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the eye

Obama out polls rival to win presidency “It’s been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this day, in this election, at this defining moment, change has come to America.”

Nov. 21, 2008 / Vol. 28 No. 2

Singapore American High School

Obama’s election stirs optimism among students

Stories by See Young Lee and Nick Lesiuk

ONE STUDENT, ONE VOTE. Students vote in the election booth held in the teachers’ dining room. The mock election, held over 4-5 November, yielded a total of 848 votes. Photo by Jessica Nguyen-Phuong

Barack Obama’s election to the U.S. presidency marks an historic moment in progress toward Constitution’s promise of equality

“It’s been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this day, in this election, at this defining moment, change has come to America,” Obama said in his victory speech. For students at SAS, Obama’s landslide victory against John McCain produced varying but overall optimistic reactions. “I was incredibly happy because I never really expected Obama to win by such a high margin,” senior Martis Buccholz said. “I am really looking forward to the eight years that lay ahead.” Just as Senator McCain graciously conceded to Obama’s victory, SAS Republicans seemed casual about the turnout. “I think it’s all right,” Young Republicans officer Amit Parekh said. “Senator Obama is a good guy, and besides, chances are there will be a new president by the time this kind of thing really affects me.” Parekh said he could not support Obama’s plan to raise taxes, but others voiced support for Obama’s proposed policies. Senior Spencer Anderson said that he supported Obama’s balanced vision and humble foreign policy. He said that unlike Bush who mismanaged America by spending trillions on

MICA (P) 211/10/2008

national security, Obama will help America recover by privatizing national security. Anderson added that McCain’s plan to cut taxes will generate more debt for the country, to the point where America has to lend more money from China. Buccholz said that now that the Democrats have a majority in the House, the clash between the Democrats and the Republicans will be shattered and so the government can deal more with problems like the mortgage crisis. The influence of Obama’s election is not merely contained within the Americans however. Even non-American students seem to have positive outlook for Obama’s presidency. “Since I am not an American citizen, I don’t really know or care about Obama’s position on domestic issues,” senior Judy Kim said. “But he gives me hope that there will be change, and simple hope is what this divided world needs right now.” lesiuk.eye@gmail.com

MOCK ELECTION MIRRORS VOTE OF YOUNGEST U. S. DEMOGRAPHIC SAS’s mock election directed by AP Government teacher Erik Torjesen mirrored the real deal, and the youth may have been the key to Barack Obama’s win. The percentages at SAS gave an even greater win to the Democratic Party. According to a New York Times exit poll, 66 percent of voters in the 18-29 age bracket voted for Obama. At SAS, a staggering 74 percent chose the Democrat as their candidate. Obama’s relative youth, positive message and call for change seemed

to resonate with young voters both in America and here;. This is not to say that McCain is without supporters. Although only 21 percent of students voted for McCain, many of his supporters seemed staunch in their belief in their candidate’s superiority. Some cited a dislike of Obama’s tax plans, and support for McCain’s plan in Iraq. Despite being stereotyped as the most apathetic, uninformed and fickle of the voting demographics, when asked, the youth proved informed about their candidates. Senior Sajan Shah felt strong in his conviction that Obama was the right candidate, and his family was personally invested in Obama’s campaign. “My family has had a big influence on my decision, and I actually have a cousin working on his campaign,” Shah said. “I think not only are his policies more effective for America, but he just presents himself in a way that people can look up to and rely on.” Shah wasn’t the only one to acknowledge that familial ties affected his vote. Sophomore Ryan Tredinnick said that his family’s influence came into consideration when voting. “I don’t like Obama’s policies on taxes, and how he is going to tax the higher income families,” Tredinnick said. Five percent of students felt that neither Obama nor McCain were the right candidates, and they voted for independent parties mirroring the results from the U.S election. Senior Chris Merendoni said that neither of the candidates felt right for him, and this led him to vote for Ron Paul. “I voted for Ron Paul because, although I don’t agree with a few of

his political stances, I do agree with social issues played a large role in the majority of them,” Merendoni said. their deciding who to vote for, and this “He never believed in waging war in might explain why Obama won by Iraq and adheres to a policy of non- such a large margin since Democrats intervention. He is a constitutionalist are traditionally seen as the liberal and believes in states rights in making party. decisions that aren’t directly answered “Gay people pay taxes to the by the constitution.” government, too, so they should The Democratic senators seemed have the same rights,” senior Tina to coast to wins on Obama’s coattails. Ardon said. “Equality is a right, not a Many students said that they were privilege.” u ninformed Ardon agreed about the with 66 percent senatorial of students candidates’ who voted to issues so they decriminalize just voted the possession of along party small amounts lines, or in of marijuana in some cases Massachusetts. not at all. “Marijuana “I didn’t possession vote for the should have a senators lesser punishment Judy Kim, senior because I and the federal had no clue government who they should focus on were, and I bigger issues, didn’t want to give false results for like the harder drugs and big dealers. the polls,” Shah said. “But if I were Definitely the candidate’s stance on to vote blindly I would have voted all these issues affected my vote the Democrat.” most.” Others felt that they could gauge While some students voted party policies well enough to vote because they wanted their opinions regardless of whether they knew the represented, others saw a way to get candidates or not. out of class, and a few more voted out “I voted Republican for all of of respect for the hard work that social the senators; I don’t believe in the studies teachers put into the project. Democrats’ policies,” Tredinnick “I think Mr. Torjesen and the AP said. Government kids put a lot of effort When it came to the ballot into doing it,” Merdoni said. “I mean initiatives the majority of students I’m pretty sure everyone knew that voted for the more liberal stance majority of the school was for Obama, on issues concerning abortion, but it was pretty cool finding out the gay marriage and reformation of exact percentages too.” marijuana laws. Some students said lesiuk.eye@gmail.com that the candidates’ stances on these

He gives me hope that there will be change, and simple hope is what this divided world needs right now.


Nov. 21, 2008



the Eye

Peace Initiative moves beyond Peace Concert for funds Sponsors take maternity leave in next few weeks as members contemplate new initiatives

By Aashna Chopra With both Peace Initiative sponsors pregnant and set for delivery around the same period, new cosponsor Will Norris enters a second semester fertile with possibility as club members brainstorm new directions. With Dr. Roopa Dewan’s departure, the pressure has increased on the two remaining sponsors, Anne-Marie Russell and Amy ZuberMeehan, to fill her shoes. “Dr. Dewan was an amazing, special advocate for human rights and she had 17 years of experience in Peace Initiative. We hope to continue that legacy,” Zuber-Meehan said. Junior Kathryn Tinker, Peace Initiative’s charity head, said that so far, members have been busy. “We’ve been pretty successful at continuing the legacy of Peace Initiative that Dr. Dewan left us. We’ve done Chalk 4 Peace, and we’ve been having Speakers Corners as part of the “lead up” to the U.S. presidential election,” Tinker said. The majority of the student body is aware of Peace Initiative because of the man charity campaigns it carries out each year. This year, Peace Initiative handed over crises fundraising campaigns to Service Council. Tinker said that because of this, “a great deal has been taken away.” “It is challenging because we feel like one of the pillars of Peace Initiative has gone, and with [Dr. Dewan’s] departure goes the knowledge and history of Peace Initiative,” Tinker said when she

that were willing to spend asked about the new $8-10,000 on renting challenges that members equipment and setting up are facing this year. the stage. Unfortunately, Tinker said that Peace the fancy stage and lighting Initiative may have other wasn’t enough to prevent obstacles blocking its way. the waning interest among “Unlike last year, all the student body. the officers are juniors “ A few years ago, Peace except the vice president. Concert t-shirts were a sellThis means that we have out. Now, with so many inexperienced officers that other clubs doing t-shirts are trying to take over a and so many other events club that has had its main going on, there are always foundation disappear.” t-shirts left over. T-shirt Tinker added. prices haven’t been raised Peace Initiative’s so that isn’t the issue,” Dr. President, Aarti Sreenivas, Dewan said. feels confident that Peace The new fundraiser Initiative will still remain will probably be smallstrong. Since Zuberscale compared to Peace Meehan and Russell have Concert. This may be one been sponsors along with of the reasons why Peace Dewan in the past, members Initiative is now forming say that the club is in safe an alliance with Global hands. Their best sides. Peace Initiative sponsors Anne-Marie Giving. “They are excellent Russell and Amy Zuber-Meehan and will be busy with infants second semester leaving new co-sponsor Will Norris at the “We’re going to be sponsors,” Sreenivas said. helm. Photo by Kenny Evans concentrating more on With Peace Concert material donations, rather cancelled for this year, “ It takes the field out for a day another challenge that members and faculty has to be involved in than financial donations,” Zuberhave to face is coming up with a chaperoning it,” Russell said. “It Meehan said. Peace Initiative will now be fundraiser that can generate the same costs a great deal of money to run. profits that benefit concert generated For 150 students, we need to think channeling its efforts into new fundraisers. Sreenivas feels that in its earlier days. of something else.” “This is what we’re asking our Some students said that Peace this change is necessary. “When Peace Concert started, officers to get creative about. We’re Concert wasn’t their scene. asking for creative, original ideas “I went during my freshmen musical shows were not as common that will appeal to the SAS student year,” a male senior said. “ It was in Singapore, so it worked,” body,” Zuber-Meehan said. full of head-banging Emos. I didn’t Sreenivas said. “That has changed now, so we need to keep up with the Peace Concert involved a huge feel like I fit in with that crowd.” effort on the part of custodians Last year, Peace Concert was times.” With fewer and fewer SAS and faculty involved. Last year’s sponsored by corporations like attendance was the lowest ever. Citibank and the Lippo Group, students interested in the event, club

Channel News Asia airs student, teacher views in election-day coverage Chemistry teacher Michael Cox (above), seniors Alex Casella, Sidharth Shanker and Spencer Anderson (below) stand by for interviews with Channel News Asia (CNA) anchor Steven Chia. CNA taped interviews with them and with social studies teacher James Baker and math teacher Dr. James Kett for playback during their day long coverage. Chia asked students and teachers about their support for candidates and their stands on issues.

