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Remembering Our Friend and Teacher, Lauren Dill
Remembering Our Friend Lauren Dill
April 6, 1986 - November 10, 2021

“Let’s make our memorials the act of bringing her light, her kindness, her love into the world at every moment, at every place we can. Let's never miss an opportunity to love one another, to stand up to injustice, to show compassion. And while we're at it, let's take up Lauren’s cause of supporting young women, believing their life experiences, and working for equity for all. Every person here carries a piece of Lauren with them. Let’s honor Lauren by keeping her spirit in this world and keeping her kindness, compassion, and love as prevalent as we can.”
— Jennie Luongo, Upper School Latin Teacher, December 11, 2021
St. Andrew’s alum, teacher, advisor, and coach Lauren Alyssa
Dill ‘04, age 35, of Austin, Texas passed away on Wednesday, November 10, 2021 surrounded by her family and loved ones. Lauren is survived by her husband, Joey Miller; her parents, Lawrence and Peggy Dill; and her four younger siblings Caroline, Chris, Taylor, and Ashley Dill; and numerous other relatives, godparents, and friends. A beloved wife, teacher, sister, and daughter, she will be missed by many.
Lauren was born April 6, 1986 in Tifton, Georgia. She attended St. Andrew’s Episcopal School in Austin from elementary through high school and returned there as a Latin teacher in 2008.
Lauren is an alumna of Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee where she studied Greek and Roman Studies/ Classics and where she met her husband, Joey. She was an active member of the Rhodes community, participating in the Rhodes Singers and the Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority. She graduated summa cum laude and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa.
In her 13 year career as a teacher, Lauren touched the lives of many. She taught Latin and history at St. Andrew’s Episcopal School. She was also a freshman advisor and dedicated her spare time to assisting with extracurricular activities including softball, the school musicals, and choir programs. Incredibly capable, Lauren saw every challenge as an opportunity and encouraged others to overcome their own challenges. Her deep passion for learning, ability to connect with her students, and respect for every person she came into contact with made her a remarkable educator and colleague. She will be remembered as a committed, compassionate teacher and mentor who cared deeply about the growth and wellbeing of her students.

From a young age, Lauren became involved and served in the National Junior Classical League (NJCL), a youth organization that encourages the study of the ancient world. Lauren won many accolades and continued her involvement post-high school by chaperoning events and encouraging others in their studies. Most recently, she was a member of the NJCL Certamen staff and held the State Chair position for Texas for the past five years. In the summer of 2021, she was recognized with the Silver Bowl Award at the NJCL Convention in recognition of her long-time dedication to the organization.
Lauren Dill Memorial Scholarship Fund
At the request of Lauren's parents, Larry and Peggy, who provided a generous seed donation, Head of School Melissa Grubb announced the establishment of the Lauren Dill Memorial Scholarship Fund on St. Andrew’s Day. The fund will support students in perpetuity and ensure that her legacy lives on at St. Andrew’s. Lauren cared so deeply for the students of our school, and her impact on St. Andrew’s and its people cannot be overstated. She is so loved, admired, and missed.
To make a gift to the Lauren Dill Memorial Scholarship, visit www.sasaustin.org/giving, hover over Other Ways To Give, hover over Memorial or Honorary, then click “Lauren Dill Memorial Scholarship Fund”. Checks can be made to St. Andrew’s Episcopal School for the Lauren Dill Memorial Scholarship Fund and mailed to: Catherine Ervin, Advancement Office / St. Andrew’s, 1112 W 31st St., Austin, TX 78705.
A woman of many strengths, talents, and passions, she especially loved music, languages, and travel. She was known for her beautiful singing voice, sang in a community choir, and attended various concerts and music festivals. She enjoyed international travel throughout her life. After studying in Italy in high school and college, she introduced countless students to Italy through the trips that she led. She was a fun-loving and spirited young woman who frequented local Austin events. Above all, her favorite activity was spending time with her husband, family, and friends.
Lauren was a bright, dedicated individual who cared deeply for those around her. She was passionate about social justice and was a caring mentor and older sister. Lauren, always genuine and authentic, was a special person who created space without judgement for other people to be comfortable showing their true selves. Her generosity will continue as an organ donor and her legacy will be honored by the scholarship fund established in her name at St. Andrew’s Episcopal School.