1 minute read
THE BATTLE OF THE SUBMARINES We have already seen the famous Ozone submarine, now on sale in three sizes. The airship (weighing more than 8kg in all three sizes) wraps the pilot in an aerodynamic fairing, which inflates shortly after takeoff through an opening in the nose at the pilot’s feet. There is room for two reserves and a Neo Koroyd protector; this is ob‐viously a new collaboration.
Below, the Ukrainians from Nearbird have also released a prototype of this type of harness.
At the moment we don’t have many tech‐nical details, except for the name, which is in keeping with the times: the “ATACMS”. This is also the name of a tactical surface‐to‐surface ballistic missile that the Ukrai‐nians are awaiting impatiently...
Photo: Ozone
Photo: Nearbirds