members are keen to find something that will engage the student body. “We are not going to reduce our efforts in any way,” Sreenivas said. “We’re just diverting it.” One of the aims’ of Peace Initiative is to aid groups that promote education for children. “Peace Initiative and Global Giving are now connecting,” Russell said. “We can combine our resources and donate items, such as books, that can be sent to some of our children’s educational charities.” With the second semester drawing nearer, members are feeling the pinch. “I don’t know what is going to happen to the club,” a female junior said. “With none of the sponsors here, it will be very hard for us to pick up the pieces and get things done.” Co-sponsors Zuber-Meehan and Russell say that their pregnancies will reduce the time they can spend with Peace Initiative. With their delivery dates approaching, club members are readying themselves for the challenges ahead. Russell is due sometime in early February, while Zuber-Meehan is due anytime within the next ten days. “I love Peace Initiative,” ZuberMeehan said. “I’d like to put my heart into it, but this year my mind has to be on my baby.” With the two veteran sponsors gone during the next semester, Norris will have his hands full. chopra.eye@gmail.com

The Eye takes top awards in three newspaper evaluations

All of the judges saw room By Caroline Hui suggesting The Eye won top awards last for improvement year in three annual newspaper morestudent and teachers profiles, One competitions including an All more academic coverage. suggested The American “Your editorial pages and Eye encourage Newspaper more “short” award from special features were among letters from N a t i o n a l the best I’ve viewed.” readers to Scholastic Press p r o v i d e Association. The All American Newspaper award a broader judge awarded The Eye marks of distinctions in all sampling of student opinion. Another criticized the limited coverage of five evaluation categories. “There’s a tremendous amount to events and life in Singapore. Editors-in-chief for the 2007-08 like about The Eye. It’s an extremely well written and edited paper with issues were Megan Anderson, senior superior photography, design and editor, and co-chiefs Amanda Tsao graphics,” the judge wrote. “Your and Ravi Shanmugam. editorial pages and special features hui.eye@gmail.com were among the best I’ve viewed in a high school paper.” This is The Eye’s third All American in nine years. In our first issue, a page Columbia Scholastic Press three story identified Alex Association gave The Eye its Hoffer as president of Student seventh Gold Award. CSPA praised Democrats. Senior Spencer the paper’s news coverage and Anderson is actually the YD photography, giving it 94 out of 100 president. points and a perfect 50 out of 50, respectively. In total, CSPA gave the newspaper a 926 out of 1,000 A page four caption points. identified Kelly Schuster Quill and Scroll, the international as a junior. Kelly is but a honor society for high school sophomore, though with the journalists gave The Eye its tenth presence of a junior. International First Place award.



the Eye

Sooner now better:

By Hee Soo Chung One of the scariest moments for seniors is when they submit their college applications. No other icon is as feared as the button that sends the college applications that they finished with sweat and tears. Once clicked, there is no going back. Added to the usual stress that runs among students, parents, teachers and counselors during the college application period, competition is especially intense this year with an increase of number of applicants. According to an article by Karen Arenson in the New York Times, demographics, aggressive recruiting and the ease of online applications are some of the reasons behind the increase in applications. At SAS, there has been an increase in numbers of seniors applying early to colleges. About 40 percent of seniors applied for a Nov. 1 deadline last year. This year, around 63 percent of seniors are applying early. The Nov. 1 deadline includes early decision, restrictive early action, regular early action, and priority/early response.

Nov. 21, 2008

This year, more seniors apply early to colleges than ever before as competition for places heats up

Early decision applications are binding, meaning that the applicants must withdraw applications to all other universities if accepted. Students applying early decision to universities must be absolutely certain of their desire to go there. High school counselor Frieda Dietrich said that applying early decision to a college is like “making a commitment to get married.” Restrictive early action applications are non-binding, meaning that applicants are not required to go to the school if accepted. However, applicants cannot apply early to any other universities. Stanford University and Yale University are examples of universities that follow this procedure. Regular early action applications are also non-binding, and the applicants have the freedom to apply early to other colleges. Students are not required to go to the school after acceptance. Priority or early response applications are neither binding nor non-binding, but simply give applicants an early response. For

early response to University of Michigan. “I decided to apply early because I think it’s a plus for Northwestern, and I wanted to get it over with,” Xu said. “I won’t have to worry as much in the second semester.” Although Northwestern is her first choice, Xu said she would still be happy Nineteen seniors applied early to the University if she “ends up of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (left) while 10 somewhere else.” have sent in their application to Northeastern But, for some, University (above) before the Nov. 1st deadline their early decision schools are their schools such as University absolute dream schools. of Illinois, completing the application “I’m applying early decision during the priority-filling period to Tisch School of the Arts in New gives applicants an advantage. For York University because it fits me universities such as University of perfectly,” Malavika Singh said. Michigan, there is no advantage for “I do have a backup plan of other applying during the early response schools but I won’t be happy going time. Princeton and Harvard do not there.” offer early decision or early action; Kyle Smith applied early decision they offer priority admission instead. to Brown University. He said that Most decisions for early programs editing his essay was the most are announced by mid-December. stressful part of his application. Rolling decision is an option to “I showed my essay to five consider when applying to colleges. people,” Smith said. “Whenever Applications are reviewed as they I felt like my essay was ready for are received and decisions are sent submission and showed it to teachers within a few weeks. The earlier and counselors, they found mistakes. students apply, the more likely there It was very frustrating. If I keep will be a favorable response having people change my essay, it’s High school counselor Dale Ford not my essay anymore.” said that part of the reason behind Pallavi Karunakaran applied the increased numbers of students early action to the Massachussetts applying early is that more schools Institute of Technology (MIT), but offer early application programs. she does not want to get her hopes Ford said that there has been a up too high. significant increase in the number “I want to study bio-medical of state universities that offer early engineering and MIT is in the application programs. top three of biomedical Vera Xu applied early decision engineering,” Karunakaran to Northwestern University, priority to University of Chicago and said. “I’m kind of expecting

Techno-envy blamed

Nowhere safe as iPods disappearing from bags, caf in increasing numbers By Lillianne Cadieux-Shaw For months senior Raehanna Reed begged her parents to get her an iPod. Finally, they went one better; as a reward for good grades, they got her an iPod Touch, the latest technological advance from Apple. Two days later, Reed left it on a table in the art room to paint an art piece in the hallway with a friend. When she returned, her new iPod Touch was gone, along with the iPod Touch of the friend she had left the room with. “The amount of wealth students at this school have should prevent things like this. I can’t afford to buy iPods and phones whenever I want. This was a luxury for me,” Reed said. One of the reasons Reed, a guitar player, wanted the iPod was to help her as a musician; the iPod Touch has a larger library of music with better organization, which is perfect for rearranging her self-recorded songs.


Reed’s story illustrates a growing trend amongst students in this age group. This year alone, seven iPods have been turned in, but twelve iPods have been filed as missing. These can be compared to last year’s statistics, where twenty-nine iPods were turned in, but thirty-five remain missing to this day. Many SAS students imagine that their belongings are safe. In a school where the students come from mostly affluent homes, it is hard to contrive a reason for stealing when many students have the means to buy what they want. In some cases, the stolen iPods are resold for a profit on the streets. However, usually the iPods are stolen out of ‘techno-envy,’ a term coined by Henry Jenkins, the Media Studies director in MIT. “The kids who are locked out of participation in the culture covet those tools and devices that are considered essential to being a young person,” Jenkins explains. Whatever the reason, as

iSteal: Nineteen iPods in total have been reported stolen, bringing the total number of missing iPods to 35 Photo by Melissa Huston

portable electronic devices become more prevalent, precautions need to be taken. iPods should be kept in pockets, not bags. They should not be left unattended. For Reed, even the safety of the art room wasn’t enough. Some warnings come too little, too late. cadieuxshaw.eye@gmail.com


that I won’t get in, so I don’t think I’ll be that disappointed if I don’t get in.” Among numerous seniors applying early to colleges, some who are not applying early feel insecure. “I don’t have one school that I favor over the other so I don’t want to be binded to a school that I’m not sure about.” senior Ernest Tien said. “I do feel a bit at a disadvantage because colleges would think I’m not very interested if I’m not doing early application.” As if the stress posed by admission offices, counselors and teachers is not enough, students face additional pressure from parents. “I was pressured by my parents to select some that I don’t really want to go to,” Neha Sethi, senior, said. “In their eyes, some colleges seem good for me, but in my eyes, they’re not as good as they see it.” Sethi said that she compromised with her parents; she is applying to four colleges of their choices and six colleges of her choice. Julie Kim said that she is applying early action to a university that is not her top choice because her father wanted her to apply there. “Even if I get in, I don’t think I will go there because it’s too intense there,” Kim said. “My dad wants me to apply to famous schools.” High school counselor Frieda Dietrich said she sometimes talks to parents who disagree with their sons and daughters regarding their choices. “Some parents say, ‘My father is a lawyer, I’m a lawyer, and my son will be a lawyer.’ Or they want their children to go to the colleges they went to,” Dietrich said. “When that happens, I always try to persuade them that it’s their children and not them who are going to college.” chung.eye@gmail.com

By Steffi Lee “You know how everyone has something they always wear? This is like mine,” Isaac Virshup said. He is holding his brown top hat. Virsup, a sophomore, is not allowed to wear his top hat during school hours. “Teachers like Mr. Norman tell me, ‘I wish I didn’t see that, but you have to take that off,” Virshup said. Virshup’s hat draws a lot of attention, with most people commenting, “Awesome hat!” and the occasional student who asks to try it on. Virshup bought the hat in San Francisco over Sophomore Isaac Virshup, seen wearing his hat in the the summer, though it is bus corridor after school. He is not allowed to wear far from his Utah home. his tophat during the 8:00-3:00 school hours. Virshup currently works Photo by Kenneth Evans backstage for Seussical the Musical and aspires The EYE Profile to work in the arts industry when he’s older. He fiddles with the rim of his top hat an adds, “I like it because it’s unique, and this necklace on the rim was given to me by a friend, Isaac Ong, so it’s meaningful too.”

