The Columbia Road Gender and Mobility Initiative sits at the intersection between research, advocacy, and design. This project sought to understand the mobility limitations that stem from gender inequities and gendered experiences on the streets. The team examined how gender-disaggregated data can reveal mobility and design factors that address female, non-binary, and trans people’s needs and experiences.
Columbia Road Gender and Mobility Initiative Maria de la Luz Lobos Martinez, Ambar Johnson, Kristiana Lachiusa, Denise Roman
The team recognizes that urban planning and design decisions have been made with a (nonexistent) neutral person in mind. However, every person’s mobility experience is unique. Composed of advocates, academics, and community leaders, the team wants to create an equitable and welcoming Columbia Road. They understand that people—including all of their multiple identities— need to be at the center of the conversation and that we should all be able to move safely and comfortably throughout our neighborhoods.
Columbia Road map graphic | Columbia Road Gender and Mobility Initiative in partnership with Sasaki Research Teams | 17