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StayHomeStory campaign

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person nature of the programme was problematic due to COVID, hence the project had to re-align its scope and mandate to continue the “Suhuru Sara” awareness sessions utilising webinars. Fusion was able to illustrate the many opportunities and developments that deemed beneficial to high school children. They were able to promote ethical and positive use of digital tools to e-empower their beneficiaries. The project achieved the following outcomes reaching out to 1,529 students, through July 2020 consecutively till February 2021.

Key outcomes:


l Participants used technology and social media efficiently and safely.

l Awareness of furthering education despite the restrictions imposed by the pandemic.

l Participants were empowered to find means of income despite the demotivation and disregard caused by the ongoing pandemic.

l Participants became aware of government and other sources for jobs, trainings and courses for their progression and development

#StayHomeStory campaign

Sarvodaya-Fusion in collaboration with ICTA & Facebook, initiated the #StayHomeStory Campaign, to address the mundanity and frustrations brought about by the implementation of lockdowns. Fusion realised that children need to engage better digitally and that their digital experiences cannot be boring but purposeful and in return that their positive experiences could be used to communicate strong positive messages to the public. Engaging children actively to expand their digital experiences had been a key strategy in implementing this campaign.

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