The cool CAT in the HAT


Nov. 21, 2008


opinion & editorial

the Eye

Early decision or early desperation? I

n an increasingly competitive which they can visualize themselves and desperate undergraduate and needless to say, the one (or the admissions contest, it is clear that few in the case of non-restrictive a huge number of us have become Early Action) they can call home. excessively risk-averse. This year, But how many of us early people 19 students applied to the University can truly say that? From what I can of Illinois at Urbanasee, many of us simply Champaign’s priority applied early for the application program, sake of applying early; seven to Brown’s early to relieve ourselves of decision program, five senior year stress and to the University of hope to secure a spot Pennsylvania, nine to at a major university. Stanford, six to Cornell, What remains to be said, 16 to Northeastern and however, is that many of 20 to the University of us have failed to see the Michigan. More than limitations of doing so. Akhilesh Pant in any past years, Early For those accepted Decision and Early early, particularly by Action programs are being used as Early Decision programs, the safety nets rather than displays of opportunity to attend up to nine passion because so many students other schools is immediately taken just don’t want to take the risk. away and 58 seniors chose to give The intended purpose of “early” that up. Another 106 seniors chose programs is to allow students who the non-binding Early Action know their explicit preferences to programs. When totaled, 63 percent apply in advance to a school that of the senior class at SAS applied by they are ardent and passionate the Nov. 1 deadline compared to last about. The school should be one at year’s 40 percent.

As one of those 58 Early Decision applicants, I too have some regrets. Though I absolutely adore the school that I committed to, what if the situation changes? What if, after discovering a better program or having second thoughts about the campus, I change my mind? Though I don’t know the university’s decision yet, what I do know is that I now live under a binding agreement. At this point, there is no turning back and when akhilesh.theeye@gmail.com choosing to apply early, students need to realize that. So to juniors, sophomores and freshmen: think long and hard before making the decision to commit to a single institution. There are literally thousands out there. Don’t simply consider a name, a location or “what you’ve heard,” as tempting as it may be. Yes, applying early might increase your chances slightly (though admissions officers constantly deny it), but four years is far too many to gamble with.

Land of hope once more

Commissioner Tomlinson takes exception with staff editorial on homecoming

At precisely 11:01 a.m. EST last Tuesday, the United States welcomed a symbol of an increasingly multicultural America: a half Kenyan born in Hawaii, who spent two years of his childhood in Indonesia. The election of Barack Hussein Obama signaled American’s embrace of the diversity of its citizens. We have been told we are in the midst of history in the making, but perhaps the nature of this epic transition is hard for our generation to appreciate. Unlike Ann Nixon Cooper, the 106-year-old barred from voting because of her race, we have no experience of segregation. Most of us have been inculcated with the ideal of racial equality, but we are not so naive to think that we live in an environment devoid of prejudice. Still, how can we really appreciate the magnitude of the decision America made last week? Are we, who have been told that we can aspire to be anything regardless of our skin color, we who have had none of our dreams deferred, supposed to be shocked that we have seen a black president in our lifetime? Are we supposed to be astounded that what we have been told is possible our entire lives has finally come true? We cannot fully understand or empathize with people who are moved to tears by the changes that Obama’s election brings. Our parents’ and previous generations, however, possess the cultural background to truly understand the impact that segregation and racism has had on America. We have read about the Civil Rights Movement and the events that it encompasses in our history textbooks, but we have not experienced them firsthand. American children will not know a world in which blacks and other minorities were prevented from achieving their goals because of prejudice. The world they grow up in will have a black president, proof that they are living in a land of opportunity. While we can’t fully appreciate this American transformation, we can begin to appreciate the very idea that our generation is the first to finally affirm that “all men are created equal” in the blessed land of liberty. You may ask then, “Has Obama’s election ended racism?” Not by any means. But what is significant about Nov. 4, is that for the first time, in the midst of the deepest recession since World War II and trapped in the quagmires of Iraq and Afghanistan, we have entrusted our nation to a black man. As Obama said that Tuesday night in Chicago, “Our stories are singular, but our destinies are shared.” This rings true especially to us expats living overseas who find our stories especially different from those of our contempora in America. Obama’s election has a profound impact on all of us, not just those in America, and we can only hope that his upcoming presidency heralds changes to come. - The Eye Editorial Board

Senior Council prez stands shoulder pads to shoulder pads with comish on homecoming

I wanted to respond to your conjecture that “we should consider playing a sport To call our SAS Homecoming a ‘carbon understood by the entire community” during copy’ of the traditional American high a Homecoming event. I respectfully offer school experience is not only inaccurate, three reasons why I believe football is the but it also demonstrates the author’s lack BEST choice for this event. of understanding of what transpired at our First, American football is played in school during the week versus what is only three international schools in the world offered at most schools in America. The - American School in Japan, American author focused his criticism on the choice of School of Brussels, and SAS. Our school’s football as the marquee game. The fact is mission statement clearly states that we are that the SAS community can come together “committed to providing each student an and have a good time whether enjoying exemplary American educational experience Bollywood dancing or American football. We with an international perspective.” I submit are a trans-cultural school, and homecoming that participating in a Friday night lights gives us a chance to show off this attribute. Homecoming football event is a uniquely This year, it happened that the football American event. No student at Taipei, season coincided with the only available Jakarta, Manila, Bangkok, or Kuala Lumpur date to hold homecoming. The passion of will ever get the opportunity to watch a live the fans, the dedication of the athletes, and American football game, much less play in the flexibility of the venue made the event one. Imagine a student like Sam Kim, a a success by any criteria. No one event freshman on my football team – a Korean is going to be of interest to every single boy who is getting a chance not only to play member of the SAS community, but through football, but to experience one game where homecoming. our goal will always be the a crowd is behind him cheering him on. In inclusion of all groups. the Singapore American Football League, As far as the Homecoming court goes, we have Indonesians, it is simply no fair for anyone to belittle by Erica Padgett the credentials and achievements of Japanese, Australians, Singaporeans, the candidates. Why would anyone Chinese, Indians and suggest that Wyatt Guggisberg and more, united to play a Ciera Walker were nominated solely sport that they love. on the extent of their appearance and Second, you popularity when both candidates so mention that “one explicitly demonstrate all for the unique group of fans and SAS criteria established for this schoolplayers left campus wide recognition? defeated that night”. Also, please do not criticize fans The opposite is true. that are eager to show spirit and support All of the fans and their favorite teams. I am certain that players left as winners no girl appreciates being labeled as a that night. Every one ‘groupie.’ That’s just demeaning. of the players, fans And, lastly, Homecoming Week and community who is all about providing a time and place spoke to me had only to expand school spirit and the sense positive things to of togetherness, not for dividing us say about this event. into groups of Americans and nonParent Tracy Evans Americans. What better way to garner told me, “This was the these feelings than a night with the best evening of sports Note: Erica, in addition to authoring a letter to the editor, will contribute to The Eye as one community? Sincerely, we’ve had since I’ve of our two cartoonists. This is her first cartoon, and maybe her last letter. Maybe not. Erica Padgett

by Iris Kwon


Singapore American High School 40 Woodlands Street 41 Republic of Singapore 738547 Phone: (65) 6363-3404 Fax: (65) 6363-6443 eye@sas.edu.sg

been at SAS.” Danny Albanese, one of my players, said, “We should do this every year. It was an awesome environment to play a football game.” This attitude permeated from the little kids running on the track, the game on the field, the fans in the stands, the community support. This is why I believe we all left as winners, regardless of the score of the game. We had come together to support our friends, and, win or lose, we drank in the experience, and left with our stomachs full. Third, I would say that the Singapore American Football League exemplifies our core values of Respect, Responsibility, Honesty, Fairness and Compassion. This league is coached and administrated by a group of men and women who volunteer many hours of their time so that the kids can play football. This experience has brought our community together in such a way that people want more. Traditions can’t be “copied and pasted,” you said in your editorial. This event was not a cookie cutter – it was uniquely Singapore American School. And for this unique Homecoming experience, I am truly thankful - and hopeful - that we can do it again next year and in the years to come. Roy Tomlinson, Commissioner, Singapore American Football League, Steelers Coach


we got m@il

Padgett’s Perspective

Editors-in-chief: Jon Cheng, Hee Soo Chung, Melissa Huston News editor: See Young Lee, Nick Lesiuk Op/Ed editor: Akhilesh Pant Features editor: Ann Lee, Mila Rusafova Eye In Focus editor: Maria Lloyd A&E editor: DJ Hartman, Jennie Park Sports editor: Nora Hanagan, Caroline Hui Photographers: Kenny Evans, Maria Lloyd, Melissa Huston Reporters: Philip Anderson, Lil Cadieux-Shaw, Jon Cheng, Aashna Chopra, Hee Soo Chung, Kenny Evans, Nora Hanagan, DJ Hartman, Caroline Hui, Melissa Huston, Ann Lee, Steffi Lee, See Young Lee, Nick Lesiuk, Alex Lim, Maria Lloyd, Haani Mazari, Akhilesh Pant, Jennie Park, Mila Rusafova, JD Ward Adviser: Mark Clemens Assistant adviser: Judy Agusti

The Eye is the student newspaper of the Singapore American School. All opinions stated within these pages are those of their respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Singapore American School, its board of governors, PTA, faculty or administration.Comments and suggestions can be sent to the Eye via the Internet at eye@sas.edu.sg. At the author’s request, names can be withheld from publication. Letters will be printed as completely as possible. The Eye reserves the right to edit letters for reasons of taste and space.



