1 minute read
SWING The new mid‐B Serac RS (top right) has 42 cells, an aspect ratio of 5.3 and is really light, weighing only 3‐4 kg in five sizes. Fi‐nally, Swing have got seriously back into the niche hike and fly market. The line sheaths are in aramid Pro‐Dry and col‐oured throughout their full length, as in the high‐B Nyos 2 RS. This weighs 1.1 – 1.3 kg more per size, with 61 cells and an aspect ratio of 5.8.
But the real news is the two‐line EN‐D Sphera RS (right), which is the first in this category to be equipped with RAST. 75 cells and an aspect ratio of 6.9 for this wing that Swing have launched as a model for ‘experienced pilots making their debut in the EN D category.’
The RAST system (below right), which we have already covered very thoroughly can be found across the whole range. Below, one of our articles about RAST, with all the explanations…
Photo: Swing
Photo: Swing
Photo: Sascha Burkhardt