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West Portland Town Center
Transit Design and Town Center Plan
Project Summary
Project Level: Professional Work — The Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, City of Portland
Project type: Urban Design / Planning
Year: 2017 - 2020
Location: Barbur Town Center Portland, Oregon
Main Tools: Sketchup Pro, Arc GIS, Photoshop, Illustrator
Team: Mark Raggett, Lora Lillard, Cassie Ballew, Joan Frederiksen
Southwest Corridor Project is the Trimet’s extension of Max Light Rail Transits From Portland to Wilsonville. West Portland Town Center becomes a great opportunity to foresee new development in Barbur Town Center for the increasing populations in 2035. My main assignment is to design a new vision for the town center to respond to community’s feedback from several workshops. and illustrate a vision for Barbur Town Center. Main ideas in the design are focused on equities in accessibility, growth, muticultural identities, housing, and health. The end product is then new zoning code and development recommenations for Portland’s West Town Cencer.
Barbur Transit Center
Barbur Transit Center will be an important MAX stop and one of the main nodes in the West Portland Town Center. This center is planned to be redeveloped into the multicultural hub, supporting the community’s vision of a mixed-use, mixed-income project with market rate and affordable housing co-located with human services, a senior center, indoor and outdoor community gathering space for cross-cultural events, office and program space for nonprofit organizations, and affordable commercial space for Black, Indigenous, people of color (BIPOC) and immigrant-owned businesses.
Green Ring
Green Ring is one of the key elements to create a pedestrian’s loop system to cennect the North and South areas together due to the seperations caused by a freeway and difficult terrains..