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A Special Place | The Johl Family
a special place
What would this year have been like without St. Andrew’s?
We all know the importance that school plays in any family’s lives during an ordinary school year, but this year was far from ordinary. Each day of the 2020-21 school year made it increasingly clear how lucky we were and are to have St. Andrew’s be a part of our everyday life. While much of the world felt uncertain, our family took comfort in the incredible environment that St. Andrew’s fostered, allowing our children to learn, socialize, and develop. As parents, I’m sure we all felt the frustration of having social interactions be more limited for our kids, and St. Andrew’s played a vital role in creating a more “normal” experience. Even among the many great schools in Austin, St. Andrew’s stands out as a special place for the education it provides and so much more. The school’s focus on community and social and emotional learning fosters an incredible atmosphere and environment for our kids to be a part of. This is exemplified and modeled by everyone at SAS, showing that they truly “walk the talk” and demonstrate for our children all that is possible when a strong community like ours comes together. How much harder would this year have been without that consistent educational and social support for our kids? The efforts and sacrifices that so many made to provide our children with an experience that so closely resembled the preCOVID days were incredible. We thank everyone involved from the administration, the teachers, nurses, maintenance team, and staff whose efforts allowed our kids to have as normal of an experience as possible. We are forever grateful and want to let you know how lucky we feel to have you. We are all asked to give to so many worthwhile causes throughout the year. Especially now in this time of extra need, our contributions are truly needed. We are proud to make St. Andrew’s a priority in our volunteer efforts and charitable giving because it has been the backbone of our children’s academic, social and emotional development. Thank you to all the parents and donors whose involvement in St. Andrew’s make it such a special place for our children.
The Johls Brad, Cary '98, Avery '27, Payton '28, & Parker '31
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School
1112 West 31st Street Austin, Texas 78705
Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Austin, Texas Permit No. 643
Holy Spirit, Lord of love, come to our school today. Work with us and play with us and hear us when we pray. Show us how to follow Christ, in all we think and say and do. For he was once a child like us, and all our cares and joys he knew. Amen.