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A Year in the Arts at SAS
A Year in the Arts
Our St. Andrew’s artists went above and beyond this school year, showing
off their unique talents and persevering through a challenging year. From Lower School plays to visual art exhibitions at the Upper School, here’s a look at just a fraction of what our incredible students and faculty were able to accomplish during a school year like no other.

Lower Schoolers in the Spring Performance Festival.
The year wrapped up for Lower School visual arts with a beautiful installation that celebrated the points of pride throughout a challenging school year. The “SAS Proud” mural was the brain-child of art teacher Rebecca Harrell, who had all Lower School students write something they were proud of on a Post-it note whose color corresponded with that student’s grade level. She then used the colorful notes to craft a beautiful rainbow mural that celebrated so much that our students had accomplished this year. Faculty and Staff contributed what they were proud of to the black notes that made up the letters “SAS PROUD”.
In celebration of performance and the springtime, the Lower School hosted a Spring Performance Festival featuring the work of Third, Fourth and Fifth grade actors and musicians. The Amphitheater was transformed into a world in the clouds, as fifteen performances spanned the course of a week for audiences of students and families alike. Third graders performed stories from various cultural traditions in A Story Extravaganza, which included an original Gamelan-inspired musical piece created under the direction of Mrs. Bourland. Fourth graders brought the world of Roald Dahl to life in their spectacular performance of The BFG. Fifth grade Theater students celebrated the theatrical tradition of ancient Greece in their adaptation of The Odyssey by

Lower Schoolers in the Spring Performance Festival.

Lower Schoolers in the Spring Performance Festival.

Mr. Mayers's World Music Percussion group, The Hairy Potatoes.
Gregory Falls. Students dedicated the performances to all those who have worked "behind the scenes" to keep them safe and healthy during the last year. Fifth graders in World Music Percussion performed their Springtime Around the World Concert. Mr. Donald's group, the Green Pickled Goblins, and Mr. Mayers's groups, the Hairy Potatoes and the Wonky Donkeys, performed. The students in Mr. Donald’s class performed the music for the 4th grade production of The BFG, while Mr. Mayers's classes played the music for the 5th grade production of The Odyssey.
In the Middle School, Mr. Donald's Dingos and The Uncle Drews, and Mr. Mayers's group, The Savage Shreks, performed in their Springtime Around The World concert. Seventh grade World Music Percussion performed a Silent Film Concert

Mr. Mayers's World Music Percussion group, The Wonky Donkeys.
where they composed, rehearsed and performed an original soundtrack to the movies Sherlock Jr. & The Lost World. Eighth grade Advanced Percussion Ensemble performed along with the Middle School Band in their end of year Spring Concert. In addition to performing as the percussion section with the band, they also performed their own percussion ensemble piece titled "Drum Jam." St. Andrew’s had 3 Middle School students earn a spot in the Region Band. Major Jaimes '25 on euphonium and Alex Stumpf '25 and

Wyatt Torres '25 on clarinet. Several Middle School students performed at the Texas Private School Music Educators Association Solo and Ensemble Festival, with many students earning Superior ratings of 1st division. Arun Somaney ‘27 on flute, Nina Urban ‘27 on clarinet (1st division), Daniel Antonini ‘27 on trumpet (1st div), James Dalton ‘26 on trumpet (1st div), Enzo Hsu ‘26 and Xander Jenkyn ‘26 on trumpet duet (1st div). Congratulations to these outstanding musicians!
Our Upper School artists truly flourished throughout an unusual year, churning out theater performances, musical arrangements, visual art exhibitions, and so much more, all in new and unique ways. In visual arts, students worked both in person and at home to create innovative process-driven sculptural work and sketchbook entries. Two major projects of the year were shields created to enhance the fall theater performances as well as 12 foot tall Kierans made from stacked papiermache which stand outside the art room as a reminder that “we have passed this way.” The work of visual arts culminated with a gallery exhibition on April 21 where our talented artists were able to showcase their work from the year. The exhibit showed pieces from a variety of mediums, with all kinds of imagery being explored.
In filmmaking, thirteen selected film students were awarded grants to attend the Young Filmmakers Program at the Austin Film Festival. Nicholas DeBalko’s '21 film “Quarantine Knight” was screened at the festival as part of the Young Filmmakers Film Program -- hundreds of films were submitted and Nicholas’s was one of ten to be selected for competition. Avery Wayne '22 organized and hosted a virtual film screening at St. Andrew’s as part of the ConnectHER’s International Day of the Girl Film Event. After the event, Avery coordinated and facilitated the film discussion with audience members.
In music, our Concert Band, Concert Choir, Jazz Band, Orchestra, Rock Band, and Select Choir, along with

Major Jaimes, Alex Stumpf, and Wyatt Torres, who all earned spots in the Region Band.

Raquel Garcia '21 with one of her pieces.
students from our Master Keys Piano Club, all performed in their annual Winter and Spring Concerts. Some students were home learners and some were learning in person, but each artist worked closely with a professional videographer to bring music to our community. Rock Band and Jazz Band collaborated at the end of the

Visual art by Upper School students.

school year with an effort known as Project Alchemy, where members of both bands combined to form two totally new bands. Band members were able to try out new instruments and push their creativity, while also recording and performing songs with their new bands.
Like most things at school, theater had to completely shift gears when we returned back to in-person learning, but our performers took the changes in stride. The Senior Directing class produced four productions -- Eugenia de la Garza Montfort '21 with The Lyons, Guy Crickmer with Lady Windemere’s Fan, Shelby Pomeleo-Fowler '21 with a radio production of Prometheus, The Godfather, and Christian Brown '21 with Six Women Wearing The Same Dress. Acting 1-2 class performed What I Did Last Summer outdoors in the sculpture garden. Students were happy to take on the challenge of theater during a pandemic, and executed their productions with all kinds of creative safety measures in place. St. Andrew's special, and a pandemic couldn’t stop our dedicated team of fine arts faculty and students from creating art. From theater to music to visual arts, we couldn’t be prouder of everything they have accomplished throughout this year.

Rommel Eclarinal assists film students Nicholas DeBalko and Annie Li.