the Eye


Nov. 21, 2008


The struggle for

iting into a plum, senior Meiko Masuno talked about her healthy diet. “I only eat healthy snacks like fruit and never eat unhealthy snacks,” Masuno said. “I don’t even have unhealthy snacks at home.” Masuno’s lunch usually consists of salad, a sandwich or rice balls and she always carries fruits, usually a plum, apple or grapes. A small bottle of low-calorie dressing in her backpack is for salads from the cafeteria. She eats dinner early, sometimes around 5 p.m. “I’ve always eaten healthy food, but I also wanted to lose some weight,” Masuno said. “I feel so good after heating healthily. I always feel fresh and clean.” Students say they struggle to maintain a healthy, balanced life style. Most noted the strong pressure to look good at school. “The students at SAS are almost obsessive with their image,” senior Julie Kim said. “I also feel the pressure to look good and although people tell me I look fine, I don’t think I look good. I’m only 30 percent happy with my body.” Kim said that she gets pressure from her family to eat less and body image is part of an adolescent of food, the way they see the world exercise more. and their self-perception of what is experience. “After my mom tells me that “During adolescence, even normal changes,” Dr. Devens said. I need to look better, I get really kids with what is considered a “They see themselves through stressed,” Kim said. “I go online and ‘perfect body’ are not satisfied with those carnival mirrors which make look at pictures of models, feeling you look different and they have a overwhelmed.” hard time finding reality.” A junior girl Obesity, along with said she felt anorexia and bulimia, pressure she felt indicates unhealthy eating from her parents habits. According to the to lose weight. annual report released by She is currently on the nonprofit Trust for a strict no-fat diet America’s Health and the and has lost 15 Robert Wood Johnson pounds over the Foundation, obesity rates summer. increased in 37 states. “I’m doing Currently, about twobetter in sports thirds of Americans are after I lost obese or overweight. weight,” she said. Originally in 1980, 15 “I also feel much percent of adults were more confident obese or overweight. and positive about Nurse Shelley Donahue myself. Before, I Left: Senior Meiko Masuno eating a healthy salad comprising of corn, said obesity increases was less confident tomatoes, kidney beans. She brings a bottle of 18 kcal Japanese seasame risks of contracting heart salad dressing with her everyday (pictured, right). Photo by Melissa Huston and shyer” disease, diabetes, joint Her typical problems, liver problems, meal consists of egg whites or themselves,” Dr. Jeffrey Devens heart problems, strokes and cancer. cereal for breakfast, sushi for lunch, According to the annual report, in said. and chicken breast, salad and soba Dr. Devens said that eating 26 states the rate of type 2 diabetes noodles for dinner. roblems may have roots in increased along with obesity rates. “I eat soba noodles all the Obesity not only affects psychological difficulties with time,” she said. “I bring my own one physically but also affects settling into one’s identity. sauce, chopsticks and everything to “The three challenges that one’s sense of self-esteem and school.” teenagers face is coming to know confidence. She said that her weight has been “All high school students want who they are, liking who they are, fluctuating since school started. She and being who they are,” Dr. Devens to fit in, and when they don’t, they blames the homework load and latesaid. “Teenagers try to face these feel that different is bad,” high night snacks. lifelong challenges and sometimes school counselor Dale Ford said. Parents seem to be a common Physical Education teacher they answer the problem with source of pressure to get fit. Ursula Pong said that students food.” “My mom is healthy and skinny, Dance teacher Tracy Van often ask her how they can get a and I get pressure to also eat healthy,” der Linden, said students view better body. She said that spot senior Cindy Chu said. “When I go themselves as too skinny or too fat. reducing, which is the process of home, there’s only healthy food.” When she conducted a body image slimming down one part of the Senior Ai Hosokai said that survey on her students, the results body, is not possible and that it is although she has attempted many more important to focus on feeling were shocking. times to get thinner, she has given up “In general, they wanted to be good about yourself rather than just now. She tried reducing her intake of around 5 percent smaller than they looking good on the exterior. carbohydrates, skipping meals, and “It’s important for you to are now,” Van der Linden said. “The cutting junk food. boys are more quiet about it, but concentrate on performing well “Every time I try to go on a diet, they are equally concerned about and feeling good about it,” Pong my mom stops me,” Hosokai said. “I said. “If your inside is content, their body image.” still try to have salad for lunch every The concern about being too fat happiness comes along.” day.” or too skinny may cause anorexia or School psychologist Dr. Jeffrey bulimia. chung.eye@gmail.com Devens said that insecurity with “When they deprive themselves


Story by Hee Soo Chung

The EYE Profile

An All-Natural Diet

by Nora Hanagan Looking past senior Lindsay Slaven’s shoulder as she opens her kitchen cabinet, you don’t find the typical teenage snacks like Fruit Roll Ups, Doritos, and Ramen Noodles. Instead, you are met with the strong scent of dried fruits, granola bars, and all-natural peanut butter. Before closing the cabinet, Slaven grabs a handful of almonds and thinks back to 8th grade. “It was kind of scary because if I hadn’t gotten help in time my throat would swell up, making it impossible to Junior Lindsay Slaven’s diet restricts her from breathe,” Slaven said, “and indulgences that teenagers snack on everyday. it would occasionally hit me Photo by Melissa Huston at the worst times so that my lips and eyes would start swelling up in the middle of lunch.” For two years senior Lindsay Slaven suffered from an allergic reaction to artificial flavorings, soya sauce and strawberries. She spent the first year figuring out what was causing the outbreaks in the first place. After numerous trips to the hospital, countless allergy pricks, and appointments with, she says, “almost every specialist in the New York area,” Slaven was told to cut out all artificial foods and Granola, natural peanut butter and dried fruits are other allergens from her diet. among the few snacks Slaven can eat “It was kind of hard to eat option,” said her sister, junior Sarah out because I didn’t know what was Slaven. in the food, and if I would react to After two years of not being it,” she said. “Of course, it sucked able to enjoy Halloween, Easter and not being able to eat all the good birthdays, Slaven’s doctor’s allowed stuff like candy.” her to reintroduce the foods slowly The change in diet meant back into her diet until her body alterations in her family’s diet as built up a permanent immunity. well. Nowadays, Slaven continues to “If Lindsay couldn’t eat bread, I maintain a primarily all-natural diet, couldn’t eat bread. I started to lose though sometimes she does indulge track of what was for Lindsay’s on a Jolly Rancher or two. allergies and what was just a healthier hanagan.eye@gmail.com


Nov. 21, 2008



the Eye

In their comings and goings, new students search for home

Even after a year, there are still so many people I’ve never seen before in my life.

by Mila Rusafova

Claire Chen Senior

Singapore’s a cool country. It’s school that gets me really depressed. It’s more robotic here, there are more rules. I just don’t feel like coming to school.

All photos by Maria Lloyd


oaming the hallways, camping out in bathrooms and doing pretend work in the library, any new student can tell you moving is never easy. Whether you are shy or outgoing, thrive on socializing or prefer being left alone, there is always a period of loneliness and nostalgia when you move to a new country and a new school. But for some, this transition is even harder than it is for others.

Peer Support only a partial solution

SAS offers a new student orientation and the Peer Support buddy system to help new students integrate and get accustomed to school life. Reactions to Peer Support are mixed, though. “I think Peer Support’s a joke,” an anonymous senior said. “It makes helping new students so exclusive. Like if you see a [new student] sitting in the hallways, you’ll go ‘Oh, Peer Support will do something about it.’”

Some students said they found their Peer Supporters helpful and maintain close bonds with their buddies even now, although most said they moved on and found their own friends long ago.

One student struggles to adapt to new home

But for students like new senior Daniel Matchar, it is not Peer Support that is the problem. Originally from North Carolina, Matchar said he “really wanted to move at first.” He thought it would be exciting, an adventure, a change from living in the same place all his life. His dad found a job, asked the family, and Matchar pushed to go. Yet, within a few weeks of arrival he regretted his decision. “Singapore’s a cool country. It’s school that gets me really depressed,” he said. “It’s more robotic here, there are more rules. I don’t like having to ask to go to the bathroom. I just don’t feel like coming to school.” But Matchar was not always

this way. At his old school, he was president of the student council, equivalent to SAS Executive Council President Sajan Shah. He was also editor-in-chief of his high school’s newspaper. However, the focus on academics at SAS has kept Matchar from getting involved in extracurricular activities. “There’s just too much other stuff to do here,” he said. He is not alone in thinking SAS students are too grade-oriented. “Everyone’s a part of it to some extent,” senior Lauren Culy said when asked whether SAS students care too much about their grades and GPA. “But school isn’t as fun if you don’t learn, and GPA assesses your learning.”

New students make friends among selves

There are always two sides to every story. Some students make a smooth transition socially but not academically. Peer Support Adviser Dawn Betts noticed new students

o c l m e W e

High school adds 17 new teachers By JD Ward, photos by Melissa Huston

Seventeen new teachers joined the high school faculty this year. They came to SAS from across town, down the hall, from the U.S., Japan, India, Canada, Nicaragua, China, Thailand and the Philippines. They include a former Peace Corps worker, lawyer (and returning SAS teacher), college instructor and journalist. The faculty has grown at a slower rate than the student body, from 96 teachers in 1999 to 105 today, and increase of nine percent, while the student body has grown from

Daniel Matchar Senior

tend to make friends with other new students. Senior Claire Chen said she made friends with mostly new students because they were available and Culy said she met most of her current friends at the new student orientation. With this knowledge, Betts said Peer Support is making a conscious effort to adapt to new students’ needs. “At first we wanted to integrate new students with old ones,” Betts said. “But after a while we realized new students tend to form new student groups. So the first week of school we completely kept new students out of the caf. It’s just too intimidating in there, even for a lot of students that have been here for a long time.” Encouraging new students to make friends among themselves poses another problem. When asked whether they help lost-looking new students, many SAS students replied they do not know who are. “Even after a year there are still


so many people I’ve never seen before in my life,” Chen said.

