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic
Ministry of Interior – General Directorate of the Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic
Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System
Hazardous material
International Atomic Energy Agency
International Air Transport Association
International Civil Aviation Organization
International Committee of the Red Cross
INSARAG External Classification
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
International Search and Rescue Advisory Group
Integrated Rescue System
Information Technology
Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response and Coordination Centre
Monitoring and Information Centre of the European Union
Ministry of Defence
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Interior
Non Government organisation
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Operations and Information Centre
Organisation for Protection of Chemical Weapons
On Site Operations Coordination Centre
Reception/Departure Centre
Standard Operating Procedures
United Nations
UN High Commissioner for Refugees
UN International Children's Fund
Urban Search and Rescue
World Food Program
Notes …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………