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What SAS Means to Me

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Founders’ Circle

Founders’ Circle

I have attended St. Andrew’s since second grade and think of the SAS community as an extension of my family. St. Andrew’s has introduced me to a diverse range of people, including my closest friends, and has allowed me to meet teachers and coaches who have had a significant and positive impact on me.

As an incoming second grade student, I remember feeling excited to be going to a new school. Not only were my surrounding classmates extremely welcoming and encouraging of a new face, but they inspired me to become a part of the SAS school spirit. As I have gone through my years with these classmates, I strive to bring that same energy for new students as well. St. Andrew’s loves to connect people of unique upbringings and culture together.

I have spent a lot of time getting to know my teachers and faculty at the different campuses, however, those relationships have never faded. I always adore getting to see past teachers at school events, and even getting to catch up after being apart. Even my current teachers will make the effort to come and support students at school events, forming some of my favorite moments at St. Andrew’s.

The St. Andrew’s environment fosters a community that welcomes everyone, regardless of background. This community understands that it is stronger when people can act as individuals and be accepting of others for who they are. In fact, the accepting atmosphere at SAS allows me to enjoy those who share differing opinions; we may think about things differently, but we encourage each other to discuss why we think that way. People are not teaching me a lesson, but telling me how their own experiences and background inform their opinions. My experience at SAS has shown me that this is a great way to bridge differences.

My friends that attend other schools rely on cliques and fitting into narrow social groups to survive. I ask them why they remain in a corner just because they may be different? That only perpetuates division and misunderstanding. The accepting SAS community has taught me to create the group atmosphere that I covet - a positive and fun dynamic with people who are generous and kind to one another. We accept our differences by supporting one another and as a result, we are stronger together because of them.

Lily M artinez ‘24 and Loula Aycock ‘24

Lily Martinez Class of 2024

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