Ultimate responsibility falls on students

The problem of making new students feel at home is old in SAS’s highly mobile student body. While Peer Support is an integral part of the effort, most agree a more farreaching solution is needed. “Ultimately, it’s up to the student,” junior Peer Supporter Samantha Koh said. “We can try and try to meet with them and be friendly, but if they don’t want it, you can’t force them. They’ve just got to accept that they’ve moved and try to make the best of it.” But for Daniel Matchar, it is too late. Determined he and SAS are a bad fit, he has decided to leave at the end of the semester and rejoin his old friends in North Carolina. “I miss people at home. I feel like I’m missing out on time with them and want to graduate at home with my friends,” he said. rusafova.eye@gmail.com

Jack Fee

mi Enomoto earned both her bachelors in fine arts and language teaching certificate at the University of Oregon. She then taught Japanese at a private high school in Washington state and MS/ HS Japanese at a public school in Virginia. She is teaching Japanese 1 through 4 at SAS while working on her masters in education.

Emi Enomoto J

ack Fee is a returning SAS history teacher who taught at SAS from 1993 to 1996. In the interim he taught at the American School in Japan (ASIJ). Fee worked as an attorney in Texas from 1989 to 1990 after earning his J.D. degree at the University of Texas School of Law. Fee coached girls varsity tennis in his first SAS tour. He is now teaching History of Japan, China and U.S. History and Government.


the Eye




Nov. 21, 2008

Tracy Borgard Sturgeon Meyer Kelly Nash K

elly Nash earned her undergraduate degree in creative writing and graduate degree in liberal arts. Since graduating Nash has taught high school English in Maryland, Cape Town, and worked as a journalist in North Carolina. She joined the Peace Corps for a time and worked at a teacher’s college in southwest China. Kelly is now teaching English 9, Western Civilization, and Economics.



revor Sturgeon began his career as a middle and high school principal at the Lacombe Outreach School in Alberta, Canada. After seven years as a high school counselor at the International School in Manila, he moved to Singapore. Sturgeon completed a bachelor’s degree in both arts and education at two different Canadian universities. He completed his master’s in education and in counseling at the University of New Brunswick in Canada. He is now a high school counselor.


racy Meyer earned her undergraduate degree in early childhood education, which at the time certified her for teaching up to the 8th grade. She then moved to Sri Lanka where she directed children and adults in theater and founded a theater group that still exists. Tracy then moved to Jakarta where she worked as a counselor while earning a master’s in counseling. From Jakarta, Tracy moved to Singapore where she worked in the SAS middle school teaching social studies, English and drama. At the same time, she tried to expand the limited drama and acting scene at SAS. Tracy is now teaching English Tragedy & Comedy as well as Theater Arts 1 & 2.


radley G. Borgard worked at SAS as a Science/Math substitute during the 2007-08 school year, and is now a part time chemistry teacher. Before moving to Singapore with his wife Jae and daughter Rebecca, Borgard worked as MS/HS math and science teacher at the Shanghai American School and the Leander Independent School District in Leander, Texas. Brad earned both his bachelors and masters of science in chemistry at the University of California.


risten O’Connor started her teaching career as a substitute teacher in 2005 at the International School of Bangkok, in Thailand. From 2006 to 2008, O’Connor worked as a U.S. History and AP U.S. History teacher at the AmericanNicaraguan School in Managua, Nicaragua. O’Connor completed both her bachelor’s in history and masters in teaching (secondary social studies education) at the University of Virginia. She is now teaching History of India, China, and Western Civilization.

Cindy Bai

June Wang B

efore coming to SAS, June Wang taught at the International School of Tianjin, China for 11 years. Before that she earned her bachelor’s in English language at Tianjin Normal University and taught English at the Tianjin Textile Industry Secondary School for 13 years. She is now teaching Chinese 2 and 5.




indy Bai graduated from the Beijing Normal University, a top universities in China, where she earned her bachelors degree in Chinese language as well as her masters in education. She then worked at a secondary school in China for a few years before moving to Singapore. She worked in several neighborhood schools and, most recently, Raffles Girls Secondary School before arriving at SAS. She teaches Chinese 1 and 3.

an Shi moved to Singapore with her three children (Jackson, sophomore; Tenny, freshman; Flora, grade 7) from Tianjin, China, where she worked at the Teda International School as teacher and director of the Chinese Department. Shi began her teaching career as a lecturer at the Beijing Languages and Culture University after getting her bachelors in Chinese Language at the Beijing Normal University in 1984. Since then she has worked as a writer, instructor and lecturer in several different countries including Japan, Canada and China. Shi is now teaching Chinese 1 and 4.

Mike Molly A


an Coppell earned his bachelor’s in education and his masters in school administration. Before coming to the SAS high school, he worked as a 7th grade world geography teacher at the SAS middle school. Before coming to Singapore, Coppell worked in England, Kenya, India and the Philippines. This will be his eighth year working at SAS. He is now teaching AP Human Geography and Western Civilization.



ouglas Mabie comes to Singapore from New Delhi, India where he taught at the American Embassy School for seven years. Mabie finished his bachelor’s in English at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 1994 and earned his master’s in secondary education in 2000 at the University of Alabama. At the Embassy School, Mabie worked as a chaperone for student camping trips, a soccer coach, director for drama productions and a sponsor for chess, motorcycle and forensics clubs. He is now an English 9, English 11 and AP Literature teacher.

Yan Shi


Ian Coppell





fter studying history and education in College, Mike Molly began his teaching career in Detroit. After teaching in the U.S. for 19 years, Molly moved to Saudi Arabia where he taught for three years at the Parents Cooperative School in Jeddah, and then at Jakarta International School in Indonesia for 12 years. After returning to Detroit for a short time, he moved to Singapore and spent six years teaching social studies at the SAS middle school. Last year Molly married Mimi Molchan, the high school athletic director. He is now working as her co-athletics director.



cott Hutchinson earned his bachelors of education as well as his certificate for outdoor and experimental education at Queen’s University. Hutchinson also earned his bachelors of kinesiology, science and psychology at McMaster University. He has worked as a high school chemistry, biology, physics, and math teacher at the Bishop O’Byrne High School as well as the Banff Mountain Academy. Hutchison is now teaching biology and chemistry.

Michael Friend Rebecca Clark Clark M

illian Friend is a relatively new teacher, having started her teaching career in 2005. This is her first year teaching high school students. She earned her Bachelor of Arts at the University of Calgary, Canada, in 2003. Friend taught at two middle schools in Calgary before moving to Singapore in 2006 to teach at the Canadian International School. She is now teaching Weight Training 1, International Sports, Safety First Aid, and Fitness.

ichael Robert Clark moved to Singapore from Maryland with his wife Rebecca two children, four year old Margaret, and one year old Charles. Clark taught grades 9 through 12 English in Maryland, as well as working as an instructor at the George Mason University in Virginia. He is now teaching AP Literature, English 9 and Satire.


ebecca Clark moved to Singapore from Maryland with husband Michael and her two children. Rebecca got her M. Ed. In at-risk specialization at Goucher College in Maryland while working as a Grade 8 special education teacher at Ellicott Mills Middle School. She is now teaching Guided Learning.


Nov. 21, 2008



the Eye

The two faces of Facebook Students keep in touch with old friends while facing mischief, privacy violations and facebook addiction

by Ann Lee It’s estimated worth a startling $15 billion, Facebook is the second largest social network on the web. The 60-million member site is one of the fastest growing and bestknown sites on the Internet today. Facebook was founded in 2004 by Harvard sophomore Mark Zuckerberg to link Harvard students together. It expanded from Harvard to college and high school students and finally to everyone. As Facebook gained popularity, distinctive pros and cons began to surface between teenage users. The majority of the SAS student population, 91 percent, say they have a Facebook account, according to an October Eye survey. When asked what they think is the best part of Facebook, many students answered that Facebook allows them to keep in touch with their friends living outside Singapore. “I can see how things are going, and see what schools they have moved to,” senior David Lee said. Lee has lived in New Zealand, Egypt, England, Russia, and Korea. Other students agree that Facebook helps them stay connected with friends living abroad. “Facebook is low price, and if your friends aren’t available you can leave a wall post and log off,” junior Jessica Nguyen-Phuong said. “If there was no Facebook, I don’t know when I would call because of the different time zones,” she added. “It’s annoying to talk to friends

I think it’s irresponsible for underaged students to post photos of themselves drinking or smoking because its illegal...since it’s the internet, people from all over the world have access.

-James Fan, junior because of the time difference, but on Facebook you can just leave them a message.” sophomore Rodrigo Zorrilla said. “I still keep in touch with friends living abroad, especially friends who have moved from Singapore.” Zorrilla added. Sophomore Dineth Siriwardare, a new student, said Facebook helps him stay connected with his friends back home. “I check my account every day when I can. It’s always on,” he said. It shows what’s going on with my friends and news of them, so I can still keep track of what’s going on. I miss them a lot.” The surveyed students agreed that the best part of Facebook was that it helps you keep in touch with friends

abroad and find old friends. On the other hand students voiced a concern about the problems of Facebook such as inappropriate material, privacy and Facebook addiction. Inappropriate pictures or posts on Facebook have caused problems for some students in the past. There are stories of college admissions officers looking up Facebook profiles of applicants and companies checking their prospective employee’s online account that have proved true, reported in the third 2006 issue by Cat Ward. “You wouldn’t put something online if you didn’t want to see it. I think they are attention- seekers, and they want to prove to people that they can,” a female junior student said, when asked what she thought about

Your Facebook Stalker Parent:

students who have inappropriate pictures on Facebook. “I think it’s irresponsible for underaged students to post photos of themselves drinking or smoking because it’s illegal. And since it’s the Internet, people from all over the world have access.” junior James Fan said. “I don’t really care, but I don’t think those pictures would be a problem outside school.” Zorrilla said. Roughly 40 percent of the students who took the survey replied that they have pictures of them drinking, making out or smoking posted on their Facebook account. Only six percent replied that the pictures had got them into trouble. In addition, 10 percent of

school students. A year later, the gates were unlocked to everybody in the world. By August 2007, 3.5 million active Facebook users were 35 and older. Some parents log onto Facebook. com to protect their children, others simply want to find long lost friends. Parents without an account have been known to demand their child show theirs. A helpline in the UK for concerned parents, Parentline Plus, claims that amount of calls from desperate parents checking up on the internet activity of their children are


