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Five-Pronged Holistic Engagement Approach to Suwodaya
Guided by the leadership, and as mentioned earlier, Sarvodaya put forward a five-pronged approach to mechanize the Suwodaya initiative to address community wellbeing (Figure 02). Along with its network of development partners, donors, and community leaders Suwodaya was gradually implemented with the conscious aspiration of serving communities better in times of crisis. The five key areas were identified as follows: the first and foremost priority was establishing and modelling a COVID-ready organisation. Secondly, contributing to the national COVID19 response. Thirdly, community empowerment through COVID ready villages (resilient villages) was brought in as an impactful area of operations to curb the spread of virus at community level. Fourthly, emergency aid and relief played a pivotal role in reaching out to the most vulnerable community members and target groups of beneficiaries. Fifthly, launching programmes and initiatives to address the long-term impacts of COVID-19 on the economic and social aspects. The five-pronged approach has set a guideline for operations and at times projects and initiatives could overlap in their operations or at times be operationally independent due to the different needs and requirements reflecting the unprecedentedness of reality brought forward by the pandemic. To elaborate further, the components might on the outset reflect to be a gradual step by step approach, but pragmatically overlapping or according to the requirements be even mutual yet independent, reflecting the holistic nature of Sarvodaya's development model's pragmatism and approach.
Suwodaya Sarvodaya Response to COVID - 19
A COVID Ready Organization National Response
'Bulid a just, sustainable and compassionate socail order that fulfills the basic human needs of the community through individual and collective awakening'
Aid And Relief Distribution
Socio-economic Recovery at Community Level COVID Ready Communities
Figure 2, Suwodaya: The Five-Pronged Approach to Sarvodaya COVID-19 Response