Parents on Facebook increase discomfort of students despite measures to maintain privacy Facebook and immediately turned girl said. against me. She didn’t mention it to This ‘stalking’ limits what me, but I knew she had something users can place and talk about on against me,” a sophomore girl said. Facebook. Facebook has become a Facebook’s privacy settings way of conversing with friends and enable users to stop certain people getting in touch with old friends. from glancing at a complete profile. While some parents can claim to use This limited profile option is a it for similar reasons, teens feel that lifesaver for anxious adults are invading It is a general anxiety... their virtual turf. teens who scramble to hide information and a fear that the “These sites are from their parents. very much about the computer is beginning to “I wouldn’t let presentation of self, a my mom read my rule their lives really central aspect diary ... so where - Parentline’s Jane Fry of adolescence. A does she get the idea lot can be disguised. that she can read my Facebook? She They can play around with different even added my friends,” a female identities,” said John Coleman, junior said. former head of Trust for the Study of Today, reading somebody’s Adolescence. Facebook might tell you everything Despite their parent’s concern, about that person from what they some teenagers feel that their parents spend their weekends doing and do not trust them. They feel as though who they’re doing it with to contact their parents are on an ongoing hunt information. Once the ‘post’ button for lies. Others feel embarrassed is clicked, you have taken something that their own parents are taking part that was once private and made it in this adult invasion. public. Some parents claim to want “Parents probably don’t educate to get to know their children better their children enough when they are through this networking site. While young,” counselor Trevor Sturgeon few will admit to their curiosity. said “This is because a lot of parents “My mom has a Facebook. Well aren’t aware of modern technology technically, my dog has a Facebook. and the dangers of it - and they need She insists she made it as a joke, but to be.” I know she just wants to ‘stalk’ me mazari.eye@gmail.com and see what I’m up to,” a sophomore

by Haani Mazari She checked her Facebook, hoping her mother had not been there before her. She scanned her pictures, wall posts and anything that might stir up trouble. Since her mother had a Facebook profile, this teenage girl, along with many, has to watch her back for anything she does not want her mother to see. Just a year ago, young adults and teens had Facebook to themselves. Started exclusively for college students in 2004, in September of 2005 Facebook was opened to high

the students replied that they wanted to create a certain image by uploading such pictures, while 24 percent said that it was on private setting, just to share between friends. An overwhelming 75 percent responded with a “my friend uploaded them, I had no control over the pictures.” Users who are too open run the risk of having their privacy violated. Over 50 percent of the students replied that their parents have talked to them about privacy on Facebook. A majority of students said privacy was a major problem. Several voiced concerns about stalking. “It notifies you with everything (every action) someone does. So I feel that disrupts your privacy because all your contacts know what you have done.” One student replied on the survey. Another stated “you can’t control what goes on it” one student replied, Furthermore students replied that Facebook addiction was another problem. “I’ve seen friends that lose out on grades because of Facebook; too much time spent on it ruins their academics.” a male student replied 45 percent of the students replied that they spend 1 to 2 hours on Facebook daily. Students replied that most of the time they leave it on the background, or look at their notifications and log out. A female student replied, “The worst part about Facebook is that it’s always there. It’s so hard to get work done!”

increasing. “In many ways it is a general anxiety about children pulling away from the family, and a fear that the computer is beginning to rule their lives,” Parentline’s Jane Fry said. Teens are forced to retrace their footsteps to protect their privacy from their parents. There have been cases of appalled parents showing pictures of illegal activities such as smoking and drinking to school administrators. “A teacher that is also a parent saw pictures of me on her child’s

arts & entertainment

the Eye


Nov. 21, 2008



Novel-adapted comedy explores sex addict psyche REVIEW: CHOKE Director: Chuck Palahniuk Cast: Sam Rockwell (Victor Mancini) , Angelica Huston MPAA: R Singapore rating: R-21


**** Carnal Compulsion: Victor Mancini (Sam Rockwell) explains his sex addiction to his doctor Paige Marshall (Kelly Macdonald) .

by DJ Hartman Chuck Palahniuk does not write accessible books. His humor is subtle, the topics of his works are outlandish. “Fight Club,” the first of his novels to make the transition to film, received deeply polarized responses. To it’s fans it was a masterful portrayal of the 90’s male, while critics vehemently decried it as ideologically lost and visually disgusting. Palahniuk is comfortable with taking audiences to places they’re uncomfortable going to. “Choke,” is not another “Fight Club.” Acknowledging this fact is the first step in appreciating the movie. It relies more on comedy, and violence takes a back seat to

disturbing sex. Aside from that, fans of Palahniuk should be excited. “Choke” has all the distinctive elements of the Palahniuk universe: a self-loathing protagonist in search of a father figure, seeking to break free from a consumerist society. In “Fight Club” this was accomplished through ritualistic violence. “Choke” accomplishes this with meaningless sex. The best performance in the film goes to Sam Rockwell (“The Green Mile,” “The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford”). Rockwell brings to life the sleazy yet charming Victor Mancini, a sex addict who fakes choking in

Denny (Above - Brad William Henke) attends 12-step sex therapy sessions with his best friend Mancini

expensive restaurants to strike up a conversation with the wealthy customer who saves his life. He then shares his sad life story with the victim of his scheme, sharing in their post-lifesaving ecstasy in hope that he will send money his way. He uses this money to pay his mentally ill mother’s hospital bills. Victor’s mother (Angelica Huston) doesn’t recognize him when he visits, each time appearing to her as a different person from her past. She spent Victor’s childhood kidnapping him from foster homes. Did I mention he’s a chronic sex addict? For Palahniuk fans, “Choke” is the movie that they’ve been waiting

for the past nine years. Superb narrative voice-overs taken verbatim from the book are used as in “Fight Club.” Like “Fight Club,” “Choke” is destined to be a cult film. The casual viewer will walk away with a few laughs, but not much more. “Choke” is a funny movie, but not quite in a laugh-out-loud way, save for a few great riffs between Victor and his companions. If the idea of a sex scene in a chapel and a sex addict support group turns you off, “Choke” might not be for you. If that doesn’t deter you, then “Choke” is a witty black comedy that’s been worth the wait. hartman.eye@gmail.com

Soaring to new lows: Popular sequel is one-third the charm by Jon Cheng High-school seniors might recall the early days when young girls fell in love with the original 2006 smash-hit sensation “High School Musical.” No doubt, the Disney production had a winning formula: karoke-worthy tunes, a cliched love story and a bright, eager cast. It was therefore inevitable that Disney would produce another sequel. “High School Musical: Senior Year” is the third - and hopefully final - chapter to the fairytale high school trilogy. Before its release, though, prospective audiences had the opportunity to see the real-life cast in action: Vanessa Anne Hudgens virally spread photos of herself in the nude, Ashley Tisdale gets into “trouble,” and a doomed-tofail relationship blossoms between co-stars Efron and Hudgens (who are also a couple onscreen). But nobody cares. This film went on to gross over $40 million during its opening weekend in the U.S. Now producers talk of slotting in “High School Musical 4: College” soon, before their teenage girl audiences finally grow up. As the title subtly suggests, this sequel is all about high-school students’ final year. Their agenda includes: mending love lives, preparing for prom during the beginning of the year, and preparing for the final dance-musical. Whereas the original attempted to be heartfelt and innocent, HS3 takes “Senior Year” far too literally. Girls 12-years old and younger will look up to the sweet, sultry Gabriella Montez (Hudgens), who is torn

“I want it all”: Ryan Evans (Lucas Grabeel) is joined by the backup cast, staging a mock-up musical. HSM3 is the first to feature on the big

between accepting early enrollment at Stanford and spending more quality time with her beau Troy (Zac Efron). They find out that she is selected to be in an exclusive 40-something group of “geniuses.” However, these days in the real world, girls would double-cross and run-over their “beaus” to get accepted into such a prestigious institution. Today, Asian musical prodigies might be jealous that Troy is selected to be a scholarship candidate for Julliard (Eight-percent acceptance rate - on par with Harvard). He then shrugs off the idea of being able to attend at the music school for free, because he also wants to pursue his other dream - basketball. About an hour into the film, he has an argument with his coach-father, who lives vicariously through his son’s athletic achievements. Of course, true fans would notice that they held the exact same conversation in the 2006 original, except they were talking about basketball versus

singing. One can see how these issues are so pertinent to high-school life these days (therein lies the main problem of the film). Eventually, Troy chooses to go to UC Berkeley instead of the fictional “U of A.” We find out that his chief reason for choosing another prestigious university is because it offers both singing and basketball -- a very “rare” feature found in 800 universities throughout the US. It also has a 32-mile proximity to Stanford; Julliard is simply too far away. Older viewers can see how different HS3 demonstrates daysin-the-life of high school students. After the racy stints and the steamy romances off screen, hardly anyone is willing to take these overage actors and actresses seriously. In fact, HS3 might garner some real interest if the plot goes like this: Troy runs a secret underground business by selling steroids to the basketball team, Sharpay plants

marijuana in rival Gabriella’s locker, Ryan confesses his homosexuality, and Gabriella sends racy photos of herself to Stanford’s admissions director. But even if one ignores the glaring fallacies, there is nothing else. One problem with the plot: there is no plot at all. The 2007 sequel managed a ridiculous, yet plausible, summer escapade that was remotely satisfying. And for a made-for-cinema debut, this film has no new sets. Ninety percent of the locations are reused from the TV-original, including Troy’s one-size-fits-all wardrobe. Each donut-sized plot hole is stuffed with less-than-stellar dance moves and unmemorable tunes. “I Want It All” features Troy - who puts on an odd appearance when he sings venting his anger in the basketball court. At the same time, thousands of basketballs rain on him. In “The Boys Are Back In Town,” Troy and Danforth (Corbin Bleu) belt out effeminate dance-moves as they go at each other in the car junk yard. Fortunately, the voices of Hudgens, Tisdale and Grabeel (Ryan Evans) remain relieving highlights. Another one of the movie’s saving graces is Sharpay Evans (Tisdale), who virtually steals scenes from her counterparts during most of her screen-time. One might possibly support her cause instead of hoping Troy and Gabriella can lip-lock at the end of the school play. Luckily, the film’s relatively short run-time (95 mins) prevents it from turning into a high-school musical torture. cheng.eye@gmail.com

REVIEW: HSM3 Director: Kenny Ortega Cast: Zac Efron, Vanessa AnneHudgens, Corbin Bleu, Ashley Tisdale, MPAA: G Singapore rating: PG




Nov. 21, 2008


arts & entertainment

the Eye

Twilight-Struck: Popular vampire romance to come alive

Stories by Jennie Park

Book Review: TWILIGHT

Upon the mere mention of the title “Twilight,” you hear a rush of elated and gushing responses from girls and boys alike. Stephanie Meyer’s young adult “Twilight” series is quickly becoming a household name among teens and thrown casually into everyday conversation as much as “like” and “omg.” “Twilight” appeals to a large audience because it interprets the throes and woes of young love without losing the classic romance of Bronte and Austen. The story line focuses on young Bella Swan, an aloof, demure, porcelain-skinned girl who moves from Arizona to the small gloomy town of Forks, Washington, to be with her divorced and lonely policeman father, Charlie. It is in Forks that Bella encounters an intriguing and seemingly perfect

family composed of none other than vampires. They attempt to hide their true identities behind the façade of a normal family who live normal lives, or so it seems. But in reality they are anything but normal. The series closely follows Bella’s complex relationship with the most handsome of the vampire clan, Edward Cullen and, in vivid detail, depicts their hardships in love, lust and danger. Over the course of the “Twilight” series, the object of Bella’s affection, Edward, becomes increasingly perfect and seems to touch even the most unemotional of rocks with his intense compassion and sensitivity. It is Meyer’s adept ability to make the love story of a centuries-old vampire and an ordinary high school girl seem plausible, while incorporating upto-date teen issues such as sex, love, and college. But at some points, “Twilight” is so unbearably sappy, and so unnecessarily cheesy that it leaves you thinking, “Wait, did she really just say that?” With defining lines like “I would rather die than stay away from you,” [“Twilight” page 247] and “I promise to love you forever — every single day of forever,” [“Eclipse” page 460] “Twilight” is perfect for all diehard romantics.



Fans eagerly anticipate film’s release

LEFT: “It’s too easy to be myself with you”: Edward and Bella escape for a romantic getaway by the mountain side. TOP LEFT: “We’re different from the others”: Vampires Victoria and Laurent look upon the Cullen family menacingly. TOP RIGHT: “I don’t want you to be afraid”: Edward reveals his true identity of being a vampire to Bella’s surprise. UPPER: Game face: Robert Pattinson playing the role of heart-throb Edward Cullen.

There are only 35 days and counting until Catherine Hadrwicke, the mastermind behind “Lords of Dogtown,” “Thirteen,” and recent hit, “Across the Universe,” releases her long-awaited movie adaptation of Stephanie Meyer’s book, “Twilight.” Already excitement is stirring, and the commotion is echoed across cyberspace with ridiculous and equally humorous facebook bumper stickers proclaiming, “I WANT TO HAVE EDWARD CULLEN’S BABIES”and“Twilight is Life,” along with blogs and fan sites with a myriad of fans that dedicate their time to expressing their immense love for the series. However, some are disappointed with Catherine Hardwicke’s cast selection, especially regarding the heartthrob of the series: Edward Cullen. “He’s definitely not how I imagined him…not as hot. But he’s growing on me,” said sophomore Sami Isman. Isman was referring to Robert Pattinson [Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter: Goblet of Fire] the character chosen to play the glorious and incomparable role of Meyer’s immaculate hero. Nobody’s perfect, but Robert Pattinson comes pretty darn close. With his thick British accent, and the same “bronze” colored hair as Edward, he’s already winning the hearts of Meyer’s readers and proving a promising actor with his

previous role as Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter: Goblet of Fire. But there is an even bigger Edward-Cullen-buzz circulating around the “Twilight” online community. With Meyer’s final installment of her series, Breaking Dawn, already released, the sadness of Meyer’s fans is colossal. Fans have even gone so far as to create their own “Twilight” stories which have been posted and read on places like fanfiction.net. As the wide majority of “Twilight” fans mourn, the others are rejoicing over the accidental leak of Meyer’s pet project, “Midnight Sun.” “Midnight Sun” follows the story of “Twilight” verbatim, except instead of being told from Bella’s perspective, it is told by Edward’s. With the illegal leak of “Midnight Sun” plastered all over the internet, Meyer told fans on her official “Twilight” web page that: “I think it is important for everybody to understand that what happened was a huge violation of my rights as an author, not to mention me as a human being. I feel too sad about what has happened to continue working on “Midnight Sun,” and so it is on hold indefinitely.” But don’t feel too bad “Twilight” fans, you can still read the uncompleted draft of “Midnight Sun” on Stephanie Meyer’s website and catch the movie in Singapore on December 18th. jennie.theeye@gmail.com

Upcoming Events Calendar: November - December by DJ Hartman

Avenue Q

“Avenue Q” is vulgar, obscene and sexual: with puppets.The Tony award-winning musical features songs such as “Everyone’s a Little Bit Racist” and “My Girlfriend Who Lives in Canada.” Despite it’s Sesame Street-esq characters, “Avenue Q” is not for children, so leave your little brother/sister at home. “Avenue Q” is playing from Oct. 31 to Nov. 16 and tickets are priced from $40 to $120, available from Sistic.

The Manic Street Preacher’s twenty-two year career is a marriage of commercial success and controversy, making headlines when they opened at the Karl Marx Theater in Cuba as guests of Fidel Castro.Their career has been defined by such politicized actions and is reflected in their music. The Welsh trio will be taking the stage at Fort Canning Park on Nov. 24.Tickets are $95 dollars from Sistic and $110 at the door.

KRAFTWERK German quartet Kraftwerk are considered by many to be the fathers of modern electronic music. Kraftwerk’s signature beats and samples from artists such as David Bowie, Depeche Mode and Joy Division will be at the Esplanade on Dec. 3. Tickets are priced at $88, $118 and $148 from Sistic.

Manic Street Preachers

ROCKSTAR taste of chaos

For the first time ever, Taste of Chaos makes its way to Asia on Nov. 8th at Fort Canning Park. HORSE the band and Japanese act MUCC dropped from the Asian line up, leaving headliners Atreyu, As I Lay Dying and Story of the Year as the stars of the Asian line up. Tickets are available from Sistic for $95 as well as at the door.

sports & activities

the Eye


Nov. 21, 2008

LUCKY CHARMS: SAS students look to superstition Skill matters, but luck is not ruled out by some athletes by Philip Anderson Hanging their heads in defeat the girls soccer team walked off the field in their white jerseys. Their luck seemed to spiral downward when they put on their white jerseys for the game. The girls had worn red jerseys in all their victories. The girls last year lost to Manila while wearing white, but when they played them again, wearing red, they won. Sophomore soccer player Jenny Alberts said she was skeptical about that superstition, and another one that was causing blisters on her feet. Since the team was on a winning streak, some believed that they should not change anything, including their shoes, but Alberts was getting blisters from her old cleats. “They thought that if I didn’t change my cleats we could win,” she said. “I didn’t believe in that, so I changed them anyway, but we still won.”

never changes his socks during the season. Former Republican presidential candidate John McCain has a few lucky charms up his sleeve. Washington Post staff writer Dana Milbank wrote about McCain’s superstitious behavior during his campaigns, and McCain’s lucky compass, lucky feather, lucky penny, and a lucky rock he carries with him Charmed, I’m sure: Sophomore Ashi’s lucky charm is none at all times. If he needs other than her lucky silver necklace. Photo by Kenny Evans more luck , he wears his Red, White and the blues. Eagles girls, in white jerseys, lost L.L. Bean rubber-soled against Manila’s Bearcats in the round robin stage of IASAS dress shoes. New York Times columnist as wearing a lucky shirt, then they Others believe there Benedict Carey in an article will win. are some things you cannot do, lest about the psychology of “magical Freshman Klara Auerbach always they will be plagued by bad luck. thinking,” said that superstition is puts a coin in her shoe before softball Junior Danielle Courtenay and the brain’s way to fight helplessness, games. Sophomore Ashi Subramani sophomore Caitlyn Chou believe to give you the sense you are doing always wears the same necklace and, that one should never utter the name everything you can to help. when she doesn’t, she claims her day of Shakespeare’s play “Macbeth” Some students believe that if is miserable. A junior tennis player before a production, since it’s bad they perform a private ritual, such


luck. When Courtenay accidently let the “M-word” slip, she and Chou started a discussion on how to “counter the black magic of the word.” It is an old tradition in theater that saying the name of the play “is thought to bring the curse associated with the play,” Courtenay said. Ironically, in show business, it’s good luck to say “Break a leg” and it’s bad luck to say “Good luck.” Seniors Alex Finch and Connor Abdelnor say their lucky charm is not a thing but friend Chris Thome’s head of curly hair. Finch said that anybody who touches this “Fro” will have good luck for the rest of the day. Despite the girls soccer team’s charms and superstitions, they still lost to Manilla while wearing their red jerseys, but maybe Manila found a four-leaf clover. anderson.eye@gmail.com

IASAS Volleyball stumbles on final hurdle TOUCH, YOU’RE IT Despite preparedness, Varsity girls only manage fourth

by Alex Lim When it comes to breaking down the 2008 SAS girl’s varsity volleyball team, the numbers don’t always tell the whole story. Despite their early struggles, their record at IASAS (2-3 in the round robin) was good enough to earn them a berth in the semi finals before they fell to eventual champions, the Taipei American There is no “I” in “Team”: Boys Varsity Volleyball get together in a team huddle before playing JIS in School. the SAS Exchange. The team had all I got this one: Junior Rachel McCabe leaps into the air to deliver a deadly spike at the Exchange here the tools required to at SAS. Photos by Melissa Huston win; they executed Elle had excellent leadership skills “It usually comes down to one well on the defensive side of things and we could definitely use someone player getting hot at a crucial stretch and they were exceptional with to step up and fill the void next during the game. Last year we passing the ball. The Eagles were year.” had players who stepped up under also experienced, fielding only three pressure,” Eagles coach Simon Boys’ winning streak underclassmen on their IASAS Bright said, “We did not have that roster and most of the team featuring snaps at eight The burden of having to live up luxury this year.” returning players. The Eagle’s problems stemmed What the Eagles lacked was that to a winning tradition dating back from more than an inability to close intangible, ever elusive quality most as far as 2000 has the potential to out teams when it really mattered. cripple even the most poised of teams championship teams possess. According to Bright, the Eagles “We couldn’t put the ball away – members of the current Eagles lacked the size to match up with when it really mattered, coach Volleyball team insist that wasn’t the other teams. Jamie McDougald said, “We need to reason they inexplicably unraveled “Height was an issue this year,” in the first IASAS tournament of the develop a killer instinct.” Bright said, “We had a hard time It was that lack of killer instinct year. stopping opposing power hitters.” “I don’t think the pressure of that prompted their coach to go on As the team moves forward with to say that they were, at times, “too having to live up to the wining streak the hope of recapturing past glory, nice.” Even after losing their semi was a factor,” senior captain Chris two main priorities stand out above final match up 3 sets to none against Davis said, “Other teams just wanted others: recruiting more size and TAS, a bronze medal finish was it [to win] more than we did.” And such is the story of the 2008 performing in the clutch. still very much a possibility but the “We have to put our players in Eagles would lose to Bangkok 3-0, Eagles Volleyball team. After easily a position [next year] to deal with winning their first two IASAS games and finished fourth overall. pressure before IASAS,” Bright With only four seniors graduating and putting themselves in a position said, “We need to know how they at the end of the school year, the to reach the finals, it appeared a ninth are going to respond.” makeup of the 2009 Eagles will be gold medal was a mere formality. As the Eagles prepare for their very similar to this season’s team. But things would go downhill from arduous trek back atop the IASAS Still, McDougald insists someone is there. Playing in front of a hostile Mountain in 2009, one thing going to have to step in and assume home crowd in the semi finals, the remains painstakingly clear – no a greater leadership role, given the Eagles would squander a 2-sets-to- longer are they the team to beat. The departure of senior captain Elle none lead against a Manila team Eagles officially have become the that caught fire at the right time. The Marsh. immediate past champions. The aura “It’s always nice to have two Eagles would ultimately finish fourth of invincibility is gone, along with thirds of your volleyball team back overall, casualties of their own lofty their historic winning streak. next year,” McDougald said, “But status in seasons past. lim.eye@gmail.com

Sport hopes to reach out and touch new fans

by Nora Hanagan Derisively referred to by many as “tag rugby,” touch rugby is looking to improve its reputation. To some, it’s a pseudo sport, one where anyone who can run can play, but as more and more students are discovering, touch rugby is not for the athletically faint of heart. “Every year we see about 50 girls try out, 20 of whom have never even played a sport before,” senior Vanessa Peck said. “It can be really frustrating because they think that it’s something they’ll be able to pick up in ten minutes, but really, its one of the hardest sports out there.” Though some girls who have never touched a rugby ball before do end up making the team, Coach Hanagan insists that they must show considerable athletic talent, speed and, more importantly, competitiveness. “If you don’t have the competitive drive, then you won’t be able to dive for touches, slide in for tries, go for gaps - basically be successful in the game at all,” Peck said. A group of around 20 boys had a taste of touch-culture shock every Thursday under rugby coach Cam McNicol’s supervision during first season. The boys play a modified version of touch to work on passing, finding gaps and running onto the ball. “I’m excited for rugby season now, and I know that it’s really improving our basic skills,”senior Casey Fussner, a regular participant, said. While introduction of an intramural program is a start, unlike most sports, touch does not offer the kind of school-wide participation needed to produce a successful developmental program. While soccer has over 40 teams available from first grade to seniors, touch rugby has just

Got your back: Junior Non Okumura runs to support Sophomore Gainya St. Clair. Photo by Melissa Huston

three. As a result, a few committed players have joined local teams to hone their skills and stay fit out of season. “We just needed another opportunity to be active and get playing time, especially because we don’t play a first season sport,” senior Ali Schuster said. Schuster, and three of her teammates, are now members of the local club team The Natives. Women from all ages meet at Turf City on Saturday mornings for a few games. “The skill level varies and everything, so I’m not really learning anything new, but just getting to play and getting back into how the game works is really worth it,” Schuster said. Coach William Hanagan hopes this level of commitment will affect the next generation of rugby players. “With more exposure to the game, these girls will start the season miles ahead of their teammates,” Hanagan said. hanagan.eye@gmail.com


Nov. 21, 2008


sports & activities

the Eye

ISM’s Manila course muddies up the works Polo field course ideal for spectators, boring for some runners

course because it was very different from what we have done in the past,” senior James Linton said. The runners complained about the monotony of the course, saying that since the course was set in a polo club the runners had to run around a horse track, and that it got boring after a while. “A lot of people didn’t like it; it was very repetitive,” senior April Lesiuk Leaders of the pack: Seniors James Linton, Brian Robertson and Evan Shawler lead said. “It was a good the race in Manila. The Eagle boys clinched the gold medal for the fifth year in a row. spectator course since you could see by Nicholas Lesiuk There were mixed responses when Drenched in sweat, the SAS runners were asked how they liked everyone on the track, but that also cross-country runners meandered the course, but the mucky conditions meant that as a runner you could see their way through Manila’s didn’t stop them from running their other runners ahead or behind you and that’s intimidating when you are undulating terrain. The course, best races. mostly grass, was slippery due “It was hard since it was so racing.” Both girls and boys won gold to the rain from the night before. slippery, but it was still an all right

this year, but the coaches were not surprised. The boys took eight out of the first ten spots at the exchange in Singapore, and the girls nine out of ten. The girls only big competition was ISM’s bearcats, but since was not at the September exchange the eagles didn’t know what to expect. “ISM had a very strong girls team last year anvvvvd six of them were returning again this year, but we hadn’t actually seen them up until IASAS,” coach Coppell saidvfvv. Ultimately though, Coppell’s fears were unfounded. “The ISM girls ran as a pack, but they really didn’t know how much Annie and Linda had improved, so they weren’t prepared.” Seniors Brian Robertson, James Linton and Evan Shawler took the top three places in the race. Shawler said that their competition through the season has not weakened their friendship but instead strengthened it. “When we are racing, we are competitors, but after the race we are friends,” Shawler said.




2) SAS 3) TAS

1) TAS 2) JIS 3) SAS

1) ISM

4) ISB

5) JIS 6) ISKL

4) ISKL 5) ISM 6) ISB



Hard fought final games make for a memorable IASAS soccer Opening match sees SAS Eagles girls take silver, boys bronze

by Nora Hanagan The opening game of the 26th annual soccer IASAS set the tone for the rest of the tournament . In makeshift stands parallel to the field, Vanessa Peck thought aloud. “It’s going in. I know it.” As the ball flew over the hands of the Taipei goalie and into the net, the small crowd of Eagle supporters jumped to their feet. Chris Thome’s 50-yard penalty kick equalized the round 1 game against home team Taipei Tigers. In a match that proved unlucky in the end, the Eagles went on to lose just one more game the whole tournament, squeaking by Manila into the consolation game. Two goals by sophomore Jamison Soybel, as well as a solid defense led by Chris Thome, Alexis Lauzon, Nic Brand and Cameron Lower earned the Eagles bronze. ISKL panther’s 6’5 defender known by many as the “Saskwach”, as well as countless diving saves by their keeper were no match for this year’s team. Of course, the boys were hoping to bring back the gold, but unexpected competition from Taipei as well as a significant size difference meant they could not quite go all the way. Meanwhile, at a local stadium twenty minutes away, the girls were scoring their way into the final. Entering the tournament as an undefeated team with a $1000 prize for being top of their league, the Eagles did not have as much

All Tournament Athletes

Girls 1) Lydens 2) Hohensee 3) Kim 4) Bhargava 5) Schmid 6) Lloyd 7) McManigal

Boys 1) Robertson 2) Linton 3) Shawler 4) Lu 5) Ming 6) Wang 7) Kamiya

volleyball Say “Cheese”: Eagles Varsity boys pose for a team photo after placing third aduring the IASAS Soccer Tournament in Taipei. After losing their opening game to host TAS the boys rallied back to defeat ISKL for bronze.

confidence as expected. The first two days saw the Eagles break a four year clean sheet streak with 16 games without conceding a single goal. They faced their first taste of defeat with a tough 1-0 loss against the rivals ISM Bearcats. As commentators from the online streaming said, the game was messy and rather boring - nothing like the final. A handball in the box brought

Soccer Chris Thomas Nora Hanagan Lucas Pipoli Vanessa Peck Nihal Varkey Jenny Alberts

the score to 1-0 in the first seven minutes, but a superb individual effort by Vanessa Peck evened the game. Then, a succession of free kicks just outside the Eagle’s box followed by yet another equalizer by freshman Alicia Elms meant a 3-2 lead to the Bearcats at the half. Pumped up by an ebullient crowd and sidelines lined with fans, the Eagles were not going down without

Volleyball Marc Wilson

Elle Marsh

a fight. A classic finish by junior Andrea Sanchez tied the game once again, but in the final 10 minutes of the match an unexpected shot by a Manila striker just barely slid by keeper Brittany Dawe. “It was a seven-goal thriller that kept the crowd cheering to the end, and will certainly go down in IASAS history as a classic,” Coach Don Adams said. hanagan.eye@gmail.com

X-Country Brian Robertson Annie Lydens Ruby Hohensee James Linton Linda Kim Evan Shawler Brooke McManigal



1) TAS

1) TAS

2) ISM 3) ISB

2) ISM 3) ISKL

4) SAS 5) JIS 6) ISKL

4) SAS 5) ISB

6) JIS

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